ISRAEL: Following Jesus’ Footsteps! The Bible Comes Alive! | Karen Davila Ep95

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[Music] foreign where the Bible is Made Alive this is where he walked on water and if you can see it's a very emotional and very solemn place the children of God that would have been where Jesus was here [Music] thank you hello everyone welcome to my YouTube channel we're now in Israel join us for a special trip to the holy land where the Bible is Made Alive [Music] we are now at the city of David here in Jerusalem and this is the city that David conquered [Music] we are in the highest part of the city of David at the time of David and the border is right here or to the north so old Mount Moriah is outside the city of David and the city is just this is the highest part in all the things that goes down the houses that goes down so it's a very very small hill yeah it's not big but still it's the capital but during that time was it a big deal was it a Triumph that David conquered the city of Jerusalem not at the time of the conquest it became important once he turned it into the capital so he tried to sort of unite them in the middle to put the capital in the middle that's one explanation another one is more simple just God told him to do it okay yeah God told them to do it but was David considered a good king of course he's considered to be the best King it's a good question because now we're going to speak about one of the sins of David and you can see the house is there the way they are built and you can see there have been like different steps yeah okay this is the traditional way of building on the mountain and the house of the king would be on the top so look there you can see the building with the French flag yeah you can imagine this is like the house of the king yeah and the houses are going down the same thing used to be here in the time of David right and so if David for example in the evening goes to the balcony and he looks down you can see all the roofs of the houses that's where it is where he saw but she rocked because he was on top yeah she was taking a bath from the roof and he was just looking down and seeing her yeah and when he called her and of course the great scene of David and from then all this all the trouble started so this was the actual part of the city yes yes the foundation all the ruins here are the buildings that used to exist here over the years the oldest part or at least the closest to the time of David we have is the flat floor yeah and the rest was built on top of it later or even carved down under later they used to speculate that the or the archaeologists would dig here she thought that maybe she found the Palace of David because you find a big flat floor in some walls and this is the highest part of the city so she thought maybe this is the Palace of David and today it's not so acceptable they think it was somewhere else but this is pretty close to the Palace foreign the rich people of Jerusalem lived here all of the houses were found with the signs of rich people one of them is a very old private toilet about 2 500 years oh right there yeah the stone with the hall which was something very fancy in those days I remember the the seals with the names so they found about 50 of them 50 letters so they think this might have been the archive and of course we don't have the letters but we still have the names of the seals of the people one of the names it's written here the illustration of the bully or Mario the son of chiffon which is written here and only rich people had certificates the seals yeah or the important people who needed it the ministers and kings and so on [Music] and this picture is Jerusalem from the time of Solomon you know it's Solomon because we already have the temple okay [Music] they call this the water tunnel pero during the time of King David and uh they would dig up deep tunnels now water during that time was like gold so they would protect it they would build walls around the area where there was water and this whole tunnel used to have water before actually an amazing though in The Preserve continue when this was excavated foreign just came down from the tunnel that was leaving people from inside the city to the spring at some point nobody knows why they made the tunnel deeper yeah when they made it deeper they found this this shaft which is a natural shaft it's not being done by people it's just the Limestone that gets melted by the water but this is a natural shaft discovered it so they call it warrant shaft and this turned out to be a shortcut to the water so instead of continuing with the tunnel they could just put a bucket down from here and reach the spring of Jerusalem [Music] and this is a source of the water [Music] so this is not the area of the spring you remember the big wall we saw in the picture so this is part of the big wall that protects the water the spring is actually under it so the spring would fill this pool that we see down here yeah so the people when they wanted water they would come to the pool and they call it the spring of gihon and the pool of the horn and one of the stories that happened here is the story that is mentioned here it was a crowning of King Solomon so if the anointing happened here yeah the anointing of the Solomon that took place in the spring of the city which is also the source of life so we have reached the spring of Jerusalem grijan spring and you can hear the water under the tunnel the tunnel this is the tunnel that Hezekiah will build in order to move the water from here to the other part of the city to the South but the water there's a lot of water you can't see much it's all it's really dark yeah there's only one yeah almost reaching the uh the floor so this is an actual tunnel during the city of David dignity look at that how they found this the way it was foreign look at that um [Music] thank you one of the stories is Jesus made a blind man see he performed a miracle in one of the pools he made the blind man see and then he made the blind man walk all the way down here to tell the people and let the people see that he was no longer blind now they're able to excavate and preserve history foreign [Music] now this is the West this is a prayer section it's a holy place of worship [Music] thank you they choose certain books also for prayer right and that's why they wash their hands before coming in for purification and they do their own prayers no but of course this holds a special significance for the Jews and if you can see it's a very emotional and very solemn place even if it's very opener but how people are praying they're actually writing their prayers so it's a very it's a very special place and it's I would have to say it's a very solid moment hello from Jerusalem hello so I think Marketplace [Music] so [Laughter] Lucas oh the real deal is this beef a chicken if you like so do you serve um the garlic sauce with your Shawarma garlic yeah I have garlic yeah I like that you like it the white sauce you do everything by yourself wow so this is um typically served in Israel foreign [Music] right yeah well a lot of they are actually almost in the morning the breakfast thank you [Music] in the Book of Matthew chapter 9 we have a story that begins in the word Jesus came to his own town and if we check we see that the town is no longer Nazareth now it's Capernaum so from now on he'll be known as Jesus of Capernaum not Jesus of Nazareth he lived here for a long time this was the main place where he lived during his ministry he grew up in Nazareth but this is where he lived during his ministry mostly here [Music] foreign the Catholic The Franciscan Catholics will buy the place and when they will buy it they will also start to dig the archeology so the archeology was done by them the franciscans we're seeing only a little bit okay of what the excavated this is the original copernic this is from 2000 years ago yes this is 2000 years ago soon we're going to see the house of Peter and it will not look like that anymore it will look like a church because it was turned into a church but I want to explain how it looks originally so you can see the two pillars the two stones on top of each other in both sides imagine this is a door yeah in archeology they only find the floor so you have to now start to imagine the rest of the house right and you see the stones on the other side of it imagine this is a street and this is the main yard which was empty which was open did not have a roof a central yard and it was surrounded by rooms so this is how basically all the houses looked like that and they fit they believe that every house like that used for a family foreign at some point one of the rooms around the central yard was preserved very nicely later they started to find graffiti praising God and mentioning Peter okay and mentioning Jesus of course okay so and it was like that for about 300 years why 300 years because at this point the Christians are still illegal religion they're still being persecuted by the Romans okay if you're a Christian you're persecuted you can't just build a big church the Romans will not allow it and they will know you're a Christian they will persecute you so if you want to have some kind of a holy place it has to be hidden so when you come here from outside it looks like a regular house but when you go inside there is one room which is like special decorated and was using it was probably as sort of a house Church the Jews would Gather in synagogues why because again they don't own Bibles in those days the Bibles were written in Scrolls which are very expensive very rare and you have to write them by hand so there's not a lot of them if you want to re to hear the Bible you have to come to a synagogue and in the synagogue someone will read to you usually there is a a guy who owns the synagogue who is in charge of it just like we already Nazareth the Lord was asked the book of Isaiah and then he was explaining about it so he was one of the rabbis in those days in the same time he's teaching in the synagogue somewhere we have other rabbis teaching in the same time in other synagogues it says that they like to hear him because he was teaching in a different way yeah different from the Pharisees and the rabbis and others let's say I tell you your sins are forgiven no problem exactly no proof nobody's can see what happens exactly so I can just say to everyone there is no proof so he's doing that and there is no proof nothing happens and they're thinking he's Blasphemous because in those days in the minds of the Jews only Gods can forgive sins so that's what they thought it was Blasphemous yeah and he says no no I'll give you the proof and the miracle was the proof that he has the power to forgive sins because he did many many miracles and we don't have the details of each one of them but we have the details of some of them that want to show something special something different we are at the mountain of Beatitudes which is the traditional place of the sermon on the mountain Matthew chapters 5 6 and 7 and it's the longest and most famous sermon we have in the gospels and in the in the Bible itself we don't have this the specific name of the mountain in the gospels but this is the area and the tradition points to this place there is at least a quite old tradition it goes maybe three four hundred years after the Lord but what do you call this particular mountain today they call it Mount of Beatitudes that's what it's called yeah yeah because of the serum the attitudes are the Blessed so that's a Latin for the Blessed the church itself it's very interesting the designer was an Italian guy called beluzzi when he built several churches in Israel and when he built them he always tried to show the story within the church yeah and in some places like Gethsemane will be there it's pretty obvious but what he tried to show but here it's a little bit more difficult because it's a sermon there isn't really a story so it's very touching because Sri Lankan every every language is here which just goes to show how Universal The Sermon on the Mount is [Music] thank you we are at the Sea of Galilee it's called the Sea of Galilee because it's in the Galilee region and we have many mentions of the Lord crossing the lake sometimes when you cross you have lots of waves and even a storm yeah and we have specifically a couple of stories about the storm that have been storms that happen in the Sea of Galilee in one of the times the Lord was in the in the boat he was sleeping and the disciples were afraid that the storm is going to drown them and they woke him up and says come on we're drowning why are you sleeping yeah he says where is your faith you saw so many miracles and now we are afraid I'm gonna let you drown and he just calmed the storm we have a second story of the Lord leaving the disciples and they are crossing without him and it was already getting dark suddenly they see someone walking on the water oh yeah like a shape of a guy and they thought maybe it's a ghost we don't know exactly what's going on eventually they realized it was him and he was coming towards them walking on the water and Peter said if it's really you give me the ability to walk on the water as well so the Lord told him come on join me and you start to walk on the water but then he's looking around and he sees the waves he starts to lose his faith and he starts to drown and he asked for the Lord to save him and he holds him back back up and he saves the Peter foreign [Music] is actually a lake biblical term for lake so they call it the Sea of alamyo many of the miracles of Jesus were done here in Galilee and biblically speaking this is where he walked on water and this is where he asked Peter to cast down the net and he caught a lot of fish [Music] I call this the Jesus boat because they both dates to the time of Jesus two thousand years ago we don't know who own it exactly but it looks like a typical fishing boat from those days and the Lord was of course using some of the fishing boats to pass the Sea of Galilee from side to side [Music] we are in the north part of the Sea of Galilee this is the area where the Lord did most of his ministry because this is the Jewish area and during the time of the gospels the Lord mainly preached to the Jews later in the book of Acts they will go to the Gentiles now we have lots of miracles about this area from the gospels but we have only one that happened after the resurrection and this is the only story we have about Galilee after the resurrection it's the last chapter of the Book of John it's chapter 21. [Music] they also call this church the Primacy of Peter this is where the Lord put him in charge um just this is a little bit something different but I want to read um this is the end of the Gospel of John and there are also many other things that Jesus did which which if they were written one by one I suppose then even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written that's how the gospel ends which means all we have in the four gospels is just a tiny bit tiny bit but that's enough for us otherwise they're doing so much thank you [Music] this is the Jordan River where John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ and every year hundreds of thousands come over to be baptized as an adult [Music] I wanted to ask you why it was such an emotional experience for you because well I was baptized when I was a little baby when I didn't get to choose Jesus for myself but now as an adult I choose him freely to be my Lord and Savior and to receive more of his holy spirit so that I can fulfill my calling for God I just am very happy like I have the Holy Spirit more the Holy Spirit as children be baptized as children we're not given the choice and as adults we're choosing a love for Jesus Christ to get baptized and Asthma meaning and then being baptized as children so usually it's a full body baptism pero since we were unprepared so what we can do is symbolically although I've been baptized before so too big is just rededicate and pray Lord Jesus you say Lord Jesus Lord Jesus and fill me with your Holy Spirit be with my Holy Spirit also heal me through Addison in Jesus name please help me that I'm strong always and name the father and the son and holy spirit amen [Music] thank you [Music] Sunday Road this is when Jesus came into Jerusalem riding a donkey and the crowd was welcoming him screaming his name pilgrimage thank you [Music] we are in we are in the Church of Gethsemane and Gethsemane in Hebrew means olive oil factory the place where they would produce the olive oil and next to the factory there was a garden and it says this is the garden where the Lord took his disciples many times not just once and this was his favorite place to teach them when Jesus has spoken these words this happens in the last supper okay right after the Last Supper so when Jesus had spoken these words he went out with his disciples over the brook drone couldron is the valley right here separates us from Jerusalem over the rookie drawn where there was a garden which he and his disciples entered and Judah we tried him also knew the place for Jesus often met there with his disciples okay then we have the story that happened here but this gives us the location it gives us the fact that Julia knew that is his favorite place so they actually came here many times to this area this is where he would teach only the disciples he didn't want to teach the crowd he would teach the crowd around the temple he would teach the disciples here for any believer he prayed and asked God if this cup can be taken away from him and this was the place where Jesus was betrayed so very significant when we read the Bible we often imagine these places where Jesus was and ETO we are seeing that these places are real places and in fact this was the actual Garden the garden was preserved of course building [Music] thank you [Music] what did you realize about this whole trip being in the Holy Land uh for me just about things like into perspective like you can like you can picture what happened you can do that with the Bible so I mean I see like like the stories are actually true it's like living evidence it's like a proof of life because everything we see around this is just alive what's your favorite part of my favorite part of this trip here in uh Jerusalem Israel is uh the Gethsemane okay why because uh me and Tita Coco pray inside quietly with no talking and all of a sudden no drinks also no caps okay three rules all right that's a Christian you know I realize how much how important the death of Jesus Christ and Resurrection we became the children of God and sometimes we take this for granted I say we right now when we wanna pray we can pray so we take it for granted but without Jesus dying on the cross and resurrecting dying for our sins we cannot say avocado we don't know we can yeah we can't go home [Music] this place was found because in 1883 the most famous General in British history General Charles Gordon was staying over at the top of the old wall with Horatio spafford the man who wrote to him it Is Well with My Soul Christy is holding a picture that was taken in 1900 but at the top of the wall you could very clearly see the two eyes and the nose and the mouth now the mouth was covered when the bus station came in the 50s but we still had the two eyes and the nose clearly until the year 2015 when I was here I don't know how deep it was 2 000 years ago but we know when the bus station came in the 1950s they raised the surface 12 or 13 feet I would die if I fell now yeah I mean but if you did not die you were stoned to death here but we know the only thing more cruel than stoning is crucifixion it's the worst way any human being could ever die you die for three days in total agony no one was here on that Friday night or on Saturday everybody honored the Passover and the Sabbath uh you can imagine the disciples how they must have been so shattered and broken because they didn't think Jesus was going to die [Music] foreign [Music] that would have been where Jesus was here right and this is the mark that the Byzantine Christians left in the 12th century after discovering it [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Karen Davila
Views: 1,538,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karen davila, house tour, ph celebrity
Id: O9Rfn7DP50o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 59sec (1919 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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