F-22 Raptor Concorde Intercept | Behind Enemy Lines | Digital Combat Simulator | DCS |

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good deal good kill hey good kill [Music] sp sp sp [Music] right [Music] for ch ch [Music] ch all right guys welcome back to another video we're here in the F22 Raptor today we have a Concord intercept Mission what is that tell me that's not the Concord see like right here I just took off that look civilian whatever that was right off the nose here we're going to have to form up with it and check it out this is way too low for a Concord right [Applause] [Applause] all right so these guys are obviously out here uh giving us some surveillance some reconnaissance of what's in this area you see that little like Stinger thing that comes out of his back like his tail there that's uh it's called a mad boom from my understanding and it's used for the the magnetic anomaly detection that's what mad stands for and it's for submarines I think they use that to find submarines which is pretty cool but I mean even if he does find a submarine out here uh there's not much I can do about it so you'll have to call somebody [Applause] else I can actually see one of the Orion Pilots here just like staring at me like what is this Raptor want all right we'll leave him alone let's get out of here so there's like this uh like gunboat thing off in front here I'm coming in real low you see that thing over there I don't think it's suspecting anything but you can see like antennas on top it's some sort of surveillance reconnaissance ship or something now those of you who watched the channel before you know that we've done air to ground with the Raptor before using the am Rams and a lot of people think the am Rams are air to air missiles and I'm here to tell you that not only are they air to ground missiles they're also anti- ship missiles let me show you all right we're climbing over the top so we can get a top down angle at him guys on that boat are watching right they're like what is that raptor is he coming back [Music] around all right now watch this if I can aim this correctly there's no reason why I can't hit him fox 3 I mean rifle I mean no wait Bruiser what do you say look at that it hit [Laughter] him all right on radar I got these two guys headed right at me and then two more guys flying perpendicular these guys are vectored on to me it's like they're trying to protect those other two guys in the back who are trying to fly perpendicular uh I don't know what they are probably some sort of flanker but they're about 38 Mi off my nose and they are hot so somehow they're seeing me or they're being vectored onto me somehow you know here we go we got them at 33 miles and I'm mock 1.2 and it's not coincidental that they're heading at my exact azoth you know what I mean like and they broke off look at this oh they're locking me yeah so they 100% are seeing me somehow so I'm going to shoot these guys fox 3 on that guy and fox 3 on the second guy here and yes don't worry the aircraft has already ifed these guys I know they're not friendlies all four of these guys are not friendlies uh holding that lock there zooming in I can't really see anything thing I can't even make him out really at this distance and oh look at this oh you see that little white streak forming that's a missile launch so we'll go ahead and hit a notch here and we'll drop some chaff hopefully those am Rams can kill those guys look at that incoming missile we'll get in the Notch and we'll drop some traff here no big deal use the stealth of the F22 to defeat those uh missiles I don't see any splash fles and we still have oh we got more missile launches man I don't see any splashes so those guys survived pretty sure those are Su 35s by the way look at that these guys came out to fight here today they seem determined oh I launched at me again and I don't see him and I don't have them on radar so let me hit the notch again this is going to become a critical problem in a second here if they get much [Applause] [Music] closer oh I think I I see this guy right above the cloud layer right there fox 3 that should theoretically kill him and oh I see another one right here right there fox 3 I know they're very hard to see with the YouTube compression a these are the two guys that they were guarding and look at this it's an what is that an Antonov 30 reconnaissance aircraft Fox two on him and then we'll gun him and the other guy's in awax which explains how they knew exactly where I was good hits on that guy he's on fire and the other guy is the awax so this is the guy who was vectoring the Super 35s onto me this guy has to die as well because uh we got to make sure that those flankers that have intercepted the Concord have no idea that I'm coming uh and shoot down the Concord or something so they have to be blind and in order for them to to be blind the awax has to die all right uh I I want to maintain my gun I don't want to dump on my rounds into him so I'm going to try to sever his wing going to go for the left wing here we shoot right in the wing route right there there we go nice that's surgical removal of that left wing and lots of guys bailing out so that's good that other antenna of 30 or whatever that thing was maybe it was a 26 I don't know but that thing survived somehow it ate my 9x and all those rounds and still survived so we're going to have to go take care of him he's there in the distance about 4 miles off the nose all right once again I want to maintain rounds but with this guy he's already pretty durable he's shown so I'm going to shoot out his engines cuz no matter how durable you are you can't fly without engines let's get this one right here engine two is gone all right bye guys see you later yeah we got Bail we got shoots out that's good uh yeah okay there's two shoots right there there okay good now they're truly [Music] blind all all right look at this two flankers that looks like a Concord you see the contrails there I'm not in the contrails and I think if I go into them I'll expose myself yeah there's no contrails behind me so I don't think I can do that thing where I come up behind them and I mess with them and they'll see me so I'm just going to point the nose and shoot them with an amram that's how this is going to play out here today fox 3 amam right is tracking they see it he's defending he's dead uh hit the wrong guy but that's okay we'll hit this guy with the Fox 2 9x in the air it's tracking went for flares great okay we'll just have to kill this guy the good old fashion way this is why I didn't want to waste my guns I thought maybe we would need them look at this look at this let me get the proper lead and gun kill all right nobody really stands a chance against the Raptor okay there's the Concord let's go form up with him look at this Concord beautiful aircraft really very nice aircraft what we got here British Airways yeah you guys owe me a drink imagine you're on that plane you're all worried there's two flankers intercepted you and then they go away and then a raptor shows [Music] up all right we've given him enough of an escort I think he's fine so we'll break off we'll head home we give him a raptor send off here [Music]
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 279,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world war 2, ww2, DCS, dcs dogfight, dcs world, Military, army, air force, F-16 Viper, F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, Dogfight, F-22 Raptor, how to, tutorial, guide, F-18 Hornet, BFM, Eagle Dynamics, air combat, war thunder, navy, us military, Mirage, dogfight, f22, f18, hornet, f16, f14, viper, mirage, warthunder, military, f-22 raptor, gripen, mi-24, funny, Eurofighter, ef2000, virtual reality, vr, 3080, world war ii, battle of britain, USA, battlefield 2042, ah64 apache, dcs apache, wwii, f35
Id: 4i4T56KynVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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