Cutting Wheat Day 2

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well here we go again although now we are under completely different circumstances i don't give a [ __ ] what the moisture is now it's been all morning well first off i hauled that load in that i had in the truck that was 15 they had to get they had to get special permission to take it because it was above 14 and a half why they're doing that i don't know because an elevator over by where i work called anderson's they were taking wheat two weeks ago at 18 just so guys could get it off the field why the hell they're being so stubborn under 14.5 i do not know it just is what it is nothing i can [ __ ] do about it but that being said i uh and now oh hey my hinge pin broke interesting you have to get that fixed make a new pin for it um i am now set up to go in a bin i uh got my buddy morley has all his bins are cleaned out so we set up an auger this morning and he's got a 5 000 bushel bin with an air floor in it that we're gonna go into so moisture is no longer a problem we just got to get it on wheels and get it over there so that's annoying oh it completely broke one side of the hinge that sucks because that's a bear to fix because it's spot welded damn it you have to cut spot wells and get a new piece of hinge and they should just be able to just attack it with a wire welder of course we ain't got a wire welder with a lead long enough to get up there it sucks getting that whole hood off because it's got to go with everything and getting the bolts out are not fun but anyway sounds like we're going to have all sorts of equipment running over here possibly at some point today because there's i got a hold of the guys that are round bale in this backfield and they were going to send round baler over here today to get started possibly and then it sounds like uh matt might possibly run their 9570 over here yet this afternoon he was over at an auction in illinois yet trying to buy a grain head for a 77 uh 7720 but he's gonna bring his dad's 9570 over here so that might happen yet this afternoon if that happens we might get a two plus two of the grain cart and we might get a peterbilt over here so we'll see what all shows up for equipment but it might be a lot of [ __ ] running over here at some point [Music] so so so so so so well that truck's full my round baler guy's here dad's coming for dad's bringing the other truck he's going to take that one away so you want to see a pissed off beach right loggers got an old timber jack out here [Music] that thing is turned up because when they're pulling that hill over there it's black it's just solid black smoke so so unfortunately the camera barely divided stairs she me well i probably got six fish shakers left in the back maybe so pretty much all well i call them long rows all the roads that go all the way front to back except i they obviously get split by the waterway but combines full dead trucks full dad did unfortunately not get my truck empty yet so i don't know if i'm gonna be able to keep cutting or not i still i gotta go get that guy empty so but with both with what i hauled in this morning the two loads i cut and what's in the combine i'm probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 800 bushels so far and i don't even have the first 18 acres done and honestly i think the front is a little better wheat so the front might do even better we shall see all right i got lucky dad was just getting done emptying that truck when i got over there to unload his truck so i'm hoping to get one more load out tonight cause i want to get far enough ahead of these guys with the baler they don't have to stop again because this ragweed that's in here needs to wilt a little bit before they put it in a bale and as spindly as it is it doesn't take it long if it gets some sun on it tomorrow by like 2 30 3 o'clock tomorrow maybe even a little earlier they'll be able to just start and not have to stop and worry about moisture so but i did not have a chance yet to get another camera battery so we will catch you guys i'm gonna have to get this truck loaded and i'll swing past the house grab a new battery and we'll catch you guys hopefully when we're unloading that truck foreign so here we go [Music] [Music] so [Music] i don't know how i didn't slug it she was pissed shitty part is the wheat wasn't what was getting tough it was all the [ __ ] [Music] ragweed that's a little bit of a pile i need to get my bins up this just makes life so much less stressful one more thing to add to the list of money i got to spend got the old 285 on the auger and for those of you that don't know this is a farm where the 7 300 and 1800 came from this is where they spent their [Music] life [Music] well that worked out pretty good here as we can tell by counting the rings on the bend there's somewhere between 950 and a thousand bushel already in there plus when i hauled into the iron that one load i hauled into the elevator this morning so there's a good possibility i'm already over a thousand bushel and i've only probably cut 14 acres so let's turn into some pretty damn good wheat i think i don't know more tomorrow because mass dad's combines got a yield monitor on it so should be able to get a ballpark but that front field also should do better because the stand is better so tomorrow they should uh i probably got four ish acres left to cut in that backfield which is probably gonna be damn near another truckload on its own he brings his combine over between the two of his tag team and it should be able to easily knock out that front 19 and they should be able to get all the round bale and done so follow me let's be square bailing which if we miss the rain on friday which there's a chance they keep knocking it down [Music] we miss the rain on friday hopefully we'll get all square bailing done this weekend next week i could focus on getting the manure spreader done and then the following weekend we can get get some north bread welcome don't win today to see about renting a skid loader because he wants to get the barn cleaned out and get all that piled out and it could be in the lot so that we can hold it in the spreader so hopefully the plan is all coming together and then probably have to leave that wheat sit in that bin about a week or so if we get some decent temperatures and hopefully that'll come down under 14 percent we can get that out of the bed get it hauled in and then we'll be we'll be looking pretty good for the rest of summer and i got some few odds of this doing the 7300 getting light wiring fixed on the 8700 i have to go over the gooseneck and figure out why the brakes are shorted out so i get that ready for rand tool and hopefully start doing dirt work for my barn over at my house so still gonna have a pretty full month of august and then we got rantoul was a week and a half or four and a half weeks out so that's sneaking up quick too sucks the wheat got pushed back so far except kind of through a wrench in the works as far as ever all the other projects going on but is what it is you can't fight mother nature you might suppose work with her so anyway with all that being said i guess that's it for this one we'll catch you guys on the next one
Channel: Oliver66FarmBoy
Views: 7,764
Rating: 4.9891157 out of 5
Id: CzgfX__zxAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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