Akiane Kramarik, Co-Creating with God || Texas Art and Soul

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hey guys Heidi easily here from Texas art insult and I'm so excited to interview a kianak Romaric again so welcome thank you for being here oh thank you thank you it's such an honor to come back here and just talk to you once again it was such a pleasure yeah I mean I remember the first interview we did a few years back and I was just like I'm such a high because I mean you're not only an artist but you do such amazing work you know so and tell everybody just I mean I know a lot of people already know what you do but maybe tell everybody what you do out there in our world well it's such a big question to answer but I'll kind of start from the basics of my life story where I grew up in a very nurturing environment but I also grew up in the environment where we did not share much about a spiritual beliefs or anything to do with religion we just kind of were together as a family we're hands on in the environment we love creating but at the same time we were buried I come from a very poor family as well but I think that was a very good foundation for me to start my creative journey and somehow around age four years old I started receiving really vivid dreams and visions of these these people the different worlds animals and space it was very it was very new to me because I wasn't I wasn't trained or I didn't learn anything that had anything to do without seeing so it was a deaf wandering for me so the only thing that I was able to show it to everybody and share it was through drawing so at four years old I really heavily involved myself into drawing and painting and my mom and my dad were the ones that noticed my passion for art and gave me the tools to continue it and at the age of seven and eight years old I went into paints and I graduated into like acrylics and oils and all sorts of mediums and after 200 pieces of works there was me received a call from The Oprah Show and I was invited to her show and nine years old and since then I published two books and created over 300 pieces of works and donated a big portion of my art's earnings to charities and I think that's a big part of who I am and and right now currently I'm trying to inspire other artists and hopefully it can help nurture them to build their foundation so they can create their own masterpieces so that's what I'm currently doing right now and hopefully I'll be able to do it soon yeah that's that's awesome I know the whole reason you know I wanted to interview you again is because I've been you know I always follow your stuff but I've been reading called to create and as I read that it's all about co-creating with God and I just can't get you off my mind when I read that book and so I just wanted to talk a little bit to you about that like when you're creating do you always feel like you're co-creating with God are there times where it's like this is just a painting and it's not really you know meaning a lot and then there's others where you know this is gonna be something big actually that is exactly the answer you sometimes I just don't know and sometimes I intuitively it's like a hundred percent that's no doubt about it and I want to mention it's something that I cannot every single painting has those epiphany moments where you you know where this inspiration is coming from and it could be from the beginning it could be into in the middle or complete complete three years later after I finished the painting it's really has its time where you know there are paintings where I just don't know it's until the very end when I put all the pieces together and I finally have this this this awakening that oh I remember this was that that that those words that I heard from God this is was the person I met who must have been in divine intervention it was like pieces together like a mystery but there were moments just like a few of my paintings from the very beginning I felt that there was something coming through me there was something instinctual is like it was like a like a fluid almost like an inspiration water coming through me and it felt so effortless and I think that's when I know that it's coming and come in I'm co-creating with God that's amazing oh my gosh I've never even thought about like when you said oh it might be three years later that I'm like oh yeah this is where all the pieces come together exactly it's like inspiration that has its has its course in its time it's only when you realize it that it's like that beautiful feeling after when you realize that yeah excited I just in you know just normal stories not even with painting you know you'll see like why did we go through these trials or what it happened you know and then you all see it kind of come together and like oh that's why now I can talk about this to this person and help them or whatever the case may be absolutely absolutely and do you find like I mean I know prayer time is personal and it's for everybody you know everybody has their own way to do their prayer time do you find yourself like asking for that inspiration or do you kind of just let that come through you know this is a thing that I've always done since the moment I could remember picking up a pencil I never wait for inspiration inspiration seems to be waiting for me all the time so I think this is something that I've always never had a trouble with a finding inspiration it's always there everything's around us it's you what creative sometimes creative people do they they can take inspiration and from meeting the person from looking at an animal from visions from dreams they can they can do that and and that's how I do it as well it comes very naturally to me and it's something that I hold very dear because it's a different you don't sometimes take for granted of how inspiration does come easily but I'm I'm very honored that I'm able to take that image and create it on canvas yeah that's that's really awesome cuz I mean I know I'm inspired to you like by looking and seeing and you know just talking to people like you things like that are just so inspiring that I love how yours is like a whole nother level you know like your connection to God you know has to be at this whole nother level in order to bring for you know what you're bringing for which I just think is amazing I'm always like no not the best cater but I love it I know I love it and I know God gave me that gift for a reason and I think maybe my gift is being used to share in a different reason and your gift obviously but I just admire and what you can do it's thank you thank you and you know you're so right creative people have the most important responsibilities in the world it's they have they holds this ability to inspire people to the point where it's life-changing and they could give meaning to somebody's life you've hoped to somebody's life so to meet creative people and to to collaborate is such a it's a beautiful thing that's happening in this day and age yeah I know I find a lot of artists you know we're not so competitive or more like we need more the more artists okay so do you find and painting an act of worship for me painting I'll put a very and very simply without painting I feel like I'm totally empty and without life I it's something that has become such a part of me it's almost like drinking water and when you say it is kind of like worship I think it's even more than that it's something but with that but it's I'll physically and mentally start deteriorating it's something that's it makes me who I am makes me wanna wake every day makes me want so eager to wake up 3:00 in the mornings pick up my brush and start painting and it's more like a it's almost like a timeless space warp in this particular timeframe when I paint it's something that the time doesn't exist and there's something so personal that I could my thoughts don't run wild actually it's such a such a serene time and a space from me where I just just engulfed in all the the messages that it's coming from above and I just just put him on canvas Wow I'm so whenever you said your your mind doesn't race oh my gosh I've been like praying for peace for that because you know it's just I think sometimes as creative people and as creative entrepreneurs like we're always constantly you know our brain won't stop oh this idea or this you know we're chasing the shiny object and you know I know during my I think maybe I need to get up at 3 in the morning and paint because it's like during normal hours I still feel a little bit of racing you know me racing is sometimes really good it's actually something that's almost like a positive adrenaline rush you have to get to put and challenge yourself I think it's very necessary for the the thought races but at times you know it's something painting is something you just want to just let go the whole earthly worries and just be in the moment and I think that's what I'm trying to do right now be in the moment yeah and so what are some new things you're working on this year I know you said you're trying to help inspire and other artists mm-hmm so there's a lot of things that I am looking forward to to accomplish and one of them I'm the third book is taking longer than expected but I'm working on my third book hopefully this year will be finished also I am trying to create a platform so I can invite artists to there works on on my website so I can start representing them and give them the tools for them to to start their their path their career so this is something that I really want to do this years to give them the platform and I'm trying to brainstorm ideas and I'm in the blueprint stage but that's something I'm very firm on and I'm looking forward to to do that in the future and also I am I'm actually starting creating my own art supplies and to give some really good quality tangible art supplies for artists and oh goodness there's so much that oh so much I haven't wanted I wanted to but one thing is for certain that no matter how busy I am I I will never I will never stop getting up at 3 in the morning and painting it's something that I just can't I can't live without even if I have only three hours of sleep I still have to wake up yeah I know I remember the last time I interviewed you you talked about that and I was like maybe I'll try to set my alarm and then I'm like I just love sleep everybody has their own but you know their own time so it doesn't have to be the morning it could be completely 12:00 and night yeah you have to find your own creative time it's something that you have to find yourself with no distractions and just being with you and your work yeah yeah I think that's pretty I mean I've heard so many things about like you know 3:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. that's when you know you can really connect to God and things like that so like hmm maybe that's part of the you know the secret remember don't you know it could be like good for experimenting that'd be so cool I'm coming up with these awesome portraits we know so how can people move you know towards just painting or any type of creating you know being a creative person is that always just painting and but then intentionally trying to like co-create with God what do you think people their first step should be for that the first step I believe is that you yourself have to fully understand what you want to accomplish in life it's some what is that goal that you want to to achieve and something that you won't regret looking back and it has to be something whether it is art whether it is sculpting writing music it doesn't matter it has to be you have to find a purpose that you would put your heart your energy your mind your spirit into it 1000% and once you are confident in that message in that goal the next step I would probably take is try to find that one person or that friend that that family member that that's one person that will help you and support you through thick and thin it could be for me it was my my parents and now it's my full family it's you just need to have that support there's something about that when you have that person it makes you have a peace of mind that yes you're doing the right thing and the third probably I would recommend is trying to find that creative time there's something about trying to find that golden moment that golden timeframe throughout the day it could be morning afternoon it could be evening but when he do find it you have to stick to it and people will probably give you the advice to Oh inspiration comes whenever you could be throughout you know the mornings and evenings that's correct but if you want to do something every single day you kind of need to start having a schedule I would highly recommend a schedule to to incorporate in your daily routine what that does actually gives you the incentive to wake up and look forward to those hours or those moments and what happens is you give your your spirit to your heart your your your brain arrest and then when you start entering that scheduled creative time you'll start being having an instant download of inspiration I think that's what happens to me and hopefully it will inspire others to do the same and and the probably the fourth one is to not be afraid to open up your your heart to God because sometimes sometimes relationships are are being judged whether it's you know whether it's kind of religion you are what kind of like denomination believe some of its you have to have a strong connection to God your own personal connection it's nobody else's and I think that's something that I want to highly encourage people is to be firm have a personal connection with God and not and be sincere of your feelings and I think that's a very important factor when creating and co-creating with God wow that's a lot I'm gonna have to like where you watch this I can take notes I mean that's really good and the thing you said about making a specific time and just always you know jotting that down I know I don't know about you but you know just email alone can get a sucked in you know four hours and then we've wasted time when we could have been co-creating with God hmm yeah it's something that it's people don't really don't really to pay attention to this simple simple step but it's so valuable when it comes to creating it's so valuable when try not to get too much like phones or TVs in the rooms if it is a phone maybe put some music on or a podcast on or something that won't distract you and I think has to be completely isolated from from people and has to be just you and that that work that project so when you're painting do you listen to music or you at 3:00 a.m. usually silent you know this is I go every day is totally different but he's either could be music it could either be you know interviews podcasts or it could be just total silence but there's something about having just a little bit of music in the background whether it's like you know I'm very big fond of classical and and bossa nova' Brazil it's something that's super soothing so it really depends on what kind of background songs you want to want to put up yeah that's so cool okay so you've given us a lot of advice and I know my viewers are gonna love this is there anything and you know with co-creating with God or any of that you just want to leave any final tips is to really try to try to stand out as much as you can and be proud of who you are and try not to don't don't try to leave out the negative comments and the negative judging around you what you need to do is try to believe and your goals and yourself and what your strengths are and if you believe in it wholeheartedly and the mission and the goal there's nothing's gonna stop you the doors will open and whether it's not today or tomorrow could be in a year or three years but if you are focused on that road they will open and and don't be afraid that's what I've learned don't be afraid I love that oh my gosh that's such such good advice for everybody and I'm so glad I got to talk to you again this is just such an honor for you making time so thank you thank you so so much and thank you all so much for watching and ah Kiana if people want to learn more about you where should they find you yes they can find me on my website at a Keanu com Aki any.com and also on my Facebook page or Instagram it's just my name yeah a ki ane and you'll just I'll pop up right right up there and I know you're in the blueprint stages but if artists do see this and are interested in possibly being represented by you do you have like a are you gonna do like an application process or something like that so it's still in the blueprint stage is still not definite but if there is any news it's gonna be probably on my Facebook and on my website and what it's going to be it's going to be a I'll probably do a video about it of what what it's going to be about and the location where you can send the works to and it'll be a process but to look out for would be on my facebook or my my website okay awesome I'll put the links to so y'all can check her out oh thank you again so much and for everybody listening I so so appreciate you taking time out oh thank you thank you so much hmm all right so everybody listening and if you want to find out more about her please please and click on the link and follow her on Facebook as well so and y'all have a great day bye guys you
Channel: Texas Art and Soul
Views: 98,858
Rating: 4.9176874 out of 5
Keywords: akiane kramarik, how to paint, co-creating with God, God, How to teach painting, painting with God, Jesus painter, Famous Jesus Painter, Oprah, Akiane on Oprah, Oprah show, co creating with spirit, Near death experience, how to paint with God, Creativity and Divine Intervention, conversation with Akiane, Interview with Akiane, stay at home moms, how to make money at home, gender reveal party
Id: A-BjN2xF0lM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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