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we just bought a brand new storage unit here at beautiful virginia beach for 280 let's get in there and see what we got [Music] so you saw what i know what you're thinking what did i see to spend 280 on this stuff well the answer to that is yeah i have no idea i don't know i just felt like buying storage units so let's see if that weird instinctive feeling pays off come on step one the suitcase oh wow that suitcase is extremely light there's no way there's nothing in here unless it's something super light but we have to be sure we can't just take guesses yeah nothing in there let's open up the main compartment of the suitcase nothing wow you know usually these are full of disgusting clothes that almost destroys the suitcase but i'll take a nice suitcase these lucas brand suitcases were actually selling for over a hundred bucks new and consistently 30 to 40 dollars pre-owned so not a bad start plastic bag right here what is this stuff looks like more bags let's get that out of there oh there it goes what to say h.h hunt homes so maybe a real estate agent i was thinking with this almost like rolled up blanket it almost looked like military style to me but i don't know i'm guessing maybe a real estate agent because it says hunt homes i don't know what else that could mean so i tried to look that brand up and see if it was anything significant and it was a local real estate company and you'll see how that plays a role later on in this video this trash bag here is like you hear the cops oh i just heard him this trash bag here i can't tell if it's light or heavy it's weird it's hard to explain you know right when you said they stopped yeah i know it's like they could hear that whoa look at all this um what are these sounds like there's stuff in there it is i don't know mystery boxes look at this though hold on one let's make that one too two how many of these are there look three seriously what are they all here okay this one's kind of ripped open let's see what's in there the other ones aren't ripped open what is that medical stuff it looks like doesn't it like a cpap it looks like it might be that that might be the mask right there so any of the other ones in here open no they all coming from the same place this bottom one's open that one has medical stuff as well it's probably not a good sign so this might be all medical stuff i'm assuming what's this at the bottom now this is it what is this guy welcome mat it's a welcome mat but i'm going to go ahead on the assumption and assume since all the address addresses on these boxes the same they're probably all medical stuff in the same place we give away all the medical supplies we find for free so no money in this bag except for that brand new welcome mat so one of the few things i did see in this unit was one military bag and what looked like a second military bag now they'll be uncovered it's definitely a military bag it feels like clothes in it let's see if that's exactly what it is i'm gonna assume that's what it is because usually in a clothes bag you expect to find what clothes yay logic let's see well no this is just the plastic to a mattress set that at once upon a time he paid 170 for but just the plastic to it keep in mind that just the plastic for the 170 dollar mattress that was in here and nothing else they're going to play a role again later but no there's something else in here i feel the weight put the light back over here this what is that that's actually a military uniform it's another military bag a military bag in a military bag in a military bat but for those of you that aren't familiar with the area we're at virginia beach which is right next to norfolk which has like a massive naval military base so it's very common when we buy units out here that we end up with a lot of military stuff like this let's see if this black bag is just like the other one you know if i want to pay attention that's one of my skills you know i'm kind of lacking that we want to notice this on the side of the bag right here that clearly stated medical care so this one we don't see nothing on but let's look and see if the boxes look the same or similar at least if they are they're probably the same thing oh no this is different it's got a basket in it but then we got the same kind of boxes i think let's pull one out i can tell you about the weight same thing same shape same address yep so the rest of this box here i'm gonna assume that all that's in here there's a gift bag uh let's see more boxes more boxes yeah just more of this medical boxes all the way down when it comes to medical supplies a lot of medical facilities will not accept them as donations because they can't verify their origins if you post them online for free you'll quickly see there's tons of people that can use this stuff and what we do is just give it away at our yard sale so it always gets donated in the end this military bag i don't think this one's just holding a bag what does this stay on united is that the airline oh it's got the name on it though we could look this guy up and see what happened let's see where's the zipper to this sucker out right here oh look there's your military uniforms this one's probably gonna be all the way full yep all the way full literally top to bottom with military uniform and what we do with them is you check them if they're like made out specifically like they got his name and rank and stuff on it returning with the personal stuff if they're just you know generic stuff you can buy at a military surplus store then you resell it you know i can't sell something somebody else's name on it feels kind of messed up so we'll look into that when we get out of here it was all personalized so we left all of it behind to be returned to the owner this well this is a plastic tote thing with a plastic basket inside of it yeah oh oh wow this is heavy yeah what do you think's going to turn well one there's two totes oh really okay there's a toe in the tote what's in the tone in the toe oh my god a toad in a toad in the toe what's in this tote oh my gosh i told him to tone in the tone of the toad what's in this one no no no it ended there so these are some blankets a body pillow yeah i just bought a body pillow there it is there's a blanket and there's some curtains that go along with it that's kind of strange weird to have seven totes to secure that it must be something special five totes to secure one blanket again nobody does this again keep this in mind for what we tell you later on let's pull off the cooler coolers and fridges are scary things in storage units because if well the storage has to sit abandoned for at least three months before they're allowed to sell it so if something was in here that was supposed to be refrigerated or cooled and sat there for three months usually not a pleasant surprise look at this though it says inspect it and it's got the little military emblem on it so oh it's clean well that's nice definitely be able to sell that let's get ooh a little blue toad out of the middle here what do you think's in this one this has been a weird unit so far i don't know if i'm thinking good or bad it's just like meh good the artillery stuff though what's in here is another tote hey it's mixed oh cool let's see what's in here it says officers equipment oh well you know what that is yeah that's the belt that goes for the military uniform isn't it look how shiny it is so that i don't think they have military people you know if you know let me know i don't think they personalize those but i don't know anything about it is this the hat that's the hat cool there's your military hat that so that has no name in it or anything so i don't know excuse me no sneezing oh i thought those are magazines oh wow oh no these are all the pins see this stuff we'll try to get back to them definitely that's all that their ranks and things like that [Music] yeah look at that there's a whole another little thing of them check that out sixth airborne or six award with that i'll definitely try to get back is that all these are yeah look at this oh that has a name on it yeah but there's these are all little pins like that what's in these yellow boxes here 33 bucks these are just more belts put this back in here um is the rest of it all military clothes yeah look at that the rest of its uniforms and again like i think the dress stuff is usually made out personalized to them so that will definitely make sure we leave with the facility to get back to them with all these empty totes it was clear somebody had been through this unit obviously nobody stores empty totes but at the same token these are somebody's personalized earned military awards if you were to go through and take what you want and leave what you didn't want behind don't you think that'd be one of the first things you would take so right here i was starting to get very suspicious that the facility was the one that had been through here and just wait till you see what else we uncover get this one this one's the heaviest of them all hold on [Applause] look at this fragile handle with care and caution that's that's that's interesting before i open this one guys do me that big favor and leave this video a thumbs up hit the like button because you'll help us out so so so so much and please share the video for us that really does help us now let me show you what's in here you know what's in here my acting ability because yeah it wasn't heavy it's empty got you too i got you too there's nothing in it as soon as i picked it up it was i felt it was empty i was like yeah at least playing joke but what was in here that's the question what was in this tote a tote labeled handle with care and caution it's completely empty well that definitely does not help my suspicions next one okay this one i promise you guys is not actually empty it says ah family pictures fragile pictures yeah i'm seeing a lot of pictures all right so let's take the yeah there's a lot of pictures in here don't show yeah i think this whole tote pretty much minus a couple of these bags saver bags yes space saver bags everything else in this tote is just personal pictures so we'll just put the military pins in here and probably just leave the whole tote behind just like the military awards personal pictures are something that are irreplaceable so if it was the former owner that had been through here don't you think they would have taken their pictures i sure do let's bring up this box because it's obviously re-taped and let's see if it's just re-taped with what was supposed to come in it or they used it for storage or something else and you know what i see the top of the back yep this is exactly what's in it i can see the top of it so there's no point of even taking the tape off so we have a vac master whoa i don't really know how much that's worth but a vac master it was going for about 65 brand new couldn't find one that it sold used but i would imagine at least 20 bucks or so next toe here very light again this one's weird i'm telling you really that's it what is this just like a thing you sit on your table and a piece of celery i don't know what that is but this is obviously some type of like dining room table decor piece and literally that's it and there's a lot of empty totes and totes with one item in it which is kind of sketching me out a little bit i don't i don't know i don't feel like this one i feel like this one might have been going through already you know what i mean you just get that kind of feeling but let's keep going i hope you find something as much as i wanted to remain optimistic it was becoming pretty clear at this point that this thing had been searched let's get the bottom grey toad out from there now and let's see what's in the last of these no there's some other totes in there there's some boxes as well what is that oh there's the jewelry box there's the jewelry box well dollar yard tail jewelry box totally empty how surprising we have some home decor polita here well check this out just some cool looking home decor pieces this is even an american flag it's red white and blue it doesn't look like it's a man now definitely not that it almost looks like it's hawaiian or something i'm not sure i don't want to take it all apart with one hand but again it's like a bunch of little home decor things so nothing that's like too crazy but just stuff we'll set out and sell at our yard sale for sure so i sent some of this kitchen looking stuff over here i'll open it later but now let's go into this one i'm still kind of convinced with the empty toast that somebody's been in this unit but think about it like this if it was the owner that went through here don't you think the first thing they would take would be the irreplaceable stuff such as their pictures that's why to me it just seems shady like somebody that works here maybe he's going through here but i don't have evidence obviously it's just my assumptions let's see what's in here well all right a bunch of barbie dolls and bratz dolls that are all naked lovely and this guy naked this whole box is doll he is not naked he has a uniform he's the only one he's the responsible one here he's surrounded by all these naked women he's like you know what no i'm keeping my clothes on i'm a good good guy i'm proud of him but yeah the rest of it is just full of naked dolls next to here extremely light and kind of see-through so let's see what's going on in this whoa boy well more medical stuff again personal pictures medical supplies military awards if somebody that owned this came in here and got what they wanted out don't you think that stuff this stuff with all their names and everything on it the pictures of them and all that would be the first things taken out i would think so what's in here just more medical this whole tote is medical supplies all the way down what is this thing is that kind of tell us what they're used for something to do with breathing with we could assume based on the hoses but again medical stuff blue toad here let's see what's in this one really quick this one's got a good amount of weight to it but i don't hear no shaking some randomness doesn't quite look like it a blanket and some more blankets and some more blankets um that's literally blankets all the way down i'm starting to really think like the strategic placement of the empty totes and the totes full of blankets just it doesn't sit right with me it really doesn't you guys feel free let your opinions be know down in the comments below because to me this seems like a perfect we went through the facility not the owner we went through took whatever we wanted and restaged it and set it up for auction that's just my guess right now but we're not all the way through it yet so until we're all the way through i don't know yet sound off in the comments and let me know if what i'm saying sounds right because it's the only logical explanation in my opinion crazy parties we haven't even shown you the most convincing piece of evidence yet so keep watching let's start bringing over some of these cardboard boxes to see if they can tell us more of a story well this is what i saw in the picture too is there's more camo which just to me meant more military no look at that more pictures no these are more home decor but this no military pictures too lots of military look at this department of the navy united states marine corps this is like a oh no well nothing in there nothing in there all right then this is just getting weirder and weirder as time goes on there's a combat award for yeah we ain't going we ain't doing it we're out of here whatever that means i don't know if you read that weird i don't know because i was trying to like interpret what it meant but it's just a yeah the combat type of war let's see what these are make sure it's not like a shadow box or a jewelry box if it's just awards again we'll make sure they get it back no problem but if it's like home decor stuff then we'll yeah we might use those what is that i'm gonna guess this is something personal because it's with this plaque which has their name on it which is actually an award so yeah so is that we're not gonna show that another united states marine corps plaque right here so literally this box is almost completely full of their awards and things like that let's get the next cardboard box up here and this one well i think i have a feeling that's gonna be it says plaque's dad so literally it looks like it might be a father in the military then it's someone in the military you know a lot of military families are generational definitely so yeah look at all this flat is this a flat this is dr martin luther king like a wall hanging thing this isn't paper this is like etched into something that's kind of cool but a lot of this stuff like this that's from military military photos some paper out the way well military military what's that definitely military more military is that in the military now this one might be home decor here then we have one home decor let's see what that is really quick if i can see i don't want to break it to be honest with you there it goes it's just a literally paper that's it weird very weird look at this little lock case here hey what do you think's in the lock box hello lockbox jewelry please come on that is black all awards like i said before if this unit was cleared out by the former owner this stuff would not be in here this is the first stuff this is the stuff you can't buy back you can buy these wall decorative pieces back you can buy your blankets back you can buy your curtains back you can't buy your awards and pictures back you can't so to me i'm still convinced this was like you know a scam isn't it convenient how every single box we open is about halfway full and the only things left inside of them are things that hold no monetary value don't you think if this was the owner's stuff he would have taken what he wanted and the valuable stuff nobody's gonna come into their own storage unit and say let me get everything i want but you know i don't want the pictures of my children i don't want my military awards i don't want these things that have my address and information i don't want those nobody's gonna do that this makes no sense it's pretty obvious check out this box the book's a dad isn't it convenient just you know very convenient how the book boxes and the black boxes were the one that were behind the toast to where you can't be seen from the pictures very conveniently done just coincidence i'm sure right of course and there's more military photos more personal pictures like explosive ordnance so yeah that's all more personal stuff that is theirs to get back and this one over here says dad's books on it i'm going to assume whoa that's not a book is it that looks cool whatever it is it's opened check that out isn't that crazy what is that that is old what is that think of a piece of paper i'm scared to even open it check that out what does that say for a gunners quadrant certificate of fitness what there's no way that's from 85. so what do you think that's may 6 of 85 no way is that new 1885. i don't know look at that that's that looks old that does not look like it was printed in the 80s to me that looks old old i don't know we'll figure that out that's kind of cool let's set that aside though for sure is it convenient how it was open though just saying make sure it wasn't no guns or nothing and the rest of it is all photos and pictures but before we go any further let me also point out conveniently how the kitchen box stuff of course this stuff was clearly visible from the pictures of course you know because that's how you store stuff you hide your pictures and you know put the new stuff in the tote visible to be seen by the door so this is a turkey cooker that is brand new a turkey fryer kit let me change that around that's brand new i looked in there this is a covered stockpot it's not brand new it's just retaped but it is in there so you guys let me know what you think was it a setup i definitely think it was this is where things get very very interesting we try to call this place over and over and over again and every time we get the same story either they just straight ignore you which is about 70 of the time the other 30 of the time when somebody does angrily pick up they tell you that the manager assistant manager is not on the property either so and i decided let's just go ahead and email them because they have an email listed on their website and see if we can get a response that way that way we got a response back from the manager in the hour wow isn't it crazy they can respond to an email but not a phone call it's almost like they don't want to talk i printed out the whole email log here and i want to read it to you because it's absolutely hilarious it's only seven emails long not a whole lot but it's absolutely a lot of hilarious put into those seven emails so first i started off not even being disrespectful i literally sent an email saying hello i was really disappointed with the storage unit i bought yesterday there were a lot of signs that pointed at this unit being staged nice boxes and totes in front in the front for the pictures you know they've conveniently covered the cardboard boxes full of paper in the back i've been doing this for over three years bought hundreds and hundreds of storage units and people do not store empty totes or totes one item in them this is very true unless they take in what they want and abandon the rest which obviously if that was the case they would have taken the military awards a picture so we know that wasn't the case i find it kind of suspicious that everything was so perfectly placed to look nice yet there was little to no monetary value inside it was all personal that's where my suspicion was drew from and i said somebody's been inside of the unit i tried to just ask nicely you know and then i got you know the polite response back good afternoon i'm sorry you had a bad experience purchasing one of our storage units the storage units that we put up for our auction are lean units therefore we did not enter them you don't have to explain lean to me like i just told you i've done this for years and 100 so i was like already i was already kind of annoyed at the whole situation they can't all have something great inside unfortunately again i apologize if you had such a bad experience and hopefully the next one will be better for you i just took that as like some you know passive aggressive female dog type stuff right there it's literally like she took that i've been doing this for years and years and just was like how can i get under this guy's skin a little bit more then i replied back and by the way before i read this next email to you let me tell you that it is a complete and total lie what i'm about to say is completely untrue i just said it just to see if i can get a response out of them i said thank you the thing is i contacted the former owner of the storage unit based on the names on the paperwork and sent them my recorded footage what was inside the totes and boxes they confirmed with me that that was not how it was stored how did this happen again i didn't contact them or anything like that i just wanted something they would not be able to deny if i said i contacted the person to store it and that's not how it was stored they can't really fight that one right so it was a complete and total lie i was assuming it was gonna get blocked at this point but no i actually got a response back and this is where this stupid begins prepare yourself because this is a level of stupid that's very very hard to comprehend as an intelligent human being the unit may be different than when the original tenant store they belong is because we have to inventory the contents to ensure there's nothing illegal inside you see the problem here you have to inventory the content you told me you didn't enter the unit one email later you told me you had to inventory the contents they blatantly lied to my face after already trying to get away with lying in our faces so i was mad and here comes the sarcasm because that's what my body does you know sarcasm is the body's natural defense against stupidity so i responded back with how interesting in your first email you said that nobody entered the unit and now on your second email you state that you had inventory the items so just curiosity are you guys using spells or telekinesis to get the items in and out of the unit without going inside of it and then of course i get the response back i apologize about it and i know how to help you have a good day what does that mean put that in google translate translate from stupid to english what does that mean dang i'm caught but i can't admit i'm called so i gotta end this really really quickly that's what you say when you're in that situation because you don't have a response to it but i wasn't done i had to make sure they heard one more thing so i said you want to know how to help me how about not obviously giving people out of their money how about being an honest business does not take advantage of people how about having some integrity and just telling the truth what you're doing is completely illegal in so many ways you state no video recordings and it's quite obvious why you want to weigh out legally just in case this ever gets back to the original owner just so you know i'll be sending this entire conversation to storage treasures and corporate and hopes that you're terminated and or even better arrests and i put at the bottom you know you have yourself a beautiful day too some sarcastic stuff like that because realistically it is illegal to enter these units it's illegal what if the owner pays up you know what at least we know the military people got their stuff back at the end of the day it kind of made an interesting video and you know what it's it's whatever it's part of the game i knew it was going to happen a lot more often when all these facilities started going online so there's nothing we could do about it [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 296,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storage unit, storage unit fraud, storage unit fraud exposed, got scammed, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage auction locker, storage locker, found in storage locker, treasure hunting with jebus, abandoned storage unit, we got scammed
Id: pYyCNvG63U0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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