Jesus Came to Destroy the Works of the Devil | Pastor Gregory Dickow

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well I want to welcome you to the power to change today and gang I believe in this program God is gonna do something you've only dreamed of you know in John chapter 10 verse 10 jesus said that the devil is a thief that comes to steal kill and destroy every one of us has experienced loss because of this thief you may have lost a job or some finances maybe you've lost a loved one maybe you've lost a home maybe you've lost a sense of purpose and maybe maybe you've lost a sense of peace in your life or your health well listen the devil has tried for too long to bring us and keep us under a curse of poverty and family problems and emotional problems and sickness and disease he wants us to remain in darkness he wants us to remain defeated he wants us paralyzed in our situation but the good news are actually the great news is Jesus came for this purpose to destroy the works of the devil Jesus came to not only destroy the works of the devil but to give you back everything that the devil stole everything that he broke everything that he's tried to destroy we don't have to live under life's circumstances any any more we don't have to live under the weather anymore under the yokes of the enemy not another day in our life today we're gonna learn how Jesus defeated the devil destroyed his works and gave us the keys to total victory in every area of our life watch this and find out how first John chapter three verse eight he that commits sin is of the devil he that commits sin is of the devil for the devil has sinned from the beginning but for this purpose the Son of God has appeared that he might destroy the works of the devil for this purpose the Son of God has appeared for this purpose the Son of God came for this purpose the Son of God showed up to destroy the works of the devil he came to do what and he came when around so he came to destroy the works of the devil and he came around two thousand years ago so guess what if we deductive reason through the deductively reason through this Jesus destroyed the works of the devil two thousand years ago Jesus destroyed the works of the devil Jesus destroyed the works of the devil and if I say something happened 2,000 years ago that Jesus did what was it he destroyed the works of the devil so if Jesus destroyed the works of the devil 2,000 years ago why are we still trying to fight the devil today why do we still think the devil has power today why do we think that the devil can influence our lives today why do we think that the devil can can scare us and can hurt our families and hurt our children and hurt our finances and and hurt our friends and our loved ones we think that because we forget we forget we forget and Peter spoke something very profoundly and I believe it was 2nd Peter chapter 1 he said I write these things to you not because we've never said them before but I write these things to you to put you in remembrance of what we already said to put you in remembrance writing these things so that you could remember so that you can remember so that you can remember I'm writing these things to remind you and I'm here today to speak to you to speak to you America to speak to the nations of the world I say to you that I know that it's half this happened 2,000 years ago and you might have heard it before but I say it by way of reminder to stir you up by way of remembrance so that you would realize you have the victory now you're not waiting to get the victory God's not going to give you the victory one day he already conquered the enemy he already defeated Satan he already whipped his tail he already took control of the devil's power and he said that he came to destroy the works of the devil and when he came he saw any conquered everybody said he came he saw and he conquered I wonder if there's anybody here that believes this today because if you believe it if you believe this things are going to change in your life if you believe this things are going to get better in your life so he came to destroy the works of the devil I want to talk to you for a moment about what are the works of the devil and then I want to share a few thoughts with you about how to walk in this victory but but before I do that let's make sure Jesus accomplished what he came to do are you with me still so are we sure that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil but how can we know we got to find it in the Bible right because the Word of God is the truth and if you look in John 17 let's look there for a moment do you mind going over a few scriptures with me or if I go over a few scriptures with you John 17 verse 4 Jesus is praying to the Father and he says I have glorified thee on the earth father I have finished the work which you have given me to do I've what finish the work that you've given me to do what did Jesus come to do to what destroy the works of the devil and what did he say he finished the work that the father gave him to do did the father tell Jesus to come to this earth and destroy the works of the devil and did Jesus do it did Jesus say he did it and if you go over to John since were in John go to chapter 19 John chapter 19 let's not forget what Jesus said here in verse 30 when Jesus therefore had received the vinegar he said it is what he said in chapter 17 I have finished the work that you've given me to do and then he said in John 19 verse 30 it is finished say that Jesus finished the work and it is finished he finished the work therefore it is finished and what was the work to destroy the works of the devil to destroy the works of the devil now what are the works of the devil let's talk a little bit about that some of the works of the devil well clearly sin is the work of the devil right and what are some of the other works of the devil look at look at with look with me to Acts chapter 10 Acts chapter 10 now let's look at verse 38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil for God was with him so Jesus came to heal all that were oppressed by the devil he came to heal so if he came to heal then sickness is one of the works of the devil right and oppression is one of the works of the devil right and Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil so he did he destroy the power of sin did he destroy the power of sickness did he destroy the power of oppression and what is oppression it's to remove from somebody here's the definition of oppression to remove from someone the power to control their own lives to remove from someone the power to control their own lives Satan had power to control you but when you got born again Satan lost his power to control your future you're in control of your future now now God is the one that spells out your future but you determine whether you're gonna walk in God's future for you or not by the by the choice to believe him or not believe him amen the choice to renew our minds or not to renew our minds that's our choice we have the right to choose that but the fact is is that Jesus destroyed the works of the devil which includes sin sickness oppression poverty he became poor that we through his poverty might be made rich he came to destroy condemnation he said woman who condemns you no one Lord neither do i condemn you the part of the works of the devil is to condemn us and Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil so he became to destroy the works of sin to destroy the works of oppression to destroy the works of sickness to destroy the works of poverty to destroy the works of condemnation I bet if you really believed that it put a smile on your face if you really believed that you'd go out of here and when you and you will believe that before we leave or we're not leaving you're gonna believe this before we leave and if you walk out of your believing that the works of the devil had been destroyed you're gonna walk out of here a happy man or a happy woman so why are you letting the devil push you around well doesn't the Bible say the devil is like a roaring lion he's powerful he's like a roaring lion seeking someone whom he may devour yes the Bible says he's like a roaring lion but it doesn't say he is a roaring he tries to pretend he's a roaring lion but he's all bark and no bite the devil would have to gum you to death because Jesus has knocked out all of his teeth he's got no sting he's got no power he's got no venom anymore it's been removed from him the sword has been taken out of his hand the keys of hell and death have been taken from his hand Jesus paid for those keys in Revelation chapter 1 verse 18 and 19 jesus said behold I hold the keys of hell and death and the devil used to have them but I've got them now glory to God Jesus has authority and here's how it works folks here's how it works God gave Adam and Eve authority in this earth he gave Adam and Eve power then Adam and Eve bowed their knee to the devil and believed a lie and by doing so they gave the they gave the authority to the devil and so the devil had power and authority in this earth until Jesus came and when Jesus came he paid the price for what Adam and Eve did wrong Adam and Eve sin was paid for and by doing that by paying for that sin Jesus legally took the authority back from the devil but then he stood up and said in Matthew chapter 28 behold all Authority has been given to me in heaven and in earth and he said therefore I tell you go now into all the world and make disciples go and lay hands on the sick and they'll recover go and cast out demons in my name go and and and and and believe that you can take authority over serpents go and walk in my power and walk in my authority so follow the train of thought folks God had all authority he gave authority of the earth to Adam and Eve they gave it to the devil Jesus paid the price for it the devil had to give it to Jesus or Jesus legally took back control of it and then Jesus gives it to us and says in Luke chapter 10 verse 19 behold I give you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you injure you or harm you because you got powernow somebody said I got the power Jesus didn't break the works of the devil because you know what gang if you break something it can be fixed Jesus didn't break it he destroyed it look at somebody and tell him jesus destroyed the works of the devil his works cannot be fixed do you believe that then celebrate because that's what the Christian life is supposed to be a celebration man we got the victory we got the victory that's why I'm here to tell you Jesus did it all Jesus did it all Jesus did it all Jesus did it all and you might be tired of me telling you that but if you really believed it you'd never be tired of it because it is the number-one most essential truth in all of humanity all of Christianity and all of the universe Jesus did it all Jesus destroyed the works of the devil he doesn't have to do anything to defeat the devil again and you don't have to do anything to defeat the devil all you have to do is enforce your victory you got the victory now enforce it you've got the victory all you have to do is now walk in it whoo you say how do you do that it's really simple folks it's so simple that it's often overlooked and here it is number one how do you walk in the victory that Jesus already paid for number one you simply have to know it you simply have to know it you got to know that you know that you know that Jesus did it all you got to know that you know that you know that it is finished you've got to know that you know that you know that Jesus destroyed the works of the devil it wasn't kind of it wasn't almost destroyed the works of the devil it was complete destruction of the works of the devil and how did he destroy the works of the devil by becoming the works of the devil Jesus didn't just take sin upon himself the Bible says he became sin why because when they were nailing Jesus to the cross they were nailing sin to the cross he had to become sin so that in him being destroyed sin would be destroyed in him becoming a curse for us Galatians 3:13 says Christ has been made a curse for us folks he became a curse he not only died for the curse that's that's good but he did better than dying for the curse he became the curse so that when he died the curse would die with him but when he rose he would rise without the curse having paid for the curse because he became the curse and now the curse has been destroyed you see he hid sin and he hid the curse in himself and the devil didn't know it and that's why the devil said if I can get rid of Jesus then the kingdom will be mine if I can get rid of Jesus then he can't take the keys of hell and death for me if I can get rid of Jesus I can get rid of any hope that man has of being saved and any hope that man has of being delivered so he tries and tries and tries to kill Jesus and finally Jesus offers himself up and the devil's like wow I got him now this is awesome and with every hammer go in it with every nail being hammered into Jesus arms and into his feet and into his side and the crown of thorns upon his head he was Satan thinking he was destroying Jesus was actually destroying sin Satan believing that he was destroying Jesus was actually destroying the curse Jesus became sin became the curse became poor became sick took all of our sickness became sorrow on the cross he himself bore our griefs and carried away our infirmities and with His stripes were healed he became all of those things then all of those things were nailed to the cross and when they were nailed to the cross they were destroyed with him then he rose without them and now we rise without them and we are risen with Christ and it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me and the life that I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God the Son of God who came to do what to destroy the works of the devil and how did he do it when he became the works of the devil Jesus job was to do the work our job is to believe that he did it John 6:29 says something really amazing in the Bible John 6:29 it says they said to Jesus Jesus what must we do to do the works of God and Jesus said this is the work of God to believe this is the work of God to believe how do we walk in the victory that Jesus paid for number one we need to know it we need to know that he paid for well I don't know if he paid for that I don't know if I can be free from that I said I got to work that myself no you don't he paid for it you got to believe it yourself you got to know it and then you got to believe it are you with me number three you need to awaken to it all Paul's prayers were not Lord give us more power Paul's prayers in the scripture in the New Testament prayers are not Lord give them power the prayers were Lord opened their eyes even in 2nd Kings chapter 6 the prophets prayer for his servant was not Lord send more soldiers for us but instead his prayer was Lord opened the eyes of thy servant that he might see there is more for us than those that are against us we need to awaken to the fact that Jesus became sin so that we could become righteous 1st Corinthians 15 I want to read this to you again I know that you've read it I know I've read it to you for years and years I want to read it to you again 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 34 first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 34 here's what it says awake to righteousness and sin not awake to what and then what happens you see the Bible is written in the mindset of cause and effect there's a cause that produces an effect every effect comes from a cause so when we see the Bible says in Galatians me in Genesis chapter 8 he says as long as the earth remains there is seed time and there's harvest that's cause-and-effect right cause and effect seed time and harvest what's the cause and effect of this passage first Corinthians 15 verse 34 here's the cause awake to righteousness and what will be the effect you will send now [Music] well there you have it gang it's not what we can do it's not what God is going to do it's what Jesus has already done you don't have to fight to get the victory anymore God's not going to give us the victory someday Jesus has already destroyed the works of the devil when he came he saw he conquered and he succeeded in destroying the works of the devil so that you can experience victory in every area of your life but listen gang the way the devil has kept us defeated is by keeping us ignorant of what God has already done Jesus told us the devil came to steal the Word of God why because the devil knows the Word of God decrees and declares that Jesus did it all when Jesus said it is finished on the cross he meant it in Christ we already have healing we already have victory over fear over lack over sickness over anger and emotional issues over marriage problems kid problems you name it that's why we need to hear this message the Bible says how can we we here without it being preached the reason I'm preaching this to you is because God told me to tell you and to tell the world Jesus did it all I want you to say that out loud after me say that Jesus did it all he already gave me salvation he already gave me healing he already gave me the blessing say that he already gave it to me what I want to encourage you about is that to live this kind of life to walk in this blessing to walk in this victory all you got to do is know about it all you got to do is have the knowledge that you have already won because Jesus already destroyed the works of the devil he's not fighting the devil anymore and neither are we we don't have to fight the devil anymore the devil has already been defeated he's never going to have power over you his trick is to get you to think he's got power over you well that's why I'm here that's why we're here together that's why God put us together so that I can walk you through step by step how to walk in your god-given Authority how to walk in your god-given victory how to walk in the blessings and the privileges and the promises of being a child of God so I put some teaching together I want to put in your hands today this collection that will change your life about walking in God's Authority for your life put together a teaching series called the authority of the believer I'm going to show you how the Dominion that that Adam and Eve had in the Garden of Eden that the devil took from them it was recaptured by Jesus and given to you to walk in now also put together a teaching very simply called it is finished this is going to show you every promise is already yours if you like what you've heard on this program if it's encouraged you I want to send you this entire teaching this message Jesus destroyed the works of the devil all the works of the devil have been destroyed and all we have to do is walk by faith in the victory that God has for us my noun sir is coming to tell you more I'll be back in just a moment to pray with you watch this never again fear what the devil can do the curse of sin and death has been broken forever in this CD audio series it is finished pastor Greg Whitaker reveals the truth you never knew about spiritual warfare don't go without what God has promised for you one more day Jesus paid the price for you to experience the change you've always wanted and live the life you deserve and when you order today you'll also get pastor deckhouse brand-new CD series the authority of the believer discover your true identity and reclaim the power and authority that are yours as a son or daughter of God follow the practical how to's from pastor de Cao and rise up in your authority as a believer to stop the devil in his tracks both CD series it is finished and the authority of the believer are yours for your generous love gift of only $25 but that's not all when you call right now you'll also get today's message Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil in its entirety unleash the unlimited power and potential that exists within you to overcome sin sickness anger or any trial in your life when you order this special teaching offer today's message is yours completely free but there's still more as an added bonus Pastor Ditka will also give you his Psalm 91 confession she get the peace of mind that comes from knowing you and your loved ones are secure in the promises of God Pastor Ditka Psalm 91 confession is your free gift with today's teaching offer so that's the CD series it is finished and the authority of the believer for your generous love gift of only $25 plus receive two exciting gifts from Pastor Dickau his message Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and his Psalm 91 confession absolutely free that's a savings of over fifty percent off the regular bookstore price put an end to the work of the devil in your life by calling now by getting today's teaching offer supplies are limited don't delay call now go to your phone right now call me the numbers on your screen remember god loves you he is for you not against you and when you know that everything's gonna be alright now let me pray for you father I pray right now that your supernatural breakthroughs would come to everyone watching Lord that your miraculous blessing and miraculous breakthroughs would begin today in Jesus name Amen God is on your side folks don't miss our next broadcast I can't wait to see you then god bless
Channel: Gregory Dickow
Views: 5,725
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, destroy the works of the devil, gregory dickow, defeat the devil, the devil is defeated, jesus christ, why did jesus come to earth, why did jesus die on the cross, overcome the enemy
Id: 3y2bCQUUCQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 15 2014
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