Extreme Weed Control

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okay so you're probably going to ask yourself what am i doing in a bean field where's the 66 in a brush hog well i got to take care of this mess so quick backstory this is my third year farming this i had it given to me um and well even further backstory so that field right across the street where that corn is my next-door neighbor used to have hay out there he still farms it but now he's got it in the corn bean rotation but when i was a kid and helping them make hay i was always out here raking or bailing for them and i always remember this field having beans in it and it always had ragweed in it always so you're talking like the early 2000s they never never rotated it out of beans and it always had ragweed in it so you're talking ragweed that has been building resistance for at least 15 if 15 years if not longer so fast forward three years ago i had this field given to me the first year i had it stayed clean except for like like like right in here this all had a bunch of ragweed in it last year i rotated it into corn that was a disaster because it got too the corn here didn't do for [ __ ] not mostly due to weather conditions um so hopefully next year we have better corn because i really want to see what this field do in corn because as you can see it grows some hell ages beans you walk out here in the center they're up to my armpits so i'm staying a little high right now i actually got to walk down into the field and they're get they get freaking tall out there in the center it's good dirt but anyway so i think i actually showed this field when i sprayed it the first time and it had a bunch of ragweed in it and everybody said i waited too long it was never going to die well yes and no so i hit this field with a full rate of enlist a full rate of roundup and actually off label right as edua i went heavy on zidua because it was a residual so i sprayed the whole thing the first time waited about a week and a half basically until the ragweed was wilting real good and then i had soybean sprout soybean mix left over in sprayer so i came back out here sprayed the whole thing a second time so you're looking at a field that got two full rates of roundup not that roundup can do a whole lot against ragweed anyway anymore but it got two full rates of roundup it got two full rates of extend and it got two off-label rates of zijwa and i thought i had it smoked because i got it sprayed the second time and came back out here about two weeks later and that [ __ ] was all black and looked dead and it was probably about a month and a half before i was able to make it back over here to check it out figured i got it smoked i didn't have time to come back out here and check it out but i figured i had it about a week and a half ago i drove back out here saw this mess so i don't know what kind of crazy nasty residual or resistant ragweed mess that i inherited but this shit's nasty this shit's gnarly like it's resistant to extend i don't know how it's resisted to extend because i think extends only been on the market for what two years the only field i got where i couldn't where i didn't get it killed this is the only fee i got the feel behind mom and dad's has a ragweed issue but i got it all killed there was a second growth or there was a second weed flush that came back which there always is in that field because the part where i have ragweed issues used to be yard i took i plowed the side under like five years ago six years ago and ever since i turned that side under there's just been not not nearly to this extent but there's always been a little bit of ragweed back there normally you spray it once and then you make two or three walking passes over it and you're good so this is some nasty [ __ ] but basically i'm just gonna skirt the edge here and actually i might just yank this stuff and lay it in the yard run over with a brush hog to shred it but like right here at the corner i'm just gonna mow this off because there's i looked there's not any beans in there anyway because ragweed choked it out so it's not like a huge crop loss and i'm tired looking at it and it's only about five foot in so basically one width of the chopper i'll get it and then there's one other spot back there in the back i already i was out here yesterday and i walked about half the field before i got well i was running out of daylight by that point but i got i started kind of up here you can see some of this stuff is wilton that i already yanked and laid back down on the canopy to wilt and die so i basically started here worked my way up the hill worked my way around i got that entire back well what i call the long road so basically i just got what's right there and whatever i got to clean up along here after i get after yeah so that's basically what we got going on is i gotta clean up a little bit of a ragweed mess and i know for a fact that herbicide like impact would would smoke the hell out of this because um i had one field two years ago i had corn in it yeah two yeah two years ago um and i had a ragweed issue in it and i knew it was resistant because the guy that i got it from told me it was resistant very resistant and i sprayed it with a full rate of impact and uh i [ __ ] you not two days later that stuff was black flat on the ground dead and that would work perfect here except it's really really hard to justify buying an entire body because you gotta buy an entire bottle and a bottle is like yay big around and like six inches tall i can't remember how many ounces are in it might only be i think it's a 32 ounce bottle because the rate you spray is i think only 0.75 ounces an acre a little bit goes a long way but that little bottle of impact is like 400 and it's really hard to justify spending hundred dollars on a ball of impact for a two acre field so i'm hoping that i can take care of it culturally and not have to buy a 400 bottle of herbicide that you might only get two two applications out or two years worth of applications out of because of shelf life on it so but i am gaining on it it is better than it was so but anyway i guess i'm gonna get to yanking eh okay let's see what sort of damage we can do [Music] feels like a job for first gear [Music] [Music] so i guess you could call this sacrifice in the few to save the money so but if you look there was hardly any beans in there so it ain't like i'm losing a whole lot anyway the rest of that [ __ ] i can pull so [Music] [Music] new slip punch works good well it looks the dam's like different than what i got here um i ended up as you can see made a pass with the brush hog right through there out into the beans because i got to i went over there and started pulling and there was just right there where i mowed there was just a really really thick overgrown it was just i'd have been there for two weeks so i just decided to say screw it and i drove in and then made a little extra doink in it and backed back out and that's really all i had to do and i i'm pulling the rest but the mosquitoes are coming out and that's telling me it's time to go so i'll probably come back tomorrow afternoon real quick and finish up it won't take that long but as much as it sucks to have to lose some beans you gotta weigh your cost versus your benefit because if they sleeve them there you ain't ever gonna get to get them with the calm or you ain't ever gonna get through there with a combine cause you'll spend more time with a slug bar in your hand than you will actually moving so you're not going to get them beans back anyway or i could have wasted a whole week out here trying to pull it all and probably trampled all the beans anyway and you want to get it before it goes to seed because while some of these things had produced seed it was still pollinating so the seed is not viable yet it was still green as long as the seed's still green it ain't going to grow if the seeds brown you're screwed it's it's ready to go but uh we caught this before that happened so but i did that i walked the rest of the field so we're all good there um these are some really really really really nice beans i mean out on that hillside right there if you can tell that there's a hillside they're damn near up to my neck like these are some i i'm honest i'm honestly concerned that they're going to lodge on me as long as i stay standing these things are going to be awesome i love combining tall beans they feed so nice but i'm curious to see if my trolls come out of the woodwork this is generally the kind of video where they like to come out from under the bridge they hide under and show their fangs until we shoot them back underneath the rug but we'll see what happens i'm showing the good with the bad not everything's perfect but at least i'm doing something about it there's a guy that's got some beans next to well next to my grandmother's place that little two acre chunk i got behind her house the guy that farms a field across the street oh my god it's pretty bad that's ragweed too there's there's a lot of ragweed and beans this year that i've seen mostly along the edges but like i've said in the past resistance will never start in the middle of the field it's always going to start along the edge like what i got here and the only other thing i can do to explain that is right about where that really thick spot of it was is probably right about where when i plowed it my headlands would have met up with my long roads when i was when i was plowing the headland so my guess is it didn't cover as good there so same thing with this corner this is around the corner so it was kind of hard to work in with a mall board plow so probably didn't get as good of coverage plus i was using that five bottom i that that's two acres there's a lot to maneuver with a five bottom so i'm it's getting them all bored again this year hopefully i got time to use a little bit smaller plow and hopefully do a little bit and i didn't do a bad job of plowing but it'd be easier to work these corners with work the corners and work these short headlands with a smaller plow so here's hoping but anyway i gotta go home well hey i'm getting chased out by the mosquitoes i'm not too keen on that b i gotta go home and get cleaned up cause i'm meeting some people up at the fair tonight so gotta go get me some corn dogs because i've been having a hankering for those because our fare had an actual legit like stays there permanent corn dog stand we get fancy corn dogs anyway i guess that's it for this one we'll catch you guys on the next one
Channel: Oliver66FarmBoy
Views: 5,752
Rating: 4.9800334 out of 5
Id: VjkFPHnQv4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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