Customize / fix your characters face expressions - Mesh, Morph, Bones, GoZ - Facial Profile Editor!

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hey everybody Michael pavich here and in this video we're going to talk about how to edit the facial shapes that come with your character creator character as well as creating your own custom shapes now you don't need any plugins it's either going to be using character creator to edit those shapes or create a custom shape uh or your favorite vert pushing program Max myam Moto blender Cinema 4D we'll go into zbrush in this video all these methods available to us to edit the face shapes for character creator to start the we're going to use a character we created by taking an old dynamesh bus sculpt and transferring it to CC topology uh using headshot 2.0 definitely check out that video if you want to know more on that process because by transferring the sculpt details to the Character Creator topology we can take advantage of that built-in functionality that character creator has to offer what we'll be focusing on today is basically we took a character creator neutral head topology push the verts around until we had a goblin vampire thing and look at this we got free facial animation with it keep in mind though that when you're changing those neutral head verts into a big drastic changes for your unique character there may be some shapes that come with that neutral head that may need a little bit of tweaking maybe you've got teeth poking through or tongues or eyeballs not position quite well this is going to show you how to fix all of that or in the case of stylized characters really pushing these shapes and features of the face for each shape for a super exaggerated look in fact you can even create non-standard expression shapes from scratch using completely unique topology uh like our dinosaur friend here luckily shape adjustments are super easy there's a number of different options available to us so let's dive in really quickly first let's talk about what the difference is between shapes and expression wrinkle so when I move my uh brow up you're going to see our wrinkle appears and that's because I got lots of real life geometry our character here on the screen not so much so if I want to say for example go in here to the motion tab go in here to edit facial and we're going to go to the muscle section and I'm going to double click to clear my selection I'm going to grab one brow here and just pull this up and you're going to see when this brow goes up wrinkles appear however if I go over here to the expression wrinkle tab you're going to see there's an activate expression wrinkle if I turn that off you're going to see those wrinkles disappear that's just a texture map being loaded in if you want more information on this or how to create your own custom expression wrinkles we got a great Series in here real illusion character creator the character creator face pipeline you can go in here and learn all about what expression wrinkles are how to create your own custom ones using the face tools plugin and if you scroll down to the bottom you'll also see how we turn this old sculpt uh from a dynamesh into CC topology and then started animating with it so definitely check that out if you're interested in that workflow now back to shapes and expression wrinkles again if I start lifting this eyebrow up now with expression wrinkles off you'll see the eyebrow shape moves up but those wrinkles don't pop in again those are just textures being Blended in when those shapes hit a certain point so if we want to see those verts moving around let's go to our scene tab let's do the drop- down menu here and we'll change this the wireframe on shaded so now we can see if I bring this back as we're moving let's go ahead and do uh reset to zero we'll move both brows up and down you're going to see the these verts are what's moving that's the shape and then these expression wrinkles are just a texture map being loaded in and Blended in based on where those vert positions are so let's go ahead and put this back to normal and that is the difference between shapes big geometry changes and expression wrinkles which are textures being Blended in when those verts hit a certain point you'll also notice while we're in the edit facial tabs here there's Expressions you can just go through here and you can just dial in you know happy expressions or angry Expressions uh and you can also go in here to the modify panel and in here you'll see for example jaw open there's a jaw open shape and if you open his mouth and you're like it's okay jaw open but I really want to make changes to this this you can't do it in here this is just showing you the shape where you can make those changes is the facial profile editor and so that we can have a little bit more fun I'm going to open another project and for the initial part of this video I'm actually just going to be going over the basic steps that are in this real illusion video so I'm going to put this link in the description and you can go and watch that movie if you'd like then we're going to tag on some go Z functionality using zbrush which has some really powerful awesome tools you can use in there again for this I'm going to use the styliz character we made for our face tools live stream demo the one with the creepy vampire who had an unhealthy uh obsession with our handsome chap here so the first things first let's go to the motion Tab and you're going to see there's a facial profile editor button in here if I click this button you're going to see not much is going to change it's actually just turning on and off this tab for the facial profile editor you can go ahead and click that tab there's your facial profile editor you can also go up here to window hit f8 or click this and that again is your facial profile editor window so just like when we were in the edit facial we're now in the facial profile editor if we go up here to edit Expressions go ahead and turn this on you're going to see your character is going to snap to a t pose and now we are editing the shapes that make up our character's facial expressions so for example when we were in the uh jaw open for the edit facial now when we do jaw open we'll still get the same jaw open but look at all these weirdo options we have in this window in order to allow us to make changes to this shape just to kind of give you a quick overview of this panel over here there is a just like in the Morse tab there's a currently used tab so for example again if we go to jaw open then we go over here to currently used jaw open is going to be in there if you put that back down to zero or use the double click the uh name here in order to switch it between 100 and zero and you go out of there and then back it's all gone because it was set to zero favorites of course is still in here uh there's an expression section here you can select and this is literally everything you can change uh and then over here you have your subcategories if you want to make it a little bit easier to kind of search through uh and don't miss these down here these are Vis so if we click here on this top area these are all the visim that your character has you're going to see it's an 8x7 phenome pair that means you're going to have eight lip shapes and seven tongue positions also don't overlook this batch import up here at the top I'm not going to cover this process for the video but you can edit your facial shapes in an external program and batch import them into character creator using this drop- down menu we're going to do all of our editing within Cc or using the go Z button but I did want to show you this alternative now down here at the bottom of the facial profile editor you're going to see an expression tools section with four different ways to modify your shapes uh if we go in order here it's edit mesh open modify morph go Z and proportions we're going to start with the really easy one and that is this open modify morph one we're going to use this to really push our pre-existing shapes into the next level basically uh we're going to start simple let's go up here to the brow section we're going to do this brow raise inner left now you're going to see right here is a little link icon if I turn that on you're going to see brow R all the brow raises these four right here are all all these links went green and now when I pull one slider all four are going to change you can change multiple sliders at once we're going to get into that next but for now what I'm going to do is turn this all the way down we're going to turn off that link icon and we're just going to change this brow Rays inner left shape uh right there so with brow Rays inner shape set to 100 let's go down here and we're going to click this morph button what that's going to do is open up our morph Tab and you're going to see the this drop down menu is already set to expression that means in previous videos what we've done is we've gone through and we've made morph changes to our base so for example on the big beefy boy that we made uh we made him have a baby head and baby hands and that those were big base changes so we made those changes and then the Expressions kind of worked with the baby head now could do emotions and stuff like that in this case what we're doing is we're only changing the verts on these Expressions so for example with the expression selected we're going to go down here to act Expressions open this up and we're talking about brow Rays so let's go down to the brow section here and you can see right here at the top is we have an inner L high so that's our inner left high and you're going to see here is our default brow Ray inner set to 100 if we want to overcrank that I can take the slider and pull it up if I really want to overcrank it I can set this to 200 if I want but we'll go ahead and double click this and we'll set this back uh to 100 so we'll just go ahead and overcrank this left shape and again we're not making any changes to any of our base geomet we're only making changes to the expression of our brow verts basically so with that set to 100 we're going to go back to our facial profile editor and we're going to click this little electricity icon that is quick update so we're going to hit that button it might I don't think it'll default the split part it'll probably default the only current slider and that's what we want to use even though we do have four linked options we only made changes to this top one so go ahead and set that to only current slider hit okay and what that's going to do is update this brow Ray in our left at 100 to now be overcranked so now when I pull this slider uh all the way up it's back it's actually set to where that morph uh was you also notice that the inner left high is set to zero again so if you wanted to overcrank this even more you can just do that whole process again now you're going to notice there's a brow raise inner right and if we Crank that one up it doesn't quite get as high as that brow Rays iner left totally easy to fix if it's a pre-existing expression all you got to do is take your brow rays in our left put it all the way to 100 and then click this little mirror expression data icon that'll give it a second and that will take those verts and move it over so to the right hand shape so now brow Ray inner right is overcranked and brow Rays inner left is overcrank so let's go ahead and we'll turn on this link icon and we're going to pull that all the way down to zero so we're left with a neutral face if you want to make sure you can remember go to currently used and make sure that's zeroed out so now let's go down here to mouth blend and you're going to see we have a mouth pucker option so let's go through here and I'm going to again this time I'm going to turn on the link option and this is going to take all four of these mouth pucker shapes and give him a nice mouth pucker so let's say we want to exaggerate this again we're going to go back over to our morphs if you go down and click this button it's not going to do anything it's already has the morphs open set to expression so all we need to do now is go over here to mouth and uh there are puckers in here and there are funnel shapes in here on the sub selections here but I'm just going to stick up here and mouth and you're going to see there's a depth option right at top so we can go ahead and we can you know make this a little uh deeper and then also down here is a funnel high so we can go through here and we can change the you know crank up that funnel High to really kind of overcrank that funnel shape so now that we have our overc crank shape using our morphs all we have to do is go back here we're going to click this quick update icon and this time instead of current slider which is only for pucker up left we want to do it uh to all these sliders so we're going to say split part and all the vert changes that we made are now going to be propagated across all four shapes uh left right upper lower or in this case up down so you can see it turned off links we'll go and turn link back on and now when we do our four pucker shapes it's going to be a much more exaggerated pucker and if we turn link off and we do the shapes individually all of these individual shapes left right up and down have been uh exaggerated respectively so now let's talk about another option here or if you hover over this this is edit mesh so let's go over here to eyelid and we're going to do I wide l so here is our I wide L shape we're going to crank that up to 100 and if we go down here to expression tools and click on this edit mesh button that's going to throw us into edit mesh mode so what I can do is number one I'm going to turn on ignore back face so I can select multiple verts on the front side and it won't select verts in the back of the head and then I'm going to turn on soft selection so again if I want to really exaggerate this eye open wide we're going to just drag select over here and select the verts in this area uh we're going to change that radius way down uh and again you can play around with the bias here for that falloff so I'm going to hit W on my keyboard and we're going to move this top lid up I'm going to grab these bottom lid verts and we're going to move those down there we go so now we have a new eye wide left if we're done changing these verts we can go out of edit mesh and edit mesh did have a mirror option if there's mirror buttons down there uh we don't need it in this case if we do want again propagate this out all we got to do is hit that mirror button however before we do that we made changes so we need to lock them in so we're going to do this quick update icon we're going to say current slider hit okay and if we want to mirror this eye wide over to the other side hit this mirror button and that will turn the right eye wide so now we have a much wider eye wide here and again you can even link these and here is our our our new edit mesh eye wide [Music] next let's talk about this proportion option down here so let's go down here to the one we did earlier jaw open so if you do jaw open here here is the jaw open shape and then if we click on this proportion button this is going to give us access to Bones specifically you're going to see face is selected over here so these are our face bones that we can move around if we want to see the names so you can go through here and you can select them um if you want to know what you're selecting you can go in here to the Bone menu which is underneath window of the bone manager is F3 and now you're going to see here's the upper teeth here's the lower teeth here's the tongue here's the left and right eye so any shapes that are giving you problems you can go through and you can move these shapes around jaw open looks okay actually so I'm going to say you know what we can hop out of proportion mode Let's go back to oural edit profile editor we're going to go in here to jaw open and let's go down here to the visim I think uh if we go in here to for example Dental lip if we move that in you're going to see I need to move some of these teeth around or lower teeth specifically so we'll use proportion for that we'll go ahead and hop into proportion again we'll go back to the Bone manager or just select these bones here we have the teeth selected so I can hit W on our keyboard and we can go through here and we can just move these teeth back you can see I can move them out if I want to but I'm just going to move them back so that when this shape comes up these teeth will scoop back a little bit and give us a little bit of a better look so let's go back to our facial profile editor again to lock this in we're going to hop out of proportion mode we're going to hit this quick update for our Dental lip and now when we do this Dental lip shape you're going to see our teeth aren't in the way this one's really great we'll go back to jaw here sometimes when you do like a jaw right or a jaw left with a really exaggerated character you'll see teeth start poking through on the on the cheeks this is a really awesome way to move your teeth around move your eyeballs around uh in any of your shapes where those may be problematic uh speaking of moving teeth and eyeballs around one thing I do want to mention is if you go out of edit expression so we're going to hop out of the facial profile editor we're going to go to our scene make sure our base body is selected and if we scroll down you're going to see there's an adjust bones option and here you can actually go through and move your body bones around and if you want to move your face bones around just go up here and select the face option and if you ever bring over a character or do a headshot character and like when the eyes are rotating they're kind of rotating out of the head or just things are behaving weird like their pivots not quite right you can go in here and you can choose face and then do auto position that will move these bone positions around to be in the center of the eyeball the the right position of the tongue and the teeth and that'll probably fix your issues so when you're done doing that just hop out of adjust bones now if you want to check your shapes one thing you can do is you can like go into edit facial and you can just go and grab uh for example these individual muscle shapes here and you can move them around you can also go into the Expressions tabs and just double click these uh you can go to the modify panel and change your shapes down here another really easy way to do this is we can go down here to the motion tab we can say uh facial rig and there's a whole bunch of options in here so if you do like say standard linear this will go through all of the facial shapes and you can just kind of look for issues uh jot them down and then go back through the facial profile editor and make the changes that you need to let's go back down here to uh you know we can do remove Resto restore bind and post if we want and let's go back here into the facial profile editor which of course we just need to click this tab we'll go back into edit Expressions so now let's talk about go Z essentially what we're going to do is by go Zing we can take the geometry take it out of character creator so it's no longer associated with any uh blend shapes or associated with any bones it's just geometry and then we can take the expression data the shape geometry modify it however we want send it back it'll update those vert positions and then we just do quick update we're going to use zbrush for that cuz you know zbrush is a very comfortable program for moving verts around so let's pick an easy one let's go down here again we're in edit Expressions already we're going to scroll down to jaw and we'll go ahead and do that jaw open now in that character creator face pipeline I did bring this up for example I went through and recorded my own face at 4K doing these shapes so I can go through and I can look at how the face changes as the shapes and are moving and I can kind of look at my mouse shape and we can match that so in order to use zbrush for that what we can do is basically go in here and dial in the shape that you want to change let's go ahead and put that up to 100 and with that activated we're going to go ahead and open up zbrush just to play it safe what I like to do is go in here to preferences go Z clear cache files and I went ahead and put that button right here in my interface for easy access so when you see me doing that this is where you can find that button so we'll go back here to character creator we have our shape dialed in we're going to go down here to the expression tools section and hit this gozy Expressions it should because we cleared our cache files it should default to create I'm not going to change any of these other options we're just going to hit go Z that's going to send that geometry over again it's decoupled from Bones and blend shaped data I can drag this out go in here to edit mode hit F to frame and we're ready to go through here and start making changes now if you want you can double tap this Dynamic here to make give you that full brush size range and you're going to see this is our jaw open it is a symmetrical mesh so I'm going to tap X to go across X symmetry here and uh for example in my my reference my jaw open the lips the corners of the lips are down a little bit here feel free to make whatever changes you want uh again however you change these verts is how the uh jaw open shape is going to change if we're happy with these changes all we have to do uh again these are all the sub tools we're working on the CC base body I'm going to go up here to Tool go Z all we're going to send all these back and that's going to open character creater here if you moved around any shapes that messed around with the eyelids you can say regenerate the tier line and eye occlusion so that it fits your verts perfectly we didn't do any of that and don't worry about the CC model scale we're just going to hit this update button and what that's going to do is you're going to see the mouth is going to change its shape the the verts are going to move where they should so now when I do my uh jaw open that's my new mouse shape I want to lock this in so I'm going to hit this little uh quick update here and now that's locked in so here's our new jaw open shape based on the vert changes that we did in zbrush how easy is that to use now let's do an example where we want to split uh parts so we can do multiple shapes in zbrush and then split them when we come back so to show that off let's go over here uh well first let's take this jaw open and we'll move that down to zero and then we'll go in here to cheek and you're going to see we have cheek puff options down here we'll turn on the link option and we're going to pull these up so we're going to go ahead and do the left and right at the same time so we'll do left and right cheek puff we're going to uh if we hit go Z it's going to default to relink you can go ahead and leave it on relink if you'd like all that's going to do is move these vert positions into the new cheek puff positions that we want it's totally fine if for whatever reason it resets itself to create if you want to play it absolutely safe you can go in here to Tool you can just say delete all do another clear cache files go back to character creator hit go again it'll default the create and you know you're sending over something clean and it's going to be in zbrush and then you can just send everything back so if you get in a weird State that's just a real easy way to fix it so we're again we're back in zbrush here here's our cheek puff shape left and right we have the base body selected I'm going to tap X on my keyboard to go in here to X Symmetry and use zbrush is inflate or whatever to go through here and exaggerate these cheek Puffs you can go through here and use your move brush or your smooth brush we'll turn that Z intensity down there we go so we got a new cheek puff here again we've made changes I'm going to say go Z all it's going to go back into character creator again I can ignore all this we're just going to hit update and now our new cheek puff shapes have been updated in here and so to lock those in we're going to do this little electricity icon uh this time we are going to split the part left and right hit okay and so now we use zbrush to do left and right shapes at the same time again multiple shapes split the part so we'll turn link back on and now here's our new cheek puff shape now I should mention back in zbrush if you go in here to polyframe you're going to see you do have some awesome polyframe so if you want to work on the head without the eyelashes in the way you can grab a little piece of the head do control shift a and you know move these verts around without the eyelashes if you want but the only thing you need to be careful of is make sure you do control shift tap and bring all of your verts back into view you can even download the zplugin clean tool utility there is a show hidden all that you can run it'll go through and make sure everything is shown on your verts and then hit the go Z all uh just make sure all your verts are visible before you go Z back to character creator oh and another thing I want to mention if I turn off polyframe if you have face tools loaded uh if you go in here to texture map you will already have utility Textures in here if you don't if you go and watch this free character basis video there's a download link in there and in fact we can go in here to texture import and I have this on our desktop the CC character base topology Maps we have our utility maps in here I'm going to double click the head we can go in here to texture map load in the head and if we zoom in while we're making changes to our facial expressions you can load in this utility map just make sure texture is on and this will give you your Landmark so that you know that while you're moving your shapes around you're adhering to the proper Edge loops on your face but of course if you don't need that you can turn texture off and you can go in here and you say um texture off anyway back in character creator we'll go ahead and turn link off for our cheek puff and let's talk about making custom sliders so now there's a couple different ways to use this custom slider you can use it to kind of dial in a zany face shape and then save all of those shapes as a single slider make it a little bit easier to hit those shapes without having to go through and make a bunch of changes you can just have a slider that changes a bunch of different Expressions you can also use it to add more uh granular Fidelity to your character's face that you can hand over to the animator and allow them to kind of make changes so we'll do both uh the first one we'll do is we'll just go in here to currently use make sure we're all zeroed out just kind of make a a dumbfounded look so let's say moving all of these sliders we going know if you go into here to currently use you have a bunch of different sliders available so with all of these activated at their various points we're going to go in here to New slider and we'll go ahead and give this a morph name dumbfounded now if you did have a an obj file for example that has this expression say you modifi this expression in an external program and you exported it as an obj you can load it in here as a morph you know give it the name and then just choose a file uh instead of using this much like much like with that fbx uh batch import up here which also can be used for an obj B batch import uh but we're going to goe and say morph name dumbfound and we're going to use the current morph sliders that we have you can load in a custom thumbnail in here if you want to capture this and make your image that we'll go a and hit okay and now we're going to have a new custom area over here and now we have a dumbfounded look so instead of going through there and changing a bunch of those different sliders now I just have this one slider to make sure to hit this custom shape that we want now let's say we want to do like what I would call utility shapes where it's like I want to curl up the corners of the mouth into a little bit of a smile just to have a little bit of extra Fidelity so while I'm doing my face shapes and iclone I can call in this custom shape Now problem is right now if I go in here to currently use that zero it out if I go in here to New slider and I'm like okay let's do a corner smile left let's say uh if I have current Mor selected I don't have any current morph dialed in so when I go down here and hit okay it's going to say no expression slider there can't make one sorry we can work around that so all we need to do is I'm going to go in here to brow we're going to do that the very first one that brow raise inner left we're going to end up overwriting this shape so it doesn't really matter what shape all I want to do is choose a shape that doesn't move the eyeballs or the tongue or the teeth uh just something that moves the face cuz I can always move that back so we're going to go ahead and say brow raise inner left go in here to New slider and now I'm going to make a a new one again we're going to call this corner smile L and we're going to use current morph we're going to hit okay and now down here in our custom slider we have a corner smile L which of course raises the brow while I'm in here I'm going to go ahead and click new slider and we'll go ahead and make a corner smile right hit okay and now we have two kind of proxy holder uh shapes in here so this is how I'm going to overwrite those shapes using go Z first let's go back into zbrush uh just to clear everything out I'm going to go through here we're going to say sub tool delete all we're going to clear our cache files hit okay we're going to go back to character creator I'm actually going to hop out of edit Expressions here we're going to go to our scene tab I'm going to hold down shift and select all of the characters body parts here we're going to go Z up here and we're going to say create I'm going to choose a pose and hit go Z and even though our character is in a t pose in the expression editor I need to use an a pose for this not exactly sure why I couldn't get the scales to match up the other way uh but it'll work just follow along so I'm going to hit F to frame and here is our character in an A Pose so what I'm going to do with this base body selected as I'm going to go up to my history slider you see these little uh one two three here these are history I'm going to hold down control and just tap the latest point in history what it's going to do is store these vert positions in zbrush so I can use a morph brush to morph back to a neutral face whenever I want so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to go through here and say delete all and that's going to again I still have those verts stored in memory uh again I'm going to clear my cache files just play it extra safe we're going to hop back into Character Creator and we're going to go back into our facial profile editor we go back into edit Expressions so now I'm going to go back to custom we have our Corner smile left that raises the eyebrow I don't love that so what I'm going to do is overwrite this in zbrush so with Corner smile left activated I'm going to go back in here and I'm going to hit this go Z expression so we're going to send this over it should default to create because we cleared our cache files leave all these at the default hit go Z and just like before if I zoom in here on the head uh there is our brow Rays for our shape that's supposed to be Corner curls on our mouth to get this back to neutral all I have to do is go to BMG go ahead and take your zad and crank that up to 100 RGB you can turn off this is our morph brush if I go through here and use this it'll morph back to the neutral position now if you get too big you can actually morph the hands back down to an A Pose I don't want that so if you want to play it safe you can just hold down control go in here to mask lasso mask the head out invert it and then again BMG make a really big brush size and just morph your entire head back so now our head for this shape is at a neutral position so now let's go ahead and do those the mouth Corner curl for our character and zbrush that's really easy again I'm going to tap X to go into X symmetry because I want to do a a left shape and a right shape I'm going to go to BS and we're going to turn on spiral so now down here in the corners of the mouth if I hold down alt I can just tap and that'll kind of spiral these corners of the lips to kind of do a smile shape we'll go ahead and use a move brush to kind of move that up so now the corners and you know what I'm going to exaggerate this a little bit just to make it really obvious so it's going to be kind of a gross shape but just bear with me so we're going to do like kind of a joker Corner smile here again we'll use the move brush here so there is the corners of our lips just turning up into a smile now back in character creator remember we're only updating the corner smile left and unfortunately there's not a mirror option in here luckily we can take care of that left and right in zbrush so back in zbrush we just want the left side first I'm going to go tap X to go out of X Symmetry and you know looking from the character's point of view this is the left side of his mouth so we're going to say BMG we're going to morph out the right side of his mouth and we're just going to send this over so we're going to say go all and then back in character creator we're going to say update and now our Corner smile left instead of having the eyebrow raised is going to curl up this side of the mouth again we want to lock this in go ahead and click this quick update and now Corner smile left will curl that left side of the mouth up perfect so now let's do corner smile right I'm going to crank this one up to 100 we're going to go back into a zbrush I'm going to hit contrl Z to undo BMG I'm going to Mor out this side of the mouth now I'm going to go Z all I'm going to say update there we go now again my brow isn't touched but the corner of the mouth uh is curled up on the right side we're going to hit quick update and now we have a corner smile left and a corner smile right that both match and again you can see how quick and easy it was to update these verts and zebr you could morph them out hopefully those steps made sense so back in character creator again we have our custom sliders here with our dumbfounded face our new Corner smile left and right and again any of these shapes that we want to fix I can go in there and fix and again don't forget these Vis shapes in here you can go through here and change your speaking shapes so I know things got a little bit weird at the end there with ging over an A Pose and then using morphs and stuff but you hopefully you can see how fast and easy and Powerful it is to number one go through and edit your verts for your individual shapes and how granular and specific you can get with those shape fixes as well as being able to export those into zbrush make any changes you want send it all back hit a little quick update split across multiple Parts if you want to and again update these shapes so again the face tools playlist it goes through face tools but what I would use face tools for is again just updating those wrinkle maps and baking those in and then if you want to make shape changes use the facial profile Editor to make those changes in character creator
Channel: Michael Pavlovich
Views: 5,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Character Expressions, Sculpt Expressions, Character Facial Expressions, 3D Facial Expressions, FACS, Character Creator Custom Shapes, Character Creator Custom Expressions, Fix 3D Facial Expression, Character Creator Teeth Move, Character Creator Teeth Fix
Id: dbL1GWcwRD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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