ABANDONED GMC TransMode Rescue! Will it Run after 15+ Years?

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what is happening budget Builders and welcome back to the channel we're here just a few Towns over from where we live it's all post on Marketplace they were fixing to scrap everything on this property and we had to come out and save it now the first thing here is this pristine 1973 GMC motorhome these are 455 powered front-wheel drive General Motors motorhomes I mean they're flipping cooled and this one has been parked since at least 2008 and in today's video we're going to attempt to get it running and here we are back we're at Mom and Dad's house we actually had a friend of ours just down the road pulled this thing here and so this is where we brought it back to and so that means we need to get this thing running and driving so we can get it back down to the shop but we needed it somewhere plus we had storage here so we can push it up under the carport surprisingly enough dad's truck actually pulled this 10 500 pound Behemoth out with a completely locked up brake and then Dad and I went ahead and freed it up which included busting It Off before we realized it's virtually Irreplaceable anyways first things first this was a squatters or multiple squatters home for many many many years and we've got to clean some of this interior out and we need to be able to get to the motor which is underneath the front floorboard so we have to pull the goofy dividing wall out of here we're gonna try to keep tractors it's liberty that's a tractor we're gonna try to keep as much of that original interior I say original this was originally if you see some yellow here this was originally a Canyons Edition so this was bright yellow with green interior and brown and all kinds of funky colors and at some point of time by the dealer tag I assume this thing was kind of modernized a little bit by a GMC dealerships that's why you see the White and the blue and the goofy elegans are two decals I'm not sure the route with this thing yet but first we got to get an attempt to get it running and driving we got to get it cleaned up we don't want to throw anything away that we may need let's jump in this interior as you can see this busted window we went ahead and we did actually find a replacement glass and got that put in there so we are good and dry now and have that goofy wood off the side hooey that's our big thing getting all that mess out of there and it's a thousand degrees in here and I want to get to these windows I've got this one slid open this thing is so neat I I it's just to beat the 70s I mean this thing does not seem like a 1970s camper it's so future I mean it's modern for even 90s 2000 standards and I'm excited to try to drive this thing I just I have never had anything like this I think it's going to be so much fun we can ride around this as a family everybody can ride in this and I want the kids to be able to enjoy this one too and I think this might be a really cool car show runner you know throw a trailer behind it because you can tow a little bit with these and uh back here you can see it was this was a bed back here and what I kind of think I want to do is actually put the dinette style back in here with the seat belts and everything um where maybe the kids can ride in the back or something I'm not sure yet we're gonna find out if uh if that 455 is junk I mean this thing may not be worth fixing because they're not remarkably valuable but they are quite rare [Music] right here [Music] oh Aldi look probably all the original seat belts and everything we hadn't seen anything too scary like needles or anything and obviously this thing was pretty recently lived in so it's not super gross yeah it's pretty gross nothing too scary though I love that we keep finding all the more cushions [Music] start getting light in here makes all the difference oh there it is that's the original carpet oh that's beautiful look at it that's awesome we gotta put that back in here is that not amazing okay so it's Painted Desert is what this is not Canyonlands this is Painted Desert was the fact what this thing was from the factory the bright the yellowish outside the brownish that wood grain and that incredibly beautiful carpet see where the TV mount was and everything somebody was really ingenuitive oh my goodness oh what are you doing my friend now that's awesome well these are whatever some right thank you perfect [Music] oh that's so much better getting it opened up well we're getting somewhere there's our motor down there this seat is kind in here but it still has one bolt and I want to get it moved so we can pull this engine cover and see what's down here now we did kind of work our way in here just pop the lid open a little bit that's why it's kind of flopped because the shift leakage was frozen and so we had to get in here to release that cut it off down there so I've kind of gotten a peek but we really we had to check the oil in this thing yet all that and we can finally get down to the motor we need to get it running so we get the AC going wow that is a big old motor 455 cubic inches [Music] I guess when you look and see how burnt that is oh that's a big Telltale wow that's lame that is clean as a pen watch out for friends oh I know I'm just I'm just trying to find so there's where your batteries go there's no battery tray left lots of fiber glass down there 10 miles long oh my gosh sludge I like Sledge Sledge is okay sludge is a good thing there's no water just Sledge [Music] yep [Music] because it's got some nest in there don't it really [Music] it's a fire waiting to happen definitely gotta get all that blown off now it's time to see if we can get this thing running a little worrisome with the sludge in there not a huge deal it may not be as bad as it looks you know just that crazy dipstick might have a bunch of stuff caught up inside of it but before we even start you can tell with the mouse Nest probably some moisture from all the years that it's been sitting we definitely want to go ahead and pull all of our spark plugs we want to soak all of the cylinders down and then we want to try to turn it over by hand on the crank to begin with as long as we can get to it it's kind of tight down in there and verify the thing this thing spins over freely before we just start turning it over and take the you know the possibility of potentially grabbing rust on those Rings or anything and I do and we want to go ahead and change that oil you know this is one of those we definitely want to take it step by step and try to do it as properly as we possibly can because this is a motor we probably don't want to have to pull out of here I'd like to uh I guess you have to go through the windshield I have no idea [Music] number one not too shabby free a little bit of moisture on there not too too bad nice and clean when I say nice and clean these are some ugly old spark plugs but the combustion side the important stuff looks pretty good seven pretty nice awesome four a little bit of moisture look at the little hairs in there and that's why we're soaking this thing down yeah that's random and gross [Laughter] six really nice and our last one eight perfect awesome get some lubricant down in here now oh yeah fun under there that's terrible spins good huh I just don't think you're on it well enough right yeah that's it [Music] There She Goes yep there she goes oh man that was it I still don't like that oh yeah I like a lot of it's the belts yeah there's so much belts hold on there's a lot of stuff in beat well there ain't no holding on there's so much stuff in between belts are stuck okay oh my goodness good good good good good good good oh that makes me feel so much better that makes me feel a lot better yes I thought we were done that would have been a monster well we're not there yet but it moves I think next step before even throw the batter in here and start turning this thing over of course let's go ahead and drain that oil we know it's not super pretty looking and most of what's in there is gonna settle down in the pan plus once we've run this thing a little bit if it'll run and get some heat in it and then we can always change it again oil is cheap Motors aren't we definitely want to try to uh preserve this one the best we can foreign not bad at all wow that's some really bad oil but not slouchy oh yeah all right this has the oil cooler so it's holding so much more oil this is the little filter on it to head on full before we start turning this thing over probably want to go ahead and disconnect the fuel because I have a feeling hey you got some wasp spray what do you put gas in this thing oh yeah way up here foreign let's stick a battery back down in here as pretty as some of this electrical is we're gonna have a lot of electrical work to do in here oh wait a second yeah there's no terminal on this nothing huh all right go ahead hit it again all right that solenoid sucks okay let me hook everything up on one side nothing oh yeah you're stiff buddy go ahead oh ey all right go ahead foreign okay now we're all in here as you can see two batteries we have the starting battery the house battery and so how that works is this one runs to here and then this one runs directly to the starter motor for the actual starter power the motor power and then you have the vehicle power and what this is is a jumper I'll show you the switch on the dash that actually jumps these in case you run that battery down let's see if this thing actually turns over now with good cables and a little bit uh One battery we might have to jump over and try the extra battery too solenoid a little bit it's sticky now which one the starter's solenoid oh man yeah I know There She Goes oh yeah I guess it's time now for spark plugs we've got some acdelcos to go back in it we'll go ahead and GAP them out to the factory I think 35 000 on this one and uh figure out make sure it's sparking and then we can start figuring out Fuel and the reason this thing I'm sure that solenoid was stuck on the starter probably was when we were trying to turn it over with that low voltage saying hatman spun over in a long time and probably just stuck those brushes which were able to just tap and get freed up there with yeah this point still and it's pretty crispy [Applause] nothing we're gonna have to put points in this I'd say these are the originals it's actually so burnt Beyond the plastic is holding it out there's just nothing left actually nothing left of the points right here anymore we've got our new points I'm gonna go ahead and put a little bit of Grease right here where it rides on the lobe we can drop these back into place now as you can see here these actually just tighten down into one place and then use this little Allen adjustment here to actually adjust them in and out and what we're going to be looking for is roughly 16 thousandths oh yeah now we're talking at least 15 years we know most of the fuel system is going to be disgusting in this thing so I'm going to go ahead and of course hook it up to our boat tank we're going to just bypass everything for now until we get the opportunity to clean it up got our fuel tank run down here to the original fuel pump gonna try to pump it we've got it loose at the carburetor let's see if anything comes through fuel pump's probably not going to work but it's worth a try if it does carburetor is probably going to have to be rebuilt but you might as well give it a go first before we go yanking it off and go having to throw a kid into it oh it's pooling fuel and leaking everywhere this fuel line is just so hard it wasn't sealing up good but I got it snugged up it cinched up a bit more now we're good there I'll see if this carburetor takes any fuel hey why are the winter wipers coming on we've got fuel up to there see if this thing will pop off for the first time and at least 15 years oh [Laughter] what is all that thank you [Music] awesome oil pressure [Music] [Applause] [Music] right down this is awesome [Music] heck yeah that one was I don't want to say too easy but not bad there is nothing in there let's go ahead and shut it down and get some Cooling in it so you got the Overflow here but this radiator is way back in there and it is uh that's a huge radiator but it's bone dry it uh [Music] cool ones it smells coolant-ish just gonna go in it with water for now because we'll uh I'm sure I have to do a water pump with thermostat and off scale number two how much water can one motor take [Music] it is oh my goodness [Applause] okay three and a half gallon this full tank of gas she's a takey ticker I think Oldsmobiles were problematic for Ticky lifters sounds great though blew a bunch of crap a bunch of crowd out there that's a what 26 foot long exhaust got some screechy belts oh it's getting so much better not a ton of blow by or anything because we do know this thing is uh 67 000 original miles and I have all the paperwork for this one leading up to now and it is verified so something like this I imagine you're not going very far very fast anyways got quite a bit of weepage around the accelerator pump see the rebuilt sticker there but as long as the Tank's been sitting as bad as that carburetor looks definitely going to want to put a kid in it before we do any kind of Major Driving do you smell that smells good it's a great the bad thing about this is we're burning I noticed there was still a lot of rats mess on top of the transmission we're burning off so much and all that stuff that was obviously in the bell housing oh look in this whole camper up we've got to get these windows you know how this thing was in there and you know realistically the way everything looks I think 2008 was probably just them updating the sticker every year I don't know because that family has uh has passed away so I'm not sure exactly how long this thing hits at but it was at least 2008 probably a little bit longer but uh and with that being said we know just by getting it out these breaks are horrendous there's a lot of braking on this vehicle so definitely a lot of work that's going to have to go on there our bags were the originals and by far shot they're gonna have to figure that out we've got to get this thing driving because we have to get it back to the shop so we can work on it a bit more there we can clean this thing up I think it is going to clean up awesome it is disgusting it's gonna take a lot of work but I think it's going to be really fun and clean up really good in this thing's just so flipping cool that is what like six gallons total so that tells me the thermostat probably opened up that's good we do have the leaking right here on top of the thermostat housing terrible isn't it we have a fire extinguisher right yep what's out of healthy just needed to get those look at all this I just needed to get those lifters Prime back up blowing it out of the I have to take a call yeah go check it out yeah you drive it itself a little stinky in here but is this cool or what yeah that's cool we need to fix it up um we can um we don't have to pay to get um like um like to get good cars because we can just fix them up in videos we buy bad cars though don't we so we can make them into good cars yeah there isn't it there's not that much room no look it's a shower so it's a shower and a toilet in there all at the same time so you take a dookie and you and then you close it flush and then you can take a shower yep so you sit on the toilet it goes down the drain yep everything goes down the drain oh that's fancy hey Michael let's start it up oh my goodness there ain't no way this thing's that's some of the worst breaks I've ever seen I think they filled them with water now I'd love to go ahead and just throw this thing in gear and try to move it but this is a 10 500 pound Behemoth front and rear are made of fiberglass and obviously the brakes are completely shocked and I did have to cut the shift cable because it's completely Frozen all the way up to the column here when we were trying to get this thing out it was stuck in gear and you're not going to move this thing without it in neutral so with that being said definitely quite a bit more we have to do but I think we'll be able to get it knocked out in our next video on this thing and we're going to try to take it for its first drive but with that being said that is going to wrap it up for this video I really hope you all have enjoyed and are excited for this rescue I know we had so much fun getting this thing pulled out and getting it running and are excited to get it driving if you do enjoy this kind of stuff and you want to see more on this rescue and others be sure to subscribe button a notification Bell to keep up with our future uploads and if you have been to the part of the channel we do appreciate it so much Dad and I and our family have such fun bringing these things back to life and it wouldn't be possible without each and every one of you but that is going to wrap it up peace out and catch you all on the flip side [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Budget Buildz
Views: 283,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: willitrun, sitting, barnfind, fieldfind, oldcar, classic, budgetbuildz, drive, garagefind, woods, buried, dirt, crazy, bringbacktolife, scrapyard, crusher, save, rescue, gas, fun, crush, crushed, crawlspace, dirtfloor, gmc, transmode, motorhome
Id: B9f3oFcbB_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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