EXTREME Bite, Lick Or Nothing Food Challenge! *GROSS*

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dude that's a spine so how am i supposed to bite through a bone yes dude that came out so good i love that that was good hey what are you doing here whoa whoa whoa whoa oh wait you cannot you cannot see this yet that is our unspeakable 2.0 channel our behind the scenes channel and we just released our first video so i need you guys to go subscribe to it if you want to see what happens behind the scenes in all our videos but i gotta go back in here there's a extreme gaming inside but click that subscribe button it's down in the description our brand new channel 2.0 subscribe subscribe i'm not ready for this video i'm scared i'm praying for my stomach right now we have a challenge today buddy it is called bite lick nothing it's super simple we're gonna get a card and we either have to bite the food lick the food or do nothing to the food nothing is what you want to land on now it's going to be me it's going to be james and gabe is on vacation so give me this you're going to be in the video cameraman wait this isn't uh buying my cameraman a car video no no no no this is eating octopus here uh just in case we have a puke bucket yeah we'll we'll keep that to the side so let me introduce cedric this is our cameraman he is behind the camera of all our videos except for this one i don't want to be in this one this is the grossest video we will probably ever ever film yet you are participating in it so good luck buddy maybe he'll get some beginner's luck i hope not guys i am absolutely terrified we have some really really nasty food so we need you guys to leave a like on this video for our stomachs please please i'm so scared yo my stomach's already like i'm turning right now i smelt one of the things when i came in today and i was just like it's so bad all right well let's get this started with item number one so what we just pick a card yeah just pick a cup pick a card there's there's three cups how do you know which one is which wait can i open it i took this from james all right let's let's pull it out all you gotta do is lick it that's it what is our first item haggis but i'm still not sure what this is oh i guess yo all right all right hold on i'm already tearing up dude i can smell it this is disgusting this one's smell bad though all right i'm gonna get it over with i'm gonna go ahead and give it a nice lick wait wait wait wait wait no [Applause] it smells like stroganoff how much that's a bite more than that right this looks like vienna sausage like it actually doesn't look that bad just grab it and you look at look at this you look like the person off that spongebob episode where you like or squidward when he bites the krabby patty for the first time i'm not gonna swallow it it's not that bad it's pretty bad it tastes like vienna sausage i told you it didn't smell bad yeah we made it through the first item now onto item number two out of 15. there's no way if i get bite again that's not true all right can we get cedric bite can we get all three of them as bite oh all right james you picked the card i didn't want to pick one what if we just skip this round you can't do that that has to be yours that has to be yours you can't switch it out you can't look in there you little key you want to know [Applause] [Music] oh it smells so bad not bad no it's bad just wait until later round don't bite that one because i licked it i think that one he's going to eat so much oh that's the one i licked no this is the one you licked i can't remember bro just eat it bro it matches you don't you eat eggs in the morning yeah like you just cracked a few eggs you want to scramble bro wait can i like can i cut it don't open it there's fish in there this is so good act like that giant fish from the intro finding nemo there you go no dude that wasn't good i mean everything should be healthy at least once you take a bite you probably need to cook it first who thought of this video who thought of putting me in this why the thing is is the first two items that we've done are the easiest ones all right i won't pick for assistance oh my gosh dude ethan why don't you pick for us i'm picking this one oh that's the one i was gonna pick let's see what i got hold on so you guys can fight over it i got lick one of those and one of those is nothing are you sure that's the right decision no i feel like it's not at all you get i think for the third time i'm going to cry [Applause] all i gotta do is lick it i'm cool with licking it i can just buff my tongue after how does it feel oh bro what is that preserved duck eggs oh it's glowing it looks like the thing from jurassic park with a mosquito in it why do i get the worst item there's no way this can be the worst all right oh cool i don't really taste anything have fun buddy like the whole thing dude it looks like it's jello like it's like solid it's a syrup that's an egg that's a duck egg it's preserved these have been preserved for a hundred years so i could be eating like a diet your grandparents weren't even looking like the caramel apple yeah you're right are you grandparents i had an idea about it your grandparents then your parents then you that egg was a live vlog i'm getting food yeah i'm good i'm good it's just the thing that caught me off guard was looking inside of it that egg is gray that's not right there's no way you can actually eat that is that healthy is that safe it's not approved by anything send it back i want to speak to a manager that's disgusting all right we are stepping it up a notch to the next round now i need you guys before we go any further in this video i need you guys to click that subscribe button for the pain that we are going through and if you click that subscribe button which is completely free you will also get notified when we upload all our future videos and you don't want to miss them out because they are going to get crazier than this somehow i don't really know how but anyways on to the next item i'm terrified i've a hundred videos and this is my first one has it really been a hundred videos and over a hundred hundred videos that cedric has manned the camera for i'm proud of this no no you keep taking the card i won oh my god this isn't that bad wait you don't even know the item yet you keep taking the card i want you got bite just wait your time is coming let's bring in the next item oh please i don't even have to do anything i don't know why i'm nervous i'm just leaving this for the next round please be good oh bro i'm just gonna belt fish this is a belt fish where are we supposed to bite it is that an ear oh it smells so bad that's what i smoked this morning fight me dreams you have to lick him give him a kiss lick his eye give him a kick the eyeball lick the eyeball lick the eye lick the eyes [Applause] it's like an eel look at this tail it's electrifying no it's like sharp let me like straighten it out for you maybe you can like wear it as a belt maybe you could write some numbers on it and use it as a tape measure this is six inches this is one foot where exactly you're gonna bite this thing i think that little ear blow stop playing with the fist get it over with yeah the longer you wait the longer it's just so you have to take it all right it's like slimy it's kind of cool i'm just so glad i don't have to bite or lick this thing stop no chill you will find this in your bed tonight chill [Music] that's some really raw sushi all right i know where i'm gonna bite bite the tail you have to bite the tail off then yeah you have to bite it off you have to bite a chunk off yeah no that's the way it works no you never said you have to take a part of it out you just have to bite it hold on let me pull up the legal contract you have to bite it off this is the fine press play with the [ __ ] or we slap you with it come on james this can't be healthy come on james bite it off disgusting dude that's a spine it does have a spine so how am i supposed to bite through a bone like the bottom part right here i just go in the middle just pick it up with both both hands you know tell it you love it it's not a jump rope go go fight no i just try to bite and it didn't break yeah you gotta like strong bite it no no i can't bite through you could see oh no i'm washing my mouth out he's brushing his mouth you didn't have to do it there's no way it could get worse than that right yeah i can't i want to get nothing for the rest of this game can i rig this bring me a nothing card james is back what'd you brush your teeth with hand soap the brushes thing was so yeah onto the next item and i'm sad to say it boys i don't know the items but i do know that they're getting worse i don't really know how it can get worse than that but it actually can so we're just gonna keep going with this video i hate this guys if this video gets a hundred and fifty thousand likes we'll do a part two and we'll somehow make it worse no we won't yeah we will leave bit into a fish with bones on to the next one dude stop i hate this this is for you now we're gonna switch wait and we're gonna switch no dude i just smell that fish still [Applause] buddy stop stealing my car thank you what is that this is pickles pig feet pig feet pickled hey say that three times fast pickled peeps it actually it actually kind of smells like pickles i hate pickles yeah it actually smells like pickles kind of that's like really weird that's an actual pig foot dude oh no no no no no no i'm good oh it does smell like pickles probably doesn't taste like pickles though it's juicing dripping it's dripping would you rather drink it no what this can't be worse than the fish i'm staying optimistic about this i'm scared for you that's how gross that is why'd you have to take my card i'm sorry bigger bite do a whole fork full put that whole thing in your mouth you won't do it it just tastes like sour pickles oh that's not bad but it doesn't feel like sour pickles now i'm never gonna be able to eat a pickle ever again i don't want to play this game anymore would you guys invite me we can get you on a hide and seek you gotta see the initiation no no we're not doing this all right let's see if that was the right to say no you just switched you should have switched with me let's go what did you get i got two cards one says nothing other one wait what does james say i got nothing too yeah i got nothing bro let's see it she's gonna put this back in there wait you got nothing show me the text show me the font oh wait wait you got a lick no no wait no you got a lick i got a lick you got a bite no that doesn't no all the cards are the same color that means they were in the same you just kept your card from last round we have a cheater on set i get it from you we have fight wait what wait what wait why why is this so easy what's in this lemon is this the trick i bet it's not a mcdonald's it's probably not a lemon there's like mold growing off of it right there i love mold take a chunk out of it you have to take a chunk out of it yeah dude this thing is fighting this is how sprite's made he hasn't taken the chunk a off my dentist will not approve of this oh i hear it oh yeah you sound like the goat the goat all right next item it's so sour all right hopefully i don't get three cards that's the chosen one i want that one give me that one i swear if that's nothing oh my gosh oh my god is it another lemon this is an apple can you give me another lemon please oh what is that it's a porcupine this is a durian you should smell it it's a what are your like i'll smell it i'll smell it for everyone it has been smelled what does it smell like it has been smelling why is it so spiky oh let me just get to the point and lick this thing is this a fruit doesn't smell that bad can someone give me some information on what i'm about to eat what if i'm allergic to it yo it kind of looks like a jackfruit it kind of smells like a pumpkin fruit jackpot has a fruit how exactly am i supposed to eat this use your finger and scoop it oh it's ice cream it looks like mayonnaise oh jordan here's a cookie oh thanks thanks yeah that would have been nice 10 seconds ago so we're going in i have no idea what this is it's kind of smells like a pumpkin but it's really really how really sharp it's like oh you got inventions it's yeah it's like putting prints in my hand yo that was a smell it was a bite i i've ever seen in my life grandma would be mad at you why would you hold it against you what if he throws up and misses the bucket dude this bucket's huge if he misses i'll be impressed you know it's not bad i really don't know what i'm eating i've never tasted anything like this it has like the texture you know when you like gut a pumpkin like all the seeds and yeah that's like that's the texture of it but i really don't know what i'm eating yo it looks like that pokemon sandwich looks like the wine was your face like that did you see what we're about to eat i will hand out the faith this time do it give me nothing though yeah can i get nothing please no i asked you these smells so much better than all the food we've eaten maybe we should start doing the envelope yeah maybe we should just eat the paper i'm gonna do this one bro stop it all right do you want to switch no yeah let's make a switch because i got nothing you said you're going to hand out the faith it's upside down my life is upside down thank you oh bro what is that he's hiding the plate oh oh is that a cockroach you better lick that cockroach dude there's no way can you actually eat that can you eat a cockroach wait is this part edible hold on hold on hold on i got you all right here you go yo i've never seen one up so oh okay let me just look at it let me just get it over yo look at its mouth yeah i know it's got like claws can i get like some chopsticks come on dude he's got to bite it he's gotta bite it bro just lick it no look at the other side you can't make me that's so gross dude i'm crying it's disgusting hey no get the [ __ ] no no you gotta bite the cockroach bro you bite the cockroach nah i landed on that okay fine do whatever you want can i have a a butter knife oh jeez what are you gonna butter it i am the scorpion king right what about that it's poisonous i doubt they would sell something poisonous it's a black scorpion why are you cutting it up because that part is really sharp and i don't want to get cut by it oh his head fell off oh poor buddy you decapitated him you licked a cockroach i don't want to hear it oh oh i can't walk oh the crunch i can't watch this okay it cannot get worse than bugs i hate bugs it does get worse than bugs how what are we gonna need a squirrel an alien that'd be kind of cool honestly that was not bad try the cockroach no i'll pass on the cockroach get that out of my sight what is the raid i hate bugs give me the top one you get the bottom one i'll take the top one you want the top one are you sure anchovy i mean they put those on pizzas is it really that bad they serve them in spongebob that's cannibalism okay so these are anchovies they're like a bunch of really tiny fish just think of minnows fried did you even lick that yes do it again i don't think that was right i wasn't watching all right i approve of that one i know this is edible do it [Music] like a penguin gabe would be i have an airplane and i'm to throw it how was it cool next i got the nothing card on that what a waste of a nothing card i know all right all right next round it's only going up from here boys okay i got the top which is nothing last time so maybe the bottom is nothing this time you opened yours first let's see what you got because you always open yours last what did you get no i see a small word okay okay okay someone has bite wait stop yes i know the system now psychologically you've got to be kidding me all right bring it oh hey you got bite good luck yeah thanks to hogwarts i was scared sea cucumber you know what you bite in tell me how it is how am i supposed to bite this it looks like squash it's literally soft it's like charcoal it's literally solid bite that part have to bite it that one right here i can't even break it i couldn't bite through the lemon so i'm sorry you just gotta do it yeah until you bite through it just the rules let's read the rules and it really do i literally cannot like hold it in your mouth yeah maybe it'll like like dissolve soften up in a bite i am harder i feel like he has to bite the next thing no what yeah because you can't i'm biting it yeah but it's just like licking i can bite it dude it's literally rock solid uh break it with the cube all right we have our friend here the indestructible cube well that worked yeah look at that who needs a nutcracker these days when you just buy one of these it tastes like the ocean did you lick it already you ruined the system wow why did it stab me keep your crumbs to yourself now what did i get what did i get wait what wait ha ha you got bite we all got bites yeah but like first yeah loser yo wait this is yo you guys are playing tricks on us i actually have to go i gotta walk my chameleon you're funny you don't even have a chameleon all right so this next item we all have to bite it snails that's not that bad that's kogar i've been to a restaurant they serve these i'll go first to get over oh yo that looks so ugly oh nope all right i'm done it just it looks so gross it tastes like chocolate it looks like poop think of it as poop i'ma eat poop i'm james from unspeakable look you ate poop from your juice you're inspirable that is disgusting if this video gets 150 000 likes our next video will be bite lick swallow nothing no bite lick swallow and you're in it we'll be back by then no we'll film it tomorrow yeah i feel like that should have tasted so much better maybe some salt don't they usually put salt on the snails i thought that's what kills snails for everyone in the comments that says they feel bad for the cameraman for feeling left out don't oh there's cockroach on my wrist i got i got roach on my wrist call that a roach legs i swear if i could bite again dude pick a card i'm a magician i'll open mine first i'm feeling confident with this one i'm feeling confident that i got lick that means either you got bite or you got a bite congratulations james you have to bite hey it could be a lemon it could be ten thousand dollars oh bro yo stick it to your forehead how do they stick i think they gotta be like i think they gotta be attached to the octopus and the live and captain hook stop it all right i'm gonna go for the lick boys here we go have fun with that one you gotta bite a nice chunk that's not good that's no i wanna throw it at a window and just be like and it just lands and sticks to it we gone with this mystery dish can we finish this video you want to go back behind the camera well get a freaking good card i don't want that one i want this one wait i want the top this one's lit that one's licked you want the top one you think this one's lit bro you tricked me no it always kind of i think you cheated but you have the card now you did cheat no you just said it pickled cloves oh these aren't bad i don't like pickles i've had these before they're actually pretty good they're like little donut holes and raisins put together yo you think they stick to the ceiling no no [Music] what is that bro i didn't like that all right on to the next one i swear if i get by left or right oh we're good we're good we're good i got lick i'm good i don't care i got lick no you didn't you just caught that where's your card at what do you mean i threw it up this isn't magic oh what you've played yourself now you've played yourself wait we all got lick i thought my lick was good vegemite oh i've heard of this stuff from australia i've heard of this don't they put this on a toast it's just chocolate uh i don't know if it's chocolate it's yeast extract can we make a toothpaste out of this it has a lot of vitamins in it though look at it bro yeah no you didn't yes i did you're lying i did one all right here's the bucket i'll hold it for you actually i ain't gonna hold it no it gives you energy yeah it's like it's like energy drink get over with i want james to go i'm scared i really don't know how you know in australia actually eat this you get a better look than that oh punk what did you get i got a whole tongue did you get a whole tongue jordan yeah i like that i did lick it roll back the footage i licked it yeah i literally licked it and then turned around it doesn't hit you right away it's an after effect all right cheers my eyes are watering i don't really know like people in australia like actually enjoy this they'll like spread it all over toast you're crying he's crying he's disgusting you know be a good prank make someone a nutella sandwich but put that on let's do that to gabe when he comes back yeah guys give us some pranks in the comment section below gabe's out of town right now so we gotta fill the house with something with me behind the camera again i hope these are all nothing so we got all bite and all lick oh i just got ptsd from that fish no no no no no can it be worse than a cockroach and a vegemite oh what if it's a vegemite on a cockroach are you crying dude i wish i could cry right now of tears of joy i haven't had a nothing in so long what is that killed what that melon looks like it has zits all over it is it safe to eat yo asmr oh no not at all it's not as good as you think okay are you going to go another bite yo hold on hold on let me let me get this bro that was beautiful it's that easy yo it smells like a cucumber it smells fine and you bite into it licking it is fine you probably don't even taste anything what's inside of it i want to see what's inside it's a portal the nether portal that's a portal there's no way i can get by two times that's not true i can't get by you got it five in a row i can't more than you know you hand out the cards i don't i don't trust me let's let the cube hand them out no oh no i swear and that's nothing let's see i got lick did you pick the right card james dog food i have to bite dog food it's gourmet dog food is that the caesars bacon and egg flavor caesars classic loaf and sausage tastes like the first one yeah that wasn't that bad i mean smelling it's like terrible but wait is that expired yo that's expired oh it's been a good run guys 100 videos yo who's whose dog is what foot is this come on whose dog is this morning we're missing a dog all right guys this is the last one last item oh no no no no no no no no no give me the bottom one all right i'll let you have the bottom no i'll take the box get away from me you don't find half the bottom all right why are you looking in there what you cheated all right here well we'll just ban those cards shuffle them and hand them to us and whatever you give us we have to take i feel like the last item is going to be the worst one it can't be that bad all right just hand them to us oh i don't want that one no take it you have to take it i hate you oh they're different cards i have different cards oh bro you gave me the same one as last time oh they're both same no not true they're not all the same mine's a different color this is the one oh because you want that no bring it on i just see three forks sticking out of a plate maybe it's a gourmet dinner it's birthday cake this is rigged there's a cockroach inside dude if there is i'm gonna cry hold on ingredients cockroach is it expired is it like three years expired yeah wait hold on no hold on i get it first so i'm gonna take the blue one because i'm wearing blue i'm gonna take the green one because i'll take the yellow one i'm gonna let him eat it first it's probably poisoned yeah yeah is it good yeah it's actually vanilla okay man slow down here you're doing that [Music] are you really washing out all the all the bad stuff yeah i don't taste that fish no more jojo you can go back behind the camera thank god if you guys enjoyed this video please leave a like and if we actually hit 150 000 likes then we will do swallow bite lick maybe fine we'll do it we'll do it leave a like click that subscribe button until then we'll see you next time i don't want to be anything anymore don't no no hey i did not give you a bite every round i didn't even set this up he rigged it remember all the times he cheated in the board game videos you better lick that cockroach
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 8,663,473
Rating: 4.9359241 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: 47LVTeH1lSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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