Face Unwrapping (Blender Tutorial)

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hey guys welcome back to another default cube cg matter tutorial and today I want to talk about how to flats in some faces because it's just something I've been playing around with and it's pretty fun so let me show you basically what I'm talking about so here is former President Barack Obama this is just the normal photo you find of him it's like the most presidential when I guess I don't know and here here is the picture of him with this foot face flattened and this is essentially what we're gonna do you can do it in this oval shape or you can do it in any any shape that you can make a UV map of and we're gonna talk about what that means so basically we're gonna be flattening some faces in blender and we are gonna be using the Keen tools add-on to do this if you don't know what this is I made a tutorial about that which will be linked in the description but I'm also gonna go over some of the stuff you need to know but not you know how to install the add-on and all that so watch that tutorial so first of all let's open up a blender I'm using version 2.8 1a which I'm gonna make full screen and the basic workflow of what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna have some photo in this case of Barack Obama but you can use any photo we're then gonna use the add-on to put a faced align to that photo with the same geometry and everything so it's going to be a mesh of that face we're then gonna project the texture onto it so now it's a mesh of the face with the texture and then we just cut everything except the face off we just sever it and then unwrap the face to get the texture that's the general idea let's get into it so first of all making the mesh for the face we need to delete everything and assuming you already have the Keen tools add-on installed which again have a tutorial of and it seems like every other blender youtuber has followed suit shots not fired we're gonna open up face builder and create a new head and then we're just gonna add in our image in this case of former President Barack Obama let's put that in there and then we want to align our view to this photo and at this point we're just gonna do the normal pinning process again I don't really care about the sensor width and the focal length because I didn't take this picture I don't know anything about it so I'm just gonna have it do length estimation and then we use the normal pinning process which is fine because we don't need to do it for several photos so I like to start off with the nose and then I like obvious features like the tear ducts of the eyes so let's do the first tear duct at this point we are just rotating and scaling the base mesh and same for the third pen but remember everything after the first three pins is gonna start deforming our mesh so the head actually specifically will look like Barack Obama's head and not mine so let's do let's go to lips is the next obvious feature so now we're starting to deform the mesh so we're gonna do both corners and then probably the next most obvious feature is the top of the ear or the bottom of the earlobe I'm just gonna put one there and I'm gonna put another over here and since we're only doing this for one photo it probably makes sense to do this as accurately as possible so it's do you know the other side maybe that's the tear duct I think the tear duct is the one in the middle anatomy is not my strong suit I will I will I will not pretend like it is let's bring down the earlobes and by the way even though you can do this with with just one image you can do the same process with multiple images but then you can unwrap more than the face because you can get the side of the head or even the back of the head but the results are funniest with the gist to face bridge of the nose bring that down we can also mess with the nostrils and the more accurately you do this the I mean it doesn't really matter because the end product is so goofy but the more accurate it's gonna be which is nice eyebrows is something I didn't actually cover in the tutorial but the eyebrows are highlighted so we actually know which part of the mesh to align so now it's dude this eyebrows well make sure to bring the center up to capture the expression so so far this is what we have you can see is kind of doing this smiling thing which we captured with the eyebrows and the mouth and everything so let's just go back into there and the mouth is pretty good I think now the only things we should really be adjusting is maybe the sides of the ear because he has some pretty big ears and then also we should take care of the cheeks area or the jawline I guess so let's bring this inwards is a pretty skinny face put that in there and then we can also do neck aligning which in this case isn't that important since we're probably just going to be deleting it but we can do that as well now at this point I would say this is pretty well lined you can of course do the head as well bring this up but I'm not going to be doing that because again we only have focus on the face so once you are happy with what your mesh is looking like you know this actually kind of looks pretty similar to him all we have to do is of course I'm just gonna go back to this view once we're happy with this we are gonna create our texture which in this case is pretty much just gonna project forwards because it doesn't have to blend between multiple photos but a 2k textures fine if your image is very high-resolution make sure that this is high resolution but if you're starting with a garbage photo you're not going to get any extra detail by having your texture be a high resolution and for the UV map it also doesn't matter because we're gonna be changing this I'm just gonna keep it as standard and let's create the texture and this shouldn't take too long it's just going to be projecting and setting up a simple material should be set up there we go and we can see that we actually did a pretty good job you can see the geometry of this eyebrow the texture is exactly where it's supposed to be we don't have any drifting where you know the eye and the pupil and everything is up here or anything like that okay so this is looking pretty good but of course since we care about the face we don't really want the splotchiness over here or over here and we can fix that manually but before we do anything like that we want to see if Keane tools can automatically handle this for us so what I'm gonna do is again the expand edges option is what we want and what it's going to do is it's kind of like margins with texture creation where what it does is it extrapolates whatever texture there is so there's some holes but the area next to it let me actually just show you what I'm talking about let me show you this nightmare this is the texture generated you can see it has a couple holes but if we do the extend edges or whatever it's called it will take this information and pretty much extrapolate a to fill the hole so it's gonna fill it in with patches of skin that look like the surrounding patches of skin and that's what we want in this case so let's do expand edges on 10% and then recreate the texture and it shouldn't take much longer maybe a bit longer because it needs to do a bit more work and you can see that actually did a pretty good job there's a bit of stretching and maybe we could have done that better manually but there is nothing wrong with this we could do a bit of manual fixing I don't see why not just to show you that it's possible so this is the image we're gonna be working with I'm just gonna save my blender project so I can save out this texture so I'm trying shift us but it's not working so just go to image save as which is shift s and we can call this you can call this Obama base texture that we haven't modified yet with the RGB save as image and we can actually modify this image so making sure we're in a texture painting so this is UV ed and make sure we're in texture painting we can actually mess around with this so instead of material we're gonna go to single image and make sure we select the image that we made what did we call this I guess we need to import it because I guess we just do Obama base texture okay cool now we can start painting on this and if you don't want this Auto generated result with the expand edges all you have to do is you have to switch over to clone brush and then control click let's say over here so control click to sample and then you can paint using that texture so for example you know if you wanted the eye to be over here and make this cursed result you can do that and it's also going to update over here but I'm just gonna do a bit of manual correction to make it look a bit better this should be black so we can paint now we're on the normal brush and we need to set this to black or something close to black and we can just paint in the details over here this is you know this is a bit of extra information but I do think it is valuable and we can do the same thing on the ear although that looks pretty bad so we can well make it a bit softer so shift F to control the strength do something like that just so it's not as harsh these edits we're making and you can just keep editing this until it looks better but let's say that you're happy with this what we're gonna do now is the face unwrapping because right now we have the whole head unwrapped and we have a lot of extra detail back here that is kind of wasted because we don't have images to actually project onto there so back in the layout workspace let's get rid of everything except the face and we may or may not keep the ears sorry about the radiator to do this we can either manually delete some faces or what's probably easier is doing some boolean stuff so I'm just gonna add in a cube and we're gonna use this cube to basically say what we want to cut away so we're just gonna do something like this so cut away everything except for the face I'd say that looks pretty good okay so once we have our cube positioned I'm gonna select our head which we can rename to Obama we're gonna add a modifier and we are gonna add a baleen modifier set to difference and then select the cube and when we apply this you're not gonna see that anything happened but we can delete the cube and then you see that it did a pretty good job although boolean's can be pretty good or maybe our cube wasn't big enough so we have to do some manual editing so let's get rid of these edges and then we can click l when we're hovering over this so click L which stands for linked and you know it's going to select everything that's linked to whatever we were hovering over and we can also do eat that and I think that looks pretty good we can also do some manual correction here so our manual selection rather and just get rid of this neck area so just cut that off and then L to select linked because it's its own Island and delete that as well okay cool so now we have isolated the face you know it's not perfect we have some weird polygons missing because of our boolean edits but that's fine and now we want to basically use this to create a new image that doesn't have all the extra stuff to do this what we need to do is create a second UV map which is what we're gonna use to bake the texture on so we're gonna be baking from our original image the one that we got using Keane tools and we're gonna we're gonna use that to bake onto a new image hopefully that makes sense but I'll show you in a second okay cool so and UV editing we can go to our what's this called object data properties in UV maps we have our standard UV map which you can see is this this is what's left of it and we can add a new UV map which we can make sure this is selected and then hit you yeah where and faces hate you unwrap and then you can see this gave us a new unwrapped and you can pick whatever you want for this because this is what our final texture is gonna be on but I think this is fine so I'm just gonna rotate this by 90 degrees and then we can use a pack Islands command with rotation disabled to get this to fit in here I'm gonna slide it a bit so it's in the center and scale this down okay cool and again I explained this before but now I actually have everything here so I can show you what I mean we're gonna be using this image with the our original UV map and we're gonna bake from that on to our new UV map that we just created so instead of having this small image from before the small image we want the face to actually take up most of the picture size which makes sense so make sure that your second UV map is selected then in the shading workspace this is the material and audio auto-created we don't need this B SDF it's not necessary we can just link this right in here which is essentially an emission and we are going to create a new image texture by duplicating that's fine and we can just create in a empty image texture node will create a new tax call it final results yay and you know I guess it makes sense to make sure that this is 2k as well since you know we started with a 2k map we're gonna lose a bit of resolution of course because now we only have the face and not the rest of the head which is where some of the resolution was allocated before but this is gonna be fine okay cool so now we have an empty texture we can see it over here it's just you know black this is our final result texture and we want to bake onto this so again make sure that first of all you have your second UV map selected this is important or else it's not gonna bake onto this second of all make sure that this node is selected that's important as well and then we're also gonna go to cycles because you can only bake using cycles at the moment and we are gonna turn this down to one sample because that's not very important for baking emission textures we don't care about any lighting interactions and then go to bake change this to a mission although combined probably works as well we don't need any margin because we already did all that before and now we are just gonna bake and let's see what that looks like it's gonna take a moment but um but there you go this is the this is the curse nightmare that we get and again we just took our original texture which was on the auto-generated UV map and baked this on to another and you can see this looks pretty looks goofy but it looks pretty good except for of course this area which is the chin but that's just because we didn't have the texture the good texture there to begin with so that is not a result of baking issues but just you know the texture was garbage to begin with and what I was talking about before is now that we have our second UV map what we can do is we can actually do whatever we want to this so let's say we do some relaxing on doesn't really matter we'll do some on here and here or let's do pinching I just want it to look a bit different than what we did last time so I'm just messing with our UV map we can also I don't know pinch here pinch here we can move / and also use proportional editing to bring over some chunks of it so I'm just making it deformed this is gonna look creepy when we actually bake it out but now we have another UV map that we edited so we just altered this and we're gonna do the same thing with the selected so again save this out if this is what you want but I'm just gonna overwrite it with another bake make sure this is selected and then in cycles we are gonna hit bake again and now we get another version of the same thing this is equally valid but you see our pinching has made this look even scarier so yeah there you go I think that's the general workflow I think it's super cool you can do it with a single image but of course again if you have multiple images you can do it for the head it doesn't have to be a face unwrapping it can be a head unwrapping but there you go hopefully you guys enjoyed this video if you did it would be super helpful for me if you want to fund these tutorials to go over to my patreon there are benefits for anybody who wants to donate but more importantly just helps me out so I greatly appreciate anybody who you know finds these valuable enough but that's everything I got for you
Channel: Default Cube
Views: 45,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: face, unwrapping, unwrap, flatten, blender, tutorial, keentools, facebuilder
Id: JxrxJvK3DZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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