Exposing TikTok Clans as a FAKE Default...

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I expose 100 different Tick-Tock Clans and this is how it happened so leader yo what's up bro wait you actually deleted right yeah I'm the leader bro best on this clan yeah well I actually got to do that it's my first ever like Clan Trail it's your first Clan trial bro bro I've owned like phased in the past bro every single Team bro stop the cap Yeah so basically look um I don't really have any friends I'm just trying to like make some friends I've seen you on Tick Tock but you got YouTube in your name as well like are you a YouTuber like yeah bro I'm a YouTuber wait how many subscribers you have um only 2 000 I'm trying to grow bro well that's that's actually really good yeah bro thanks bro but um I mean you have a default Skin So how many YouTubers do you have bro I don't I don't even I don't have a channel I don't have I mean if you own a school trip or maybe people would actually watch your videos but I don't know that's kind of toxic bro you need to stop being toxic dude it's literally a skin it doesn't matter at all Hey listen I've been working on my builds as well I'm actually getting good at fortnite and when he started this season look watch this he's on my 90s [Music] okay okay yo Dexter I want to see your 90s all right they're totally better than this default bro honestly foreign how many people are you picking up today is it just me or is it both of us or is it just him in today's clinch out we're only letting one join the clan oh my God wait so only me or you Dex to get in you mean only Dexter bro I don't think you have the ticks to join a clan okay I know I probably don't land like I told you I'm always new to fortnite I'll watch that in watch his edit course I've seen like loads of edit calls on fortnite I see mongrats edit course like watch this bro what is that what is that bro I'm just trying to learn bro this is why I'll let you know Clan all right practice for 50 more years and then come back wait wait let me see yours though yo what do you mean by Iron bro look at this where you going bro bro you're trash bro bro how are you talking that much trash dude 90s wait what about yours bro I'm insane look at me thank you oh my yeah this guy's actually a pretty good player okay I'm gonna be honest hydra's a little bit better than me but it's because I have all my time managing the clan bro all of our sponsorships you know hyperx everything bro if I get sponsored yet then maybe I could actually get a skin um no okay Dexter and his default I want to see your edits all right I want to see if you guys have what it takes today like a cone a wool I don't know um I would say cone cones are the best but it's just me doing it foreign oh my God that was so good reset and then you do that and you do that bro what is that yo that's all I can do right now like what and it's kind of me our edits are really fast bro like look at this that is actually really quick wait is that macro uh I don't even know what a macro is bro stupid no no I only seen on YouTube like I've seen people floating and stuff I can't do that obviously because I'm really bad yo and I claim we could do that bro it's a must-have okay so you do it then go in the corner [Music] you can float bro what do you mean look look at this you can't even do it why are you lying to me bro I'm sorry I have uh uh 420 million ping I'm sorry well anyways let's see an aim test all right if you guys could kill me when I run from here to there then it helps your chance wait he was going first meet with Dexter I mean let's see Dexter first bro because I'm gonna have to waste my time with you bro are you guys ready one day Stop Believing you bro okay okay not that bad not that bad pretty good pretty good yo Hydra yo here you go for this one I don't even feel like doing it bro honestly it might waste my time he's not even people to get me you never know Zoom can be cracked all right let's see three two one go oh my God I think you're in the head oh my God is that good bro wait I need to kill him wait I forgot oh oh my gosh bro like I'm trying to get better wait can anyone give me any tips time to get better because I don't want to get bullied anymore I'm tired of getting bullied yo here's a tip uh we're an actual skin and practice more how about all right wait let me practice right now oh I'll go I'm getting a bit better I'm getting a bit better trust me I'm feeling it I'm feeling it watch what controller oh that was kind of clean what what huh that was a lucky shot that was a lucky shot that was a lucky shot oh I want to see both of you guys 1v1 I want to see who's the better out of you two all right thanks are you ready for this 1v1 yeah I'm ready let's go and Jackson take it easy on me by the way because like I want you to get in this kind over me you deserve it more all right thank you ready yeah three two one [Music] help me oh my God he's on my wall he's on my wall oh my God [Music] oh my God I'm sad I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm sorry dude yo bro you're so bad at this game like oh how did he beat you so fast he got a lucky shot no no you're chilling bro you don't have to stick up for me Dexter yeah he's actually cracked like I just can't do anything okay so when did you start playing fortnite um I started playing like three years ago three years ago yo that's what I'm saying only just started playing he's been playing three years like obviously he's gonna beat me bro I've been playing for like nine years bro I'm just so good that's why the cap on this app really been out in nine years bro what are you talking about you don't know your fortnite history I want to see YouTube 1v1 I want to see how sweaty this clan is I've seen a lot of stuff on Tick Tock wait that's not Dexter who do you think will win out of those two um honestly this guy I say him too like I need has been bullied means damn bro that's toxic what you mean toxic you've been bullying me he's on The High Ground yo this is sweaty oh my God this is so low dude you're actually one HP let's go oh my God you're dirt you're doodoo butter don't be the leader he must be the best in the class let me move you want him I want to try it again all right let's go it's goal time now I'm feeling warmed up where are those 90s oh whoa okay A little attack a little tag let's go oh my god I've actually warmed up today bro I thought he was oh no what no way what do you mean what I just I just told you I need to warm up today yeah you did so good congratulations thank you kind sir yo thanks Margie are you cheating no no I'm not cheating on the watch like watch so I go like this then I go like this then I go like this okay oh my God are you trolling no I'm just chilling bro you were like you didn't do 90s so good now listen I think I think the 1v1 me and you actually helped me out you know what I'm saying okay you're welcome okay yo yo Hydra team meeting team meeting team meeting hey why is this guy so toxic anyway about my skin I don't know Jesus it's just pixels to be honest yo Hydra I don't know if you should let him in or not because I mean he's a default but he's also really good at the game I know I don't know where he pulled that skill from there's no way he's actually that good he must be no I can't I can't make up a decision you want to make a decision bro I don't know bro how about this how about how about we make him 2V1 us and if he beats us then he gets to join us all right all right that sounds fair High Ground yo I mean you got pretty lucky that time so how about you 1v1 me all right what do you mean lucky how can I be lucky because Dexter carried you that entire time bro hey what no no I won't be warn you anyway are you ready yeah bro I'm always ready okay the night is looking good are you up where you are right oh my God I kind of want the default win crazy even toxic for no reason this guy is just crazy oh my God he's cracked nope I missed him yo bro hey yo jock is he was just like toxic to everyone that tries that was it just because I'm a default I I think it's just because you're a default honestly yo I don't even know what you're talking about you literally have an 800 reebuck skin don't talk to me now the thing is next to you I'm actually thinking like why would you want to try out for this clan when they're just ripping me about my life being a default Skinner I don't care I don't really get it I'm just gonna crack now I'm just gonna Vibe I don't really know what I want to do I can always get bullied about my skin because I afford anything well you actually like bullying people do you you're like me yes sir I mean I don't bully people I just bully defaults to be honest bro that's so very very sad I mean if you had his skin I wouldn't bull you anymore but I mean you don't have one so if I actually got into this kind would you like give me a skin uh I mean I'm sure I'm sure we could work something out exactly so if I can join then I can get a skin then like we'll be chilling right now bro if your default from the beginning bro you're gonna stay a default for life all right oh oh scary well I mean Dexter I think you could join you had What It Takes and I like your skin to be honest bro I like it I like it I mean dude I kind of don't want to join because you've been so toxic yo what do you mean I've been nothing but nice to you bro honestly no but still like I'm best friends with defaulty let's just I don't know oh that's what I'm saying bro best friends are defaults that's what we're talking about wait what's your favorite skin in the game Brenda get ready ready run again what's your favorite skin in the game uh probably the purple sculpture that's my favorite my favorite students are default sir that's just the way it is if I come over here yes I'm pretty sure like I might be able to buy a skin okay so my mom just give me a God I've got like a thousand pounds so damn that's crazy wait I'm muted right now they can't hear me you got this pickaxe hey yo we got a purple skull tree but I'm gonna put it on leave and see what he says I'm um this is my guy's favorite skin listen please you've been bullying me for being a default but I'm actually not a default bro you don't say oh okay you can be on our team now bro no no no I don't want to be in your team are you crazy come over here one sec since this yeah I actually do have my own Tick Tock Clan and obviously you're looking for a clan today so instead of joining with these two I got a deal for you what is it you can actually join my Tick Tock plan right now yeah I'm down I've just recruiting a new member by the way craze I don't want to be part of your gun you don't like me I don't like you listen job right now I will play craze in a one view one box fight if I beat craze I get to see every single member of your clan yo wait how many members you actually have first um it just mean Hydra so far so listen if I beat you right now in the Box by 1v1 would you leave and join my clan instead I mean yeah I would I mean you have the purple scorcher oh exactly yo come on in yo everyone's everyone shoot crazy everyone shoot crazy oh my God good luck to you crazy if you don't beat me right now I'm gonna be taking your whole clan you've been bullying me your bro wait how are you not how are you not I'm just gonna run around with you no way that's one zero bro bro let me be he I'm sorry I'm sorry bro nope that's round one that is round one it looks like I'm gonna be taking over another clan first of three by the way are you ready you ready oh my God come on come on I thought you was Batman defaults I thought he's Batman defaults yeah I am but you're not a default you're a skull Trooper bro [Music] okay I'm not letting you get one round I don't care dang oh oh my you hit me for so much where you at where you at what are you running for you hit me for so much damage no yo let's go you went from my stairs oh what yo this is the comeback round I'm not letting anybody take my clan all right not even you oh yeah she wants to be my client doesn't even want to be in your clan yeah I'm not gonna lie crazy I kind of want this full Trooper to win yeah exactly look at that [Music] bro let's go one more round and it's over oh my God yo let's go hey that was probably the most embarrassing thing in my life absolute potato edits I don't how am I even letting you come back like I'm actually kind of embarrassed but it's two two I'm just spreading I am just spraying look at that foreign [Music] exactly bro we got you to the clan and look over here we got this kid Joe come over here bro no no no no crazy crazy listen you tried to bully me and Jog was actually he was a chill guy not gonna lie he gets to join the clan so there it is bro I've stole your Tick Tock plan bro I'm sorry bro it's just I used to be default too bro and I don't know it's just I haven't been the same since then people used to bully me so I thought that by bullying people would make me feel better yo I'm never gonna bully people again I'm sorry bro I'm sorry all right listen that's this what you get this is your lesson learned bro your Clan has been taken hey everyone come over here and we're gonna dance boys oh friend you can't on top I am doing a clan trout to get in the big Jackie's Tick Tock plan we got the two good skins all right at least you guys are defaults okay wait what yo do you guys see that hey yo I'm here for the tick tock can trial yo first off you're late and also you're wearing a default skin bro Mt cold fun I only have a default bro I'm level two I don't want little kids in the clan bro go watch little ticos I don't want to players put the fishy on me we ain't got time for this bro we got professionals over here with skins bruh I don't think this is gonna work out I'm a professional as well he's a default he still might be good bro did I tell you to speak oh my God what is going on just wasting my time all right the first thing I have to see is editing you guys got to be quick we're gonna be playing a lot of tournament against you right here show me your editing bro I'm just gonna build it on my own right now wait hopefully Jackie's notices me bro what the heck is this guy doing default come back down here what are you doing I'm moving up I'm about to go crazy oh my gosh I'm fast that's not bad that's not bad it's not as good as the big Jackies but it's not bad he's actually very good here we go here we go here we go wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let me just uh what the heck hey I'm crazy I told you hey YouTube I told you I'm crazy uh bro is that macros be honest with me bro that's just I'm just Tico fan bro Tico told me everything oh yeah all right you know what just get out there let me do this let me do this oh my God all right that round's over I don't want to talk about it the winner here I Gotta Give It to the blue skin all right hey what he really doesn't know I'm about to go crazy later on in the clan trial all right level number two I want to see your guys 90s we're gonna be tunneling we're gonna be getting shot at in these tournaments I need to see how fast you guys are so blue skin I want to see your 90s right now bro I told Mongrel everything he knows oh oh hey you always crazy all right we got the next skin here it's like a pink skin I want to see your 90s bro come on you're already wasting my time why aren't you doing it all right all right yeah I got you I got you I got you I can see them about to build right now I'm literally about to disable Builder look at that right now disabled building activate bro I can't build bro I swear Jimmy all you gotta do is press the build button oh my God my brain my brain cells dude all right I'm gonna show you guys how to do it right now stay back let's get it uh oh my God wait I'm gonna put it back on I'm gonna activate you and then quickly sneak back into the clan trial here we go you are now ready to see tikkofam right Tico fan has arrived bro oh my gosh oh my God and now we celebrate okay that was good 90s who starts like this though this man built a staircase it was good right watch bro now he's garbage again my aim is crazy oh my God I hit every single shot I never missed actually wasn't bad there's something fishy going on here yeah yeah Tico you know yo all three you guys you're not you're not even like the top of the standards bro when I won the World Cup with Buddha I had the best aim in the world all right I don't know about you guys but this is so mid it's a waste of my time wait wait what is he saying uh this guy has no clue what he's talking about we're so goaded I don't know what he's talking about all right bro he has to aimbot bro like we're so golden all right come on stay right there let's go let's go three two one what is it wait this is perfect time to sneak off and use invisibility to troll the clan leader okay look at that invisible I'm about to go invisible yo wait wasn't there what's happening it was mom probably had to go make them noodles you know ABC noodles oh my God they can't leave the things I've left I'm literally in the top left corner I'm gonna break the builds and see if anyone notices why'd you destroy that I didn't destroy what are you doing bro all right you know what pink skin since you want to do that if you don't beat this insane blue skin in one View and right now you're done you're gonna go back to making zero dollars an hour get out of here bro okay I've got the perfect idea when they tried to 1v1 I'm gonna keep breaking the builds the clan leader is actually gonna get triggered all right go right now just line up I don't even want to count down bro go oh my God they're going bro why are you trying to grief me bro you're so yeah what the heck no I didn't bro I swear oh my God they're so confused I'm gonna be honest with you bro you gotta go no bro why I didn't agree all right fine just one more time if this yo if I see these builds reset you're done pink skin is he actually gonna kick that kid man that makes no sense all right quintos you go this time oh my God oh my God that's so confused I'm running by the Kanita does he even know it's my footsteps all he could see is smoke chasing him yo why is there smoke around me did I fart what the heck anyways all right keep fighting let's go no you can't see me right now but yeah I'm right here I see like the footstep icon around me yo I'm hearing stuff wait he's trying to shoot me oh my God oh my God heck I just got 49 damage on nothing it's me I'm invisible you can't see me right now boy what you got hacks yes sir I got hacks yo this is sizzle's map bro oh my god dude anyone can do this bro you're not a hacker not even sizzle's map uh wait yo default do you legitimately have hacks send me like 1 000 right now and I can literally give you invisibility hacks a thousand dollars all right I'll be right back yeah I need money oh my God wait how did he even find me oh my God that's why I'm the clan leader here guy look and I get back to a default oh my god oh wait I actually just uh turned off my uh action now you know what what else can you act you want to act like hackers oh my God I can hit every single headshot in the game yes sir let's go baby I'm gonna be honest I'm actually too good for this clan just because you have hacks just because you have macros a lot that doesn't make you good anyone can install hacks bro okay my grandma can install hacks this pink skin you've been giving me pain all day bro you're gonna want to be won this no skin with like apparently got hacks if you lose you're done yeah bro I'm ready I'm feeling very confident bro let's go let's go you can't hit me right now but I'm about to go crazy on this kid I feel sorry for him oh my gosh oh my god dude this is so intense ouch oh my god oh and he's dead no way hey yo I'm sorry I beat you like uh obviously I want you to be in a clan with me but you can't need only like one of us in you know what I'm out this clan bro forget this clan bro oh my God he actually left wait my mom just gave me a v bucks voucher one second oh my God they can't hit me right now look I'm about to get this skin right here where is it uh you know what we do purple School trooper and we're also gonna get the Raiders Revenge pickaxe oh my God I'm about to go crazy hey yo I've got my fishy skin on what yeah all right I'm so sorry about it dude you're you're in I don't give a freak about anything else you're in oh my God you thought I was the default candida I've fully told you you know what I only wear the clan now destroy this man right now yes sir ice on the feet now we do that to the clan leader yo let me get the clan leader he's running away bro I'm gonna get him oh my God wait we're gonna get him again where is he I love spraying him what bro I can't do anything all right I'm gonna fart on someone bro I'm done with this hey drop cars you know what we're about to do what the oh my God I just dropped cars on the map where did this come from I mean I got a whip now meow eliminate all I'm about to use the ultimate power people I keep dying what the heck I keep killing them every single time they respawn oh my God oh my God yo Tico I'm sorry bro I like your music it's time for the ultimate 1v1 oh get the flip out of here hey yo he's cheating oh my God what you doing oh my God look at the damage oh my god oh and he's dead I've got something to reveal dude this kid how's this kid so good he's five and he always renji yes sir wait did you just say Rancho you don't want to join his tiktok clan you want to join my Tick Tock clam right yeah I want to join your Tick Tock Clan bro your Skin's way better than his bro yes sir hey yo we're taking over the clan yes sir random you grease my Tick Tock that child again you know what I'm done wait so are you actually Declan leader right oh yeah I am it doesn't matter I'm a default is it because there's a default right here uh yeah but that's my girlfriend so she's an exception yeah um yeah yeah my boyfriend he's so cute but who's this person over here oh this is one of our best clan uh mates he's actually really good I'm not even kidding I'm separate Realty haven't you heard me before or like what's going on you don't even know what do I have to do to actually get into the clan you ready okay three two one go ah dude dude are you gonna hit me my best bro I'm trying my best let me see this default honestly if the default's bad at me I have a default okay okay babe please for me there we go oh my God wait Jessica yeah what's that what's that you're actually cracked a fortnight yeah yeah I'm pretty good let me go again let me go again okay whatever wait wait wait why do you have a gun wrap on I got gifted ages ago by my cousin no it's the only thing I own is this pink wrap Dave I think he's a fake people okay yeah I think you are too like we don't accept them bro there's a default right here I'm confused yeah that's my girlfriend if I can prove to you that I'm worthy of the clan and surely I could join right I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready dude do you have aimot no I'm just a little default mate that's all I am oh God no kill no dude that was sauce wait Jessica what did you think of that aim um it's pretty dog water I'm not gonna lie with you literal Duty water who's better me and your boyfriend probably my boyfriend I don't know about that I don't know about that are You Smarter I smell cat like what's my building look how good I am okay let's go oh my God wait someone just broke me out I'm good I'm good I'm just insane I told you like you went from going like this not even know how to build it's a little like cranking like Mongrel this new keyboard makes me edit slow but you know mongrels oh yeah I actually know him in real life I know him I know Jarvis I know Benji fishy I know everyone what stop the cat um that's crazy actually hey what is this guy doing I don't know if he's even playing he might be just be practicing on like aim lives or something no I'm on Kovacs I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm okay wait wait what's callbacks really an aim trainer how do you not know what that is I don't use it I don't use it I don't know wait what is he doing wait can I ask you one view on someone I actually want to prove that I'm a good fortnite player okay okay it's just well I'll put in my best player first and you can only one of my girlfriend yeah he's been practicing his aim all day he's literally a God you're not gonna win this again it's a default all right good luck I really want to get into this clan like I really do okay the knights are looking nice oh on my High Ground I thought it's your best player little tag oh come on boxing a fish Realty come on oh my God he's so good he's actually really cracked he's he's bro where is he where is he I need to kill him I need to prove myself come on Realty him let's go oh my God what are you doing what was that dude seriously dude it was honestly all luck I'm telling you yeah like he just got lucky he's probably having a bad day no I'm just a good player I don't know he's probably on about it I could put Jessica in she might slap you up real quick okay Jessica yeah it's gonna be easy it's so easy don't get on bed but Jess has got a first member to the clan uh yeah she was and then I recruited them there's only three of you right now okay uh yeah we do trios that's why all right hopefully that'd be full um no my Jessica oh my God Jessica you're a little bro oh my God Jessica's one HP there's no way oh my God babe I'm sorry babe it was uh it was the accident yeah it was an accident that was actually a good fight uh yeah you better not do it again okay oh oh scary bro I'm trying to get in your clan I have to kill your girlfriend I don't really know what you're saying oh dude like you could have taken a little bit easy on her it's literally a girl bro I thought it's just a fair trial for everyone so I don't really know what to say yeah but like you could have taken a little bit easy on her like she's she's not that good yeah you tell him baby you tell him you tell me bro you're trash bro is them tears bro get out of here God I gotta protect her all right next thing we're gonna look at your editing okay do you even do you even know how to edit yeah I know I said it watch this watch this wait oh my God just put her in the cold in an accident sorry I need to let you out wow I didn't mean to I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry no no no you're gonna pay for that you're paying for that babe are you okay what did you just say about Pokemon all right Hey listen you want to see that if you want to see that is here we go here we go yeah oh see him oh my God kid you need a macro or something because that's terrible that's the woman this is the main event you want to see the main event no we need to see the main event what the fudge dude something's actually up with you you keep getting like you you start out bad when you get good like what is this maybe I'm trolling maybe I'm a default maybe I'm a hacker maybe I'm insane at this game maybe I'm a pro player you'll never know I thought he's your best player and he's not even interested in the clan I don't know what's going on I told you I'm Kovacs training what do you want from wait let me see you aim there let me see your aim let's aim for it do the countdown Realty bot three two one go bro remember what are you doing I'm really gonna kick you out I'm literally gonna kick you I got lucky dude I'm telling you I'm telling you I'm just really good at this game like serious are you sure about that I feel like it's a lot of luck but uh let's run it up three two one go why are you bullying me everyone asking take me at one he has a scar as well oh my just noticed oh my God oh my God yeah you're you're not staying in the club I think we should go yeah I'm not even kidding Jessica we need to get him out of here I'm literally the only reason we called for fncs I don't know what you're trying to say here hey yo aorta skin or skin listen come here I don't know why they want to keep you from a clan you're a good player but ggs anyway not fight okay uh yeah about ggs yeah you know I'll just go with him because you're not saying this coming after this sorry buddy oh my yo yo why they teaming up on you now oh my God that's teaming up on you bro wait I got an idea I got an idea how about yeah me and this Aura skin versus you and your girlfriend that sounds like a deal on me right it's like easy five you go in that corner and will you go in this corner over here and then we fire yo Aura skin yeah I've only met you today yeah right now we got a clutch up we gotta beat these two okay no they're literally free trust me I've been in their I don't know why you're talking crap like seriously are you ready yeah let's go boy oh God just got me I got Jessica me one left oh my god get investigated get on I'm coming come down sure you don't touch her I need to go I need to go oh my God I need a grapple or I can do this I can do this Aura trust me I believe in you you're not gonna kill my girlfriend and get away with it no no oh my God's like a fish oh my God oh my God I did that one for you babe shut up man yo Jessica ggs by the way that was a good fight that was a good fight as well you killed me last minute with the last shot yes sir baby clutch up that was a good fight yeah me and you but who do you think would win a 1v1 um obviously me is that a question you're odd or who would win the 1v1 me or your leader honestly bro uh I think you'd win oh my God wait Jessica Jessica who are you back to me or your boyfriend come on baby my boyfriend my boyfriend obviously obviously that's right now that's right now I'm gonna do this one for you babe okay let's go let's run it up oh my God he's actually crap bro he's on The High Ground obviously we literally qualify for fncs we're literally just building up bro okay hi ping now I'm up now I'm up I'm lagging I'm lagging it's all good oh my God you're predictable okay I missed that on purpose oh what the fudge okay I'm not gonna peek you I'm not a clown you're not gonna win like I don't know why you're trying this okay I'm up I'm up let's go we're even easy where have you been easy not good oh my God no that's not good you're trash like I'm actually probably the better player I'm not gonna lie no you're not that was such luck not even funny I've literally got 10 eliminations bro I'm actually on fire right now but do you think God actually be good enough to get into the gun I don't know like you're not that good what do you mean what do you mean I've literally killed everyone in this Lobby good luck buddy okay have you ever heard of it you're literally a default skin why would we let you in you literally have a default right here it makes no sense this is my girlfriend there's an exception all right I'm sorry I'm sorry don't care what can I actually do to prove myself for this clan I'm confused I don't know if there's really anything because you're just not good let me talk to the Cody though Jessica do you actually think I should join a clan babe can you actually beat all of us so I think you should join maybe like we should give him a chance listen to it you should give me a chance bro um I don't think I'm gonna listen to her this time because I disagree oh my God that's so weird I don't know I think you should join the clan like he'd be a good Duo for me and him you know you're not even in that Clan anymore [Music] I've actually teach you no way to kicked you yeah we kicked him out like five minutes ago like get out of here you got it bro this Clan's actually ruthless like they're ruthless they don't take any messing up and listen listen I got a deal I got a deal if I beat you in a 1v1 box fight right now could I potentially join the clan there's a very slight chance oh probably not why I'm gonna take the anime like come on let's run it let's run it let's go okay so what is it is it a first of five is it a first of three I don't really know uh first of five Good Luck Good Luck because I'm actually like I'm one of the most underrated defaults in the world so boy if you don't okay yeah I'm sure you are okay what is this what is this figure bad Jesus there's no chance that you lose weight I know I'm not gonna lose 100 easy little fishy on me I know you're scared no chance at all what oh my god I've done it I really want to get into this clan wait I don't even know why I want to get in your clan you're not even nice to me you don't even like me I don't know why you're trying either I mean we are top n a that's probably one reason you want to get in ouch 100 oh my God you play such a little girl gosh I'm actually quiet to this game not gonna lie I'll ask your girlfriend like you're not you're Jessica you think the Skin's actually good he's getting better like what he's better than me he's not what are you doing yeah he is oh my God I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I don't know why you're trying to get my box you're not gonna win easy clap oh my God you're so lost you're so lost oh my God no you're so alive she almost pickaxed you in front of your girlfriend oh my God imagine bruh oh my God boxed him in oh my God oh my God I'm lagging I'm lagging bro I'm really about to get your picture dude oh my God I'm controller I'm controller oh my God that is a controller player yo listen even ask everyone in this clan right now ask the aura ask your girlfriend I'm the best player here okay he's the best player here Jessica what do you mean what are you talking about it's a lot you stupid if I kill you again you're actually in trouble honored God you're bad no why are you trying to pickaxe me you're not gonna pickaxe buddy he'll break okay this is the luckiest kid on earth I swear one like I don't know what more I gotta do baby so much better than you what at least not it's like you're probably spectating the wrong person you're probably spectating me no I'm definitely expecting the right person oh my God wait Jessica you're actually reckon I'm a bad player yeah you are no everyone's better than my boyfriend oh my god when you got the Seattle she got this oh my God I like oh my God no way what why are you trying to like what are you doing Jessica why you have to be mad well he's beating you and he beat all of us I love you guys what do you mean yeah exactly I've been crazy yeah my boss you're in my box you're in my box [Music] anymore but Jessica do you think he's actually gonna win this I already know obviously obviously what obviously obviously oh my God he just hit me for so big I Need A Little Piece control okay again he's in my box again oh my god boss like fish fishy on me Tico let's go listen I don't I don't even want to play anymore I don't even want to play anymore I don't like you you don't like me like we gotta part ways right now I'm going back so I'm back and I've got a skin wait what yo Jessica do you like my skin yeah it's so fire whoa oh my God exactly wait listen listen listen Rosie you know you want to be my Jewel right I obviously I'm an area or salt Trooper yeah you want to join my Tick Tock clan of course [Music] I've took one member even though you probably you actually bullied him you don't even like him the question is the question is Jessica you like my skin you like the fit do you want to join my Tick Tock plan sorry oh my God exactly oh my god I've took your members bro I've took all your members you said something really important I've been keeping for a while it's a secret okay what is it well I'm a guy there's someone sorry oh this is a Raskin Tick Tock Clan and this default will be joining the clan by using hacks to cheat okay we have everyone here for the tick tock can trial remember it's rare skins only and they're for the first round everyone step in line for the fashion show I read yourself and we're starting off with the fashion show and hey but all these people don't know is that it's actually rigged for me yo this is gonna be so hilarious okay first person step up hey we got the Wonder skin we got this fire pickaxe and the back bling you're obviously going through my Tick Tock land you can go through iconic that is very drippy that is a rare skin as well you can go for a cool Trooper probably my favorite red skin in the game obviously that could be in my Tick Tock plan all right it's my turn right now come on [Applause] this is the best kid in fortnite oh my God you got a rarest pickaxe in the game you definitely have a rest get and you can go through come on oh oh my gosh that Sky literally made it through oh my gosh let's go he let him through what this kid was terrible uh purple skull Trooper hey we love that skin you already know you're going through oh you already know I like that last we have the Royal Knight it's not as rare as every other skin there so I'm sorry you're gonna have to miss out you do not get into this Tick Tock Clan trout and a sits on my default I'm gonna do really bad at it and everyone here is gonna be so confused the first person the goalkeeper is he gonna get through let's see that is oh my God you play Creative all day yeah I thought so okay next iconic have you got better edits in the goalkeeper no bro you gotta have some confidence boy come on show me what you got hey that's actually fire oh I'm taking this one bro get out of here you're dressed I'm stealing this I'm stealing this boom baby ah I might go now you're trash and the score trooper's taking over oh my God hey that is actually fire as well you can chill now you can chill now it's my turn to the editing ground look at this is bro these are literally so trash Oh my God you have the best edits hey you're best at it you're obviously you're impressed you're capping dude this guy is trashed look at those purple skoji for thinking he's cool or something like bro I'm literally at default and I'm winning and uh Wonder skin you're last impress me oh you're getting killed and keep trying [Music] I'm sorry you have the slowest edits here you have to be kicked from the clan you're not making it today one person will be getting kicked this round Whoever has the worst aim run a I got a perfect idea you're going fast you ready yes sir my aim is nuts okay here we go three two one go I cracked oh my God you see that name what oh my god dude what do you have against me you trash can bro that's an idiot dude your skin is so bad wait iconic who's grief in the contrails bro that stupid defaults grief in the tryout okay we carry on We Carry On Tour Trooper take two we go I'm so cracked oh you see my aim bro you see my aim oh my God wait you're just about killed me iconic are you ready here we go oh my God wait you failed to kill me what is that aim I'll give you a second chance if you can beat me in a 1v1 Angel I'll let you through I bet I'll beat you right now all right well none of them see me I'm gonna go right over here and then I interact with this button and boom just like that and literally in this aim Lightroom hey you know what I'm gonna go ahead and do I'm gonna go ahead and get this Aimbot right here and now when I go to the aim round I aim by everyone three two one let's go let's go let's go oh my God wait actually one shot oh wait that aim's crazy right I told you I got the best aim out here man make sure you hit every shot hey yo you're hitting no shots my guy I will give you a chance though if you beat me in this 1v1 I'll let you go to the next round are you ready yes sir here we go hey good luck I'm getting full boxed oh my God you actually boxed me like I'm fishy but my aim is too crazy you failed to beat me in the 1v1 I'm sorry you will not be making it through default you have to make sure you kill me right now all right I'm ready you ready oh my God oh my God yes sir you already know that was so far how do you kill him like that bro he's insane here we have it the three best players in the ranger tryouts today hey you already know I'm winning this baby we have three people and we need to get rid of one there's only one thing to do hey guys fight nah I'm going for the default bro because he's trashed what what there's no way there's no way babe killed everyone oh my God what is going on he's cheating he has to be cheating what is going on am I seeing things right bro what because you both lost only one man can make it through a 1v1 well I'm the best of the world Brian's in the bag in the bag boy he's gonna win oh my God this is crazy the score Trooper versus the iconic two of the most Redskins in the game oh you see these 90s bro I literally have the worst kid in the game bro I'm winning this oh oh my God the last two who is gonna get through remember it's only Redskins and how is he getting through but you see the skin I know he's got the evil skin but he's just crazy like he's trash what you're just a hater bruh whoever wins this 1v1 we'll be making it into the clan I got this in the background yeah yeah we'll see about that buddy oh you see my skin bruh are you ready I don't think you know I'm literally the best default alive bro there's no such thing as a good default bro don't be playing with me come on now oh my God this is a crazy bumpy one what was that how did you do that much damage 100 already bro you're so bad oh my God shut up watch this pickaxable he was hit me for 80 with your pickaxe no no render is literally hacked he's flying Richard's bro wait what bro he's capping bro I did nothing wait boys come here all right guys so I literally just turned off the hack so Ridge you can kill me bro the purple sculpture has no idea wait to Previa does not have hacks I will literally destroy him in this 1v1 already are you ready bro you're gonna get clapped yeah because you're a cheater bro I'm not a cheater hi Richard you're getting clap bruh okay buddy oh my God he's boxed like a fishy or something bro he was definitely hacking I need to quickly distract the purple skull tree but some Bulls can get hacks um wait wait shoot me in the head shoot me in the head oh my well you can't even kill me bro yeah I mean you killed me yeah what are you doing why are you trying to fight me you have not killed me I did it bro you're trash actually you're kind of crazy so I'm saying I'm a purple score bro you see the skin bruh I will read you it's distracting him right now I'm gonna go back into the cheat room right now all right I'm gonna go ahead and turn on a butt and get 10 000 HP I want to rerun against boards let me 1v1 and one more time wait okay okay you did kill me I'll give you one more chance scroll Trooper you have to kill him right now Alice the clan trout is over doing it bro I just cheated on yesterday what is that for what oh you're getting sprayed a brain right now here we go 117 what oh yo I'm literally white right now yo what bro I'm about to pickaxe you why are you doing 80 with your pants what purple skull you failed to beat boys in the 1v1 I thought you was crazy I thought you was more crazier than that I am it's really cheating bro it's literally ringed bro what are you talking bro you're just lagging I have high ping you know like hey boys are you thinking what I'm thinking spray him is a oh you do that much damage with an SMG nah nah y'all are trolling me aren't you bro what is up congratulations boards you're in The Tick Tock Clan it's Raskin only and the default has somehow ended up getting through what are you doing here can't even get a skin bro you're probably trash isn't this right I'm the best default in the world I've actually got a clan leader stats here right now so yeah this is who I'm playing against identify yourself who's actually the best member in the clan yes I would say worth it I would say worthy but like I don't know who's war is the leader yeah oh my God right now yeah I'm confident I can get into a gun or is he don't throw default yeah oh my God I'm on The High Ground let's go I already told you about the best default don't get all excited bro you're literally trash how can you tell him trash you're literally dog water literally a 350 pot oh my God no way he's trash he's a default I he got lucky you're stupid I told you I'm the number one ranked default in the world shut up no you're not my email it's like look how good that is so cute he's so cute I'm very cute children yo fishy yeah try fishy on me oh [Music] my God what is going on Muzz dude way to represent our team buddy we're gonna get kicked fishy he said he kick you from The Climb ing [Music] toxic man serious not toxic we just great clan that can't have these uh Bots representing us you know that's kind of toxic dude two zero up no one can kill me right now come on bro let's go bro I'm lagging I'm lagging that's what they all say come on man come on I'm so sad oh the Box dude I don't care oh my God no way no way you gotta give me some respect now I've literally killed everyone without dying like what is going on what are you doing like what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing shut up I have an excuse me it's default he's terrible look at him yeah I'm a good player American player no you're not I'm just lagging oh I'm not gonna lie you're actually like pretty good yeah exactly even though skins don't mean anything they don't mean anything my ears just hear that come on your mouth everyone everyone oh my God oh my God why is he so toxic I'm so confused box like a fish you're terrible got water has he always been toxic to everyone that's right out for the clan yeah yeah you're not toxic as well low-key because at the beginning you said I'm a default so like I don't even know what's going on I am a default it's a fact but like I don't want to say anything because he will kick me or he'll scare me oh is that why you're so toxic because you're scared of him yeah there's no problem for me like shut up oh my God he's roasting my accent now though what what's wrong with being from UK there's nothing wrong but I'm just saying like it's not supposed oh my God you're so bad at the game I mean you literally trash I'm not even trolling no way bro I just boxed him like a fish he's not on my level like he really lost to him like I can't believe this look at my level look at my level level three default yeah you're trash you don't even play the game I only started this season look at my editing look at my editing foreign [Music] I've been playing this game for like one month but I'm so good at this game for one month compared to you I'm all over you I'm all over you like looking at school more sad boy default has got six skills yeah no you get me you're literally terrible yeah he's actually really bad then what is going on fish is on my side though okay oh you're this close to getting kicked out of the client bro me and Fishes oh my God I gotta represent come on do something I killed him Bishop come to me we kill them come to him no way he's actually pretty good but like I don't know no he's not you can't even kill me I'm confused but at least I'm gonna give you a chance though because I don't want to join a toxic clan I wanted to try out for your clan today but you're being so toxic yeah I'm gonna give you a chance to like admit I am actually a good player say yes say yes I better change your heart you're not bad you're absolutely terrible I don't think so pal I don't know what's wrong with this kid but he's got issues I have any issues oh you got a problem with me for my skin don't even have a skin like it look at yourself but if I can't afford his skin then I can't afford his skin that's just the way it goes it's your problem not my problem that's your problem can we let him in the clan now or listen listen to your members so are you ever gonna let me into this gun no I don't even want to join your like I'm not gonna lie like you're not even nice bro like what okay okay fine I'm better than you so why would I want to be in your clan we're gonna do a 1v1 box fight all right you versus me fishy who do you think is gonna win right now who do you think's gonna win um wait who do you think uh definitely you dude oh my God bro like listen to your clan right now that is so stupid no like like what are you guys saying sorry dude it's just better no he's not yeah I'm gonna be honest just do this thing they're stupid even though you're toxic yeah I'm gonna say good luck because like I don't think you can beat me why are you better at box fights or 1v1s I'm a God at both so it doesn't really matter you know stop the cap oh God oh my God he's representing the whole clan right now oh my God fish forget it stop it get some help why is he so triggered you're so triggered and you're not even kill me yet I'm not sure why are you screaming like a baby not a baby what ah if you don't get any kills in front of your clan that's embarrassing it's not embarrassed us no we got ages to go first to five yeah I'm like 100 to know on 1v1 boss fights 100 oh my you got this oh my God let's go I don't even want to join your clan I don't even like you you don't like me I don't like you that's just the way it goes [Music] you want to join our client no I don't I really don't want to join your clan why would I want to join your class your Clan's not been good no disrespect but it's needed like I don't know why don't want to be the camera this leader [Music] what can you do [Music] that's your leader like what is he doing you're disappointing us dude you're disappointing us dude shut up I'm not fishy under School Trooper you really need to think about what you're doing in this time why would you want to be an account I'm just kind of scared to lose why what would you do you know I'm in real life no so why'd you buy them I don't know what are you scared of what's scared of what I missed oh right if I win one more fight it's over yeah so what is that to be scared in love you can't be scared of someone you don't know or you should be really scared of man scared that he he might like hack me or something how is he gonna hack you I don't know I just I just feel like he would only hopes he can get his sizzles oh my God yeah oh my gosh now you're killing my ears I'm just gonna kill you right now shut up you sound like the Queen of England that's who you sound like shut up man I sound like a girl I sound like the Queen of England wait what are you even all about with like with the tea and crumpets and all that all that stuff like yeah you like to be like your nose right I love tea and crumpets how do you know stop running away bye this kid's weird like this kid's just strange Oh weird dude should we just leave like I don't I don't know no no yeah I don't like ever find another clan though but there's so many fans on Tick Tock though I'm not gonna like that there's about a million I've got something to say as well I'm not actually a default this is my old account yeah I have a clan wait you do can I join it's called rain juice really that's a dumb name if you want to join my channel come over here bro where is he I'm sorry oh God yo everyone dancing bro in my car now they're all in my car now what are you gonna say sorry no they're not hey I can't wait for the good times to come in the clanway congratulations thank you guys and you will pay for this mark my words I've already taken your clan but before I go what's your actual stats on fortnite right bro bro I got like 2 000 wins I got like a 6kd way better than yours probably I'm looking at your stats right now that 379 yeah if you're good enough I mean it's a rare skin only plan so I mean you're good we'll pick you up he's asking only but I swear I'm so cracked to fortnite I'll try it out but uh we're waiting on one other person to come over actually wait you got a recall expert though that's not even rare is it I'm an OG Recon bro I'm gonna invite the other kid real quick and we'll get started yo yo what's up Jake what's up bro I see you on my free piece so I'm like I'm trying to join another clan bro yeah you got the rare skin so you're good that's not even rare that's not even rare I swear I don't even know yes it is right bought this in season three like what I swear it's season one look at my feet right now I look fire you got a purple skull Trooper Dark Knight two Recons and then there's me you're gonna be 1v1 I'm my boy Avenger over here and charves they're the two best 1v1 people in our clan so wait who's the best player in the clan no it's definitely me it's definitely really a serious tryout so we'll let the Recon go first since he's more serious I'm not trying Universal purple skull Trooper but like can I at least get you first this man's a high ground I'll hit him yes sir I'm actually come kill him then you say you were cracks I am time cracks wait where is he I'm a nice person by the way I'm not toxic I'll never be toxic in a class okay good luck Recon good luck mate destroy you but I'm on High Ground I think yeah I am Hi how are you oh yo he's insane this default's correct what oh my God [Music] oh my God what there's no way rages died to defaults what are you doing Roblox cracks and he's cracked at fortnite my guy I'm insane you weren't lying man you weren't lying now you gotta go up against the purple School Trooper don't you think uh Jake should go next but like I want the attention that I deserve but like yeah okay yeah all right whatever you could go up against the purple School Trooper it's fine I remember I think I can win this come on recon I actually want you to win recall I want you to get into this car with me I got this bro come on I believe in you mate come on okay Avenger Got The High Ground let's go kill him kill him oh my God no no oh my goodness bro how do I you guys who it is oh how are you that bad bro you really died against Avenger bro well I'm not even bad bro I'm an OG Recon expert bro no you're actually period bro oh my God you know I rip it into him take the hell bro get out of here one day bro I'm gonna go and I'm gonna be way better than all of you guys you guys need to cheat on them trust me who am I fighting now you're going up with his purple School Trooper listen Jake I don't actually know you as a person but right now yeah I'm doing it for you because he's not trying to be toxic [Applause] [Music] [Music] I want to see if you guys can how fast you guys can edit cones so come over here put a cone down yeah you can go first bro I'll let you go first I actually practice this a lot so this should be kind of easy all right let's see it oh my God what is that Jake bro that's good trust me don't let him get it I'm actually doing good bro that's actually sad can't eat them why don't you do a comb why don't you show us how it's done okay I bet I'll show you I'll show you they keep on making fun of me let me see your edits look at this dude why is that I literally edited way faster than that no you were so much slower bro all right default you go let's see if you can do any better all right listen Kana since you edited Faster Than Jake you're gonna have to 1v1 me now I reckon I've got you I'm not gonna lie I'm confident right now your own clan members who's gonna win honestly you have a close shot but uh the leader is definitely gonna win our leader is definitely gonna beat you bro to be fat you gotta bat Your Leader I think D4 is going to beat this Black Knight bro let's go bro this is the biggest 1v1 in my career right now okay I got The High Ground boom little time bam oh my God he's insane what is C4 yo he just hit me for so much damage but defaults are high ground bro what the heck oh my god oh no way at least you just shot Spider-Man midair well there's no way I'm about to lose for default no way oh if you lose to a default if you lose the default your own clan members they're gonna be questioning you if you're a cloud leader and you can't live up to the height I swear this guy's one HP [Music] let's go to the default the default's got to be cracked bro good job bro good job good job bro see like your own clan members they know about me they know about me look look at this look at this I'm disappointed in you bro everyone Flex everyone Flex let's go I can do that too shut up man who's better me or him come over here if I'm better stand over there if he's better no no I lost the 1B ones right you're better at 1v1's all a minute okay but I bet you can't beat us in 2v2 box fights well I don't even know this guy and you want me to play with him but yeah we don't have chemistry we gotta see how y'all do who's it gonna be me and him versus you and what you two yeah how is your own Clan leaving you out bro like what what is going on I don't know I'm kind of sad but it's okay come on Jake's me you bro we got this trust me I never played with you in my life bro yo get up get up come let's go we're gonna win this together oh my God this kid is right here I'm coming I'm moving I'm with you yeah I'm sorry I let you down man you're my teammate right now I'm trying to get you into this clam with me all right it's good bro like you have a good reputation on you but we're gonna do this bro if we win would you let him into the club yeah okay oh we got this rock I'm gonna get you into the sky nowhere no oh God I literally gotta put one HP trust I'm gonna try to pickaxe bro he's trash you don't even know my HP no come on come back season come back season boy a problem I'm on the Dark Knight no he just killing me bro me against the skull Trooper okay there's no way he's white I'm just gonna die I'm chilling I'm cheating Avenger he'll eat the fish eat the fish I got him I got him oh my God bro the defaults crack yes sir all right you're actually carrying me bro I might actually join the clan what I'm spraying no no no it's three one me one two three there we go we're the best no I'm not gonna lie Jake right then I turned into a potato oh it's still winning bro we got this bro I'm ain't biting him oh right now no he's in my box actually no way she's embarrassing for his own Clan he's getting pickaxe in front of his players like what oh my God I need to clutch up no oh we got this oh he got me he got me good one more round man come on I want to see you get a kill I want to see you get killed I run try my best bro oh my God I didn't know he was carrying him wait come on let's get him let's get him let's go get him let's move him let's go let's make a fire free we've actually won Carlo you're in the clano Kano you're in the can you're cracked okay you carried hero Jake in the box fights I'm not gonna lie dude I didn't I don't even think you got a single kill dude wait so I'm not in the clan not at the moment you I'll give you one more chance you said if we win he's in the clan so like let him in the clan no I don't want someone trash in the clan unless he can prove himself so how am I supposed to prove myself right we're gonna go into the Zone Wars You're Gonna Wanna be one of my boy charves in zone Wars he's the best Zone more player in the clan bro I'm literally cracked he's more cracked than Justin bro you cannot beat him now you got his bro trust me like I don't know why y'all let you in the clan but you got this man I got this Rockets well I'm spectating shops yes sir the best player in the clan I was in The High Ground [Music] 100. let's go ahead oh oh my God bro you got destroyed pick up your game jit you need to get into this clan oh what big damage sir what oh I'm weak bro [Music] oh my God it didn't place no need to shout well it's one-on-one bro what the heck okay Jake okay Jake oh foreign [Music] [Music] you gotta hit him at least bro it's in the box oh Charles you won GG let's go hero Jake you lost against my boy charge so that means you you're not in the clan man I'm sorry to tell you bro like I just wanted to join this clan bro like you know it's crazy bro I don't even want to enjoy your clan bro I never even wanted to join this trash plan but I'm better than all of you guys in this Lobby bro wait you want to hear a secret I actually have my own Clan right and hero Jake is a co-leader yo there's no way we actually try to view a cloud oh my God you didn't even know we were actually friends I'm not I got one thing to say to your clan members right now if you want to actually join my clan and leave his clan because obviously I'm the better player over here if you're joining that's that's illegal you can't do that I just took it all look at him they all want to play for me they don't want to play for you if you enjoyed that video then make sure to click the video on screen right now
Channel: Renju
Views: 797,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite item shop, fortnite tiktok clan, renju, tiktok clans, exposing fortnite, trolling tiktok clans, exposing stats, trolling streamer, exposing peoples stats on fortnite, tiktok clan
Id: NK4Oo8nZWrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 9sec (3669 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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