Messy Home Makeover - Declutter 2 Rooms in 2 Days!

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today I'm decluttering and organizing two incredibly cluttered spaces and this transformation is going to be amazing [Music] hey and welcome back every couple of months we here at clutterbug like to volunteer in our community to help families that are really struggling with clutter we not only donate all of our time but we also donate all the supplies just to help them get back on track and today we're helping Carla and her family transform a storage room into a beautiful big girl bedroom for their daughter Ella and give her the workspace of her dreams hi I'm Carla I'm married to my husband Shane and we have a toddler Ella that's two and a half years old um we've been in this house for about six months and it will be our forever home but there's some spots that are still very messy and we close the door so we need to work on those so as soon as I come into somebody's house I try and diagnose their organizing style I have no idea what her style is no looking at the living room it's super tidy I'm like this is a ladybug or this is a cricket because there's not a lot of stuff and then we turn into the kitchen and I'm like crop it's super super visual there's stuff on the fridge and everything that they use every day is out have you taken the quiz yes multiple times and never get the same answer I've even made my husband take the quiz and he got a different answer every time I I'm perplexed by this house so then I went snooping a little bit deeper because I can't tell if it's visual or hidden and I see a lot of details like your food storage it's all like crazy stacks on like be Cricket but then you have the room of Doom yes so you know what here's the whole point it doesn't matter here is what your organizing style is I'm gonna show you the room of Doom and we're just gonna organize for you perfect are you excited I am all right let's go show them what we're dealing with welcome to the room of Doom what do you call it the Monica room from friends which is adorable because this is like your whole house is so tidy and then what the deuce is happening yeah it's just a Dumping Ground a lot of this furniture you just moved in six months ago you said was here when you bought the house so this is kind of like I'm gonna deal with it later yes and then more of like if someone's coming over you just don't have time you're just adding to the files we're gonna rip the Band-Aid off and what we're gonna do is we have these labels so we're going to use painters tape and if something you're not going to keep it's leaving today we're gonna stick donate on it if it's keep and it stays in the room we're leaving it here but if it's keeping belong somewhere else we're going to make a good enough home okay like right now okay I'm good are you ready yep okay let's jump in [Music] because it was a lot of huge furniture and I am wimpy I hired movers to help us move everything out onto the front line so we could have something called a free sale this is like a yard sale but everything's free I took pictures I posted it on Facebook Marketplace and because the weather was supposed to be beautiful I was hoping the community would just come and Shop all the stuff for free but things don't always go as planned so it's raining wouldn't you know it so we're moving everything into the garage really quickly the poor movers are moving it off the lawn back into the garage the freestyle is technically open um now we're just crossing our fingers that someone actually comes but I do have a charity on call to come and get anything that's not picked up so let's just hope this works out so in less than two hours this room was completely emptied we put the bed into place the furniture into place all we have to do is like a little decorating and this big girl room is ready for her daughter to move into so we're gonna head downstairs for way more decluttering but I am crazy impressed with how fast this is going okay so tell me about this room in your basement so it's kind of office and baking stuff so you bake yes I see a lot of cake fans yes you bake cakes yes and so would you want to use this space for like decorating ideally yes okay so it's like a crawfish yeah like an office and craft room in one and is this the space then that you would want to have wrapping as well ideally you could do double duty easily okay so we would need more storage that's a huge closet but there's very little shelving in there and there's still a ton of stuff do you know what's in all these boxes they're all labeled for the most part somewhere okay so what we're gonna do is unpack right and make an even bigger mess and just get stuff out I know there's things in here you just don't use right okay you ready yep let's do this all right all right [Music] this was fast there's still a lot of stuff but it's are you surprised how much you let go of very we've been here for maybe six hours yeah I don't even think that long two rooms yeah completely decluttered there's people in your garage right now like taking a bunch of stuff how are you feeling it's a little overwhelming it's hard to let go but I feel like I did a good job you got rid of someone we were like a hurricane and I was like upstairs you were doing a bunch of it by yourself you got rid of so much your garage right now is filled with things that are leaving it is overwhelming but it doesn't feel like a weight a little bit twisted yeah you have a beautiful home there's so much potential in this space and upstairs in the big girl room I I know we're in the messy middle and I've given you a bunch of homework but this is gonna be worth it yes absolutely and I can feel that I'm always really amazed at the progress that you can make in just one day Carla and her family have been procrastinating both of these spaces for over six months and in the meantime they just keep adding stuff to the pile making it even more overwhelming so how do you tackle a space like this that feels so overwhelming you feel paralyzed you pick a time you pick a day and you just get started we're back for day two last time I was here we couldn't even walk in this space it was like a storage room Monica's closet it was terrible but in one day in just a few hours we decluttered so much we had a free sale that we had to move to the garage because it was Ray thing but every single thing left before the end of the day which was a miracle and now it's time to just make this space beautiful Ella is almost three and she's obsessed with elephants so I really wanted to give her an elephant themed big girl room but my budget is like nothing so I found these on Etsy four of them for just four dollars and then printed them found some inexpensive frames gonna pop them in there and put them on the wall this is a great tip if you're looking for inexpensive art go to Etsy and download some really beautiful things that match your home oh [Music] I was so lucky because all the bedding and the curtains were already in this space like buried under mountains of stuff so we didn't have to buy any bedding or the curtains and I love this cute pop of pink [Music] this is the part of the space that I am the most excited about giant paper flowers I really wanted to add like a focal point in here above the bed but on a shoestring budget so just go to the store and grab some craft paper some scrapbooking paper and you can cut giant flowers I found this template on Etsy cut them all hot glued them together and like if you have more time than money this is such a cool way of adding some inexpensive Decor to your walls this bedroom turned out absolutely beautiful it was so fast and easy to do and almost everything was already in this space I'm excited to bring Carla back and surprise her right now okay guide you in do not peek I want you to remember what this room looked like when I first came we couldn't even step in further than this there was so much furniture and clutter are you ready to see Ella's new big girl room I am [Music] oh it's [Music] foreign [Music] this was a storage room yeah for half a year yeah yeah and like what I hope people watching at home are feeling is that a lot of people have storage rooms and they're thinking someday what if I'll get to it maybe I'll sell this maybe I'll find a better home for it you traded that stuff for this space yeah is it worth it 100 oh I'm so glad thank you oh I'm so excited for her to see it I can't wait too we have another space so we're gonna let you enjoy this space and we're gonna run downstairs and organize your craft room and then surprise you when we're done okay okay is this your new room hello look at Mom and say thank you thank you Cass there's a mountain behind me I'm gonna be completely truthful right now I am very overwhelmed by this space because here's the thing these are boxes filled with things I have no idea what's inside and also I'm not familiar with baking and how to really organize all the supplies and there is zero storage in this space so here's what we're gonna do when you have a big project like this and you don't know where to start and you feel overwhelmed you just start small so Emily and I are going to open the boxes and try to Zone just make different piles of the things while Joe installs some shelving in the closet and then we'll have a better idea of what we have and places to actually put the stuff so we've unpacked most of the boxes and made a bunch of space which is awesome because now we're actually going to shift the desk onto this wall I'm not in love with this desk but it works for the homeowner and I really want to create a whole zone for her cakes which means we need this space clear for some shelving so Emily and I are gonna rotate this desk while Joe continues putting up shelving [Music] thank you [Music] now that the shelving is installed in the closet and we've moved in this big calyx unit we actually have places to put things so I'm feeling very excited all the stuff we're using is actually second hand I have a little storage area where I keep leftovers from projects and because we're donating our time and donating all the supplies I have a small budget so I'm excited to like reuse a lot of the stuff we already had we're not spending a ton of money it also means it's not going to be perfect but that's okay it's going to be better so Emily and I right now we're just gonna take all the stuff organize [Music] organized Carlos spent years earning degrees as a pastry chef a baker and a cook but all these diplomas were just kind of stuck in the corner so I'm going to give them a place of honor here on the wall in her new organized space foreign so we made this cute like logo that Joe hung with extra vinyl because we don't have a big budget for this space but then I was like we should do polka dots Emily wants perfect polka dots because she's a bee I want sporadic polka dots because I'm a ladybug so it's so funny she put hers perfect but I've convinced her to embrace her inner her inner I don't care self and just throw them up willy-nilly so it's gonna be fun polka dots like it adds something to it right do we have time to hand add polka dots to the wall no not at all that's okay it's fun so it's finishing touches time I'm exhausted poor Emily's exhausted Joe's tired we're just gonna now put everything into place make it look pretty and then we can surprise her I'm still not 100 sure on her organizing style so we're kind of going like butterfly with a hint of ladybug really really visual really macro storage but not everything's visual so just in case she's going to feel overstimulated I feel like this is going to be a real combination so no matter what her style is it's going to work for her foreign I'm excited about this space in particular for Carla because as a baker she wants to have a big counter space and it just so happened this house had this in this room already from the previous homeowner so it's like it's meant to be and she hasn't been able to work on this business in so long so I'm thrilled she now has a beautiful space ah Joe installed shelving which made the biggest difference in here there there was no place to put anything that's why I think everything was still in boxes six months later just some simple inexpensive shelving really made a difference I think we spent sixty dollars total to build all of these shelves so now we have a spot on the right side of the closet for all of the craft supplies so paints and canvases and everything they need to get crafty and on the left side we have shelving now for all of her bazillion cake pans I think storage is important but you don't have to spend a ton of money to actually create storage just go to the hardware store grab some boards and install them when you're not sure you're organizing style like I'm not sure of Carla's always err on the side of visual so especially in an office paper organizing should be on the wall or should be a visual system so she can use paper systems like this see what she has to do and turn it around when she doesn't want to look at it when in doubt put it on the wall and go visual bulletin boards like this like cork boards pegboards or even dry erase boards are another must for visual organizers so we're done it looks amazing I want you to think back to what this space looked like just a few hours ago it was overwhelming I was overwhelmed no wonder Carla was overwhelmed but anytime you have a space that feels like this that feels this full how do you start where do you start how do you find the motivation it's one pile at a time one box at a time one thing at a time and literally even though I was I felt like I was drowning in hours we were able to tackle this space and you can too and I cannot wait to show this to Carla right now are you ready to see your new beautiful space I am okay oh my God it's completely different wow [Music] so thank you so much for watching I hope you're feeling inspired when you have a space that feels overwhelming one pile at a time one box at a time one thing at a time and you can literally move mountains thanks so much and we'll see you next time thank you guys so much for those of you who have stayed to the end so as you know we bought a house we're trying to sell this one we have our very first open house coming up this might kill me okay because I feel a lot of stress and pressure but also this is the time of year when our tree drops seed pods we have two trees in the backyard called birch trees I've wanted to chop them down for 12 years because for the entire month of June they just like take a dump all over everything the entire month anytime the wind blows anytime it feels like it it's just dropping seed pods so I spent six hours scooping the pool blowing everything off pressure washing the backyard and then guess what happened huge storm just like sea pods everywhere so I spent another four hours scooping the pool crying the whole time please please you know and as I'm doing this seed pods are falling on my head seed pods are stuck to the dog because they're sticky friends they're sticky seed pods they're stuck to my feet they're stuck to my hair they're stuck to the dot they're all over the house and I do this every year feel kind of bad for whoever's buying this house I feel like it has to come with a warning cut down these trees immediately but anyways so we did this again and guess what happened cool Sparkle and clean I vacuumed I had to backwash it patio furniture not a seed pod in sight I kid you not two hours later torrential downpour hail branches are falling the pool is full of sticks to make it I'll be fine I'll be fine but like my anxiety is like a nine on a good day I'm just running at stress 24 7. that's my jam so this is pushing me into cuckooville thanks so much for watching I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Clutterbug
Views: 241,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clutterbug, clutter before and after, organizing makeover, decluttering makeover, declutter and organize with me, extreme declutter, extreme clean, extreme makeover, house before and after, extreme decluttering and organizing, organizing, organizing videos, decluttering and organizing, messy makeover, messy home organization, messy house cleaning, messy home, clutter, extreme decluttering, extreme decluttering minimalism, declutter before and after, extreme clean with me
Id: Rj9RdaPHDgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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