Fabric Collage Demo 2019

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live from international quilt markets on the demo alley i'm going to be doing a demo we're working today on the line code this is the lion cube it's called the prince of charm this is something i teach at workshops this is going to be in palm beach gardens florida in january i believe i'm going to be teaching it in australia i'm going to be teaching it in austin texas i have two workshops in austin texas so we're going to be working on this flying club but today i'm going to be talking about how i make fabric and i'm using my own fabrics from free spirits i'm a new fabric designer so we're going to be working with my fabrics this is pretty exciting for me so what i do is i work with a photograph this photograph i'm working with is of this flying cup so here's the lion cub i've illustrated this lion this has been drawn on my white denim cloth this is white denim i added a stabilizer to it this is a tearaway stabilizer this is dyed cheesecloth the background it's called dyed cheesebuff hello and so now what i'm doing is i'm using the liner as my template and i will build the fabric collage so i'm going to get working here um while they film and i'm going to talk to people as they stop by and i'm only going to be doing short snippets of a facebook live as we go along we'll be adding more videos so stay tuned this isn't you know normally when i do my tuesday uh live chats tuesday with turner it's like 20 minutes 40 minutes well here at the quilt market the internet's not the best we're just going to give you some snippets dean's going to film like every 20 minutes he'll come back and do it but you can always find these videos in my videos section there's a section in my facebook page that says videos you can always find my videos there so let's get working i'm going to start building this collage i'm doing my demo here people stop people go i repeat myself a lot so just you know i just wanted you to see what it's like to be in demo alley it's the last day of the show it's the last day of the show hi michelle hi michelle dean's my husband's filming and saying michelle says hi okay so it's the last day the show's very quiet here in demo alley not many people as much crowd the other day who cares i'm here for you right so i'm gonna go ahead and start demonstrating so i've already got the ears pretty well built out and if you can look at my other flying cob you can see it's layered so i've got that basic ear shape that i used from my line art and now i'm going to go ahead and put the lights and the darks in how do i do that i use my photograph where is my photograph here he is i use my photograph and that will be my area so they'll have my light areas and my dark areas and i will be cutting out the fabrics that match those areas see that's what i'm doing so now i'm building my line cup and the exciting part for me again is because i'm using my own line of fabrics with free spirit called calico horses so right now as you can see i'm just starting to fussy cut these areas i'm gonna i decided i'm gonna use this this is called desert grass this comes from my line i wanted something this is a tone on tone i just want to get these light areas of the ears done so i take this little cutout i've already cut with my paper cut out these light areas and i'm going to trace them using a frixon pen my demo is all about not using glue or fusing so if you're familiar with my work you know that i choose to use pins and not fusing or glue so today i'm building my lion cub i'm using my photograph as a template and i'm cutting out my ears this is going to be just this little area and i just take it down a little bit further because this all blends together so i fussy cut this area again i'm looking for lights and darks to give the contrast just like you see in my artwork i used my photographs to show me light and dark and now i'm adding this light section of the line cub's ear on the outer part so i just cut this out you know in the cooking shows they have it all cut out for you but in demos we want to show people how to do this so it takes a little time and this is how we do it so i'm cutting out this little piece of light cloth light fabric looking for that highlight right so how is that going to is it going to look like patchwork as i stick it on there no because my thread painting with my rfil threads and as you know or you may not know i have a new thread collection with rfil thread called calico horses and i used 270 colors because that's how many colors i have but for this little lion i will be using this little stripe that i just made out of this fabric this is the light part and this will go over the lion's ears right here at the top what does this do this makes it give that highlight that we see in the photo so you're always looking at the photo when you're working i never ever work with my work uh any of my line or any of my drawings without having a good clear photograph reference now my photo photo references come from wildlife photographers all of my art is goes to danger downs everything i do is goes back to endangered animals i'm lucky enough to have wildlife photographers and non-profits donate those things so i'm really really fortunate so now i'm going to keep building this is the final piece just for you haven't seen it this is the little lion club that i'm building i teach this in workshops all around the world i go to australia spain ireland i'm all over the place so that's the finished piece and that's what i'm building and you feel free to come over and look at it touch it it's fine and now this is the non-gluing non-fusing part i just pin it this is just straight pins i'm using straight pins and i'm popping it in so i'm layering so that's the other thing the reason i'm using these fabrics this way is that when you do this work you just pin it on there's no mistakes in my work there's life lessons so what does that mean that means if i did think that i didn't like it i would cut out another piece just pop it right on that's how i work i don't rip out anything i don't i don't even use my stitch ripper i'm building this i'm building it like a it looks like a puzzle okay well christy lee wants you to know she just bought your new thread collection she did gorgeous thank you very much christy yeah the thread collection where is it dean and here's my lookbook so please please take my lookbook here's my new thread collection that matches my horses thank goodness look at this running horses we got horses calico that is my thread collection and i chose brights because they were always they will always match my my collection i get 12 weight in here because you know how i am about eyes those eyes have to pop if you know anything about my work i'm known for the eyes so how do those eyes pop switch to 12 weights everything's 50 weight switch to 12 weight for the eyes makes it do you see the difference how it really makes it sing when you change the weight this is all 50 weight and this is i pop in 12 weeks that gives it that luster and that's why i included in my in my uh collection that's my thread collection so let's do the other part of the eye i mean i'm sorry the ear hanging on again i'm using my frixion pen i'm tracing it and i you know you you know how to do this you try to save as much fabric as you can you don't want any waste so you kind of like look to see where you're tracing i'm looking to see make sure that this bottom part doesn't go off and it's right here [Music] as you can see i'm not real meticulous with my treason the fabric is going to blend it with the thread painting all going to come together when i do my thread painting now for those of you listening and following me right now i'm in it i'm in an environment where the lighting may not be great the you know we're doing the camera work the best we can my hands are probably in the way as you can see i'm doing my best to get them out of the way but if you were to look at this as you know if you were to look at this and say oh my gosh how the heck am i supposed to see to do any of this with the way this is being filmed just understand this is just a rough demo we're here on demo alley i'm going to be doing webinars live webinars from fabric shops from around the world and they will i have special equipment that has zoomed in on my hands with great lighting so you can see how i do all of my so if your shop is interested in having me host a webinar contact me i have a webinar november 6th 7th and 8th right now in garnerville nevada and i'm going to the fabric chicks creative oasis i'm really excited about it great great place i've been there i teach retreat i'm going to be doing another retreat in lake tahoe but if you want me to teach you how to do this for your shops your fabric shops if you want that then get in touch with me and you're going to be able to put a class together and i will come live on the big screen so keep keep looking for that so i will continue doing this demo maybe if i hold it up you can see it better dean can they see it you think great okay just don't get any cut fingers and blood okay i love this fabric this tone on the wild horses that i'm so close to you know i work with them through meditation these wild horses live in an area that is so rough and the terrain is so rough at times that they have to forage and they have they have actually over the years these wild horses have have evolved to be able to eat unbelievable foraging and rough i mean they're they're they're eating rocks and stones at times to get the minerals but this is wild horses they don't have fancy barns there's no fancy oats for these horses well lorraine wendy wants to know is that colored cheesecloth on the bottom layer that is definitely dark colored cheesecloth on the bottom layer here's another one wendy this is all dyed cheese cloth you can use organic dyes you can use i don't know what the thing is the ritz dye red style camera pronounce it and kool-aid i use kool-aid for my dies i also use something called bleeding color tissue paper you rip it up you stick it on there you shoot it with water and it makes these beautiful dyes so yes i use specialty fibers in all my work and kathy clark wants to know what brand of scissors are you using i'm using a kia scissor today k-i-a they're my favorite i have them for paper i when i do my workshops i ask them to bring me small scissors and i get these big tools this is what i'm talking about people small you need to be able to get in and get around these tight corners so that's what i use i use keys and this little charm thing was given to me i got this from a student in italy i taught two or four workshops in italy and the students are always giving me things mostly they give me food but this is a very nice um student from perugia italy thank you perugia i'm going to continue building you want to zoom in here dean i want to show them okay so as you see i just cut it and i layered on top and i'm trying to match my photograph let's see the light areas i've snipped it in this becomes my light area of the ears and this will all come together more as i stitch with aurifil threads now for this particular one i'm going to be using a light colored thread to blend this in all this will have a light color thread to blend this in once i put this down i'm going to go ahead and get the darks in let's get these shadows in how do i do that again i use my template so let me go ahead and get the darks in oh i think we're going to do it's not going to rust too much [Music] this work for me that these areas would work for me this navy is what i'm going for so i'm going to shoot for that part look at these beautiful succulents with a little what is that called roadrunner sorry just blanked out here so i'm going to try and get this area in for the dark parts of my ear so i'm going to lay this down and remember if it doesn't look dark enough i'm going to darken it with my thread painting so i'm going to go ahead and trace this and yes that's all i do i go in i find a dark area and i fussy cut and lay this down for this earth leave me a comment so i know everybody's following along here that would really help okay now of course when i'm home i have three daylight lights working with me so i can see what the heck i'm doing but for this i'm just gonna have to use the lights from this area now i'm not seeing that so i gotta go back see where is that what did i do here uh yeah right there okay there i'm gonna trace it a little heavier so i can see it again it does not have to be perfect because this is the shadow this is the shadow in the ear so i'm gonna have to go too crazy about this well you got a whole bunch of people saying they're watching love your work oh kathy nancy emily michelle are you having fun where you are what program do you use for the photograph anything special to enhance it no no i don't use anything special to enhance any photos i know that there's some people that do that but i work in the business i am a professional photograph restorationist i'm considered a photoshop expert i've won awards for this work so i guess i guess i really need to say that when you work this way i teach children as you know ages eight and up i'm all about life lessons and learning so if you're gonna do this you just need to experiment i'm sure there's apps out there don't go spending a lot of money on apps go to a good photocopier and get these photocopies do not waste money on that i'm so i'm gonna tell you right now i do it for a living don't you do it don't spend the money that i have to spend this professionally well lidl or lytle wants to know wish i caught at the beginning this is gonna be posted but it does feel like it's viewing later won't it lane absolutely not absolutely where can they see it if they miss the beginning if you look at my video on my facebook live page it says videos they're always stored there just find them there hello i'm demonstrating fabric collage today i think i gave you a card the other day okay actually just do it so now i lay it down here i just pop this in and that's how i know where those dark areas of my shadows are going to go now this is not dark enough for me so what does that mean i have to do it means i have to get out my threads and i will thread paint with some darks because i'm looking for this shadow let's look at the photograph again so look at that deep shadow i have to get that dark shadow this ear so i will do it with threads so i need to lay the down lay down that shape and then work with the threads now as you know when you look at my work i use a lot of pieces of fabric it's not just big one big chunk of fabric lots of little pieces go in this so for this particular piece i cut out this one section for the ear i did the highlights here and i'm putting this dark center this is dyed cheesecloth i want that fur this is fun isn't it everybody don't you wish you were here all right so kathy clark going to take your class in austin texas next april uh kathy you're going to be doing this little cub and i can't wait to see you i love doing this as you know i'm just crazy about this stuff and i love sharing it with you i know i know it looks really hard and i know i make it look easy but what i'm trying to do um i'm sorry my husband's telling me to do something for 23 minutes he's timing me everybody i'm on the clock i'm gonna start saying again what i was gonna say i want you to start exploring this and having fun just have fun don't get too crazy about everything if you don't start and you just keep laying in bed thinking about this you will never do it you need to be a doer and not a talker or a dreamer get the fabric out get this out kathy clark before you come to my workshop start playing start practicing take pictures of your dogs your cats whatever now i'm gonna go ahead and stop filming right now and dean's gonna come back and we're gonna do this again but we're gonna do a little bit of snippets in the meantime michelle sango wants to know did you sketch the image onto white fabric before you started applying calico pieces yes i did yes i did all of you that do my work know that i bring in my workshops pre-drawn sketches of the projects and the reason that is is because i've been teaching workshops now and it takes them half a day maybe longer just to trace the object i would like to get down into there get started and play so that's part of my kit you get a pre-drawn base whether it's the kingfisher that i'm going to be teaching in australia for the box anything i do or the little lion cub you are always going to get a kit that has my art drawn on it once you go home and do it yourself you do a light box you did your own drawings you're learning my techniques that's what this is all about also lorraine nancy van hook would love to have you at her quilt shop in montana how would she find out about your teaching in my good question so at the top of the facebook page it says message or it says sign up for my newsletter right but you can also go to my website it's info at calicohorses.com just shoot me an email i love montana as you know i'm a horse person worst country dean and i was just in montana we were in missoula we had a ball and i would love to come to montana so shoot me an email and i will make it happen we will make it to happen together okay all right everybody any more questions okay see you soon we're just gonna take a little break and we'll be back but you can find all my videos on my facebook page thank you so
Channel: Lorraine Turner
Views: 1,688
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Id: QimkFzrUq4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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