Ezra ~ 4:20 to 5:17

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel the book of Ezra Ezra of course pin written God's instruction and word by through the priest Ezra Ezra you may or may not know also penned the book of Nehemiah the book of Esther many believe including myself that he also wrote The Chronicles the last two verses of Chronicles that being the verses 22 and 23 of chapter 36 are almost verbatim as of the as the three verses from beginning the book of Ezra if you have an Apocrypha you probably are aware that the first two books of the Apocrypha are written are called first and second as address and that of course being the greek version of ezra he also pinned first and second as dress in the Apocrypha now in our last lecture but i kind of need to fill you in on what's going on it in case you missed that but we had the Samaritans they're called the adversaries in verse 1 of chapter 4 came up to the people of Judah and said you know let us help you rebuild the temple and you know we want to worship your God as well and they put him off they said no you don't have anything to do with this because they were worshipping five or six other gods they're God's five or six of them one wasn't any better than the other but anyway they then hired advisors as to how to put off the building of the temple in Jerusalem and the Chancellor Rehim and shim Shai the scribe along with some of their other allies got together and wrote a letter to King Cyrus of Persia and they the letter basically said you need to search the history books and back in the days when Sam Solomon and David were king of Israel the City and Jerusalem and this nation made insurrection and rebellion and sedition have been made there against the kings of the world and under David and Solomon the nation of Israel was very powerful their power extended far beyond the borders of the original promised land if not in actual possession in economic influence and they were collecting tribute taxes if you will from all these other lands and the Samaritans and their advisers were telling Cyrus you better watch out with these people get that kind of power back again people are not going to be paying paying tribute and taxes to you they're gonna be paying tribute in taxes to the people of Jerusalem plus they're not going to pay you tribute in taxes anymore and since you are main maintaining us if your pocketbook is hurt then our pocketbook is hurt so that letter was delivered to King Cyrus and as we began or ended our last lecture he had begun his response to the the Samaritans and their advisors we're going to pick it up today in in verse 20 and verse 19 Cyrus says I've come that the history books be searched and what you said is right the history backs up what you said that there's been insurrection and rebellion and Sedition in Jerusalem let's ask that word of wisdom and your shoe is precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears today let's go with Ezra chapter 4 verse 20 and it reads there have been mighty kings also over Jerusalem which have ruled over all countries beyond the river all the countries on the west side of the Euphrates and tole tribute and custom was paid unto them and David and Solomon when they reigned Israel probably the most powerful nation on earth at the time give you now commandment to cause these men to cease and that this city referring to Jerusalem be not builded or rebuilt until another commandment shall be given from me put everything on hold and I want to think about this now do you think that it mattered to God that Cyrus wanted to put this on hold you see man cannot change God's will God can change the will of man but not the other way around verse 22 take heed now that he failed not to do this why should damage grow to the hurt of the Kings why should we let this nation become powerful again stop paying tribute in taxes to me King the Persia Cyrus and the others who I am maintaining are going to suffer this is going to hurt me and you is what Cyrus is saying don't forget though who is in control always follow God's instructions if that upsets man the so what it's more important for you to please your heavenly Father then is to please man always please him first verse 23 now in the copy of King our taxer sees that's an applet if that means the Great King it's referring to Cyrus letter was read before Rehim and Shem Shai the scribe and their companions they went up in haste to Jerusalem unto the Jews to the Judeans and made them to cease by force and power this word force and power and the khaldiya is by armed and power they've got a letter excuse me from Cyrus king of Persia saying cease and desist from rebuilding the temple this is going to delay the temple being rebuilt some 15 years God will not be pleased about that at all 24 then ceased the work of the house of God which is at Jerusalem so it ceased unto the second year of the reign of Darius king of Persia this matter isn't quite settled yet and we'll see that in chapter 5 when it's God's will that the temple be rebuilt the temple is going to be rebuilt now that doesn't mean that it's going to go smoothly for those who are working for father but again one thing that I want you to learn from the book of Ezra is that don't give up persevere keep going and doing the work of God Satan would prefer nothing more than for you to give up and just to quit you think Satan doesn't want God's will to be accomplished and he'll throw darts at those who are trying to do God's work left and right put your gospel armor on and be ready to stand against the fiery darts of Satan always exercise your power over your enemies including Satan that is in the name of Jesus Christ he gave us power over all of our enemies Luke chapter 10 verses 17 and 18 in the name of Jesus Christ so the house of God is going to lie and waste for another 15 years meanwhile though the people of Jerusalem and Judah Benjamin and the Levites are rebuilding their own houses and let's go with chapter five and we'll explain verse 1 then the prophets haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of a doe-eyed Oh prophesied unto the Jews that were in Judah and Jerusalem in the name of the God of Israel even unto them we're going to see a little bit of reproof and encouragement now this is not only interesting it's significant because Haggai and Zechariah are the first prophets that God started speaking with the people of Judah again have since the beginning of the Babylonian captivity God basically said you're going into captivity I don't want to hear from you you're not going to hear from me for 70 years we're just basically going to be estranged hag I began to prophesy in the second year of Darius king of Persia the sixth month and on the other hand Zechariah began to prophesy the second year of Darius in the eighth month so only two months separating these two prophecies by the way Zechariah chapter 1 verse 1 tells us that as ekor ayah was the son of berechiah not idle but a barrack aya was the son of i do' therefore zechariah being the grandson actually of i do' but that's common in the Old Testament in the Hebrew language there's not a word for grandson our grandfather you would just say father or son and it might may or may not be a direct descendant what did Haggai have to say it's important for you to understand and and also it tells us what God felt about all this go with me now to Haggai chapter 1 verse 1 we're gonna spend quite a bit of time there so there's no need for you to hold your place but if you go all the way back to the back of the Old Testament you'll find a short book called Malachi then Zechariah and then you'll find Haggai Haggai chapter 1 verse 1 was we're gonna cover starting there but before we do that I want you to understand many of you with reference Bibles have that beat in that Haggai and your reference column was written in BC 5:20 now if you take into consideration bullinger 's 110 year correction then we would be at 410 BC I was careful to point out to you when we began the book of Ezra we were at 426 bc now they built on the temple for about a year before this letter from our tak Circe's which is named for Cyrus was delivered by the Samaritans to cease and desist so were 15 years down the road from when that letter was delivered to the people of Judah chapter 1 verse 1 in the second year of Darius the king and he's the king of Persia he replaced Cyrus as the king in the sixth month in the first day of the month came the word of the Lord by haggai the prophet unto Zerubbabel the son of shealtiel governor of judah and to joshua the son of josedech the high priest saying now these are named that you should recognize from the book of Ezra we've been talking about the ruble Bella Prince of Judah who gained the trust of Cyrus and was made governor over the province of Judah Judah was a province of Persia at this time Joshua the is the same as Yeshua in the book of Ezra and he's the nephew of Ezra and he's the high priest at the time of these writings verse 2 thus speaketh the Lord of hosts saying this people say the time has not come the time that the Lord's house should be built and we hear a little bit of contempt in this message God said this people say he didn't say my people or God's people say but you've got time to build your own houses but you're not building my house you know and here he brought him out of Babylon out of confusion gave them their freedom basically again they're subject to that Cyrus the king of Persia all right but there are a whole lot more free than they were under the Babylonians some thanks for their freedom verse 3 then came the word of the Lord by hey guide the Prophet saying you think God is happy that his house the temple is not being rebuilt verse 4 is it time for you oh ye to dwell in your sealed houses and this house referring to his house the house of God lie waste now these sealed houses this is fancy cedar paneling and very luxurious and comfortable and he's saying you've got time and resources to rebuild your own fancy houses while my house lies here in waste now therefore thus saith the Lord of Hosts consider your ways as consider your ways in the Hebrew is set your mind or your heart on your ways I want you to think about your conduct and I want you to realize that your conduct has consequences your your conduct brings about results those results can be good those results can be bad God can bless you if you do things his way or he can curse you if you don't do things his way we're gonna see that Judah was not being blessed at all the people were working very hard but there weren't getting anywhere as we'll see in the next verse verse 6 you have sown much and bring in little you eat but you have not enough you're never satisfied you drink but you are not filled with drink you clothed you but there is none warm and he that Erna thwe jiz earnest wages to put it into a bag with holes now this is interesting I couldn't help but think about the first part let's cover that you know you you so a lot of seed you've prepared the ground and and you plant the seeds and you expect a good harvest but you don't get it you you Burt you sow a lot but you bring in very very little the same with the drink you you prune and trim your vineyards but you don't get anything out of them to speak of and those of you who do make wages you bring them home to put them in a whole bag with holes in it this verse I couldn't help but think about usury God's Word warns us about usury and not to get involved with it and you know people today I see them time and time again they're very impatient they want everything now and one way that they can get things now is to charge them on a credit card and they don't think about can I afford the item that I'm wanting to buy they think can I afford the monthly payment and they end up getting themselves in a situation where their whole income 100% of their income is consumed by monthly payments as a result they don't have anything that they put can put back for a rainy day for an emergency that might come up they just go and put more on a credit card and you know if you've got $10,000 let's say that you have financed on a credit card and you make the minimum monthly payment each month and you're paying fifteen to twenty two percent Interest it's going to take you 30 years to get that $10,000 paid off and you're gonna end up paying three times the price for products that you buy because you bought them on a credit card so always stay clear of usury God can fill your bucket with resources or he can put holes in your buckets and I think a lot of people today they just simply aren't holding their buckets upright they're spilling all their resources meaning they're wasting the resources verse 7 thus saith the Lord of hosts consider your ways think about your actions and the results the consequences you can do things my way God's speaking and receive blessings when you sow you can have a great harvest your vineyards can produce more wine than you could possibly drink and when you make wages you put them in a bag that doesn't have holes in it consider your ways verse 8 go up to the mountain this is Mount Zion of course the the location of the temple and bring would bring the Cedars of Lebanon and build the house and I will take pleasure in it and I will be glorified saith the Lord and when you glorify the Lord that's when he sends blessings and that's what Judah is in need of right now is God's blessings but they're not getting them I like this that I will take pleasure in it God knows that there's no way that Judah and the people of Benjamin and the Levites have the resources to build a temple that was as magnificent as Solomon's Temple I mean everything was overlaid with gold in the Holy of Holies they don't have those kind of resources to rebuild the temple but God's saying here you build it and I will take pleasure in it you know God doesn't opulence does nothing for our heavenly father you know you can build a cathedral made out of glass or whatever but that's not going to impress God what God wants to see is what is the fruit that that church is producing doesn't matter what the church looks like it's what kind of fruit is being produced by the church verse 9 he looked for much and lo it came to little you you were planted the crops and you were expecting a great harvest but you've got very very little in return and when you brought it home I did blow upon it this is God speaking feel his emotions why saith the Lord of Hosts because of mine house that is waste and ye run every man unto his own house you take care of building your own houses in fact is when it's time to do that you run to do it you you're anxious to do but when it comes to doing work on my house you don't have time for it and you know since that work was being neglected on the temple I can well imagine that the worship of Yahoo Bay was being neglected as well verse nobody had time for God they were builded too busy building their own houses verse 10 therefore the heaven over you is stayed from Dew and the earth is stayed from her fruit Deuteronomy chapter 11 we learn about the former and the latter rain what God's saying here is not only is it not going to rain I'm not gonna allow it to even so much as the dew be upon the grass in the morning so that's dry and he's saying here you know do things my way and I'll give you rain in due season in leviticus 20:6 he said if you don't do things my way i'll make your heaven as iron and your ground is brass in other words it's not gonna rain and the ground is gonna be so hard that you can't cultivate it to even plant your crops or you can have plenty if you do things his way you don't think God curses and blesses you're not familiar with Leviticus chapter 26 in Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 11 and I called for a drought upon the land and upon the mountains and upon the corn and upon the new wine and upon the oil and upon that which the ground bringeth forth and upon men and upon cattle and upon all the labor of the hands now when there's a drought and there's no food it affects man and the cattle verse 12 then zerubbabel the son of shealtiel and joseph joshua the son of josedech the high priest with all the remnant of the people obeyed the voice of the Lord their God and the words of Haggai the profit as the Lord their God had sent him and the people did fear before the Lord good to obey God said consider your ways they considered their ways do you want blessings or cursings I don't know about you I'd much prefer to have God's blessings then his cursings verse 13 then spec hack spake Haggai that we Lord's messenger in the Lord's message unto the people saying I am with you saith the LORD or now that should give people encouragement and faith if God be for you who can be against you not even the king of Persia can be against you if the Lord is with you no one can stop you if the Lord is with you verse 14 and the Lord stirred up the spirit of zerubbabel the son of shealtiel governor of Judah and the spirit of joshua the son of josedech the high priest and the spirit of all the remnant of the people and they came and did work in the house of the Lord of Hosts their God they put God first that brings blessings verse 15 in the four and twentieth day of the six month in the second year of Darius the king 23 days passed since verse 1 God used His Prophet Haggai to lineout the children of Israel now we're going to return to Israel chapter five and we'll pick it up with verse two then rose up the ruble bill the son of shealtiel and Yeshua that's the same as Joshua that we were just reading about the son of josedech and began to build the house of God which is at Jerusalem and with them were the prophets of God helping them Haggai and Zechariah encouraging the people continuously to consider their ways at the same time came to them tacna governor on this side of the river and shin thar she thar bows nigh and their companions and said thus unto them who hath commanded you to build this house and to make up this wall don't let this confuse you the rubble Bell is the governor over Judah but over Judah only there were other provinces of Persia on the west side of the Euphrates River tacna is the governor over all of the areas including Judah so as it's written in second excuse me first Ezra's in the Apocrypha that the ruble bell was subordinate to titan i verse 4 then said we unto them after this manner what are the names of the men that make this building and this is not correct it didn't ask a question they told them the names of those this was not a question and no doubt these Samaritans had called these people's attention Tatton eyes attention hey Cyrus said don't build the temple and these people are building the temple verse 5 but the eye of their God was upon the elders and of the Jews of Judah that they could not cause them to cease they had the authority to but they did not so tell them to cease till the matter came to Darius this is Darius hiss topsis and then they returned answer by letter concerning this matter we're gonna see divine intervention and protection here but the stat and I had the authority to instruct zaraba Bell to cease and desist but he's gonna take the matter to Darius and it's gonna be another letter verse 6 the copy of the letter that tacna governor on this side of the river and sheathe arbos nigh and his companions the a force a kites this is a medo-persian tribe which were on this side of the river sent unto darius the king now from child mind you from chapter 4 verse 8 through chapter 6 verse 18 is in the manuscripts is written in the sirak tongue verse 7 then sent a letter into them wherein was written thus unto darius the king all peace in the arabic this word peace is Shalom and very similar to the Hebrew word for peace Shalom be it known unto the king this is to Darius that we went into the province of Judea to the house of the Great God which is builded with great stones and timber is laid in the walls and this work goeth fast on and prospereth in their hands there they're really getting with it down there in Jerusalem and you need to give attention to this or they're gonna have the temple completed then asked we those elders and said unto them thus who commanded you to build this house and to make up these walls by by what authority are you rebuilding the temple we asked their names also to certify thee we got their names so that we can notify you that we might write the names of the men that were the chief of them who were their leaders who was in charge who was giving the orders and thus they returned us answer saying we are the servants of the God of heaven and earth and build the house that was builded these many years ago nearly 500 years ago which a great king of Israel builded and set up that of course was Solomon but after that our fathers had provoked the god of heaven unto wrath that's why they went into captivity worshipping other gods and not listening to the prophets that God sent to Judah he gave them up into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon the Chaldean who destroyed this house and carried the people away and to Babel and Babylon meaning confusion and they didn't take all the people of Judah and Benjamin and Levi but they took the best and brightest those who were educated the leaders of the military the leaders of the government the professionals doctors lawyers verse 13 but in the first year of Cyrus the king of Babylon notice he's called the king of Babylon here instead of the king of Persia why because he had conquered Babylon at this time he was the king of both Persia and Babylon in other words the same King Cyrus made a decree to build this house of God this is who gave us the authority to rebuild the temple Cyrus king of Persia and put it in writing remember in verse 2 of chapter 1 of Ezra he made a decree and he put it in writing it's a good thing they're gonna call upon that here verse 14 and the vessels also of gold and silver of the house of God which Nebuchadnezzar took out of the temple that was in Jerusalem and brought them into the temple of Babylon those did Cyrus the king take out of the temple of Babylon and they were delivered unto one whose name was shesh Bazaar whom he had made governor probably as a rubble bail that's being his Persian name and they're making the point here Cyrus took the cups and the bowls that were used in the worship of the Lord in the temple and gave them to shesh Bazaar why would he have done that if he didn't want the temple rebuilt verse 15 and said unto him take these vessels go carry them into the temple that is in Jerusalem and let the house of God be builded in his place build it on the exact location where Solomon's Temple had been then came the same shesh Bazaar probably zerubabbel and laid the foundation of the house of God which is in Jerusalem in Zechariah chapter 4 it states that the rubble Bell held the plumb-bob when the foundation of the temple was laid and since that time even until now hath it been in building and yet it is not finished they had allowed too much interference to come into play on the part of the Samaritans they had used a lot of their time and resources rebuilding their own homes rather than building the house of God verse 17 and will stop for the day now therefore if it seemed good to the king this written to Darius king of Persia let there be search made in the Kings treasure house a place where he no doubt kept precious metals but also important documents which is there at Babylon whether it be so that a decree was made of Cyrus the King to build this house of God at Jerusalem and let the King send his pleasure to us concerning this matter check it out for yourself Darius and see if Cyrus did not put forth this decree and then we'll wait for your response your pleasure in this matter the people of Judah did a much better job this time of responding than when this matter was brought up to Cyrus they stuck to the facts they told it like it was and you know when you're doing working for God what man says doesn't really matter but you need to be concerned about obeying civil laws if you don't obey civil laws you're not going to have the right to serve God so they played it smart there were wiser than the serpent in this case and their request is going to be heard and their request to continue building Jerusalem and more specifically the temple is going to be granted don't miss the next lecture we got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please the book of James James is a book that I know you'll enjoy because it is written when you rightly divide it to those that are scattered abroad that's to say the twelve tribes the ten tribes scattered abroad being very specific in your freedom of Christianity the repentance giving much personal instruction as far as controlling our thoughts and finding peace and giving us those parameters we're in Christianity defining those things that come from the Word of God example that bitter and sweet water cannot come from the same spring well from God's Word you should not have both either the practice of healing brought forth in this book of James I know you're gonna like it James that great book of instruction welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please 800 6 4 3 4 6 4 5 you can call that number anywhere from Puerto Rico the US or Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to be answered on the air feel free to call that number and leave your question we do ask that you not ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organizations by name we try to teach God's Word in a positive manner throwing out negative about others my name serves no purpose we simply won't do it well that God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing fully capable of all three if you're studying via the internet somewhere around the world and not able to use that 800 number other than Puerto Rico US and Canada your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite all right to mail your questions in being the point got a prayer request well you don't need a telephone number talk to your Heavenly Father he's there for you 24/7 and you know I think that not many of his children are talking to him this day kind of like the 15 year span there that Judah was working on their own houses rather than on God's house I doubt that they were talking to God very much during that period of time either but that's when blessings flow is when you communicate with your father when you do the best you can to be pleasing to him and you know if you find yourself in Babel and in confusion the way out is the Word of God when you find yourself in captivity maybe you feel like you're in captivity to your job maybe you feel like you're in captivity to your debt God's words set you free John chapter 8 don't ever forget to study his word that's what brings blessings we do have these prayers from around the world father we come United as one in the name of Jesus Christ we ask you to look upon these father you know their problems illness and Families father we ask that special touch of healing and you know their other needs father if it is your will a special blessing on each of these we also lift up our military troops who are in harm's way around the world father watch over God direct touch heal and Jesus precious name and thank you Father alright let's get to some questions see what's on the mind the folks first up today we have Richard in Arkansas and he writes pastor Dennis god bless you and your staff for all you do for us and thank you for remembering the staff we have a very hard-working group that accomplished a lot of work here in Ezekiel chapter 44 our verses 29 30 and 31 referring to the Millennium if so will the priest literally be consuming the offerings well Ezekiel actually from chapter 40 to the very end of the book chapter 48 all our millennial chapters now when you read and I understand your confusion about the sacrifices and the offerings but what is the offering that God wants now even well he certainly doesn't want us to offer up burnt offerings he wants us to sacrifice and offer him our mercy as it's written in Hosea chapter 6 verse 6 which should have been translated love and for us to have knowledge of him more than burnt offerings that's Hosea chapter 6 verse 6 but where you read about sacrifices I know you're thinking well in Millennium there we won't be in the flesh anymore there won't be any flesh anymore what are we gonna sacrifice and again our love Evelyn from Oklahoma in Revelation chapter 22 verse 5 and there shall be no night there my question is will we not sleep in heaven boy I sure hope that's not the case with the reference to tonight there means that God giveth forth the light and what did Jesus say you know he said I'm the light of the world everything that we should do should be a reflection of the light of Jesus Christ light is also often in God's Word symbolic of truth and truth dispels darkness Daniel but on the matter of sleep boy I sure enjoy a good dinner on Sunday I enjoy teaching a lesson on Sundays and going home and enjoying a nice big ribeye steak that I cooked on the grill and then taking a long nap you can't hardly beat that I'll tell you this is from Alex in Idaho my question is about the Book of Daniel the part where Daniel interprets the dream of Nebuchadnezzar had what I would like you to explain is the part of the dream that talks about the ten toes mixed with the miry clay and iron you're talking about Daniel chapter 2 verse 41 and the following verses I believe that the ten toes are symbolic of the ten rulers in Revelation chapter 13 iron and clay do not mix also when you say a mix of miry clay and iron that's not a very good foundation to build on because the two matters don't mix Randall in Kentucky there is one question I would like to ask pastor Dennis Murray in John 3:16 which is the verse that most people go to to show that if you believe you will not perish in the verse it says you should not perish I would like to know is should the right translation if it is the right word is it possible to still perish if you believe this question has been on my mind all my Christian life the verse is correct if you believe in him meaning Jesus you will not perish but have everlasting life think spiritual not flesh the flesh is going to die whether you die before Jesus returns or whether you're in the flash when Jesus returns the flesh doesn't go into the eternity first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 50 flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom of God you are not going to be in the kingdom of God in flesh bodies think spiritual when you read John 3:16 an L in Texas Jesus left here on earth from the Mount Olivet that's the same as the Mount of Olives a few miles from Jerusalem where will he come back to when he comes the second time Acts chapter 1 verse 11 tells us of that when he ascended the two angels that were there said you men of Judah what are you standing around looking at don't you know he's gonna come back the same way the same place from which he ascended he will descend and that's why I can't figure out why people want to rapture away when Jesus is coming here it's very clear in Acts chapter 111 you can read a second witness of that in Zechariah chapter 14 the first four verses tell us where Jesus will return and that Zechariah 14 the first four verses Daniel from California if we ask God to forgive us when we commit a sin and you have explained that God doesn't want to hear of it again it's erased then when we die and stand before him will he bring up our list of all the bad we did or will he bring up good that we did I'm very confused and scared about this well don't be confused come out of Babylon which is what we've been talking about in the book of Ezra don't be scared believe God's promise you need to have faith Danyelle believe on Jesus Christ and repent and when you do your sins when you repent are forgiven they're not going to be brought up again on Judgment Day those sins that you have repented and been forgiven now if you've got a wheelbarrow full of sin that you're toting around with you that you haven't repented of yes those are going to be brought up and you are going to be judged on them on Judgment Day but I like your the ending to your question will he bring up the good that we did absolutely Judgment Day is payday for some those who have righteously served the Lord that's payday that's when they get their rewards trace Shawn in South Dakota I am 10 years old I would like to ask what the new earth would be like it's going to be wonderful tre Shawn you can read about it and it's actually not a new earth and let me correct you there it is an earth age you know there are three earth and three heaven ages not three separate earths and three separate heavens they're not different places they're different periods of time but it is going to be wonderful there you can read about it in Revelation chapter 21 verse 4 it states there that God will wipe away the tears there will be no more death no sorrow no crying and no more pain I don't know about you treshawn but that sounded like a pretty nice place to me it sounds like a place I would like to spend the eternity that's what we should all be working toward James in California good question for a ten-year-old and you keep studying with us James in California I have done some terrible things is there a chance I can go to heaven it isn't impossible that anyone has come the unforgivable sin at this point in time so the answer I gave the young lady earlier James supplies to you you need to have faith in in trust in the promises that God makes in his word he tells us that yawen even though we've done some terrible things if we will repent he will take us back with open arms and he loves you and loves you James just as he loves all of his children may or may not love what you have done or what you are doing but he does love you if he doesn't love what you have done or doing that's what you want to be sure and repent or you will be judged by on it ELISA in California I'm embarrassed to ask but regarding revelation Trump means what are we going to hear a loud noise ring out and what Trump are we in I've been told we are in the fifth Trump thank you so much well you're welcome so much and you've been told correctly we are in the fifth Trump but no the Trump's are not an audible sound that you can hear like a trumpet blast for example the the trumps are specific events that must transpire they must come to pass before Jesus is going to return they're listed in Matthew chapter 24 and also in mark chapter 13 they're events not an audible sound Sheila don't know if that's Canada or Connecticut Sheila knows where she's from I am Jewish but have been baptized and have confessed Jesus as my savior does this make me a Christian absolutely and congratulations welcome to the family Lee from Illinois do the people on the wrong side of the Gulf that haven't repented go to the Millennium can they repent then is there a chance for them right now during this period of time those who are on the wrong side of the Gulf cannot trunk trent's cannot travel over to the other side of the Gulf that's you cannot cross the Gulf that's there in heaven in Paradise at this point in time but if those on the wrong side of the Gulf never had a chance to hear the truth they will hear and be taught during the Millennium that's why it's going to be such a great time of teaching Steve from Pennsylvania in Nehemiah chapter 8 verses 14 through 17 what are the booths please explain well on the Feast of Tabernacles each year and you'll read about this in Leviticus chapter 23 verse 34 and the following verses but God instructed the people of Israel during the Feast of Tabernacles to construct booths Hut's you could think of them made from branches of trees and you may have probably aren't familiar with the first by the way that's called the the actual feast day is called Saku in the Hebrew tongue and it literally means booths or Hut's and when Israel first came out of Egypt 400 years of bondage over 400 years the first place that they encamped was called Sukkot and they made booze and how yeah they were crude but they were symbolic also of God's protection from the elements from the weather from evil if you will but that's what the booths that they made in Nehemiah chapter 8 and in other words they were following God's instruction in doing so j/k from New Mexico we are seniors both in our 60s we love God and also love each other tremendously we read the Bible we read the Bible every day we want to marry but doing so will cause financial hardship because of Social Security etc in the eyes of God can we marry spiritually and not legally in God's eyes when a man spreads his skirt over a woman that means a figure of speech that means they have sexual intercourse they're married in God's eyes Ruth with Boaz for example in the Book of Ruth we teach here at Shepherds chapel that if a young couple wants to marry and there's a possibility that children would be the result of that marriage we encourage people to obtain a legal civil marriage license why because it protects the rights of the children if the marriage goes sour in the future on the other hand if children are not a possibility I think God fully understands your situation as far as the finances are concerned and he would want you to be happy I'll leave it at that Lanny Ann we don't know where Lanny is from my question romans chapter 5 verse 14 who did not sin it's those who sinned before the law was given in other words know if there is no law there is no sin because sin is a violation of the law that's what Romans 5:14 is talking about before there was a law there was no sin you follow with the second question Matthew 27 44 mark 15 32 they reviled him but one of the MAL factors was saved in Luke 23 42 44 question mark well I don't know what your question is today and though is what Jesus said to one of them who believed on him said today I will see you in paradise that warning that one that he said that two had expressed belief that he was Jesus Christ the Messiah please please please answer this can only God let you see or have a vision no drugs can cause you to have visions it's called hallucinations if you entertain demons you'll likely have evil visions if you eat a pizza with a ton of anchovies on it or eat a ball about a jar of sour pickles you'll probably see some visions in your dream - so no God is not the only one that you're gonna see that can generate visions or cause visions and I'm out of time so we'll hold there on the rest of the questions I do want you to know that I love you a great deal why because you enjoy studying God's Word in depth you know what your Heavenly Father loves you for it - he wrote a letter to you it's called the Bible and when he looks down and he sees you with the letter that he wrote to you open before you and you're seeking Him and studying him learning how to be pleasing to him it makes his day and blessings always follow we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and reach out to others who are lost in this world of artists one thing most important though beloved it's this you stay in his word every day every day in your father's word is a good day even with trouble you know why Jesus is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that's shepherd's chapel geobox 416 Gravett Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,350
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Arnold Murray, Book of Ezra, Chapel, Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherds, Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Ezra, Arnold Murray, Book of
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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