✨TRASHED HOUSE CLEAN WITH ME // Whole House Clean + Organize // Cleaning Motivation

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hey y'all and welcome back to my channel today's video is an after Christmas clean with me my house was totally trashed after Christmas morning and I didn't do a lot of cleaning on Christmas Day because I really just wanted to spend time with my family we also had somewhere that we had to go and so I just kind of left the mess and enjoyed the day so the day after Christmas I got busy getting my house in order and I decided to film it for you guys and give you some motivation if your house is like mine and completely trashed I hope this video will give you the motivation to get it back in order I'm not trying to get my house perfect today I'm just trying to get it where it's not so chaotic so I had about three or four loads of laundry that I had to fold and so what I did is I'm going to make my bed up and then I'm just going to throw the laundry onto the bed I'm not going to get it folded today but I'll at least have it all in one place and hopefully tomorrow I can get that folded so that's the plans for the laundry but yeah I hope you guys had a wonderful and merry Christmas with your family we had a really good Christmas the kids were so happy on Christmas morning opening up all of their gifts and it was just so much fun watching them I swear when I was a kid I thought that I would be disappointed to grow up and have to spend Christmas as an adult but as it turns out it's actually so much more fun to be an adult and make the magic happen for your kids but now that the fun is over I've got to get this house back in order it was complete chaos I had a really hard time going to bed last night with my house in complete chaos but I was so exhausted by the time we had finished with Christmas morning and all of our Christmas festivities that we had going on day that there was just no way that I could get it cleaned up so I went to bed with my house a mess and when I got up this morning I was a little overwhelmed so I decided I would just go room by room so I'm starting at one end the house I'm going to get my bedroom and my bathroom straightened up and then I'm just going to work my way down but all throughout the video I'm going to play some upbeat motivating music so if you have some cleaning to do of your own pop me up on your TV and let's get it [Music] done forget your great you need a break you it's all about you no matter what the others say now I'm done talking the light on me I tell you I guarantee this not spot to take a turn for the better now the rain is pouring and all I see is like around my feet now nothing can bring me down I just want to dance my I Just Dance I Just Dance [Music] heart I [Music] just I just want [Music] Ain about Mone ain't about the coest J it's about having fun love the that make shine you it's all about you no matter what the others say now I'm down talking the light on me I tell you I guarantee ni SP to take a turn for the but now the rain is pouring and all I see is light around my feet nothing bring me down I just Dan I [Music] just moving into the kitchen I'm going to go ahead and get this dishwasher unloaded so I can reload it with dirty dishes I didn't have a pile of dishes that's one thing that I did stay on top of through everything I made sure to keep my dishwasher going as needed so the dishes aren't terrible but I do have some new bowls that I got for Christmas you see those sitting there by the sink so I'm going to get those taken out of the box into the dishwasher and later on tonight I'll run a cycle we didn't really have enough dishes right now to go ahead and run the dishwasher so I'm just going to load what I do have and just get this kitchen cleaned up I also wanted to scrub my stove top with some barkeeper friend scrub out my sink um wipe down my appliances all of that there was fingerprints all over my refrigerator so I wanted to get that cleaned and shine back up midnight I'm just wonder where you at just thought I call her wish you good night I left my key under the m i don't get anything done you stuck on my [Music] mind really quick I'm going to get some sweet tea onto going uh sometimes will do it on the stove sometimes I'll do it in the microwave it really just depends on my mood the microwave does seem a lot faster so I'm gonna get that going really quick and I'm just gonna let it go I'm gonna set it for about six minutes and then I'm going to let it sit for a little while and just steep so I'll just let that sit while I get everything else done and then I'll mix it [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] keep Dancing in the Moonlight the Shadows cover up my sins always SM H but baby I don't care to win I don't get anything I'll have to tell me if there's anybody else out there that's feeling like this but I am kind of sad that Christmas is over I don't want to take down my decorations and usually after Christmas I'm ready to go ahead and take my stuff down I'm usually taking my decorations down pretty fast but this year I just I don't want to take them down I don't know if it's because we're in our new house house and it's just got everything feeling cozy and I don't know there's just something about Christmas this year that has felt extra special and I just really don't want to take my decorations down but I think what I'm going to do is just keep up like my wintry type of Decor so I'm just going to be taking down anything that's red or that screams Christmas I'll take that down but I'm thinking really hard about leaving my Christmas tree up all through January I'm going to be rearranging my living room soon and I don't know how that's going to work so I'm just going to wait until I get that done before I officially decide if I'm going to take it down or not but I am going to leave up my wintry decor and just take down anything that's red so that way we still have all the Cozy Vibes here in the house so y'all will have to tell me if you're feeling the same or if you are ready to take your decorations down let me know in the comments below work is almost over Summer's getting [Music] closer no time to be sober sunshine on my shoulders I'm alive and Brea living best life is my mind and it's making me high I'm staying in this moment though it's a Time time but I work it out every in a while I feel love I feel it gr every I feel love I feel love I hope it go [Music] away I feel love I feel love [Music] I [Music] feel and y'all my kids got so much candy for Christmas I don't even know what to do with it all but for now I'm just putting it in my Pantry there is no way they're going to be able to eat all of that candy so I don't know what to do with it but I'm just putting it up for now and I'll figure it out later they did get a bunch of Hershey Kisses and I love the peanut butter blossom cookies so I might use those for that but everything else I don't know what I'm going to do with they went to four different places and they got candy from every single place so we have an overabundance of candy but the next thing I'm going to do is go ahead and get this trash taken out we had crab legs at one of our family members houses for Christmas and the kids had brought some home and they have been eating them and then putting the shells in the trash and I could smell just a little hint of crab so I'm going to go ahead and get that taken out and wipe down the lid of the trash can as well it was kind of cruddy I'm also going to take my Sprayway glass cleaner and just wipe the outside of that really good I love to use Sprayway on my stainless steel I had found out accidentally that it works on stainless steel I was using the Wyman's stainless steel cleaner at one time and I had reached for it in my cleaning cabinet and had accidentally grabbed the Sprayway and had used it before I realized and it actually worked really good so that's what I've been using lately is the Sprayway glass cleaner on all of my stainless steel and it works really well it down I my Tau me that I figured why we fool around so little all and we keep track of time being so serious idiots thinking it will M keep me company down before the clocks out sun is shining but the rain is welcome too friends nearby don't need another VI time is not on my mind but then it's you oh I love it when the love comes around and then I Remember All Things Must Pass but I'm not going to wake up wake up I'm not ready let me have another day don't wake up wake up keep it steady cuz I'm happy I'm not going to no no not yeto no not yet W no no not yet wo I'm AF F Lander up nowhere they keep saying I'll be fine but how you know that I'll be there when it feels like I'm lying every time someone ask how it goes and I save the details that actually mean [Music] something sun is shining but the rain is welcome too friends and nearby don't need another view time is not on my mind but then it's you oh I love it when the love comes around and then I Remember All Things Must Pass but I'm not going to wake up wake up I'm not ready let me have another day don't wake up wake up keep it steady cuz I'm happy I'm not going toake I had to take a quick quick break you guys and I was feeling a little hungry but I didn't want to eat a lot because I knew if I ate like an actual lunch then I was going to feel tired and want to go to bed so I'm just having a cliff bar and uh Sam's Cola zero scrolling on Facebook and we're going to get back at it I only had the living room and the dining room left but honestly the living room is the worst out of everything as you guys already saw so I had to stop and take a breather before I jumped into that it's like every time I walk into that room I feel so overwhelmed but once I got it done it felt so nice really quick I'm going to get this tea mixed up and we will go ahead and head into the living [Music] room without you and I got it in my head night and day all right getting started I'm jumping in by going ahead and removing the bigger stuff first they I got bicycles for Christmas and also a little grocery store that I ended up getting for them some of this stuff is a mix of stuff they got Christmas morning and stuff that they got from our family members houses everything just kind of got put here in the living room so once I got that bigger stuff out it wasn't as bad I had a lot of like little stuff on the floor too a lot of trash and and Ray got some Barbies for Christmas and she has tons of little Barbie accessories everywhere and so what I did is I eventually grabbed the laundry basket that's on the couch and I just started throwing all the toys that needed to go to their rooms into that basket and once I get it in the room later I'll get it sorted and everything a little later on in the video I do get her Barbies organized somewhat under her bed it's not exactly the way that I want it but it's a way that's going to work for for now she got so many Barbies for Christmas I think everywhere we went she got a Barbie and they all have those little tiny accessories so we had those everywhere same with Kane he got lots of hot wheels he is into Hot Wheels this year and so that's what he got and he got tons of them K bless him he has gotten a lot of stuff for his room for Christmas and so he has been in his room cleaning it Non-Stop and he's been decorating and setting his stuff up the way that he wants it maybe in a future video I can show you guys how he's got it I'm kind of jealous that how he's got it to be honest cuz it looks so cool in there he's got those little LED strips and he got a lamp for Christmas honestly he doesn't even need his regular light switch in his room anymore because of all the cool lights he's got in there but yeah he is loving his room uh he also got some shells for Christmas so he's been hanging those up and getting his robots on display stuff like that just makes my heart so happy happy he has waited so long to have a bedroom of his own and he finally has it so just watching him decorate it the way that he wants it just makes my heart so [Music] happy [Music] so here pretty soon I'm going to be rearranging my living room I should have that video out hopefully next week that video will be going out don't want to upload on New Year's day cuz I know a lot of you will probably be spending time with your family so it'll probably be after the new year that I'll upload it but I'm so excited we're going to be turning the couch around the back of it is running with the front door and I'm going to put my TV on the far wall where my Christmas tree is at and I've got a really pretty entryway table coming that I'm going to put on the wall that the TV is currently on there's just a whole new setup that's going to be happening and I cannot wait to get it all together so make sure you guys come back for that video to see how it all turns out but with that setup I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep my Christmas tree up or not I'm hoping I can stick it over in the corner or maybe even leave it where it's at who knows but I'm just so excited to finally get my living room rearranged the way that I want it and later in the month we're going to be working on my laundry room I'm going to be adding a coat Nook in there and I'm going to do some organizing I got some rugs to go in there as well but I've got this whole idea going for the Nook by my back door there's a little Nook in the wall and I think it's going to be perfect for a place to put coats so I'm going to hang some boards on the wall we're going to paint it um hoping I can do some kind of shoe organization as well but I think it's going to look really good so that'll be happening later in the [Music] month you smiling that's for funny you had the best of I don't know if I make it home I don't know like I all I know found only know I want the best of but nobody got be the last stay there no matter what they say there's a night but nobody is awake be the last to stay there the night away no matter what [Music] say pret don't know how this night I feel the DJ did it again I don't know if I make it I don't know like I all I [Music] know be the last St there's no matter what they when nobody awake got be the last to stay there night [Music] no that's the night that's the night that's the night away that's the night no matter what they say that's the night away that's the night away that's the night away that's the night no what the when nobody be the last to stay there [Music] the all right so the last room I wanted to work in in today where the little one's room my oldest like I said he already had his room pretty much cleaned and organized and so I'm going to work here in the little one's room and get stuff kind of picked up and not really super organized but just get it to where it's manageable I knew if I was feeling overwhelmed they were feeling overwhelmed as well and they really couldn't enjoy their toys because there was just stuff everywhere and a lot of this stuff was stuff that I brought in here from the living room so I wanted to kind of get all of that put away I'm also going to take all of Kane's Hot Wheels out of the packaging and go ahead and put them in this little container that I've got under his bed this container works perfect for his Hot Wheels it holds all the cars which Santa did bring him a case for Christmas so he can put some of the cars in that but this container works perfect for all of the tracks and stuff when he takes his tracks apart some of his tracks he had put together so I'm not going to be taking those apart cuz he worked really hard to get them built so I'll just stick those over in the corner but everything else I'll go ahead and put into this container here under his bed I want to get one for raised Barbies I think that'll work perfect to hold all of her Barbies and her accessories but I didn't have an extra one so I ended up pulling a couple of plastic containers that I already had that I wasn't using for anything I used for her Barbies and accessories for now and I'll put those under her bed as well as both of the doll [Music] [Music] houses B I want to make you feel good for me for me play a r and feel smooth don't know what time but it was late when I met you with your little M had some for you I was so HP I remember it I know all right but these are just feelings but these ones they feel like the for just for reason on me on me back to make [Music] on me on me play fre feel smoothly on me bab F on me babe I want to make you feel real good on me bab on me bab play Feel smooth so took a ride one the SP with the best kind of side but always want to away out of time and it let me realize I know oh all right but these are just feeling but these ones they feel like the for just a [Music] reason to make you feel good on on me play a bre feel smooth yeah on me F on me baby I want to make you feel real good on me bab on me bab hey make it feel smooth this time it won't [Music] be so I'm probably going to leave their Christmas bedding on for a little bit longer I just don't want to take it off yet it's really cute the good thing about these duvet is that I can just change the covers on them so when that time comes it'll be really easy and I just like the idea of duvet because you can easily switch them out without having to store comforters away comforters take up so much room and so I really like the idea of just you know being able to replace the covers and all you got to do is store the covers away my mom had got them some throws for Christmas so I'm just taking those out of the packaging I'm not going to wash them or anything I'm just going to put them straight onto their beds I'm going to this rug vacuumed and that is going to be all for today's video I really hope you guys enjoyed I hope that it gave you motivation I feel like a lot of our houses right now are probably chaotic and so I hope it gave you the motivation to get up and tackle it remember if you're still watching to leave a butterfly Emoji down in the comments and I'll see you in the next one friends screw your eggs to such your flake forget your great you need a break you it's all about you no matter what the others say but now I'm done talking the lights on me I tell you I guarantee this ni SP to take a turn for the better now the rain is pouring and all I see is lightning around my feet now nothing can bring me down I just
Channel: Kelly's Korner
Views: 135,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cleaning motivation, clean with me, after christmas cleaning, whole house clean and organize, whole house clean with me, all day clean with me, cleaning and organizing, complete disaster, trashed house, sunday reset, home reset, kellys korner, kellys corner, mobile home, mobile home living, trashed house clean with me
Id: yqXjSD8f1Zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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