Facing the Canon with Jackie Pullinger

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welcome to facing the cannon my guest is Jackie pull injure whose story was first told through the book chasing the dragon Jackie thank you very much for coming let we want to hear a little bit about your life and your journey where were you born in Croydon were your family Christian no they weren't so what would you have called yourself growing up a very unhappy god believer so you believed in God but yes very happy no I knew he got you and I decided that when I was five or six your joy was so deep you couldn't dig it up no well I decided to be a missionary when I was five or six and how did that come about was because a real one came to our Sunday School you know she really looked like one and we were all sitting on baby chairs and she said and could God want you on the mission field and I remember thinking about this and I came to the conclusion of course he wanted everyone on the mission field I just didn't know what a mission field look like in in my mind it was a bit bit like my father's rugby pitch so so after that I told everybody I get to be a missionary and but I learned that that's not very smart thing to do because everyone was mean to me and even my my friend's parents you know when I was naughty they said I thought you're going to be missionary and I thought that's really unfair and then so god what eventually changed for you then I went to a terrible party one night I share went to lots of terrible parties and and I didn't like them um and mostly because I didn't want to do the things that everyone else was doing and when I didn't do what everyone else was doing they they would say what did you come for then and and I what I really wanted to say was I came hoping to meet a wonderful man not of course realizing that a wonderful man wouldn't be at a party like that anyway I was slugging back home um on the suburban line after one of these and two of my school friends sat opposite me my old school friends and they said to one another though mercifully I couldn't hear Jackie really needs God she looks awful so but if they didn't say that to me they just said oh by the way you know we have these wonderful parties and we sort of sit around and discuss things and and and talk about garden things so there's some really nice men so I thought well that sounded good yes and so I went and I cause I did meet a wonderful man and who's that well of course it was Jesus but it was a surprise and I suppose I didn't know how I could have missed really because there was a good church up the road I didn't know how I could have missed hearing about Jesus but perhaps the reason I missed was that most of the people who knew the right words looked so unhappy but this lot you know they they would they talked about racing cars and bikinis and Jesus yes you know so it got your attention yes I listen so that really was it and how did it change it was very soon I realized my perspective was skewed because I thought it was narrow in fact then I saw it was the the widest invitation in the world and everyone could come and he made the way so it's just a degree of difference when you see it that way around of course and then I then I said thank you for dying for me and then really decided there's probably nothing else I wanted to spend my whole life doing but but sharing that with anyone who'd like to hear so that the whole thing of you from your childhood about becoming a missionary resurfaced and then tell us how did that how did you explore that and how did you end up going to Hong Kong I started praying and watched later with my life Lord and every time I looked at the Bible and he said go so that was very clear go go I will lead you I will guide you with my eye so that was there plane so I wrote off to some missionary societies and I said I'm ready you know you can have me and they said no thank you and so I went on praying and then I used to run down every morning to the letterbox - - to see if the letter had arrived with where I was to go and then I had a dream and in my dream my family were looking at a map of Africa and you know they keep changing the names of African countries and I wasn't it I wasn't very good at geography say there was a there was a sort of pink one in the middle and I looked to see what it was called and it said Hong Kong so you know I I thought I really think Hong Kong's there but I I wasn't that sure and and and I didn't want to show up my ignorance to my aunt who was there that's my aunt dotty so I said I never knew Hong Kong was there and she said yes course it is dear didn't you know so um I woke it up in the morning and I thought maybe God is showing me it's Hong Kong so I wrote to Hong Kong who to the government what you mailed the envelope yet the governor yeah so and I said would you like me to come and teach music in Hong Kong they said no we can't afford musicians say so I thought well I got that one wrong and and so I went on praying and then one night I was in a tiny tiny little Anglican Church my parents had now moved to Romney Marsh they tiny little Church and I saw a it it was like a poster um but on the poster he they were very very thin like silhouette figures and there was a woman and I knew she was hungry and and it was an appeal and she was she was looking up and holding out her hands and saying what can you give us and I knew she was hungry and what I knew was that what I gave her would only fill her up for now yeah and that when I left she would still be hungry yes so I asked God what is it that I can give her that will fill her enough so that when I've gone she's full enough and and then I it was very simple and I knew that it was the love of God so I knew now what I was to do right very simple for the hungry what they what they needed then then I was no more news God's not telling me where and so I was walking down the street in in Croydon and this young man came up to me and he knew I was praying about the future and he said you got any answers yet and I said no and he said whoa you're you won't come to our prayer meeting we always get answers in ours what this is a random person that you man no no I knew him oh you know but yes but I was quite interested in right in a prayer meeting where God spoke Yona because all the ones I went to we did say so that you know it was West Croydon yeah where arise are you it's so I took the bus to West Croydon and I and he said well you know might be speaking in tongues and things like that now this is 19 this is 1965 okay no sick 966 people were not talking about these things then so I read about them in the Bible so that didn't worry me it's that's fine that's in Scripture so um but I was worried about West Croydon so so I sat on a chair by the door just so I could get out and I was waiting for the answer and and the answer did come there was a message in tongues and then the Lord said to me just the same as in the scriptures I'd read all those months go and I will teach you the way you must go go and I will lead you I will guide you with my eye so and then he said a few quite personal things yeah I knew it was me but I had expected him to say go outside and you'll meet a woman who give you a ticket and it'll be such and such a country you know but it was so I went off to see this vicar in Shoreditch and I said look Gordon we have got to stalemate and he he he's saying go and I'm saying where and he's saying go and I'll lead you and I'm saying where and he says go and I'll lead you I said um so he's not telling me and I can't go till I know where I'm going so I think I'll stay here in Shoreditch and help you and he said no if God is telling you to go you must go why don't you get onto a ship that's cheapest one you can find calling in the most countries and get on it and pray to to know where to get off and that was the first sensible thing I'd heard and that excited you well he was you know the bell went off in my heart he was just all that wonderful say so I said to him that son wonderful but then the sort of religious bit kicked in and I said but it must be cheating because I'm sure missionaries have to suffer and I'd like to do that and he said no it's quite scriptural and Abraham was told to leave his country and go to where he didn't know spent a lot of time not getting there but he went because he trusted and God's able to make that ship go anywhere so gone you've got a ticket I've got on the boat and then every time it's not a very sport I said is it here is it here yeah I've had all my indecision so I could get off so you didn't get any Quivers in your livers and you know different ports but and then what happened when you got to Hong Kong well we will sail in the harbor and I just find myself saying thank you Lord for choosing this place and they'd filled out my immigration form and that was the first one in the queue and and then they looked at it and this and they said well where are you working and I said no I haven't got a job yet and they said oh where you live and I said well no I've got anywhere to live yet and they said we're your friends and I said no and got any of those yet and he said we're your return ticket needs and haven't got one of those and how much money you got and I said I I had it the equivalent of 10 pounds then they said we're your mother and as it were she's back in England is it well though even though you British we refuse your permission to leave the ship and there's not enough money and so I got air horrors I know what my mother's friends I can say because they all quoted the verse that's not in the Bible you know which one god helps those that help themselves yes that one yes they're very very irresponsible yeah get on to a ship and pray to know where to get off so what happened then well then I remembered my mother had a godson there he was in the police so I said to the immigration oh wait a minute I think I do know somebody here as a policeman and they handed my password over to means that you could land but your money won't last you three days and it lasted nearly three months so gone then what did you do you you know how do you like walk around Hong Kong and think I'm going to do the work of a missionary or work for God how did it all start well I went to the YWCA a to live and those that was very nice they gave you free hot water and free toilet paper it's very important in Asia yes both both and in England actually yeah and so what I like to say all the missionaries I could or social workers were anyone and of course Hong Kong's full of them missionaries social workers and dying people when I walked around the streets um there were just too too too many people and even now and I don't have a very big heart mostly mostly can only understand about one man at a time yes don't don't really understand crowds and I looked at it and thought god I could spend my whole life in one street and maybe maybe maybe just love one street but the the problem is in Hong Kong you walk out of one Street and into another and then another and as time went on em and the missionaries and and the social workers saw that I could support myself that I wasn't expecting them to support me then they all started to give me jobs to do and until I was doing about 17 part-time jobs and free and so then I said to the Lord this is too much I'm here and I'm there and I'm here and I'm there and I'm learning but I I would just like you to show me if there's a bit for me and that's and he showed me the walled city which I didn't know where I was going I just thought it was acquaints long and I didn't know that it was outside Hong Kong's law it was it was a relic from the treaty between Britain and China in the mid 19th century when Hong Kong was first ceded to the British and how big was that area just give us it's only about five or six acres but how many people live up to a hundred thousand and no water or electricity and it was dark of course because there was no electricity and because no light could get done the conditions just the same as in most slums and what I saw there was what you would see in any slum except this one went upwards yeah so they just didn't have the luxury of space and they would build one house on another without piling so you felt burdened for this community of people what but you just felt led there no no no I felt it like it was my birthday it was just oh you know every time I went in there as well ha and you know like if somebody said I was beautiful a happy birthday or something you know it was that sort of little Yelp inside and but nobody had and I wasn't so but no I just don't know it was just like it was a gift for me you were about what 22 years of age and now I'm not telling okay you just recently graduated and how how did you know what to do how to start what did you do and well first of all I was I worked for a missionary and you had a little school in there and I had another job on Hong Kong Island I was teaching in a very good school so I was always doing the two by the way for me it's mostly been that I've had the rich and influential on one side and the poor on the other and they go together he's out of the middle class leave them out yep because most churches have got them anyway I say no it's not that's not the reason why no the reason why is that the middle class of being poor and they oh they don't want to go back yes they're on the way up the rich no they haven't got there so the rich can get jealous of the poor which they will be when they see what the poor have in Jesus they come in then then I'm not saying God doesn't love the middle class I'm just saying I'll start with the poor start with it so I was I was teaching at two different places you know in a very poor school in the walled city in in a vey influential school they didn't know what I was doing by the way they didn't know that the job I had I was a little surprised because it was a Christian school in the old city but there was was a boy he must have been 14 he's still in primary school because they they were all all late with their education and I was teaching them English songs that so we were doing ten green bottles and and he he he would sidle across the room completely scent and I thought oh this he's making moves that don't look quite right and later on and I began to pray for him and and later on he got sacked from the school because he was a nuisance in the in the class and I saw him selling tickets in the blue film theater they they call them yellow yellow films was a terrible place it's just a dark room about twice the size of this stage where they should porno films and little girls who'd been sold did live sex shows and he was selling tickets and I went to the that the teachers of the school and and I said to them no well please would you take him back his mother's a prostitute his father's a drug addict and they said we were really pleased when he left because he was a nuisance and I didn't understand that I thought that Christian school prayed the teachers would get together weekly and pray for the difficult students I mean this was the walled city yes but now I understand they wanted to glorify Christ by having a good school I had a different idea I I thought it might be by having the difficult students and they thought he gave them a bad reputation so he was out and I started to meet him and I tried to teach him drums I bought him a drum pad just doesn't excuse to see him really and he never learned very well but I I had it in my heart to have a youth club for him that's because I don't understand big things they was for him just I thought if there's a place that he could just do something neutral like play ping-pong ball or or go for barbecues or something and because the only choices I could see he had were bad there wasn't a good one and it was all prostitutes and drugs and gangs and darkness and poverty and hunger and people beating people and not even if not Jesus there was nothing in the middle so so that's why I started a little room and invited invited the kids in and started taking them up and they came yeah they came and he just started to love them and show the love of God or they are horrible to me yeah were they yeah yeah but I mean we liked each other but they they they were they were very mean with them all the property like they they they they they broke the things and they were careless with the footballs on the equipment I bought it myself this was me with my wages and base when I complained to them and I said you know you should be careful with this they said oh oh you know well we're deprived kids you know and you're a rich Christian and I said no no favorite general beverage oh well you know your church sends you money and I said no I don't have a church that sends me any money I mean retrospectively God was so kind to me I mean thank God I had no church support thank God thank God thank God I had a much better lesson to learn yes and they said oh well if no church supports you then your parents send you money and my father just gone bankrupt I said no no my my parents send me any money but they didn't believe me because they they thought all foreigners were rich and of course that's what happens in missionary countries yes they they they use you you know they'll come to you and say please baptize me because it'll get you into the right school if you've got a baptism certificate it does they so they'll use you and in God's mercy I hadn't I hadn't anything that would obviously benefit them so once they found that out that I had no church behind me that I couldn't give them that baptism certificate so burial spots or into the right schools and you know unimportant then all the ones that wanted that left overnight and all the terrible gangsters remained and we liked each other so that was fine say there was a day kind way round and and they were very moved and touched one of them said after about four years they might be longer he said you know a grand new year so could see see and I chose Oh years og Micah Gail which means of course she's cracked about Jesus but apart from that she's okay it's the same god I need you see that again in Cantonese I like that going how did it was it grand new you so quite see seen yeah but do the face or area sort seeing like okay ho no so so I was very pleased I thought well they haven't rejected Jesus they've accepted me in his name but really I wanted to see more because it's fine for someone to be moved but but changed was that I wanted sure so when did you start seeing change and how did you see that come about well two things have been happening at the same time as this youth club was going on I was looking at the drug addicts and you could see a hundred at a time and doing something called chasing the dragon which is inhaling heroin fumes over tin foil and you inhale it through matchbox and I could I I knew that the people there within a year in in one den and most of them would be dead if not them dead they're women because they beat their mothers or they sold their girlfriends who would be glad to work for them for a while until they realized that boyfriend didn't love them just wanted their money so if you look at a drug scene that's even though there's a kind of in one moment if you see a group of them together it looks a bit like a a Devil's banquet yes something that some people would like to be in it then you very quickly see that it's death so I remember saying to the Lord it would be worth my whole life if you'd use me to save just one but when I try telling them about Jesus they couldn't couldn't hear and I remember and when I used to walk down the streets or some very old prostitutes probably in their 60s and when you as a woman are used up there's only one thing you can do that's to buy some girls to work for you so I used to walk past these women and they would say ten years old ten years old which means and oh you're off to a meeting where you hear about Jesus and all tango lay you go to hear the doctrine you go to hear the doctrine a night and I began to look at the Bible and I know no it wasn't like that in his time you know he didn't invite people to meetings and I when I went to the meetings myself I thought well I don't like this meeting very much so why would they you know why would they have to sit through something where when a plate is being passed around you know in order to meet the one I say is so nice hello in this book he wasn't like that at all I saw him walking the streets and people changed blind people saw and and and and people with tract naps got cleaned and and and deaf people jumped up and and could hear and so I began to pray Jesus instead of inviting people to meetings which they don't want to come to I would like to do it like you and I didn't really know what I was praying except I wanted to do it like him I began to see and this is quite fun to do I began to see if he walked down the street there I think he probably would stop and sit on the box by the old lady who has track marks on her on her hands and I know he would lift her head and that I know even she's so old never mind why she did what she did she could start again and I began to see all the streets like that I saw the streets with him walking down and no one was the same and and I began to pray how can I do it like you did because I think by inviting people to meetings they don't want to come to that that isn't going to do it so can I do it like you did so I was actually praying for the Holy Spirit without knowing I was praying for the Holy Spirit and and I went on a search in hongkong churches and nobody would talk about it they all said them they said the evangelicals and the Pentecostals made a pact not to talk about the Holy Spirit just Jesus and I thought all that strange you know really yes yes and so I Bly couldn't find anywhere and now if you're desperate you go to the Lord and you go to scripture yes and I where I was for most of the time been there nobody in the so-called church ever gave me answers and they just didn't like my questions so I had to go to the book to find out and that's what I'm still trying to do so what is this Holy Spirit then one day I was in the worlds that he playing a piano for a church and these two very simple people were there and I looked at them and they I could see they were kind of shiny and they just ordinary people and they came up to me at the meeting at the end of the meeting and they said you don't have the Holy Spirit I knew I had the Holy Spirit the reason I knew was that I'd sat on a toilet a few years before and there was a book in the in the toilet as they sometimes are which said have you received the Holy Spirit and I thought what a strange question you know but I don't know but I'll ask in case and I did so when this couple asked me do you have the Holies but of course I did yes I'd asked you see I received by faith say so we argued so they said you don't I do you don't I do you don't I do know in the middle of that I got a quit Jackie just be quiet you can see they've got something I knew that they would pray for the sick I knew that the addict I met they would pray for I would take him to the doctor and so I said Oh caring and equipped arguing and the only reason I was arguing was I didn't know what to call it yet whether you call it the power of the Holy Spirit or the Holy Spirit's second blessing the infilling the outpouring or you know whatever yeah so I just said dear Lord I'd like whatever you have that will help to make you real to people that's what I'd like from your spirit I'll decide what to call it later so this is with these two people if that's what I said yes then they asked me and I went and they prayed for me what happened how they they had two plates on the table and and these plates one was a plate of oranges and that was for me to eat when I had received celebrate and the other was a plate of flannels wet flannels for me to cry into when I received and so they put their hands on my head and they and they said you know and now you speak now you speak and I dread about speaking in tongues you know but I wasn't going to open my mouth so I I I'm not going to do that so especially when you tell me so I sat there for half an hour and it was so hot and and I was sitting on a plastic sofa and and which I was beginning to stick to her yes after half an hour knows that her God you know I there I just want to get home I'm so embarrassed that these two aren't going to need either plate yes you gonna disappoint them so finally I open my mouth and to say help God cuz I want to get him and then I spoke in a new language very very clearly but I didn't feel anything except silly and and I remember thinking God you are so kind I'm safe glad this happened with Chinese I could not have done it with the Brits yes yes and so but I was still embarrassed I didn't feel filled with love didn't waft on a mountain you know just felt silly and went to the door and they said now you can expect the other gifts and I'd read about this so I I said thank you very much and I went home to wait and I didn't know quite how you knew when you got healing or something and I tried praying in tongues and nothing happened and I just felt silly again and and people were still dying my life had not changed and a year later I met an American couple he said Jackie do you pray in tongues and and and I thought I know keel England would ask me that and so I said now I don't and they said why not and I said well you know maybe I didn't get what everyone else got you know cuz I didn't feel anything I didn't feel particularly full of love or anything you know and they said well you're very rude you're a good evangelical and you say you believe in the scripture and the scripture says if you pray in tongues you will be built up spiritually doesn't say you will feel built up sprit get with it girl pray in tongues you're very rude you asked for power to share Jesus he gave it you didn't use it so so they made me they said every day by the clock fifteen minutes I started to pray in tongues and I said lord I don't know who I'm praying for or what I'm praying for but when I pray will you please help me to be praying for the right thing and it was probably the first proper prayers I was making because then instead of saying this is what I want to do please bless me or I want to talk to so-and-so and please help me it was Jay Lord will you will you help me to be praying for the people you want to reach and let me be in it somewhere even if I don't know yes that's it yes cause that's evangelism course you you you meet the one he's got ready he does the work you do the talking he gets the glory mm so did you start seeing breakthroughs in people's lives and healings and people give being that set free about six weeks later yeah and what I didn't it wasn't full of feeling I didn't sort of feel you've got to get on a 47 bass or turned left my story is just I I started being in the right place at the right time tell toe people about Jesus they believed and I thought him my Chinese is getting good you yes but but then I then I realized actually was nothing to do with what I was saying I truly believed I could have said tomato ketchup and they would have been saved and I really mean that but but in praying in tongues or praying here in the spirit you were unlocking something though I I do I don't granny tongues is not better than praying in your own language it's as well as it's when you don't know how to and when you don't know how he's working you have to let him do the praying and until he gives you some understanding but what does happen when you're praying in tongues is that without knowing why or how you start to be come sensitive spiritually yes it's not a feeling so it in fact supernatural things start to feel natural yes and you're not on a high it's not a it's not a freely thing it's you start to be in the right place at the right time saying the right things that's it and I don't know quite how that works but I our own experience and I have to say experience is that those who pray in tongues regularly are the ones who are used in the other gifts of the Spirit as well collectively because praying in tongues is mostly sure private gift so so with there are lots of people addicted to drugs so what is it that you do now in introducing them to Jesus and in seeing them set free from addictions what's the process what do you do well how it's been for the last 20-something years or more is that people have seen their friends change because after the first two quite important gangster when the Holy Spirit came on them in the world City one of them started speaking in tongues and for half an hour he got off opium without knee pain and and I was babe please do you know but not not that surprised because I thought you know if you're going to believe in God of course he can do things like that and I had always expected him to then the next one was another gang leader on her on a summer camp and Holy Spirit came on him and he spoke in tongues and that night he had a dream of Jesus touching him and he felt no more withdrawal pains after he'd spoken in tongues so we began to apply this yes and and instead of waiting for it to happen when when people came to us they would say now Jesus has changed Winson and if Jesus can change wimps and he can change anyone so I'm going to believe in Jesus and I'm going to come and live in your house it always went together so I got 12 people in my house and we prayed with them all for the power of the Spirit is spoken tongue this time we sat with them for 10 days so that's four hour shifts that's six shifts a day the 10 days that 60 people yes just in case you think one-minute prayer meeting we'll do it and you just see it through and they all come off without withdrawal pains unless they refuse to pray and sometimes they do but then you can sit on so when they pray they don't feel pain you know in sight all of us this there are things we don't understand there are feelings we don't know about we don't know where they came from there's pain or shame or fear of things we don't want to think about it's there and many of those things are in people that were would need to take drugs or drink or anything to make them not think sure about what they don't want to think about which they don't understand but praying in tongues it's just like in kindness you can get all that stuff out very kind it's just why a baby cries baby cries because it wants to get the stuff out chill so it's just the same thing and after getting it out they go to sleep so is this nice way around to do it it would work with other things too actually wouldn't it would actually and you've seen in in the years that you've been ministering out that you've seen people healed physically more now than ever before and healed of all sorts of all sorts of things just last Saturday we had now reached him and they met her a mom our son that's a lady that lives off young prostitutes introduces them to customers and they just made friends with her and asked her to tea and she and then there are some more people they said would you like to meet Jesus they prayed with her she met Jesus spoke in tongues and her arm she hadn't been able to lift it for 11 years because her son who was a drug addict beat her for money they prayed for her arm she's not stopped lifting it really since and that that's the fun thing these things are happening nearly every day but the the best thing is through ordinary people no not not not me sure so and then this lady will go and tell her friends she's changed a job by the way this was very good that's good too just a week of the week it's been so over the happy you've been doing you've been in Hong Kong for how many years since 66 and you won't know when you're a graduate so you're looking very good as you look back Jackie over the last 44 years do you have regrets no I've come to some repentance and and the scripture says when you've repented for things that you've messed up in there there are no regrets yeah so I have to suppose that where I have messed up or missed I think God will redeem it and make it better than if I hadn't messed up so you know you can't say that you can't be any regrets for Christians otherwise we live with an ache how have you coped with discouragement well it doesn't come very often I think discouragement comes if your hope is in results and mine isn't or in men and mine isn't you got married Jackie and but your husband died you were married for how long just seven years seven years and then he got ill how did you cope with that well it was a great death very kind of God the way he he allowed it it was a great death he was ready and it was very sad but there was no sting just great sadness and if they'd been a sting and death would have had the victory and grave but there was no string I I knew it was the time he knew the time and and I let him go yes and I'm really more happy to have had any time at all with him then unhappy it was short yeah that's real oh he's a great guy I mean one day would have been good yeah so the future Jackie what are your hopes and aspirations well I'm expecting him back Jesus good I'm glad you've mentioned that I mean I'm yeah yeah I when you asked about disappointment I am a little disappointed that we've got to this year Oh honestly I find it quite hard to plan for the future but but do you feel that the christ is delaying his coming because there is still work that we hopefully I know that but sure but when you when you read that you know 1 in 1 in 3 children doesn't doesn't have access to safe water or sanitation yes when when you read that children are constrict conscripted into armies where they have to murder their parents yes and where when women are aiive have their breasts dry and cannot feed any of their babies then you say Lord come quickly come Lord and I really do mean Lord come there may be more people who believe in Jesus today but there are more people who are dying and that hasn't got better and and I suppose I have a a tiny ray of of hope you know I thought this country missed it I really do it I really did because I love to talk about going to the poor and going on going on a lifetime of mish and and I thought a whole generation of Christians was going to miss it I really did but what I began to see in the last maybe maybe five or six years is that unknown they're not in the newspapers they're not in Christian magazines they're not on TV they haven't written books but there are individuals who've gone hear hear hear hear yeah yet and they're getting on with the job quietly yes sharing their lives with the poor and the lost living simply and God in kindness as just let me see some of those people and so it I thought it nearly was a lost generation of Christians I think him many many more have gone than I need help yes and many more obeying than we know them we know that's so true the Queen obviously liked your work and invited you to Buckingham Palace and gave you an MBE and what did she ask you when she gave you the MBA other many drug addicts in Hong Kong and what did you say um there are less now Jackie it's it's refreshing to talk to you a friend of mine said that you're very unusual and bit radical but but actually on reflection I think my friends wrong really because I think if you read the New Testament you would be a normal Christian in the New Testament sense and you know thank you that you followed your own heart the leading of the Spirit and you've been faithful and that speaks to us definitely speaks to me and that we've you know we need to pray that we can all fulfill the leading of the Spirit and just be faithful like you have done and it's um it's been very illuminating listen to you and if you want to read more of the story and more of the details then I commend Jackie's book chasing the dragon and if you haven't read it I urge you to read it it's published by Hodder z-- and it's worth getting Jackie thank you so much
Channel: Facing the Canon
Views: 65,350
Rating: 4.8833065 out of 5
Keywords: facing the canon, j.john, interview, jjohn, j john, philo trust, philo, trust, christianity, Jesus, Lord, God, Holy Spirit, Jackie Pullinger, Chasing the Dragon, Hong Kong, Missionary, Book, Author
Id: dUOpHMNk-S0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 14sec (3434 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2014
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