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welcome to extreme prophetic my name is Patricia King and I'm really glad you've joined us for today's program it's on divine creativity and we're going to feature a Keanu she's a child artist that went to heaven and got a download from God it's an exciting program stay tuned for the entire show got introduced me Jesus in the vision but I can't but his face was bright white I can really see his face but each time I went and talked and it become clearer and clearer and clearer even this state is not that clear enough but when I see each vision it's being clearer and clearer but I could see portions and silhouette at hem I just are really I'm so excited to see his face I'm going to talk today we're going to introduce you to a young girl named Kiana at the time of this interview she had just turned 11 years of age you're going to be absolutely astounded when you see the work that she's done when she was four years old she was taken up into heaven she had a visitation of the Lord and she was given a gift a creative gift of art she had never taken a lesson she didn't know how to do it but she began to paint and draw what she saw and she is known today as as a genius she's an absolute genius and she's recorded as such in fact she's one of the top 20 artists in the world in regards to the different auctions that they have they put it on the top 20 list it's just amazing so we went over to her home met her family before she had this visitation she was in a family that was full of atheists her mother was an atheist all the family where atheist a grown up in Lithuania and had not believed in God but after this experience and her life had shone so brightly for Jesus through that life her family became Christians my family was an atheist family my mom or or I'm none of my family tell me anything about God I didn't even know anything about God for atheists they have to have the proofs and now where is the proof you know and I would ask God you know give me the proof of this and give me a proof of that but it was many of these events I'm almost miraculous events that accumulated at I at one point knew it was it couldn't be a coincidence that it had to be God it had to be the personal God because if I would ask him he would answer back that's why I knew God existed because we would pray Association I would pray for a model he would send a model the next day she would ask for something he would deliver I then she said you did the same thing so when I would do the same thing he would immediately respond so I thought if he is the personality then we are communicating this is how I understood that the God was not just the energy but he was a true personality he was a true person some visions just come automatically even when I'm reading then if I'm reading I just put down the book and I'm trying to try and visualize what is coming next and my vision then after that when that comes God told me to paint them or write them down and in poems she started talking very intelligently and very particularly during the time of her vision right after vision and then it would just fade away and become again like a normal child and you from moment to moment from day to day from hour to hour she seemed like a typical an average child her age but then she would talk about God and about spirits specific issues and problems and all of us in her vocabulary were just broaden and special in the poetry can see some words that I most of the time I didn't even know what they meant the first vision I had when I was meeting God he told me everything went out when I will be when I grow up and what I'll paint and the most important thing that he told me it was what I paint of Jesus she was four and she started telling about the visions at first I think I thought there was just a bad dream and I wanted to ignore what she was saying at the beginning but it she had never fantasized and never had played imaginary games like other children I usually do she was very she liked everything practical so I knew she was not just imagining things she did was this a great imagination that I thought that that she would create such stories and slowly little by little it took me a while to stop believing in God and even more tick - to develop faith I never had any artistically Talent before as the drawings progressed and in scope and in precision and details and realism I became more and more fascinated and I wanted to support her and help her with whatever she pursued and but we had never expected anything like this what we see right now in his gallery and never if I read poems I write effortlessly if I do paintings ever I do I paint for in detail what exactly was my vision at the beginning there were many people who regarded a Kiana's paintings and very negatively why if this is God's will if he is given this talent why is this happening to us why the paintings are stolen why people are negative why people say to burn the paintings and her so we would did not understand if this is God's will why this is happening but then I can't explain you know those are the two very strong two forces going some are evil you know one is evil and one is God's army and she would explain very thoroughly that it at all times there's war going on and we just have to pray continuously pray all the time be always and never swerve from Jesus and from his path I saw giving galaxies shaped like God's face I saw stars shaped like God's face in Jesus face but all these galaxies and stars universes combined all together and not become a vision to me God gave me those that he took piece by piece from the universe and galaxies and stars he gave me and in a vision and I started painting them but each time when I saw those galaxies or something more in it behind each star there's a promise behind each universe there's much more of that I don't even know but in the future I'm going to go and see it for myself
Channel: Akiane Kramarik
Views: 71,563
Rating: 4.9504228 out of 5
Id: D3V7K_sMb3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2014
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