EXTREME Addiction to Takis

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uh um my name is Frank I'm 68 years old and I'm addicted to takish the first time I ate a bag of Takis was back in 2015 when my tongue touched that chili dush for the first time my heart was racing and my heart hasn't stopped a racing cinch [Music] I usually keep a couple bags in my van we never know when you're going to have a crate oh no not again oh it's okay it's okay ah oh there you go there you go everything's all right sorry about that if I don't smell turkey every 70 seconds bad things happen so I make sure to always have a Taki on me at all times about six months ago I got in a pretty bad car wreck [ __ ] and when I got hit there was a giant Flash and in the middle of their flesh there was a turkey then I thought my golly G I think God wants me to make a giant turkey and so that's what I did dish right here is your one foot tall key and all its Glory it has all the Great Taste of talkies but it's a big one oh my God you're so beautiful one time I found the old talking inside my couch and like anyone else would do I ate it but it tasted more delicious than usual so that's when I decided to start aging my Takis I like to hang them off the ceiling that way the flavor gets to each chip as you can see I have a couple of them aging right now that way I always have a steady supply oh you see that chip right there I've been aging that chip for five years and I think it's funny time to try it out bone Apple tea oh oh it's really good foreign this really helps with the flavor so much I'm gonna just leave this one right here let it age a little more flavor's intense let me go show you the other things last year my doctor informed me that I was extremely unhealthy I guess eating 20 bags of takis a day ish bad for you so I've been eating my Takis with other more nutritious meals like toast eggs and sometimes even my salads [Music] boy I asked for a chair oh Takis can I have some excuse me you sure is h-e-l-l cannot there's not enough Turkish in this bag for the both of us now leave me and my babies alone one of my favorite Parts about eating takis are the Turkish fingers they leave you with but sometimes I can't have dirty hands that's why every time I leave the house now I make sure to bring an extra hand this is my Turkish hand now I can enjoy the guilty pleasures of takis fingers without the mess here let me show you oh yeah um talkies are amazing and I really can't live without them if I had to choose between my mother and a bag of takish well all I gotta say ish goodbye mama [Music] I'll give you 100 of those flavors Ready Set Go well he Fuego guacamole Nitro zombie what crunchy fajita oh I'm a turkey King I should know that gosh dang it I'm running low on talkies my name is Frank and I'm still addicted to pokies [Music] one time when I left the house I actually ran out of talkies it was a horrible experience so since then I promised myself that wouldn't happen again 371 372 373. it's not the usual amount but it'll do I like to keep my truck stuck to the brim with Takis because you never know what type of situation you'll find yourself in let's just say a couple bags of these can take you a long way I used to go through about pointing around or talk your fingers a day but then I realized well I have topped your fingers when you can have Target arms this is a game changer I covered my entire arm and Taki dust but why have a one arm covered when you can have two arms covered what's going on and this is Frank on the track that's me and we about to go double playing them more Edition maybe even triple yes sir y'all ain't ready listen listen [Music] [Music] on my fingers hands got that shine bars juegos like my talking bag if you talk snack I'm [ __ ] big you see me I'm built different 40 bucks a day that's the difference [Music] okay [Applause] I know you felt that I know you felt that that's all you're getting the song's not done yet so let me just go ahead and complete the song for y'all well hello there muchachu you liking what you see you remind me of this bag Fuego she must be blind ain't no woman saying no to all of this I recently replaced my coffee grounds with Taki dust and let me tell you my mornings have never started better oh I I just think it needs a little more cocky Ducks that's it since I'm getting older my health is a concern for me so I created my own medicine I used to take all kinds of medications and such that the doctors would recommend and let me tell you that stuff never worked I just felt sick and sick so then that's when I took marriage into my own hands and I created Takis pills it's Taki dust but in an appeal form I like to pop one of these bad boys before I go to sleep it never really helps me with my sleep but it tastes good in my mouth why not another one Takis bring me great joy and happiness a day without Turkish is your day wasted and I'm sure as heck now wasting my days this is a Taki Takis Fuego to be exact and for the next 30 days I'm gonna have to survive off this single Taki here are the rules rule number one I can't eat anything else besides this one talking unless I can convince someone to trade me for more Takis excuse me I was wondering would you be down to trade your bag of Takis for my single Taki rule number two I can't drink anything and rule number three I can't break rules one and two pull the rules I should also add I'm a trained professional so do not attempt this so Mom I'm coming to you because I need some moral support and words of encouragement but what for the next 30 days I'm gonna be surviving off this thing off the single talkie why for views how are you gonna survive you need food well that's why I need your words of encouragement you literally going to die and there it was the motivation I was looking for from none other than my mom he doesn't think I can make it and according to google they don't think I can make it either but our Google and my mom right or are they just my biggest haters so I'm about six hours into the challenge so far and I feel pretty good okay maybe I'm a little hungry but the good thing is I only have to do this for 29 more days you know what maybe my mom is right this was a stupid idea okay so it's been about two days since I've had something to eat or drink so I need to find someone to trade with me AKA Rita Arbitrage hi uh excuse me sir I was wondering would you be down to trade my single Taki for one of your bags why would I do that oh whoa I'm doing a challenge where I'm trying to survive off this single Taki for 30 days get out of here man I'm serious get out of my store okay so that didn't really go as planned so I guess I have to find other people to trade with them doing here I told you tell you what I'm gonna call the cops okay okay I'm leaving there's a kid over there with the bag of Takis I'm gonna go over there and ask him if he's down to trade excuse me I was wondering would you be down to trade your bag of Takis for my single Taki I know it sounds weird but I'm trying to do a challenge no no no no no no no no no no no I'm just trying to trade Takis that's it I'm not trying to do anything else my mom said what do you mean oh my God why did you peppermint me oh my God it burns oh my God okay but change of plans we're just gonna stick with the single talkie for the rest of the days since my single Taki had to keep me alive for 28 more days I had the brilliant idea of sniffing the Taki to acquire its nutrients and that did absolutely nothing on day four and five I took it a step further and began licking my Taki and I'm really happy to report that it also did absolutely nothing on day six I finally took my first nibble on day seven I took another nibble on day eight I did not take a nibble I just stared at it until I took another Noble and then to distract me from my Hunger live violently screened for four days straight but on day 13 that's when the hungry and thirst hit me like a freight train and I became delusional I had a bag of Hot Cheetos you have in my city boy I desperately needed help but from who a therapist a nutritionist my mom no all of those people would be useless for my mission I needed someone that could relate none other than the man the myth the legend Frank hello how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling about my car's extended warranty how about you extend these after spending three hours convincing Frank that I was not a telemarketer he finally agreed to meet me in person oh hey oh thank you so much for helping me out it truly means a lot um do you mind if I record our interaction uh actually yeah I do mind oh what if I gave you five dollars make a shake and then you could film I have to say I'm a huge fan of your work thank you again for helping me out oh no the pleasure is all mine so let me get this straight you've been surviving off a shingle Taki for 15 days so far what's the point um for the views interesting and what do you need for me well I pretty much need your help to survive these last 15 days [Music] I'm looking and boy did Frank do just that the next couple of days Frank showed me different ways to get my mind off my decaying body and surprisingly his techniques actually worked but I began to realize that this wouldn't be enough and if I wanted to survive I had to ask Frank the big question um Frank I have an important question to ask you okay what is it here I was about to ask Frank a question and I was going to make or break our friendship and determine if I could accomplish this Challenge and let me tell you I was nervous do you like pineapples on your pizza yeah I think they're okay thank God I've been meaning to ask you since I met you but I do have one more question I wanted to ask you would you be willing to trade my half Taki for your whole bag of Takis you know Anthony when you first told me what you were doing I thought you were in shame but now I'm realizing that you're just a man committed to a cause and someone that would do anything to succeed and that right there is admirable so I accept your offer and there it was exactly what I needed someone that was finally willing to trade with me all those days of starvation all that suffering all the doubt leading to this very moment a moment that makes the pain I went through the delusions the mental exhaustion worth it because my friend Frank showed me not only how to survive but with love and compassion really looks like Frank I can't thank you enough I'm finally gonna be able to complete the challenge wait the bag's empty you asked me to trade your shingle talkie for my bag you never said I had to include the talkies so yeah Frank played me and if you're wondering if I made it to day 30 no I did not I couldn't handle the starvation so all of this was for nothing but I did learn one thing old people suck [Music] oh I got like a whiff of that does it smell bad yes what is going on gorilla fam today I will be ranking dockies and we have a lot of them okay first up we have the original Takis Fuego so I've had these before I've had a lot of them before a lot a lot I would say I'm pretty experienced with the Fuego that's that's Fuego all right that's a Taki I feel like you had to take more than one bite like you like grab like a handful of it and just stuff it in your face I think that would be better you want a good bite yes a good bite a really good bite yeah that's that's that's a very solid bite I would say the shingle chip tasted spicier to me or that that one chip just destroyed my never mind straight off the Jump these are pretty spicy these are taste great but the one thing about them they're too intense for me I cannot finish a whole bag but the taste on them is really good and addicting Takis Fuego a nine eight nine that's that's a bold statement because these are hot from the start they taste great they are spicy which I love but I can't finish the whole bag like it's too intense all right what else do you got for me all right next up we have the sister of the original Takis Takis blue Heat you know what's funny about these chips someone at the factory was like you know what would make these chips even better just make them blue yeah like this is is like a bright blue too that's pretty blue this is like how do you get this color where on this Earth does this color come from exactly this is like a made-up color but let's try it out I will say they say extreme spice but I don't taste the Extreme as opposed to the Fuego I could finish this entire bag blue Heat you already know what I'm gonna do well how are you riding like that because I have Takis fingers Bluey so if we already had a nine and now we have a ten all right Takis is off to a good start so far takis are takis for a reason all right next up we have a remix of the original Takis okay but in waves form [Music] oh okay editor wave check no but put the like the ways Fuego on there don't even put actual ways just put the chips on his head on my head [Music] I know these are from Mexico but these smell like the chips from Mexico what does that mean if you you know you know Takis waves hold up these are actually pretty good [Music] these taste like Mexico these are really good wait so you're telling me it smells like Mexico and now it tastes like Mexico yes what does that mean okay what is tasting like Mexico mean like family so you tell me you just ate your family like like the food they made like the the feeling that the food gives me happiness this is what that means Mexico means happiness you know what let me just rank it you know I had to do it to them don't do it you know I had to do it come on don't do it don't do it to him please don't do it a 10 a 10 plus a 10 plus I thought blue heat was good but no these are better than blue heat and I really like blue heat I gotta say if I didn't know any but better I would say that you're a Takis Fanboy it looks like I am all right next up we have pretty much tataki's originals but just in skinnier form the Taki sticks when did these come out what is this I was not expecting these I thought they were thicker there's like one-fourth of the width this looks like uh what's Finding Nemo uh an anemone like we're finding where Nemo lives an enemy I feel like you're pronouncing it wrong but I know exactly what you're talking about an enemy I I don't even know how to say and then to see an enemies see see enemy right off the Jump these need more talking dust like don't be stingy on the dust and yeah the corn like it wasn't good Talking Sticks get the stick out my face afford the corn taste is just way overpowering like the first original talkies that one was spicy it was good there's no dust in this one all right for this next one this one actually sounds pretty tasty crunchy fajitas the spice indicator says milled or as some people say mild [Music] I feel like every time you eat you have like a stink look on your face I can't tell if you like it or not I am analyzing I don't really taste spice there's no lemon here so what else do you have just that corn flavor again yeah like I don't want to eat another one actually okay yeah five five fair enough fair enough like it's not they're not bad they're just not that good like me I feel like that describes a lot of people especially me [Music] see the original well the original shape but we're changing the flavor Taki's Nitro oh okay I see you Takis Nitro from the jump I see a habanero right there oh oh that's intense those are like blood red yes that's kind of intimidating to be honest to you yeah to me I guess to me yeah to me these look perfect and I'm gonna eat them whoa big papa Tucky right there all right if I don't taste if I don't there's a lot of flavors yo that's that's awesome I think you got a defect right there bro do I have to save this do I share this for my children you should eat it you should eat it I don't know those kids yet this is the first time I tried these and it's not gonna be the last you know I had to do it to them oh a ten about ten wow you saw my face I tasted them like instantly you have the spice you have the lemon you have the Crunch and you have the love those are made with love lots of love all right this last one I think you're gonna love this I think it's weird I think it's super weird actually okay Takis meat sticks excuse me yeah you heard me right meat sticks they be coming out with whatever nowadays you know these might actually not be too bad oh [Music] I got like a whiff of that does it smell bad yes oh my God what is this what kind of meat is this it says meat stick from where this armadillo back so what is this yeah it doesn't say what kind of me actually it could be zebra knuckle for all we know it could be any of you yeah actually like um dude it smells so bad [Music] a spit out that's the first spit out of the whole video first of all who is this I want to talk second of all who approved this idea I want to talk too dude they had to be like 10 people to approve this did they even taste it with just simple taste let me let me try let me try I kind of want to try it no you don't [Applause] yeah it hasn't text you of like rubber and it just tastes like a nasty like slim jim FDA where are you when we need you negative three there's a bunch of Yes Men at the Takis headquarters apparently because oh my God like that it should that should not be a thing and I am not exaggerating that is bad I kept my Takis fingers no I have all the Takis in my fingers don't tell me you're gonna do what I think you're gonna do oh I'm gonna do it foreign it's not that bad whatever you guys want me to rank next let us know in the comments down below right now and we'll see if we do it because most likely I'll do it my name is Frank and I'm now addicted to Blue heat turkeys [Music] life is too short to be wasting it on use the stings like my wife and my family so that's why I spend every waking moment with the things I love these Beauties now this is heaven what was that you said I don't love you what are you talking about I love you I love you why you getting jealous now I was hugging you all hey what are you doing get out of here you can't have any of my blue heat talkies no get out of here skedaddle you chickens so some people have children and other people have pets but good old Frank has something way better I present to you the tastiest the most beautiful and the world's biggest blue-eyed turkey this is two and a half feet of pure perfection this Taki is the length of like 200 normal Takis and it tastes just as good oh it smells spicy and my goodness look how beautiful it is it reminds me of my ex-wife but way better ain't that right hey welcome to check in the box can I take your order huh I have a question do you accept payments of blue he talkies do you accept payments of blue heat Turkish like the best chips in the world the blue ones no well okay well uh I'll take my business elsewhere thank you my love for blue heat Takis went so deep that I mix it in everything I use blue hate toothpaste this right here has changed my dental hygiene I don't know if it cleans much but I just know it tastes great I always put a generational man huh because I love the flavor oh yeah not actually why I also have blue heat lotion this right here keeps my skin nice and moisturized but the thing about it is really spicy so it just burns your skin a lot you know what they say pain is beauty ah one thing about me I got a great shade of hair and my Beauty secret is this blue heat sham poo this recipe was made by yours truly I apply this shampoo about twice a day and it keeps my hair Sleek shiny and smelling good but just like the lotion it burned oh ah there's something about these blue heat Takis that really get my mind going and once all gears are in motion there's no stopping me Rock-a-bye Baby on a bench swing baby you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen I would do anything anything to make you happy if you put a sheet in soil eventually you'll grow into something beautiful so if I put a talking soil it should grow into a beautiful tree in about six months these little babies are gonna be blue heat trees this coffee is some of the best tasting coffee in the world I also have my blue heat sugar be generous now don't be scared and not only that my own blue heat creamer but be careful with this one all you need is your cup of drops that should be enough then you just mix it all together and you have the world's finest coffee cheers they'll put a nickel in your pocket and a thorn in your toe oh my God I could run a marathon I'll be back tell me life is like a bag of blue heat talkies beautiful spicy and full of love yo Anthony you want some Takis yeah I'll take some all right catch oh blue heat thanks that's my favorite whoever finishes this bag of Takis first wins 100. bro bro there ain't no way I'm finishing this this is a lot harder than I thought um I think I still have like half the Bagless bruh my jaw hurts final stretch wrong bro dude ain't no way dude you're a monster dude that's what the film does it I still had like half my bag left oh my jaw hurt leaving off Takis for 24 hours but not me Sao what you said we weren't filming today no we're filming and you're gonna do everything with Takis and I mean everything what do you mean by that no you'll find out let's go have breakfast do you like Chili's actually I love chilaki list that's my favorite I didn't know that well today I was gonna make Takis chilakilis oh snap but the sauce you're gonna make is gonna be blue heat sauce I'm gonna start cutting the cilantro I mean you're just picking each Leaf but like like that is that how you do it yeah is that weird I think two right yeah yeah and they get the onion [Music] now it's time for the Spice all right let's get it that's it no you gotta add more you gotta add more is this the first blue hitaki salsa you know this looks like like my mom's green juice add the Takis Fuego tortilla base let's see ready Mexico we're sorry what are your thoughts it's giving Indian food it's because it smells good that's the only reason why I'm I still have hope but let's try it see it's just like my body is just telling me no but what about your heart what does your heart say it's given a heart attack finish that up cause we got something else planned for you so right now you are gonna guess the Takis flavor okay um I'm gonna try my best but disclaimer I have only tried two Takis before in my life if you guess all the Taki flavors correctly you will win a hundred dollars how do I know that's a hundred though let's see I'm gonna feed them to you first one that is Fuego number two I want to say blue the third one is that Pepino I'm gonna do Mystery okay because it tastes like Peppino and you said there's no there's no Pepino flavor let's go with the next one oh what a heck it brought me back to 2006 going to the gandita and I'm picking up a random bag of chips and I open it and I smell that and then I hear my mom screaming at me because the lady took more money because I didn't know how to count pesos I think that's fajita all right last one [Music] that's gotta be Nitro so it was the first one Fuego blue uh heat okay you said it was a mystery bag the new flavor yeah yeah yeah okay fajita then uh ham sandwich uh what is it Nitro so I will take off the blindfold I'm sorry but this stays with me it's always really awesome yeah you got one right I did let's go to lunch for lunch you're gonna be eating Takis nachos all right I thought y'all gonna make me do some weird nasty things so the kettles are the base nice intense nacho and cheese it's just Takis cheese and you have other Takis as your ingredients throw your cheese you know remember what the bag yeah yeah yeah yeah Ryan Garcia who Ryan Garcia who if you want like you should get for making me drink Prime every single day remote cheers Louise all right so please uh melt it for me I'll set my bowl I'll try my best I'll be back all right all right we got crunchy fajitas juego can't go wrong with Fuego how high think I can make it go let's just throw that in there and I think honestly I think we're good looks like Ramon is pulling up with the cheese is that the cheese this is what we got this is your cheese Brew this thing stinks see when you mix cheddar and Chihuahua you get a chupacabra yo why we got Cosmo awanda here bro so let me explain so right here we have the blue heat salsa that we made earlier I swear I saw you guys throw it out so you've had that before but look at this this pink substance here is actually sour cream with Nitro Takis and the salsa we're going at the cosmo one there [Music] oh no that does not look good yeah what's bubbling I don't know you said it wasn't gonna be that bad yeah no you gotta get one with the works [Music] say straight like throw up what it bounce like that so we just had lunch and now we're gonna play a little game of horse but not just horse we're playing Taki t-a-k-i so that means I can win I can finish you we'll see about that so wherever you make it that's where I gotta shoot it from yes hi LeBron [Music] let's go it's what I needed I need a little pressure oh you got tea oh my god oh I still up that's a nice shot oh my God this is like that shot where it's like looks easy but it's hard but the sun's like right there they're all hard I can't see anything [Music] yeah the bank's closed right now t-a-f-t-a okay you suck ah Corner three [Music] I'm back baby oh ta commissioning oh oh no one more yeah one more is the last one well I gotta do it big this is a curry three oh right here okay this is a lot of pressure because it's those easy shots that are hard you know oh my God t-a-k-t-a-k the curry three there it is It's Not Over oh hey hey hey hey hey this one goes out to all my haters Look At Me Now grandma look at me look at me now mama I lost to that so there's a punishment and I guess it's on me all right so we just played basketball and now who won you all right go on sorry now it's time for dinner we're gonna make some Taki breaded chicken and some Takis rice little chicken right here give it a little bath get it boom and don't be scared and that's it all right we got Chicken Little right here let's dip them in don't be scared don't be scared I'm gonna throw that bad mama Jammer into the back key crumb based solution don't be scared now yeah all right let's get the other one yeah but let's make sure these are properly cooked I don't want medium rare chicken also made some rice but we can't just have rice there it is blue Takis rice it doesn't look that bad looks like something like someone in The Simpsons would eat put that bad boy right here let's see if it's cooked that this song There we might have this one that look let me see what we thinking is it cooked serving some rice over here five star right here five star I present to you some blue heat rice and some Takis Fuego breaded chicken how do you feel about it I feel pretty good um the smell is a little weird chicken does look cooked well it's like getting a chicken tender but the rice scares me a little bit see it moving I see it blinking I'll start with the rice I'll start with okay blue heat and rice so is it good no okay Moment of Truth right oh we'll be thinking the chicken was cooking very good very juicy okay this is good it's good yeah it's good you want to try some I might have done something it's not bad at all hey yo Beast Burger watch out because Here Comes gorilla chicken gorilla chicken come in soon I have ideas in the kitchen so finish your dinner you think the video is over cause uh if I have recall you lost a basketball Challenge and I didn't forget I've been punished all day now's your turn Okay finish your chicken I'll get my punishment ready I can't do this no I might vomit look at my eyes [Music] my eyes are buried in right now I hope I can't I'm gonna take a sip this is already in the punishment no guys I need you to like the video I need you to subscribe I can't look at this if you want to breathe as much as you want to succeed then you'll be successful life is not our sunshines and rainbows it's a crew cruel world I tried everything you tried give it a sip just give it a sip there's the end take a sip I'll take another big one because it's my punishment tastes like dog water your eye just tastes like Taki it'll work you lived off Takis for 24 hours I have to taste right now unfortunately I had the punishment you tried it but I think you did great you came you saw you conquered comment down below how many Takis you think I could fit in my mouth all at once one Taki three Takis five Takis all right now I have 10 Takis now I have 15 Takis now I have 20 Takis subscribe if you think I could do it oh oh okay now I have 25 Takis let's go [Music] thank you for watching oh come on I already told you I never touched that hot Cheeto yeah I never touched it would I be a cheater you know that's not me baby it's you and my name is Frank and now I'm fascinated addicted to and in love with Takis [Music] takis are hands down the most beautiful thing ever created the chip looks like he was handcrafted by God himself and the bag the bag is a masterpiece so I did what anyone else would do I made clothes out of them okay are you ready I'm coming out now so what do you think huh my very young Turkish winter collection I got the blue hee sweater on the top and the original Taki sweatpants on the bottom and boy oh boy do I feel hot air as I've been wearing this I've been getting all sorts of compliments and people hitting me up Bad Bunny wanted to borrow this the Met Gala invited me to their show or whatever they have but I don't care about none of that because me right now I'm going on a date so if you excuse me I got somewhere to go I eat Takis non-stop Breakfast Brunch lunch dinner heck even a midnight snack it doesn't matter you'll always find me with a bag of Takis but sometimes I need a little more Takis so I created a solution I love everything about eating takish but there is one thing that I don't like and that's the size of their bags this is the biggest bag they have and they're simply unacceptable so I decided to take matters into my own hands this right here is the Godzilla bag of Takis ain't she a beauty now instead of using multiple bags a day I could just use one [Music] mmm this bag contains 1 million grams of takis and you bet old friend finishes the whole thing yeah I also take this bad boy Everywhere I Go wow this is a really nice neighborhood maybe one day you or me can move here so do you want a big wedding or a small wedding because you know we could go to Vegas just get it done right now you know what I'm saying hey what are you looking at you never seen a man with his wife a big bag of Takis do we have a problem you got me there last time but this time's gonna be different you ready here I come come on come on come on run run you got it oh oh that was close so that was close I'll give you that one oh oh oh oh oh baby I got you oh see I told you I got you see takis are a huge part of my life and they'll always be by my side so I decided to share that passion with the world hello everyone and welcome back to my YouTube channel my name is Frank and today I am doing a Takis mukbang would you believe that I got her a bag of Takis for her birthday and she didn't like it are you kidding me now I really do believe that we should replace the currency with Takis the value of the dog just goes down these bags of talkies just keep on going up I'm talking Takis movies Takis books oh World Tour are you kidding me and that's pretty much it for today I'm sorry he's not the usual amount but I'll make it up next week because next week I'm going for a hundred pounds of takis so make sure you subscribe hit that like button and I'll see you guys next time toodaloo they say if it ain't broke don't fix it but they also say sometimes things are better when they're bigger so you've seen my one for talking before and man was it incredible but I thought to myself how can I take something that's perfect and make it perfect ER so I made them five feet I present to you the world's largest Takis five feet of spicy goodness these takis are like my children only thing is I actually love these ain't that round one of the ones let's go get ice cream Takis have made me feel things that I've never felt before happiness fulfillment and loved Takis have changed my life no Turkish saved my life I'm gonna show you how I eat that first you start with your blue Takis oh yeah then you add some lime juice oh it smells so good already add the Valentina all over the place mix it all around and you're good to go [Music] oh wait can't forget the jalapeno um [Music] oh my God this is a little less Takis than I expected but it'll do for today my name is Frank and I'm still addicted to Blue heat turkeys [Music] everybody has something cool in their house whether that's a theater room a game room but me I have something better I have a blue hee room oh my look at it it's beautiful in here I wake up every single morning with a purpose and that purpose is to bathe in blue heat Takis I mean come on I feel like a king when I'm in here I sure love my blue heat Takis but I also love my blue heat fingers finding my one true love has almost been impossible due to my addiction to Blue he talkies that is until I made to Kita the one person for me I mean look at her her such a fashion her skin and her hair oh her hair is so delicious and beautiful just like her it's me and her against the world you're just as beautiful as the first time I saw you oh yeah whoa [Music] whoa [Music] oh there it is my very own blue heat popsicle have you guys ever seen one no you haven't because I'm the only one that has ever made it no one knows blue he polish more than me and not me no one so if you think you know someone that can challenge me guess what you don't if this was them I'd crush them every time I leave the house I always make sure to pack a couple blue heat Takis bags with me today I'm going on a picnic so I packed a couple extra in the back nothing too much though I should be there for a couple hours so if you excuse me I have some Takis to eat you got your braid you got the sauce you got the cheese and oh do you got to talk ease give me a little give me a little spin baby oh oh baby no no no I said the spin not this my family knows me as the blue hee King but now the streets are gonna know me as the blue hee King check out my new license plate some people like water in their hot tub or I like pure blue heat talkies in my pool it doesn't get hotter than this the thing about this room I come here to relax to eat and it's just my Sanctuary this is my happy place my talking levels are getting a little low [Applause] [Music] that's better 997 998 999. I'm missing a bag of Takis who took my bag of blue he talking from my pool it was you cameraman give me back my bag of Takis stepped in your pockets oh I'm gonna get you I'm gonna get my bag back come here eating all these Takis does make me thirsty so that's why I stay hydrated but I don't just drink water oh no oh yeah I drink blue heat water I could eat about 15 of these in the summertime before Taquito came into my life my life meant nothing but with her by my side she spiced things up just like these Takis to me there is nothing more beautiful than taquita are you gonna join me yeah you better not there's only room for one oh yeah oh yeah oh no one loves Takis more than you I am the blue he gang that's refreshing and you can still eat these [Music] I almost drowned in here I don't know I'm missing a bag of blue heat talkies it was you give it back give it back right now help help it's okay Stay With Me don't go to sleep oh my God oh my God I don't know what I do oh somebody come 9-1-1 I need to run away I need to flee the country it's okay I never wanted to do this I'm not an animal I spent ten thousand dollars on Blue he talkies and I don't know what to do with them so comment down below if you would want some have you ever put Takis on ravioli well that looks pretty what about on Sushi I just want it like this today Ramon is going to be taking everyday food items and adding Takis to them and you won't believe how far he'll go to answer the question is everything better with Takis Ramon do you think Takis can make everything taste better yeah why not I like spice on everything and takis are kind of spicy so I'd say yeah all right well we're gonna test that theory today first on the list we have a Big Mac a Big Mac classic wow perfect bun you can't go wrong with a Big Mac I think I'm gonna like this pile them on I have a feeling this would work the one thing I wish McDonald's had more of is spice and it's also gonna add a little crunch to it you guys see that nice little layer right there the world's first Big Mac talkie or big Taki Mac all right let's try it [Music] how is it the mac sauce it's pretty overpowering but I do get the the spiciness of the Takis what really stands out is the crunch though it's pretty good this is like uh you know when you like go to a pool you get out you're hungry so you can have like a nice little sandwich you put chips on top the same thing I think McDonald's needs to add this to the menu McDonald's call us up the big Taki Mac you're welcome McDonald's Takis on a Big Mac yes okay Ramon we're gonna take a little break from the food and next up we're gonna do chocolate milk specifically Nesquik chocolate milk milk chocolate and Takis they should never be in a sentence to get together I'm scared for this one I've never thought of making chocolate milk spicy I'll give you that one but I will say it makes everything better in theory Nesquik nice little mixaroo be not confident with this one at all what does it look like I put a lot of chocolate milk in there a lot of chocolate it needs a lot of Takis is this chocolate milk oh no with red and blue Takis there's a Takis chocolate milk cereal right here that looks so unappetizing bro cheers [Music] I'm trying not to throw up right now I'm trying really hard so Ramon is Nesquik chocolate milk Takis approved no no no now we have probably your childhood favorite correct me if I'm wrong peanut butter and jelly sandwiches they're still my favorite I actually probably won a week chunky though I prefer chunky peanut butter okay I've had some sort of spicy jelly before where are you finding these items it was like a habanero type jelly it was it was pretty good but it wasn't Taki's flavored okay wait so you do more peanut butter than jelly chunky that is um I feel like you're probably in the minority to do that how's that for Aesthetics right here well I like that I like that that looks like um it's like Tetris jelly over it sounded like you had a good crunch to it no it definitely adds texture but the Takis overpowers the peanut butter and the jelly I thought it'd be better I took a nice bite I got in there I don't feel the need for a second bite with confidence I can say Takis do not make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches better okay next on the list we have eggs classic scrambled egg I'm Mexican I need spice on everything I eat he's not exaggerating this guy literally puts spies on every single thing he eats who eats eggs just like this whoo you need salsa you need you need something you need to spice it up let's do that oh crushing it up I see I'm being generous now too this one could go either way I'm not too sure about this one but let's just try it you might just have to eat with your hands man you know what I like how you did all that crushing up for nothing I mean the eggs are have Taki dust on them let's see take both bites at the exact same time [Music] so I'm assuming it's pretty good it's not bad I wouldn't say it's bad at all takis are great if you need to add texture to your food that crunch like who has crunchy eggs if you're watching at home add some Takis to your eggs I think this is a win so would you say eggs are takis approved I would say the eggs are takis approved for sure all right next up we have a classic ice cream this is gonna be interesting because I love ice cream by itself yeah I've had spicy ice cream before I mean when you go to places like Cold Stone like you could add like all sorts of things you get like peanuts like candies and all of that stuff so I mean Takis isn't that crazy really sweet and salty and spicy that's what we're gonna do today let's try it would you like some ice cream with that Takis I'm doing this so you guys don't have to or maybe you have to it just depends so let's see [Music] [Music] that was a quick no uh um no instantly no oh it's just it's the tortilla chip aspect with the ice cream maybe that's why they don't have chips at Cold Stone Takis does not go with ice cream it does not make it better okay next on the list we have a classic ravioli smells good wait first off do you like ravioli yeah but I will say like always I wish it was spicy I've never thought about putting Takis on ravioli so let's just try it let's go with the blue oh the blue Takis there you go that's that's a good buy right there you got three Takis on top of a ravioli [Music] does make this better the sauce is cool it's all right the pasta It's pasta the dust from this blue heat I don't know where it's from but it tastes great I feel like it's a safe assumption to assume that the creator of ravioli didn't want blue heat talkies added who created ravioli Chef Boyardee Chef Boyardee at Takis to your ravioli this isn't bad I'm I am tasting the heat it does still have that crunch it does make it better this next dish we're going a little healthier we're going with the salad to get your Greens in right well this is boring yeah who wants to eat a salad it does have the texture with the croutons which I love but salad is salad you don't want to eat it these might make it better for sure what technique are we going with this one both at the same time I feel like that's a cop out though let's make a creation let's mix it up and let's see what we create people at home probably think we're crazy for combining these foods but I think we're Geniuses it looks good though I mean good is subjective looks like a spicy Crouton yeah I always thought of how to make a salad spice here the dressing maybe but now the croutons wait did you just say you always thought about how to make it sound spicy like I said I want everything bro it is like yo how can I make this spicy I've never heard anyone say that in my life like I said I'm different mothers fathers at home I had doggies to your salad and maybe kids will start eating salad more I will say it is salad so I think it's all right Takis do help it it adds that crunch almost crouton-like and it's spicier so I will say Takis makes salad better have you ever thought about adding Takis to your sushi this smells good I just want it like this I Love Sushi I'm a huge fan of sushi probably one of my favorite foods but um yeah I have never thought about adding Takis to it you can't go wrong with sushi there's a role for everyone right some are crunchier some are just more fishy they got lots of flavors so with sushi I'm kind of good with my spice Takis on this I think I'm gonna like this one let's see whoever made this sushi roll we apologize not yet let me try it first that is true because if it's good then we don't apologize it's like bro what are you doing California roll with some Takis this is the Takis roll hold on I was gonna ask for a fork are you gonna use the Takis as Chopsticks I'm not very good with chopsticks I mean in your defense those are really small chopsticks I feel like you just gotta like stab the Takis inside of it [Music] does this deserve seconds Ramon I think so [Music] I'll just destroyed it I mean the fact that you went for seconds tells me it has to be pretty decent it's not bad you want the roll with a little more spice that you're used to because Wasabi it's not for everyone right go for it I might have to take a little bag of duckies next time I go to the sushi spot I just add it to my Sushi as the chef gets mad so would you say that Takis make sushi better I will say it makes them better because the crunch the Crunch and that spice so Takis makes Sushi better well Ramon I think you did a great job so overall do you think Takis make food better depending on the food but I would say yes but just be careful because not with milk though or peanut butter and some other things but for the most part Takis do make things better
Channel: TheCrazyGorilla
Views: 1,422,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Takis, Addicted to Takis, Takis fuego, Blue heat takis, takis zombie, my strange addiction, compilation, mexican chips, mexican food, Mexican, spicy, spice, fuego, takis fingers, ryan trahan parody, i rank every takis flavor, yt:cc=on
Id: i0N-u8gkehY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 27sec (3927 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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