The Power of Worship with Matt and Beth Redman

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ah interviewees today need little introduction they're well-known all over the world Matt and Beth Redmond Matt is one of the best-known worship leaders in the world his songs are sung by literally tens of millions of people all over the world he's won two Grammys he's his worship has had a huge impact on churches all over this country and all around the world Beth also in her own right and she's not only does she co write songs with Matt but also she's written several books of her own she's in demand as a speaker all over the world and together with all the other things that they've been doing she's one of the founders of a21 that's one of the founders of Soul Survivor but in their very busy lives they've managed also to have five children so they've not been yeah let's give her a round of applause as they come up to speak to us Matt that song you're just saying that that was extraordinary that song you wrote 10,000 reasons they were seen in Bali yeah that's what people think about it that's an extraordinary and then lots of other stories aren't there about that song people who are I didn't undergoing brain surgery and stuff seeing that song yeah we said we've had some amazing stories back you know I love it sometimes because as a songwriter you never really know which songs are going to connect well on this one I in all honesty I didn't even know if it was finished it's not a normal sort form of a song for us it's never pre-chorus doesn't have a bridge but but we recorded it and it's been amazing just to see it connecting and bringing back stories of just faith and and hope in Jesus and worship and we've probably had about 15 of almost identical with people said hey my loved one was had a terminal illness and they requested that as they were going to be with Jesus that this would be the soundtrack for that moment and one of them said in fact that Beth and I were at the Grammys and won a couple of Grammys for the song and and the very next morning one of the first emails I saw was a story it said hey there was 31 of us gathered around the bed of our loved one and we were singing that song and I loved that because you know that the moment on that stage in LA was a lot of fun and I guess that's maybe part of the entrustment I don't know but but I loved it you reroute me really quickly okay this is what the wrong write songs for and this is what can happen when it goes right you can actually even be the soundtrack to someone going to meet with Jesus in heaven so it's amazing the way that God has used both of you but in terms of your background both you came from quite difficult backgrounds Beth just say a little bit about your own story yeah and I was brought up in a council estate in Crawley and often when you put a lot of people together that are maybe marginalized or struggling that there can be a lot of chaos and I definitely grew up around that there was on the same street as me brothels and drug dealers and crime and abuse and my first memory was of seeing my dad choke my mum till she passed out and just a lot of violence and trauma and pain and but what is amazing about our God is that he will always make away and for me I might have grown up there that might have been where I came from and I'm proud of that but he made a river for me in the midst of that place and he made a way and that was through the local church and in the middle of that council estate there was a community center and it was shared between the Roman Catholics the Anglican and a free church and afterwards it became a pub so I grew up believing in the unified church and having a good old drink after church and but yeah I went to that church and I learned about Jesus yet in my house and in my school and on the stay that I lived in art I learned what I wasn't I wasn't good enough I wasn't pretty I was ugly I was this I was that I wasn't qualified I had no hope I had nothing going for me in the natural but in that chair I learnt Who I am in Jesus that I have a hope and a future that every day ordained for me is written in his book that he is my healer my Shepherd my father my friend my Redeemer and he will make a way where there is no way and so thank God for that River tell us about your encounter with Jesus how did that happen well and I went on a Christian ski holiday when I was 18 to find a boyfriend and and actually I'd been you know I've been struggling because I would go to church and I loved it and then I would go home and I was so broken I was so rejected and hurting and confused and I you know it says in the Bible doesn't it see I've set before you a path of death or life choose life but I would find myself struggling going between back and forth back and forth and I went on this ski holiday and part of the thing was there was a guy preaching every night preaching the gospel and it was things I'd heard before but it was that week that I decided and he was preaching and I was looking out of the window at this massive mountain you know with covered in snow and I was listening to his pretty in preaching looking at the mountain and thinking about my life and I was thinking you know this is true this is real Jesus died on the cross for me that mountain that is just the tiniest picture of how great God is and it doesn't matter what I've been through or how painful my past is there is no devil in hell that can separate me from the love of God and I have decided that I am going all out for Jesus and I didn't get a boyfriend but I tell you I got a hope and a future on that ski trip and that you also had quite a difficult time growing up didn't you yeah it was quite a turbulent time for sure when I was seven years old I came home from school one day and my mom sat me down told me that my dad had died that day and she I don't really know the reason the time but a little while later she let me know he had she'd taken his own life I think that brings him several questions of his own who was there anything to do with me didn't he love us enough you know I don't think I understood depression at that point and and but it's interesting how even in that moment God really had his hand on my life and just a just a few weeks later a team came from America for the first time a guy called John Wimber in it and the vineyard movement who I know a lot of you are familiar with and they came to our church in the UK my mum took me along since his mid week meeting seven year old kid have just lost my dad and I saw some amazing stuff I saw someone who'd been in a wheelchair who had known in my life get up around the out of the wheelchair walk around the church which was pretty amazing moment and but also I was really intrigued by the worship music something about the way they were talking to God there's no way now is no way then I could sum it up and now I would say it's the people of God in the presence of God pouring out the praises of God and and something amazing happening and something just God got hold started getting hold of my life in that moment in a special way I became a Christian age 10 a Lewis pull our rally at QPR football stadium and and he laughing at QPR or what's the little snicker huh who was there anyone there that time yeah fantastic and and and even I love how God works because last summer I was in Central Park with 60,000 people leading worship with Lewis a big rally that was very similar to the Wembley were not the Wembley one I just exaggerated it QPR I wish so you know I love that and and then when I was 13 I my mum had remarried and and this new guy was very abusive towards me and he abused me for about a year and a half and he ended up going to jail for a couple of years and it was an interesting thing a bit I think a bit like Beth that just I was so glad that I was standing on the solid rock of Christ at that time you know I was there's all this turbulence around me and but I'm so glad that I've made that I've found him and he found me and and actually you know I do this worship music now but back then that was a massive part of what kami kept me sane and stable I sometimes pray himself to sleep in the Psalms I remember Psalm 121 was a big one for me and lift my eyes to the hills where does my help come from my help comes from the Lord the maker of heaven and earth he will not let your foot slip and you know I think I am I found out pretty early on that the throne room of God not only is it a place of reverence but it's a place of refuge and if everything else in your world is breaking shaking apart it's a stable place it's a constant place it's an unshakeable place that you can go and hang out and so for me worship and worship music really became like a like a refuge for me and Mike you were going to Soul Survivor wasn't cool sole survivor probably there but but Mike spotted you might pal about you stay positive and ask you to lead worship when you were 13 years of age you were up on set how did that happen well Mike's not very musical but in fact there are some who say he's sub musical but but he wouldn't mind me saying that he would find that funny but uh but has an amazing way of just spotting give you know look gifts and especially in worship like Tim Hugh mentioned earlier viously he's someone Mike trained up and you know been Cantillon he's had a hand in here and for me as well and and I was in Mike's youth group and I think he was desperately looking for someone to lead worship I had no interest in that I I decided learning guitar but that was just so I could play the songs at home on my own and just so I could draw near to God in that way and I didn't have I had 0% interest and he would ask me can you lis worship I'd be like oh he begged me Kili worship you know I know I'm not ever please still asking then one day he set up this elaborate hoax I don't know how biblical this is but I'll tell you anyway p.m. so I was standing in the church carpark talking to Mike and the other worship leader ran past the guy who usually leads and said hey I can't leave tonight Mike I've got a family emergency and just ran off and so Mike's that are what we gonna do you know Matt Matt it's important to honor God isn't it it's important yeah it's important worship is important right well what are we going to do and through a little you know manipulation deceit hoodwinked whatever word you'd like to choose I ended up leading worship that night and I found out that I loved it and he was definitely a be encouragement to me here amazing and Beth I mean you your passion both of you passion for worship but also out of all that background that you came from another passion that you've had is for justice and you've been very involved in a 21 just say wait what that what is and where that come from and what is it your day yeah the a21 campaign stands for the abolishment of injustice in the 21st century of human trafficking and we work particularly with female victims of sexual exploitation and actually new figures actually came out today that says human trafficking in the UK alone is up 40% and a third of that is children and so we still have a lot of work to do and we've been able to rescue many victims rehabilitate educate 80 thousand school children in the UK you might be potential victims of localised trafficking as we've seen in the news recently and justices on God's great big manifesto so if he cares about it we need to care about it so that's what we do amazing so worship in justice how do those two relate to each other Matt wants to offer well I mean I think there's several elements one one one way I look at it is if when you when you connect with God and with his heart you you can't just get that heart for yourself you know you can't just it can't just be all God loves me and cares to me you you actually when you start to see his heart you start to see how much he cares for the forgotten and the broken and the downtrodden and you know then you start realizing how prevalent that theme is in scripture God caring for the poor God stepping in on behalf of the orphan or the widow and the Forgotten and and it's seven so I think that's one element I think the other thing is that when you worships about assuring the king and when you do that then surely he began he's going to bring his kingdom with him and there's many signs of his kingdom healing and freedom but salvation but one of the signs of his kingdom is social justice and so again I think it less may be how they're linked a little and I mean you've talked a lot and if the books which I recommend all the books that you've written about worship and so on but we come here we worship for half an hour so important but how do we learn to become better worshipers can you give us practical hints were better to do so one of the things that you find helpful in in learning to worship God in a way that's pleasing to him I love where it says in the Psalms you know he put a new song in my mouth for him of praise to my god and and that's what we were made to do you know we weren't made to sit around in our pajamas thinking about our problems or our future and how to be successful on this earth you know we were made by God to be in a relationship with him and part of that is worshiping him honoring him acknowledging his sovereignty that when it feels like the world is crumbling he is still God and he's great and worthy of our praise and sending his son to the cross you know once we start thanking him we almost can never stop and that's why I love your song 10,000 reasons and David is in a bit of a funk and and in the Psalms he starts as hell himself you know I need to forget not his benefits and then when he starts listing them it's like he can't stop it's over he redeemed my life from the pit Crowl my life with love and compassion and and on and on he goes and and that's why we root ourselves in worship first of all because we're here for something greater than just us we're connecting with our Creator God we have a purpose we are loving him worshiping him and then somehow that the miracle is that while we're doing that while we're loving him he is filling us we can go out to a lost and hurting world and love his people and make a difference yeah it's good answer isn't it yeah and worship obviously is more than just a singing of songs but say what's a bit matter why the scene of songs is so so important yeah I mean I think music such an amazing part of God's blessing in his presence in this world anyway and then you look through Scripture and you see that it's actually a great way for the people of God to communicate their worship together hunters to get on the same hymn sheet real quick if you like and I love that and so many times I mean it's interested me there's a songbook in the middle of the Bible you know it's quite random if you think about it but this is 150 songs these Psalms they would have been the hymn book of Jesus as he walked the earth and in fact you see him quoting from they even on the cross so there's definitely something about music and worship and a you know we all know at the end of the day I have a song probably finished with today is called unbroken praise and it says let my deeds outrun my words let my life outweigh my songs let my deeds outrun my words let my life outweigh my songs at the end of the day if you don't complete the integrity of the offering you're bringing musically or vocally or however then it doesn't really mean a whole lot but it's a beautiful beautiful thing when we sing out in praise and exuberant we express our worship and devotion to God and then we back it up with a lifeless live doubt and praise to worship obviously is a big part of focus and that's lotus-like focus Sunday for us as a church and we've seen a clip of you Beth speaking couple of years ago and Matt you're doing one of the evenings that focus this year just say a little bit about why you think because you you leave West but a lot of festivals why you think focus is is an important week for you and your family so on well it's just great to have community and have fellowship and I love what it says in the bar we know let's not give up meeting together some are in the habit of doing but all the more as we see the Day approaching that is actually good to make that a priority and so I'm going to set a whole week apart to actually just grow in friendship and unity and vision with my local church and and also what I love about focus and the Leadership Conference is you know you might say well I can't wait for that speaker or that speaker but somehow God will weave something through every speaker so that by the end of the week you've got a new power new vision new hope some healing new faith and it's a journey and it's you know we can opt in or opt out but I must say what I love about HDB is that you have the bursary and I grew up going to Christian conferences because there was a bursary I would never have been able ever to be able to go and so that gives everybody an opportunity and don't ever feel embarrassed if you if you need that that's a gift from God everything we have from God anyway so we're just humble when we receive that and so it's for everybody and what I love is that you can have your expectations or this happened last time or will that put me off but God will always do exceedingly abundantly beyond the odds will you ever ask or think so we can come and just say oh my goodness like anything could happen this week and that's that's exciting and Matt it looks like you might be leading worship the the night of Jensen Frank oh yeah that's it right say a little bit about about what what you the reason you you like it what your would you feel about these kind of events I mean for me I always walk away from these feeling like I've been edified but also just my eyes of faith have been open you know we are talking often our way about the evangelization of a nation and the transformation of society and sometimes you walk away from something like that I think we can we can do this we you know week God's wrecked building his church God we're rising up in strength and just being all together in those great numbers and God pouring down on us in such brilliant ways I always walk away from moments like that feeling yep come on let's do this and you guys you have such a it's really inspiring to listen to you today and you I think you have such a message for the church tell us that you had one thing to say to today this this congregation here what what's on your heart particularly um well I have the privilege of doing a monthly podcast with Piper Gumbel who's just you know it's as light as iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another and I love doing that with paper that builds me up but we call it rooted and and it's just that has been growing and evolving in me and as a great podcast um how can I get hold of this supposing I wanted to get to listen to you ask that usually for free it's free and you can get it on the HTTP websites for men and women is just like an edifying encouraging and monthly podcast it you can subscribe on iTunes and then you get it first it pops up on your phone and we've had some amazing people have had to smaran Rick Warren Christine cane and you and Matt did an amazing honest you know vulnerable interview I mean just so many incredible undulate gentleman English well it yeah I mean just so many amazing testimonies but what I wanted to say is that I've grown up in the culture and of like what's your gift and watch your calling and that can actually really harm you because your gift can only take you so far and what we need and what we're missing as people of God his roots because you know you have an enemy who is looking to derail you to confuse you to discourage you you know it says in the last days many will fall away but when you are rooted in Christ then you know who you are you know who you are you know that there's a day coming when all of this will be over you can stand your ground and and if you see a tree that's knocked over and you look at those roots you think well no wonder it can stand no wonder it can grow and be healthy because it's rooted buildings marriages churches organization have foundations and what's really on my heart is that you see we in a great gifting and calling but that will only take you so far you know what we need as it says in Colossians is to be rooted and established in our faith in love abounding in love so that we can really know grup Christ and stand in the day standing the evil day resist the evil one make a difference in this world grow in the truth of God that just cut through nothing everyone- anything one's ever said about you and actually make a difference in this world because we know who we are we know what we've been made for and it's a new every day the Scriptures so I suppose I would just say be rooted and established in love brilliant and that the final word before you getting lead us into more worship later on was so grateful to you for coming and doing that well what would you say well I believe you I think with my favorite quotes and it was a guy called Oswald Chambers who wrote a book called my atmosphere his highest and he said this complete weakness and dependence will always be the occasion for the Spirit of God to manifest his power I just think that's a brilliant motto to live by you know just to realize and everything you do everything you're called to you know back to work tomorrow whatever role you play in life complete weakness and dependence will always be the occasion for the Spirit of God to manifest his power you know we see that throughout the pattern of Scripture time and time again that's when God breaks through matter their thread money thank you so much I'm Bear Grylls my favorite way to start the day the Bible in one year that's how wild I am find out more at Bible in one year org or download the Bible in one year app
Channel: HTB Church
Views: 111,173
Rating: 4.9084668 out of 5
Keywords: matt redman, beth redman, interview, htb, htb church, htb church london, holy trinity brompton, church, london, faith, love, worship, nicky gumbel, god, jesus, christ, jesus christ, holy spirit, trinity, religion, musician, music, album
Id: TRQYr1SmfRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2016
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