Extreme Decluttering KonMari Method | Entire Home Organization

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just really hard yeah this is ridiculous I'm really stressed hello everybody hello it's me Andy yeah so we've been cleaning our house we've been getting our together like a lot like way in a big way if you've been following me on Instagram you've already seen some of that but we're gonna like really talk you through it and talk through all the categories and the whole thing I am so excited to finally be sitting here recording this part of it because the rest was so stressful it was a lot it was a lot before we get into the bulk of this video I do want to say that this video is sponsored by Skillshare I am so so excited this is a brand that I have dreamed of working with I didn't think it would happen this soon and I'm so excited that it is Skillshare is an online learning platform they have a ton of classes and for me personally taking online classes and kind of taking control of my own education has been a really huge part of my story and how I've ended up where I have today spoiler alert you dropped out of college I did and then wanted to get into social media YouTube and I've seen her Google more questions I mean yeah that's that's in this day and age the internet is full of so much information that that's how you do everything I actually used to Skillshare a few months ago when I was making my comic book pop art spread because I don't know that much about comic book art so I at the time was looking up classes and I found one on Skillshare for a comic book art and I used that to design pretty much my whole spread and you remember that spread it look you were there they also have a botanical line drawing class so drawing different kinds of flowers and then they also have classes for organization home stuff that we're about to do right now they have ones about finding a home for your stuff how to declutter and take back to your closet and I just think it's so cool it's anything you want to learn look it up they have it it's amazing Skillshare thank you so much for sponsoring this video the first 500 of you to use the link below will get two free months unlimited which is so crazy East that's so crazy that's like that is a dream to me to just be able to take as many classes as I want whenever I want you can take them at home I'm so excited anyway yeah so we gonna do it yeah let's do it let's do it if you haven't heard of Marie Kondo by now what are you doing living under a rock yeah when I bought this book I had heard a bunch of people describe it as life-changing and I was kind of like whatever and I too was skeptical yeah and I also like I had heard people talk about the process of like taking every item in deciding if it sparks a joy or not and I was like that is too much can't do that but after I heard like my third or fourth friend tell me that it was like the most life-changing book they've ever read I was like okay well I'm gonna read it so we were on a trip um and I bought it right before the trip to read on the plane and you like got sucked up in it I did yeah it was it was I like a chapter and I was like we have to do yeah yeah so here we are doing it so a big part of doing a tiny is going category by category instead of going room by room when you clean so you actually go through the entire place and just pick one category of thing that you are cleaning and our first category was clothing [Music] the first part of every category is gathering everything of that category and bringing it into one place so for clothing it was ridiculous yeah literally every piece of clothing from every corner of your house [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when all of the clothes have been gathered together the pile of tops alone is usually knee-deep the average number of items in the initial pile is around 160 oh no ok so you want to make sure you have literally everything in a pile because one of the rules in the book is had anything like any straight piece of clothing we find after this is immediately discarded so make sure everything's here and then the idea is to literally go one by one and decide whether or not it sparks joy so this is actually Adams shirt so I feel like what keeps gonna see it and feel like that's my shirt um this is from a musical I was in a long time ago I thought I would want to keep this for sentimental reasons but I don't really care oh okay let me say thank you and we said it nicely oh and this is a good example too because this um it's just like a linen button-down shirt I like it it fits it's in style but I don't necessarily like have any feelings about it which I think means we say no yeah we say thank you thank you I don't think I have any clothes left I think we've talked about this little bit but I think the act of like moving things out of their place and putting it all together in one spot in your house was by far the biggest part of it I think that's why this works forcing yourself to like be confronted with the amount that you have is a lie honestly very tough I mean it made me really anxious the it may be I'm having trouble speaking because of how anxious that made me it was really tough if something has been living in the back of your drawer it's really easy to just open that drawer and be like whatever this drawer is fine and close it but when you pull everything out into the light and then these things that have been hidden are now among a pile of things it's it's a lot easier to just be like okay I don't care about this I don't care about this [Music] it's interesting I'm actually not having trouble with any of my sentimental stuff is from the camp I used to work at because I'm it's a lot easier for me to be like no it's it's the memory of the thing that I love it's not this that I love but I'm having a lot harder time with stuff that's just like like this is just a jean jacket like I know I will wear this but I guess it doesn't spark joy thank you thank you I don't have nothing left like I genuinely at this point I'm gonna have five things hunt that's okay if you have five things that you're stoked about and that's better than a thousand things that you're not stoked about yeah that's true oh god we weighed over a thousand things it's crazy no way okay [Music] once you've gone through your whole pile you really want to put some thought into how and where you're gonna put things back we need to figure out where we want to put things and take some measurements and I think we can get rid of one of these what do you think definitely which one I think we get rid of the shoddy one yeah I want that one I think I could do that okay so let's take some measurements and then go to the Container swar yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] so Murray has a very specific way of folding everything and I found a folding guide that someone else made online but it's really good so I'll link it below and I'm just gonna follow that we just went to the Container Store and bought these guys that's it okay no sleepy it's no time for sleep we have a tiny sleep [Music] [Music] we did it we did it so nice I'm so happy I for one have never had dividers in my drawers it's a game-changer like just do it for any guy out there watching this who's like I'm too tough for this no you're not you're actually being stubborn and you should just buy the damn boxes enjoy the feeling get it together you know feels good yeah anyway it's it's it's awesome and and even if you DIY some dividers yourself you can pick up some pieces of wood and you cut it to size whatever you need you can use shoeboxes yeah there are a lot of different ways in design boxes if you Amazon as much as we do just save your boxes use those as divider exactly so the reason you're supposed to do clothing first is because for a lot of people it can be the hardest biggest category by far so if you can kind of get that over with you can ride that high throughout the rest of the categories yes it's hard every time to wake up and get motivated to keep going but when the first thing you do is walk into this like beautiful closet that you finished it makes it so much easier and you're like oh I'm remembering why I'm doing this and why we're putting ourselves through this because it's very hard so again if you just got through the clothing good stuff you did it you did it and now we're done with clothing and we can move on to books books can actually be pretty difficult for a lot of people this is this is a lot more than I thought I think yeah this is another example of like something I didn't think we had a ton of until you pull it out and look at it and there's definitely a certain level of guilt involved I know that I always like really embarrassed by how many books I had that I had never touched I bought and then just never looked at again I really had to ask myself like if I haven't read it yet am I really going to read it yeah you kind of have to like swallow your pride a little bit and just accept that like it's okay it's all good there's actually another part in the book I want to read to you guys she says if you missed your chance to read a particular book even if it was recommended to you or is one you have been intending to read for ages this is your chance to let it go you may have wanted to read it when you bought it but if you haven't read it by now the books purpose was to teach you that you didn't need it there's no need to finish reading books that you only got halfway through their purpose was to be read halfway so get rid of all of those unread books far better for you to read a book that really grabs you right now rather than one that you left to gather dust for years so the point I think of all of that and in any category is it's okay to say thank you for bringing me joy when I bought you or thank you for teaching me that I actually don't need you it's okay to let things go and I think a big thing again in every category is to kind of think about things in terms of their purpose and if their purpose was to just make you really excited when you bought it that's okay and you can let it go after books you can move on to paper which includes bills study materials coupons wedding invitations weed a bunch of those and they can gather in random places in your house so that's another one to make sure you like grab all the little piles anything on your fridge and go through all of those luckily we're pretty good about staying digital so we didn't have that many papers we're Millennials I don't know if you know this but wasn't too too hard but yeah over all the books and papers we did in one evening yeah it wasn't that wasn't too tough for us but again I think if each person will have their own really tough section yeah and in fairness in the moment some of the books were really hard you know but timewise books and papers didn't take us too long and then after some much-needed sleep we decided to divide and conquer for the next two categories which are bathroom and electronics hello this is the bathroom and most of this is mine so I'm gonna start working on bathroom stuff at the same time William is going to start doing electronics and games and gaming consoles and the game boys all of them we have like 10 portable Gameboy ESPYs and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys so I'm gonna work on the bathroom right now will is still downstairs doing electronics we just went to the Container Store a second time and got a ton of stuff to hopefully organize all of this a little better but I think I'm gonna start by just doing like a general wipe down take everything out all the little stuff that's left and then start from scratch and hopefully we will have this all organized before we go to bed tonight because today has been very long but that is okay that's what we're here to do so I am going to start this right now okay [Music] and then how was the bathroom for you Andy thank you for asking the bathroom thank you for asking will the girl with the bathroom stuff wasn't too hard to go through a lot of it was expired so that was like half of it right off the bat but my I struggle a lot with my skin so skincare products was like a huge part of everything that I had and I go through a cycle of like buying a product trying it for a few weeks realizing that like my skin still sucks and then I get something else to try but I don't throw away the like half bottle that I have left of whatever the previous thing was and then it just builds and builds so like the biggest part of the bathroom for me was paring down to like okay I'm gonna keep one cleanser keep one moisturizer one you know whatever hairbrush I had so many hair brushes I don't even brush my hair laughter and then again measure go back to the store find more boxes shove boxes and places shove things in boxes and presto change back [Music] honestly the bathroom might have been my favorite part of this whole thing it's just so calming and nice to be in there now everything is so organized I come in and I know immediately like there's my cleanser that's the one that I'm gonna use I don't have to look through my cabinet and like kind of pick which also I think in turn is gonna help my skin if I have like a few set things that I know are mine and they're there to be used daily it just like everything clicks it makes so much sense I love the bathroom it's so much easier to just know where everything is and things don't get lost you don't need to buy another thing because you know you're like oh no where's my lotion well you already know where your lotion is and you know that you don't need more of it yes so we're not gonna buy two lotions well yeah actually like going to a store and being like oh like maybe I'm kind of low on face wash I guess I could get some more and then you get home and I have four face washes in different places throughout the bathroom yeah so this does it definitely really helps like I'm so aware of everything that I own now and that is so so cool so after we finished the bathroom we had been pretty much doing nothing but cleaning and organizing for like a week like eight or ten hours a day probably more than that I feel like we just like from wake up to bed has been only cleaning so we took like a week off which I think we really needed you obviously you want to keep the momentum going you don't want to give up completely you don't want to take too long of a break but we definitely needed a couple of days to just like show out and also get used to our new closet and our new bathroom and like how we were gonna live in that new space and keep that organized so we took a few days off and then once we felt refreshed and ready to move on we moved on to the kitchen spices also spices also spices what do we do actually not too bad but it could be better but two people live here we don't need all these cups yeah I've been talking about this broken cabinet I've mentioned it many times I keep saying I'm gonna fix it if you have to fix it funny well Oh God so it normally they just have to like sit together so it doesn't fall yeah I just throw it in here this is the cabinet that I just like yeah this one's not so bad but it could definitely yeah oh yeah and like this is baking stuff and then also this is baking stuff and some up there I tried to do this once before and do kind of like cans also abroad I can't reach like I can't get the stuff on this or higher yeah let's put honestly no no let's put um equipment that you need up there that you barely use okay and then you actually the blender and stuff exactly like stuff yeah yeah we've all this noise so our microwave I mean it'll probably stay there but this is the floor of our laundry room yeah is where the microwave lives let's let's do it let's start okay so we started doing the kitchen the same way we did every category by emptying everything in the kitchen and just putting it into another room I started going through our pantry items getting rid of expired stuff while you cleaned the inside of cabinets and stuff which I honestly would have forgotten to do so thank you for then again like before I spent a lot of time measuring and like kind of mentally mapping where I wanted things to go and then we went back to the store Andy this is Container Store trip number right I'm so I've tagged along for too [Music] then we got back home we started organizing I feel like I was really excited at first but then I went kind of really late into that night and it kind of bled into the next morning and I hit a wall I'm just really grumpy just really hard I don't know like it's just it's not even that the like the act of doing it is not hard I'm just so over it like we've been doing it for so many days and all we've been doing is measuring and going back to the store this is our sixth trip to the Container Store we're spending so much money that I like would rather spend on something other than boxes but I know it will be worth it if we can get the whole if we can get the whole house to feel like the way okay the Meher kitchen feels right now closet feels right now yeah I get that that's I mean that's the only thing that's like keeping me going because I'm just so we just took a moment we stopped filming we got some food like take breaks if you need to do that because we just needed that before we could power through the rest of the kitchen yeah okay so all this stuff in the kitchen is now back where it should be in the kitchen Andy is organizing spices right now it's a rainy morning here in Los Angeles there we are and now that the kitchen is done yes it's awesome I'm so so happy with it I don't think I realized that the kitchen would really be that big of a part of it I think again it's like you don't realize how messy your space is until you actually organize it and do it in a way that like works and makes sense I am blown away by the difference in the kitchen and it like every morning to walk down and be like this is the coffee cabinet and this is where my oats are order order it's so nice it's so nice it feels so good you just so Zen and so relaxing oh man I'm just yeah yeah so our last and final area was the office and at this point because we've done books electronics and clothing the office was already pretty sparse so as a matter of it's just like the leftover stuff I've really gotten to I also think by this point in the process we were like we're kind of pros at just being like I don't need this I need this where I felt like in the beginning I really had a hard time letting go of a lot of stuff I definitely feel like the deeper we got into the process it was easier and easier now the feeling of letting go the amount that we are getting rid of is just incredible it was very uncomfortable doing this there were going to be time so you're gonna want to quit there gonna be one of times where you're gonna ask yourself like it's gonna make you feel kind of sick to your stomach when you see how much stuff you have and while I look at all the stuff that we've amass and I'm embarrassed that you all are gonna see this because there's so much that we're getting rid of and if it's not accepted by the donations we're gonna try to make sure it gets accepted but if it doesn't and they end up throwing it away that's all that stuff that we've added to a landfill because we didn't have our lives quite together yet so knowing not only are we organizing our life but we're possibly starting what will be the rest of our lives trying to be a little bit more sustainable and better for the environment and and not buying things we you know don't need what someone said to me about sustainability once which i think is so true is it's not about doing it perfectly it's about millions of people doing it in perfectly and trying their best to just be better in little ways all the time and I feel like we did that yeah I feel like this is the big change that we need to have it happen Alexis Nicole you messaged me on Instagram and suggested doing like an organized house tour that's such a good idea I can't believe I didn't think of it so you got like a taste of most of the big before and afters in our house in this video but I do in a couple months want to do a full organized house tour once we've lived in it for a little bit and once we replace some of the furniture that we're gonna replace so if you want like a full comprehensive like where I actually decided to put things and how the kitchen is organized all of that stuff it will be coming in a house tour video so make sure you're subscribed thank you again Skillshare for sponsoring this video it truly it is a dream collaboration for me so if any of you are interested in checking that out please do click the link below 500 of you are gonna get two months of unlimited classes you can take so many classes in that time you can learn so many things so many things I get so excited about learning so do that thank you guys for watching make sure you're subscribed I love you so much and I'll see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: It's Me, Andie!
Views: 911,202
Rating: 4.8555436 out of 5
Keywords: konmari method, konmari, marie kondo, tidying up with marie kondo, spark joy, cleaning motivation, life changing magic of tidying up, extreme decluttering minimalism, minimalism decluttering, closet organization, extreme clean with me 2019, extreme declutter, konmari method 2019, konmari method before and after, extreme decluttering and organizing, extreme decluttering, konmari closet declutter, konmari declutter, spark joy marie kondo, cleaning before and after
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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