Why is China so afraid of Taiwan?

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Notice that he never refers to Taiwan as a "country". At the end of the video, he says this:

Anyway guys, thank you very much for watching. I hope this has answered some questions. Remember that Taiwan -- a lot of people get confused; you say "Taiwan", they think you're talking about Thailand, or something -- but no, Taiwan, is it's own fantastic place, Taiwanese people are awesome, Taiwan is one of the best democracies in the world. You've got to check it out. If you haven't been there, I suggest going there. It's a beautiful place, amazing food, you'll absolutely love it.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/JargonautilusTF2 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

nice video. i wouldn't give the kmt too much credit for taiwans good points though, infact i would give it credit for a lot of the bad points.

but i think the main point is the contrast of how both country's turned out.

you guys should take a trip to kinmen. its actually in fujian even though its part of taiwan. but before the war it was part of china, not japan as taiwan was. so its a legitimate place to compare the differences.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Louisros 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
why is China afraid of Taiwan now China has a rich culture steeped in tradition arts food temples and Dragons sorry what I was showing you there wasn't China that was Taiwan mainland China is very different and we need to understand why it is that the same people who come from the same common ancestral roots only a few generations ago are in fact vastly different so what's actually different I mean Taiwanese people are ethnically Chinese in fact most of them come from the Fujian Province in mainland China they speak the same language enjoy the same food follow the same traditions to an extent but why is it that they're so different I mean as a traveler I've been to Fujian and to Taiwan many times in fact my ex-wife beer girl is originally from Fujian so I went there to visit family and you know I've been there quite a lot and spent a lot of time there now I certainly was and you too will be amazed at just how different the two places are and how differently you'll be treated as a traveler in Fujian and in Taiwan so let's look at some of the the pros and cons basically of mainland China and Taiwan based on my own experiences let's start out with charity you know Taiwan when it comes to charity as you walk around you see a lot of posters and charity drives and people interested in charities things like helping stray dogs or you know all sorts of things when it comes to education things like that however mainland China is in fact the worst when it comes to charity it has the lowest rate of charitable contributions in the world you can look it up yourself go take a look on Wikipedia or google it or whatever but also from my own observations I find that in China people are more interested in saving money earning money getting wealth because they've been poor for so long in the in recent history no one's really interested in in giving money out to charities helping people you know in general when it comes to to money anyway it's a big big difference and it makes a huge difference to society Tony's people are also incredibly polite in comparison to mainland Chinese people this is something that you will observe if you ever ask anyone for help I'm gonna give you a story first time I went to Taiwan I needed to change some RMB you know Chinese money renminbi into NTD new Taiwan dollars because you can't just do it anywhere you have to go to special banks that can help you out so I thought I could just go into a bank and change the money I walked into a bank on the street and I went up to the counter and I asked hey can I changed this RMB into NTD and they're like sorry we're not allowed to do that you have to go to a special bank there's a specific bank a specific branch to do it so I was like okay so where can I find this Bank a person I was talking to happened to be you know the bank teller was a pregnant lady she got up out of her chair she walked me out the door she said follow me by the way speaking English which is something you'll also notice in Taiwan is that the majority of people in the service industry can speak English which is really nice in comparison to mainland China where almost no people to speak English especially not in the service industry because service industry is more lower paid so those people don't really have the incentive to spend all the money on English language training anyway so she took me all the way outside she took me to a bus stop she waited with me until the right bus arrived told me which bus to get onto and you know I the whole time I was like no it's fine I can go by myself because you know she's pregnant she's massive she's walking around with this big belly I felt really bad but she stayed with me got me on the right bus and told me where to get off and then you know I did it I went and got the money changed whereas in China countless times when I've asked for help I'll go to a newsstand or I'll go to a hardware store I'll go anywhere and I'll ask in proper Chinese do you have X Y Z where can I find X Y Z and I'll simply get the mail wave anyhow your mayor you know and bar Mary England our office is it which is like don't have it's incredibly common it been situations where I'm asking for something that I can see on the shelf behind but because they don't wanna put the effort into understanding me because I'm a foreigner they'll just wave me away with them mail anyone who's been in China for any length of time has definitely experienced the mail wave you know things like asking for directions on the street from a security guard or something and he'll just point down the road and say over there meanwhile he's pointing in the wrong direction just to get rid of you because you know there's a there's a thing about Chinese culture in mainland Chinese culture I should say there's this gourds of thing which means just past the day and people don't want hassle in their lives and here comes a foreigner asking you for directions you don't know the answer so rather than admitting you don't know and losing face or actually putting in the effort to try and find out it's easier just to say like go down that road foreigner disappears and it's not your problem anymore this is a real life stuff that I've experienced ok so this is just one of the things Taiwanese people on the street that you meet in the seventy Levin's wherever you go are far more polite than people you'll meet in the same situations in mainland China that's not to say that mainland Chinese people aren't polite at all and they aren't hospitable because of course they are but just in a different way and it's a very apparent for a communist socialist country whatever you want to try and label China which it isn't really China doesn't actually have very good social programs when it comes to things like health care for instance you still have to pay for health care in China it doesn't matter who you are it's cheap granted it's cheap but it's a hassle all these kind of social programs are either non-existent or they're very lacking whereas in Taiwan which is a democracy they have fantastic social programs free health care education you know all sorts of things which really end up helping people of course you have to pay a higher tax and that's something that I found in mainland China as well the way people are taxed it's it's well it's something for another video but what I'm trying to say is that in Taiwan the healthcare system works a lot of these social programs rarely work very well whereas in mainland China they don't the wealth gap is another thing a lot of people don't realize this but in Taiwan this sort of average salary is almost triple or in many cases more than triple that of people in mainland China and this is of course all adjusted due to the fact that you've got a massive population in mainland China Taiwan is relatively small it's an island and this is an excuse that you'll hear from a lot of mainland Chinese people as to why Taiwan is better in a lot of ways they say oh it's because it's a smaller population but I call absolute nonsense on that because we're dealing with the same people you're dealing with the same traditions the same cultures and if they just adopted the same models that Taiwan had the whole of you know mainland China it could be the same I mean come on America is the same size as China they managed to pull it off so it's not about you know size and population and that kind of thing it's more about the systems that are in place anyway like I was saying you've got to smash it massive sorry massive wealth gap and this causes a lot of issues you know when you have in Taiwan this very narrow wealth gap you tend to find a more stable society less theft less scamming things like that because you don't have this underclass of poor people who are resentful of the upper sort of richer people you don't have them feeling justify trying to steal and knock off or scam from the people who are wealthy because everyone's almost the same and I've seen how a large wealth gap can destroy a country I mean where I'm from South Africa that's pretty much what ended the place is this massive wealth gap that's why it is lying in the sort of burning smoldering ruins that it is today so what caused this massive difference between Taiwan and mainland China it's very simple there was a civil war the Nationalists fled to Taiwan the Communists took over the mainland when the nationalists fled they didn't only just take their culture and traditions and history with him they actually took a lot of historical artifacts mainland China even calls Taiwan their Treasure Island and what happened was they took all these cultural relics and thank God that they did because if those had not been taken to Taiwan they would have been destroyed in fact any cultural relics from China that were taken out of China whether it be during the colonial days due to trade theft no matter what in the past we can absolutely be grateful and thankful for that because most of those would have been destroyed during these disastrous policies of the Communists during the Cultural Revolution in the great leap backwards there's no other way to put it the CCP took over mainland China and they put into place these policies that led to the wholesale destruction of Chinese culture history the relics morals tradition everything wiped out because they were trying to copy the Soviet Union and they want to China to be something like the Soviet Union 2.00 Mao Zedong took over and said we need to get rid of the four olds we have to get rid of the the old China the old ways of thinking the old traditions he wiped it out he got intellectuals and he paraded them around put them in concentration camps had them killed he encouraged peasant farmers to have more children in order to bolster you know the population which led to them having to reverse that and put the one-child policy into place that completely destroyed the culture so why is it that the CCP is so scared of Taiwan it's pretty simple the CCP is scared of Taiwan because Taiwan is the legitimate carrier of true Chinese tradition and values and mainland China is simply a watered down hollow place following outdated draconian Western communist marxist rhetoric mixed up in a kleptocratic opaque and corrupt dictatorship in other words why settle for bran flakes when you can have deluxe marshmallow infused chocolate coated gold-plated Count Chocula to round this off I'd like to answer one no question why is it the people get fired every time they show a map of China but they forget to include Taiwan in the map either such a hoo-hah whenever this happens because the CCP is jealous they want to claim the history the tradition the culture which they chose to destroy and leave behind they realized their mistake but they can't admit it and so on - almost as if by osmosis absorb Taiwan's tradition culture and society and claimed that it was theirs all along now I've seen China the China that I love which was opening up and trying to adopt some of their old ways and some of the old traditions like Taiwan you know they look to Taiwan as as an example of how China could be I saw this happening before my eyes during the fourteen and a half years I was living in China China was opening up starting to become wholesome again starting to embrace its true cultural heritage that unfortunately in the recent three four or five years started to change Xi Jingping has been kind of goading on this nationalism he's putting forward his Xi Jingping thoughts and morality and inherit the red gene and all this nonsense that's going on at the moment which is very counterproductive and moving back to this whole idea of the Soviet Union 2.0 again there is however some hope I do have Chinese friends especially younger Chinese friends who want China to be the way it used to be and I'm talking before the CCP I'm talking before this nonsense the real rich China the rich culture the rich history the rich morals and values there are certain people out there who want that and I would like you to check out one of them here's a friend of mine he's a very courageous young man his name is Simon you here's a link to his channel if you want to get a very good idea of what a mainland Chinese a reasonable mainland Chinese man with his own mind and his own thinking has to say please check him out go to his videos in leave a little a serpent today sent me in the comments he's a fantastic chap and he deserves our support anyway guys thank you very much for watching I hope this has answered some questions remember that Taiwan a lot of people get confused there you say Taiwan they think you're talking about Thailand or something no Taiwan is its own fantastic place Taiwanese people are awesome Taiwan is one of the best democracies in the world you've got to check it out if you haven't been there I suggest going there it's a beautiful place amazing food you'll absolutely love it anyway until next time you know the drill just like my friend Simon you stay awesome oh and don't forget every single Friday you can watch another serpens a day right over here every single Wednesday Lau 86ed of course most importantly a TV China every single Monday and we have a podcast see you next time you
Channel: serpentza
Views: 1,014,430
Rating: 4.7267656 out of 5
Keywords: Taiwan, China, people's republic of china, republic of china, asia, prc, mainland china, is taiwan china, winston sterzel, taiwan china relations, china how it is, communist party, hong kong, international relations, taipei, taiwan vs china, laowhy86, advchina, taiwan news, chinese government, china vlog, living in china as a foreigner, why do china and taiwan hate each other, tsai ing-wen, advpodcasts, travel china, cultural differences, censorship in china, SerpentZA, cmilk
Id: -WPkkbq0U4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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