Add facial expressions and Bone weights for jaw and eyes in Character creator 4

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so we had a question in from Larry dj4764 so hi Larry um your question was you would like to know this quick way to add facial bones to the characters so that an avatar without face rig can take advantage of professional expressions and Visions in iclone so yes this is possible so um I'm gonna very quickly just drag in a character you might recognize it's one that is just downloaded from uh maximum so this has brought this in with the miximo rig so everything's rigged up for animation that all works really well um but if we look at the bones we don't have any uh facial bones in there which you don't necessarily need but they do come in handy for you know for the jaw movement and eye movement as well although you can get around with doing it with just the Moss this is definitely I'm gonna try and hide the eyes so I'm gonna quickly just edit the mesh okay so now um we've got the miximo rig which doesn't have the facial bones so what I would suggest doing here is now resetting up this rig with action rigging you'll find over two tools on there so I'm going to go into too much detail with this um I'll extrapolate the guides from the skeleton because that should line everything up without having to go through and do too much tweaking okay generate favorable so I want to generate a new skin so this is going to add in um bones now for the eyes and the jaw and the teeth and the tongue and what position are these eyes it's probably best turn off midpoint placement here okay that's fine I'm gonna put the drawer this is is some teeth not sure if that's okay but I think that'll do now it'll do the job okay so you can turn accurate off now so now again the um body massage should work there's a bit of white map issuing going on here that's easily fixable with the weights but again I'm not going to go into that one just yet I'm but you will see that there is no animation and bass because as far as I know there's no light Maps set up for any of that and no facial morphs so first thing we want to do is go to skim weights so let's go to the eyes so foreign that's gonna be the right eye so I'm going to set that to one yeah [Music] I'm just gonna grab that selection I'll make that one then I'm going to go to the paint tool actually before I do that I'm going to make sure that I've got it inside the mouth so I'm gonna grab that section and then we go to the paint tool and we're going to try and blur that in a little bit around here watch how that works now so if we go to proportion and face so um [Music] ah okay so don't make a mistake I'm just made we're gonna um [Music] so here we're gonna go draw root and then this one we're gonna do this instructions please [Music] [Music] paints [Music] left eye foreign probably needs adjusting um to do that and again I'm not going to spend too much time in doing it but you can go into uh just bones go to face and you can probably see that it's probably good to change it into orthographic mode for this well here just be a case of um that eye bone wouldn't need to be removed [Music] useful Force which have a lot what's best but basically it just it just needs to be moved into the middle of the iso you can see that rotates a little bit better now um but you can spend a bit of time and just line that up and get that looking right so Okay so we've got the bones in the face now um all rigged up now we need to add facial expressions and that is with the facial profile editor so in here we want to go to add expressions and then basically start adding expression so simple ones that we've just done draw open um to do the draw open we go to proportions and the proportions modify tabs make it over again and have to get to the modifier tab you can just use the rotate and we can select that Jawbone Amber tight the Meltdown uh we want it close up but if we wanted to um edit that anymore we can go to the edit mesh and you could have used the sculpting tools or the um soft selection mirror on a smooth these out a bit vertex uh the soft selection works really well um play around with this now the best way to do this so if if you've got um zbrush um using the go see uh go Z function to send the model after zbrush and then send it back um you're gonna get much better results um but you can be done in the edit mesh as well but anyway so now we've got that one if you press this update and now we've got our draw open blend shape and then it's a case of going through you don't have to do all of them um if you're going to be using facial capture you know just go for the main ones that you're going to be using but it doesn't need to have all of them um done um and then you also you've got the vision track as well so you can set these up so let's just do a quick one to like um if you wanted to do mouth funnel you could use the slider that you've got for there then you can go back to the edit mesh tool and we can use [Music] soft selection all right and go back to like say the funnel update that and then natural funnel shape and then you can actually use these to um like when you if you want to add the visions to the character so like the be open you can you draw maybe minus 10. and then so you can you can build these ones up so that one could be like the so the more you've got the more you can start blending together to make the other ones um and then also with like the eye movement um if you want to do eye look I left lock left so left eye so as we go to proportions step the I move to that um left and then you can do the same for our right and keep going and the same with head head up and down we can get up but again um it's just a case of going through now and building them up so lucky everyone do the smiles uh you can just go so left smart side that has smell left I'm going to keep that one on and then go back to edit mesh again so I'll kind of use that as a reference to make sure that this one matches up the same and turn off in a mesh make sure to turn the left one down because I don't want to add that onto the right as well and there we go so now if um even with just those few that have been done if I go in and do facial full face test let's just show at least on one of the eyes slightly moving and some but with a little bit more time um you can build up all those and it doesn't take long to do really once you um once you've done it a few times you get in some good flow and you can build them up pretty quick and as I said before the more you've got the quicker it is to use um different things to build up the facial expressions so that you'll use different morphs to um make different shapes and blend them together [Music] hopefully that answers your question if you've got any other questions please feel free to ask
Channel: DigitalPuppets
Views: 7,649
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Id: RD2aG2FMEt0
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Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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