F-15C Eagle: ACM Close Range Missiles & Gun Tutorial | DCS WORLD

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hello and welcome back to the reapers today we're in our f-15c eagle and we're looking at air-to-air combat now air-to-air combat can be split into two modes essentially bvr beyond visual range so combat with distances beyond 10 miles between combatants and then within visual range so combat within 10 miles of combatant otherwise known as acm combat now for this video to make sense i'm going to assume that you've already watched the hud modes and hud symbology video which you can find in the f-15 playlist so let's get to the arming screen and see what we've got now the only real close range missile we have is the aim nine sidewinder we can have them on pylons one and the eleven to begin with air-to-air we've got the aim nine here we've got four variations the lmp and p5 the aim 9 is a close range heat-seeking missile with a passive ir sensor on the nose the lm and p5 are all aspect seeker heads so that means that they can fire on a hostile whether they're coming towards us or away from us or side to side the p is the only one i believe there's a rear aspect only version which means you can only shoot at a target when it's heading away from you of all of these versions the m the mic version is the most modern and the best overall so we'll arm up with a couple of those for a start we can also have sidewinders on pylons three and nine and we're also going to equip this with some medium range weapons that were covered in the long range air-to-air tutorial although these are not technically short-range missiles they can be used in visual range combat and hence we're going to equip them as well so we'll have a couple of aim seven mics and a couple of amram m120bs and we'll also be looking at the gun today it's a 20 mil rotary cannon and all we can change with regards to that is the amount of ammo here request rearming copy while we do that let's have a look at our controls today so to fire the gun we've got weapon fire to buy the missiles we've got weapon release we get the lock on a target we have target lock to use auto acquisition vertical scan mode we've got that to use auto acquisition ball scan mode we've got that to use longitudinal long attitudinal aiming mode for the sidewinder we've got that there which also doubles up as flood mode for the aim seven sparrow change weapon we have this and that's all we should be needing okay so there are several modes that we can use in acm combat so we'll start with sidewinder mode cage to boar site then sidewinder uncaged then we'll try the aim 7 sparrow in flood mode then we'll try various missiles in auto acquisition vertical scan and then auto acquisition ball sight and then finally we'll look at the gunnery modes so we can see down here uh the layout of our aircraft and our ordinance layer we've got a120 there a120 there aim seven their aim seven there and our two sidewinders on there and there so we're going to unpause we're going to press 6 for longitudinal amy mode and that's going to automatically have selected one of our sidewinders it's the one on the left here so what we can see is it's put us in the default mode which is cage to ball sight mode you can see the circle here this is the detection zone of the ir missile selected so this is not a sensor on the actual aircraft it's the sensor that actual sensor there in that missile being shown on our hud and it's currently caged or locked to our ball site up also is our aircraft datum there the w sign and the task we'll have to do is maneuver our aircraft so that a hostile plane or airplane of any kind gets within that detection zone until it achieves a lock when it achieves a lock you will hear the difference in the tone and telling us that it's cheap to lock and it can fire now without our radar on and we're not using radar for these modes these are just the sidewinder modes we've got no ranging information or anything like that so regardless ranging and when to fire that has to be done by our own intuition essentially other than that we can see that we've got sidewinders two of them it's a missile there's our mac there's our g nav information down here and everything else is basic standard hud symbology so we're gonna unpause we're gonna maneuver the plane so that it has a hostile in in the ball site and we can see there that it's now got a lock on the target you can hear the changing tone and the change to one circle which hovers above the plane now if we move away from the target ie off both side you can see that we lose our lock that is because we caged the ir seeker head on that missile to the airplane it does not have the ability to swivel on its gimbal mount it can only look forward and if we go up again we can get get him again like i said regards range we've got no range information because we've got no radar on so we're just going to take the shot now i'm pretty sure that's within range regards range of this missile absolute best case if you're head on realistically at about 20 000 feet with another fast plane you can get about 10 miles out of it worst case if you're chasing a target low down to the ground about two miles so we're going to press and hold weapon release you can see that it's un uh caged recast and locked again that's because it's switched to this missile now so we've now got this seeker head in our hud we can this is a self-guiding missile so we can lose the lock and turn around now as i'll show you and it will still track kabumi okay so that was using the missile in cage mode now we're going to use the uncaged mode so we're gonna unpause we're gonna press six again and we get slightly different symbology we've got this circle in the middle showing that the seeker head is still fixed to our aircraft datum here but this now is the outer detection ring of the missile so all we have to do in this mode is get the whole star within this outer ring and it will keep a lock on on the hostel whenever it is in that outer ring it gives us a bit more scope of movement and makes it a bit easier to lock so we're going to do that now so you can see we've got much more scope of moving inside the circle and we can take that shot and kabumi so that's using the sidewinder without the radar now what we're going to do is we're going to turn our radar on and what we can do with that is we can slave the seeker head remember the seeker head on that on the missile is on a gimbal it can tilt at various angles up to about 60 degrees on any angle i believe and we can control that or slave that with our radar so i'm going to reset the exercise so the first thing we're going to do is unpause we're going to press the 4 key to choose auto acquisition mode ball sight we could equal you equally use three for vertical scan it's all mad automatically selected the sidewinder for us thinking it's the best choice for us if we didn't want that we could use the change weapon to select one of these guys here we've got again our small circle which shows the current position or angle or direction of the seeker head the gimbal seeker head of the missile we've got the detection zone of the sega head here and we've got the radar so that is regards the sidewinder that is regards the sidewinder this one here is the bore side of our radar and what we want to do is maneuver so that the hostile gets within the border of the radar this one here we will then get an auto acquisition radar lock on him and then i'll show you what we can do from there so we've got our radar on now basically that's the difference so we're going to find him put him in our circle and so it's very different now now we've got a radar lock so what we can tell is that we've got a box around him this is a typical of the radar we've also got a firing cue saying that we're within range and whatnot and when that's that little triangle below the target box there we've also got our display lights on the a-frame here telling us that we're good to shoot and because we've got a radar on them with a radar lock this time we can get all sorts of information we can compute firing distances angles ballistics ranges aspects and whatnot so lots more information first of all we've got uh a steering dot here there's a little dot it's hard to make out behind the the w sign and the idea of that dot is it helps us add lead to our target if we need if we need someone now we're not going to need a lot a lot of lead in this case because the target's going to fly straight but if he was flying left to right then it would lead in front of the target and the name of the game is to get that dot there as close to the w sign the aircraft datum as we can to take the shot failing that at least we need that dot within the asa ase circle here next is we have a range bar that's 10 miles up there that's zero miles down here this is where the guy currently is that's about two miles away from us we have a combined speed no a closing speed between us of 43 knots and we have some range markers here rmax are a lethal rmin this is our max this is below this is the maximum range at which we can fire the missile and it can strike him as long as he doesn't dodge this is our lethal this is the maximum range at which we can fire at him and hit him even if he dodges and this is the minimum range we can use the missile here uh missiles have to be fused and whatnot and that takes about a quarter of a mile or something like that so he's currently below our lethal and above armin so we're in a perfect position to shoot him so what i want to show now is that with this radar lock we can actually move way off by foresight i can point my nose down here and we can still keep the lock so let's see how far we can go we're still locking we're still logging and you can see at about 20 degrees off foresight something like that we've lost the um tone of the sidewinder so let's get that back by moving up and you can see once we've got within about 15 degrees or something like that we've got it back so if we like we can actually fire at this off board side angle and why don't we do that to show that box 2 up it goes hey that's him done so that was showing using the sidewinder slave to a radar lock next we're going to show using the flood mode for the aim seven if we couldn't get a lock on the target for whatever reason there could be all sorts of reasons for this there might be a problem with blocking the plane because of what the plane is he might be flying at an aspect he might be beaming knoxing or whatever and so we couldn't get a lock but we could see him visually with our eyes or we knew roughly where he is if that's the case then we're going to fly fire in flood mode when it unpause we're gonna press six for flood mode we're gonna press change weapon to bring up the uh the aim seven let's try and get that there we go so we brought up the aim seven i know it's a bit confusing but that means aim seven m there's two of them and it's showing actually that we've got a lock now we haven't actually got a lock because of how explained this works we don't actually get a lock with blood mode we just basically put a target in this here and fire the shot and it will essentially guide to the first target that it sees or the most appropriate target it sees within that locking zone so we're going to move right and basically we can fire as soon as we get a hostile anywhere within that flood mode so we've got we've got that guy within the flood mode we've not got a radar lock in it as such but we have the ability to fire on him like this so we're going to take the shot hopefully we're within range of the missile and we're not too close it's a fox run up it goes and it sort him out like that so that is if we couldn't get a lock for any for some reason and uh the other thing to do is be careful not to get multiple targets like a friend and a hostile within that zone because it's just as likely to go for a friend as a hostile personally i never use flood mode because i just find you lose too much control you don't really know which target is being targeted until the missile hits it so i always stick to the auto acquisition mode or the sidewinder mode okay next we're going to show the auto acquisition modes vertical scan and force bore sight scan with our two radar guard missiles our aim 7 and our aim 120. just to say that we cannot use the flood mode with the amram it only works with the aim 7 sparrow i believe so we'll select a sparrow again we're going to press the 3 key and we've got vertical scan mode so what's happening in this case is that we've got a line here that goes from the aircraft datum the longitudinal axis of the aircraft all the way up to towards its lift vector uh the it goes up i think about 70 degrees maximum so if you imagine a line drawn all the way up along here and the radar is scanning now only along that line it's confined or caged to that line what we have to do is maneuver a plane so that it passes across this line and then we will acquire a radar lock on them and then we'll be able to find our missile so it's not just the line that you can see here visually like i said it goes all the way up so what we will do this time is maneuver an aircraft and again this is an acm mode so within 10 miles for this to work i'm going to maneuver him across our axis and then we've got a lock you can see past the theoretical line moving up here and we've got a lock and we've got all the information we need we've got our am our one remaining sparrow room left we've got our target box here now it can't actually put it over the target here because that's outside the hud so it's just putting it at the top of the hud telling us that we need to move up if we want to see him we've got a triangle here telling us that that we are within firing parameters we have our ase circle here our steering dot here we have our lights here telling us that we are locked and good to fire we have our range bar here pretty much the same in this case that is our lethal there and this is our minimum here a little bit more information here we arrange 1.4 miles away from the hostile because we've got a radar on we've got this extra information and if we were to fire we would be five seconds from firing uh the missile to the impact and we've got our aspect here t i think that means his tail so he's heading away from us so we could find now at this aspect i think it's asking a bit much so we're gonna move up just to ensure that our steering dot is within our ase circle yep definitely is now so now we can take the shot hopefully our missile can bend enough to make that shot we'll see if it can can it boomi simple as that and why don't we do the same with the amram so we're going to choose our amram select weapon we're going to choose our mode number three auto acquisition vertical scan and again we'll just to show that we can we'll move him right over there and we can see we've got a lock on him now out of interest we do not have our firing lights here and we do not have our little uh symbol here so we although we've locked him up we've got a decent radar lock it's saying we're out of parameters to fire so we can't fire in this case so this time we're going to head up until we do get within parameters five now we're in parameters to fire we've got within enough angle deflection too far you see our lights are on we've got a little star here which is the amram signal that we can fire our steering dot has been up within our asc circle so we can fire so it's computed that it should be able to bend the missile up so let's have a go at that let's just give it a little bit of a helping hand a little bit further up so it's a fox three let's see if we can bend you can so that was the vertical scan mode used with the two different missiles you can see it's really designed for dog fights because if you have a dog fight you're always going to be trying to keep your hostile between your longitudinal axis there and your lift vector there on that line is where you're always going to keep your hostile you won't be able to keep it in the heart because that's just not possible just a couple of other bits of information i may have not mentioned where when we've got a radar lock uh i've mentioned this down here that we've got i've mentioned this down here that we've got i did not mention on the outside of the asc's ase circle is a tick here and this shows the aspect of the hostile because it's pointing upwards he's heading away from us if it was pointing downwards it would be heading hot to us if it was pointing right like this he will be heading from left to right from our view okay so next let's do auto acquisition ball sight mode on pause got one missile left we're gonna press four and we get board sight mode so this is the detection range here of the missile which is of no real consequence at the moment because we're going to be using our radar board side mode and again like we use with the side rather this is our radar radar ball side we want to maneuver the hostile so it's in here and then that will acquire a lock so let's do that so we've moved him into third circle we've got a lock we've got our ase circle here with all the radar base elements that we've talked about before so we will fire at him make sure he's in within range yet he's above the minimum marker and again just because we want to bend the limit as much as possible let's see how much deflection we can get and the ballistics computer will calculate how much deflection we can fire at and we will lose our yellow lights if we exceed that deflection you can see that steering dot getting close to the asc circle as soon as it gets outwards then we know can no longer fire once it gets inwards we can fire so we can fire there so let's see if we can bend that missile press and hold weapon release yeah and it's bending kabumi so that is all of the acm radar and non-radar missile modes now all we've got to try is our gunnery mode i think we'll shot all the hostiles down now so we'll restart and look at the gunnery modes okay so we've reset we're now going to look at using the gun we can use it in two modes with or without radar lock without radar lock it's essentially just a four-sided gun pepper that we have we have no kind of ballistics calculation or anything like that so to do that and i've got to show you this earlier we need to use the cannon button there to select the cannon so we're going to press that and we've got the cannon so we've just got a ball side sorry a caged uh reticle here for aiming and well there's not much to say really aim near the target and hope for the best so i'm going to aim see if i can hit him so you got no ranging or ballistics calculation or lead or anything i missed him god damn it i got him okay so that's that to be honest it's not a great deal of use and i don't know why you'd ever use it i guess unless your radar can use your radar for some reason now let's try with the radar so we're going to press the i key and we are going to try and attract a hostile i'm just going to have to roll over this guy and what i did there is uh by pressing the i key i turned the radar on and then what i had to do was move the target into the pippa into the the the circular gun site and it's now achieved radar lock so we've now got a radar lock and we now have ballistics computation so let me just settle here so we've got a lock on the target again we've got this box here and it will continue a log anywhere within the gimbal limits of the radar of 70 degrees either way or whatever it is i've got my target reticle here my gun reticle here which has got a lot more information now so to begin with we have a winding clock now it's almost completely unwound at the moment but that's because we are so close to the target if i were to let the target get away a bit let's do that we'll see that the ranging clock starts to increase there you see that inner line starts to increase um as soon as the reindeer clock starts to unwind is when you're in range to fire basically so if we keep letting get further further away once the the unwinding gets all the way up to about there that's our maximum um that's our maximum range to fire we've also got our ranging here but we've got no firing queues there so the idea is this is a ballistics computation it's going to calculate lead bullet drop wind well not wind but you know all sorts of stuff so here is our ball sighted aiming this is where the gun is actually firing at this cross here and the deviation between that and the pippa we want to aim the pippa here that's basically with the pivot point here is with added calculation so we want to aim this pivot at the target not the gun cross and that will give us our computed firing solution now it'd be easier to see if we attacked him from the side because it would be adding a bit more lead on so i'm just gonna i'm gonna turn away and attack him from the side just to show you now we're coming on a more side aspect you can see that there's a lot more lead that has to be added that's where the gun's firing that's fixed to the airframe so it never moves but that's the computation of the gun solution so i want to maneuver so that dot right there is over the target then i pull the trigger and it's all then computed to fire um and we know we're in this bow because we've got gds here guns something solution gun designated solution i think let's give it a shot shall we miss the blighters try again missed him again let's try again it's usually a very good gun maybe having a trouble with the hostile because he's not actually trying to dodge got a few hits there a few more hits and we've got him in the end it is a really good gun even if a hostile is moving heavily up your lift vector you can hit him pretty easily with that so we've showed the ocm modes we've showed how to use sidewinder in caged and uncaged mode how do you sound a sidewinder slave to the radar how to use auto acquisition mode with the two different radar guided missiles vertical scan and board side scanner which showed how to use the gun in gds and lcs mode nothing to add i hope that helps and see you later
Channel: Grim Reapers
Views: 89,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: milsim, fighter, aircraft, F-22, F-18C, Hornet, Raptor, DCS, DCS world, formation, flying, stunts, f-15, su-27, su-33, mig-29, harrier, f-5, mig-21, huey, ka-50, viggen, grim reapers, grim, jets, planes, dogfight, combat, pvp, arma 3, mission, bvr
Id: eBoNwnNxKs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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