Extraction at the Honey House

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foreign but we find that it works really well so we're cutting the castings off the off the frame of honey so if we can then put it in the extractor the cappings that are going to go down here will drain into the drain into a bucket down below if you need to put there and then you use that yes oh yeah that's the best wax that you get as well we take our cappings and then Sarah or whoever's doing uncapping is periodically puncture it chop it up a little bit because it makes the honey drain better then we take this leftover that we call oatmeal we take it home and have some buckets that have drains in them and we'll put it into those buckets and let it drain a second time at home okay and this extractor you have to let them tilt further backwards and so then they'll then they'll rest easy against the back if you put them up too vertical they'll fall forward so we find that that works very well and when you try to drain it through a paint filter and a strainer so that it doesn't go as slow as a honey filter does so we're going to start spinning this right now thank you oh my God it and I'm going to start to speed up slowly let it start running and then I'll slowly speed it up you get it going too fast to begin with you can sling the wax out of your frames [Music] it is how long does it usually take um 10 or 12 15 minutes per person you also want to try to balance my frames and heavy frames sort of alternate so that you don't have too much weight on one side of the extractor so we're going to throw it off balance yeah it's starting to slide see the honey coming out [Music] it's really amazing how you can feel how heavy they are immediately okay yes and Brew doesn't want anything right yes so we're good okay sorry saying that the last year that honey strainer kept clogging them so often this thing would be this deep regular colander or uh I just want to pick up at Walmart regular column and it's a five gallon paint sprayer this is a commercial triple dip scene been used in restaurants for years upon use the first thing is so soapy water the next two are fresh water the next one is freshwater the third one is a sanitizer you wash your stuff in here you dip it into that you there's not much in there Sarah you remember how it was backing up in the extractor that's really working better yeah over a column yep that's got almost all the honey you can tell when you take a nice full frame out and it's light as can be that's all you're going to get out of there time to send it back to the VR for the bees [Applause] load it up again foreign
Channel: Gaston County Beekeepers Association
Views: 1,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DN4db20XgKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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