100 Pranks on Preston in 24 Hours! *REVENGE*

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today I'm going to be pranking my friends starting with this oh my God B what happened hello anybody any clue what happened here he did I get you you guys are in on this the whole time y'all were in on this the entire time there's a special place for you guys oh no let's be real we've all seen the Saran rap prank we're cranking it up a notch we literally have a see-through wall there thank you Larry hey Brie what's up the goat is loose in the parking lot you got to help me I don't know how to catch the goat okay I'm coming out okay cool cool cool all I'm coming right now okay thank you [Music] g well that scared me is there a goat no this break makes me nervous we spent a lot of money getting the statue of Preston done in Legos we're going to pretend we dropped it if this prank goes wrong I'm going to cry are you sure you want me to help you with this I'm so clumsy honestly clumsy works with this prank and then oh no you did not oh no would his head wait these are wait these aren't the parts are they I got a big head and it can't be just this many Legos where's the head you have the head Britney I don't who's got the head there's no way look that was close though that was that was I gotta as you can tell Preston is almost impossible to prank that was just bad but recently I threw a birthday party for my cat Eloise and to my surprise no one showed up not even Preston so to get some payback I'm going to be pranking him and everyone I invited and by the end of this video I will prank Preston we've got to get payback on Chase he told me he was coming to Eloise's birthday party and cancelled we have a legitimate Bounty Hunter to literally a rest chase this is Chase Bradshaw that war your arrest what listen I was just looking at a picture of the Shrek wait what um that's crazy I think he's actually over here he's over no no no wait are are we serious what I don't want to be Sil we don't even know if he's a real cop guys this is an unmarked oh hey Chase you've been pranking you told me you were going to Alisa's birthday party and you canceled and you literally just like I was busy I was on a I was on a date that's a lie that is a lie I so you can make it up to me in one way plan a legitimate surprise party for Eloise and make it good high five me you high five can I can I get out the Cuffs fre so next prank we have called everyone to a meeting we have something that is going to play on that TV screen in there that terrifies them this is breaking news We Begin this afternoon with breaking news a tsunami warning has been issued for the entire Us West Coast how do they not seem nervous right [Music] nower my god did I get what is a better way to prank someone than hiding in plain sight I am currently in a fake Bush except we can move this thing so we're going to jump scare some people okay oh my why are you in there I hate you oh my oh [Music] [Applause] you got holy oh my God Preston knows we're filming pranks he's on his way out for the next one do I commit or I he the first I just can't see it cuz the Sun so we did it to a few people and you're the only one who noticed it a little bit our next prank is through here so we're just going to follow chloee over there oh good job Stephen we Tred if I'm going to throw this birthday party for Eloise and make it up to Bri I'm I'm I'm pretty out a list of things that make every cat birthday party real ow give me got it all right sick we have the ultimate checklist choose a theme I have an idea for that we can put that on pause determine the budget well that's whatever Breeze Credit Card will last me uh choose a date today obviously an event venue uh the office arrange entertainment I know a guy guy that could train me to be the best entertainment possible make a guest L everyone's invited including you guys please show up order supplies if you're making your own Decor I need to run to the store I got to go we have a screen saver on the TV that's always playing with the fire logo what's going to happen is a very scary noise is going to play and not turn off until they find the remote you have a ton of them sprinkled on the couch and everything but guess what I have the real one yeah so I think like we can go ahead and I don't know what that is yeah I don't know what that is dude I really don't yeah you don't know what that is D I don't know this I think this looks like Brianna right oh wa what you're looking for you didn't even try to turn it off give me this the biggest prank was on my ears since my friends betrayed me and didn't come to my cat's birthday party I want to startle them but in the best way you know when you're going to the bathroom you never expect an exotic animal to be there waiting for you do you what the It's Kind cool a didn't know it was occupied just let me know when you're finished up next is the baby goat oh my god dude oh my I probably shouldn't be loud but I feel like that's what they sound like there is a giant pick and when I say giant like this thing is huge such a cute little noise what in the world what where did this come from how can you not love animals guys put a pig emoji in the comments if you love animals so we all know how Eloise is a princess so this has to be perfect so I'm going to do this or that and I'm going to do it with random people so I can't technically be wrong r two let me steal you for a second oh you Ste on my tongue this is important this is for Eloise we're talking okay don't mess us up please okay you chose pink thank you r two hey are you uh are you busy I just just I need you to choose something for me this or that that Chloe you can pick the other fine okay the magician we're getting a magician I don't know magic listen this or that this or that what does it say dinosaur theme Barbie theme let's go okay apparently the ugliest color in the entire world is this panone 448c which I had never heard of but this really is a gross color key and Scott are out of the office for a little bit so we're going to gift them with this as their office a everything their desk is going to be this color and they're going to be really grateful right hey hi vce how was trip it's never good when Vince is filming us look in 102 for your new office so I saw an awesome video from another YouTuber and he snuck into Ubers with exotic animals so I thought what a better way to prank my friends than do the same to them what wao wo wo wo he's going to drive the car too hey kie thanks for letting me ride with you do you mind that I brought my friend with me give me your hand no does that mean I can't have a ride he can drive you thanks Preston I didn't want to have to deal with driving home today why are you backing up what is this a crocodile what are you doing what are you doing this guy he cute he's so cute we're taking him home see you we're going to rock out our cck out the owner we're back with all the supplies from the store we have eight we have seven balloons it's a great number and we have all the supplies that Eloise will want pink tablecloths dinosaur toys we have dinosaur napkins the best part though we have the chocolate cake let me get it out happy birthday L huh happy birth L Loa I think I misspelled it well welcome to Chase's uh Cooking Channel and I'm going to show you how to fix cakes that you misspelt especially for cats that's my specialty I wonder if it tastes like Patrick yep I'm going to just cross it out you know I don't think Bri will notice if she does I would be surprised let's spell Eloise correctly I know how to spell it it's e l u um no it's o o l o happy birthday Eloise I I wow that is perfect I have a busy day I need my stuff I'm late for a meeting what the freak what is this what the heck is this Scott there's nothing up here I found it it's in there what is this is massive I like mine ew what is the theme here what's going on why is there the Monon Al Lisa that's Snoop Lisa snoopa the lighting is bad what is this color it's horrid he really has no idea my Des get painted that you smell there's a fart candle why did you smell it I just told you I got to get out of here this is horrible wait hey wait no wait hold wait where's Bri you tell me where Bri is right now Vince tell me where Bri is every birthday princess deserves a birthday gift I'm going to paint a portrait of Eloise for Eloise for Brie for you guys the fur of Eloise is going to be tough because she's all fur you want to make sure the paws are good oh no's going back this is starting to look like a coyote which is not a cat now we got to get some yellow eyes oh my go she's going to love it right okay just a little subtle snaggle tooth boom Eloise this is you is this a tooth um she looks like Gollum from The Lord of the Rings but Gollum doesn't have a tail do you like it I think she likes it you also named it Chase instead of Eloise that's a good point don't worry I know how to spell Eloise though before you leave you're going to get a high five from the one and only yes we have gathered you here to today for a meeting in a fake meeting room we are right outside the editing Bay they have no idea send in the clowns we need to talk really tired of Chase John we need you like John what do you think we're kind of tired of seeing him he's in too many videos no but I'm just sorry sorry Chase can you send in the next person please we're having a problem with someone yeah there's one person in particular that is kind of bringing negativity negativity I certainly want to help you guys in that regard uh because we want Vibes up who's bringing the vibe down is it Chase is it me I often wondered if it is Mr Bradshaw killer out turn if you could please have seat having a good day stay strong strong are you killing The Vibes I'm not kill I Am The Vibes she built this room with my own bare hands okay we did it jeez hey bre hey what's up this is ours now no it's not I legitimately it's if this is like legitimate I will be testing the theory if cats have nine L why isn't bringing your videos I don't make the decision on the schedule yeah you do no I don't it's your channel I think you do I don't need this job what kind of job are you talking about being my husband I'm going to leave I'm going to leave I have to get a magician for the party um and I have to be magician because listen my budget went out so I hired you love him you know him he might be too tall for the occasion but he's going to teach me some magic yeah I was here the whole time see that first things first you got to look the part cool flowing Cape you got have a hat so you can hide things in it like rabbits you take one of the cards okay and you say so it's all the noise effects that's your card this is your card Chase doing it you got you let me just listen trial by error okay you're not supposed to look at the car anyways here's the rest of the trick that's right what the card okay let me try now I'm going to give you this wand point it at me just say like a magic phrase uh I think we learned enough I am in an actual vending machine this is crazy there is a Dr Pepper machine just sitting in the middle of the office just take the machine it'll work taking a head sh it oh my really here Jordan Jordan I think I'm being pranked for right now how what oh I love the be machine I know it's been a while you think I'm really scared of this don't you did I get you not even close Bri no wait this is fun cuz you can't leave hey this next prank is actually inspired by something Salish got me and Preston with Once sish switched with her best friend in the middle of a FaceTime call and we had no idea this is my bestie Britney and we're going to see can Preston tell us AP part what if he can't should I be sad if he can't are you ready to get your hands dirty oh I guess we've set the scene we've got this Preston here's the deal legit um we planned this prank video and it went wrong this we literally broke the toilet in here Preston it's bad you have to help wait which one is it I think it's is it this one Preston there's water everywhere come on what is this it's fine you fixed it hey oh that was creepy that weirded me out okay it worked good job oh I'm going to give you a moment there's no way me and Eloise are celebrating her birthday alone again right so I have a plan to make sure everybody gets there we're going to pull a fake fire alarm so people are definitely going to scaddle out of here and Chase will direct them exactly where to go party this way guys oh oh wait wait sorry sorry no this way you're right this way sorry guys sorry all right guys this way good job Chase doing great people are actually showing up what is this well I thought if I was a cat then they would go to a cat party you're love this you're love this oh El is all for you three two one day two yeah aloise she loves it she's turning to listen yay now do you want some pizza so I got revenge on everyone for missing Eloise's birthday party but look what happened everybody finally showed up and it's a happy end to the video right Eloise you're so dumb looking and you don't even know it
Channel: Brianna
Views: 3,077,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brianna, briannaplayz, brianna playz, briannaplays, briannagamez, briannagames, brianna gamez, briannashorts, brianna shorts, keeley, preston, prestonplayz, prestonreacts, tbnrfragz, funny, briannaplayz minecraft, brianna and preston, preston and brianna
Id: ya5Ehhltcpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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