FlossTube #212 - Pam & Steph Buy a Condo

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hi flosstube hello floss cube i'm pam and i'm stephanie and this is just keep stitching episode 2 12. 6 plus 3 plus 3 plus one hundred and twelve plus eight plus right eighty eighty equals two twelve cuz math you're gonna just do the 80 or she gonna break up the 80 and just like keep you on the edge of your seat you never know you never know with us hi everybody welcome back hello friends if you've been watching the olympics that's about all we've been that's the beauty of the cross stitch that's the beauty of this because you can watch things and stitch anyway um glad you uh stopped by yep uh things have been um fairly quiet around here aside from the olympics aside from cheering on team yes hey that's right and um we haven't really done a whole lot else no we went out and got a um oh yes we went out and bought a condo we bought a condo for the cats for my cats um if you follow me on instagram or facebook then you saw um i posted i think it was tuesday evening i posted a story asking um any recommendations um for places to purchase a cat tower or tree or tree or a condo whatever you want to call it climbing gyms um for your cats and so um and with the reason for this was we're obviously anticipating the arrival of pam's new recliner yeah and um they both my cats um like to sit atop the current recliner and so we wanted to you know nudge them away modify their behavior right so um but the one response that i got more than anything was um on that uh polar questionnaire whatever you wanna call it on my social media that i took was that um there were a lot of people were like i don't have any recommendations for you but i would just love to know what you got um and so um we ended up so we did a lot of searching on amazon um and that's how we started right that was our starting point and the prices were good but like i don't know i just wanted to see them like yeah and see the materials and see like i don't know so we just weren't sold by anything or getting something online right so even though some of the reviews were stellar we're great and all that but like i don't know anyway i don't have kittens i have full grown cats okay one on the old side yes and so they're pretty set in their ways uh-huh they are they're not you know we do have the the cat 500 every once in a while right where there's like psychos but they're generally you know pretty much mannered animals really mature cats yeah who are used to the setup yeah and so we went to some of the bigger box stores and then um we actually ended up purchasing one from a place called pet supplies plus right which is a smaller i think like a regional situation um never been inside before yeah so never been inside so they had one in the aisle and it was fully assembled yeah and out of the box out of the box and a good price and we like the look of it yeah and um has the ground floor and then one two three four left four floors right and it's tanned yes so it matches our aesthetic well you know color scheme whatever right does it stand out whatever it's not hot pink because we have so much company right it's like union station around here anyway so we uh talked the manager into giving us a more of a less of a open box discount yeah and we carried it out shoved it in stephanie's back seat right and and home we came yes we went out to eat first right and so we set it up and it was not an immediate hit no no so and stephanie was a little bit bothered because he's not bothered but i was paid for it but i was well obviously but i was just kind of like okay fine and because all of their like places that they sleep in the living room or lay around like they're all established established zones okay and so they were like what is the black people know what we're talking about and we apologize for the non-cat people but it is kind of funny it is really funny because they they are exploring it yes very slowly slowly yes and i think it's going to take some time but you don't want kittens who are like oh like when people talk about their cats climbing their christmas trees like we don't have that that's never that problem our cats have always been happy to sit under the tree yeah never arrested they don't want to climb a christmas tree right never mind so but from there think of this think of this okay this is the analogy i've come up with yeah so you wouldn't just like just all of a sudden one day be like i'm gonna climb mount everest correct you're gonna like slowly make your way and train for it yeah so i look i look at the cats are looking at the cat tree as like mount everest yeah and they're like we'll just try the first floor the second floor yeah so mo my older cat she has made it as far as the second floor and that's it and it's only been a few days it has yeah so it's fine really so it's fine i i can i feel like it's gonna happen sooner so we're going to insert a picture yeah yeah so we're going to is mo in the picture no it's just with the cat tree yeah of course mine's in the middle okay yeah so i came downstairs and took a shower and i came downstairs and i was sitting on it and i almost put my pants and i was like where's my camera and i grabbed my phone yeah so yeah so here's a picture of the cat bed see so we'll see how it goes and that was a big event this week i have tried the catnip spray the pudding of the treats on it the whole situation and nothing seems to entice them to go anywhere do you have any tips on how to entice your cats to enjoy their condo let me know in the comments thanks okay so crossfit related news yes um we also this week very exciting so you um have just found us this year um then you might have not you might not know about this whole thing that we do um so we have a um a local stitching group of girls who we refer to as our crock pot crew and um god bless you goodbye sorry no it's fine um how dare you sneeze um and so we have been given a challenge by one of our group members katie hi andy and um andy is her husband um it's the thing that we do um and so the challenge is to not have any new starts during the year with the exception of like a few allowances here and there as long as they're established beforehand there's rules a lot of things and then the big exception is october so every october we get together tonight go wild yeah we just go buckwild we just like start everything and so we have coined it startover right um and so when we go on our retreat which this year we're going to michigan and so um when we go there we can start as many projects we want while we're there so obviously you can't just be like i want to start a bunch of stuff it takes planning and it's like you know it takes time so i had i had several projects all kitted up and what was the point of ignoring those right because i've invested in the materials the floss the fabric right over you know and the time and and fight finding fabric um you know matching up how you do right floss toss the whole nine yards yes and even though there were some that were just simply charts that were calling to me um i was like screw it you felt obligated to do that i gotta go to the ones that i'm ready to go with right and then i had another box there are several boxes another box of partially kitted right there's a fully kitted partially kitted and then everything so i looked in the partially kitted and she basically has done the same thing to determine what what's left to get and so we uh basically took care of that and you have how many 14 right now 14 starts and lined up for october and i have 16 right that list may or may not grow or get smaller i have not fully decided i like it to be so we go it's a wednesday thursday friday saturday and then we come home on sunday and so i like to have the number be a multiple of four so that way like you could start four things in a day easy easy peasy because a start for us is a one length of thread so um so yeah easy i mean what did i do last year like six so i'll be fine so anyway so i've decided that this year with a few exceptions i i think there's four of my sharks that are not blackbird designs the rest is all blackbird because i figured this is appropriate so i'm very very very excited about that but when we get towards october and all of the final final details have been finalized yeah we'll share all of our new starts with you all of course for sure so we did a lot of planning and preparation this week we did yes and that was fun it's always fun to play in your stash it is it's always fun to be fun um another um no i'm not i'm not going to mention that quite yet okay um anyway so okay aside from that aside from that two other things one thank you all so very much for all of your sweet comments about my new glasses oh yeah i failed to mention last week that i had gotten you glasses um these i got two two pairs of glasses i always purchased my glasses from glassesusa.com that is um i love that website the prices are fantastic um you do wait about three weeks to a month for prescription lenses but it is what it is it's not like i didn't have other pairs of glasses where um and like i something that i've wanted since i was 16 is a like designer pair of ray-ban aviator sunglasses oh this is interesting yeah yeah oh yeah yeah so as a congratulations for making it through stitch con gift to myself because self-care is important um i got a pair of ray-bans ribbon aviators well um i obviously need to wear glasses and so i needed to have the prescription put in my sunglasses which is totally easily done however because i did not get my glasses made at or through ray-ban themselves and i needed a prescription put in them the lenses do not have the little ray-ban right here which so they just look like regular aviators get a target not enough i didn't pay the amount i paid for him to have him look like i got him at target correct okay so um i did find some one on etsy i don't remember who it was but they sell stickers the stickers so clearly this is a universal problem yeah because if you get the or or if you just get them at target you want to look like ray bans i guess yeah so i mean no i've had many pairs of target sunglasses but right whatever so the deal that i got was buy one get one yeah so these ones were technically free and so i had been playing around i'm on the fence with getting fully clear frames i think i'd look super cute in them but i wasn't fully ready to commit so i got half and half you could have these but thank you all so much yeah i really like them they um are really they're a little bit smaller frame than my bigger than my other ones i wore before these ones but um i'll still wear the other ones but i've been really into these so there's that and um the cool thing about glassesusa.com is that you can put your upload of selfie so you take a picture of yourself obviously without glasses on and then you can upload it to the website create an account upload it whatever and then you can virtually try on the glasses and see what you would look like with them on which i think is fantastic yeah and also very helpful yeah so there's that solidlyclassesusa.com i don't have i wish i had a code for you but i don't have like a code but they have really phenomenal deals so all that say and then thank you all so very much for all of your help with naming my new segment yes uh this week we don't have a stitch harmony segment right so um we're going to assume everybody has a stitching buddy right if you don't if you don't want to you know if you don't want to try it it's on you right falls in your court folks so if you are looking for a stitching friend and you would like our help in finding your stitching friend we're good at it comment below on this video and use the hashtags to harmony and we will help you out we'll just get half a dozen next week well and if you try before and we haven't used your comment it's because we had more than one so come in again correct thank you so much okay now back to stickers which which is equally important okay so thank you all very much for all of your help in naming my new segment um i think at the end of the day i'm just gonna go with steph stickers i know that sounds boring and lame but stickers was steph feels long and i don't know stephanie's sticker situation is way too long i just felt really long so i don't know so we're just going to do stuff stickers so welcome to the newest segment steph's stickers no we do not have a noise yet okay that's what pander said okay okay so let's show you what i got in stickers this week i promise this is a this is a channel about cross stitch eventually yeah um oh hold on okay so sorry um so first and foremost it is august 1st happy august to everyone and so therefore with the end of the month i wanted to show you all what my july section of my 2021 book of days looks like you've seen me collect stickers all month long and so if this is the first time you've heard me talk about my sticker situation um my stickuation um that doesn't sound right but whatever um i like to for every month pick like a color or theme or what have you so for july 2021 um i did patriotic watermelons which sounds kind of weird at the end of the day i'm not super happy that i didn't just pick one um but it feels weird to not put red white and blue i i don't know anyway so this is what i ended up with and i think it looks lovely looks just lovely so there's lots of water owns lots of red white and blue and look at the aviators isn't that great so um and i put everything cross stitch related in here and also um every time that we film every day that i work uh at keepsakes um and any birthdays of um people that are important in my life and so um the next month is this month august this month and so it is a beach theme okay so and then what i put in every block of the book of days is what i stitched on that day um and then of course any other cost related stuff so um so i got a lot of some a lot of my orders in from etsy so i purchase stickers from makers on etsy that's the number one place i buy them from um and so um i'm going to show you them so the first one is from an etsy shop called bartista not i want to i keep wanting to say barista but it's bartista um and these came from outside of the country but um i like to have a bit nice collection of birthday theme stickers for all those birthdays i was talking about and so then i can use different ones for different people and all that so this is their birthday sheet i really love this cupcake and these balloons and this hat and i can use these streamers for another thing you know what i mean so love it and i like the book of matches as well so i got those and that was from bartista um okay leon okay so this one is called latun i'll link everything below so you don't worry about le tun and they all just come in the cutest little packages and okay so um most of the shops i buy from also always offer like a discount code for your next order so i got that and then a lot of them also include a freebie set of stickers so this is the freebie set from them super pretty um my september theme is sunflowers so this is their sunflower sheet i love this one i mean they're all really pretty but i love the big bright ones and then for august i got um oh yeah these ones came from the netherlands yeah that's right um and so look at this is the beach day sticker sheet look at the freaking crab and like the anchors and yeah super cute and yep even watermelons and then this is their birthday sheet which i am obsessed with i love it i love the trumpet yes just so so cute so cute and the hbd balloons in the middle freaking cute and then because the shop came from the netherlands i could not not get their holland sticker sheet i mean it has all my favorite things the houses the shroop waffles the windmill all the things all of the things so that was from uh letron on etsy okay i have two others so these ones came from um brook illustration on etsy and she is in toronto um yeah it's brooke illust which is short for brook illustration um and i got a couple of cute little freebies and i also oh yeah this was a freaking cute card look at that so cute um and okay so i got the summer sheet so cute i like the bubbles and the rainbow very cute and then this is the beach day sheet i think the sand castle and the seagull with the chips in his mouth yeah perfect so cute so cute and then they had a birthday sheet as well so i got those which i love very cute simple love it i like this cupcake so that was from brooke illustrates basically on etsy and then last but certainly not least these also came from a shop in toronto called pixels by vixx and just cute like envelope decoration um and her name is victoria cute little handwritten note love that um and she also sent a thank you sheet and i'm always planning ahead so i got this lovely sheet of snowflakes for january that's a let it snow sheet and then she had this super cool embroidery sheet with the hoops and the scissors and spools so cute i love when people have cross-stitch related stuff and then per usual the birthday sheet so i found a lot of these um these particular shops because um i was searching for birthday sticker sheets so that last one was picks pixels excuse me pixel by vixx etsy on etsy looks good okay so that was all my sticker situation this week there you go okay all right uh since we did not have a stitch harmony right uh we're gonna jump right ahead i'm sorry i had to wet my whistle japan's cream comment and you know that's the comment of all the comments we got after last week what does it do to you pam tickle my face that's what we thought so this week's uh tickle my fancy pam and comment all encompassing funny funny comment comes to us from kate allegard hi kate hey paying attention yeah i'm sorry okay so kate wrote here's a funny little story for you hubby and i have two colleagues like border collies i don't know she just said college okay who both like helping me to go out and see if there are any letters or parcels for us so when i'm ready to go and check i jingle the keys of the mailbox and shout mailbox but i need to know does she spell it out can i i'll be alex no because that wouldn't be the same as no word also very true one afternoon our smaller collie was in her usual sleeping space on her duvet under the table at my feet now it just happened that i was watching you two lovely ladies while she was sleeping next thing i knew you had called out mail call well our dog shot out from under the table taking one of my legs over here and i banged my head on the table we're so sorry kate i couldn't i couldn't stop laughing and i thought you would find it funny i'm sorry but i'm glad nothing more that was sounds dangerous more disastrous happened holy guacamole kate so i would say that um um i would avoid uh the mail call section of your video it gives sleeping hound check for your mail you're just not at the same time right very very true so anyway thanks kate and thanks to all the um lovely comments comments especially those those that were helping stephanie name her segment yes um and um thank you kate your comment was pinned to the top it sure was well what are we gonna do now pam let's talk about stitching shall we we shall okay what did you stitch this week steph well pam let me just show you um so um july was great for many many different many reasons um and i realized some things in july stitching related um and i i mentioned this a few weeks ago just you know if you watch our videos in january february of this year and i was like i'm going to do this every month and no and now it's just different and not that i don't love the projects i was working on i still do but i just i wanted to change it and that's okay and so um so i changed how i did things and as long as i'm enjoying what i'm stitching and i'm happy when i'm stitching and i don't feel like bogged down by what i'm doing um then that's the point of this isn't it so um for the month of july i um have been doing a a loose stitch along um i think i like the for the phrase like work along okay um and you know i didn't start this at the same time as her and we're not gonna probably finish at the same time um but a lovely lovely friend who she's now become a dear friend her name is melissa she is stitch with mel here on flosstube um she is wonderful and she um reached out to me and wanted to know if i wanted to spend july working on seeking refuge excuse me by the scroll house and i said you know what sure why not sure mel i'll do that and um this was one of those projects i started last october during our our startover event and i had literally worked on it i put that one length of floss into it and that was it hadn't touched it since and so i really got a lot of work done progressing for all of july all of july i mean cool with the exception of our round robin that i worked on the beginning of the month um but after that this was the project my focus piece and i really like that i love having as many webs as i do i love a new start if you know me you know that but to really see some good progress on it on a project the the month long is a is a good duration for me because i say that i say that about my whipped out goals that yeah ten days on a project yeah done in 10 days because i feel like the amount that you spend sitting in 10 days is about the total amount i get for a month yeah because of you know the job and things so um so i'm going to keep it going for for the you know for at least august i like this plan so this is all of the progress that i've gotten on seeking refuge by the scarlet house in the month of july 2021 and i am stitching mine using all of the colorful threads with the exception of the black i am using weak star works mascara instead of dmc 310 which is called for and then um the fabric i'm stitching mine on is 40 count newcastle linen in the color doubloon by picture this plus so that is what i have done it's the ghost house i know right so um two weeks ago or last week's video i had everything up to here and then all last week i did all of that so which really doesn't look like a whole heck of a lot but it was a busy week okay and so i did and then i also did some more words down there last night because i was like i'm going to explore cards over one oh okay um and the words up here are um the the words in the year are right but everything else is not um and so i just feel like that's a lot of progress i'm very proud of myself well that's good so i love it um it's really starting to take shape and there's a whole hell of a lot of stitching at the bottom it's like full coverage on the bottom there but it's okay um and so my goal for the week was to finish this half on the other side of the house and so i did that yesterday early afternoon afternoon i guess and but i didn't want to put it away because i wanted to give it its full duration so um then i went down and worked on words for the rest of the evening and so um a big huge huge thank you to melissa um for lighting the fire under my boat yeah take it work on this sometimes that's what it takes right yeah it's been so fun um and um also just for you know getting me to see progress like and get a new sitting plan in place so because how it with my other projects that were like monthly and stuff i was also just feeling kind of like well i didn't meet that month ago and i didn't meet that monthly goal yeah and you start feeling like like what like so right right right but today is august first right and so um i like the whole focus on project for a month situation and that's what i'm gonna do and so i looked through all of the things that i started last october that i have not touched since last october and i settled on huckleberry farm by the blue flower and um all i had done was one strand of floss floss one strand of floss last october and it to me it feels kind of summery late summery i don't know if it's accurate but um and so a summer evening if you will if you will which is basically what august is is summer's evening oh that's poetic thank you i'll be here all day um and so i am going to focus on this for august i do have a couple of things i need to do but this is gonna be my focus piece so i am stitching huckleberry farm on 40 count newcastle linen but in the color shale by pictures plus the column 4 is 36 count so i'm doing a 40 count and um the same color um and all using all the colorful flash so um i started in the middle with this one so when i picked it up this afternoon i had u and v done so my goal for let's see my goal for the week is i would like to try and get that this bird done and if i can get that bird then i want to do this this is my monthly goal yeah i want that big old thing done if it's is it i don't know if it's a butterfly or a moth it's a butterfly yeah oh the eye is an antenna of the butterfly so i mean it's pretty and i don't think it's going to be as complicated as i thought it was think it's going to be but no because one if i get through that big butterfly then i get to do the baby bear look at that baby bear look at it baby bear so i'm very excited about this um so that is going to be my august focus piece sounds great yay what have you stitched on pam well what have i stitched on tell me um my running project uh for the next eight or nine ten months whatever it takes is the fragments and time from beth and seal at summerhouse stitch works and there are eight different uh designs and uh the last two are coming out very soon yes and i'm stitching them all together on one piece of fabric yeah you are so um i'm keeping pretty good pace with it um i feel like the last time i showed it to you i was had i started a pink yes because you talked about the fact that that's a type of boat right yes we did okay so nothing um didn't want to lose my needleminder right um so the um latest on this is that i finished completely a pink and brought the borders around yes so congratulations um we are now two panels completed and the borders are brought across pam those that water though yeah so if you missed last week a pink is a type of ship it is she didn't say a pink because she she well it's like what came first the chicken or the egg but i mean a pink is a type of ship and then bethan decided to chart it with pink sails i don't think oh the actual ships had picked sails it was from the french okay um or i think there was also an italian involved the translation of what we would say was pink gotcha okay so i don't know how you would say it in french but anyway do you know what fabric that is pam garden pack yeah it is garden path from color and cotton yeah yeah good job and my little anchor needle minder from allison rosen yep which i love so um i was very happy this is super fun to stitch oh my goodness she is very much enjoying it so steph's been watching hoffman for the last two to be available to order for me yep but i had one woman comment last week which is very very interesting because number five which is coming down the pike it'll be the it'll be the square that will be underneath the whale tail underneath the mermaid okay yeah now this is the chart this is the picture um and the charts on the back okay so if you notice in the corners or what typically you think of with neptune as being a trident yes or the little mermaid movie maybe the trident yeah okay and i'm not criticizing but she noticed it and it's important if you're going to do this series the chart in the corners does not have the trident corners it has the same corners as the whale tail square so um the woman who commented said that she basically stitched the corners by going by the picture on the front because she really wanted the tridents and i really want to try to yes yeah yeah and i've messaged beth and i've just asked her if there's a correction somewhere maybe on a blog i have not heard back okay but if you know anything about this corner difference on the mermaid yeah um help a girl out help us all out because um i think i can do it by the picture but it would be helpful if there was a chart somewhere yeah and the border that you're using is free on summerhouse stitchworks website yeah so maybe that's where i don't know i mean if you didn't buy the chart you would you wouldn't be entitled to get the correct corners i don't think that's true yeah yeah unless she wants to eat it and say it was my error but there but designers have corrections all the time that's true that's you know so anyway that's fragments in time tails from the sea it is okay okay now one of the rules of our local whip it good 2021 no star trek no start challenge that basically our friend katie runs for all intents and purposes right one of the exceptions to no starts is if it's a gift okay right and i had a pang of starditis this past week is very strange i had completed my goals for whip go for july and i was just looking around right and i checked with katie and i said if it's for somebody else i can start it right she said yes so pam went done so i went done done so um you may recall that i purchased this chart um after checking with my son who up until i showed him this chart didn't want anything cross stitch for him no no i crossed the wedding sampler when they got married and and and my daughter-in-law chose the design that i crossed it and that was cool it was a what was it a little house yeah it was the other one was a couple in front of the church whatever yeah you know the couple in front of the church like a wedding i thought because they're new homeowners out in albuquerque and i thought this would be cool in their new house i agree and it's called in this house and it's by crazy with three z's crazy stitch on etsy yep and it's basically star wars themed okay so it looks like that yeah basically the big star wars people out there and my son is getting his foothold in the film industry out there yeah he is and is a big movie buff he's gonna be a big big big star anyway when i showed this after i purchased the chart our good friend christy said i've got the perfect fabric for it because you had this vision i had this vision but it was like you were looking for like some sort of like spacey spacey galaxy-ish fabric she said i've got this fabric and it's from mystic fabrics and it's called galaxy and she sent it to me for nothing it was amazing because she couldn't picture what she would stitch on it right essentially and it is absolutely perfect it is for this design it's actual perfection yes so um this is as much as i did yeah top start and i did a top start three down three across gosh and um wow so this is this is kind of what it's going to look like and also also tell the people about the threads because you're not using the called 4d so i'm not using the call for dmc steph took this to the shop and we have a friend and a co-worker of staffs named susan yes who works at keepsakes they call her the thread whisperer and she went upstairs in the thread room at keepsakes and did all of my and converted all the dmc to overdied yes to overdose uh some weeks in classic color works nicely yes yeah so pretty great i'm pretty excited about this now this i can pick up any time of stitch on it because it's a gif right find the loophole people find a live hole and i think i need a thing behind it sitting behind it bam oh my god it's so good isn't that fantastic i mean the way even the variegation worked out in the letters i'm not doing x by x i'm doing it regular row stitching and i posted it on instagram and my son said i love it so um in this way these are the rest of the colors that susan picked out so you can i can't wait for that green to go in i can't wait for the green to go imagine oh i'm so excited and i don't have a time frame for this i mean i'm certainly not going to get it done by christmas get it framed and all that kind of junk well pam if you worked solely on it you'd be able to i would yeah but i i don't ever stitch anything solely hardly ever but that's what it is it looks so good if anybody is curious it says in this house we are as strong as a wookie as daring as han solo have the courage of obi-wan as wise as yoda as brave as skywalker as fearless as princess leia because in this house the force is strong with us yes that's like nate and katie all over literally perfect literally perfect yes so good but i basically used a whole skein yeah this was um golden starbucks golden star from classic color works and so i said steph you better go get me go get it some more because i have some farther down in the design yeah so that's so good in this house for my daughter-in-law and son yes and then this is the first of august so new whip go projects people oh boy and everybody watching one of my picks was my 1992 is a good year from the lovely leisure arts love it sandy gore evans christmas patches you've seen me work on this before yep we're on the home stretch people my goal is to finish this and that's a yearly goal but oh your goal is to finish that's right that's yeah and this is where i am you're so close pam holy guacamole yes i am close and um this is stupid that it's still i'm loving this i'm down here finishing this little quilt square down here and there was a little teddy bear sitting at his feet and uh i will get that done and then all over the place the only thing left is the back stitching and i'm a pretty fast back stitcher maybe so yeah hello so there he is he's adorable he's dancing and he will come to life with the backstitching i know i can't wait as designs from this era always do i mean and so so good there you go yep and i'm working on i'll be working on this i'm going to give it a couple weeks see if i can finish it in a couple of weeks uh i think it'll be done by the next video we'll see what happens right we'll see what happens okay you can put that over there yes i can't and those are our whips of the week there you go okay okay so i don't know what's next oh hold on okay sorry it's the back to back sound effect it really messes me up okay ready [Music] [Applause] promotions also the breath also the breath okay so now it's time for promotions are you ready yeah so like we do every week we have a pattern of the week from our two fave girls uh at twin peak primitives so if this is the first time you've ever watched our video what we do here is every week um we pick a chart that the twins over at 20 primitives have designed and we tell the girls which one we picked it's something that we love that we think that you'll love too and we tell them what we pick they usually say okay or some variation on the word okay and then they make it 20 off for all of our incredible viewers that means you so um this week the chart is what pam the chart is called bless our home and it is a lovely um house design with some incredible willow trees yeah the willow trees are worth it there's a pretty much brand new design coming out even before expo because they got some great stuff coming in expo they sure do but we're going to insert a picture of bless our home here isn't that pretty i told you they were really pretty bull trees didn't we yeah so um so how this works is how this works is if you love bless our home as much as we love bless our home and you would like to get yourself a discounted by twenty percent copy oh bless our home you can do that at three places and three places only you can get a pdf copy of the pattern of the week from both the twin peak primitives website or their etsy shop both of which are linked below or if you'd rather have yourself a hard copy of the pattern of the week you can get that from the one and only the daily stitcher and that is a online needlework shop that is in the beautiful state of maine it is run by our friend penny and she will be happy to take great care of you so um those are the only places you can get a discounted copy of the chart right while you are there we have now i think we said entered into august right so at the end of the month here coming up at the end of the month we will be pulling the dutch mania 2021 winner and the grand prize winner will be announced yes and the grand prize winner will receive 1 000 dollars yeah cash money yeah in the bank yeah okay so so as we get closer we'll be giving you more details on that yes and so we're just going to say that if you would want to you know just thought maybe you'd like that then please you have to do one thing you have to purchase springfield 1817 sampler right which is available at those three places and those three places i mean it's available other places but to be entered into the contest yeah you must purchase it as one of those people that's how they know which is eligible yes right so um we're going to insert a picture of springfield 18 i thought i might yeah let's do that i thought we might we'll insert it right here okay great okay all right i'm sorry i write down my notes okay that means it's time for mail call sorry kate um okay why'd you say sorry kate i hope the dog didn't get up oh yeah sure okay yeah um okay so in the mail this week this you usually say what did we get in the mail this week thank you you're off your rocker pam okay so we got um we were very much delayed in sending out our anniversary flosstube giveaways and thankfully you all are very kind to us um and understand and yes and patient and understanding and all of the lovely books um and so we got a lovely thank you card from the sweet sweet deanna and she um received one of our just keep stitching t-shirts and so thank you so much for your sweet note we love it right um and you don't yeah let me talk about that so um we have a friend down in alabama we surely do we have a very nice friend down in alabama and and um since uh she heard like the rest of you about our return of the foxes yes stop it right now start right now she sent us this adorable plush fox it's very soft it is very soft and uh she was concerned that you know it might be in conversation with the cats it's not going near the cat it's not no what if i put it at the top of the cat tower oh jeez i don't know we'll have to check can i see please and of course to go with said fox i love that mug thank you very much very much appreciate it i think we should name our house fox hollow okay i have no issue with that whatsoever so anyway our sweet friend from alabama i love it thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you okay and um i got a message from a very very very lovely lovely woman her name is chris and she literally spends half of a year in florida and half of her year in wisconsin and so she sent me a message and she said that the her workplace every year was it her workplace or her where she lives um okay uh okay yes her office complex invites all tenants to exchange books for free a few times a year and this time all of these were available so she said look at all these and she sent me a bunch of pictures and she was like please let me know if you're interested in it in any of them and they were a ton of the better homes and gardens crossfit country crafts christmas books and there are some actual gems in them so like when you talk about collecting and the hobby of collecting the charts or the series of the whatever whatever right this falls in that category hundred percent yeah so we got never know what's going to be inside those things no you do not so we got this very large very heavy box from chris and inside she sent us this beautiful card um and this picture just in case you are unfamiliar um is that so she lives in key west key west yes and uh it is near the terminus of us highway one and that begins up in the great state of maine right and very cool very cool from one end of u.s one to the other yes and from here this is the southernmost point of the continental usa in key west florida that's a that's a great card yeah i love it yeah love it love it now okay and then also from key west she sent tropical fish and we opened these on the wrong end but these are key lime pie jelly bellies which are freaking delicious yes get it keyline we only lost one i only lost one okay so okay they kind of they kind of taste like mountain dew to me because the line right so we're not going to go through and show you all every page of every book but we did want to show you a few gems yeah so this one is the 2001 and this is the magazine not the hardcover hardcover book but look at this freaking game board northwoods chess set i mean are you actually serious northwoods checkerboard i die i die so that's going in the game board collection just put that here and not put them back clearly obviously pam okay this one we put post we put little tabs yes on the ones that we went well we want to show the people that one okay this one is from 2001. and let me just tell you that chris did not charge me a penny for these so chris your kindness is insane yeah 2001 and the one we earmarked in this one this is a bright needle and i don't know the name of the chart but look at that stephanie said it's very very rare i i've been looking for it for years and here it is and i love bright needle i have a lot of bright needles but i don't have this i love this chart i love this chart i don't know um oh it's called low howell rose sampler wow yes and yep and it says low how a rose air blooming from tender stem hath sprung it came a flower bright amid the cold of winter when half spent wait in half was when has been anyway it's beautiful and i'm very excited about that and then this one i just like looking we sat there on friday night and just looked through all these this one's from 2000. look at that santa and what did we find in here well this is a big freak really is it old bent creek super cute super super cute love that and a lot of these like they had contracts with the with better homes and gardens and so you don't have like they were never able to republish a lot of them right i mean only appeared in these books exactly exactly pretty sure um so this one is from 98. that's the last one i'm going to show you guys yeah and look at these these are from robin clark is the designer and it's called snow family yep look at those aren't those the freaking cutest things you've ever seen look at that sarah santa cruz but the snow family so cute so cute so you you know you run into the like yes these things look dated yeah okay yeah sure what do you expect but there are some serious thoughts have changed seriously but you can find and honestly as we noticed and we've noticed this in other books that they contracted with better homes so they contracted with leisure arts and um so they only appeared sometimes in these books yeah and also sometimes in looking at a design and you think that kind of looks like the designer's name is like this big on the page i mean they really did not highlight those designers back then and that was the state of cross stitching and if they had another label that wasn't their first name huh if they had another like okay so bent creek yeah thankfully those later like early 2000s books say bent creek excuse me but a lot of earlier books don't say bent creek they just say they're for they say their name yeah and now they may have designed under just their personal name right but in some instances they might have come up with a company name exactly whatever yeah so it's very interesting to go back i think i would agree i would agree so thank you so much chris yes we love the books for real we do okay and then i do believe that this is our last piece of mail call so we got um the latest and greatest kit from the tpp limited exclusives etsy shop so in this shop tvp stands for twin peak primitives and it is limited edition limited edition edition uh kits that the twins put together in holland and then they send them to our good friend die here stateside she puts together all the things and then she sells them from the etsy shop that's here stateside and they are so kind so generous and send us a kit every time a new one is released and so this is the latest one we got this really really sweet car this is thank you obviously on it um and so what nothing i'm just looking at the back of the note again okay um and so the latest kit is this beautiful on the theme of willow tree uh this one is called willow mansion so look at that beauty all of you sunflower people out there i love it so uh and then you would get all the things so all the called for dmc the call for fabric which is rocky mountain from xg design and then um there's also a little kit like fun kit with needle minders and jolly ranchers and all of the things inside that you will get as well right and then you also get a project bag to keep it in keep it in how great is that isn't that awesome i love it and then um they're selling these right yeah um and on nancy okay so a every once in a while a new item appears in the twin peak primitive tpp limited exclusives right uh shop and this new item um that they've added is called how do you say that goatees goatees goatees magazine was a ladies magazine back in the almost antebellum united states and um it would be the equivalent of something like ladies home journal or something that you know even seems dated to us now yeah but um one of the things that uh goatee specialized in was women's fashion of the day mid to late 19th century fashion and um accessories and so forth okay so inspired by early american fashion and accessories the twins designed these um persons now you know how ladies dressed back then a lot of things were hidden underneath their skirts yeah and um but these are so beautiful that i believe they might have been displayed perhaps at their waist if i'm understanding because they're very very beautiful so this is what um then there's four here yep this is one of the larger ones and i believe this is tatting okay if i know my needle crafts a little bit do you know and those ribbons would be uh drawn yeah usually right to hold things in right right so they would be cinched like that right and aren't these lovely they're very lovely so um so you buy them already made or do you buy the chart let's see um the magazine came out once a month yeah for the dollar purses the twins are selling on the site also you can learn more about the purse by reading the answer okay okay so they're already made yeah yeah these were stitched by their one of their um model stitchers uh scarlet these are incredible and they're just there's beads and and everything they're just they're just beautiful that's the next largest i love this one and here's one he feels very patriotic this one yeah looks like a flag sure does um and then is that the baby one so and this is the baby one don't forget the baby right so aren't these lovely so so what does dye tell us here that they are yeah they're starting to um they're called dollar purses yep and um they're selling them on the tpp exclusives they sure are such yep you got that right so and um she also included a note that said let me see that real quick that said that um the willow mansion um she has they're limited excuse their limited edition right so there she has 13 kits with 20. this was when she wrote this letter yeah and so we received this package on like we've seen it like two days ago so roughly 13 with those kids with 28 count fabric and then 35 with 14 count eight up all four so that way you guys know just how limited they are right okay so that's the extent of our mail call that is the center thank you for everybody who sent us stuff yes thank you so much do appreciate it very much i do i promise all right okay i'll go first let's talk about what we purchased almost lost it um i have never ever ever done a mill hill kit but it's something that i really do really want to do one day and um we have a whole box full of them and just had to add this one this is new from uh mill hill from this is the 2021 winter collection there's also a fox so i might have to [Music] and this one is called holiday wishes and it looks like mail it looks just like mail so there you go isn't it sweet and i think this is one yeah this is like a magnet sized one but i would have it as a ornament obviously so yeah um but i am people do say i do make i do stitch really well with white so maybe i'll do that one soon we'll see and you all know how i feel about luminous fibers fabric right we know about this yes okay so um we might as well have a an alarm on stephanie's phone okay when misty pulls a new fabric so well i think when was it it was a friday night i think yeah it was definitely friday night no i don't know it was a tuesday night tuesday night and yeah cause it was this week and so i have said and i will continue to say that the best way to know when fabric is available from misty at luminous fiber arts is to subscribe to her newsletter period if you don't subscribe to her newsletter you're never going to get a fabric i can literally guarantee that to you um you might get lucky but um and so i pam was making dinner tuesday night and i was sitting at the dining room table and i just messed around my phone and i get an email notification and i didn't even open the email i just got up went to the computer and went to her website and bought the fabric because like that's how fast it goes and then i checked like so i bought the fabric and then after dinner i went back to look to see and it was all gone so it just goes that quickly so misty at women's fiber arts okay i'm yelling from the kitchen give me a piece too yeah give me a peek so she had um she had a new color which i'll show you in a second but she also had um another color on there that was an odd cut and so instead of 18 by 27 which is a fat quarter this one is 13 by 27 and this one's called opulence and i got this in 36 accounts real yellowy on the screen it does it's more gold i promise more straw situation um it's very similar to like a straw or like by weeks or a sampler gold from color and cotton that kind of thing and i love that color so i obviously got that but her new color is called salted caramel not to be fair i don't know if this is like brand brand new color or if this is just another batch she's dyed but we both got a fat quarter i of course got 40 count and pam got 32 count and this is salted caramel that is more true that's what it looks like it's lovely yeah lovely lovely lovely fabrics yes so i will of course link her flash tube and link her stuff down below and you can figure out how to sign up for her newsletter via those channels so all right that's what i bought pam piles bigger this week haha okay i bought a couple of things from etsy um if you like spooky occult halloween patterns then you need to start looking at the witchy stitcher i saw someone very close to finishing her um i mentioned three styles ago and i fell in love with it and you're gonna see that um come up as a new start in october and i think i might have a couple more of her designs but this one is did you get this from here now you're from our website uh because i think she has a website not an etsy well i'll like whatever because i don't remember robert from robert's palace of stitches who we had the pleasure of meeting at stitch gone yes had started this and it's called a stitcher haunts here and he's doing it in this colorway pretty and it's awesome yes follow him on instagram and you'll and you'll see yes it also comes in this colorway oh that's he said he's going to do it both ways he loves it so much really unlisted twice yeah yeah yeah that's cool i'm not sure what i'm going to do but i know that i loved the post that robert was putting out for sure for sure as he was starting it it's just it's just adorable um i think julie said um kansas city girl colorado world julie said she just loves everything yeah witchy stitcher designs yeah and she has every right to because there was a very cute so i picked that up wow that is hard to decide isn't it yeah it really is yep for sure and then this one caught my eyes from um the queen bee handmaid uh i think she might be in italy her name is fabrizia trovati that sounds right and i printed off the picture it's kind of small so i'll hold it up real close but of course there's a whale of course that's oil and you're going to keep the lighthouse called nantucket um i don't know yet but if there's a ship there's a whale there's a lighthouse i'm there is there such a thing as nantucket lighthouse i think so is it striped i don't know okay but anyway so i picked that up got it pdf super cute okay super cute um this is one that um we're into the figurines we are into the stand-up figurines uh needle love is a really old designer and um they are really only available secondary market uh etsy ebay uh that kind of thing i have several um and um michelle mcgraw made by made by michelle mcgraw on flosstube she showed her um stand-ups that she made now these are done on seven count claustern yeah with six strands six strands i believe i think you're right yeah six strands and that's cool um i just think they were adorable and um i am on the hunt for the one with the pilgrims but this is the indian couple and the turkey and this one is called fall friends and on the back on the back it says fall friends has been designed as a sequel to the pilgrims from our leaflet holiday friends show them so there's the pilgrim couple and michelle has them all oh they're so cute i love this pilgrim guy with the musket he's so cute and um i love the turkey the turkey is i'm on the hunt for um little friends excuse me holiday presents um which they say number 23 but they don't display their numbers prominently well it might be underneath it might be under that sticker so yeah i picked that up on stash yeah yeah yeah and uh i'm glad to have it yeah but we gotta find all of your friends it was done in response to holiday friends which has the pilgrim couple right okay and the last thing i got um is um the fabric and the floss um from one two three stitch to um stitch one of my october starts which is going to be 272 words which is the second inaugural abraham lincoln and um this was thanks to a gift card from our good friend colette uh who gave us a gift card each yeah and thanks for stitch con yep so colette this is what your money bought all the threads and the fabric to stitch 272 words it's from primrose needleworks yep i've had the chart forever um and it came out um on the bicentennial of the um the speech yeah the second inaugural yep so thanks colette love you miss you and um thanks that was just a nice gift yes so um that was our haul and descartes oh we did that so good this time you know we're really on top of things today all right we have a few people to thank a few very generous people yes so as you can see yes we've changed our wall for the month of august a little bit more summer vibe you know yes so we've got summer haven in um afternoon new york um this one was here but and then there's other stuff over there and i'm happy to tell you that this one this one this one and that one we're all framed because of all of your incredibly generous absolute framing donations absolutely so um we uh added a few months ago we added the option in our description box to the website called buy me a coffee it is a way for you to um monetarily support the content that we create here on youtube and without us having to put ads in our videos so um instead of buying us coffees we put every single penny that you donate to us towards all of our framing costs right um and so we've been slowly but surely liberating the ubb as we like to say and getting some really long-awaited things framed so um we wanted to thank this week's donators for all of your incredibly kind donations yes um so we're going to read down through um the uh donators from last week yep first names only no amounts right announced so uh let's start with padma thank you padma yeah elizabeth thank you elizabeth cindy thanks cindy and laura thanks laura and then tina thank you tina molly thank you molly donna donna and then we had one anonymous donation uh thank you so much you know who you are yes you know who you are so if that is something that you feel like you would want to do if you if there was anything that you saw here today that you liked loved made you laugh made you smile warmed your heart any of those things and you want us to continue to create content like that then um we should just go into the buy me a coffee link right i think you're so inclined description box below yes okay so what are our plans for this week well first of all what day are we going to the salon wednesday that's what i thought but i didn't want to misspeak i'm going to mine you're going to york she's going to her salon i'm going to my salon because so i looked in the mirror today and it's not really not that bad pam you've looked worse it no it doesn't look bad not to me it's in my eyes as you can see i've been brushing it yeah i don't like it she hates it when it's like that yeah so so that's coming up so we're going to be even better looking next week okay talk about a beauty filter okay i don't know but um another thing that started today was today's august 1st right yes uh if you watched our episode last week you know that we are a part of this incredible incredible thing called common threaded stitcher uh common third suture is an instagram photo sharing prompt conversation inducing share your story activity that was created by my best friend fellow stitcher fellow flosstuber amazing human kia over at kiabi um and she's put together a pretty incredible team and i'm not just saying that because we happen to both be on it um it's a really really great team uh for the august 2021 third round of commentary stitcher so if you want to hear more about exactly what that is um then please go over first and foremost to kia's flosstube channel that she has with her amazing husband nathan i will of course link it below and then um she'll tell you all the who what where when why how all the things about it and what you'd like to join in nope it's not you could start today you can start tomorrow you can start august fifth probably care um it's just a really great way to hear uh to connect with other stitchers in the community um it is mainly on instagram um just because once you start adding in multiple platforms it gets very hard to keep hard to keep up with especially at this point with the level of people who are the participating and and so today was the very first day of that and it i'm blown away yeah um by the response and by just oh i mean this was introduce yourself today right it was and so we were putting faces with names yeah so which was so fantastic yeah and um earlier this week we shared our why stories about like why we said yes when he asked us if we participate in it and it's not just because he's my best friend and so i felt like i had to it wasn't like that it was the thing of it is is that i've said this on here more times than i can count this is not a two-way mirror right so i've met countless people who have said i know i i feel like i know you and i know you don't know who i am but i know you and blah blah blah and that's wonderful and i love that but this is an opportunity for me to learn more about you and learn what you like to stitch and who your favorite designer is and what you like to read and all like all the things so we kia with the help of the team has curated 31 different daily prompts for all of us to answer and see what else aside from cross stitch or things within cross stitch connect us and we what common threads we all share right so um if you are on instagram please chime in we'd love to see you and hear how you respond to the prompts um and um we're gonna be doing it as uh often as we possibly can i'm going to try to do it every day for all of august um we're going to continue uh watching the olympics we're thoroughly enjoying them um i'm reading that the viewership is down but not in this house not in this house we we love it we're into it we are into olympics i think the time change has a lot to do with it yeah like yeah like just for an example the women's gymnastics i had to literally avoid all social media all was it tuesday yeah whenever she decided to pull out i i did i tend to avoid it all day tuesday because it had already happened in tokyo i even suggested she put a name on the door at the shop to say but i mean a note on the door just to avoid somebody coming into the shop talking about it what do you think about that yeah blah blah blah blah you know and so anyway um uh aside from that uh things are going along the deck has been postponed till november yep that's okay um and that's fine with us um and uh that's a supply chain issue thank you covet 19. so um things are going along it's about time for dinner it's getting dark and uh we're gonna wrap this up okay so thanks for stopping by thank you for tuning us in each and every week we just do sincerely appreciate it we really most sincerely do and we hope to see you back here in another week or so in the meantime i'm pam and i'm stephanie and this is just keep stitching bye
Channel: JustKeepStitchin'
Views: 6,501
Rating: 4.9755602 out of 5
Keywords: FlossTube, JustKeepStitchin', Pam and Steph, Cross Stitch, Twin Peak Primitives, Common Threaded Stitcher
Id: 9zwvPgen-EE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 42sec (5082 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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