How to make cute Christmas Gnomes in 15min!!!

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[Music] hi guys thanks for tuning in today we're going to make a winter no and I hope you enjoy it we these are the supplies that you will need so you will need fur you can decide which kind you like when you go to buy fur always make sure you use a coupon it's very expensive so I always save and save coupons when I go to do that little rubber bands I have found that these are rubber bands that are clear work a lot better they're just a little bit more sturdier than some others you'll need a little bit of batting twine blush and I got the blush in the brush at the dollar store about I also got that at the dollar store and some kind of ribbon or rope or something that will add to your little hat you'll also need three different kinds of socks body hat and this is the base of your body and scissors and rice is very important to get this what I'm going to start with so this is a man's white sock and you're going to cut it right at the heel don't throw this away we might in the future make a little snowman out of that the best way that i have found to start out getting rice in your sock is to put it over a cup that way hopefully we won't get rice everywhere so you're going to feel that it's probably I'll take it in there inside the couch so there's multi skipper another company and kind of mush it down open up your sock I think about four cups of rice let's see how that goes today depends a lot on their white sock that you use and how stretchy it is so we've got two cups in there I'm going to smash it down get another cup this will form the inside out his body that's three that's okay I think with this son we might need four cups smash it just a little bit more to get that last of that voice okay okay let's check that out and see how that works I like little chunky gnomes it depends on the size that you want how much rice you're going to use whether rice over take one of the little rubber bands hook it around the top see I've got a lot left so you could have added more if you want a bigger no okay so there's our little known now what we're going to do is we're going to make his little nose actually I don't want to make a little nose I like nose with big noses but that your call to however you want to make what size you want to make that so you're going to grab the rice and then take your rubber band and tighten it around that well that chunky nose okay so there's our little known the base of him okay so then we're going to take the blush and we're going to make his nose kind of pink because he's been outside in the cold and his little nose is kind of pink oh look how cute he is he's already starting to get a little personality oh-ho look at you little chunky nose okay one thing about your rubber bands is they will disintegrate over time so you want to take some twine and reinforce that otherwise he will just fall apart and be a big puddle of rice so we're going to take a little line and go around the nose let's make sure that we've got that out tie it tight there we go hey Dwayne for now okay there's our little guy he's all ready to get dressed so we're going to take a sock a buzzy sock and this one is kind of a smaller fuzzy sock so I think I'm gonna cut this up usually I cut it right there let me show you right there at the heel but this just kind of seems like a little bit smaller sock so I'm gonna go here just to make sure that I cover his chunky little body and don't throw that away because you can use that as a cute low hat okay so the heel goes in the back oh yeah I thought I longer because he's a little chunker here we go okay so he's all snug right there in his outfit I'm gonna take the glue gun and put a little glue right there look glue in the back oh and watch your fingers cuz it's hot oh yeah we okay oh there he is okay now we're on to the fur so I'm gonna set him to site just for a minute talk about the fur so I've got three different kinds this is short and kind of fuzzy and this is what it would look like if you use that kind of fur I think I'm gonna try the this is the dark one let me show you it really quick that's what that one looks like I think he's cute it's all about fluffiness so let's try a white one today so when I cut out fur I always use a marker and mark it in four and a half by four and a half and draw it on the back but simply because I ripped one piece and I think I and some of it was a little bit bigger than four and a half so I was kind of unhappy that I had wasted some when you go to cut four it's really important that you only cut the backing so that you can keep the fur alone this this side is fluffy and you don't want to lose that so also if you're not comfortable just pre handing the cut you can take a glass or a bowl and trace on the back to get your edges but see that when we pull it off the seat and I'm going to cut all of that off because I only cut the back let's take it this way there you can see the mark right there where I used to mark her to mark off my four and a half there we go and then pull it out see look it up oh look how cute that little beards gonna be kind of wild and crazy so I need to cut a little V right in the middle so that his know is well fit and where I have such a big nose I think I'm gonna kind of just a little bit bigger B this time let's see if that will work the same remember just cut the back not the front so that you still have all that wild and crazy' fur okay so then what you're going to do yes you're going oh my gosh look how cute he is you're gonna tuck that be right up under his nose look at that look how wild and crazy that is then you know also if you want like a little mustache just kind of twist it out oh he is cute okay so then I need to get a little bit of hot glue so we can attach that [Applause] tuck that right up there town same on this side tuck that up right there oh he is so cute oh my gosh look at that wild and crazy guy okay so we've got the beard on we've got the nose taken care of Oh one thing I did forget to do let me just pull his beard up just a little bit one thing that will help reinforce his body is if you take your twine and you wrap it around his metal you could use ribbon you could use jute anything you wanted rickrack would be darling on these we'll have to we'll have to make one with her at crack I think that would be really cute just give them all different characters okay tie that always when you do a bow do a knot on it a double bow so it's not it okay so that will help when he stands up that he doesn't like totally loses shape okay kind of cinches he-man it's kind of I guess a little girdle okay that's an old fashioned where it isn't that okay so we're going to take him and set him to the side then we need an another sock a contrasting sock and I'm going to cut this on the heel on this particular one since I am using the toe I'm going to take some cotton and stuff in that toe see look I'm creating just a little pom-pom you can need a similar pepper cup make a little bit more fluffy how perfect look at that Thank You kid that is okay so the rubberband little pom-pom and I always put the heel in the back so that's kind of how we got there okay so then we need to reduce the red I've got get this on here remember we have to reinforce the rubber band that instead of the twine I'm going to use this little red rope tight stuff okay and let's get that through goodness there we go okay so pull that down tie that [Music] tight another bow cute and not like you would you're doing your small child's shoe so that it won't come undone be good tight okay look at longer on one side then oh I think I have enough suck that I can add just a little batting inside kind of fluff it out okay so let's get her a little known back in here mr. wild hairdo and we want to tuck in oh those little strings tuck that down the back so that's how the backs going oh my goodness look how cute he is kind of tuck has his little hat down around his nose too so you can't see anything okay so then what I'm gonna do is I'll just tack it I don't tack it on the fur because I don't think it wouldn't stay as well so I tack it right here prince2 sought to stock and in the back and you have a little gnome you can out stars or buttons other ribbon like I said a rickrack I came have a little mustache and there we having there's our little winter gnome and right there there's the other one see if we can fluff up his little beard to give him some little character they have I chose the same hat I love that sock though I think that SOT makes some really cute little winner known and the bow system has a little green ribbon so I hope that you enjoyed the video today and remember to Like and subscribe and down the road we're going to get some other fun things for you to make so thanks for watching again see you soon
Channel: Miriam's Crafting Cottage
Views: 1,773,518
Rating: 4.9506979 out of 5
Keywords: christmas crafts, christmas gnome, do it yourself, holiday crafts, christmas, crafts, holiday, how to, diy, diy crafts, simplecrafts, funcrafts, easy christmas craft, simple christmas ideas, family projects, family crafts, quick crafts, cheap family crafts, affordable christmas gifts
Id: JHsEhzaHfrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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