Busting The SCARIEST Blox Fruit Myths... (Roblox Bloxfruit)

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alright guys in today's video we're gonna be busting the craziest blocks for its myths ever for this first myth I actually have to go into the shop and equip a rubber fruit for this and I also need some helpers so I actually have a bunch of monkeys back here with me I got Mara monkey I got wrecked away monkey and there should also be a speck monkey somewhere what are you calling three oily men what what is going on I heard men and monkeys why okay um spec where are you you're supposed to be a part of this group as well I'm not the sea castle getting it fruit okay well you have fun with that anyways we're actually come over here and I'm gonna need you to go ahead and test this first myth going to test out the furnace myth I got you yes sir so what I need you to do for this first myth is go ahead and use an electric fruit such as Rumble apparently the myth is rubber is immune to rumble fruit so Rex wait go ahead and try that on me real quick all right buddy so prepare to spread your legs so I can zap them oh okay let me just go ahead and uh yeah go ahead and show hey hey I'll zap you later calm down I need to test it out on number what oh my gosh that was extremely sus but I am not taking any damage hey balls bro I do not want you to smack me with your big balls I don't know damage your balls tickle hey next me next oh my gosh you guys can smack balls somewhere else please not on camera anyways talking about the myths oh the myths okay do you have the chop fruit Mara yeah I do have it awesome go ahead and equip it for me okay what now apparently can't take damage if I hit you with a sword so let's see if that's true wait what what are you doing to me uh I'm just trying to chop you up but I can't hit you but I can hit wrecked way over here hey don't touch me buddy okay bye bad but it seems like that myth is true oh yeah and there's also another myth with the rubber fruit right go ahead and shoot me with the gun apparently I can't take damage with the gun as well and as you can see you can't even Stun Me with the soul guitar that is crazy also I we do know now that we can't take damage from guns or electricity but what about electric swords we know the chop is immune to swords but are we immune to Electric swords go ahead and hit me with that electric sword real quick Rex way also tell me to pull it out uh yeah yeah whip it out oh my God you're kind of weird you but final watch what no no oh my gosh you're extremely sussed but as you can see I took some damage right there I am not immune to Electric swords but is the chopped fruit immune to Electric swords let's find out go ahead and damage Mara if you even can and oh my gosh she took zero damage from that it looks like there are certain strengths and certain weaknesses to each of those fruits that was hot okay I am completely done with them anyways for this next myth we actually have to go over by the water so apparently I can steal rechtway's boat but apparently he can steal it back so Rick wait go ahead and spawn in a boat for me real quick and I'm gonna steal this bad boy apparently there's a way he can kick me off of it and I will lose it so uh thanks for the boat wrecked way yeah yeah okay buddy there you go what how'd you do that magic bro what did what did you actually do I went to your mom's house and I asked her to borrow it oh okay I am so done with you I guess he's not gonna tell you how this myth works but the myth does work for this next myth apparently if you like And subscribe right now and you roll a fruit you're guaranteed a mythical fruit so let's go ahead and roll a fruit real quick and see what we get oh oh oh okay I got a legendary fruit man this sucks that was a bus you guys got dog water fruits I got a crazy fruit hey you want to hand that over hey what are you willing to do for it um I'll like And subscribe just for you okay okay um you know you can also like And subscribe behind the scenes too uh without Mara if you know what I'm saying nah oh you have to go so since I gave away my spider fruit to wrecked way uh spec go ahead and drop that kilo fruit on the floor this myth apparently is if you use a control fruit you can pick up a fruit on the floor and throw it using the levitate ability so let's go ahead and see if that's true can we throw the fruit spec you picked it back up Bozo go ahead and drive you give it to me Bozo I did not give it to you there's no way Laura stop stealing the fruit we gotta bust this man Drop it only thing I want to see bust is breakfast so apparently Mario's intrusive thoughts won over her but let's test this myth it seems like the killer fruit actually does get thrown I can't tell is somebody picking that up or did that just get thrown because I lost it pick it up number where wait it's right there wait I did throw it what how long are you doing that what do it okay whatever the myth is busted it does or does not work I don't know everybody's being sus for this myth there is a building in Hydra Island where you can just magically walk through and it only works on one building the rumor is so if I walk through this building I can't do it but if I walk to this building to the left I could just walk right through it like it's nothing pretty weird but this myth is true apparently for this myth you're able to go through the map at Great tree so right in front of the great tree boss opening there's like a little hole that like can fit your character through oh I see it right here it's like right inside of this mountain and this will let you through the map let's see if we can actually see that hole what did you say I can't fit through that hole oh because they're too fat or what too girthy oh okay that's a little weird to describe it but anyways we are through the great tree and we are actually in a hidden spot where we can't be hunted by bounty hunters this is pretty cool apparently for this myth there is a way you could buy a kilo fruit for Robux yeah that is right you can buy a physical kilo fruit for a certain amount of Robux and spec why are you here too oh did you just seriously send a gorilla Emoji bro get out of my face anyways where is this dog house oh there it is so this dog house should apparently sell you a kilo fruit for 97 Robux not 75 but that sounds like a terrible deal so I am not buying that for 97 Robux I bought it bro no why did you waste 97 Robux wait how many can I get you can get infinite amount don't buy another please don't waste another 97 Robux oops what are you laughing about over there oh barely kill this NPC free what is that spec hey whoa he's not giving me a leopard fruit I keep on rolling it's that's not how you roll fruits it's just gonna keep giving you kilo fruit that's 600 Robux worth of kilo fruits bro obviously it's more now so 700 you just dropped oh my gosh bro what are you doing we gotta get to the next myth I actually had to go back to the second seat for this myth the myth is can you walk on lava with flame fruit apparently you can but I don't know how true it is let's go ahead and jump in this lava and oh my gosh that is not true I'm already down the half hell let's see another fruit there's a rumor saying you can do with certain other fruits such as leopard being one of them surprisingly enough let's go ahead and uh walk on it and no we still take damage but if we transform do we take damage and oh my gosh we don't take damage anymore we gotta walk on lava with a leopard now let's do the complete opposite let's go talk about water now so the Sanford is actually the only fruit and blogs fruits that deals double damage to yourself when you're drowning in water but if you have the shark race does it nullify all the damage meaning you take zero damage no matter what let's find out and it's true you don't take any damage even with Sanford equipped just because of the shark race hey uh Rex way you don't mind if I borrow Mara for this I just have to slam her for this experiment hey hey hey I'm not gonna allow you to do that it's for science bro don't worry so Mara for this one this myth is gonna be me using the kilo fruit and apparently the myth is depending on how high up you go the damage changes so if I use my Z ability while on the floor it only deals 2.5 k damage but if I go super high using the F ability and then slam down with the Z ability item should deal more damage right let's find out I'm scared oh and it deals the same amount of damage it actually doesn't that myth is false thanks for letting me slam Morrow Jazzy I did not give you a permission and you're gonna get the frick out of here oh whoa what you're hurting Mara too bro chill out here you stupid monkey smack oh oh uh Rex wait I actually need Amara again for this I actually have to blow her up for this one no no you up oh okay yeah yeah I just gotta go ahead and equip the bomb through apparently the myth is for this one I could blow you up too wrecked way for this how much you get spec oh spec you want to get blown up too come over here buddy we can blow together exactly anyways so this one apparently deals the most damage in all of blocks fruits if I go ahead and use the V ability and charge it to the maximum I get almost one shot everybody here so let me just go ahead and charge us all the way up and look at my health it takes my health away too but it should one shot them buddy bye bye guys 39 000 damage are you kidding me bro Rex ways oh my gosh Spec's almost dead Mara died you have shark before active so you survived but oh my gosh well I think that has the highest damage per second unless you consider magma the strongest but I think the myth is Bomb has the strongest single ability in all of blocks fruits so for this next myth apparently you're able to get this boat on land by using the god human C ability so let's go ahead and charge up our C ability hopefully get on the seat and then shoot up all the way over there and oh my gosh it worked we can did I just send spec flying across the map spec where are you buddy did I lose you somewhere wait oh my gosh somebody hit me with the soul guitar and the boat's going crazy and it sent me flying so spec I know you just spent like about 800 Robux on kilo fruits but I'm gonna need you to do it more okay it was more than 800 Robux on kill offers I don't know why you would do that to yourself but I need you to buy me one more for this myth apparently you could save a fruit as you die it's weird to explain so go ahead and just you know get me that kilo fruit real quick and then I'll let you kill me so please please spec you know I'll uh I'll pay you later go ahead and give me that kilo fruit awesome so apparently if you go ahead and click it and drop it as soon as you die you can save it and there you go I just dropped it wait wait it just fell through the map wait a second what it worked but it didn't work at the same time my Roblox bro shut up you're rich you act like just spending a couple thousand Robux on kilo fruits would affect you it's not richer than me bro what do you mean you just spent like a hundred bands on a night with numbers mom you're definitely poor now highly enough money to spare for your mom too oh yeah hey you you do Wiggly wiggling nothing in your bank no you know spending money on anyone's Moms Only me oh oh yikes uh Rector you're gonna get your cheeks beat by Mara I'd probably dip out of here as soon as I can and where are you show me I I don't want to talk about it okay well they're gonna go beat each other's cheeks uh spec should we do our little outro what uh yeah but after you should definitely have a talk with your mom spec get out of my face be gone foul Beast odd whatever I don't care if you guys enjoyed this video and you guys want to see more like it go ahead leave a like and sub and I'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Numberskull
Views: 116,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloxfruits, Roblox, Gaming, DevilFruits, PvP, Update, Codes, BossBattles, Farming, LevelingUp, Trending, Viral, Challenge, Speedrun, Record, Adventure, Treasure, Marine, Pirate, Strategy, TipsAndTricks, RareItems, Exploration, Community, Multiplayer, Numberskull, Roblox Blox Fruit, Blox Fruits, Update 20, Gameplay, FunnyMoments, BestMoments, Montage, Event, NewUpdate, Tutorial
Id: -pIp8xzj714
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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