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hey guys welcome back to my channel I'm Angela Bryan f and boy do I have a video for you today today we are tackling losses part 1 of my master bedroom clothing combo declutter I wanted to do my entire master bedroom but I wanted to start with my clothes because they were the most out of control thing in my entire room as you can see had like laundry baskets full of clothes in different places on the floor and the floor of my closet I had a hanging rack that had clothes hanging on it that wouldn't fit in my closet I just I had so many different places I was storing clothes and keeping clothes and it was just out of control I had way too much [Music] sneaking through the forest above the sky [Music] all right so my bedroom declutter clothing that's all gonna be broken up into two parts but this is actually part of a larger series that I'm doing where I'm basically decluttering and organizing my entire life it just came to a point where I knew that this year I wanted to release so much of that baggage so much of the stuff that keeps me from doing other things that I'm more passionate about and I care about other than tending to items that I have too many uh this whole like pile of clothes feels actually like it's actually hard for me to look at and not because of what you might think it's not just because I'm like oh I'm embarrassed that I have so many clothes or people would judge me or whatever I was one of those people who shopped to fill voids in my life it's actually a lot wrapped up in this pile of clothes behind me that has a lot more to do with pain and hurt and sadness and needing to fill voids then it actually has anything to do with the clothes that are there or anything like that so also know that I'm not alone and whether your thing that you are hoarding or buying too much up or buying emotionally or whatever it's clothes or food or coffee or plastic surgery or maybe it's not maybe you cover that by buying things for other people I mean there's a whole myriad of reasons that people use things to cover up pain and so while yours may not be the same as mine we all have them and have all struggled with them at some point in our lives so I'm choosing not to feel shame over this it's just it's just hard to look at and I'm excited to lift this weight off of my shoulders clean all this out hopefully if I don't die in a pile of clothing today begin tomorrow with a fresh cleaned out closet of clothes that I love that means something to me that fit me that I feel good in and no more of this other crap that I bought just to make myself feel better in the moment when I was struggling with something completely unrelated so let's do this here we go all right so I started by grabbing some laundry baskets so I could sort things into stuff I wanted to donate trash sell and then of course a good audio book I loved Pranay Brown so that's what I'm turning on to listen to while I do this maybe a good podcast or something like that some great questions ask yourself while you're going through this process and you're looking at clothes and evaluating them are things like does this still fit me is it in style is it my style that I'm currently wearing you know what I buy it again today also looking at things to see if they're stained or damaged and how many of this item do I have do I really need another one I have a ton of collared button-up shirts but it's like my favorite thing to wear so I just you know have I worn this in the last year do I think I will actually wear it again and for me most importantly it's like how do I feel when I put this on do I feel good in this does this feel like me is this something I bought because of a trend or a fad that doesn't feel like me anymore so there's lots of questions to ask yourself when you're going through stuff and trying to determine what to keep or sell or donate it's not always as easy as it seems I know it sounds kind of silly but it was actually harder for me than I thought it was gonna be to get rid of stuff I felt like I was being really cutthroat and I was but I still feel like it was harder for me to get rid of certain things than I expected it to be all right we're making progress here this is my stuff that I'm going to attempt to sell this is everything so far that I feel like this camera is not it makes the pile look smaller I swear they're big that's what she said this is what I am donating I don't have so far anything that I'm just straight-up throwing away but a lot of this stuff is stuff that saw has tags on it that I just never wore or only wore once or something like that so that's the stuff I'm selling is like either never worn or only worn maybe one or two times and then the rest of it goes here I've slowly started putting a few things away in here but I'm gonna reorganize all of this so right now it's just a place to set things that were already on hangers there's my whole pile of empty hangers now so I'm gonna keep going I've got to do this side of the bed now [Music] [Music] and of course sometimes you're gonna run into pieces that you just need to try on you just need to take a pause try things on see how you feel about it for example this coat I've had for forever probably a year or so and I've literally never worn it it's completely brand new and I just decided that when I put it on it just doesn't I don't feel good in it so that's something that I will be selling or donating so don't feel like you can't take a few moments to try stuff on and see how you really feel about it before you make a decision about whether to keep it donate it or trash it okay so inevitably you're gonna come across stuff that is not something you wear commonly for example I have two skirts from a company called Frances and Benedict and this one is like a ruffle II flowy one this is something that maybe I would wear to church or maybe I would wear for family pictures I got this one to wear for family pictures but then never found a top that looked right so these are very expensive these were investment pieces and I am NOT ready to give up on them yet for what I paid for them to me these items are worth keeping having tailored trying again to find a top that will go with this one this one I I already know what top I would wear with it so I'm just gonna hang on to these and it's January now so come spring and summer if I don't find Todd don't find a top to match this one don't get them tailored don't wear them then when I do my fall clothing purge I will sell them then but I want to give myself one more season to try because I did have them stuffed away in the top of my closet which makes them obviously easy to forget about so I'm gonna give them another go I do think too that this process requires you to be a little more honest with yourself than maybe you'd like to be about what you really truly wear I know that I have this kind of like vision in my head of things that I want to wear things that I like right it's the stuff that we pin on Pinterest but then when we actually get dressed in the morning are we even grabbing that stuff and I know for me there's a lot of styles that I feel like okay well maybe 10 years from now and I don't have little kids anymore I will wear this but right now I just need to be more realistic that as much as I love a good pair of skinny jeans and a camisole and a blazer that's not something that I'm gonna wear on the regular so I don't need a ton of it with that said I am also a firm believer in dressing however you want to dress no matter what the norms are for what you do for a living or if you're a mom it means you have to dress a certain way I don't want to feel like I've held all of my favorite clothes stuffed away to only wear on one occasion here they don't want clothes and my wardrobe that feel like fine china that I can't wear or I'm afraid to wear so that's what I really wanted to look at when I went through stuff and make some hard decisions about what to keep and what to get rid of [Music] that's crap y'all I got a lot of crap [Music] I bet you guys thought that that was it right that was on like clothes no that did not include the two dressers that I have the big dresser over there and a big dresser over here so now we get to do that that was just the closet and the laundry baskets that were on the floor I have three bags of clothes to donate two baskets of clothes to sell and then what I already hung back up now I have to do my two dressers and then I'm going to do my shoes so let's keep going I I think I probably need to stop and eat something because I'm feeling a little bit fatigued so I might stop and eat but let me first dump all these clothes out so I can feel overwhelmed and then I'll go eat so as I previously mentioned this video is part of a larger video series on my channel where and basically decluttering my entire life and it sounds silly but it really was born out of necessity I just I got to the point where we added our eighth child in the fall and I used to be really organized and I've always had a lot of clutter but I was pretty good at organizing it and it's just gotten completely out of control and so I was feeling like I was very overwhelmed just by my stuff I just didn't want to feel that way anymore I wanted to feel like I could spend time with my kids and not be shackled to cleaning and organizing and trying to stay on top of all of our crap and our family spent like five weeks living in an RV there was nine of us my husband and I and seven of our kids and we managed to live in that and I feel like it just showed me like how little stuff we actually need so if you guys are feeling this way too if you're struggling this area too don't forget there's a link down below to a blog post where I have a checklist for you if you guys want to follow along with me and do this with me we are doing everything we started with digital decluttering last week it's this next week is my bedroom there's so much more to come all right I've been through clothes underwear bras athletic stuff swimwear I've been through pajamas I've been through everything I've been through my entire both of my entire dressers still need to do my shoes and all of my accessories I think I'm gonna probably do my accessories in a different video because I am gonna do this entire bedroom so I think I'm gonna do my accessories if when I do my bedroom video cuz I just don't know that I'm gonna have time to actually do accessories today but I accessories I just mean jewelry because I already did any pretty much did hats and stuff although I still need to do the hats hanging on the wall but yeah jewelry I have a ton of jewelry especially because I'm an ambassador for noonday and stuff like I just have a ton of jewelry and a lot of those pieces I'm gonna be selling as well so the stuff that is in the baskets for sale as well as the jewelry sales stuff that all that information will be listed down below in the description box about where and how I'm gonna sell all that stuff if you're interested in any of it yeah I'm just I'm feeling really good about getting rid of stuff so let me do shoes let me just go ahead and do shoes [Music] like a white grain sales from a startled trade our eyes a bit and they landed suey [Music] it might look like there's more here but there's actually not so these are all the shoes that I'm keeping these are all the shoes that I am donating and then I threw away there's a bunch in there that I threw away that I just shoes are weird to me like I feel really weird the only pairs of shoes that I'm selling are these that have never been worn those that have never been worn and these have been more only once and you can't even hardly see that there's anywhere on the bottoms of them because these are cole haan boots so they were expensive and only worn once so that's that first fuse that I'm sorry hey hey what are y'all doing get out of my clothes that I just sorted come on yeah boo so funny all right everything with the clothes is done got all the bags loaded up we're gonna take them to like a crisis assistance ministry but now here's the problem I mean it was already on my plan obviously it's not like basically decluttering my entire life my whole house but now I really really want to tackle all this other stuff because having my closet and the drawers all organized and clean makes how unorganized and quite frankly messy the other things are even that much more obvious right it's like now it feels glaring all right here we go guys the final picture of the closet basically I just have it organized by tanks t-shirts some long-sleeve mostly collared shirts Blazers some other tops and then moving on into like my sweaters and cardigans and stuff I think it's pretty obvious what my color palette is here with lots of neutrals with occasional so got some rust in here some other colors mixed in every once in a blue some red things like that but my colors are pretty obvious what I like so nothing wrong with that and then I really like having my shoe rack in here now there's a pair missing from right there because they're on my feet but that is super easy and then eventually I might just get rid of this whole one because I've just got a few pairs of shoes well this one's missing its mate but know it's around here somewhere so wasn't really in to part with it because these are like my very very very old running shoes and they're my most comfy it's running shoes I don't want to get rid of them but I've got a few pairs of sneakers my slippers and that's kind of it there and then on the left-hand side I've got some of my boots and then one pair of dress shoes cuz I don't really wear a dress shoes all that often like high-heeled kind of things and then over here is mostly coats like these are my grab comfy things at home that I usually throw on over pajamas or whatever they're just like my fuzzy soft cardigans I don't usually wear I'm out of the house they're just comfy for home and then I've got all my coats some skirts and dresses and then a few things back here that are like athleisure or whatever like vests and stuff but I don't grab for those often so there's tough in that corner but yeah I'm amazed I have my tall boots up here at the top and then in this bottom shoe box is all of my sandals for summer there's like four or five pairs the top box is empty but it's special so I saved it and that is mr. bunny my childhood stuffed animal so it's amazing to me that like this closet was overflowing I couldn't fit everything in here it was completely stuffed there was clothes all over the floor and now there's actually plenty of space I hope is to continue to pare down my wardrobe as I see things that I'm still not wearing it's so nice not to have to have this standing clothes thing in here anymore because I can't fit my stuff and I even have I even have an empty drawer over here I did put some purses in it until I figure out what I want to do with purse organization but again these drawers were overflowing and then by the end of this I had a completely empty one so this is just undergarments up top so I'm not really going to show that bras underwear whatever so I've got my jeans here and then in this one is other pairs of pants trousers or whatever different types of pants and then this one has scarves and hats and slim suits in that little bag so it all fits really nicely not overstuffed or anything I have like my sports bras and workout attire here which I still think I can pare down more but again this was overflowing so I've got a lot of empty space in here now and then this is my just like tanks that I wear under things and then t-shirts these are like my comfy sweatshirt kind of thing that I again just kind of throw on and grab and then these are my pajamas which I did not fold in that style because I kind of know how I have them separated and it's pretty easy for me to rotate through them so I just left that folded normally but still I'm Christopher last night I'm so glad it's done but like this only just makes me want to do more I don't know about you guys but I feel so much better I just feel so much better having things be better organized not having so much of stuff that I don't need that I don't wear that I don't use that's just cluttering up and filling up my space I just feel so much better the only problem is that now I want to go ham on every single room in my house like everything I'm ready to go so this series is far from over this is only the second video and our decluttering series there's probably about five more to go I think if I'm estimating correctly there's five more to go we're gonna get there guys we're gonna declutter my entire life let me know down in the comments if you're joining me for this declutter like I said I also have a link in the description box if you guys want a little checklist to follow along otherwise you can just be here hanging out watching me declutter and organize all the things maybe your whole life is already clean and organized and this is just fun for you to watch someone else I don't know what your jam is but I appreciate you being here be sure to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoy it and subscribe to my channel if you don't want to miss any of the future decluttering videos there's one a week in this series that's going up though I got a whole bunch of fun videos coming your way so be sure to subscribe if you do not already thank you guys so much for being here and I will see you again very soon [Music] we see [Music]
Channel: Angela Braniff
Views: 602,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zQx4jcNLoAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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