Thrifted Home Decor Makeovers and DIY Topiaries (a must-try diy)! Favorite Thrift Flips Compilation

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foreign [Music] starting off with iod's May Rose's transfer sheets I wanted to use a portion of this transfer which is actually a much larger transfer than I'm just using one segment of because at the time I just didn't have a huge piece that I wanted to use the whole thing on but I still love how this turned out even though it's kind of broken off and I'm just now noticing the word is cut off a little there but that does not bother me in the least I just love the color of this transfer it's just such a lovely addition to this plain white tray foreign [Music] and here I have a design book that I found at a garage sale and my kids had ripped the cover off of it so I thought maybe I could take the opportunity to use some more of iod's new 2023 summer product line here and see how I could make it look pretty again because we all know these design books are not only beautiful on the inside but usually the outside is quite lovely except for in this case but I thought that I would go through this seeds catalog book and see if I could find a transfer that I wanted to use they're all beautiful but I decided that I wanted to try these stamps and I believe this is the rural scenes stamp and you can see here it comes with tons of elements there kind of like what you would see on a tall I'm sure that's what they were inspired by when they created this but I thought that maybe I would try and lay out my own scene but then I quickly realized that I kind of liked the way that they were already set up like I said it looked like a a tall or like a pattern on a piece of old world fabric you would find so I'm just using some white IOD ink so that that stamp pattern pops off of that dark burgundy book really nicely siding where on my book cover I want the stamps to kind of line up and then all you're going to do is just press firmly onto the back of your stamp with your ink and IOD does carry a few different colors I will have pretty much everything that I can everything that you see in this video that I'm using for the most part will be linked below for you to make it easy for you to find just go under the video title and there should be a little highlighted link there a hyperlink that says more and once you click on that everything will be revealed to you but you want to press quite firmly and try not to move things around here we have it I really like how this turned out I could just see Endless Possibilities using a stamp like this you can even use it on fabric I thought lamp shades would be really fun our next project here is going to be on a thrifted sack that was very faded you really couldn't see the original writing on it anymore so I really have been wanting to try a transfer like this on fabric and I'm back again looking through the IOD seeds catalog I just love the designs in this catalog I am loving Reds this summer so I wanted to create something with a little pop of red on it because I plan on putting this in my dining room and you will see soon a big dining room um transformation so to speak just with some Decor that I've been playing with to bring in some fun summer colors but same process here as before if you've ever used a transfer before you just use this Nifty little tool it's just a little plastic spatula type thing that you get with your transfers and you just keep working away at it pressing the transfer into all the fibers of the fabric it does take a little bit more muscle grease working with fabric than it does on a really smooth sealed surface like the tray but again it it still works just as beautifully and I adore the way this looks on fabric and now I want to try to put a transfer on like a plain pillowcase or something I think it would actually hold up really well I even went ahead and distressed it with some really fine grit sandpaper just to kind of make it look a little more aged and like it has always lived on this piece of fabric here so that's an idea for you if you want to try that did it very very gingerly here at first to see how it was going to look [Music] and here is the finished product I'll close up these transfers are just they're just amazing Exquisite I mean color and you can't you cannot see a seam whatsoever which always blows my mind all right are you ready to learn how to make some of the cutest topiaries you've ever seen this is such a fun project I have made quite a few now these are actually the first ones I've ever made so I do make some mistakes at first but I'm going to show you what I did and kind of tell you why I suggest not doing it that way even though everything turns out just as cute as can be still I like some other methods a little bit more but you're literally going to go into your yard and forage for some sticks you want to find some straight sticks some skinnier ones but still strong and sturdy and I'm using this floral foam that I got off of Amazon I will link that down below for you as well and then some Moss and I'm kind of just working that into a little ball shape and then I used some seeded garland from Hobby Lobby you can use any Greenery that you like I just love um how realistic this particular Garland looks it's very inexpensive and I was trying to just use what I had so I cut little individual sprigs stuck them into the floral foam and now I'm giving it a little haircut because some of the pieces were a little bit too long and now I'm going to cover up our foam base here with some hot glue and some more moss and you could use Spanish moss you could use rocks if you wanted to at the base here and I wanted to have three different shaped topiaries so this one I guess is the one with two little um balls there I don't know what else to call them and here we are working on the next one [Music] now I will add that this is a project that makes an incredibly huge mess so make sure that you protect whatever area it is that you're working in to make it a little bit easier clean up as you can see here I'm making the biggest mess ever so again I'm just using what I already had the floral foam I'm shaping it into spherical you know shapes in order to have something to secure those little sprigs of Garland onto [Music] and then I just do this process for quite a long time it did take a long time doing it this way but they do turn out very cute it looks a little wild right now like it's got like it's having a bad hair day but I do end up kind of shaping those little sprigs of Garland and kind of forcing them to wrap around the sphere a little bit better and that ends up looking a little a little more put together than it did at first foreign [Music] and then hot glue is always your best friend when it comes to projects like this so as you can see there the little ball kind of wanted to keep sliding down so I just used some hot glue to kind of force it to stay in place and that worked great and here is how my three little DIY topiaries turned out I don't think they could be any cuter they almost have a little bit of a Dr Seuss Vibe but they're just fun it was a fun little project and I definitely recommend this DIY you could do it with your kids or with some girlfriends or just by yourself just to get some creative juices flowing and then I wanted to show you these because I made these a week or two later and I didn't use the floral foam I just went ahead and glued that Garland directly onto the stick and I really like how these look I think these look a little more realistic probably at the end of the day and then I used some rocks that I found at the dollar spot I think at Target to fill my base at the bottom and I also really like that for a change [Music] my mom actually found for seven dollars is going to be our first French country makeover today so here's how it looked before it just kind of had a faux kind of an antiqued finish on the wood and the seat was kind of nasty I actually took it off before I even got some footage of it or I think I might have just lost the pictures I took but we are going to totally transform this chair into a really fun weathered old world looking French country chair so first I'm starting out by just adding some chalk paint I'm just using my favorite color it's called cottage white and it's by the Home Decor line you can get this on Amazon or I've also seen it at Hobby Lobby I'll link it down below for you guys if you're interested in trying some all right still working on this chair um I kind of been taking a lot of breaks in between just working on it while I'm out side playing with the kids but I guess it's kind of nice that I'm taking my time because it's giving me opportunity to really think of what I want to do because a lot of times I just rush into these things and then I end up not really loving what I do because I just try and get it done so my thought process is that I want to take this glaze and I'm gonna put that all over the chair and then over top of that I'm going to use the same white paint and I really want to try and give this an old world like a French provincial piece of furniture that's just been aged and um yeah that's kind of what I'm going for you know me like the the more aged the older the more like it's been around for hundreds of years the better so that's what I'm gonna try and do and I'm gonna use for the first time with you guys today these were gifted to me from IOD iron orchid designs and these are paint blades so I'm hoping that these are going to give me kind of an uneven almost a chippy kind of a paint effect over top of the glaze I will link that stuff below and a lot of this stuff is also in my Amazon storefront a lot of the paints and paint brushes and things like that that I use on my DIY Decor projects so definitely check out in the description below if you're interested in getting some of these things for yourself so essentially what I'm doing with this glaze is I'm kind of staining back the color of the chair so it's a little bit of a softer kind of a more aged wood look this color wood is really in right now it's just like a more natural look instead of that really dark harsh wood that was originally there so I just think that this will be kind of a nicer a little bit of a softer transition when I do my final effect with the IOD paint blades but I'm just using this product and working it in really well it's actually really easy to work with it's nice and watery so you really can't go wrong but I'm going to brush it on and then kind of wipe it back off just to kind of help blur and blend it oh [Music] all right here is what the chair looks like with the glaze applied um I'm hoping that I like it once I put some paint back over top I'm hoping that I get the effect that I have envisioned in my head because now it just kind of looks like a brown chair so but layering is usually the key to making things look old world aged antiqued so we're just gonna keep layering it up this was my first time using these IOD paint blades they're just silicone um blades essentially and um what you do is you just load them up with a little bit of paint and then as you can see I'm just wiping it on and they kind of create skipping and you know they give you a more uneven um application of the paint so that creates kind of a chippy effect I think that these would be fantastic to use if you were making a sign and you had just a really simple flat board that you wanted to create this kind of chippy look really quick and easy with just some paint and this paint blade because these were a little bit hard to use on all of the grooves and the cracks and the crevices that this chair had it was fun though experimenting with them and I do really like the effect that they gave save so I'll link these below to make it easy for you guys to find them if you're interested in owning some [Music] foreign [Music] are another day and still working on this chair this yard sale chair okay I am ready though to um start recovering it I think I got all the stinky stuff off I don't know how perfect it's going to look I've never really recovered a chair and I did throw away the foam that was on it because it was just really stinky so do the best that I can I was kind of hoping that this would be a prettier color because I I don't mind that um like deconstructed look but it's you can see it's the red and black and stuff so that's not gonna work but um I do like the paint job I think it turned out pretty darn cute um it's definitely chippy and rustic looking very country so yeah let's see how we can go about adding some cushion and covering up the seat here so I think I'm going to just lay down this batting to kind of cover up this stuff here and then over top of that I'm going to use some of the thicker stuff and just try and make it cushy so this is the material that I think that I'm going to use I think it's super pretty I did find this at a yard sale recently [Music] I think that's gonna look beautiful I absolutely love this French toil I love love love that like robin's egg French blue I kind of want to start adding that color into my house somewhere so let's start here [Music] foreign [Music] we got that on I think it looks pretty good I'm just going to trim my excess here I'm kind of um trying to outrun this storm that's coming in I don't want to take that inside it's so loud so I got this on all the batting and everything and it looks nice it looks like it's going to be nice and soft now I just need to put the fabric on [Music] foreign I managed to get all those Staples in before the rain came I'm in my foyer right now uh don't mind the big bounce house we just have it outside and bring it in so um but yeah I think it turned out really cute it was actually a lot easier than I thought it was going to be the only thing is I probably should have gone a little bit further out here on the sides um because oops let me show you here yeah cause well I'll just have to pull these staples out and then paint over the spots I thought I would cover that but that's okay there'll be a little more wood showing there on the sides I'll get some thick Rick rack and for the finishing touch I just added some really simple white Lacy Rick rack that I picked up at Hobby Lobby I'm just using a fabric glue in my hot glue gun and pressing it down without burning myself but it was a very quick and easy process probably the easiest step of this whole chair transformation foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign it's been such an absolutely dreamy fall you guys look at that so pretty um but yeah I also wanted to turn your attention to our new bed here that we were gifted from avenko they make hybrid mattresses and what that means is you're getting a combination of the memory foam that we all love that's so comfortable but also you're getting the support of coils to help eliminate those dips and those grooves that you get in memory foam mattresses our other mattress was extremely um it had a lot of caverns and stuff in it there was one about right here right in the middle of the bed with their other memory foam mattress and I would kind of roll into it every night so that my poor husband would only be sleeping on this tiny little sliver here so the coils in this mattress will give you this support so that that doesn't happen he won't be getting those memory foam dips this mattress is also priced extremely well we really can't afford a very expensive you know two thousand dollar plus mattress so this price range is just perfect for us in the 600 range and we got a king size and I believe it also has cooling memory foam so if you're a hot sleeper you definitely are going to enjoy that but I will have a coupon code down in my description below you can just find it by going underneath this video and sometimes it'll say more and you click that link and then everything will show up for you so you can grab the coupon code and the link to go check out their mattresses it did arrive in a box and we just placed it on the bed and it unrolled and it blew right up and it's been super nice another and then the first things that I saw you guys saw me pick these up and comment on them are these little angel bookends I have been looking for bookends and I've also been eyeing Angels lately so these are my first angels look at these cute little cherubs and they are just so perfect I'm definitely gonna paint these I'll show you guys how I end up um making them over but I just love them I think they're adorable and it was five dollars for the pair all right so I think I'm going to start with the base of this Castle color chalk paint that is going to be my darker kind of cement base okay and here's what that castle color looks like so let's apply one coat of this and see how it looks and then we'll start the layering process in my bowl I mixed together that chalk paint along with equal parts of like just a joint compound I like to add the joint compound because it really helps to thicken the paint and it gives it a much more organic Stone concrete looking texture it just allows me to really control the amount of texture and build it up as much as I want I also like the look that it gives the piece when it's dry it kind of creates oh it creates like some variation in the color you can see some pieces look very matte and a little bit lighter than other spots and you'll see that when I show you after these pieces are dry and I'm done painting them and now I'm just going back over with a second coat just to add more texture in certain places or if there's any spots that I missed where a little bit of that gold is still shining through the final step for these faux stone faux concrete little angel bookends is to add some white wax and I am using Dixie Bells white wax again that'll be down below for you to make it easy for you to shop for it if you want some but I'm using this nice big brush and I'm working it kind of um on the high points so that the darker tones kind of are settled into the grooves and then you just want to wipe away any excess and you're going to be left with a piece that has a ton of dimension and here is what a piece looks like with the wax and without the wax you can see how much the white wax really highlighted all the texture [Music] right here is my next project that I'm in a French country up it's this kid's table that I got off of Amazon um it worked because it was the right length I wanted a longer table for the spot that it went on more rectangular so it was a little hard to find something especially something that was kind of budget friendly all right so I don't like the color at all it's much too um like kind of a blonde coppery kind of toned wood I much prefer like a darker wood and they didn't have that um I don't even know if they had this in white but I'm just gonna paint it it's kind of like I think it's a rubber wood they call it so it's not anything you know super lavish or anything as far as the wood quality goes but I'm just going to paint it with some chalk paint and try and make it look cute and maybe use some IOD transfers or something in it just to make it really kind of cool and unique my kids have also already started like getting crayon and stuff on it and it's not wiping clean very easy so if it's something that I can just paint then I can just do touch-ups if I need to to clean any of that stuff off so let's uh let's get into this project I'm using chalk paint for this project because I didn't want to have to do any sanding or prep or priming I just wanted to be able to put the paint on and then be good to go so I'm using home decor chalk paint in cottage White you can see just how good that chalk paint is covering this rubber wood it really only took one coat to get it really nice and covered so I will have this link below it's my favorite white chalk paint color it's just very soft and natural looking all right I'm moving right along it's uh actually not taking long at all to get some paint on these it's already looking much cuter I think it's going to just have a lot more character now um I kind of wish I would have been able to find an antique set or something but I needed something a little bit bigger that the kids could kind of grow into and as much as I don't mind being patient and waiting to find like one-of-a-kind unique pieces sometimes you gotta just get what you can get and then make it unique and give it character and that's one of the things that I love to do so I've got one more chair here to paint and then I'll show you what we're going to do next okay so the next thing that I wanted to do was create some like variation in color and give this a little bit of a crackly kind of a chippy effect but I wanted the color underneath the chipping and the crackling knot to be the blonde wood that we just painted over but to be more of like a French blue so I'm going to kind of make my own custom color I'm going to start with this sage color and actually this would probably be perfect so I'm just going to use the sage color I thought I was going to have to add some blue to it but hey maybe I will this is Savannah mist or Dixie Bell and the sage color was I guess it's just called sage by home decor I'll try and Link all this stuff in the description for you guys always check down in my descriptions because that's where I keep all the good stuff it's just the little arrow that points down underneath my video okay so yeah I think mixing these together will give me the perfect French blue color I think it's just because I'm outside I'm not seeing the true tone of things I think that'll be really pretty so this table is going in our like crafting slash breakfast room it's kind of our all-purpose room right off of our living room or our kitchen I'm sorry actually it's off of the living room as well it's kind of right in the middle and we use it all the time and I kind of have a vision for that room with a lot of like French blues and just kind of doing more color in there so that's why I'm trying to add in like the perfect French blue color how many times can I say French blue right but anyway seems like it's hard to find so I'm always kind of custom mixing things to get the color that I want and then you need more and then you can't make more because you custom mixed it the first time that's usually my problem okay I think that color is really pretty so I'm just gonna kind of start applying it randomly on the table [Music] and then I'll show you what we'll do after that [Music] all right so this is how it looks with my little blue French blue accent pieces on it um I just randomly applied it and then what I'm going to do is over top of that I'm going to use some of this Dixie Bell Crackle and I'm just using this because it was just the closest thing that I could grab you could also use glue like Elmer's glue or Vaseline or hairspray to get a similar effect but we're gonna do this and hopefully it's going to show enough for that blue through to make that worth the while [Music] all right [Music] okay I started applying my second coat you can already see the nice crackling that I'm getting and those blue areas that's looking good the trick is with this crackle is you don't want to to rub hard with the paint you want to just kind of gingerly go over like right here I'm just going to kind of go over it once I'm gonna try to not keep rubbing into it I also um added some water to my paint thin it out a little bit just to help it not be so kind of sticky and thick okay so I think it's looking cute I'm gonna keep going and I will show you guys when it's all done okay I apologize for the lighting in here but um I'm working uh in the evening since I kind of have to do that when my kids go down to bed but so here's the table it's all been sealed and everything and I picked out my IOD transfer and it's this uh liqueur francios franchise anyway I don't speak French but it is like a newspaper like a French newspaper so I thought that would look kind of cute on here um since the kids are always writing and stuff on here anyway so the first thing that you want to do though when you get one of these IOD stamps out is you want to take some fine grit sandpaper and just brush that along the stamp so that it will take the ink a little bit better so I'm gonna quickly do that [Music] foreign all right so now I'm considering adding some of these um these are like for pots they're so cute I love these and I'm just trying to think if it would work on these at all I think maybe on the backs of the chairs something like this would be kind of cute I kind of like this one that says picture gallery for boys and girls I think that would be cute since this is my sons and daughters so I picked out my transfer and cut it out and now I'm just using this little plastic tool that comes with your transfer booklets to push the design down onto my Surface sometimes I do find that I have to push pretty hard kind of even use like the corner get it down into the grooves you do want to apply your transfer on a surface that has been sealed um they do say not to use a wax to use like a poly acrylic like a water-based and you can seal over top of these I believe you can seal with a wax over top but don't take that to the bank because I'm not 100 positive but they can definitely seal back over top with like a Mod Podge or a polyacrylic I don't think that you have to [Music] to help protect the design [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] with a really fine grip sandpaper designed grit just to make it look like the designs lived on there for a little bit [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] okay I think I saved the best for last because I love how this chunk turned out so here's what it looks like to begin with this was a trunk that I found at an estate sale for a dollar it looked extremely rough when I first got it so it has been painted but we are going to add a lot of French country embellishments to this trunk so let's get started the first thing that I want to do is add these iron feet onto the trunk I found these at Hobby Lobby [Music] but first I will need to create some support for the legs just in the middle section there because it was hollowed out more than where you see the other wood planks so I'm just using some scrap trim wood that we had in the basement and I'm going to cut it to size so that it fits in between those three plank wood pieces so that way our iron feet won't be wobbly and we'll have something to securely attach them to thank you all right so it looks like that little bit of trim piece that I added in between the slats is going to work out really good to give my legs the support that they were missing from the sides let me see if I can show you here so there was nothing there before so what would have happened is the leg would have kind of tipped and dipped into that empty crevice there so those trim pieces were the perfect depth and I did mess up and cut them like a millimeter too wide of course too long but that's okay I got them worked in there the only thing that might be an issue is this um previous like foot footed metal piece but I think I'm going to just miss it hopefully it's gonna be a little close um I might need to see if I can work those off so anyway it's coming along good and I think it's going to be really cute it's going to elevate it so that it's a nicer um height to be a side table or a coffee table [Music] foreign guys so now the next step is to just add some rub and buff all around certain places and thinking maybe on some of the hardware definitely on the legs I already have this one done that's just going to help it tie in with all of my Decor I also decided that I needed to rub and buff some of the metal embellishments that are on the trunk such as these pieces on the corners and some of the latches I just thought that that would kind of tie it all in and really bring out some of the nice accents that are on the trunk so I'm just using a mixture of some copper toned rub and buff with some gold just to kind of tone that bright gold down just a little bit and make it look aged foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] but I want to make it a little bit more Rusty looking so I think I'm going to sand it down some and then use my solution here that I made yesterday which is white vinegar hydrogen peroxide and salt and that's supposed to create rusting but I want to take off some of the paint so that I can kind of get down to that we'll see how easy that's so far it's not coming off the plan b we're just gonna use some good old antiquing wax and that's going to give us the same effect but just we're gonna fake it so we're gonna use uh the swayverly antiquing wax I'm gonna dip my chip brush into it and kind of wipe some away I'm just going to kind of pounce it around [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay there we are I've got some of my faux rust on here and I might just let it dry for a little bit and then come back and wipe some of it away so it doesn't look so speckled like I used a paintbrush all right and here's how this while your basket turned out I didn't need a huge makeover but I just added the like Rusty bits just using some antiquing wax so I think it looks cute it's more my style now let me figure out where I'm gonna put this [Music] okay so this thing came in an urn that I recently got but I don't really like I don't like the look of it so I thought that I would recover it with some Moss just you know regular Moss from Hobby Lobby here so I'm just gonna use some spray adhesive [Music] it's definitely an outdoor project I've done this inside before [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you all right we got lots of projects awaiting for their makeover sitting outside we finally have a beautiful day today so I'm gonna get these metal pieces painted I'm just going to do them white but I was thinking of maybe trying to make them look Rusty as well so we'll see if I can accomplish something like that with what I have um yeah I've got some cute pieces there's some bird cages I'm hoping to do like a porch makeover so maybe a lot of this stuff will go on my porch this summer with lots of plants and all that good stuff so you guys want to watch me get this stuff painted here we go all right I'm gonna spray my solution here of hydrogen peroxide vinegar and salt and let's see the only thing is I'm not really sure how long it's supposed to take oh Spring Hope there we go there we go be like an instant thing or what all right and here is how this piece is resting up so there you go as you can see it is working I'm not sure if I leave it out here in the Sun a little bit longer if that will help it to continue to rust but we're definitely getting some good patina on there I will have to seal this with some clear poly acrylic foreign [Music] so here I have like a resin a wall shelf that I'm going to try and create like a chippy painted like a salvaged wood piece that I can hang on my wall and I'm just using some chalk paint and a chip brush and just kind of roughly putting that everywhere and then I'll go back over and distress and do some more techniques to make it nice and crackly and like old weathered wood [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] here is how the architectural piece turned out I know a lot of you guys said that I should do the stone cement look but I couldn't resist doing chippy because I was inspired by this solid wood piece that I found a few weeks ago at an antique store and I wanted to um see if I could you know kind of replicate it and duplicate it so what it looks like it's just all chalk paint I think it looks really pretty pretty happy with this Thrift flip [Music] so you may recognize these sconce Shades from one of my last hauls that I did and I asked you guys if I should keep them as is or deconstruct them and you all said to deconstruct them so that's what you'll see coming up here next in this video is how I make them over all right so here we are the shades that I thrifted I am removing the fabric I've got a couple done here and then I'm going to spray them and make them look cute and old and maybe Rusty okay and right now I'm just taking a lighter to the edges to just try and burn off the thread and some of the glue and Gunk that was kind of left on that we weren't able to pull off clean when we took off the fabric my deconstructed sconce shades and I'm going to spray them with some of this it's like my favorite color [Music] [Music] [Music] okay and for our next flip it's this vintage frame and I'm just going to paint it with some of this Dixie Bell buttercream color it's my favorite creamy color at the moment and I'm just going to use a chip brush and my goal is to make it look like weathered old um like a paint job on wood even though this is plastic I think I do achieve that but you'll have to wait and see all right and there is just one coat of Dixie Bell buttercream chalk paint it does a fantastic job of covering it already is looking so much cuter but we are not done yet we will let this dry and then we'll come back to it okay so now I'm applying this darker creamy color over top because I forgot to film this part for you guys but I added a crackling product also by Dixie Bell onto the first paint color and then I'm really lightly going over top of that with the darker cream color and you want to do this really gentle you don't want to move the crackle stuff around or mix it in with the paint you can kind of see there how it's already starting to crackle so you just want to make sure that you just kind of stroke over it once and really gentle and this is the effect you'll get foreign [Music] okay next we are going to work on these bird cages my plan is to paint them a creamy color and then over top of that I'm going to give them some age the look of rust some weathered goodness you guys know how I like my step looking old so let's do that so right now I'm just using some 220 grit sandpaper just to bring back some of that metal that's underneath this paint here I'm going to start there and then we'll see how much antiquing wax we want to do after that [Music] so the paint's coming off pretty easy so it's not taking much effort I'm definitely really liking bird cages right now there's one that I just got from Hobby Lobby that's long ago that I really like this one was free free so it's really tend to like the things better that I either got for free or got a really good deal on or whatever most of the time I do have to you know paint it or do something to it but I think that helps you appreciate it more to work into it to make it something that you really like when that fits your style okay so let's go ahead and add some Waverly antiquing wax foreign [Music] kind of does the appearance that it's Rusty so that's I'm kind of like dabbing it on and tapping it on and kind of tapping it all some sort of rubbing I'm gonna see what I if I like this look better before I rub it all away [Music] I think it's looking foreign [Music] [Music] and then I just repeated those same steps on the smaller bird cage foreign these little bunnies I picked up at a garage sale last year and I had them up on the show for quite a while but I just started to realize that I didn't really like all the holes and stuff in them it kind of almost looked like they were like wounded or something so I wanted to fix that and how I did it was I mixed some joint compound together with some chalk paint and filled in all those holes and then I just kind of gave them a lot of texture with some brushing it on and then paint and they look awesome they look like concrete bunnies [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right now we're going to paint these cute little picture frames here these are also just plastic so I'm going to paint them a really nice creamy French color and then we'll see what else we can do to make it look nice and old foreign [Music] [Music] a couple layers of chalk paint in some different gray tones and taupe tones and stone tones and things like that just to give it lots of Dimension and now what you're seeing me doing is adding some white wax over top of that just to highlight some high areas a little bit more and I'm just using the Waverly antiquing wax for that and that's about it they look great um stay tuned you'll see the reveal and you'll see inside the frames that I actually created vintage looking silhouettes of my kids profiles all I did was take a photo of their profile and then I went into the procreate app and just outlined it all in black and then I printed it out but if this is something that you guys want to try in your home decor I have a big bundle of vintage looking Silhouettes in my Etsy shop that you can download and print and place some frames around your house I'll go ahead and leave the link in the description below so go ahead and check that out if that's something that you're interested in [Music] oh foreign foreign
Channel: Elizabeth's Old Maple Home
Views: 42,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VA53SX-oi_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 17sec (4097 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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