Checking Out An Abandoned 1930s Grain Elevator And 1950s Feed Mill

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wait there's a basement in this place too that's a good refrigerator and they got all their feed bins in here this is the old mill in town what's left of it we're going to do the best we can to show you here because the power's cut off and obviously we can't turn the lights on but we do have permission to be in here we made sure to do it right that's a blender back here should be the pit here hopefully i don't fall through this deck that's sketchy gets moving that's the pit i actually dumped corn in here one time they used to bring corn in here for people and they grind feed for people and i actually dumped a load of corn in here one time with a barge wagon behind the 1955. that's for the control for the diverters up top of the tower it's a shame they let this place get this bad but it's it went into foreclosure that is a judging by the fact that there's a screen in there that is a hammer mill i ain't going down there because this place is standing full of water but wheelbarrow i ain't got that much water but i still ain't going down there uh pratter chicago illinois that's the blower for it bottom of the legs big ass motor something else over there possibly another different form of a hammer mill i doubt it's a sheller i should have brought my waders and i went down in there but i ain't going down in there and just my regular boots all customers must have copy of any medications used in mixes what you should see the motor downstairs on the hammer mill i like those lights those things would be cool to put in a barn [Applause] those are your sackers what water yeah i went down there it's not if i had weight or if i had my muck boots i went down in there it's only like two inches deep but i didn't want to find out there's some sort of that's cool old scale i'm assuming that used to be an outer wall oh another mixer all the overhead bins i don't know if i'm yeah i'm good bird seed bags those aren't nothing special that's fitting merry christmas but i think i started to see the this place went into foreclosure and the city took it and it's kind of on the slate to kind of be demolished but uh it hasn't made it that far yet so i've been trying to get in here to get video of this before they demolish it just to kind of have a remembrance of it and when they when they lost it they kind of just turned the key and walked away hence all the feeding stuff that's still in here that's probably worth something to somebody that's a chicken cage that's actually a really nice one older one probably from the 50s or 60s because they went this this quit being buff well it was always a feed mill up until a few years ago but it became part of co-op and then co-op moved outside of town where it is now in the 70s and this was the office obviously wow they really just walked away all the stuff from the fair and the signs and everything are still up sucks has been here so long you take some of this horse stuff home to kimmy now i'd probably just kill the horse but uh anyhow they ran feed through here they weren't this was the actual where everybody hauled their stuff up till the late 60s and then in the 70s they moved outside of town to where they are now and this just became the feed mill a set of screens for that hammer mill but the actual elevator is over on the other side of the street we're gonna go through there here in a minute but we started over here in the mill that's a neat old desk too steel age corey jamison manufacturing corey pennsylvania that's probably late 50s earliest probably 60 judging by the color be cool to find some old receipts or something in here and nab a couple just to have yeah that's nothing cool in there well there are some older seats 94 94 06. i'm slowly some scene 98 oldest i'm seeing is the 90s but mix master beef manual there's a dairy manual hog manual i'm assuming it's damn it it's all like feed information stuff and there's one more basement over here we can go into sorry it's kind of dark i'm doing the best i can here huh this one's not full of water what why are you laughing oh you gotta not be a [ __ ] about it that's the worst thing about all these videos these guys do go through all these old places they worry about safety you don't worry about safety just go look at cool [ __ ] bottom of a leg huh apparently at some point underneath what is now the dock there's another pit but this appears to be another big hammer mill if i could find a tag i do not see a tag on this one nope definitely not seeing a tag on that one yep there's definitely a pit under where the loading dock is now that one's i don't know if you can see that top cover that one's uh grown some corn in it they hear it this one looks build about the same as that one under the other side of the mill so i'm assuming they're the same brand what's behind the door definitely a busted light bulb now this is just a switch room hopefully this is showing up on video there's definitely a pit under loading dock [Applause] just a quick shot outside that pit is gonna be right there under that dock somewhere then this is the top of the that's where those six feed bins are and then that first pit is obviously i walked around in the back side of there and this is the old dock so now we're gonna go over to the elevator and we were just over there at the mill and this is the elevator and that is their burn up feed truck was a perfectly good stainless feed body that for so i don't know why they didn't take that off and sell it that used to be an f650 [Music] but this is the blower for the dryer two great big squirrel cage fans it used to be a siding or railroad siding right here and that's the metering system for the drive that obviously filled up there and then this is the metering system that metered it out as it was drying a really good way to get in there to see it there's a switch room that way i got that most important room in the whole building right there come on in boss this is your deal why are you getting this is your pit looks like they got two others one there there's one there and i guess there's probably one in there too and that is the old truck cradle you'd drive the front axle truck up under and they'd actually pick your wagon or whatever you were hauling they'd actually pick the whole front end up to dump when you didn't have a hoist those are illegal now the winch motor for it that's a lot bigger than i've never actually seen one of these that's first those are steel doors that's kind of neat oh that's a lot further down than i thought it'd be you wanna take the elevator ah i don't know i think i'll uh let that one slide there's no water down there though so got some augers here and that's okay so they got two pits outside that's the center or that's the first one i don't know how holy [ __ ] balls okay is this that's a little nasty but it's so there's one pit there's the other yeah like how they put that in just knock a hole in the wall and then you got your corn sheller pratter pulverizer coal chicago illinois and a triumph green elevator and feed and mill equipment bartlett bartlett and sun company cleveland ohio i wonder if that's the same triumphs that made the wagons back in the day that i think deer ended up buying and then i'm going to guess yep so your cobs came out there and those got fed down into that blower and got blown up and then your corn would have been fed into one of these legs that floor's nasty by the way there's uh the original elevator capacity 330 pounds employees one no [ __ ] sherlock well i guess nowhere to go but up and floor number two pretty uneventful got some higher got some either grain or dust hoppers and just a couple dust fans and the elevator shaft safety and floor number three it's a little more interesting a great big clipper seed cleaner feeds in through there and then you got all your cleaning screens and basically like to shoot on a combine it's actually in really damn good shape it'd be cool to get this thing out of here you got your cleaning skin or some of your cleaning screens super 224 8d 2a and there's where it says clipper saginaw michigan let's go something ironworks decatur illinois a big blower what i'm assuming is another dust no that never mind that's top of a leg definitely a top of a leg steel buckets on a that's a rubber belt some of them are all this older leather hand up top we just got to tops all the legs why are you laughing you got to explain this [ __ ] no you just [ __ ] walked hey no guts no glory diverter i'm gonna guess you know that's probably the top of the feed bin for the clipper [Applause] hmm there's still another ladder somewhere there's an elevator right there yeah i don't know is there anything up there besides i'm assuming there's all these leg taps up there yeah it's all slag tops and then the four original silos are all dome tops which is kind of odd and there you go i don't do heights so i ain't walking out there i do a lot but i ain't walking out there well tyler can go [ __ ] himself all right walking out there so i'm back down we go it kind of sucks because the new bins really aren't that bad of shape even the old bins aren't terrible but it must be one of these yeah probably that one with [ __ ] who's out the door wonder how long that's been in there nothing interesting to know and that's the front door i guess since they load the trucks in this way this be the back door of the pit there you have it a little look inside of a 1950s feed mill and uh i believe that's about a night that's a mid like i believe that elevator was put up in the 30s um i can't say that for sure i'm sure there's somebody around here i could talk to that could tell me exactly but just judging by the way the tower was built i'm guessing 30s um like i say we did it right we got permission to be there we weren't trespassing um although we were told by the people that gave us permission to be there that if we were asked we were potential buyers that was our that was our backstory um just like i say even though that stuff there are those two structures actually that they don't necessarily they're not really concerned about getting the elevator tore down because structurally it's sound except for one leg that is busted in half and is leaning over the railroad tracks that's a little iffy but um the mill they that building it's been let go too far for too long and there's no saving that they want the mill tore down um but uh yeah um then part of the deal was and i think i did a good job of not saying names or getting any video of any names or anything like that so if there's any weird jump cuts in this it's because i found something that needed to be taken out and the only way to do is just cut it out and it makes a weird little jump but i think i did a good enough job i won't have to do any of that but part of the deal was couldn't tell anybody where we were at and couldn't say any names um so i realized i have some local guys that watch my channel so if you do recognize those two buildings don't go running your mouth off as to where they are because the last thing that the city wants is for any swinging dick to go walking through there and either be vandalizing it or somebody do something stupid and get hurt or anything like that so that was just we appreciated the opportunity to go through there be able to take the video get all that on camera kind of record it for posterity i guess you'd say so that was the give and take is we were able to go through it but nobody could know where we were at so we did that out of respect um but that being said we uh obviously got done there and got back we were shooting the [ __ ] and naturally the conversation came around to how cool it'd be to save that because like i say they were still milling feed and taking grain there up and i think they only closed that like five years ago but everything in the mill still worked and the main leg and pit obviously not the pit that goes to the sheller and the sheller legs and everything although i guarantee you that the legs still work that probably need new belts and buckets because i guarantee you start running and they're going to drive dry crack and fall apart but at least the main pit the main big leg in the tower of the elevator still worked up up until five years ago the uh crossover conveyor that runs along all the tops of the bins is actually it's not brand new but i'd say it's probably only 10 years old because they put that in when they added the far east bend they added two rings onto it the next one west they added a ring to it and then obviously the uh the other bins are original to the structure but um yeah the the two big bins have new new bottom rings on them because they were raised and then that the crossover conveyor is only like 10 years old so some of that equipment there ain't even that old and like i say they were still taking grain there they were still taking at least corn there to grind for feed up until five years ago and there was actually an air system that blew green down under the road back over to the mill and then back up so and like i say the mill is jump the building's screwed the foundation's bad the roof is toast the mill there's no say i mean anything is savable but the elevator you take down that bad leg the leg fell on one of the wet bins for the dryer so that would have to go because it's not i doubt it's one of those it's one of them dome top bins like i showed you that was on the east side but there's two shorter there's two of them that are probably only half the height on the west side that were wet bins for the dryer i doubt you could find one of them tops to fix it because like i say those bins are from the 30s and i've never seen another set like them but aside from that you'd have to throw some money at it but structurally that that elevator is sound there's really nothing wrong with it it was built like a tank it's all steel and the concrete under it's good like i say i just took you down in the basement the basement's tight enough that after sitting all these years i mean there's a little bit of sludge on the bottom because it was all rotten corn but there wasn't any water standing in it basically you have to go through clean up do a lot of cleaning re-tin it because there's some tin falling off so you'd have to re-wrap it in new tin and definitely rewire it you did definitely need some electrical because there that's that was sketchy but you're basically if you could buy the damn structure dirt cheap because the city got it for next to nothing because like i say they took it because they went the mill went bankrupt and i think they actually foreclosed on them or something like that but either way the city got it for next to nothing and they just want they just want rid of it so you could buy the whole thing for next to nothing as long as you promise to tear the mill down because they want that gone because it's a dangerous structure but all three of the blenders in the mill worked up until five years ago the hammer mill in the basement that was flooded worked until five years ago when they shut it down the scale worked all the legs worked so basically if you pulled all the equipment out of the mill tore the mill building down built a new building on the west side of the elevator to put all the mill equipment in and then you had the elevator there that you i mean obviously this is all a pipe dream but it's cool to have dreams if i had if it's one of them deals i made a joke that if i had a hundred thousand subscribers i'd make a go fund me and buy try to raise money to buy that uh mill an elevator and restore the elevator just because it's cool as hell the amer american grain elevators are kind of like dinosaurs they're they're pretty much dead there's none of them old ones left they didn't have the after after the 80s when the small guys got went out and the big guy started taking over and truck started getting bigger and they needed more capacity those small elevators just couldn't keep up and they started folding one by one and i think there's actually only one left that's built that was built around the same time as that one that still takes grade and that's the one down here south of the state line they still mill feed there but they don't take grain on a large scale basis they just do grain make if you want feed ground you haul your own corn and they grind it for a fee mix it however you want it and then you come get it they sack it and you come get it and take it out they don't actually store a grain there or anything anymore but uh yeah we were we probably spent better part hour hour and a half talking about all the things that you could do there to make it operational again and because you wouldn't really have to do a whole lot of work i mean that's a false statement it would take a lot of work but mechanically and structurally at sound it's basically just making everything right again like i say new 10 i'm sure the foundation could probably use a little bit of work go through you'd have to have to restore the legs because i'm sure the belts and buckets are junk you know just probably do a lot of painting replace a lot of bearings but i mean even at that there was only three or four legs in there the fanning mill the sheller [Music] a couple dust fans i mean there really wasn't anything in that tower as far as equipment it was just legs a sheller and some other [ __ ] so there's really not even a whole lot of equipment there to fix but it's if you had like 200 000 maybe it probably might not even be that much if you got enough people to volunteer their time that wanted to see it done i mean you could probably get it done for a group of people with a reasonable amount of money but i don't think twelve thousand subscribers is enough to get it done so anyway like i say that's enough rambling um just stuff like i say if you do recognize the buildings don't go running your mouth off we don't need none of that it was a good opportunity we don't want to be getting in trouble and have to take the video down so i guess with that that's it for this one we'll catch you all on the next one
Channel: Oliver66FarmBoy
Views: 14,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4JeJI4cF8NE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 17sec (2237 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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