EXTREME ROOM MAKEOVER +TRANSFORMATION *aesthetic/tiktok/pinterest inspired bedroom*

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[Music] oh hey guys it's caitlin today is the start of a really big room transformation probably the biggest one you'll ever see if you guys don't know my parents are divorced i only film at my dad's house i never film in this room so i don't really live at my mom's house as much but i want to change that and my mom wants to change that so we're gonna redo my room let me give you an overview so here's the door when you walk in oh my gosh this is so bad i'm sorry there's this really big queen-sized air mattress this is what i've been sleeping on it's okay and then over here i have like my really messy desk and then over there is like some random shelves i'm gonna get rid of all of those and then all of this laundry and then the most questionable thing you're probably wondering what the heck is this when i was really young like nine or 10 i started a youtube channel there's this really big thing on youtube where everyone was making videos with their american girl dolls and this was my doll house but then once i out grew it i didn't really come back to my mom's house because i never got this completely cleaned out i'm selling all this stuff on the shelves but i'm keeping the stuff in these boxes right here but i need to put it up there and then if you turn from the door to over here you can just see i have some shelves honestly this is probably the only cutest part of my room the main thing i'm most excited about is probably getting rid of this dollhouse in my closet it really just it's gonna let go of my childhood and i'm kind of excited to throw that all away now that i showed you guys the before and kind of explained my weird dollhouse in my closet now it's time to start actually redoing this room the first thing that's kind of obvious to do is to paint this room this is stuff i got from my dad's house this morning he has some of these extra painting stuff and then what i got from lowe's oops my mask so we got a primer obviously i'm gonna need some primer to cover up that paint on my wall and then this is a sample color i don't know how this looks like on camera but here's what i got it's called nebulous white and here it is next to extra white which is like paper white i don't know if you can see a difference on camera but this one's a little bit more gray looking i like never film here so it's very weird but hopefully this makes me want to film here more anyways the first thing i need to do obviously before i paint this on my wall is to clean out my room it's just going to take a bite [Music] i'm going to try to do a sample spot right now i'm just going to test it out by just putting it right on the wall i don't think it's the best idea but i'm not a professional oh my gosh i just got paint in my hair honestly i'm really liking how it's turning out it basically looks white and another thing is i need to like cover up these holes around my room i should probably go do that before i continue painting it's a little bit later and now we have the actual gallon of paint i just got rid of my really ugly blinds it looks so weird looking we just got everything taped down and now we're finally ready to start painting i keep on saying that but now we're finally able to [Music] it is so much later it's like 7 30 now and we've been painting literally almost non-stop this is all the first coat you can still see there's still some blue undertone and then it's all white over here too it's still our first coat though over here joey's working on the last big panel wall and then we have to finish the top of this panel i'm really really excited guys i i cannot stress this enough so it's currently the second day it's literally 10 o'clock in the morning i just changed back into what i was wearing yesterday just so i don't dirty up more clothes with paint [Music] so it's a lot later now it's 8 39 p.m we've been painting all day or at least i have nathan's here now what's up and then joey's all the way up there i was up there but you can't go up there yeah i know nathan was up there but once again we're going to be leaving the three back panels there blue i think it actually complements this gray color really nicely in my video no it's only because she's lazy guys do you like it yeah if you put like clouds on it oh yeah [Music] i just finished taking off all the tape around my room although one thing i do need to do is i just need to go over with one coat just to settle that down a little bit because i don't like the way how that looks besides that i'm not really doing much else on this room today the only thing i do need to do is paint the ceiling i don't know if you can see that but i do need to go around and fix that it looks kind of bad it's not like the biggest problem so i'm going to go to ikea get all this stuff in my room but i do need to go up at some time soonish with a ladder and leave that [Music] stuff it's currently sunday and we're now at ikea and i'm just going to get my bed obviously and then we're also going to look at a few other things i'm here with my mom [Music] we're so close it's a lot later now it's seven o'clock we've been home for actually a bit now but joey just came over and we're also gonna go to home depot and look at their sliding mirror door options i don't know if i told you guys this yet but i plan on doing sliding mirror doors in my room i originally wanted to have a really nice big full-length mirror but i decided to do the sliding mirror doors because it wouldn't take up as much space i wouldn't have to dedicate a whole corner to it now we're just gonna go to home depot and look at their options we just got my doors my mirror doors i love how we were going to lowe's for the paint this vlog and now we're at home depot it is the next day i didn't really vlog at all today but i just wanted to update you guys that we got this part of the bed done i don't know what you would call this but this is what we have going so far [Music] it's obviously the next day now you already saw the time lapse we completed the bed finally here's just a basic overview i don't have my mattress so we have some drawers the main reason why i got it is that it pulls out it pulls out into a king sized bed which is really really cool because i could like it normally over here but then i could sleep like it that way and then i'm also planning to put led strips under here you'll see that later and then i'm also getting a new chair this thing's so ugly it's like a week later and we're back at ikea because now i'm getting my mattresses for my bed sleepage sleeping we're now on our way to the warehouse and this is what my mom's getting she's getting a bit of things so it's a lot later since you last saw me we went to ikea and then we also went to lowe's to pick up some blinds for my windows because i don't know if you guys remember we tore out everything from my windows and it's been quite embarrassing to have no blinds at night and then also the mattresses today but once i get to show you all of that i want to show you guys how i've been living in my room for the past couple of days my mom had a mattress topper that was like six inches thick and i used that as like a mattress it doesn't line up right but honestly it gets the job done but it's just a queen size because the foam mattress topper is a queen size i'm also not able to push it into the twin size so at ikea we ended up getting two twin mattresses that's what you're supposed to do for this bed you're not supposed to have one big king mattress you're supposed to get two twin size mattresses and it levels out into a really big king sized bed although obviously with how small my room is i can't have a big bed 24 7. so it's really nice that i can collapse back into a twin actually put one of the mirror doors on this corner area and i love how big it is let's start we just finished the mattresses and the blinds and it looks so so good look how good they look i finally have some privacy and i think once i get my room completely done i want to get some really nice white silk looking curtains on the sides definitely not as a practical thing that's why i have these blinds here to keep the light out i also want to add three or four shelves that go down this area so i can put these plants that i got from ikea on there and then a bunch of other random stuff too so the sheets and pillowcases just came out of the dryer and i just put them on and then the thing i'm really excited about is getting a ton of big colorful decorative pillows for my bed during the daytime when i want to sit on it like an actual couch because obviously this isn't the most comfortable thing to sit up against my dad's coming over in an hour or two and we're gonna start on this closet i need to clean it out so we basically need to take out this whole thing because this line can't be here so we need to install a new type of trim i also need to paint the whole thing white when i had that dollhouse there was rooms that were painted and now it looks really really bad also i self-tanned i'm sorry if there was like such a change in the last time you guys saw me i don't know if there was but if there was so here is what my closet is looking like we got all of the trimming stuff all off and now we're gonna be putting on the new trim and then we're gonna be able to put in the mirrors it's the next day and my dad just ended up already putting on the mirror doors we need to obviously still put on the trim it's not going to be left like that my room is a complete mess i do not know the last time i updated this anyways today we're going to get caulk for my closet because we're going to finally start painting it and getting my closet done and that way i can finally get to decorating and then i need to obviously paint inside there so we're gonna go to [Music] lowe's so i just finished talking i think that's how you pronounce it and then also spackling all of the nail holes what i got at lowe's earlier today was two of the same exact color it's just a nice bright white but one of them i got as a semi-gloss finish for the trim and then i got an eggshell interior finish for the closet but now i'm gonna prime this um i have the primer over here and i'm just going to use it on the spots that i have color i just finished priming all three of these spots that i have so it's like five hours later and i finally finished the first coat of my closet now it's time to finally move on my trim [Music] so i have to actually repaint the trim on this door to match this closet door trim because this one's a little too white so i'm just gonna repaint this like kind of wall area as long as i think this matches right here when i walk in it should be fine [Music] so it's the next day and i just finished taking off all the tape off of my closet and now i need to do my second coat because i did have those random paint splotches that i need to cover up but besides that i'm not gonna paint the ceiling over again or the like non-visible side walls just because i feel like that's just a waste of my time because i'm painting it white now i think i'm gonna finish setting up my mirror basically i just need to take this and put this up on the white strip just to make it look obviously seamless i also have these little pad things that are gonna go on this area of the door just so that it doesn't bang up on this and then lastly i have these two door handles i don't know if i want to put them on yet but if i do they'll be right here you like the look of like this seamless kind of mirror i might put them on later over time but as of right now i don't know if i'm going to put that on all what i know i want to do is put on those pads and the clearance looking mirror thing so i just finished putting up on this mirror little thing i did not put on the handles just because i'm too scared to it will look more like a mirror door instead of like an actual body mirror when i take pictures in it and stuff because i'll have like handles on it i don't know i kind of want to also take these off just because i think they look really stupid and weird but you can obviously see they like help a lot with um bouncing up against my trim finally got more stuff at lowe's including another jar of eggshell white [Music] so i just finished the closet with its second coat and i think it looks really really good you can no longer see those like weird green spots of color it's completely white i also took out all of the blue tape [Applause] [Music] today is the 21st and we're installing my closet currently i know it looks a little weird right now i'm gonna be putting in some shelves here my dad is currently downstairs in the garage cutting up some of these wire shelves he's over here helping because obviously my mom doesn't know how to do all this type of tool work while these doors are open on this side i'll have like a long rod that goes here and then a shorter rod here and that way i can hang dresses down here and then hang shirts and pants like halfway up on this way i don't know if this is making any sense but you'll see i'm also gonna put this shoe rack thing that i have down here here is what the closet's looking like so far i put in some of my shoes down here and then we put in more shelves and then i also put in these bins up here ignore all of this random doll stuff remember i still have to sell some of the things from my dollhouse i'm just storing it in my closet so it's not out in my room we did get these rack things on i need to get more of these stub things to put on these ends i also need to get a lot more hangers i didn't realize i needed more oh my gosh [Applause] today's august 30th and today i'm just going to be installing some of the stuff i bought for my closet a couple days ago last week when i was at my dad's house i also brought over a huge crate of clothes that i want to put in this closet because i have more storage here than at my dad's house i talked about that in a different video but just wanted to tell you guys that on this one if you didn't see that one so the biggest thing i got was this gigantic mirror i'm obviously not putting this up today my idea with this is to put it up above my desk area right here and then put the collage kit that i ordered also behind it i needed some command strips just to hang some of my bags and also my belts on this little like panel area and then i also picked up a gigantic thing of hangers because i needed more hangers i have a ton of stuff from like winter clothes to even some summer clothes and i just want to put them all in here like hang up some stuff as you can see i have some hangers here and then i just want to put a ton of stuff in here and finally load up this closet this pretty much concludes the first episode of this whole room transformation i wanted to separate the two different videos with one this being all the construction process and then the second episode will obviously be when i get all my decorations and stuff so i didn't want to make it too long which is why i decided to split this all into two different parts i hope you all enjoyed this and keep an eye out for that decorative episode and it'll obviously spice up this boring room i just wanted to sit down and talk over what's happening that way it doesn't get all confusing i'm just gonna get to putting up some of these vines they're so so cute one strand so here's what the shelves look like [Music] you
Channel: Katelyn DeWitt
Views: 1,555,322
Rating: 4.9285569 out of 5
Keywords: room transformation, room makeover, room transformation 2020, Aesthetic, Aesthetic room transformation, pinterest, pinterest inspired room transformation, painting my room, ikea, ikea haul, amazon, lowes, room tour 2020, room makeover 2020, Aesthetic room makeover, vlog, vlog style, lifestyle, teen, tiktok, tik tok, tiktok inspired room transformation, teen lifestyle, teen vlog, tiktok trends, trendy, trendy room, cute, cute room, 2020, target, target haul, fairy lights, led lights
Id: CrTtNwso0PU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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