2023: first honey extraction

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hey guys welcome back to Morning Glory apiary well this is March 27 2023 on the 26th I was able to make my first honey pool not a big one but 24 medium supers I'm happy but uh man I thought I'd do some testing and see check my moisture level and uh we'll go from there I've been running the fans on top of it blow air down through it and I've added space underneath so the air can blow through freely of course dummy me has been standing there with the door open but uh it's been running 30 percent moisture in here I'm running a dehumidifier it's a 30 now for 35 and it'll be back to 30 here in just a bit foreign I built this other day I use paint strainer bags to to filter my honey and man they're heavy when they pull out and takes a lot of time sitting there holding it so I built me a little stand maybe that'll hold that bag up until it drains this is my press it's a wine press but I use it to press out my wax cabins works pretty good just got my new extractor in from hilco the ultra Max and I got it in and I was really surprised when I got it in because they've done a lot of feet upgrades on it and uh I haven't seen no videos out there with upgrades but uh I was pleasantly surprised stainless steel legs instead of painted legs now and the top bar is stainless instead of painted and looks like it went from a silver motor to a yellow motor I guess to keep their color scheme in which is really nice too foreign looks like another upgrade on this thing is the hinges on this door and they come up they pick it all the way up and takes that lid completely out of your way man I really like that thanks John another upgrade is the knobs you can take this top off without any wrenches they've also changed the control the control used to be up on top which is my other extractors that's the way they are and man they stay nasty and sticky they've put this down on the side so you can turn it up and down without touching any of it and it don't get near as nasty I really like that and the lids a little bit more comfortable it's a lot of good upgrades on the ultramax thanks a lot John I really enjoy it this here is my Max chain on Capper haven't really got to use it a lot but uh it just goes down comes back up shuts off but uh we're gonna get to test and some honey see whether we can start extracting yet good looks like 15 8. all right foreign thank you all right [Applause] foreign thank you hey this is my new Contraption I built I use these paint filter bags on my buckets and you got to pull them up out there they do a real good job straining but man they are heavy to hold that up and it takes a long time so I thought I'd try to build me a little rig here that'll hold my bags for me [Applause] foreign I like that it just sits iron drains till the bag drains and then I'll just stick it into another bucket and be ready to go hey guys thought I'd show you the finish up here with the Press it's flowing pretty good I'm gonna have change the bucket I guess the second bag once a bag gets so full and I got another bag I need to find a place for I'll just fold them down and hang the other bag in there and keep filling it and I get another bag ready to go in here I'll fold that one just keep stacking the bags inside there but uh it seems to work pretty good for no more cabins I get I don't have a big bunch of honey I just wanted to give y'all a quick look at this hey thanks for watching thank you
Channel: Morning Glory Apiary
Views: 10,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X2EviO88INg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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