I Turned Teardown into a Military Simulator - Teardown Best Creations

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ah ah ah I got to be mods what the hell why is there smoke everywhere oh God oh God I think I installed too much ladies and gentlemen welcome back to tear down I don't even know who's attacking me right now I just wanted to look at this house but I've clearly enabled too many things why is everything shaking there's guns going off it's bad outside it's okay I have whatever the hell this thing is I I should be able to defend myself I don't even think there's anything here I think it's just all aerial attacks this is so cool what does this do nothing that that Hardly did what what what the hell is this all right well yes welcome back ladies and gentlemen as per usual we're going to be checking out some more mods today evidently there's a war going on inside my head I think because I haven't seen any other people around oh so it's lava that's cool um I should probably figure out what mods I have enabled because I don't think we want this the whole time I feel like War was probably the thing what the hell is whirly balls so I've been slowly just installing mods over the months that I haven't played and I know nothing about any of this I'm kind of excited to play this way oh in the sweet Silence of no more Wars this is great I also loaded in the wrong house at the start so this is the house I actually wanted to check out made by the same Creator we definitely go check out the other one too but this is his newest one and I just love hyper detailed structures the thing is this is like when I say detailed it is very detailed I'm hoping I can find something here um you can see there's definitely scaffolding and whatnot so that's cool uh but it gets cooler than that there's an HVAC system there's even Plumbing you can destroy I found the plumbing also it looks like the destruction is different I'm this might be a different mod on but it's definitely crumbling different than I'm used to oh yeah I just I just broke the electrical system and I think all the power went out yeah so I can't turn on any lights now cuz I destroyed the power oh we even got vehicles in here oh this is great it's good to be back I don't know why it's been so long since I last played please tell me this is oh my God the the realism please tell me I can squirt it if I didn't destroy the system let's find out oh my God this is too heavy to lift does this thing actually work it does it looks like it does oh God this whole episode's going to be me nerding out about this house so yeah now obviously this works I wanted to see is this powered how do I oh it is probably this right nope damn it so I can drag it it definitely works somewhere I think uh I just had to manhandle it unless it is manual now the big question does this squirt I'm sad now all right but obviously the main reason why I like to go to these highly detailed homes is for the destruction we got a bunker Buster that seems fun oh god um I haven't used any of these so oh I have to confirm it yes that is definitely where I wanted to go bust it baby uh oh okay here comes oh okay that was a bit off just a little bit off but that was super satisfying I also love that the shell did that destruction over there it wasn't even the explosion the explosion just destroyed the front yard and my god did it ever destroy it we got like a an 8ot hole here okay let's try that again inside the home mode bunker Buster direct attack cluster I wanted to see if it actually works like a bunker Buster if you don't know bunker Busters they're designed to go through well a top soil of some sort a bridge a bunker whatever it may be and then explode on the inside so we kind of missed our attack there let's see if this is a bit better this time and there it comes and that is much more like it doesn't seem very bad from the outside but as you can tell by the lag I think we did a great job on the inside yeah there is the basement down there so we'll try direct attack see what the difference is I'm just curious cuz this is a really cool mod it's probably going to be somewhat similar they all come in from that side ooh okay so it seemed to explode the moment on impact so you can kind of see the difference there obviously the top of the house got absolutely destroyed there uh but yeah the bottom I mean I was going to say it's okay it's definitely not okay but it's a lot better and well cluster I think we know what a cluster is I'm curious to see I wish you could change the direction the way the missile came in cuz it's always coming in from over there be cool if we could do a direct attack I feel like bunker Busters are supposed to be do direct attacks uh but yeah we'll see what this this cluster is all about I'm assuming like the other but more spread out a shotgun missile if you will and here it comes and oh okay oh my God my tree oh that might be disastrous we have to go check the backyard when this lag subsides a bit ow what God damn that's dangerous I can't believe I survived that I pretty much had no Health there's still explosions going around can I get my vision back please all right it's got to be real bad back here here I I I mean I lag in this game it's normal to lag in a game especially like this one when it comes to modding but uh usually not this bad I thought it'd be a lot worse when it comes to ground deformation but there is the majority of it I'm so sorry about this frame rate guys uh yeah that is actually a pretty big hole now that I can see it let's actually go down just to see the actual scale of it oh it actually goes through the damn map okay now we're at 20 Oak Street the one that we started with uh I thought we' check out this house too because it's made by the same Creator and with this time stick you can actually like take back the layer so you can see the detail here I was hoping yes there we go to see the electrical and whatnot in the walls that is so cool and like there's actually framing here as you can see even in the attic and whatnot so the destruction of these homes is why I like this so much it truly is just fantastic to destroy oh yeah that's cool we have throwing knives now and they're actually ah projectile base so sometimes they stick in sometimes they don't I love weird weapons like this cuz they're super satisfying to use there we go put that one right through the tree always need a brick to break some windows with there we go I think we already saw this one yep I remember this oh it seems like my recoil is different though I don't know if that's a different mod or whatnot but always satisfying to have a big gun what the hell's an everything revolver uh press tab to reload a do I choose oh this is so cool I can choose I want a bounce pad let's get some acid this is so freaking cool and what else do we want kinetic shy what what would a shy round do wait what what is going on with my rounds why are they resetting no all right I I guess I just have to put them in quick there I think we're good I don't know what any of these rounds do we'll find out woo this is this is this is the coolest gun ever I don't even remember what any of these rounds do I wish it said that that one just pushed me ahead I think that's the poison one oh that's it's pinging off of everything oh God oh God okay oh this is dangerous I don't know what any of these things do I think this is the water one what are you doing go go Sho it just laughed at me and then attacked what was that oh it was the shy one I'm pretty sure I got to try some weird ones grave field Boomerang magnetic EXP explosive of course Cannonball all right there we go there's a bunch of good ones this is so fun oh it says at the top I should read all right so this Su spends objects inside of it oh so wait if I shoot now then everything is a I shouldn't have shot that one wow why did my gun change my gun changed that that was so what what oh that that was supposed to happen I dropped my gun so I don't think any of these shots are going to work in this Zone uh I guess they kind of do but yeah everything is floating this is so cool okay there's obviously a lot more we can do with this but I don't want the whole episode whoa I can zoom in with this one uh I don't want the whole episode to be about some guns so we have a twin rail gun I that doesn't seem to be working yeah I'm going to assume that one might be broke I could be doing something wrong too again there's a lot of uh things I have we have the trench gun I think we've already saw that dragon's breath shotgun that sounds fun oh o the SP s that is satisfying yeah that just spreads fire man dude shotguns are still one of the coolest things in this game especially with this effect this is just super satisfying what else let's just get through a bunch of them we got the type 100 looks to be a generic gun uh we have laggy gun here this is this meant to look like old school we have this super satisfying blade here uh we've seen things like this before this one seems to be much faster though what the oh yeah I've already seen this I don't really know oh I can charge it okay charging I mean this thing's already totally destroyed but overcharge warning I'm holding I'm holding okay I I should have listened to it oh my God the lag all right so let's try that again but not die cuz I want to see how destructive this is so it will warn me and I'll just shoot when it warns me there we go and I mean yeah the fire's cool I was hoping for a bit of an explody though um so yeah that's a bit of a let down the gluon plasma diffuser still one of my favorite weapons just look at this serious destruction of this thing uh and then we get a lot of the old things key fob I don't know what this is for oh we just have a Russian gun uh oh a power washer hold on hold on this could be of good use right now it is not power washing enough that is for damn sure is it even working I don't think it's working well the power washer is a bit of a let down but yeah this one is just Russian writing so I don't know is this what what even what oh my God I'm Spider-Man Spiderman Spiderman this I haven't seen a web Slinger in so long in this game and they've always sucked this one actually is pretty good I want to go to like a city map and try it out what did I just load into oh my God like some some of these mods are getting insane they have introductions to them I just wanted a city all right so we'll do there's a campaign here in a mod I think I'll just do the sandbox right now I just wanted to be Spider-Man man okay this feels very fitting we're in some sort of Russian town with the Russian Spider-Man web Slinger thing it's time to be Russian Spider-Man baby this is all I wanted in my life okay I'm pretty bad at it still but hold on I just have to get my uh web skills here uh we got people hat hanging out outside hello everybody are you not impressed by Spider-Man is there anything else this can do I think this is all it does but it's all it needs to do you always need some sort of web slinging utility in games like this we have the hook shotgun seen that okay chill jeez that's a bit laggy combine auto gun oh god oh yes hello people oh did I actually miss didn't now right we have enhanced air strikes too so this is one of the ogs in the game but I guess it's been enhanced now so you can just hold and wherever you aim there'll be a gunner you can see him up there you can actually go to this view as well if you want to and shoot this way still one of the coolest things uh change ammo type we'll just try a bunch of the ammos not really sure what has changed it definitely feels a little better you can see the bullet drop now I don't think it had bullet drop before can you go back to the oh there's a town over here okay we'll just destroy this town we got whatever that was that was the 105 mil oh yeah it's definitely you can follow the um shots way better now this is so cool actually and then we'll change the big boy the LTM and we'll see how that does right now there we go now we're experiencing a bit of lag as to be expected when you're destroying whole buildings in one shot but don't worry if weapons aren't your thing well now you have a fish car that that blows bubbles how exciting as a fish car should you can Oh I thought it would go underwater honestly um that doesn't make much sense you should have made it look like a boat or something if that was the case this is literally it by the way I mean I mean it's cool not really sure why people mod the things that they do though this thing's great ah well I like the music and it's always a good day when the objective is to grab mac and cheese welcome to a little map called 38 seconds ladies and gentlemen the recent modding uh contest was about 38 and this was the winner I know nothing about this so we'll see what happens and see if we can deal with this so I got to grab mac and cheese is that is that mac and cheese well I grabbed it and it says put in the microwave now so okay there we go yes delicious use it and as to be expected it takes 38 seconds oh my God the slow zoom in it's great are you having as fun of a time as I am we literally have to wait here for 38 seconds least you can see the mac and cheese spinning there it's literally just a flat image of mac and cheese it looks like it's put the wrong way though if this is going to be the whole moded map I'm going to be so mad cuz this is the winner so I really hope it's not just me microwaving mac and cheese all right we have made some mac and cheese of course now we have to eat said mac and cheese and go to sleep sounds like every normal Tuesday for me all right so where the hell do I sleep oh the bed that that checks out okay good night everybody hello oh god oh no no no okay well this is where it's going to get interesting oh all right this is where it's getting clearly weird we're we're truly in the back rooms of tear down now is that okay so we it's some sort of puzzle now obviously is there anything we can open I mean this obviously has to do with oh God okay whoa ow Jesus where am I now this is so cool okay well totally normal day I just crashed into a bush and now oh God I this is this is time based okay hold on hold on we have to rush we must Rush uh that auto got me out of the car this is so welld designed okay so I think I get it now this is time based and we have to find all of the microwaves to add time to this what is this um dreams dreams something dreams hello okay that's blocked endog grind what the hell is that okay there we go do I do it now or do I do it later I feel like I should hold this time nope I think this will probably move us on okay cool dude the modders in this game truly are next level where am I going now oh now there's just this upside down staircase that works and we're in a whole different world God even the time is changing design this is so cool this is a maze I'm screwed I am absolutely screwed hello giant Spade in the sky what or whatever the hell you are I think that's where I need to go oh a secret passage look at that yes I actually made it I did a freaking maze in time okay hold on hold on I have to focus I have to focus where's the microwave where's the microwave show me the microwave please okay did I do it did I do it first try that was it I did it first try that was so cool I wish I could have went slower to appreciate everything ah I could see why that one won the competition that was just really trippy okay and for the final mod today I'm going to show you the one I'm probably most excited about it's called tabs but I thought legit when I download it it would be like totally accurate battle simulator and tear down it is not that it actually stands for tear down armor and ballistic simulator it is a total redesign of the vehicle framework to focus on ballistics and armor penetration of course so there's this whole menu now there's I think 300 Vehicles they said already in this and you can go Cal War World War II depending on the different nation and in every one of those you have multiple options on what to spawn it's not just tanks you can do artillery for example let's spawn in a Howitzer here and see what that's all about so you can drive the vehicle uh I don't really know how this works just yet so bear with me here but the actual ballistics are supposed to be very realistic you saw the recoil there that was real nice uh I want to see how the armor penetration works I want to see how good the armor is on something like a tank so we'll get the legendary Sherman out there's oh God there's multiple options of Shermans who's yelling at me right now let's get the the M4 out I think that's the most common one whoops sorry I just destroyed the track accidentally damn it I wanted to see does this actually have tracks now is there actually track vehicles and tear down finally well this one's not working cuz it's been detracted guess it's a good tester for close range uh missile damage okay that's what I'm talking about oh that actually blocked that so there is supposed to be like weak spots and everything so if you are a fan of you know tank armored combat if you will uh this is going to be very very interesting and as I said it truly is insane how many things are in here will spawn in a Lee I keep doing that stop smacking the damn things uh you can zoom in as well so you can actually uh get I mean it's going to be this is basically a mill Sim now this is this is is so cool you can hear the reloading it does look like I can change ammo to from AP to H to AP H ABCD I don't know and it's just so cool to see all these different mods and Designs uh this has a little machine gun in it I think this is still World War II era but yeah like metal actually holds up with these things it would be so cool to do a multiplayer war with these there's also bombs in the spawn menu I don't know if this is how you're supposed to do them but you can actually place them and then arm them let's see what happens when I drive this small tracker over that I guess it it saw me and blew up you see all the particles though all right let's try a different one maybe I don't know what a teller mine is but let's try that uh it looks to be rather small so now let's see is that one going to blow up no so if I drive over it it probably will though and we'll see if it can dra track US for example okay I don't know what a teller mine is clearly hello okay took took a second try oh my God that was so cool all right we have to get the Legendary Tiger we have the mouse in here too okay so we'll do a tiger 2 uh I guess we'll do Forest camo cuz we're clearly in a forest right now there we go now we got the big guns out we'll do a small American Sherman try and get some role play here uh we'll get the generic Sherman again throw this over here this should destroy the little Sherman so I want to see for for example if we have a high caliber weapon if it will actually destroy it and we actually just exploded it so that probably was an ammo rack so I hit the ammo and it actually combusted dude I'm so excited I'm so glad I came back to tear down cuz this is so cool I didn't even spawn this truck over here but I want to try this one as well nice uh zoom in here we'll throw some heat on the guy over here and well he didn't really do much at all all right let's try this again and and man it actually doesn't do much damage to those those obviously aren't part of this modded pack though I think you're supposed to be shooting well these and it's so cool to see actual vehicles with actual Treads now oh man this is I am so excited to go deeper in the tear down now I again I've intentionally waited for a while just because uh the modding kind of got stale for a little bit it was all the same thing over and over again but with things like this I think tear Down's going to get truly interesting in the near future I mean it's already so interesting there's so much to this game and there's only more coming every day so yeah I definitely want to play with this pack a bit more uh that was just scratching the surface as I did say there is over 300 vehicles in this uh so yes I don't know what I'm going to do with this but it is super fun and I'm just having a blast playing this game again so as per usual if you do want to check out any of the mods that you saw in this episode I'll have links in the description and yeah thanks so much for watching and liking guys I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Drae
Views: 108,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nj3Dpy2xqS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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