Extreme Vintage Bathroom Makeover (DARK ACADEMIA VIBES)! Thrifted Bathroom Decorating Ideas & DIY's!

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all right here is the current state of our bathroom and i found this little cabinet which i thought would be cute next to the sink all right guys i'm stopping for a minute so i can give you an update on how it's going here in the bathroom [Music] hello i wanted to give you an update on the bathroom renovation yeah i want it to be moodier um a little bit more bold definitely still high contrast but it's going to be warm and have some softer elements with a lot of golds creams and then whites that's going to help with the contrast that i'm going for but i think it'll still feel really warm and rich and maybe a little bit more sophisticated um less cottagey less french country more vintage sophistication is kind of what i'm going for in here a little more masculine maybe all right here is the current state of our bathroom some things have changed already and sadly i didn't take some before footage but just right here in this corner i had a little ikea cart i will actually show you that here in a second so here is that ikea cart i moved that into our dressing room put it behind that tall mirror so that was in the bathroom this is coming down not a fan of this and i also think i'm going to take that little guy down and maybe put up some shelving or find another cool vintage cabinet that i can replace it with so another thing we're gonna start working on this weekend is we're going to be adding bead board all around the room so i think it's going to come up probably close to like five feet or so all the way up around so this was bathroom renovation day one and of course what do we discover that behind that hanging medicine cabinet was a huge hole in the wall from the previous built-in medicine cabinet not the one that was on the wall so i got to learn how to patch drywall for the first time it was quite a big project and so yep got that patched up last night it still needs a little bit more um joint compound on there to smooth it out sand it all that fun stuff but we started adding the bead board here we had to go with traditional uh b board pine bead board we just got this from hobby lobby we couldn't find just the really thin white stuff or yeah home depot not hobby lobby um but yeah i think that'll be good this is you know more authentic at least to the period of the house actual real bead board so we're getting that put up we got to do some plumbing we got to move the sink out of the way here and um yep the reason we didn't get to use the salvaged bead board from our office renovation is because it was just too thick and it would have hung over these baseboards way too much so we just opted to get some new stuff and that's what we're doing we're working working away lots of projects to do in here it's gonna look totally different all right here we are end of day one on bathroom renovations um so here we go we got beadboard up we got bead board up on this side behind the sink we got the um chair rail picture rail almost all the way up on that side i got some of it primed i wanted to have that nice and primed before we put the sink back in so it would be more protected from water um we put in a new faucet so cute got that off of amazon i'll link that down below got this side almost all the way done and then we just have to do this little section and then right behind the toilet the bead board will be done and then we can move on to all of the painting and the caulking and then the decor so stay tuned we still have lots more to do in here you're definitely going to want to see how this all turns out it's going to be quite an amazing transformation here we are on day three i believe and we were able to get all of the bead board up and then i started playing with my paint samples i got quite a few but as you can see i am leaning toward the darker more moodier kind of a muted green color okay it is an exciting day for our bathroom renovation slash makeover we are all done with the woodwork with the bead board it's all up i'm so excited all the trim is up and now it is just time to paint um actually i take that back it's not time to paint i have a lot of caulking and a lot of filling to do but all the trim is on all the beadboard is up so that is very very exciting you guys let me show you up close i mean just so much filling so much caulking to do i did buy corner pieces for the corners here but it just did not look good it was way too bulky it wasn't meeting up nicely with the trim it was just taking away from this pretty profile here so i was like you know what i'm just gonna fill this and paint it and i think that will look just fine but i have a lot of work to do me and filler have quite a date ahead of us here but we just put some extra little detail around the bottom there because we were trying to cover some uneven edges so now there's just a little bit of extra detail so i think that did the trick pretty well covered up all that stuff down there and i think once it's all painted it's going to hopefully just look like that's part of the baseboard you know these old houses nothing is perfectly straight and level i mean walls are so bowed and whatnot so not everything is perfect but that's part of the charm of an old house right [Music] all right guys i'm stopping for a minute so i can give you an update on how it's going here in the bathroom my husband just got the light fixture moved over took a couple hours but we figured it out it wasn't too too bad so now my light fixture will be centered uh we were laughing because he was like well i hope we never have to move that again and i was just like well what if we get like a a dress or vanity or something and then we realize it's not centered again it's like then we'll get we're getting the remote light bulbs like oh we can just hire an electrician how about that um but i have been busy talking and my nail my fingers been rubbing over nails that are popping out a little bit so that's a little painful not the fun part part about caulking but i'm halfway done with the caulking i've been doing a ton of filling with the plastic wood on the corners over here it's looking good um but yeah so i think we're gonna get to the point where oh i need to fill that hole now so still so much to do it's just like the prep work tons of prep work to get to the point where we can paint so that's what we're working on let me take you in and show you some of the things that i'm talking about all right here are my corners they're looking pretty good i think like i said once i am all done i don't think you will know that there's big gaping holes there the side especially looks pretty darn good so almost done with that there and yep so here is the hole that we have now um it did cause a little bit of damage in this other spot that i just patched so i have to patch this side now shouldn't be too bad definitely glad that we got that centered now that's going to look so much better when the mirror's up here everything is going to line up much better than before um so yeah just just working away and getting everything ready prepped for paint and then once we get all this stuff done then we have to clean clean clean clean really well in order to um paint we're getting there we got to take this light down and see what's behind that hopefully i don't have to patch anything all right so if you guys want to watch me patch this up i'll put you up so that you can see the process [Music] do [Music] all right guys i'm so busy working away there's a lot i didn't get to film because i just had my kids with me today and it's been a little chaotic um so i didn't get to pull my camera out but i had to go get some more paint at menards some more of the heirloom white uh because i ran out so i still need to flip this over and do a couple more coats and then i stopped at goodwill because i had some things i needed to drop off and i found this little cabinet which i thought would be cute next to the sink um just until maybe i decide to do a dresser and convert it to a sink type of thing i'll just do this for now um but this was five dollars so i thought i would paint it and change out the hardware and that should make it look a lot cuter i'm also going to do that in the heirloom white all right so it's always good to thoroughly clean anything that you thrift because there's usually things hiding underneath inside so let's get that all cleaned up all right and there's also a piece here that's broken not attached anymore so i think i'm just going to wood glue that back in all right so before i get through and do all these before i pull my camera out i need to show you the before and after of what some rub and buff does there you can see and literally so quick and easy i use the smallest smallest amount just on my little brush here and just paint it right on there and it's the perfect gold all right guys we are ready to put on the hardware i've got all my paint on here lots of coats of paint and poly acrylic so now i need to figure out how to do my handles i also rub and buffed these that's gonna look so cute could you believe this cost five dollars how cute um so don't pass up stuff if you don't mind doing a little bit of diy you can really flip things um and just give them a whole new life but here's what i thought that i would do is i'll use my paint um tape template and i'm gonna put that on there like that and kind of measure make sure i'm in the middle and then go ahead and drill my holes and yeah hopefully hopefully i'll end up with some handles that are even all three that's what i'm gonna do now [Music] all right so here's the frame that i wanted to find some new art for this was thrifted um i went up to my third floor and grabbed it so i like the frame i think it'll be really pretty maybe even in my bathroom or like i said if i start a gallery wall this will look nice right now i just have a print in it that's available on my etsy shop that i used around easter time um i always have my etsy shop linked in the description if you ever want to go check it out and if there's anything that you're looking for let me know leave me a comment and i could possibly create it as far as anything digital any type of um anything you can print off um i can usually design it but anyway let's look through this book here oh let me pull it into frame so my mom just dropped off a bunch of bins that i had stored at her house when i was living in a very tiny apartment and this book was in there and i had totally forgotten about it but i had the opportunity to look through it today oh and my dog at the time must have gotten to it so it's been a very loved book but there is tons of beautiful prints in this book and you know as much as it's nice to just kind of sit and look through the book i wouldn't mind just picking out a print out of here that i really love and framing it and then enjoying it every single day so i think that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna just kind of browse through find one that i think would work in that frame and then pop it in [Music] all right so i think i'm gonna do this one i just think it fits in there really nice it's very elegant i like the tones it's got some moodiness going on so i'm gonna do this one um i'm gonna see how i can i think i can just cut the whole page and then kind of tape it on let me see what's on the other side all right perfect here we go i'll show you guys once i get it in all right and here is how it looks that was super quick and easy i'm so glad i found this book yesterday um now i can enjoy it a little more how beautiful i think that looks so lovely in there trying to avoid some glare there we go and another way that you can do this if you don't have any books like that laying around um or if you paid a lot of money for them i know they can be expensive um you can always go on etsy and find a shop that has vintage prints print them out um you download the file either put them out at home or take them to a local print shop and get them printed out and that's usually an inexpensive way to also have some really nice art to display in your home but i'm super happy with how she turned out i also had to diy the light fixture that was going above the sink this originally was silver i spray painted a bronze but then i decided it needed to be a little bit more of a vibrant gold so i used my favorite product rub and buff and it totally transformed it into the nice bright gilded gold that i was going for all right guys here we are it has many been many many days in the process but we are finally ready to start putting paint on this bathroom i am starting with the walls and here is my paint color it is called pallase white by bear marquee um it's just a really soft kind of off-white creamy white so i'm just gonna get that up on the walls and then we'll go from there [Music] all right and welcome to our basically new bathroom um as far as it looks and feels anyway it is completely transformed and new i wanted to kind of take you around and just talk to you and tell you about some of the design choices that i made in here and show you the decor and where i got it okay so over by the sink here um we got a new faucet and i just ordered this off of amazon i love it i think it's so beautiful it was very inexpensive so i will have this linked in the description below i'll try and link as many things as i possibly can but i love that there's etching that says a c and an h and i love the color i believe this is the antique um brass uh is the one that i got and i love it it's perfect and then moving up this shelf here is actually thrifted and this was one of the first things that i got that gave me the inspiration for the bathroom this is kind of where um the ideas started flowing for how i wanted this bathroom to look i was inspired by the ribbing here that you can see with the gold and then the dark wood so i almost kind of built the design of this bathroom around this little four dollar thrifted shelf and excuse me and then on the shelf just some glass pieces i already had this one that i had thrifted i think it looks really pretty with the q-tips in it and then this was something that you saw recently here in one of my latest videos i thrifted in grand rapids when we went out of town i think that looks so cute with the soap sitting inside of it and then the mirror here is from hobby lobby i just really like the shape of it and the style of it is really pretty and um i also think the mirror portion of the bathroom could be something that can be changed out and swapped when i'm ready for a change so that'll be exciting so another thing that i envisioned in this bathroom was like a gallery wall and these gold frames this kind of is where i started with that this picture here i had the frame already i had thrifted it i used rub and buff to make it really nice and gold i painted the mat because i believe that was maroon originally and i found a book that i had from forever ago that i got out of storage that had all of this 15th century renaissance artwork in it and the prints are just beautiful in the book so i picked out one that i really liked and i popped her in there and i think it just looks so beautiful [Music] okay so here is another element in the bathroom that i absolutely love and it's this shower curtain with this floral pattern on it it just has such a nice vintage look to it i love the charcoal the subtle um color there that this kind of bold pattern has going on it's really nice the fabric is already waterproof so i didn't have to double up with a liner or anything and i did get this off of amazon i'll link it down below i also really liked how long this curtain was i made sure to get it in the extra length because i really wanted to take the curtain almost all the way to the ceiling if i could just to make the room look larger and the ceilings look taller in here and i think that accomplished that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as you guys can see we went with b board and we did the traditional b board the link linked together bead board um that's because i wanted something taller and we couldn't find you know just the plywood version that's already cut in at the right height so we just went with traditional pine bead board i'm actually glad that we did because i was trying to use things in this bathroom that would have been appropriate for in 1800s home and beadboard is definitely something that you see in older homes so i love the texture that it gave to the walls and again it just kind of like is reviving um the vintage that i was going for in here and the color that i used is called conifer green and it is by bear marquee and i used a semi-gloss finish for the bead board that way i could wipe it down really easy and i wanted it to have that reflective look to it i just think that that looks really nice and clean in the bathroom and then another thing that we did is we hung these really pretty gold hooks that i found at target um i think a dollar and so i really like that and again some towels that we found at target i think these are so pretty i love the charcoal and the cream those are also colors that i'm doing in here so these look so pretty um some lemon towels or something would also look beautiful up here but i really like the contrast i'm always playing with contrast as you guys probably know if there's something dark i like to add something light on top of it so that it really pops and then i also went ahead and painted the window frames because i really wanted these windows here to stand out i wanted them to really be like a focal point and that is the reason why i went dark in here with this bead board in the trim it's because i wanted to take it all the way up to the top and you know bring out this architectural detail of the beautiful old original windows to the house [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Elizabeth's Old Maple Home
Views: 57,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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