EXPOSING Over 100 Secrets and Glitches in Blox Fruits...

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all right guys in today's video we're gonna take a look at every single blocks route secret myth and glitch all in one video this is gonna be quite a long video because there is so much to discover so go ahead and kick your feet up and enjoy this video there's probably going to be over a hundred myths and glitches and secrets but with that being said let's get right into it alright guys in today's video we're gonna go ahead and bust a bunch of crazy myths in blocks fruits these are all myths that I've heard from either comments the other YouTubers or just from the wiki itself so we're gonna go ahead and bust the first myth let's just get right into it so apparently the first myth is you have a higher chance of getting a better fruit if you have a blesser value so it kind of sounds weird let me explain it in simpler terms I'm gonna Trad a fruit that is super high value and he's gonna trade me a dog water fruit all right bro I'm about to give you like a bunch of good fruits dude oh my gosh bro you're giving me the best deal ever yeah hold on I got more dude don't worry okay this doesn't make any sense all right I'm just gonna go ahead and accept this trade I'm gonna cry after this one dude magma it's pretty garbage compared to the tray that I'm giving you oh yeah I can't believe I went through that trade but I'm gonna go ahead and go over here and roll a fruit now so apparently the myth is I have a higher chance of getting a good fruit now because I lost my value in that trade let's go ahead and roll and see what I get oh yeah this uh this is a false myth rectory look at what I got you got something amazing what do you mean bro I got scammed twice I got scammed to you and the blocks fruit roller so it's clear as day that myth is absolutely false that is a trash myth that is not true at all and now for the second myth we actually have to go back to the castle for this one so let's go ahead and go back there so here we are at Castle we have to go all the way up this Tower and go meet somebody up there for this myth so now that we're on top of the castle the myth is we're apparently supposed to talk to this guy and he's gonna remove our blocks room but the myth is if he removes it will he remove it permanently I own this magma fruit permanently in the store so if he removes it do I lose it permanently let's find out I better not get scammed out of two magma fruits today right away he said Hey kid do you want to have your blockstrip powers removed for only 50 000 no scam I promise this sounds a little suspicious bro I'm for sure losing my magma fruit here and I'm gonna cry all right let's pay oh my gosh I removed my blocks through okay I don't have a blaster now we have to go ahead and check do I still keep it alright so we're back at the Mansion let's go ahead and talk to the blockster dealer let's go ahead and check up if I still have my magma fruit permanent and I do I can still equip it and there we go it's back in my inventory as you guys can see that myth is absolutely false the third myth we have is gonna be taking place on the sea so the third myth is actually the enforcer is still the fastest boat in the game but if you do or do not know there was a new boat that got released during the Christmas events called the slate and it is extremely fast but is the enforcer still the fastest boat in the game we're gonna find out on this myth so as you guys can see I have the sleigh and my crew picture is on there that's pretty cool I'm not gonna lie and reckley has the enforcer aka the fastest boat in the game this boat is pretty fast too and it plays Christmas music so let's go ahead and see which one's fast are you ready refway we're gonna go on the count of three three three two one go [Music] oh my gosh the enforcer just smoked this boat bro come on you suck booty chicks bro hurry up hey at least mine plays sick Christmas music look take a listen at least I ate so like your mom well as you guys can see the myth is true the enforcer is still the fastest boat in the game till this day and now for the next myth since we're on the ocean still let's talk about some sea beasts so let's go ahead and check out what the wiki has to say on summoning Sea Beast apparently there's a myth saying you could summon them and kill them before you have a 10 mil Bounty which is crazy to me but let's go ahead and check out that Wiki so here we are on the wiki about Sea Beast as you can see let's go ahead and scroll down look for spawning here it is so this is where we learn about spawning Seabees and it says right here on the wiki CBS can be spawned in without a 10 million Bounty by the sound of a wrecked waist cheeks clapping slash quivering bro what are you even talking about hold on this sounds crazy this this doesn't make any sense but right wait a myth is a myth and we have to test it come over here dude it's false it's not real well we won't know until we test it right away I'm gonna need you to turn around for me all right how about you turn around for me bro it says you specifically I need you to do this for me do it for me and the audience oh my god dude you owe me a big time after this I'll give you a big time during this experiment wrecked way bro what's up for this is for science I have to magma all over you okay bro stop dude I'm sorry I have to do it you literally killed me then there's no CBS you're right it looks like that myth is false all right guys I muted the microwave has no clue but that Bozo fell for it there was no Seabees that was gonna spawn I just wanted to clap his cheeks imma keep it real you idiots your mic isn't even muted what so for this next myth apparently the kilo fruit is actually really good somehow I was told from when I last used it you're actually supposed to be using it by going higher up into the sky and slamming down from further distances that's how it deals more damage but let's find out if this myth is true or false we gotta go back and run to the mansion go ahead and quip the kilo fruit so we go ahead and talk to the bloxford dealer here and then we go ahead and equip the kilo fruit right over here luckily for me I have it permanent alright Rex wait you're gonna have to excuse me from when I slam these juicy Cheeks from your from your forehead dude what are you even on about okay well let me explain it so I'm gonna slam down on the floor here with my Z ability right it only does 1450 damage but apparently if I go up into the sky using the F ability and then slamming down with the Z ability it will deal more damage so let's find out so we go up up press Z and then slam down it's still dealt the same amount of damage that is a little weird so I don't think this myth is true but let's go ahead and double check with another ability let's do the heaviest weight which is 50 000. so let's go ahead and test the C ability it does how much damage let's see 16.58 okay now we're gonna go ahead and lighten up and then use it again and see how much damage it does now alright now we fly up this is pretty good distance then we hold the C ability Let It Go how much damage is that 1658 again well it looks like this myth is false I was told wrongly but that's what I was told in the comments the next myth we have is apparently using the Buddha fruit can get you a giant sword in game so we're gonna go ahead and test that out so we have to go back over here and go ahead and equip a Buddha fruit so let's go ahead and find the Buddha fruit and equip it thanks to sugarway I have permanent everything pretty much so rocked way how does it feel being the richest man in blocks Roots dude it feels great you want to see like a little sneaking of my inventory yeah show me show the viewers they want to know all right I'm just going to give you a little preview now sit on this table right here okay okay I don't think you're ready number why is that watch bro here's one here's like another one bro what two leopard fruits it says you don't really have enough space so I'm about to show you like the other ones bro bro what I don't even have enough space I can't even hold more you had more leopard fruits yeah bro what so now back to the Buddha myth so we have to equip Buddha and then shift and take out our swords fast and then once our shift is back up on cooldown and then we're supposed to downshift here by pressing the shift button and pulling out our swords really fast here oh my gosh my katanas are huge wrecked away you are jealous why would I be jealous when mines is way bigger than yours your katanas will never be bigger than mine that is false well as you guys can see the Smith is true that is not false look it they're huge keep in mind guys because this is technically a glitch you're not supposed to be using this in PvP or to get Advantage when you do things so just do this for Cosmetics but don't really do it at all honestly I think it's better just to not do it the reason why I bring it up is because you could possibly get banned because it would be technically exploiting a bug or a glitch right so don't do it just make sure to leave it to the professionals with big katanas bro what are you on about bro I'm just saying not to do the glitch okay okay there buddy whatever you say oh my gosh what were you thinking nothing bro hey would you look at that my katanas magically shrink to wrecked away size what even on about even if that is my size it's still way bigger than yours no I'm literally talking about your your Roblox character's height look at how big they are they're literally your size whatever you thinking about dude oh okay um We're not gonna talk about that all right guys in today's video we're gonna be busting a bunch of blocks from myths these are going to be some myths you may have heard of and some you may have never would have thought of but before we get into all the myths I just wanted to give a quick shout out to Kane's Ace he did Inspire some of these myths we're about to see but enough of that let's go ahead and get right into the video I also have my good old friend requie wherever he is wrecked wait where are you you're gonna be my Uber driver for this video you gotta take me everywhere what is wrong with you why what's wrong where's your pants okay I guess we're starting off this video with the first myth first myth is rectory spawns in a blasters with no pants it's not a myth I just did it on purpose lie you weirdo put on some pants all right all right let's get for real because rektay wants to be sus let's be sus for the first myth the first myth requires the katana that you get in the first C so let's go ahead and equip the katana there is a little glitch that happens with this Katana some of you may know or may not know what you're gonna do is hold the Z ability then you're gonna go back to your items so find the katana so let's go ahead and unequip and would you look at that it works yo Rex way what do you like my little Katana glitch going on here yeah no wonder why your fists are tiny a little dark dagger no thank you okay buddy correctly is just mad he can't do this so for this next one we're gonna actually have to hack into rickway's POV what's up Rex wait can you see me on your camera yeah but you're being a little bit size I don't know what you're talking about anyways we're gonna go ahead and bust this myth Rex way since I can't do it you have to do it go ahead and summon a Seabees for me can you summon a CBS in the first seat no you can't oh would you look at that you could only summon CBS in the second and third seed this next myth takes place at the Marine Fortress apparently there's a secret room where you can get a super rare accessory so let's go ahead and check it out go ahead and teleport to Marine Fortress and it's apparently at one of these pillars over here and I think it's over at this far one in this corner you go up to the top of it and there should be a little hole and if you go down it there's a shop guy and if you talk to him you can buy a black cape for fifty thousand dollars and I can't buy it because I already own the item this next myth takes place over at the jungle so let's go ahead and teleport there did you know if you like And subscribe in the next 10 seconds you'll go ahead and roll a good mythical fruit and we actually got the revive fruit because I can't like And subscribe to myself recreate what did you get I got myself your mom okay buddy my mom is not something you can roll what did you get for real barrier fruit or you liked and subscribed to me oh no that's why you got the barrier fruit get out of my face but speaking of getting out of my face Milky Way showed me this next one I'm gonna go ahead and take him over to the fountain with me so we go ahead and go there and apparently if you're getting chased you can somehow glitch inside of this giant Fountain so Milky Way how do we do this little glitch all right so go on to shift lock and then try to zoom into like the freaking thing and then on shift lock and press R and you should be able to go inside whoa okay hold up hold up let me go ahead and try that real quick and oh my gosh it worked we're inside of the fountain if you're getting chased there's no way anybody's gonna suspect how to get into this thing wait a second how would you even know a place like this requie is that why you have such a big Bounty of 10.3 million are you a runner x-way yeah I'm running away from your mom oh my gosh here we go with the mom jokes whatever bro instead of going underground let's go above ground for this next myth I'm gonna take you to Upper sky and apparently there's this giant Temple here with hidden doors underneath if you go ahead and break one of these doors open there's a bunch of chests in this room that can help you to get infinite money all you have to do is just leave and rejoin the server and there's a whole row of money down here and a whole row of money up here that was about eight chests that's a crazy number speaking of crazy numbers did you guys know the final boss in the first C is so indestructible you can't deal any number of damage to him Rex wait you want to go ahead and see that let's go to snow come with me there's a hidden door here and all you have to do is kind of do that shift log glitch that we did at Fountain and go through this door so there we go we went ahead inside this little cave and here's the final boss it's the ice Admiral and if you try to punch him or do any damage to him he doesn't take any damage I could go ahead and use God human abilities on him it just goes through him I'm we hit RightWay there correct way show him what that 10 million Bounty looks like bro deal damage to him come on all right I'm about to try to combo him dude bro you suck for the next set of myths we gotta go to the second C now so as everybody knows there is two extremely fast fruits one being the dough fruit and the other being a light fruit but we're gonna actually find out which food is the fastest in the game everybody claims it is the light fruit but let's find out on the count of three me and Rector are gonna speed across this giant long bridge and the first one to pass the end of the bridge is faster are you ready wrecked way yes sir all right Rex right on the count of three one two three right so I think I win bro I'm way faster it seems like this fruit sucks all right well I passed the bridge and oh my gosh that's not even fair but another myth is depending on your max health or the current health you're at also depends on your speed so Rex wait let's see how fast I go if you get me down to low health and then we're gonna race again directory got me pretty low Rex are you ready to race yes sir three two one go oh my gosh and would you look at that I am super slow with only 3.9 000 Health wow damn you suck well I guess two myths are true light is the fastest fruit of the game and can also be the slowest in the game and you know who sucks more right way hey but besides being fast and stuff there are fruits that are immune to the environment so if you may or may not know there is lava over here if I take Rex way with me and if you land on it you take damage as you can see I'm almost dead but apparently there are fruits that are immune to that Rex way is standing on it somehow but I don't know how correct way wasn't even immune to it he was just dying a lot slower anyways so the rumor is some fruits work and some fruits don't portal is not immune to Lava let me go ahead and equip a different fruit I heard leopard is immune to Lava and speaking of it he turned into a furry but now it's my turn to turn into a furry and if we step on this lava I am not taking any damage we could just stomp on this like it's nothing so that myth is pretty true but apparently there is another myth as well you can still be immune to water even if you're transformed into a fruit if you transform into a furry apparently your shark race V4 is inactive but let's find out if that's true and oh my gosh I look so stupid trying to swim I just look like a leopard drowning but as you can see I am not taking any damage and that's because I have my Shark V4 race that's pretty overpowered and as I was about to say the other myth I noticed wrecked way is just magically floating on water wrecked wait how are you just dashing and walking on water what do you mean bro what do you mean you're literally standing on water I'm literally using the magma for him why are you down there number bro what I guess magma fruit's a myth if you walk on water with Magma it's invisible so you look like you're floating do you guys remember how we went chest hunting in the first well apparently for the mink race you need to get a bunch of chests to get it V3 and luckily for the second C there are more hidden spots for some chests apparently if you go back to the cafe and go to the bridge behind the cafe over here there is a hidden door inside this bridge and I don't know if you guys can see that very well but it's this little door here you could break it open and there are some chests hidden inside I'm pretty sure everybody knows about the secret room but I'm gonna show it anyways for the people that don't know about it we go down here and it's called King Toad's room we just go to this classified room shift lock and we go teleport through this door and there we go we are in King Toad's room but yeah you have everything in this room everything's toad themed and if you go in this room there is a bed and wrecked way is waiting on it yo what are you doing get over here I think that's enough record is being sus I think we need to definitely go to the third C now so this next myth is even crazier than the one we just did apparently wrecked weighs tiny banana is over at the great tree what do you mean it's big no no no it's tiny let's go find your banana over at the great tree apparently it's over there that's the myth it's also one of these like remote islands that are separated from the actual great tree it might be over there at that one so here we are at the island and as you can see there is a banana right here right away look you're missing banana it's over here bro should I pick it up or do you want to pick up your little banana and pick it up there all right I guess I'll steal your little banana oh look at it what do you mean look at it it's massive it is like bigger than your arm bro it is not it honestly kind of reminds me the size of this little tiny dark dagger the banana is bigger than that yeah yeah Rex wait I'm sure it's got a nice personality yeah yeah yeah okay buddy make sure to let you cut off your dark dagger later what enough talking about rektoy's dark dagger if you guys know if you use observation everything in this game will have a highlight around them enemy players enemy NPCs and including yourself but there is actually one NPC in this entire game that does not get scanned by observation and if you come all the way to floating turtle and go say hello to our best friend ligma he is the only NPC that doesn't have it wait a second he's not even here and now he's magically here how did that even happen but if we turn on our observation he doesn't have a highlight around him you can't detect him through walls compared to like Rex way over here we could see him through a wall this next one is more of a myth for me apparently because when I re-roll a race you guys always yell at me because I always go in the shop and spend 90 Robux but apparently in the third sea in this Mansion if you talk to this guy he will reroll your race for only 3 000 fragments I don't want to re-roll my race right now but I have about 154 000 fragments which will give me a good amount of race rerolls last but not least these pictures in the first second and third see change with every update at least every major update if you guys want to confirm this go ahead and check this video out in the future but also if you want to see Indra as a girl here's him too and I'm not gonna lie indra's kind of looking pretty bad but wait a second why does Indra as a girl have a dark dagger hey yo this is too sus for me but if you guys enjoyed this video and you guys want to see more myths like it go ahead and leave a like I can sub and I'll catch you guys in the next one peace [Music] all right guys in today's video I just wanted to start it off by saying thank you guys so much for 200 000 subscribers I couldn't have done it without you guys so you know I just wanted to give a little back to you guys and just give you a hey yo yo yo stop bro what what why are you stopping me dude you need to say that for your mom don't worry Milky Way I got plenty of kisses left for your mom all saved up bro why she doesn't want kisses from you don't worry they're all in stock for her all right let's just get into the first myth so the first myth I have is if you beg for a fruit when I roll it you will get a really good fruit are you ready for it Rex way bro please give me like the freaking fruit please I don't think that's good enough begging please what please Papa school give me like the freaky fruit bro you're weird Papa school really bro you're being sussed keep begging I didn't say stop dude come on don't you want this good fruit dude if I keep begging right now I'm literally about to find your mob hurry up I'm being nice all the way over here oh you actually got a good fruit what rubber fruit oh give me that don't you like the way it moves and stretches no just drop it and give me the like the freaky rubber fruit okay okay there you go you can have the rubber fruit okay I kind of made that one up but it actually worked somehow so I guess that myth is true I don't know I don't think it's really true but I guess it works all right Rex wait are you ready for this next myth this one's specifically your favorite because we're gonna have to go ahead and ligma bro what you want me to ligma yeah you're gonna go ahead and lick my ball dude your sons don't ever talk to me after what you just said bro you love ligma don't even trip no I do not you literally told me you love to ligma so let's go ahead and say what's up Mom likes ligma bro let me get into this myth stop talking about my mom and ligma all right this myth is basically if you go over to ligma and you use observation you can't actually see him so for example if I go ahead and use my observation you see these red highlights on these NPCs all around the map right but if we go over to ligma apparently he's one of the only NPCs that doesn't get marked by observation so uh he's not here yet Rex wait where is ligma dude if you say Daddy three times he will appear I'm not saying saying it bro then I guess he would appear dude all right fine fine fine fine daddy daddy Rex way likes men oh no I guess it's gonna work bro you gotta say it one more time I'm not saying it bro all right dude I guess you don't want to see him all right fine I'll say for real this time daddy daddy mommy you got played like a fiddle bro or what do you mean he's right there yeah exactly I didn't say Daddy three times you bozo so let's go ahead and use our observation on him and see does he actually get marked and as you can see there is no red highlight around him he doesn't get highlighted through walls or anything like that you can't see him through a wall but you can see sugarway over there and you can see all those NPCs over there so as you can see this myth is actually true ligma does not get marked by observation So speaking of Hot Stuff dude I'm right here what what are you what are you talking about you're right here I'm the hot one you idiot I'm talking about hot stuff like magma fruit you weirdo let's go ahead and uh go equip a magma fruit so the magma fruit is apparently glitched apparently with the magma fruit if you stand on water it has a passive ability of walking on water but you're the only one that can see it other players can't see you walk on the water so it looks like you're just floating on water it kind of looks like a little hacker glitch and we're gonna go ahead and test that out so we're here next to the water as you can see I have magma equipped and sugarway has magma equipped as well so we're gonna go ahead and walk on the water and show you guys what it looks like so it's supposed to look like this right you can walk on water and it shows an effect and it looks really cool I'm not gonna lie and then you have people like sugarway who's just walking on water casually and falling through the water somehow oh I fell through the water too but yeah if you walk you can't see sugarway's steps like that's weird it literally just looks like he's walking on water and to other players that's how I look so that's pretty cool I'm not gonna lie guys so this myth is actually true so this last myth has to be the most interesting myth out of all of them so this last myth is asking is it possible to awaken a fruit while eating it during a raid that's gonna be pretty crazy to find out so me and rexway currently both have Buddha equipped and he's gonna also have ice in his inventory and he's gonna eat it in the middle of the raid and then see is he able to awaken it let's go ahead and see if that's possible so we're gonna go ahead and talk to the mysterious scientist and go ahead and get an ice raid going go ahead and buy a little chip from him and then we're gonna go ahead and start up the raid here here we are in a raid but oh my gosh I think I forgot to reset my stats okay yes I did I gotta go ahead and reset my stats refund 2450 go ahead and put it into melee defense and sword for Buddha staff and there we go right away is a Buddha and I'm a Buddha and we're gonna go ahead and speed run to where we eat the fruit so rexway went ahead and untransformed he's gonna go ahead and eat the ice fruit right now go ahead and eat that oh my gosh all right dude I'm eating the ice cream right now dude but don't let me die because I'm dying all the way over here help so we ate the ice fruit we're gonna go ahead and kill these guys real quick and we're gonna go ahead and let Rex way awaken so we're gonna go ahead and turn direct ways POV in just a second here once we kill this boss the rage should end now and I'm sent back to the castle and wreck they should be sent back to the Awakening chamber it worked let's go okay so as you guys see that myth is true correct way go ahead and do the Awakening all right I'm gonna Ascend and I got it I got like the second move now let's go as you can see that last myth is true you guys can do a raid with an entire different fruit but at the end make sure you eat it before the raid ends and there you go well if you guys enjoyed this video and you guys want to see more myths busted go ahead and leave a like and sub and I'll catch you guys in the next one peace you guys all seem to love the myths and Secret videos I have been dropping so I decided to give you guys a little treat I'm gonna be showing you guys a bunch your bloxwich secrets that have been hiding in plain sight some of these secrets I'm about to show you have never been seen before in the game and some of them are also kind of obvious but that honestly depends on you it depends on how much attention you pay to this game but let's get right into the first secret so this first secret was actually shown to me by funky hey Daddy sit down let's know what are you doing we're gonna be showing them the first secret funky so the first secret is not sitting down at the table but instead it's actually under the table let me go in first person let me show you guys what I'm talking about so this isn't very special but it's a little Easter egg so right here where I'm looking on the table right there it says Chad is the king of blocks fruits it's a little message and I don't know how it got there what it even means or who Chad even is let me know down below who chat is guys is Chad like indra's real name or is that another admin name or I don't know who that could be but that is the first secret that's been hiding in plain sight but for the second secret funky actually showed me the second one as well we have to go through the sea castle because this is the spot where we we need to show you guys so there are a lot of bushes here as you guys can tell but funky pointed out if you dash to these bushes you actually get slowed down and it only works sometimes it's a little weird like right there if you notice I tried dashing and it stops like halfway and it keeps doing it like right here I notice I'm not sure if that's a secret or it's gonna be added for a future update because it does slow you down sometimes but not entirely so it could be a little bug funky also pointed out when you dash through it it slows you down but when you dash inside of it you can Dash normally which is pretty weird this Third Secret actually takes place at Hydra Island so we're gonna go over here and I don't know if this is really a secret or if it's a bug or a glitch I don't know what you would call it but it's still pretty secret because not a lot of people know about it Mist actually showed me this one and if you guys look at this building right here specifically you guys can kind of walk up to it and go through it yeah it's really weird it's one of a weird building where you can just genuinely go through it I've never seen anything like it in the game I don't think it works with every building as you can see here it doesn't work and it also doesn't work if you go up a couple steps it only works on the first two floors and only these two windows so that is a secret that's actually not supposed to be in the game for the next secret we're going to be talking to an NPC and this NPC is back over at the sea castle if you guys go to this little bar area over here it's more of like a little cozy Tavern but if you talk to the butler over here he has a bunch of interesting random messages he says so if he talked to him he says random things such as I hear real fruits spawn in the sea yes real fruits and not blocks fruit and if you don't know what he's talking about we can show you guys this next secret over at the great tree it's a little two in one secret so let's head over to the great tree and go find the real fruit he's talking about and right there we have the real fruit if you take a look at this this is something funky would appreciate so funky what do you think about my real fruit what are you doing hiding behind this tree oh I have one of those you have one of these yeah my pants bro no number you're gonna eat this I was gonna but not anymore I can't believe he's so sus but since we're still at the great tree there is still one more secret here I have to show you guys over here behind the gray tree there is actually an NPC and if you go right here this would be the crew captain and if you talk to him you could extend your crew by one slot for 2 000 fragment but he's also in other Seas such as the second sea but speaking of the second C we should go over there now we know that we're here at the cafe let's go ahead and go to the back and roll a fruit did you know if you're liking subscribe to number school you'll get the best mythical fruits in the game don't worry Indra confirmed this himself and uh I can't like And subscribe to myself so I gotta Chopper funky you could have it don't worry I'll like And subscribe to you real quick hey watch this number I'm gonna get the best fruit all right let's see what do you get if you're truly liked And subscribe to me okay dark fruit is not too bad okay that's enough messing around let's go ahead and go to the graveyard for this first secret in the second C apparently there's a secret Indra NPC back here and he can change the color of your dark blade yeah that is right he's right over here so if we go ahead and take out our dark blade and activate our hockey we can see that we have a green aura now let's go ahead and talk to the Indra NPC and he says do you wish to change your dark blade skin we're gonna go ahead and click enable this time and he said all right it's done let's go ahead and turn off our hockey and then turn it back on and wow it's white now yo okay so this turns on and off your dark blade V3 this is crazy for the next secret do you guys remember that crew Captain I just showed you guys if you guys go over here he's also right here in the second C so you can get more members into your crew and it still costs only 2 000 frags to increase your crew capacity and for me that's really nothing because I have 160 000 fragments and I don't know why I've already awakened every fruit in the game so the numbers just aren't making any sense but that's enough let's go to the cafe and show you guys this next secret which I believe also costs fragments to do if you go over to the factory and you go all the way up here to these windows there's gonna be an NPC standing here and you could get a rare ship so here he is his name is cyborg you go up here and you talk to him I think I already bought it so the dialogue is going to be different yeah he said you already took my so I'm going to show you guys what that rare boat looks like and uh you could also walk through the walls I did not know this part that's another secret too I guess so let's take a look at that boat we just bought real quick so if we go to the luxury boat dealer he will have it in his inventory and it is called flower so if we get it this is what it looks like it's pretty interesting it does not look like anything compared to the other ships and I have my banner up here that looks cool things are about to get cold because we're about to go to the docs4 area and show you guys a little secret you guys may or may not know but you're able to enter these igloos here if you guys don't know the shift lock glitch where you kind of turn your camera inside of a building and you teleport into it you can get inside of objects like these and there are chests hidden inside these igloos and what's also interesting is that you can look outside of them but you can't see inside of them so on the outside nobody can really see you unless you're like out like that and every single Igloo has a chest inside of it but I'm starting to like the snow theme more and more so let's actually go to a place called snow and did you you guys know the Superhuman fighting style which is the ultimate fighting style right before God human is actually in the second Seas so if we go down this little ledge right here there is a hidden little entrance and it's in a giant cave it is huge down here and here he is this is the martial arts fighting style also known as superhuman I don't want to trade for it because I do have God human right now but superhuman is easily the second best fighting style in the entire game I'm starting to freeze here because it's getting way too cold even though I'm a snow golem ice demon let's go over to the lava area now and warm up because there is a secret NPC over here too on top of the smoke boss there's a little hidden like area right here if I could get in there we go there's a little NPC here and if you talk to him you could start up law rage here you can buy a microchip for a thousand fragments and by completing the raids you have a chance to get the Coco sword and Cyborg V4 or unlock the cyborg race I mean but you have the Coco sword here and it's pretty cool when you combine it with the control food as well but since we're here in the second sea we might as well finish it off in the first C so let's go back there and show you guys some more secrets for the beginners so now that we're here let's go to the Marine Fortress did you guys know there is a maze over at the Marine Fortress and it's actually special if you have a dark blade you can enter and if you don't have one then you won't be able to break this door that I just broke I don't want to go further into this maze because it will spoil some things for you so I'll let you guys explore this in the future but know that this secret is here next up we're going to be going to the hot desert because there are some interesting grinding items that you should definitely get in the first see if you're just starting off we're gonna go inside this little hole that I just showed you guys and it leads you inside one of these pyramids and inside this pyramid there's going to be a shopkeeper and you can also buy a swordsman hat wait what it says you're not ready yet homie but I'm not sure what that means because I could have sworn I had it but let alone here's your little shop for the hat but you're gonna need a good sword for using that hat right so let's go back to the magma village now over at the magma Village there is a secret door or over here and it is very well blended with the volcano there is no way you can tell but it's actually right in front of me right here yeah I don't know if you guys saw that that's crazy right but in here there's a living skeleton and if you talk to him you can buy the soul cane do I have it I could have sworn I had it I guess I don't even have the soul cage what I think I'm a Noob oh I think I know the problem I got it mixed up with the gravity cane I had the gravity cane but the soul cane is a great first C item the gravity cane is actually for the second C man I wish I would have known all this when I started playing blockcharts in the beginning next up we're gonna be going to the sky and then we're gonna jump off the top and actually go where this Castle is and right behind the castle there is a secret NPC I didn't know this in the first C so I know for sure I don't have this item but if you're a blogster user in the first sea and not a Buddha user and you don't use your swords or fighting styles you should definitely get this item it increases your blog screwed attacks for 500 000 so let's go ahead and buy that and if we equip it it looks like this it's exactly what the Thunder got has or a nil from one piece of course but if all these secrets weren't good enough for you in the first seat and you guys want the best of the best and you only want to use a sword let me show you guys the best sword this is called the saber and this sword is actually one of the only swords in the first seed that you can awaken besides the bicento the abilities are overpowered like that they have dashes and they do huge effects like that but it is also one of the easiest swords to get you actually get it by going to the Jungle which is one of the first Islands you go to besides starter Island and it's this door right here so he actually has the saber himself it is called the saber expert and if you defeat him you have a chance of getting it but to even get in this room you need a secret quest line to follow and if you guys have never done the quest line go ahead and check out the video I am linking at the end on screen but with that being said I will catch you guys in the next one peace because you guys like to know every single little secret and myth about blocks fruits we are going to continue this series in today's video this first secret is actually extremely helpful a lot of you may not know this but you can awaken a fruit without actually using it that is right you heard me correct let me just show you what I mean it'll make more sense although you will need to own the fruit so starting off let's go ahead and go to the shop and let's say we're gonna do an ice Awakening today let's go ahead and switch over to the ice fruit all we need to do is go through the portal then go to the sea castle and go to The Awakening area and we're gonna start up an ice raid like we normally would so we go ahead and buy the chip and then we go ahead and stand on the platform we're gonna do this solo raid because I am so confident in this so now we click the button and the rage should start at any second now so here we are in the ice raid now what you need to do is open up the shop go to another fruit such as Buddha and equip it since they added the feature right here you can now change fruits in the middle of a raid so let's figure out can you awaken ice fruit while using Buddha fruit I'm gonna go ahead and solo this raid and continue but I'm just gonna skip because nobody wants to see me solo a whole raid the entire video so now that we're at the final boss Island what you want to do is go ahead and untransform out of Buddha then go ahead and go back to your ice fruit and equip it make sure you do this before you finish off the last boss otherwise this won't work so let's go ahead and fight the last boss real quick and clap them and after we kill him it should take us the Awakening room I believe but let's just go ahead and finish him off here there we go we killed the last boss and here you go my screen is turning yellow and I think we're gonna be going to The Awakening room there we are we can now awaken the ice room I do have all Awakenings already done on every single fruit so I can't really awaken but if I talk to him and I seek Ascension I already taught you everything I know so yes this does work 100 for the second secret it's actually doing another raid but more specifically we're gonna be breaking the game by starting up a Buddha raid that is right it sounds weird but it is really hard to do so what you have to do is go ahead and start the raid as Buddha go ahead and shift give it a couple seconds and then use your V ability and hopefully by then there you go it just broke the game by shooting a giant laser beam all the way back to the islands where people spawn at and these giant rings stay here and they progressively get bigger as the raid goes on it's weird I've never seen this before but one of my fans actually showed this to me yeah these rings are getting bigger and bigger by the second but that's enough messing around let's go ahead and reset and go back to the main island for some more secrets but you have to go ahead start up the raid transform and use a Buddha ability in the meantime as you go to the next Island and I accidentally flop this next secret is the best of them all if you go ahead and go to the blocks through gotcha and you have already liked and subscribed this video in the next 10 seconds you will roll a good fruit let's see if I get anything good and I actually got something decent I can't like And subscribe to my own channel but hey you can but on to another secret did you guys know you guys control your friends in the sea castle if you go back over here there's an NPC a lot of people may have never noticed or cared to talk to but this person right here if you talk to them they start screaming no I'm getting a flashback again you go ahead and tell them to click let me see and they're gonna be stuck in a little cut scene and do you guys remember this from the second c yeah this is what happens and you're forced to watch the whole thing but guys I'm still forced to watch this how do I get out of this okay something weird happened after doing the cutscene my camera is now broken and my character is over here now out what the heck is this I guess this is another bloxford secret playing block shirts in third person guys this is weird this was not actually gonna be on the secret list I don't know how this happened so this is another secret I guess geez that was a little weird but we gotta stop getting distracted by these secrets we gotta show some more secrets this one over here is an NPC called lunaven and he's an NPC a lot of people may have never noticed or bothered to talk to because he doesn't fit into the main storyline but it's an actual pretty important NPC if you guys have ever done five of these Elite Hunter quests over here by talking to this cat Man lunovan actually gives you a reward and it's a special item so if you go ahead and talk to him he will give you a different message but since I already claimed my reward he says enjoy reward and if you're wondering what that reward is it is actually this pretty helmet yeah it's it's literally called pretty helmet and lunovan's name is right here as well but another secret right behind me and lunaven is this character named flockster a lot of you guys used to yell at me and say stop spin sending Robux to refund my stats but you guys know I have sugarway buying me that stuff anyways but besides that if you talk to plockster he has a special offer for you if you trade 2500 fragments he will give you a stat refund so that way you can save some Robux I don't know how but I have about 161 000 fragments so I could have saved a lot of Robux I'm not gonna lie but for these next Secrets we're gonna have to go back to the second C so here we are in the second seat we actually have to go to the mansion for this first one so let's go ahead and portal there and did you know right besides the spawn point with portal fruit there is this little cube right here and this little Easter egg of Thailand flag it's a ball with the Thailand flag on it and the Brazilian Cube as well which is the Brazilian flag and you're probably wondering what's so special about this Brazil Cube well let me tell you my friends it's actually very very very special if we take a look at the blocks fruit Wiki this Cube has a special power when it's summoned by Indra so according to the wiki it says this Q can also be summoned by an admin such as Rip Indra upon touching it it would Grant you a free dark blade pretty cool right did you guys also know there is two more ways to get a free dark blade not just one way but two more they are also very secretive just like that Cube back there the other two ways of getting it for free is by defeating an admin but there is a small chance you will get it but just by killing an admin the last one is the most secret of them all and I think is the coolest so there is an NPC called mihawk and he has only been seen a very small number of times there are rumors and theories about mihawk in the game but nobody knows for sure he only spawns in when Indra is in the game people say if you kill him you have a small chance of getting the dark blade and some people also say that it's an admin using a disguise and just by these pictures alone you guys can tell not a lot of people have seen this for themselves even the official blocks route Wiki can't even get clear pictures of it let me know down below did you guys know about that secret but speaking of secret NPCs there there's also this other secret that's always in the game apparently if you go to the green zone over in the second seat and go all the way to the highest point over here there is apparently an NPC that you can talk to the rumor is if you get all three legendary swords and talk to him he will reward you with the true triple katanas but let's see if there even is an NPC here and oh my gosh there is and why does he look like that why does he have a big belly huh let's talk to him let's see what he says you already own this item well I do own the true triple Katana so this is definitely a true secret for this next secret we're gonna need to go back to the cafe it's actually right over where diamond is that little flower area we're gonna go all the way to the back side and go through a little hidden entrance somewhere along these walls there's a hidden door and if I believe it is right here we go inside and you do quests over here right but did you know there's a little dog here and if you talk to this dog he will ask you if you want to buy a kilo fruit for 97 Robux and if it's your first time talking to him you can also get a new title called the dog I didn't even know about the title thing but that's a free little title but personally I am not gonna buy a pillow fruit for 97 Robux I am canceling that next up I'm gonna show you guys a little hidden island for this island we need to go ahead and go back to the docks and then go buy a boat and now all we have to do is swim to the left side over here and you will see it in the distance right there so now that we're arriving at the secret little island did you guys also know there's a chest down here but there is also another secret room upstairs that is right if you look above you there will be a hole somewhere and it's right over there all you have to do is just jump inside of it and then you'll be up this secret area this is where usually a blue flower will spawn for getting race V2 and also the legendary sword dealer has a chance of spawning here believe it or not it's very very rare but it is a possibility next up I'm gonna show you guys where to get a special secret sword if you're pretty pro at the game you will already know this but if you're pretty new or you're just casually playing you might have actually missed this we gotta go to the winter castle for the this one and go up there to go meet the ice Admiral so as you may or may not know the ice Admiral spawns here and if you kill him you have a chance of getting two keys one is called the library key and this unlocks this area where you can get a fighting style but there is also another secret area where you get the sword you will get another key I think called hidden key or hidden door and there is a door in this wall you can't really see at all but it is here you walk in and normally there would be a chest on the floor right here where you'll be rewarded with the red Goku sword and yes this is the ren Goku sword from Demon Slayer as you can probably tell from the first ability it is literally labeled as Demon Slayer another secret is why is he holding it like this this is extremely sus bro but speaking of the ice Admiral that drops the key for that chest he actually just spawned in out of nowhere last but not least right behind the winter castle there is actually these rings that are also found in the first and third sea where you could change your dragon so if I go ahead and transform into a dragon right now I have the ultimate Mastery 600 black Dragon but if I fly through one of these Rings such as this red ring right here it will say dragon color changed to bright red so all we have to do is untransform and then re-transform and there we go we are now officially the red dragon that concludes all of the secrets for this video If you guys enjoyed this video and you guys want to see more secrets like it go ahead and leave a like and sub and I'll catch you guys in the next one peace in this video I'm going to be showing you guys a bunch of myths and secrets this game has to offer some of these secrets and myths you might know and actually a lot of these you may not know so make sure to stick around to the end and let me know down below how many of these secrets and myths did you actually know but before we get into this I have my helper Rex way here AKA sugarway Milky Way mommy way all the names we've already heard of very familiar with him but since he's here I have to help him and pay him out so wrecked way you're gonna be getting a fruit come with me bro why you paying me I didn't even do anything don't worry I'll be using you later yo what okay okay don't act like it's not a good deal look it I got a sand fruit for you bro bro this is so me just like you at least it's not as mid as your mom dude this is like washed up just like your channel hey be nice dude what are you talking about you know what this fruit deserves to go to what I'm about to take you somewhere what you're taking me somewhere follow me okay you better not pull something stupid now you're gonna get in this hole with me bro the whole what what are you doing here at Port Town see the sand fruits nah bro I don't like your gift bro how dare you I worked hard for that Sanford I waited a whole two hours to give you that salmon fruit and that's how you treat me yeah yeah yeah okay goodbye oh my gosh let's go ahead and show everybody the myths and secrets we have for them right Jake so if you guys have Buddha apparently you guys can get like crazy range hacks by using Buddha but I probably wouldn't recommend this let's go ahead and test it out let me go ahead and show you guys what I mean if I go ahead and smack a retro right here I have to be up in his face I can't smack him from like over here right if we go ahead and shift with Buddha real quick we will be able to have range hacks once we unshift let's go ahead and unshift real quick and smack wrecked way and as you guys can see we can smack him from a far distance I'm using God human to punch him that far that is ridiculous and I think you could even do it with swords you actually can't unless you make your sword really big which wrecked way really enjoys let me go ahead and show you guys what I mean by that we go ahead and shift all you have to do is unshift and equip the sword right after and there we go now I have a big juicy dark blade right what do you think about my my big dark blade bro stay away before I punch you bro you wouldn't do that come on away from me buddy oh yeah guys and uh don't do this leave it to the professionals with the big dark blades the reason why is because this is actually bannable if you use this in PvP and to exploit it this is for entertainment purposes only guys so don't have a big dark blade and do not use your fish to hit people 20 miles away alright guys for these next Secrets we're gonna be going to the second C so if you're not in the third C yet this is good for you so now we are in the second C guys and this one's actually a little bit scary and kind of creepy I'm not gonna lie I don't think a lot of people know about this one and if you do you know your attention to details you guys know like everything if you know this one let's go ahead and go to the cafe right away go ahead and portal me there the little secret that I'm about to show you is very weird and nobody really knows about this because it's just out of pocket so all you have to do is actually look up at these pillars go up to this top corner right here and there's actually a secret message here if you guys didn't know and it is extremely hard to see but right here in this corner you can see a very light message that says it exists if that's not creepy to you guys I don't know what is because there's a secret message saying something exists and there is no context behind it Rex we do see what I'm seeing yes sir I see your mom's booty cheeks that's not what I'm talking about so yeah guys it's really creepy I looked around the cafe for any other Secrets I couldn't find any but there's probably some scattered around if there's a secret message there what's stopping them from putting more secret messages in this video I'm gonna be teaching you guys a bunch of different myths secrets and glitches that even the sweatiest most tryhard Pros won't even know starting off with something simple we're actually gonna be using the control fruit for this one so the myth is depending on your Mastery it determines your bubble size or your control area so I have a wrecked way over here Rex way can you go ahead and show me your giant ball what my giant balls okay bro let me show you my giant balls uh-huh that's pretty interesting what Master do you have your uh control fruit buddy 229. 229 I got mine 402 let me go ahead and make my balls really big and let me see how much bigger it is wait well it turns out that myth is false the oxfords might have patched it because it actually used to be different I bet you guys didn't know about that secret blocks fruits update now for this next one it's actually gonna be a glitch using the Phoenix fruit rexway actually showed me this one and according to rectaway in order to do this glitch you have to go ahead and talk to this Awakening expert and unawaken your ex ability if you already have it awakened so let's go ahead and unawaken it and a fruit just spun in the game oh and it was a quake fruit that spawned in the game hey that's pretty good anyways let's continue with the glitch I got distracted we actually need to be near the water for it and you're gonna also need a bow apparently this gives you like an infinite healing glitch you're supposed to use your healing button then sit down on a bow and then let go of it and as you guys can see I am not holding the X ability anymore the cooldown's going down and uh that's pretty interesting you could use other things such as like ability C you could uh I think transform as well yeah and I'm still healing even though I'm not using the X ability what happens if I use the X ability again oh yeah it just shows that I'm using it now okay this is getting really loud I need to go ahead and reset to get this off my screen wait wait a second why is it still going here wait what did we just break the game no right way this healing bubble's still here I can infinitely heal myself oh my gosh did you guys also know if you like And subscribe right now you'll roll a crazy mythical fruit let's go ahead and see what I get and I got a flame fruit unfortunately I can't like And subscribe to myself but you guys can like And subscribe all right number let's see how true that is bro oh you're gonna like And subscribe all right let's see yes sir and oh my god dude it's actually real yo Shadow fruit this next glitch actually required me to become wrecked ways Discord kitten damn bro you're looking kind of thick oh my gosh bro you can't say that to the homies what's wrong with that it's like tucking the homies good night oh my gosh wrecked away okay I can't do this but let's go do the glitch so you have to have a rengoku sword and you also are not allowed to be going into ligma's Den so apparently using the rengoku sword can get you in there without actually unlocking it so let's go ahead and see if this is true we go ahead and hold the Z ability and oh my gosh wait this is real what so you apparently could go inside ligma's Den without unlocking it well I guess this glitch is overpowered but I wonder are we actually able to kill him let me go ahead and use some abilities on him and no he doesn't even know I'm next to him oh wait what he smacks though what the heck okay I'm getting out of here but that's actually cool and I'm stuck in the wall but now I'm out now that's over with I don't ever want to be wrecked away's Discord kitten ever again but for this next glitch you're gonna need the love fruit in an elite pirate so now that we have the love fruit equip let's go ahead and talk to the elite Hunter and see where this Elite pirate is hiding at so he said Diablo's roaming near Port town so here is our Elite pirate over at the Port Town we're gonna go ahead and walk up to him and Flamingo ride kidnap him and now that we have him on our Flamingo we're gonna go ahead and transport him somewhere else so now we have arrived at our destination of the sea castle if we go ahead and try to talk to the elite Hunter he's gonna tell us something weird we're gonna go ahead and ask where is this Elite Hunter and he says right here Diablo is roaming on the castle on the sea which is not true because Elite Pirates don't spawn here but wait a second this looks extremely sus hold on Yo Diablo get off my Flamingo hold up that was too much so rexway actually showed me this next glitch as well because rectory knows a thing or two about doing on other men no I know how to do that to a woman but you don't get any yeah yeah buddy anyways we're gonna have to doe on each other for this glitch because you found out about it and you like doing on me so let's go ahead and do it apparently if you use the C ability on the doe user at the same time you guys will both take little to no damage at all so let's go ahead and try that out are you ready Milky Way yes sir three two one go so apparently yeah we're not taking any damage here and wow that is actually impressive none of us took any damage to be honest I didn't think that was actually gonna work but I do have the expert of going on men here no it's woman for this next one we're actually gonna go ahead and break the control fruit again so let's go ahead and equip the control through and for this one apparently you can break your ultimate slash V ability just by holding it for an extremely long amount of time let me show you what I mean let's go ahead and activate our control area and if we go ahead and hold our V ability we can't move right we're holding our sword we're doing this animation but if we hold it long enough apparently it will break the animation and break the v-ability itself so now my hand got put down all of a sudden and I can move too now as you can see I'm still holding the V ability if I let it go now I can use it like what the heck you can run around with the V ability but I wonder if I let go of it on direct way will it actually deal damage to him or is it just a visual glitch let's see and oh my gosh I'm invisible wait what yo we just broke the control through and whoa what the heck I teleported back onto him does that mean I could do a full combo while you can't even see me guys this is extremely broken but I don't think you should use this in a public match because you could probably get banned that's exploiting for sure almost this is what the V ability is supposed to normally look like if I go ahead and use the V ability it's supposed to do a whole animation just spin around the map and do all these cool effects and then he should take the damage after it shouldn't break like the way I showed you guys this next secret actually doesn't require a fruit at all if you want to become the hide and seek champ or is constantly being hunted by bounty hunters this is a perfect glitch for you we're gonna go ahead and go to the great tree and there's a secret spot right in front of the entrance if you look at the floor right here there is a secret little opening and this will actually let you go inside the gray tree under the map so all you have to do is walk up to it and fall inside and there is no way anybody's finding you or figuring out how to get to you unless they know that secret little spot or saw this video of course number look I'm I'm going in the air bro what you're doing in the how are you flying guys this place is magical apparently too but I need to get out of here before rectway dose on me all over me by accident so I'm going back to the mansion actually we're gonna get some water for this glitch so let's go to the sea castle and go to the dock area apparently you could become a human boat if you combine shark V4 with every fruit in the game so for example if you use a light fruit and you use the F ability you can fly but since you also have the shark race apparently could go in the water and swim with it and oh my gosh this is true you can just swim and fly in the water at the same time I am a human boat guys so apparently these bookshelves behind me are indestructible if you go ahead and try to use an ability on it nothing happens but apparently if you go outside and break an object such as a tree like right out here let's go ahead and break that tree and run back inside super fast and we use the same ability we did on that tree we could apparently break these bookshelves and oh my gosh it works I can't believe the control fruit is taking over this list but we gotta go back to the second Seas with the control fruit for this one so now that we're back in the second Seas we're gonna actually have to go to this bridge over here and you could apparently rip open this bridge and just actually destroy it you can pick it up like let me show you what I'm talking about direct way is standing right on that part of the bridge let me go ahead and you know get rid of the bridge right there right away oh God you can drown you're not drowning Bozo you're the shark race I could go ahead and trap you on this platform go ahead and stand right here Rex wait you're trapped With Me Now oh no wait this NBC is flying right there what went ahead and portaled to hot and cold but did you guys know that there are certain fruits that are immune to the lava if you go ahead and step on the lava with portal fruit I'm taking damage as you guys can see but if we go ahead and switch to a different fruit I don't know let's switch to magma fruit magma fruit would be pretty smart choice if we go ahead and use magma we don't take any damage to the lava it also works for other fruits like leopard and stuff like that for these next secrets I'm gonna need a friend so let's go ahead and say what's up to wrecked way and recti why is the bridge still missing I don't know you're the one that broke it oh um yeah let's not talk about that anyways I'm gonna go ahead and eat a different fruit so the fruits I'm gonna use is probably chop and rubber so if we go ahead and use chopped fruit I will be immune to all sword attacks so Rex do I go ahead and try to smack me with a sword as you can see my passive ability does not let me take damage from swords but if I go ahead and switch fruits and go to rubber fruit I will be taking zero damage to guns so Rex way go ahead and shoot me okay uh he's just spamming the soul guitar and it is doing absolutely nothing oh it picked me up but I didn't take any damage that's pretty cool doesn't matter what gun he uses I will take zero damage and just to show you guys we're not Allied right do I stand still let me just go ahead and slingshot you off there so while the sea furry is drowning in the water over there if you guys enjoyed this myth secret slash glitch video go ahead and leave a like and sub and I'll catch you guys in the next one peace all right guys in today's video I'm gonna show you guys a bunch of boxers hacks that almost nobody knows maybe not even the devs themselves some of the things I'm gonna show you was actually meant to be in the game and some were actually not meant to be in the game starting off the first hack with something simple and sweet there are actually two items in the game that have infinite range almost and if you were looking down at my hot bar I have the Paw fruit and the Soul guitar which are the two longest range items in the game if I go ahead and use the Z ability it goes extremely far as you can see it is barely in camera frame right there and it finally disappeared with that range you could almost reach another Island but speaking of other Islands we could shoot our pavarage and heavy Paws all the way to floating Turtle over there and it would absolutely reach same thing goes for the soul guitar the soul guitar has crazy range itself too this thing goes insanely far this second thing is more of a secret rather than a hat but you may or may not know this currently I have the Sanford equipped and it is the only fruit in the game to take double damage in water I have Rector with me who's also going to jump in the water at the same time as me to show you guys the damage difference and how crazy it actually is on the count of three wrecked way we walk in one two three and we'll see how much faster I die than wrecked away and would you look at that he was at half Health while I died but since we're talking about the ocean and water I want to show you guys another hack with the fruit a more interesting fruit and that is the dragon fruit for this hack you're gonna need dragon and the Furry meter to be all the way maxed out because you're gonna need the transformation for this one if someone say dragons shut up go away furry okay you better shut up before I drag these nuts on your face okay buddy anyways we're gonna go ahead and talk to the luxury boat dealer and we're gonna go ahead and get a bow if you have the enforcer boat this hack is going to be even crazier so let's go ahead and transform and as you can see I have Mastery 600 so I have the ultimate black dragon what you want to do is aim for the seat of the boat and as you can see we are locked in we can now swim as a dragon and you go super fast the dragons don't even fly this fast personally I call this hack the dragon Awakening hack it is now promoted to water lizard fruit this is also a quick little bonus hack since we're on the topic of boats and riding them did you know that the control fruit can actually make boats fly all you have to do is set up your control area use your X ability on your friend's bow and then throw him somewhere and he will go flying but that's enough playing with boats I know you guys want to gain some value and gain some fruits so for this hack did you know liking and subscribing right now will get you a mythical fruit from the blocks fruit roller wrecked wait let's go ahead and test that theory let me go ahead and roll a fruit and see what I get okay it's time for me to roll my fruit all right awesome let's go ahead and pull out our fruits on three one two three oh my God I got dough yo what I got room five fruit because I can't like And subscribe to myself but for this next hack since we have a fruit with us there is actually a secret glitch that has a 0.25 percent chance of working and you can duplicate fruits so I'm not sure if it's gonna work but right away let's try it out so for the glitch we're gonna have to go ahead and drop the fruit Rex way and I have to shift lock our cameras so our cameras look like this and at the same time we have to walk on top of that fruit on the count of three wrecked wait we run to it one two three okay we got it at the same time Rex wait do you have it yes sir oh no way that is actually crazy well I'm gonna go ahead and put this in my pocket real quick we got some more hacks to attend to correctly actually told me about this hack it's over at Hydra Island so rectway where is the secret area you're about to show us all right dude so you need to go into like this mythical hole okay what kind of hole the mythical hole what mythical hole wait it's gonna be on the edge right here on the top left uh-huh top left Edge whoa wait what what the heck is that hurry up I'm sorry it's hard to get up here but what the heck there's a little tiny hole here okay and where does this take us oh you're about to see bro come over here whoa what the heck what kind of hack is this you see like that giant weird looking Temple Place oh yeah I see it what is this area so if you go around the corner right here uh-huh now jump down here in like this other hole okay so you shift lock and just press R and then you get teleported inside here inside where what the heck is this area wait what is this the beautiful pirate room yeah that's her boyfriend that's your boyfriend what are you talking about and wait if we walk through this door does that mean we're at Turtle Island somehow wait what if somebody is bounty hunting you and man hunting you around the third sea that is a crazy way to escape there is no way you're getting caught another little secret since we're actually here next to floating turtle and next to God human which is actually one of the hardest fighting styles to get in this tree there is an ancient monk who actually teaches you the fighting style but something I bet you didn't know is God human is the only fighting style in the entire game that requires materials to learn such as Fish Tales magma ores dragon skills and droplets oh yeah and it also costs 5 million bucks so you're gonna need a lot of money including 5 000 frags but for this next hack imagine you're short on money you don't have too much money left over from grinding you spent it all on rolling fruits right so if we want to make all that money back all we have to do is go to the haunted castle and this is pretty much like an infinite money hack but I highly recommend using a fruit that has a fly abilities such as love because you're gonna need to go all the way to the top of haunted castle so we are finally approaching the top it is really high up here as you guys can see but inside this bucket there are three blue chests and if you guys don't know anything about what the blue chests mean it is the most valuable chest in all of the games so if you get one it gives you about eleven thousand dollars and if you want to farm these fast all you have to do is just leave and rejoin the server and that will give you infinite money number you want to say like another hack I can do wait what hack can you do I can disappear just like your dad oh wow very funny you're just gonna get back over here wait what did you teleport out no I'm still here I'm right in front of you what are you talking about hold on let me let me try something real quick if I use my C ability what what the heck well I guess portal makes you invisible for a hack too we're actually portal meet a sea castle I need to show them another hack but I need more space in this little bucket over here gosh I hate being your Uber driver for life too bad now for this hack you're gonna need the Buddha fruit and you're gonna get infinite range hacks so what you have to do first is press Z and then you're also gonna unshift but switch to the fighting style you're gonna use so we're gonna go ahead and press Z and then shift to our fighting style here so wrecked wait go ahead and come and try to punch me real quick try punching me from over there you can't punch me right yeah I can't go ahead and walk up to me and actually hit me now all right all right now step a couple steps back all right that's perfect I could go ahead and punch you from back here yo what the heck are you hacking well technically I am oh yeah and you could also do this with swords as well so what's up wrecked away stop that hurts too bad but seriously guys do not try any of these hacks in a public server or for your advantage doing these hacks can easily get you banned so leave it to the professionals with big katanas but for these next hacks we're gonna have to go back to the first C so here we are back in the first scene for this first one we're gonna actually go to the sky islands and in the building you teleport into right at the roof it says fud10 f-u-d-d-10 and if you type that in on this Twitter code right here you get 10 bucks I can't do it because I already redeemed it it's not much but it's something right but don't worry this next hack is gonna be even more interesting over at prison apparently there's a way to remove your block through in the first C and I'm not sure where but I heard there's an NPC here he's all the way over here what oh he's right over there okay awesome so here he is if you go ahead and talk to him he will remove the current blocks for you're using and he charges 50 bucks to steal your fruit I'm just gonna go ahead and do that and there you go blocks root remove what is actually also cool about removing your block through is back in the day you were actually able to remove your block through while using it so you were able to use multiple blogspots at once but the rumor is whenever you used to do that glitch some weird things used to happen to your character and speaking of characters what happened to you I don't want to talk about a number oh my gosh he can't even walk he just Glides now this is more of a secret than a hack but this is aimed towards the new beginner player so Rex wait you're gonna go ahead and get in my hole and we're gonna go to volcano get in your why my portal hole bro what are you talking about I don't want to see you that way number bro what okay I'm just talking about the volcano in Portal but behind the volcano there's like a secret door which is actually right here and if you go inside it you could talk to the skeleton and get the soul cane from him which is a pretty decent sword to use in the first C but those are all the hacks and secrets I could come up with in this video If you guys enjoyed this video and want to see more like it go ahead and leave a like and sub and I'll catch you guys in the next one peace thank you
Channel: Numberskull
Views: 297,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloxfruits, Roblox, Gaming, DevilFruits, PvP, Update, Codes, BossBattles, Farming, LevelingUp, Trending, Viral, Challenge, Speedrun, Record, Adventure, Treasure, Marine, Pirate, Strategy, TipsAndTricks, RareItems, Exploration, Community, Multiplayer, Numberskull, Roblox Blox Fruit, Blox Fruits, Update 20, Gameplay, FunnyMoments, BestMoments, Montage, Event, NewUpdate, Tutorial
Id: rZZvRv-gKLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 4sec (3904 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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