Face Profile Editor CC4 Tutorial - How to add custom expression morphs

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so as i mentioned before i'm going to be making a bunch of tutorials um showing off some of the features of carriage credit 4 and iclone 8. now the first one that i'm going to do uh very quickly is the facial the facial profile editor um as it's got some cool features that i've been waiting for for a while and they will save a bunch of time and make it a lot easier to do things like fixing eye blinks and putting in custom facial expressions or just making the the expressions suit your character a little bit more so this is a an old character from a previous tutorial that we did and the first thing i'm going to do with this one is i'm going to bring on the new extended uh facial morphs uh profile so that's gonna have a hundred point more so just give it a lot more options for expressions and all that type of thing and it's up to you whether you wanna go that far with something if you wanna keep to the standard it all depends on how detailed um of a facial capture and animation you want to go but for this one i'm going to put that one on there so um with that selected i am going to go to the facial facial profile editor and i'm going to press edit expressions so you see now that this one tells you it's got the c4 extended and the [Music] 8 plus 7 seven vision pair for the um for the mouth for the talking mouth shape so um first thing i want to do this is the the the one thing that i have um a lot of issues when i'm making custom characters especially something like this where i've had to extend the eyes it's got big eyes or completely more for the shape of them is the blinks so then we go to the blink morph um let's move that in there for now so we get something off you can see they're not blinking it's not going in the way that we want it to go so previously what would have to do is send this to 3d exchange and then in 3d exchange export out the morph for each eyelid bring it to zbrush uh add the morph bring it back see if it looks okay then it didn't look bad go back and forth and it was a bit long-winded whereas now they fix that so basically all we got to do is we go to 100 now there's a few different ways to do this you can actually send it to go z um to which i actually haven't tested out yet but um ideally you want to be able to do everything without going after third-party programs if you can but um i'm going to do this in the edit mesh tool but you can also use the morphs or lots of different things to um i'll get this on but i'm going to go through edit mesh so if we go down to the expression tools and go to edit mesh what i'm going to do now is i'm going to go to vertex select on soft selection and i'm just going to select this eyelid and start moving it so i'm just going to do this really this is just for an example so i'm not going to get too finessed with this but it's just going to show how we can get this eyelid looking a little bit better and again not just the eyelid this will work really well for the um eyelashes and that's one thing that i really had a problem with trying to get the eyelashes to move into place because when you try to do anything like this so like you edit the eyelid in edit mesh and then alter the original the original mesh so like well which i'll show you now actually what would happen originally so again this is just a really rough way of getting the eye in place we can smooth that off a little bit i mean for now for the purposes of this video that will be fine so if we get out ready mesh so that's great now we've got a full close eye so if we go back to the edit expressions facial editor now this is what would have happened originally when you went back to the original mesh it's adjusted the um the original as well so which is no good she won't work but now if you press this button here the quick update and then if you go back it brings back the original as it was and keeps that morph and that that has just saved so much time uh for fixing eye blinks and especially things like eyelashes and things like that is really cool and what's even better is once you have that on there if you press the mirror expression data i had it it's working now on the right eye whereas before i've had to bring that into zbrush and kind of guess what what i did with the other one and i could never get it quite matching up exactly um if i wanted it mirrored so absolutely fantastic feature um the other one that's really cool as well which i've had issues with with characters with stylized star types of faces is when the mouth opens or the door opens you get on the jaw um like kind of tucking into the head and like moving inwards a little bit more and now what you can do is you can actually adjust the bone so if we go to the well we go to proportions and if we select the jawbone we can now adjust the jawbone for this one i'm going to exaggerate this but say we want his jaw to jut out when he opens his mouth because that's what the style is um and then we want the teeth to be in a better position so if that's how we like it we go back out of that mode maybe uh we need to map proportions mode now if we do the same thing we press this quick update and now the draw will move to the position that you want and you can go in completely and change all the different expressions to get a more stylized character like make it look more like you want it to look so if you want to go mouth smile and we wanted to go to edit mesh and you know we want to puff his cheeks out more when he smiles just change the complete shape of that smile whatever reason again this is just an example of having done and then we update and then let's mirror that one and i just saw an option which i haven't seen yet so this i'm gonna have a quick look at what that means where it says split part so again let's just move this so it's noticeable okay everyone is about to go down there for some reason and then we go to okay so we update that i'm gonna see what happens if you press split part ah no so i'm guessing that one will be is you could probably turn on both the let's go back actually let's do it for round so turn frown on and that frown on do edit mesh i haven't actually test this one out but we'll give it a go here now let's see what it does so let's make this one a bit more exaggerated and we will go update we'll do split part and i'll guess what this will do is a bit more for each side yeah so you don't have to mirror it and just does it so you can actually make the expression which is really cool as well so i hope that helps um i just wanted to share that with you because it's a great time saver it's great feature and it's going to really help with creating some proper expressions for custom characters
Channel: DigitalPuppets
Views: 11,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Face Profile Editor CC4 Tutorial - How to add custom expression morphs, cc4, cc4 tutorial, character creator, character creator 4 tutorial, character creator 4 review, uk animation studio, animation studio in England, 3d animation studio, motion capture studio, 2D Live, mocap, iclone 8, digital puppet, digital puppets
Id: 3rOlsJFZcHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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