Exposing the Works of the Devil | Jeremiah Johnson

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[Music] let's take a look at the global pandemic numbers now stay away from crowds stay home as much as you can the cdc has confirmed this is the first case in the country houses of worship essential [Laughter] [Music] remnant is rising god is looking for a remnant in america who's going to build arts of his presence all over america your family might think you're crazy your friends might have never heard of that revelation before but god is looking for an obedient people [Music] welcome to the watchmen's corner this is your host jeremiah johnson i'm excited today to bring to you a message broadcast live from around our nation you know in the midst of covet 19 god is seeking a radical remnant calling us to the front lines of the battle i know that you'll be blessed by today's message and i encourage you to hang in there after this message for a special time of prayer check it out well i told the lord if i was staying that this better be good i'm going to take that 6 a.m out tomorrow and take to sleep on the plane we were up in phoenix at prepare the way international saturday night this morning and i was actually supposed to be in california and we have been really pioneering i felt a strong assignment to california and the lord warned me in a dream not to go to california and that he was reassigning me to california or excuse me reassigning me to arizona and so i'm now beginning to press into the lord why arizona and i've just been having a lot of dreams about caravans coming from the west and god making arizona an oasis and the lord said to me that the prophet's graveyard the tomb arizona will become the intercessor's womb and i i would be all in on many of these intercessory worship meetings where there's no famous speaker i would really really encourage the body in arizona that there's so much to grab hold of in the place of intercession and prayer as god begins to birth something new in arizona so it's good to be with you all tonight i wanted to share my journey during this coveted 19 era i don't know what it is about this house but this is a safe place if you've been around patricia for any amount of time there's no need to play games there's no need to throw up walls she's going to love you back to yourself anyways so just be yourself and any time i've come here i just feel grace just to be me and to dial it down just a little bit if you will and just share the journey when i was here earlier this year i just began to share the journey knowing that part of my journey is your journey and if my journey tonight is not your journey praise god but i'm going to believe that something in it we can all learn from so let's go to the lord in prayer and just ask him for a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of who jesus is father of lights father of glory we ask that you would release a spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of who you are god we ask that you would enlighten our hearts or let your light shine in the places of our lives lord that you want to grow lord i thank you for the different callings the different assignments lord let this not be a house where things are mimicked and copied lord let there be authentic original lord i just speak over this house that many will come and find their place and find their lane and the lord says that this will be a house where a table will be set and there will be room for many sons and daughters many revelations many messengers many mysteries no need to copy or mimic just be you so lord i even pray tonight lord that you would just release a grace a comfortability lord of being who you've created us to be in jesus name amen if you have in your bibles would you turn to daniel chapter 7. in the month of february i found myself flying back from a conference in canada called battle for canada and we were actually coming through washington headed back to florida and i remember sitting in the airport i just you know forgive me if you're from there but any time i'm there i literally just sense i have to pray in the holy ghost the entire time because the oppression is just so strong again i'm sorry if that offends you but anytime i'm in washington oregon any of that area we're up in a place called yakima but there was just an intense oppression and at the end of february as we're flying back the lord whispers something in my spirit and the whisper said this crisis will create the correct climate for the end time church to emerge in the earth many times when god whispers something in your spirit and you don't have a a place for it i want to encourage you don't let it fall to the ground so many dreams so many visions so many revelations it doesn't feel like it fits in that particular season but god is actually seeding destiny in your life and he wants to know will you be a good steward of the seed that is sowing in you in that moment crisis will create the correct climate for the end time church to emerge in the earth i'm just hearing that in the the end of february having no grid for it well it would only be a couple of weeks till this thing called coven 19 makes an appearance and all of a sudden we're introduced in the nations of the earth to this thing called coronavirus a crisis that is shaking the world and i went back to the lord and i said okay crisis is creating the correct climate so just like there's different climates where certain plants and trees can only grow in those particular climates i'm actually back in march recognizing that for me in my life it was not the time to shut down it was actually the time to hit an accelerator and so again i want to preface this because i know many of us and there's no condemnation it's probably what god told you to do most of the people that i knew in ministry february march april may everything was shut down everybody went into a period of rest everybody went into a period of media all of those things amen i bless that you do what god tells you to do but for me in that period i began to say lord there's a climate that is taking place in the earth where actually it's ripe for an end time army to emerge in the earth and so god began to call on me i was then headed to australia in march to an apostolic conference and it obviously ended up getting shut down and i had prepared a series of messages for that conference called geared for emergency where i was convinced that god was creating a climate in the earth that people were going to be able to respond in the midst of covet 19 like they couldn't i was convinced that many who had sat in church their entire life going through the motions all of a sudden when crisis struck the earth they would actually feel more alive more called during covet 19 than any other time in history and so in march i begin to hold revival meetings nightly revival meetings i remember having church in march feeling like i was literally committing adultery on my wife do you remember back then or is that still happening where it's like you would have never thought you would have been so persecuted for having church like how dare you open up your building to have church because of a virus have you guys felt that condemnation that shame that that hate that many even in the church have tried to throw on you because you don't want to give in to fear but i literally remember in march it was like the worst possible sin you could have ever committed was opening up your church doors we called the conference arise and shine and god said to me what's happening in the earth right now is called silence of the lambs but i'm looking for some roaring lions [Applause] [Music] i know this is so different trust me i have felt like the supreme weirdo in 2020 everybody's resting everybody's recharging i have done more ministry more meetings more miracles more power in 2020 than the last 10 years of ministry [Music] and that's not a shot at anyone hear me again i believe part of why i'm sharing my journey is to help us to understand god might be saying to the person next to you sit down but he might be saying to you stand up there might be seasons in our lives where if we're not careful and we go along with the current and what everybody else is doing we might actually be missing god the lord began to talk to me out of isaiah that passage arise and shine and the lord said to me the increase of darkness in a nation is actually a prophetic sign that now is the time to arise and shine not run and hide the increase of darkness in a nation is actually a prophetic sign now is the time to get on the front lines rather than take a back seat this has been more than a pandemic this has been a porn democ [Music] how many people over the last four to five months have checked out barna saying last week one in three christians in america is no longer live streaming they're no longer attending in person folks there has been a massive exposure in america concerning where christians are really at in their faith finally all of a sudden the busyness of our lives was shut down and we actually in marriages had to decide are we roommates or are we actually in love because we couldn't go to church anymore fathers got called to the carpet do you actually know how to disciple your kids or is that youth pastor's job i'm here to declare to you over the last four to six months in america there has been a tremendous window a season of divine opportunity that we might not ever get back how'd you do or what if it's just simply a preview of what's to come what if we're actually in a season of divine reset find in the old testament that any time the building of the temple was delayed it was suspended it got off course god would raise up prophets like haggai and zachariah and they would begin to prophesy and stir up the spirit of zerubbabel in the land i'm telling you that the work of the lord in many nations during the coven 19 era has been suspended it has been delayed we have gotten off course and god right now is raising up prophets under the anointing of haggai and zachariah they are going to begin to prophesy that a new era is coming to the earth they are going to stir up the apostles the pioneers the reformers the spirit of zerubbabel is being stirred up in the land god is dealing with our religious traditions he is dealing with our business as usual mentality in the church god is assembling an end-time army and he wants you in it come on if you've got a fire in your belly tonight just shout amen [Applause] there's an alarm that's being sounded in our nation now is not the time to check out now is the time to check in i'm telling you the lions are going to roar and the eagles are going to soar [Applause] and here we are in the year of the mouth and you got to hang with me tonight because i'm not about to bash mask wearing but i'm going to tell you that there is absolutely no coincidence that in the year of the mouth symbolically we have masks over knee over our mouth it is if the devil is saying i'm coming to shut you up i'm coming to silence you i'm gonna allow the devil to rage in this nation meanwhile the church just sits on the sidelines it is astounding to me in this nation how loud the devil is raging meanwhile the church is remaining silent it's like goliath the philistine giant he's intimidating the armies of israel saul in the religious system are quaking in their boots because they don't have an answer and god is looking for an army of davids whether you're 80 or you're eight years old who are going to come to the battle lines who are going to arise and shine who aren't going to run away from a battle but they're going to run straight toward the battle and cut off the giant's head this philistine is raging in the nation he's shouting from abortion clinics and liquor stores i'm essential and you're not the church is being mocked the body of christ is being taunted and we're silent you remember back early on we had that you know wisdom like oh brother this is an attack on the church just settle down remember that we tried to justify the oppression we tried to justify the fear oh brother this is just what we have to do and then mr newsome in california begins to target churches and we begin to see governors and things folks if you don't think this is a spiritual issue i dare say you haven't been awake in 2020. this is a diabolical this is a coordinated attack on the ekklesia and god is about to again stir up the prophets under the anointing of haggai and zachariah we're going to see prophets they're not here to stroke you they're here to provoke you there's a gift of provocation that steve hill and leonard ravenhill and david wilkerson carried in the body that we so desperately need now in the body of christ who's ever changed diapers i'm all for changing diapers when they're a baby because i truly believe that people that just get born again they need comfort they need nourishment they need coddling but you know what it's nasty when you have to change a 50 year old's diaper [Music] it's happening in so much of the church is we've been saved for years and we still want to be coddled god is going to release sharp messengers that are going to sound the alarm that are going to blow the trumpet and they're not angry they're not angry at anyone but their read on what's happening is different they're reading the increase of darkness and their interpretation is sound the alarm let's go to war they're they're not increase of darkness hide in the church and pray for the rapture saints i'm telling you in a generation looking to go up god is saying grow up it's time for the body of christ to mature to begin to be mantled as warriors on the front line i believe that we are living in the greatest generation that the world has ever known now is the time to arise and shine i have been traveling all over the united states the entire year i'm just gonna tell you the spirit of fear is more tangible in arizona than any any state i've been in i've been in 20 states this year i'm telling you there's a tangible spirit of fear in the atmosphere in arizona god is looking for a remnant that's going to confront the spirit of fear that's going to walk in power and love and a sound mind come on if you've got that fire just shout amen [Applause] i've got three points tonight i'll get an a for hermeneutics homiletics my professor would have been happy are you ready number one the devil is raging number two the remnant is rising and number three jesus is returning the devil is raging the remnant is rising and jesus is returning in daniel chapter 7 he has this vision of demonic beasts he's in a prophetic encounter he's beholding them and he's terrified i believe that there are so many in the nations they're they're getting hit with the oppression and the depression and the weight of the elections and what's at stake and i i believe for so many of us the word of the lord to you is daniel 7 9 i kept looking i want to say to a generation of prophets and intercessors and saints who are stuck on the devil is raging and how much the the darkness is increasing keep looking keep looking because who's coming is jesus christ i kept looking until thrones were set up and the ancient of days took his seat his vesture was like white snow in his hair of his head like pure wool and it begins to describe this and then in verse 13 the son of man is presented but it all culminates in daniel 7 25 this is literally my verse for 2020. it describes what's happening and he will speak out against the most high i said that the devil is raging in this nation anybody heard a netflix lately i mean thank god some christians finally got riled up we're long past the days where the devil is trying to hide out he's trying to be secret folks there is a rampant unapologetic in your face confrontation where the remnant the ecclesia is being oppressed by the rage of the devil it's in your face and what it seeks to do it says that he will speak out against the most high why to wear down the saints there is a weariness there is a spirit of fear there is a timidity that is resting upon the people of god that must be broken off we have got to break agreement with the spirit of fear we have got to get more familiar with the throne room than fox news and cnn it does not say who has stood in the council of the republican or the democratic party it says who has stood in the counsel of the lord that they might hear and heed and declare my word we've got to have a generation of prophetic voices that are spending time in the throne room they're going to expose the demonic plots of the evil one but they're going to call on the people of god to arise and shine and he will intend to make alterations in times and in the law any laws trying to be changed in america trying to lower the age in california i know we have some young ones here want to be careful he's raging he's screaming he's yelling when will the church find her voice again folks i have been astounded how easily we have bowed down to this agenda i have been walking around preaching in this nation saying lord where are the davids i don't care if they're eight or they're eighty where are the ones who know who their god is because that's the key in daniel chapter 12 it talks about they who know the lord will find strength in him it is the knowledge of god being connected to our warrior bridegroom king that is unafraid he is not pacing the halls of heaven worried or concerned about the demonic strategies of the evil one he sits in the heavens and he laughs but when you begin to operate in this opposite spirit people think you're nuts have you ever walked into a room full of fear and you're full of faith have you ever been convinced that god is saying come up to the front lines and everybody else is saying it's time for vacation remember david was supposed to be at war and he decides to take a little vacation and bathsheba comes knocking on the door folks i'm telling you in this quarantine coveted 19 season when i believe god is calling many of us to war he's calling many of us to battle be careful that you're not vegging out on movies and netflix god said to me in the time of silence i'm calling forth a remnant to engage in spiritual violence this the time of silence this coven 19 and listen spiritual violence do it in your home do it in your i'm not going to argue with you about house to house or in a building like this or mask or no mass i don't care what you want to do but now is the time for wholehearted abandonment and obedience to the jesus christ whatever that he's asking you to do in this season i want to release you to run after him with all of your heart how many of you believe the church is essential five of you [Music] how many of you believe jesus is essential how many of you believe that god hears the cries of more than 60 million babies being murdered in this nation folks it's not okay that churches are shut down in abortion clinics and liquor stores are open there's something that should begin to stir on the inside of us a holy frustration a tension that god is releasing he's inviting us saying the crisis is the correct climate for the end time church to emerge we continue to have meetings in lakeland in march april and may my friend daniel kolenda and tracy cook we begin to have nightly meetings more than 20 000 people came through our doors signs wonders miracles salvations again it was like another world and i get to may and in may of this year i'm pacing the floors of my house i was sleeping about three hours a night under the burden of god there must be an army we have to we're down on the ropes like boxing and i believe god was saying i'm going to raise up an army to answer the call and on the night of may 30th i want to read this encounter that i had now i realize this encounter might throw your theology off in 2015 i was in canada and it was my first wrestle with a demonic principality for me since i have been young when i enter into a certain region or territory usually there are principalities and powers that will try to confront me oftentimes just like happens last night i preached in phoenix on a friday or excuse me on a saturday i went to sleep last night and got about two hours of sleep wrestling a principality over phoenix but in this encounter in may of 2015 the principality actually appeared in my room it was as real as patricia is to me now in canada i battled a principality called ishmael it was a a battle that raged concerning the desire for isaac to rise in canada it's a whole story but on may 30th as i was pacing my floor a demonic entity appeared in my house what happened before that is i was praying in a certain tongue i don't know what your theology is concerning praying in the holy ghost but for me there's a difference when i'm praying in the holy ghost and there's a warfare tongue that comes upon me where it's a different kind of praying and for two minutes i began to pray in this different kind of language and all of a sudden this principality appeared in my house and i began to have a conversation with this principality and power i wrote it down here just so that i don't leave out any of the details this demonic entity had a visible and deep scar underneath its right eye but it also had the ability to mutate or rather change forms i watched this being morph several times right in front of my eyes yet the gash below its right eye remained it pointed its finger at me and said i exist to deceive the whole world just as there are forerunners in the kingdom of god that go before the son of man so i am a forerunning spirit in the kingdom of darkness that has been set before the coming of the man of lawlessness i admit to you that over the last 10 years i have given myself to raise up for runner messengers to prepare the way of jesus christ but never had i considered that there is another army that the devil is raising up there are demonic forerunner spirits in the earth that are actually preparing the way for the man of lawlessness they might actually be on the streets right now there might actually be an antichrist lawless agenda that's being worked out on the streets of america god is raising up an end time army but don't be deceived into thinking satan isn't trying to raise up his army too it continued the scar underneath my right eye has come at the hands of the praying church for many of them in this hour have begun to detect our true plans and purposes to disrupt systems to divert attention and release chaos i would encourage you to write those three things down because part of the nature of god is to reveal the strategies of the devil so that when we assemble for war we actually know how to defeat the liar and the deceiver this entity said to me i have come especially in america with three primary assignments to disrupt systems to divert attention and to release chaos i'm telling you that covet 19 is a trojan horse in america this is not about a virus the virus has come to divert our attention away from the true demonic ideologies that are raging in this nation at this point in the encounter the hair in my body was standing straight up as i had never been told anything like this at length by a demonic spirit suddenly all i can describe is an authority and the mind of christ came upon me and i pointed my finger at this devil and said who is the source behind your power and your influence it began to laugh hysterically a sound that still taunts and haunts me and with great rage it said the media look at your neighbor and say wake up folks there's a war raging in this nation there's a war raging in this nation sermonettes produce christianettes i'm telling you this entertainment coming to church drive-thru model has left us infantile and ill-equipped to face the devil and disarm his strategies there's too much sons of skiva going on trying to take down the devil and his powers we don't really possess the authority that god has called us to but hallelujah a remnant is rising folks i'm going to get there just bear with me i know this is the difficult part have you any of you felt some of this this year because it's like people are walking around and they're frustrated they're angry us prophetic folks we're feelers you know we're trying to like what what is happening is is this is it just covered 19 no what if it's a trojan horse what if it's just a drops and out of the back comes all this demonic activity that actually has assignments that need to be confronted by you and i set its power and influences from the media i fixed my gaze upon it and said you devil that has come to deceive the whole world through the media and is being exposed right now i command you in the name of jesus christ to reveal your agenda with a sneer it began to manifest a foul spirit in my house the first wave i smelled was fear i saw the coronavirus spreading across the whole world and the spirit of fear attached to it the second wave of stench the demon manifested was hate and i saw the cities on fire and racism escalating the third wave that came was greed and it was the strongest of all the smells in that moment by way of holy spirit revelation i understood that what we're witnessing in 2020 beyond a virus beyond racism and police brutality is a diabolical and sinister agenda called greed a wave of fear has hit through the virus a wave of anger through the riots but the real culprit is greed in other words the world is being held hostage by demonic forces preparing the way for the man of lawlessness there is so much deception being spread through the media that now we must understand that what we are seeing and hearing on the news is a simple diversion from the truth i'm telling you right now by the spirit of god that what is happening in our world today has surpassed a virus racism police brutality and the sooner we recognize what's actually going on the better for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see we must now begin to target our prayers on the spirit of greed the finances behind the virus the finances behind the rioting and looting the finances being taken to take down the virus excuse me the president the finances behind the vaccines millions are being sold a false report the african-american race and their justified pain is being preyed on by an agenda filled with greed the agenda behind the virus and hopes to vaccinate is dominated by greed are you praying are we effectively praying or are we just saying in the name of jesus help god is revealing demonic strategies so that you and i can gain victory in prayer god loves to expose the works of the devil so that you and i can wake up and recognize that our wrestle is not against flesh and blood how much wrestling against flesh and blood is going on in the church we are warring against one another we are fighting about mask and no mask we are shaming and condemning people for meeting in their house or meeting excuse me in their church building god is sounding the alarm in this nation saying hey stop fighting with your brother and sister in christ begin to recognize the devil is raging and why is it that antifa and blm can unify better than the church this is what lance wall now is sounding an alarm right now lance wall now is telling the body it's incredible how much how easy rather that organizations in the world can lay down their agenda and get together for a cause but the church we can't lay down our agenda for the cause of christ and there's mass division i remember after this encounter there was a police officer that was shot in the face in las vegas and they captured the man who did it and he had a gash underneath his right eye i want you just to close your eyes for a minute if you have a prayer language would you begin to pray we need to go deeper tonight in this message but we need to activate our spiritual senses wake us up god apathy and lethargy go spirit of fear we command you to leave our lives now in the name of jesus come on just 30 more seconds an alarm is being sounded in this nation it's time to wake up come on get delivered of fox news get delivered of cnn we need divine intelligence in this nation we need prophets who ascend to the throne room and declare the mysteries of god to a [Music] generation is okay with church attendance he's okay with nominal christians awaken your people oh god to the deception that's at hand god we ask that you would sound an alarm in the ekklesia that we begin to assemble lord we say let the eagles soar let the prophets prophesy and let the lions the apostles roar god we're asking that you would mobilize an army in this nation [Music] is 30 more seconds come on folks we're sewing into eternity we're waking up our spiritual senses we're hitting delete on the false media [Music] [Music] she [Music] come on what if antifa is part of the lawless army what if we're seeing lawlessness rampant on the streets what if it's all part of this agenda funded by greed he's foreign [Music] come on jesus disarm the principalities and powers and made a public spectacle of them he triumphed over them through the cross when the enemy comes in like a flood god will raise up a standard against him come on we don't have to be victims we don't have to be sidelined hallelujah look at your neighbor and say wake up is it okay to hate the devil [Applause] [Music] like i know it's okay to love jesus with all that i have but can i encourage you to hate the devil with all that you have he's a liar he's a deceiver he's a conniver he's a twister it's like a twisting people into a pretzel you don't know what to think we don't know what to believe i've got prophets all the time come to me a word from the lord for our nation i kid you not my first question how much of the news have you been watching i don't believe you have the word of the lord for our nation when you're spending 10 hours a day on social media when you know more about tucker carlson and laura ingram i don't believe you have the word of the lord the lying media not all media we love media it's for the good it can be used for the gospel thank god but the lying media could be the most anointed false prophet in the earth the lying media could be the most anointed false prophet in the earth and when you give your ear to the lying deceiving cannot you submit your spirit underneath that junk again it's not who has stood in the council of fox news who has stood in the council of cnn republican democrat it's time to ascend to the throne room of god and get mantled with the authority of christ to destroy the works of the devil folks i know i'm emphasizing right now that the devil is raging but i'm telling you god is raising up a remnant army there is a remnant that is rising in america that are bold they are courageous they're full of love and compassion but they are more awake i'm telling you i even believe a lot of the rioting is a counterfeit for the reformers that god is trying to release we've got people protesting we've got people listen to church it's a hack it's a counterfeit this is the hour for the body of christ to arise so then in july that was may i start sounding the alarm and god says to me in may this was actually recorded on day star television the lord says to me fear hate and greed but greed is going to need a greater platform in the earth to fully manifest and i prophesied on day star television look to the nfl look to the nba they have the visibility for this demonic agenda of greed to fully manifest in the earth well what do you know fast forward right now folks the nba the nfl so much of what's happening behind the scenes they are literally funding lawlessness in this nation there's a spirit of rebellion that's behind what they're doing that must be confronted but in july i have this dream of lady liberty almost under water 7 8 20. in my dream last night i found myself on a concrete platform directly underneath the face of lady liberty in new york i knew the rest of her body was under water because i was on an elevated place and the flood waters had risen all around me however i felt strangely safe and secure directly underneath her face as i looked at the waves and the water all around me i saw hundreds of arcs like noah's arks floating in the water each ark had the remnant painted on their sides and were flying two flags one was an american flag and the other was an appeal to heaven flag i started shouting in the dream to those on the boats there is a two-part warning and encouragement for all those that have eyes to see and ears to hear the first is a warning to america lady liberty is up to her neck and the flood waters of destruction that represent tyranny anarchy and a demonic agenda that seeks to destroy the freedoms that this great nation was founded upon if you do not rise up in this hour your religious liberties will be taken away far sooner than you ever imagined as i shouted this there was an ear piercing alarm that went off all over america that specifically shook california i continued the second part is a word of encouragement lady liberty is not under water yet and the fire in her right hand has not gone out there is a mighty end-time revival that is coming to a remnant in america who will not live in fear and who will speak up at all costs i believe that god is raising up arks of his presence all over the earth there are going to be house to house gatherings they're going to be gatherings of believers remnant rising believers who are going to look out at the demonic swirl around them and are going to keep looking they're going to lock eyes with the son of man who's going to mantle them with the spirit of might folks we need a spirit of might to come back to the church we need a backbone in the church we need some tough love in the church we need some folks on the front lines who will confront the demonic agenda in the education system we need some parents to rise up and say to the devil you can't have my children even if i have to homeschool them even if we have to simplify our lifestyle i refuse to sacrifice my child in this nation on the altar of baal come on if you're awake tonight shout amen [Applause] two nights later after the dream this is all documented you can look it up online lightning strikes lady liberty in new york you might remember this lightning struck lady liberty and a church in queens called spirit and truth was set on fire the new york post ran a headline that read lightning strait strikes lady liberty and the church is on fire the answer for a compromised world is a burning church the world is looking for courage the world is looking for those who know the answer where does your help come from the lord is looking for people who are trying to do more than just hold on and we'll get to next year and it'll all be over folks we're in birth pangs what if coveted 19 is just a preview of what's to come i've noticed during this period of time that many people don't even have a theology for any of this because we've been telling people for so long it's only going to get better i had probably one of the largest prosperity gospel preachers in america reach out to me and literally say my gospel doesn't work during covet 19. come to jesus and you'll never have another problem what a lie come to jesus and you'll never have a problem no we need a generation ready to persevere in the mundane if we can't run with the horses how will we race with the chariots i sense that this is the hour for the remnant to rise and stop worrying about the fire that you're called to carry how it will offend and what will your friends and what will your your family think of if you really step into this divine calling what if you become a david what if you become one of those who hears the taunts of the philistine in this nation and rather than run away you run toward the battle what if your yes becomes an anthem to the world around you that gives them hope for a better tomorrow folks the world needs hope they need a lot of stuff how we doing are we okay we read in daniel 7 25 the devil will speak out against the most high it's the psalm 2 why do the rulers plot against the lord and his anointed seeking to wear down the church god wants to release supernatural strength supernatural courage if you came in here weary sick and tired you're not going to walk out the same but it says in daniel 27 then the sovereignty the dominion and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the highest one his kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom and all the dominions will serve and obey look at your neighbor and say we win look at somebody else and say we win as satan rages in the world around us and the remnant rises to extend the borders of god's kingdom across the earth what is god's response to the chaos confusion psalm 2 4 he who sits in the heavens laughs the lord scoffs at them matthew 16 18 jesus said i will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it revelation 19 11 then i saw heaven opened and a white horse was standing there its writer was named faithful and true for he judges fairly and wages a righteous war his eyes are like flames of fire and upon his head were many crowns a name was written on on him that no one understands except himself he wore a robe dripped in blood and his title was the word of god the armies of heaven dressed in the finest of pure white linen followed him on white horses from his mouth came a sharp sword to strike down the nations he will rule them with an iron rod this is not god 50 percent in the devil 50 percent do not carry an unbiblical theology that this is some kind of fair tug of war between god and the devil colossians 2 jesus made a public spectacle of the devil he disarmed principalities and powers you and i have been mantled as kingdom enforcers stop asking god to come that's why you're there there are enough remnant believers in america that if we would stop fighting one another and focus our efforts on the real enemy we would get significant victory in this nation we're 60 days less than 60 days away from an election if you think this is about donald trump juris versus joe biden you're nuts if you think this is about democrat and republican you're way off i mean i literally i i dare say that god is just as displeased with all the trump worshipers it's quiet in here i'm not democrat i'm not republican i'm not trump i'm not biden i'm bible values like i'm voting the word of god the word of god is what is called to prevail in this nation saints i want to encourage you as we leave tonight it's time to gird up your loins whether you want to fight or not the battle's raging that's where we're at right now in this nation whether you want to fight the war or not it's raging in this nation and it's closest to those that you love if you don't want to guide your children in the fear and admonition of the lord the devil and his world system will steal them away we've consumed more netflix hulu more video games we've consumed so much of this junk over the last couple of months that i believe tonight is an opportunity to break ties with the junk food now is the time to break ties with the lethargy and apathy and say god mantle me for revival would you just bow your heads with me i believe that god wants to set many of us on fire tonight the righteous are as bold as lions god has not given us a spirit of fear but love power in a sound mind love speaks the truth love confronts if you have a prayer language would you begin to pray in the holy spirit i believe that chains are going to break tonight i believe that we need some groaning and some travail what do you think of your kids i want you to think of your marriage i want you to think of your loved ones devil you can go this far but you're not coming any further [Music] we're gonna issue a restraining order in the spirit we're gonna evict the devil there's a squatting spirit in your marriage and in your family that's gotta go come on you can do it greater is he that lives in you than he that lives in the world if i'm being more influenced by the news and the media i'm repenting right now and i'm committing to get back to the secret place [Music] come on there's power in the name of jesus there's power in the name of jesus let's begin to engage in the battle over arizona let's begin to engage in the battle for america sound the alarm oh god blow a trumpet in america assemble the elders and the people [Music] wake us up god release a holy confrontation in the spirit [Music] warriors need war it's time for fathers to rise it's time for mothers to rise it's time for grandma and grandpa to rise it's time to come back to the [Music] post just two more minutes folks we need a breakthrough tonight i don't want to leave here without a breakthrough tonight we have to punch through the darkness we have to pierce through the haze [Music] oh let the light shine let your light shine in this nation let every deed of darkness be exposed let the spirit of pharmakia be exposed in this nation warriors arise warriors to the front lines warriors to the front lines get off the bench dad and get in the game [Music] it's time to check in it's time to check in god's calling your name tonight god's raising up an end time army and he wants you in it [Music] come on the weapons of our warfare are not carnal they're mighty for the tearing down of strongholds that anything that exalts itself against the knowledge of god come on take captive every thought and make it obedient to the lordship of jesus christ we're an army dressed for battle we're an army dressed for battle it's time to cut off some giants heads it's time to eat them like bread come on i feel something is shifting in the atmosphere answer the bell an alarm is sounding wake up it's for your protection it's because god loves you he's sounding the alarm it's because he loves you he's sounding an alarm it's because he wants to protect you it's time to wake up the american dream is over there's the god dream for this nation it's called revival it's called glory it's called outpouring it's called a third grade awakening don't miss the hour that's upon us god raise up the battering rams god raise up the pioneers raise up the apostles and the prophets god raise up the fiery evangelists god raise up the worship leaders that will sing songs from the throne room of god [Music] god releases spirit of sobriety sober us up lord folks i'm on a 30-day social media fast right now some of us literally you need to get off media drunk on media it's time to get drunk on the knowledge of god it's time to get mantled with boldness and courage it's time to get divine intelligence the authority of jesus christ there's grace for distraction tonight there's grace for lethargy tonight i know it's just easy to check out and play house but there's an a war that's raging in this nation brother were you bang those drums [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on we need a breakthrough tonight [Applause] [Music] is there not a cause in the land [Music] it's time to put on that armor it's time to put on that armor [Music] church of jesus christ we command you to wake up [Applause] [Music] let the acclacia in america arise [Music] come on it's time to take your marriage back it's time to get your kids back [Music] it's time to take dominion and authority in jesus name [Music] we're gonna shout jesus on the count of three how many of you know there's power in the name of jesus to break every chain [Music] i want all of arizona to hear the name of jesus one two three come on one more time i want you to shout for your family i want you to shout for your marriage i want you to shout for this nation jesus one two three [Applause] god's giving the church her voice again i want to thank you so much for joining us today on the watchmen's corner i pray that the message that just went forth was a blessing to you that you were strengthened and encouraged we're going to go into a time of prayer but before we do that i want to ask you to consider sowing into the watchmen's corner television program the ministry of jeremiah johnson ministries we are impacting lives on a daily basis we're witnessing salvation miracles and deliverance be the portion of this generation there's going to be a prompt that's going to pop up on your screen you can follow the directions be sure to check out our website jeremiahjohnson.tv let's pray now father we just thank you for this opportunity today to gather and hear what you're saying to the churches we lift up every need to you those that are sowing financially into the program god we just ask lord for greater blessing to be ours today in the name of jesus christ amen thank you so much for joining us in the watchmen's corner we'll see you next time bye-bye hey there it's jeremiah johnson and i have the privilege here today of having becky fisher with me founder of kids in ministry international if you've seen the movie jesus camp that launched in 2006 she was the lead role there was nominated for an oscar listen we're launching a brand new e-course called raising supernatural kids and we have such a powerful burden for grandparents and parents aunts and uncles that if ever there was a time in the earth where kids need to walk in supernatural power it's right now becky it is it's like we've got to get out of the traditional sunday school mindset and understand that we are actually to raise a generation to walk in the supernatural not when they become teenagers or young adults but we need to equip them now as boys and girls so when they grow up they're already experienced and flowing in their calls amen amen well listen there's practical tools there's prayer and impartation there's lessons to be learned we want to encourage you right now register today
Channel: The Altar Global
Views: 41,551
Rating: 4.8904495 out of 5
Keywords: Jeremiah, Johnson, Jeremiah Johnson, JJM, Ministries, Ministry, God, Jesus, Prophet, Prophecy, Author, Christianity, Christ, Jesus Christ, Church, Jeremiah Johnson Ministries
Id: MpGA4YjeX54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 36sec (5136 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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