Transform Your Characters with Facial Rigging in Character Creator 4 Blender

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hello if you need a really freaky looking facial brick I'm going to be implementing a facial rig to this model that didn't have one in the first place so I bought this model from reillusion relation Marketplace and it doesn't have a facial rig it only has rig for the body so before I just show you how to I'll face for again okay so accurig let's get there let's go to um the create guides yes we want to do that so let's have a look so that is moving and that needs moving down [Music] okay that was good this four fingers generate skeleton yes we want to generate a new facial bone that's why we're here first of all I saw the eyeballs out okay and this is the lower jaw but uh tongue into the Apache or which is that one right it's bind skin now to come out back your rig and go into skin weights go down and find the eyeballs we find the right eye we select a point on the right eye and grow all right so that one it's about the left eye on foreign I want to get rid of that section now for the same paint the strength it's the back of the tea okay come on skin weights let's go to wash and one moving jaw and then hopefully look at the eyes okay the eye position needs moving go back to motion so now we need to go into our facial profile editor jaw okay we go to our jaw so we obviously need that as a morph Target so we come down to our proportions hit that button that will then give us our bones back and then we open the jaw come out of that and then press update on your open so that's our draw open go to our head to our eyes and then we go so we'll go to proportion again it's our right eye and we'll have the right eye looking right come out of that update right eye looking right so there you go we'll go back into washing up again another right eye looking left all right right eye looking low [Music] and then we'll do the same after I left eye looking right so I'm okay right back down comment left eye walking left go out of that that's uh it's not gate rolling in here looking like there we go so amount of that and then we'll go to our base rig and I'll just do full face see how it looks oh that was freaky that's amazing um right so if you need a um really weird freaky looking monster oh god um there you go so thanks for watching this will be my next um little short film thank you bye
Channel: SteveFilm
Views: 2,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Add facial rig cc4, blender, blender rigging, cc4 tutorial, how to rig a character in blender, iclone 8, rigging in maya
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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