Extreme Overlanding In a Built Jeep Gladiator 4x4 (Epic Off-Road Adventure)

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as the weather warms up after a long cold winter we're excited to be getting back out further into the mountains with that in mind we're headed for the warm weather and beautiful scenery of kamloops bc for some adventure and lakeside camping along the way are some beautiful trails with epic views my name is sean and this is [Music] brought to you by epic adventure outfitters also by white rock dodge and in part by [Music] down here at white rock dodge got a service appointment today on the trail wrecker getting the steering box upgrade if you're looking for a dealership that will not give you a hard time for having a lifted truck when you come in to get your service done these guys have been a huge supporter of the channel they've helped us out a ton and they do good work good people how's it going man little special delivery special delivery brewing some nice fresh uh brews we're just down at epic adventure outfitters where teddy is getting his new bumper and worn winch installed on the truck so that he can rescue me when i get stuck and then we're gonna go out on an adventure you know who's gonna help me break this thing in you yeah for sure got a bumper and the shackle and the rooftop tent the rooftop then the custom rack i built you built a custom rack yeah it looks like it's made out of wood it is yeah it took a couple of hours of work we just threw something together real quick it's all strapped down it's not gonna fly off so the weather here the last couple of days has been kind of terrible it's looking nice today but we heard it's gonna be what 18 to 20 18 18 to 20 in kamloops so we're gonna go hit some mountains out there we've got a pretty good route plan should be a good time let's rock and roll the road to kamloops takes us through a few high mountain passes and it's about a four hour drive from our homes [Music] all right so we're just starting our trip up into these mountains here we're basically just gonna try and find a place to camp for tonight because uh the sun's starting to go down and then we'll continue on our journey in the morning are we vlogging [Music] i've never driven this route before and we're starting just as the sun is beginning to go down with the goal of finding camp so that we can get an early start first thing in the morning it's like a completely different environment out here to what we've been wheeling in all winter a lot of grass and smaller trees nice and dry pretty beautiful out here [Music] really [Music] as we started descending back down towards the lake we found ourselves on a road with an incredible view that ended with a perfect camp spot what is the app there you go that one's perfect you got it level two degrees a little bit nailed it so let's just smooth up a little bit excited your first rooftop tent sleep i am so excited i gave it a little test drive the other night yeah you just lay in there for a little bit and chill yeah yeah and then my cynthia started yelling at me come back inside i said okay get in the house get in the house all right guys we found this awesome spot overlooking the lake here we're going to set up camp behind us it is pretty windy so we're hoping the wind dies down a little bit because otherwise it's going to be really cold tonight after getting our tent set up and a long day of driving our thoughts turn quickly to dinner we're gonna do some uh cheeseburgers cheeseburgers it's like a regular burger but with cheese man now you're speaking my language [Music] guys we've been driving all day i'm starving i can't wait for these burgers the sun setting over the lake behind us it's pretty epic i'm gonna get a fire going because it's getting cold real [Music] quick [Music] wow [Music] good morning how was the first sleep in the rooftop tent it was unbelievable yeah unbelievable i had a good sleep time for some breakfast with a view that's gonna be onward with this adventure [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right so we're back on the road our plan is basically we're passing through the mountains up here going on the other side of the mountain and around gonna hit a lake up there around 1100 meters elevation and then we're gonna head back down and try and find a spot on the beach to camp tonight this lengthy mountain pass was pretty smooth with very little snow we passed a frozen lake around 1100 meters elevation and then took in some spectacular views through a river valley [Music] so all right we just stopped for a quick break been driving for a couple hours now on the trail and uh we're probably about halfway through the pass it's a nice little valley here so we thought we'd stretch the legs bit of a drop off here we're to keep going try and find a trail that we're looking for should be a little bit more interesting than just the well scenic somewhat boring dirt road so far it wasn't long before we found ourselves down in a grassy meadow making our way into some rougher terrain through the cliffs along the lake [Music] [Music] [Music] some of these trails were not much wider than our jeeps and then we came to this incredible rock face [Music] two crosses sat atop the rocks we pondered if someone had driven off the edge to an unfortunate fate [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] after another long day of driving we found ourselves at a perfect beach to set up camp [Music] all right we arrived at camp we're gonna get all set up get a fire going because it is not 20 degrees out here like the weather forecast said it was going to be it's more like five or six but can't beat this lakeside view and this nice private beach i know what we have to do you know how you build the log house out of your kindling when you're making the fire we need to make the log house out of trees right sounds like a simple plan yeah so we just need at least you know four big pieces of tree [Music] so [Music] that's how you make a fire properly you use the house and the teepee with the tp in the house and then you make a bridge from the teepee to the house i don't know where i was going with this [Music] all right guys we just finished a really good steak and veggie dinner and garlic bread which was amazing uh cheesy garlic bread on a barbecue next to the lake and a really good campfire that's you can't see it's below the camera uh great way to end the day any morning when you wake up to a view like this not that after a couple of amazing days of adventure and camping it felt like we'd kicked off the spring just right no heavy snow to plow through just sunshine incredible views good food and good company this is going to be a great year of adventure and we're just getting it started [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Story Till Now
Views: 14,980
Rating: 4.9646301 out of 5
Keywords: wheeling, 4x4, jeep, wrangler, gladiator, The Story Til Now, Unwinding Roads, Kamloops
Id: Tbh8vVZ8oXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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