500TB Disk & 25TB SSD in HPE DL380 Gen10 with D6020 - 662

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[Music] hi and welcome to my Playhouse and today we're in a data center because I have a server over here it's an HP deal 380 generation tin it's brand new and we have looked at this before I did a review on it a walk through but today we're gonna be expanding it as you can see here in the front there is only room for 8 drives there we're gonna be expanding that to 16 drives and we're gonna be putting in a shitload of SSDs in this half fortune worth of SSDs to put in it maybe a small fortune bar and then we're gonna put in a rate controller for a TAS and that's a 12 gig of SAS controller that we are gonna be putting in the back but as this server already has all six PCI Express ports occupied by fiber optic HBAs well we are gonna have to expand that as well so this is gonna be quite an operation on this server so so let's jump right to it so let's open it up see what we have I know what we have but I'm killing you we have two CPUs we have 128 gigabytes of memory we have one slot here for hard drives and we have the six HPA cards here in the two riser cards so what we are going to be doing is we're going to be putting in one more of these drive bays right here we're gonna be putting in an expansion card to use that one more drive bay up there and to do that we have to use this piece of space over here there is another riser card available for this stock where you get two PCI Express ports over here and I have that in some boxes over here so let's see what I have here we have some boxes from our local distributor arrows and let's see this should be the twelfth gigabit expander card yep we have the expander card here there it works the way that you take port 1 and port 2 from your existing rate controller and you put that into the expander card and it expands it out to these one two three four five six seven other ports so you get like how many is that anyway seventy times four 28 drives out of these two ports awesome it comes with a couple of cables and that box is empty the manual is not a manual but just in whatever first box second box I have had this open that's the riser card this thing and we're gonna be looking closer at that funny enough it has some of these locking mechanism - probably not gonna need that yeah it tells me where I can go and learn more about this it would be so nice if they have just included a manual actually husb and I still use me with the instructions on it so that I could use that USB for something completely different afterwards then we have this cable here which is for the expansion and we have a internal SAS character that's the box for the harddrive oh the hotwives well I have the hot rods in my PC bag over here I drove directly down here so I didn't want these hot rods sitting in the parking lot where I live so I had them inside because each of these out drives were while they are way over a thousand dollars each these are one point one point nine two terabytes Insel hard drive they were about 8500 danish carats each that's almost $1,500 don't want that sitting in the parking lot that's 2/3 times the worth of my car so in the server the best thing I could see was that I needed the SAS extender which would be sitting here and I would like it to be the top card here so what I'm gonna do I'm going to be moving all of these cars one space over that way so but first we need to expand that one and that's a big deal with because we need to take tarda server ha we have this piece of metal back here that had to come out so we'll start with that of this riser card first release that generally and we can kind of see two of the screws here that we need to take out to remove this piece of metal or actually only that one this one I believe is something else yeah we're gonna make that so a number 10 talks will do the trick and it has has a couple of others canoes as well that we need to remove I can remember where they are it does actually seem like I need to remove this one as well I forgot that [Music] and down on the circuit book that great there there is one on the side out here as well here that understand it forget it seems like there is one more oh it's in the very middle very visible so taking those pulse moves out this is easy removable so we take out this piece of metal and we're not gonna be using that more anymore actually in the back with the ricer car there's a little bear and that contains another piece of metal this one and we need to put that in instead and it's it's way smaller and it's it's right there so we're gonna be manning now and it's it only uses two screws the one here and one in here now that is in then we have the riser card itself something to keep it dry some tape to keep it ugly I'll try and remove that so as you can see this riser card only comes with the riser card that is supposed to be going over the power supplies which are right down here so this is a two slot right accom and these are x8 there are some power objects for them I'm guessing battery power because there's a battery of in front so you can you can have some battery power coming out that way and that comes over here but there is no riser card on the other side so we need to take the riser card out of the existing riser here and put that over in that one so we're going to be taking out these fiber-optic HBAs to remove that riser card over so this server was put together in the Czech Republic or so back here I found it but they always put these screws and and it's a real drag when you're in a datacenter and didn't bring your chalks screwdriver right now it doesn't matter because I knew that these were gonna be here and I was gonna be taking everything apart anyway so but they're not really necessary this one does just fine it's not gonna go anywhere so but yeah we gonna take these out and I'm gonna try and remember which one was the bottom one okay so the turn one is number four five and six so number six we want to move over to the next slot I'm gonna take that out that's number six and then this one is number five and this one is gonna fall someone recently asked me what these were and these are the HPV and they are the 11-hundred q16 give it to port FC HBA s looks like this so yep made in Malaysia for number five we can take this writer card out let's see if this chalks is the right one I do believe this is it will do this screwdriver is not really meant for talks the tops keep falling out of it so we take this one out those like that one you actually do not need them for this project anyway so we can put this in here and it lines up perfectly with the screw holes but that is okay now the riser card is ready so we can put in some ports we need to remove these two pillows as well and oh actually as we're gonna be putting in all the cars in this we can remove all the pillows but those two that goes over the power supply they are screwed in so we need our little talks again here to remove those and those we are actually gonna be putting in because there is nothing to keep those cuts in place so we want those in securely that we're gonna take this card that what's the last one are we gonna pop that in right here then we need the rate controller okay I just freaked out for a little bit because I couldn't find the rate controller anywhere when I realized that we actually saw that last time it was sent directly to this data center so the rate controller is right here and I was out looking in my car and everything if I forgotten to bring in a package what this is the rate controller it's say I'm not sure if it says what it is maybe it's a start on the bus now this is just a box from the cable life I already disposed off the box for the rate controller what it's an HP external rate controller oh it's right there this is a P 480 P it's our generation 10 have no idea if that's a good thing so we are gonna be putting that in at the very bottom the very last top it's gonna be that one there and I'm gonna put in those two screws because there's nothing to keep maybe there is no there is nothing to keep those in place so a couple of screws will be good so now I'm gonna take the bottom of these HPA and move over into this point and I'm gonna drop those two down too many room for the expander card over here as with the other one these are also screwed in place and of course it's good for shipping that they don't there's a smaller chance of them wiggling their way out but well it's a drag when you reach the data center and you forgot your screwdriver let's have the SAS expanders out of here and these are pretty cool a brake controller can do a lot more than the eight drives that you can connect with just two plots with a SAS expander like this it can expand that this expands it from those eight drives and up to 28 drives which is quite a lot so this is the maximum number of drives in this server with just one expander Cup would be twenty eight tribes all maybe you can put some of the system board as well but there is room for a lot of drives but let's put this in okay I guess it's in it just doesn't sit as well as I would have hoped so maybe we'll just give that a screw it's probably not a bad idea right there's gonna be cables hanging out inside the server so just to make sure that this doesn't leave us in the middle of the night let's put this back this is the first pci and this is the new dual PCI to go in the back PCI writer car with metal included oh okay that makes sense okay got it so now we have expanded it from having the first six slots to also have two slots over here that's is pretty neat so there's eight PCI Express ports coming out the back plus the the Flex alone here which is also a PCI Express 4 so there is nine ports on the back here and there is also for one gig post so it's it's well-equipped me this server has already gotten at me so but as I'm gonna be putting the disks here I think I want to just put this one over there and it that would be fine we need to pop that out that one out and it's just two screws here on the top and this comes out I'm gonna be putting it over here and we'll keep expanding on that one let's see this this inflow sheriffing from the front this is for to happy right and it has something to keep it dry and it has a couple of screws that we are actually going to need and I'm a bit curious because they they didn't put that there we just released two screws on the top of it and they haven't put in two screws here on the top and they could have done that which I think it's kind of weird why they didn't make two screw holes up here but they put two screw holes down here that goes into the bottom of the server I'm puzzle about that so yeah we're gonna pop that in the two screws that we just took out the top we don't need those anymore so we pop that in it's fairly simple it doesn't go further them then it's neat too so well maybe the schools wasn't necessary but they would be a lot easier to put in that the one that they have put down here because they are hard to get we need to make sure that you can see what I'm doing so we're gonna pop this piece of plastic out we are gonna need to do that anyway and we can take this fan assembly each hour as well much better view and much easier access so and these two screws that apparently it's very important to keep those dry okay okay it's in I need to tighten it up this is one of those weird screws where it has it kind of has a stalks and it has a flat head as well worst of both worlds okay this went way easier than when I tried this yesterday I did a server just like it in another data center but a datacenter where I could not fit okay so they're in and I can with a flat head here I can tighten them up perfect so to them to get moving I will just remove all of these and I'll put in solid state drives and they're gonna go thirteen solid state drives in here and they're all two terabytes or 1.9 two terabyte solid-state drives these three drives are the operating system that's a mirror two drives in a mirror and then there's a hot spell so it's kind of kind of keeping this see so this is the drive just unboxed it it's an SSD DC is 4600 and it's a 1.9 2 terabyte drive and they're all like that there are expensive as hell I'll try and leave a link in the description okay so as we need to get this moving we need to connect this driveway up here and keep this one connected this is the brake controller that's mounted on the system board here and this is port 1 and this is port to right now that goes up to this first drive bay up here that's going to be going over to the to the extender instead so we're gonna take up drive to port 2 and port 1 here and the the cables are labeled as well this says port 2 and this possess pole 1 they're gonna be going in here and as the first two ports have bigger are gonna be going down here these are going in for 3 and port 4 which is in here it's not that easy to get to but it is possible so we're gonna be doing that but first let's connect up the first two Porsche they were included and they are not the same length they are actually just a little bit not equal so I am the long one is the one that's gonna go in here so that is gonna be poor tube and it's possible to with a little but a little luck and bending the cable just right to have it go into the slot and say click they're not that hard but yeah and part one so this one goes into port two and this one goes into pole one try to make this look nice it's almost impossible there M ish ish nice so how these two needs to go into port 1 and 2 as well actually they need to go into port 3 in Port for and that cable needs just a little bit truly well guess we'll have to make it this is one so that goes in this one and this one goes in up there oh no persuade that and the cables need to go down here by the side so that there will be out of the way because the fan assembly and the air Direction thing is gonna go on top of those so that is okay now we need to click the last one and then luckily a couple of long cables are provided have these nice protecting stuff on them and they come from up here and they are not the same length either so there is a port - and a port 1 so this is some I thought this was weird for - was to chop one here that's for 4 on this one yeah this is weird him I made it but I made it work yesterday so I guess I'll be able to make it work again this is gonna go into port 1 there this one is going to go into port shooting there and the cable is gonna go around around to the back and these are gonna go into four five and six it's a bit of a wire mess but now everything is connected up and maybe now you can see why I choose to to put a screw on this car because that's quite an amount of cables here that could persuade that cops to pop out so we don't need that okay we can put the cover and the fan assembly bag on let's start with the fan simply make sure the cables out the way again see if we can fit this muffler down there it's not a muffle it's a air flow regulator let's call it that but this is all great cool okay why did no one remind me to put in the power cable are you sleep out there or crying out loud let's remove this again down on the system board there is a box three box two and a fox one and this is gonna be going into box one oh sorry it's gonna be going into box two and need to bend it a little bit to persuade it to go in there let's get a better picture of that there see if we can persuade that to go in there that's gonna bring power to all the drives it's kind of important and it's going to go into a power plug up here which you now can't see now you can power connected mounted so let's try the fan assembly again and a flow regulator there we go I am dealing with all the things that I forgot I forgot to and to connect this rate controller to the battery the battery is up here but what is powered through the system board so there is a tiny little plug on the end of the car that car is the one down here so this little plot goes there there it's plugged in and on the riser card itself there's another little block where it can go into those two white things down there and it's gonna be hard for me to film that but I'm gonna plug the end the other end of that cable into one of those white things so doing that okay that's about the best I can do let's see if we can persuade that cable to go in there there piece of cake saver it's done it's time for me to close it up okay the server is connected right here I haven't powered it on yet but I have been plugging in the cable the disk storage is here to just have a look at that we haven't there are 25 drives right there and there are 25 drives in the other one so here on the back of the server I can see that we never brought the cable apologies two over here clocking in [Music] have you here it's more [Music] I've connected girls it's pretty Bobby they right now the end right here I Mach number one by and not having this protective cap on it anymore connected and then take the cattle and put number two [Music] okay so that looks pretty cool now so let's go turn the server off okay so that was expanded and it looks like it's running in there I'll have to contact the dude that it's gonna be using this server he has already installed some operating system on it some some kind of Linux stuff something that I don't know nothing about but well the one I upgraded yesterday worked perfectly so he was able to see all those 50 10 terabyte drives that was down in that starts at that and also the 13 two terabyte it says DS and of course the tree that he uses for his operating system so thank you very much for watching my videos do subscribe to my channel so that you can see me again turn me over at Facebook where I apparently also have a paints now and have a nice day bye bye [Music]
Channel: My PlayHouse
Views: 68,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HPE D6020 Disk Enclosure, HPE, 500TB, HPE DL380 Gen10, HPE Storage Enclosure, QQ695A, Data Center, Home Server, Home Data Center, DIY, Rack Mounting, D6020, HP D6000, HP Disk Enclosure, refurbished HP, hewlett-packard, hewlett packard, Enterprise, terabytes, storage, DAS, Disk Enclosure, Dual I/O Module, HPE storage, hewlett packard enterprise, Playhouse, hp
Id: S-aOGni1G9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 48sec (1728 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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