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his laugh is like a great laugh like really loud and really forceful like a belly laugh and like if he'd laugh like everybody around him would have to laugh if he was just that guy and then he kept talking about songs like he put songs on like to communicate to you and he loves music so he's just saying of course it would be the music you understand and he's saying many CDs were put together for him of music when he passed yes so he's saying thank you and tell everybody thanks for that that meant a lot okay okay and then he said sucker punch so I don't know if at the time that he was killed if it seemed like he was sucker punched like us something somebody would do who he would look down on like they're weak you know for doing that like not a man yeah so okay and then he showed the little girl's hand and like you putting something in it from him like when she was a baby or when she was really little and he saw that so you heard him tell you to get it for her from him so she felt protected it's almost like a sign of protection so I don't know if it's like a religious relic but he keeps talking about the protection from him he bought her one present okay and you put it in her hands then when she was little there's a yeah yeah okay the protection that he's kind of showing mortals like you know like a Saint Christopher medal or a cross we went to Sedona on our anniversary and he bought her a little wishing rock or something that had a cross on it and I said love okay so did you give that to her does she have that he's never touched it okay but she has it okay if she wants to feel connected to him that's gonna be what she needs to hold on to okay so he's just saying let her know I said so yeah it was the only thing ever about her okay that's why it's important okay and he also keeps talking about the crazy dog so there's a dog that barks when he's around but what she no but it's that way she's murky yes but he's like it's like a crazy dog like she'll crazy but he likes that about her so that's good that was his baby we hate it thanks a lot well well you know sometimes when they're sarcastic they'll do that because they think it's funny to watch you lose your minds and he keeps talking about the wedding pictures did you have the wedding pictures up or did you do something special with the wedding picture Cameron has a really large picture of him from our wedding in this room okay he likes that he said best day of his life that's good okay and for him he says it's gonna be okay it's gonna be okay he almost feels to you like you know if you were gonna go into a pickup game a basketball or something he'd be the guy you'd want with you like he's gonna always be that to you like the guy that has your back the guy that has your side so that's good and he says don't be afraid to be hurt like you have to open yourself up because he's saying you you want to be happy but you only let people get so close and he says he wouldn't change a thing the way he lived his life letting everybody in he let everybody and it's like a really big heart he wants you to make sure to live your life the right way and don't move past the right girl or past the right person don't let her go or don't see that it she's not the right one you know because you're afraid of having your heart broken and he does show you as a father so you will have children you will have that life he's just saying embrace it don't be afraid of it okay he keeps talking about his sunglasses and the picture with the sunglasses on it just feels like there's a lot of photograph with his glasses on where he's like making faces or like houses arms out like that so go through your pictures cuz he's saying there's one where he was dressed up to kind of be funny he was trying to be funny and and that's the photograph he likes to be remembered by okay did he make it past 32 he was 33 when he died okay you take out a picture I'm at 32 that was his version of heaven that's an age he's chosen that's when everything was good still right he wants to go on the beach trip or go to the beach like the whole family so I don't know do you go to like Rocky Point or something that would be like beachy that where families can hang out that's what it feels like we go there a lot yeah if I know him he's talking about us going on our anniversary trip okay that's his version of heaven he's just trying to get you to take out the pictures but he wants you to go back he feels like you need to go back for a little bit of I don't want to use the word closure because it's kind of a number plate word but in acceptance you know and to know that he's with you still on the beach okay he says he misses everybody a lot but he really misses the food a lot too he says there's some good food does he not eat up there what's he doesn't eat they eat but when it's not made by your hands it doesn't taste the same to them do you so yeah so he's looking forward to when you can have dinner together your little girl he references her as the princess he says literally like to dress up like princesses she's just just princess everywhere she is a princess okay yeah she is our princess he keeps showing her with a necklace if you didn't already get her a necklace from him he wants her to have a necklace cuz he thinks every princess should have some bling and so just make sure that you get get her that from him okay okay he says it's okay to have good times it's okay to be feel happy he knows you love him and he says he sees you like at barbecues or you know when you're with friends and you'll start to laugh and something pulls you back cuz it almost hurts to have a good time without him here but he's saying but he is here okay so he wants you to kind of change how you look at those times he says you have to do these things so you can tell him about it when he sees you and you cook for him okay so he wants you to be happy he wants to have fun he knows you gave him your full heart and that's all he could have ever asked so he doesn't want you to feel this obligation to carry a torch forever he wants you to be happy okay and then he's laughing and he said fools and tattoos so it feels like a few people get tattoos for him and it was calling him fools you know for doing it but like something that he thinks is funny and he says every time they drink they talk about it so talk to his friends cuz it feels like he had some buddies yeah that want to get tattoos former that did okay does he want them to I think it amuses him but it's not I mean they don't they don't need it that's for the living that's what we need to carry them with us but they're already carrying us with them you know so it feels like the younger ones no he says there's some young like his age or you know no he he thinks they have better names to put on him better angels okay but for the older friends like the ones that are more his age or up there he says that's okay he's like cuz they've lived you know he doesn't want the young ones to regret it later that's all and then he's laughing anyone shouldn't know he grew facial hair I keager out like something here and he's laughing about it so I don't know if you didn't like facial hey I didn't so so he's got this now he's like it looks good I know that you have a daughter but it almost feels like somebody tries to pass his name down or like he's not the only one and I don't know if it's his middle name or how the name gets passed but he keeps showing not being the only one with his name what do you mean what's his middle name his no name mm-hmm Coronado okay do you know if there's like an older generation his dad is the exact same name as him he's a junior so somebody else has his name yeah okay thanks this is just okay that's why it's good that he's there I'm sorry he's just showing who he's around like who he likes to spend time around so that would be his namesake okay okay um and he says tell them to stop lighting all the candles I don't know who's lighting candles but it feels like some woman lights too many candles for him so I don't know if it's like a grandmother or somebody like having a who I think okay he says he's fine I just okay so his birthday's coming up he's showing a birthday cake are you getting him something for his birthday or you ain't getting his daughter something for his birthday I don't know he would be throwing a party though right yeah well he wants a cake or something okay so if you go get in the cake yeah okay get him a cake that makes him really happy okay that's good that doesn't surprise me yeah and he keeps showing Disneyland did you go to Disneyland did you go after he passed or before he passed both both okay so when you go back to Disneyland like when you went after he died he was with you and he's just saying every time you go back there he'll be there cuz that's a family vacation yeah but he really loved that he loved those moments together okay and you probably have some good ones when you went with them before yeah before he passed so that would be a version of his heaven too and one day it will be a version of yours okay yeah he I don't he keeps showing people wearing his shirts did you give some of his shirts away he keeps showing us shirts being worn by other people you know what color it is yeah hey this shirts away we had some made for him okay after he so he's just talking about seeing all the people wearing a shirt yeah that's what is important okay you want me to have them levitate or refrigerators but these are the little factoids that you have to when you string them all together it's a perfect massive do you understand yes okay you're fine you're fine okay he's also talking about his shoes too like you don't need to keep his shoes but it feels like somebody trusts tans and issues puts his shoes on does your little girl like wear his shoes he keeps saying do you have them in a box in our garage okay take him out and how old is she she's six she'll shuffle around in his shoes you know standing issue they carry his energy okay okay he said when he died his head hurt and he just couldn't breathe and he said and then it was over so he's just letting you know it was kind of fast he doesn't want you to think of him being in his body suffering he's saying it was fast okay and he says keep your ring closed do you wear his ring okay okay everybody okay that's good he likes that don't date any of his friends you understand he was laughing when he said that so it's okay okay he says he loves you always and forever oh I'm gonna break my connection with him I'm gonna send him with you okay can we show some support
Channel: Allison DuBois
Views: 51,830
Rating: 4.944931 out of 5
Keywords: Allison DuBois (Author), Phoenix (City/Town/Village), Medium (TV Program), winner, loss of husband
Id: knRhI8rc4Bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri May 16 2014
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