Compressor Overheated & Melted, My Redneck Ninja Fix - 1134

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[Music] hi and welcome to my playhouse and today we are in the basement because um in one of my previous videos i destroyed my compressor here i was um well that's really dark let's see what we can do with lighting over here yeah it died but yeah it has special nostalgic value this compressor it was given to me by an ex-girlfriend so um i thought that we should try and fix it and i i saw when it stopped working i just noticed that it had something burned here and i thought that that was art that that had melted plastic up here so i thought maybe i want to have a look at what is going on i should really shouldn't fix this it's it's way too old i don't know if it's this one is most made but it's really nothing special but when i came in here uh this motor over here this is so wrong why is this mounted like that this motor was looking like this and well this one was laying down here that's the fan to cool the the motor so that was not doing much because that had dropped off here it's supposed to be on here or it was down there and that means that uh this is the and this thing is the plastic to hold the coals and this is the plus and i have disconnected the wire it's there because i don't want to get electrocuted it's not that fun so where is the coals i've been looking down here and down here beneath here is the is the cool well there's usually two sets of cold one one on each side of the motor and that's one set of coals but the other set of coals is now located um you can't see that [Music] is located up there it has burned itself in the top of the plastic up there so ah that's why i couldn't find it so we need to break that off [Music] somehow there that is okay we might actually be able to to fix this yeah um i was running this for for a little bit to blow the dust out of my server but uh yeah i think we could we can reattach this somehow it of course has some springy function so when it the plastic gave up here it said it has gone blunt up in the top of the thing and it was probably very hot at the time so that's why it has melted that thing so yeah i think this is going to be interesting to see if we can get this up and running right now it's dead as a doll nail turn it around so that we can see it from a better angle so yeah i think this goes yeah it goes down like that okay something like that there are some stinky thinkies i think we can remove i think that has the melted plastic has come up when when it flies out of there yeah i think it needs to sit there and we need to find a way to keep it sitting there i think we might just be able to put something around here it doesn't look like that there's anything wrong with that this is a weird project i know i like fixing stuff even if it's it's i really should throw it out but i like fixing it just to fix it and we have melted plastic on the copper connections here that's not gonna it's not gonna go well and yeah this this thing is not great anymore either there well you know if we if we sorted that on there it wouldn't be able to fly anywhere okay i managed to get that off but my thought is that if i solder this on here it's well it becomes if it becomes that hot again it might just get flying it off ah let's see if we have one of those i am not a big fan of this system you never have the right size this one is too big but i think i can i can crunch it and make it fit and then it onto the cable here and i hope that i can also solder it okay i managed to get some solder on there and i can put the connection on and i can kind of sometimes i can see the end right there so oh the red one now we need to crunch it with that one this is not a good one do i have a better one see if this will do it [Music] it most definitely got flat there very fast so now we need to figure out how to keep that down there i think we're gonna start with some electric tape have a good piece of electric tape here i'm gonna put that over and we're just gonna take some scissors and we're gonna cut that in there the longest length that we can and that needs to go down there and tape onto there i don't think that's gonna last very long but if we insulate it we can we can do something better i don't know if this electric tape shouldn't really burn shooting i'm sure if the temperature gets high enough it will yeah okay now we ah yeah this is the solution you're not looking for if you're buying something used um i have i have checked that it's it's not touching anything but there's a nice big piece of plastic that it has has a good attachment too so so we're gonna try that i'm gonna bend this out of the way and it's gonna get some more tape electric tape will hide anything right and the compressor has a lot of vibration so i don't want to make sure that nothing can vibrate okay so this fan it's not under very well um more or less i was just trying something that didn't work it can it can turn around even when it's sitting there and it has been it's it's a design where they just punch something through the middle there and they make this groove there's a i think we can fix it a little bit by by by [Music] by munching this a little bit and make it not round that way we have to we'll really work this in there to get it in there and then it will reattach but it's not gonna be perfect but it's gonna it's gonna be good enough i need something to go over there and to hammer i have the hammer what piece of old pipe has come out of retirement to help us out here [Applause] let's see if we can negotiate a tight fit that would be lovely it's on there it's a bit of glue i have no idea what this glue is good for but i think it will it might just help a little bit better than nothing i think that's as good as we're gonna get and it's gonna be very exciting to see if i just wasted a lot of time or if this actually works i really should wait for the glue to to dry but yeah we can't wait that long that's a rubber thing to to dampen the the compressor and it's really stiff i don't know if you can if i can heat this up it's really misformed i don't think it's giving much damping anymore it's kind of on there i didn't show taking off the screws just thought about making a video when i did that and i saw what was going on in there and i thought oh this might just be interesting fasten that again has two different kinds these are longer when they go to the front and this is just it's a very cheap compressor i think it was about 500 or 450 danish crowners when it was new so not expensive is that about 80 or something and i managed to make a mess of my table here i am really good at that very good yeah that thing is very close in here i can kind of see the the tape right there so it's a good thing that i put some tape on there so here we have it um i should really test it i don't like to test it with the glue drying up but well we have to do the video but i'm gonna go get a uh something to just wash it off now that we have it out oh it's an hp that explains that internal joke sorry so the compressor lives down here so we're gonna put it back down there and it it can dry up down there as well but i think we can just pop the wire in and here it says [Music] it's always very loud so it's it says it like that and are we recording if this says boom instead plug the cables in i need to turn it on up here so um i wanna i want that glue to drive so we're just gonna i'm just gonna pop it up on for a tiny little bit to see if it works and i'm gonna turn it off again so it's me turning it off again it works ha ha great success so i really do enjoy fixing things um even if this is only a very cheap compressor but it has nostalgic value because i got it from a person that i like very much and therefore i want the compressor to keep going for a little bit longer i probably just should have gotten a new one i don't use this compressor much but yeah it's nice to have a compressor down here i have two other compressors in the garage but but this is tiny and it has been living there for at least 10 years and well i don't like that kind of change so um compressor is back online so thank you very much for watching my videos if you wouldn't mind uh liking this video we got something working i'm sorry that i didn't show you it not working but it was just me flipping a switch and there was nothing so um yeah i should have done that but yeah never mind please like the video it surely brings me joy and happiness i can assure you that so thank you very much for watching my videos to subscribe to my channel so you can see me again and have a really nice day bye
Channel: My PlayHouse
Views: 1,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Playhouse, DIY, fixing stuff, repair, Carbon Brush, Compressor, air compressor, melted brusses, redneck fix, ninja hack
Id: y5QurDy0ZRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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