Extracting Oil to Make Free Gas in Pumping Simulator 2

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well hello there everybody Dre here and welcome back to the totally normal gas station simulator that is pumping Simulator 2 just shipping Nate off with some more drugs he's going to Norway today uh which should be the best yield in the game also oddly enough the most dangerous place to go to so hopefully we see Nate in the near future with my uh new money that or's going to freaking die so yeah if you missed the last episode well we added an airport to my gas station kind of the gas station over the mountain there and yes now I can ship things worldwide how exciting right so yeah we're going to try and earn a lot of money today because we have to get more planes uh also we learned about oil in the last episode that's going to be a huge investment but if we can start pumping our own oil well obviously gas is going to be worth a lot more and we might actually be able to sell oil and not use it all at my gas station uh because you can buy quite a few pumps in this area as you can see but yes we did upgrade our hanger at the end of the last episode and it looks like uh I was hoping there'd be bigger planes but it looks like we can just have more nates so we'll buy a second modern airplane and uh get a Nate number two and there we go Nate has been hired he's just got to run across the whole map to get here uh but yeah hopefully my stalkers will stock his plane and then we can get this one shipped out as soon as possible too all right I think this lady's from a different planet like what the I've i' I've played enough of this game to know every freaking model in it I've never seen this one before for is this what are you all right and unfortunately case openings have not been as lucrative as I hoped for so we're going to have to earn some money well well everything else is earning money cuz yeah this is going to be an episode where I got to earn a lot so uh yeah I think we're going to go out and try and finally be serious about buying some cars all right so we have two options for car purchases we could obviously buy them just at the dealership here I mean dealership's a pretty strong word for this place it's kind of a hole in the wall but I feel like you're not going to earn much money trying to sell a brand new car when you can't barter at all so I'm going to go over to the field over here where everybody just sits all day and that's a nice car I don't have a lot of money right now so I doubt I'm going to be able to buy this oh that was way easier than expected okay so 14,500 for the pissan tgr one of my dream cars as a kid it's obviously a Nissan GTR got to love the roads in this game man let me just climb a freaking m oh okay I guess I should have hit the brakes never mind that was smooth as hell all right I sure hope my stalkers came over here cuz Nate 2.0 needs to take off right now cops are here and I do not want to risk this it's empty I saw them running across the road did they break again I thought you guys were transferring the drugs for me dude don't make me have to transfer one at a time it takes so long oh hello dick what are you doing I saw you in the woods I know I wasn't crazy where are the drugs kid he's just just going for a run in the woods like there's no other reason to be up that hill dude can can you help me get the drugs please all right well he's definitely going to the right area so I think he's doing it I'm just going to have to follow did you guys break again what is wrong with you guys do I need one Ryan I feel like one Ryan is better than two where the hell did the Ryan go oh God yeah my my Ryan are totally broken which really sucks cuz I could really use that stalker right now I think I'm just going to fire them maybe just hire one cuz I think what's happening cuz they're both trying to grab the same item and that's glitching them the hell out okay so Ryan and Ryan you are no longer Ryan I'm getting new Ryan welcome Ryan 2 which is technically three you are hired sir I hope you're better than your counterparts all right I'm telling this specific Ryan all I want him to do is just transport drugs so Ryan is essentially not a stalker he's a drug Smuggler and then I'll hire one more Ryan tomorrow once more Ryan get on the stock market and uh have him do everything else besides stock the drugs hopefully that fixes my major problem you are literally the first person I've ever seen use these tables stop no I I I want to appreciate it damn it oh my God there's someone at the freaking Lemonade Stand too I've never seen this before hello I don't even know how to do this here H have one press e to pick up here give this is amazing what the hell isn't it beautiful okay I've literally never used both this and that so that was nice you know is this the new Ryan oh God this is the new r Ryan how are you so broken you're so important wait is this the new Ryan I don't know who's who's the right Ryan there's only supposed to be one there's only supposed to be one Ryan I feel like the greenhouse is breaking them now so I'm just going to throw them out here hopefully Ryan will be better tomorrow and then I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and unfortunately transport these oh great new bill has arrived just running through the woods like an insane person right now I just wanted to see look at that so I don't know if you remember but my water bill was 3,500 I think I spent like I don't know a couple Grand on water storage tanks and now I don't have a bill every 3 days for $3,500 that's just smart investment man anyways I figured we still got 16,000 we should be able to get this BMW here yeah 11,000 let's try I want to go low cuz this guy was way too accepting last time this is easy this is this is too easy why why haven't I been selling cars this whole time this is like the fourth car I've sold also I don't know where the headlights are oh that's not the headlight button that's for sure so yeah we're just going to drive back I'm I'm also exhausted so that's great this is very safe driving excuse me everybody excuse me new car here there we go parked it perfect so I purchased it for 7 7,000 I want 20,000 God damn it we we'll see what happens come and get it that's confidence right there oh maybe they did bring it over I don't think I I mean it's all a blur at this point but this uh plane does have six drugs in it so uh where do we want this guy to go I think we'll just keep going to Norway just because it's 2x why wouldn't I that's some damn good money man no pilot assigned where where is Nate three or two change pilot okay just it's always going to be Nate game just throw a Nate in there godp speed Nate 2.0 make sure you sell those drugs to good old Norway okay that makes me happy I don't have to transfer these anymore so we can hire uh the other stalker and then he'll oh I have the maximum number of employees oh crap um all right well we got to buy that un unfortunately all right and welcome Ryan too uh we're just going to get him to just do the generic stocking all right I feel like I slept on Hasty customers as well being that we got to earn so much money today we need people in and out wham bam get the hell out of my store uh so we're going to upgrade that not once but twice maybe even three times here I also just want to see how fast they're moving now cuz when I tested it before it wasn't that fast I mean that is a brisk walk that that would wind me after a couple minutes I was really hoping they'd run like my uh in employees though maybe with the last one they will I really hope they do it just it just makes me happy when I see people running around all right and we now have super Speedy customers I'd be really happy if like a random Sonic came by now just as like an Easter egg but I doubt that's going to happen we do have Runners now we officially have Runners some people are still too PR proud to run but there's a lot more people running around which is just hilarious to me you never see someone running at a gas station unless they're robbing it I feel like my used Car Lot is not in the best position people seem to be really bothered by it and I don't really care also these cars have not had any hits so I'm probably selling them for way too much but I'm patient all right someone came for my first car this is like a day later um I tried 20 let's try yes 19 so I believe I paid 14 for that if I am correct so that's decent profit I think I'm going to continue to sell these things and really piss off anyone that comes here did you just flip me off dude I I saw that hand movement all right I bought a tols Fagen and I think I'm going to try and buy this van too the other guy wouldn't accept uh my offer wow this is really cheap uh let's do 3,000 my dude come on okay he didn't like 3,000 what about 4,000 ah all right we got the TOs and the to that doesn't make any sense but okay oh it's the same brand Volkswagen okay gotcha okay things are not going well at the gas station my my my new business is just not working out maybe I shouldn't have put my one right here you know what I just wanted to see what would happen and this is happening it's great it's it's it's totally great here there's no longer laws at my gas station I just bought a zamborghini for you're not going to believe this $122,000 I mean it looks pretty ugly but it's a zamborghini I've turned my uh gas station into a demolition derby at this point it's the greatest thing ever it just makes me so happy I'm sure I'm earning way less money but it's just super sad satisfying when nothing's going on to just watch the AI try to path their way the hell out of here and the icing on the cake is just everyone else that's not in the car sprinting everywhere it's just such a weird sight oh God I I do need to sell these things though I now have four cars I believe and it's really making this an issue oh good timing I was just going to go check to see where my plane's at it has landed baby so at least one of my nates survived Norway welcome back big guy let's go take that money out of here here we go oh what do we do oh wait you still have drugs what did did Norway not buy all the drugs what okay yeah literally unless uh my new stalker is that fast but I only got $2,000 I thought I was supposed to get like three or four all right so we'll let my restocker uh restock this thing at least hopefully I have a couple here that I think I left here but yeah I obviously there we go he's back already look at that where the hell did you come from run run my child so yeah uh he is at least stalking my planes we have confirmed that so I'm going to let him do all that annoying stuff and I got to go back to uh trying to sell cars bought another zamborghini this one a bit more but it's yellow and yellow cars are better right I don't freaking know oh what's up Jesus Christ okay 15423 for the other Lambo if I can get 18 that would be so great oh yeah dude we are are earning some serious cash we need to get these things out of here oh oh my God there's people here oh God okay we sold two so that should be the big one the big issue gone and yeah things are going much more smoothly now as you can see okay where the hell is my stalker I came back to see if he's done by now I've done so I I literally went to buy a car and this guy has not moved any more drugs oh my God the stalkers in this game are just the absolute freaking worst well no idea where my stalker is I thought I'd be broken over here but it's not like I don't have freaking product right now Jesus Oh I found him he's he's here doing whatever he's doing thanks man you're I I'm really glad I hired you you moved one product wait are are you a customer for this van why the hell you so far away from it I mean I don't blame you you're probably going to get run over he's going to give me 570 uh I just want to get rid of this thing honestly it's not really worth much so 6,500 and I'll do it buddy oh come on dude 6,000 there we go get it out of here I got to sell lots I'm nowhere near where I need to be today we got to earn a crap load of money oh my guy is doing things okay good uh thank God so this thing is full let me just make sure yep ready to go so he just breaks from time to time it's all good though okay I was going to wait for 90,000 uh to get the big oil well but honestly with four sorry three other small ones around the map I think it's smart we get the small ones they're probably worth a bit more anyways just cuz they're so cheap to make compared to the big guy so we have this one by my home yeah 20,000 and then 990,000 once again so we should be able to get one more done just going to go home I haven't been home in so long since my wife and kids left me I was hoping they'd be back they are indeed not back this home it's big but it sure is empty all right this one's literally on top of a mountain my gas station's down there you can't even see it but uh yeah we'll have to come up here periodically to at least collect my oil all right we got one more to do when we get the money we'll definitely go do that okay and the final one there we go we are sucking oh I forgot those things broke but yeah we're sucking some oil out of the ground now so I'm assuming I might need to check these when they hit 100% right so it's not like we can just store oil what the hell was that always there okay I think it was I just walked into something kind of tripped me out uh but yeah we're still going to have to very much check those periodically cuz yeah we have to have those things earning money for me all the time where the hell am I right now oh God I'm in the middle of nowhere all right so my first well has 30% fuel in it I believe this has been going for about a day is that really all I'm going to earn is $50 oh my God that's awful I spent I spent $20,000 on this thing all right we got 10 seconds on this transfer let's see if it is as depressing as $50 or not or if it's 50 per percentage or something like that I'm very curious and it's what what what all right now I'm curious can it hold more than 100% because if it's low yields like that but it has endless storage that's not a bad thing but that is a huge bummer like that's 20 grand to build that a whole day earn me $50 all right well we'll we'll save up the money get to 90,000 and see if that is way better I guess I mean it's a l large investment but it's not like I can buy anything else in this game anyways o baby haven't had one of these yet I got 24 I hope that's enough Oo we should have enough here I'm going to be aggressive 20,000 oh that was way too easy okay cars might be a bit cheap in this game oh God this thing is real fast so yeah I've been going deep into the cars that's really oh my God the grip on this thing is insane uh but yeah I've been going deep in the cars that's the only way we're going to quickly be able to uh buy these oil rigs so yeah I'm really hoping we can sell a bunch of these today and earn this money cuz yeah I got at least one oil rig in cars right now yes I just sold that for 27 so that gives me 73 I think this one's about 20 25 ooh that's actually a really good offer I'll take 22500 let's see if that works and there we go go we have done it okay well here we go my biggest purchase ever I'm pretty sure and we have our new rig where do I how do I ship what how do I ship it to left and right ink oh all right so I can just do it here now so I don't think it's going that much F I mean it looks a bit faster but still like this is not going to be a lot of money so I think it's definitely mostly for transferring to my station that should be worth a hell of a lot more than transferring to left or right ink bit of a let down that that such a big upgrade is not that lucrative but honestly if it was too lucrative that'd be a little overpowered as well you should probably just buy those at the end of the game when you have nothing else to buy which is exactly what I did because yeah it's not worth the investment if you're trying to earn money quickly uh-oh last I checked I had two nates and two planes I think Nate went down rest in peace Nate I can't even bury you I don't know where your body is Buddy that actually really sucks cuz I'm still only earning like 2,500 a run so plane investment alone's 5,000 I lost money smuggling drugs cuz that plane only did two flights maybe three maybe three maybe we broke even God damn it now I need to find Nate 4 oh look at that I found him it's Nate one again the one that died I guess so welcome back big guy all right my drug smuggling Empire is failing my oil Empires failing the only thing that's working out is is my gas station of course so it's been a little over 24 hours of grabbing this stuff oh my God are you serious I honestly didn't expect it to stop at 100% so to get this straight I'd have to run to each one of these every day because they max out at 100% And it's legit all around the whole map I I mean obviously you can take the bus around but even that has a little bit of a delay there's a little bit of a cut scene so it' be like 5 minutes of work to gain a 400% fuel let's actually do the math here we currently have 519 perfect we have about 400% we need so that' be about $2,000 we save by investing $360,000 into oil rigs that's not accounting for the other 80,000 actually that I needed to spend for the tier ones I think they need to work on on on the oil a bit in this game there is truly no sense on buying this unless you're at the point where it doesn't even matter anymore because you have so much money just like me so I guess I'll transfer it to station I probably earn a bit more doing that I don't even want to upgrade the other ones though I'm a grumpy boy now I thought I was going to be one of those Rich oil guys that sells drugs on the side for you know just fun all right guys well the oil dream is a little bit of a let down but I do actually really enjoy the airport the airport's fun I really hope the developer makes it a little more complex you know maybe getting some bigger planes and whatnot would be cool but yeah ultimately I think we're going to wrap up this episode here I have no idea when we're going to be checking out this game again it seems to be updated periodically every couple months or whatnot I love this game everything about it so we'll be checking out if any major updates do come out but until then we're going to say goodbye to my gas station for a little bit and yeah I hope you guys enjoy coming back to it as always thanks for watching and liking and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Drae
Views: 112,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XtgR8Wc2hDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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