9/19/2021 || Sunday Service || Dr Jerry Savelle || 10am

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to heritage of faith how y'all doing this morning you're doing well this morning welcome to biker sunday so good to have you in the house this morning and it's good to have just one service we can all connect together as a family and and a lot of great things happening today and exciting expected for the word that god has given dr savelle for us and i'm just have a great expectation this morning but before we begin this morning this is an important week and it's exciting week i want to say happy birthday to miss carolyn happy birthday to you we love you thank you for the example you are thank you for being obedient to god and and hearing god not just hearing god but obeying god to establish heritage of faith we're so grateful for you and we're thankful for you and we celebrate you this week thank you oh amen give her a hand amen believe god's going to do something amazing in our midst this morning i believe his presence is here and where his presence is things change where his presence is manifestations take place do you believe that let's just lift our hands and welcome his presence father we thank you for all that you have in store for us today i thank you that we remove every distraction we remove any obstacle that would hinder us from receiving exactly what you have for us today i thank you that when this service is over we would know that we've been in your presence we've heard revelation and we know that our lives will go higher and we thank you for it in jesus name amen give me a shout of praise this morning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] inside of me i'm gonna jump [Music] for me the victory [Music] i wanna dance [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] to me is [Music] hey come [Music] this on out i can contain it all inside of me i'm gonna jump i'm gonna speak for you caused me to win and you bought for [Music] [Music] i'm gonna [Music] [Applause] [Music] to you are good to me is [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] to me [Music] you are good to me [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna let your faces [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are good to [Music] is [Music] oh we praise you lord come on praise the lord his word glory glory to god the god of the breakthrough is in this house today amen [Applause] come on put your hands together there is no shadow that has ever overcome your light and there is no rival that could ever stand against your mind you've always been with us every battle you've already won [Music] ever left a mark on you and there is no army with the power to conquer truth you've always been with us [Music] show me one thing you can't do show me a mountain he can't move he's the god of the breakthrough and anything is possible [Music] show me one thing that's too hot show me waters he can't park he's the god of the breakthrough and anything is possible is possible [Music] [Applause] there is a kingdom that's advancing at the speed of light and in his kingdom every death thing is bound to rise oh god our redeemer he is faithful to revive oh he will revive [Music] when anything is possible oh yes show me one thing that's too hard show me [Music] and all of my fear i will turn into praise shake off despair as i sing out your name a victory dance i will dance out in faith i will crush disappointment and break [Music] this appointment and break every chain all of my fear i will turn into grace shake off despair as i sing out your name a victory i will dance he's the god i have to break anything is possible [Music] show me one thing that's too hard show me words he can't [Music] i'll shake off despair as i sing out your name a victory dance i will dance out and make i will crush disappointment and break every chance pull up my fear i will turn into praise [Music] one thing you can't do show me a mountain he can't move he's the god of the breakthrough anything is possible show me one thing that's too hard show me anything is anything is possible show me one thing that's too hard show me [Music] is possible is here today oh and he says no limits no boundaries [Music] around me sing that again no limits only no boundaries i see increasing [Music] all around me sing that again no limits no boundaries i see an increase all around me [Music] stretch forth break forth release [Music] me and launch my territory [Music] [Music] enlarge [Music] [Music] stretch get my territory [Music] there's no limits [Music] take the limits off [Music] [Music] release me [Music] release me pray release me please [Music] stretch breakfast [Music] [Music] oh there's no limits in god there's no limits in god take the limits off take the limits off take the limits off your dreams take the limits off your vision take the limits off your assignment hope anything is possible with god anything is possible [Music] he says enlarge my territory just begin to worship him just begin to worship him come on church lift him up lift your hands up he's worthy who is worthy he is worthy of our praise he's worthy of ours oh there's no one like a god oh there's no one like [Music] oh [Music] holy spirit flop this place today holy spirit flood this place today [Music] [Music] here your glory god is what our hearts long for to be overcome by your presence lord [Music] holy spirit [Music] your glory god is what our hearts love to be overcome [Music] thank you father father we thank you for your presence is in this place we take off every limitation off of our thinking off of our hearts and we open i declare that we have eyes to see and ears to hear and hearts to understand this morning that we could see what you see [Music] that as we gather in your presence as we gather around your word today i thank you that we will have eyes to see a life without limitations that we will have eyes to see our purpose our calling our destiny i thank you that we stand under an open heaven today ready to receive revelation insight into all that you have for us as a body as a church as individuals holy spirit thank you [Music] for being our teacher holy spirit thank you for directing holy spirit we welcome you here we thank you when we welcome the gifts of the spirit to flow in this place that causes the church to increase into profit we thank you for everything that you have established and ordered for this morning and we thank you for it in this atmosphere i want us to i want to receive our tithes and offerings this morning with that thought of no limits and no boundaries there's a scripture in second corinth chronicles chapter 6 it says but will god in very deed dwell with men on the earth he says this behold heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee how much less this house which i have built now think about heaven can even contain god let alone contain him try to contain him in your life or in the box that you might have made up for him you know when we talk about god being unlimited when we give and we give of our tithes and we give of our offering what we're doing is we're trusting his ability greater than our own ability so where we might have limits with our 10 or whatever your offering might be that's limited but god can take that offering and do something without limits with it i'm so grateful that that you know i've learned the the keys or the laws to see time and harvest because it's in those keys i was able to to get out of the limitations i had placed on myself in my thinking and the way i operated in my finances so you're ready to give of your ties and offerings this morning you know the different ways to give if you're needing envelope there's one in the seat back in front of you if you're making a check you can make it at the hfcc if you text to give 84321 amen father we just thank you for the opportunity to give this morning we thank you for the opportunity to sow into your kingdom as we sow as we trust you as we bring of our offerings to your house i thank you lord that you are manifesting and you are showing up with your ability that's beyond what we could ask think dream or imagine i thank you father that all grace you said in in second corinthians that all grace would abound towards us all grace would have bound towards us out as we live out of this just generous heart to give and we thank you for it i thank you lord for your faithfulness over our finances we receive jesus name amen ushers you're going to receive the offering amen hallelujah thank you father you can go ahead and be seated hallelujah while they're receiving the offering we've had a lot of people request and want information you know about the memorial homegoing celebration ken ledford and because of family and because of different things coming in from out of town that memorial service won't be until october 30th at 2 p.m so that's october 30th at 2 p.m it'll be here on a saturday and we'll celebrate with the family they said that they needed friends and family to be able to come in and and so a time to to honor honor the life of ken ledford what an amazing man and ken and judy are you i mean judy and troy are you here you stand up please stand up hallelujah stretch your hands towards them father we thank you for this amazing family i thank you that your grace is sufficient i thank you that your hand of grace is constantly surrounding about them in the season i thank you lord as a church family we will continue to lift up their hands and be a source of strength to them we thank you for the promises that we have in eternity thank you father for your faithfulness over their life and all their family lord in jesus name amen amen thank you father i know they're still receiving the offering hallelujah i'm excited to hear what dr sewell has for us this morning i i don't know if you were able to watch it or not but last week he was in um he was in a tampa at rodney howard brown's revival meetings i think they're up to 466 services in a row and i wasn't able to get to all the messages but man i'd encourage you to go go online go to youtube and just put in rodney hal brown the stand and um man what great services great revelation and i'm excited what what he has for us this morning so at this time i like to welcome our founding pastor our apostle dr jerry savelle thank you justin good morning how's everybody hallelujah well why don't we start by giving the lord our best shout out hallelujah amen it's my microphone we got some volume is it okay you got to hear me praise the lord all right shake hands with somebody and say wow that was loud can be seated hallelujah hallelujah well this is our annual biker sunday and we normally have jesse duplantis here with me to do a tag team service but jesse is back home taking care of business and uh because of the hurricane that hit that area they had some damage to their church damage to their house and uh they're they're taking care of all of that and feeding the hungry and and helping people in the community so that's the reason he's not here with us this morning but later in the service at the end of the service when i get through have this in your thinking we're going to receive an offering for jesse because we would have given him an offering anyway and we're going to put it in their ministry so that they can use it to help in the work that they're doing there in their communities a lot of people are without power they're without groceries they're without finances and jess and them are reaching out to their community to help them so we want to get involved in that can i have a hearty amen amen and whatever you do the church is going to add to it and so will be a blessing to them now before we get started uh let me share this report with you chariots of light christian bikers which i formed uh over 25 years ago uh by the instructions of the holy spirit he said take what once was your passion and turn it into a tool of evangelism so i grew up riding motorcycles uh had hot rods and race cars and and speed was my thing not drugs but horsepower i don't know anything about speed as a drug you'll have to ask jesse about that but anyway i grew up riding motorcycles i got on the back of my dad's old harley when i was about nine years old and fell in love with it and i said i'm gonna do this for the rest of my life but i gave it up when i went into ministry and uh ten years after i was in the ministry the lord began to give it back to me and said now once again take what once was your passion and turn it into a tool of evangelism now we didn't start out keeping a record of the people we won to the lord when we first started the organization but we actually started keeping a record in 2006 and uh building and ginger horn headed up for us there are national international directors and they take teams of the chariots light into all the major secular rallies in the country and they just finished going to sturgis which is the largest motorcycle rally in the country it's not uncommon for them to have thousands and thousands and thousands of people there every year and they won a number of people nearly 6 000 people came to christ in sturgis this year praise god amen now in 2021 alone there's been 28 071 decisions for christ through chariots of light they got to give the lord a good shout over that amen now listen to this since we started keeping records in 2006 460 978 people have come to christ through chariots of life amen that's amazing isn't it so looks like to me god had a good idea praise god and i'm glad i was obedient to it now we didn't we didn't do this year like we normally do we usually call in all of our presidents and area leaders and we have some sessions with them but due to all the restrictions that are going on around the country we didn't do that this year but a number of them are here anyway and uh so i want to have all the chariots light and your spouse if you're with that person uh stand up and uh right now stand up and let's give them a good warm welcome praise god amen hallelujah amen now now normally uh if you guys will work work your way up to the front we won't get a quick photo all right normally we have a whole lot of members that come this annual event but once again uh because of uh what's been going on this year uh we didn't have the normal meetings that we usually do so um let's get a photo real quick who are you get in real close all right act like you know one another yeah can you get us home [Music] [Applause] come on make it happen act like you love one another got it all right great give them another good hand praise god amen bless you guys bless you amen this year all right thanks for being here praise the lord praise the lord amen hey steve good to see you yes sir all the way from california junior how you doing buddy all right praise god and california amen where's my podium all right you have your bibles with you this morning [Applause] we have just returned from an awesome tour my goodness we were rodney howard brown's church in tampa my goodness what a phenomenal meeting we had the last night i laid hands on what nearly 2 000 people and man we we had such a great move of god and then we left there and went to uh michigan mark barkley's ministry of helps conference and boy did we ever have a phenomenal meeting there as well you all should have been with us hallelujah amen why don't y'all believe for 747 for the minister and we can take everybody praise god and you pay for it and you pay for the fuel okay all right praise god i'm going to be sharing this morning a message that i have been preaching for 50 years i think i know it by now something the lord taught me and and and i had a lot of help through the ministry of kenneth copeland and oral roberts particularly and uh i remember back in 1969 when i first began studying the word i came across this verse in the book of joshua and it it made a great impact on my life and it still does today let's go there joshua chapter 1. and the title of my message today is prosperity and success is god's best for you prosperity and success is god's best for you and then if you're writing that title down put right underneath it failure and defeat is unacceptable failure and defeat are unacceptable joshua chapter 1 and verse 8 this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein for them if i say for them not before but for them thou shalt make thy way prosperous and thou shalt have good success [Music] now i don't know about you but it's always been a dream of mine even before i came to lord to be successful i think that's that's something god puts in the heart of every human being whether you ever achieve it or not it's god's desire for you to be successful it's god's will for you to be successful and that's one of the reasons why i fought off at a young age being in the ministry because i didn't see that happening with preachers i remember i had a cousin and i've told this story before but it's my sermon i want to hear it again i had a cousin an older cousin um he he was a great athlete when we were growing up in fact he he had the potential of going to the olympics he was just a super athlete and handsome my goodness he looked like a movie star and he was uh much older than me but i looked up to him he was like an idol you know somebody that i admired and i remember after he graduated from high school he went to bethany oklahoma he grew up in oklahoma but he went to bethany oklahoma to the nazarene college and began preparing for full-time ministry became a nazarene preacher and after he graduated and received his license to preach he he was going to be preaching in a revival in oklahoma city and my family happened to be there at my grandmother's home that's where my grandmother lived we happened to be there when we uh when he was having this meeting there was a number of young preachers in this revival and jackie was one of them that was going to be preaching that night and it was his first sermon and so the family went we were looking forward to hearing jackie preach and i never will forget sitting there and i guess he was taught in the seminary that you start off with a joke okay to get people's attention and so he started off with i have a joke for you before i uh preach the word tonight he said i woke up this morning put on my trousers and he said and i i reached down in my left pocket and there was ten dollars in my pocket and i reached down to my right pocket and there was another ten dollars in my pocket and i immediately thought i must have on somebody else's slacks i'm just a poor humble preacher and everybody went oh hallelujah i thought that's why i'll never preach poor humble preacher and then some years later i heard in a baptist church our church used to go to these baptist conferences and i remember hearing the the preacher say people used to pray for me lord keep him humble and we'll keep him poor i thought well there's another reason why i don't want to be a preacher i have a problem with humility but why do preachers have to be poor now i had an uncle he was very religious and i loved him i loved the man growing up i loved him i loved being with him but after i went in the ministry and this is 1976 the lord had blessed me with a brand new 76 corvette i i went around confessing jesus had a donkey no man ever rode jerry has a corvette no man ever drove remember me saying that carolyn jerry has a corvette no one ever drove and don't you know jesus had the best donkey in the land okay so i just i just went around confessing that all the time jesus had a donkey no man ever rode and jerry has a corvette no man's ever drove well i got blessed with a brand new corvette i was down in florida and someone uh blessed me and said when you get back home buy yourself a corvette so i didn't say i'm just a poor humble preacher i'm not worthy i don't deserve i said give me the money man give me the money now before i leave town and so i bought a brand new corvette bruce lowry chevrolet bruce lowry's son mark was the salesman mark lowry and i went in there and bought this beautiful brand new silver corvette well i wanted to drive it so my next meeting was in tulsa i was going to be teaching at rhema with brother hagin and so i drove it up there i thought well i've got to go to tulsa so why don't i make it a road trip and i drove it up there man i enjoyed driving that corvette and so i decided to stop by this uncle's house to say hello to him and my aunt and uh when i pulled up in front of their house my aunt she was the sweetest woman in the world she come running out there and and back then uh a lot of my relatives called me junior because my dad jerry savelle senior and and she said oh junior so good to see you and she just welcomed me with open hearts i saw my uncle standing he came out on the front porch and he saw me and he looked down at the car the corvette and he walked back in the house wouldn't he say hi to me i said what's the matter with uncle i won't mention his name but what's the matter with uncle she said oh sonny has a problem with the car you're driving now he had a brand new lincoln brand new lincoln a brand new lincoln now it's all right for him to have a brand new lincoln but the preacher can have a brand new car that's religious bunk amen why is it okay for the members to have a nice car but the preacher has to drive a 49 ford and push it halfway there i don't mind driving a 49-foot i like 49 fours but i don't i i wouldn't have one because it's the will of god for me to drive a 49 ford and all the other members can have nice cars if anything ought to be set an example amen i'm not getting much response i'll try over here if anything i should be setting the example [Music] amen and i'm doing my best hallelujah now notice once again this scripture this scripture i found in the early days of my walk with the lord i found this one all by myself didn't have kenneth copeland oral roberts help me found this one all by myself and i thought wow god wanted somebody that served him to prosper and to have success why can't i prosper and have success look at your neighbors say why can't i prosper and have success amen and you can now some argue and i've heard this argument many times brother jerry that's old testament and we live under the new testament well i'm glad you brought that up let's see what the new testament says go to book of hebrews chapter 8. hebrews chapter 8. now this this is uh even though i have preached this around the world for 50 years not every sermon but i've preached it over the years uh around the world and uh i sense the leading of the holy spirit that is very timely for the time in which we live right now because a lot of christians are wondering can we still prosper in a pandemic can we still have success in times like these i say emphatically yes yes hallelujah we just got through singing nothing's impossible with god when are we going to start believing the songs we sing amen he's the god of the breakthrough hallelujah now look at hebrews chapter 8 for those that say that's old testament we live under the new testament that's not for us hebrews chapter 8 says this speaking of jesus he is the mediator of a better covenant which is established upon better promises he's the mediator of a better covenant established upon better promises now under the old testament it was god's will for joshua to prosper and have success if i have a better covenant founded upon better promises then it must be the will of god for jerry and you to be extremely prosperous and extremely successful because i'd call that better can you say amen look at your neighbor and say i believe that why don't you so if success was available under the old testament and we have a better promise a better covenant founded upon better promises then we should be prosperous and successful would you agree yes sir not only that but the word blessed literally means to be empowered to prosper and be empowered to succeed that's what blessed means and under the new testament just like under the old testament we are the blessed people were blessed under the old testament abraham was blessed by god in fact the bible says in genesis 24 1 and when abram was old and well stricken in age god had blessed him in all things another translation says in every way he was blessed in every way in other words he was prosperous and successful in every way that you could be prosperous and successful hallelujah give the lord a shout if you believe that praise god amen so god provided for him throughout his life in fact it was abraham who first spoke these words god will provide amen and under the law of first mention once that is spoken then it is carried out throughout the rest of eternity god will provide look to neighbor and say god will provide so hundreds of years later the apostle paul tells us in philippians 4 19. by the way that's new testament but my god shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory by christ jesus tell your neighbor that sounds like success to me god will supply all your need and notice i don't find anywhere in there unless it's 2020 or 2021 unless there's a pandemic unless the economy is suffering unless the democrats are in office thank god it didn't say that amen dear lord i don't know what's going on up there yeah i do reprobate minds that's what's going on now look at psalm 35 27. psalm 35 27 oh brother jerry you're going back to the old testament well just hold on a minute let me finish psalm 35 27 let them shout for joy and be glad [Music] that favoreth my righteous cause yea let them say continually let the lord be magnified which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant are there any servants of the lord in the house today then wouldn't that not include you i'm a servant of the lord and i i i i lay hold upon that every day god you rejoice you take great pleasure in the prosperity of your servant jerry savelle that that's the attitude of any good father what what good father doesn't take pleasure in the prosperity of his children i delight every time my children have a testimony of how god has blessed them or how god has prospered them i don't get upset with it i don't say well you know don't count on it getting any better no i rejoice with them and i'm expecting them to bring good reports all the time amen that's the heart of a good father hallelujah so notice he has pleasure in the prosperity of his servants so if you're one of his servants then why don't you just do what he said shout for joy and be glad amen praise god so why don't we believe the bible rather than take somebody else's word for it psalm 37 25 there you go again old testament what just hang on look at verse 25 i have been young now i used to i used to read this and i was young [Music] and now say i have been young and now i'm older i ain't old i'm older yet have i not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread let me ask you another question are there any righteous in the house today then apparently this would include you [Music] amen we have been made the righteousness of god he who knew no sin was made to be sin that we might be made the righteousness of god i'm lifting both hands when i ask am i righteous not by my merit not by what i've done but by what jesus did i do not hesitate to declare i say it boldly i am the righteousness of god and i will never beg bread hallelujah hallelujah i haven't had to beg in 52 years of ministry not one time have i had to beg hallelujah amen so if we're the righteous then again i say god's best is prosperity success for you now jeremiah 17 7. there you go again old testament well just wait a minute blessed is the man who trusts in the lord is there anybody in this place who trusts in the lord then apparently that includes you i trust in the lord yes sir amen i trust him every day of my life i trust him in everything that i do i wouldn't be where i am today if i didn't trust him and i wouldn't be where i'm going to be tomorrow if i didn't trust him so notice it says the person who trusts in the lord they're blessed they're empowered to prosper they're empowered to succeed look your neighbors say that's me he's talking about amen so you would agree that would include you then once again you have every right to be blessed you have every right to prosper and you have every right to have success so just go ahead and receive it lift both hands and say i receive it it's the will of god it's in the word of god so i receive it and give him a good praise for it hallelujah amen romans 8. now the last time i checked that was new testament romans 8. go there with me that's heaven probably calling for me and we have something on its way for you amen now let's look at verse 22. that is not the verse i'm looking for help me somebody who he who did not spare his own son where's that right here verse 32. i knew he had a two in it he that spared not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things if he was willing to give heaven's best his son then why wouldn't he give us anything else or in other words if he was willing to give his only son then surely he's willing to give us anything else that we might need amen amen and that would include help in times of need that would include prosperity when we need it that would include success when we need it can you say amen hallelujah all things would imply everything that we could possibly need while we're here on this planet would you agree that he's telling us that we can expect to be successful and finally the verse that makes it very clear third john 2. by the way that's new testament third john 2. and notice that this is being written by john the elder it starts with verse 1. the elder john the elder apostle john this is not a startup this is not a novice this is not somebody who just saying something off the top of their head this is a seasoned veteran a man who's walked with god a man who knows god amen and notice he's saying to this gentleman gaius beloved i wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospers another translation says my greatest desire is that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers now this is a seasoned veteran an apostle of god speaking to a younger christian and saying i desire that you prosper and be in health amen and if prosperity and health was wrong then this apostle is leading this younger christian astray but then he goes on to say for i rejoice greatly when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee even as thou walkest in the truth i have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth if they say truth apparently prosperity and health is truth did you get that he has no greater joy than to hear that his children walk in truth so apparently truth includes prosperity success and health and i'd appreciate a great amen amen hallelujah god wants us to prosper let the word be final authority god wants you to prosper god wants you to be successful god wants you to be blessed it's never his will that you suffer failure and defeat amen and even though we might experience defeat and we might experience failure that's never the end that's right defeat and failure are not final amen bible says a just man falls seven times and rises up again if you get knocked down seven times all you got to do to win is get up eight amen when i fall i shall arise we've all had setbacks we've all made mistakes we've all had failures we've all experienced defeat from time to time but that doesn't mean you have to you have to just live with it for the rest of your life you can bounce back amen the holy ghost in you is the spirit that will help you get back on your feet hallelujah amen don't don't accept failure and defeat just because you've experienced it a lot of people a lot of christians once they experience it then then they develop a mindset this is god's lot for me it's it's god's plan for me no it's not that's right no it's not i challenge you today to refuse to accept failure and defeat say i refuse it say it out loud i refuse to accept failure and defeat amen somehow the the mistaken idea that it's inevitable particularly in times like these i've said it before and i'm going to say it again to the to the glory of god while the rest of the world is screaming worst of times worst of times we're having our best of times i've never had it so good hallelujah i said i've never had it so good glory to god hallelujah the problem with some christians is they have developed a failure and defeat mindset and often it's very difficult to get them to let go of it amen some of the hardest people in the world to minister to is religious people it's easier to get a drug addict free it's easier to get a drunk free amen but someone who's steeped in religious tradition they can be free and boy you have to break through a lot of unbelief you know when i first started working with brother copeland we didn't go anywhere for one night we went for three weeks and he used to say the first week we spent breaking through all the unbelief religious tradition the second week they started hearing what i say the third week we have a move of god amen but sometimes it took at least a week three services a day to just break through all that unbelief that's the reason he wasn't popular in churches and we had to go to neutral territory back in those early days we didn't go to churches we had to find a neutral territory and and the hungry people were inside and there weren't many and the religious people were outside picketing amen [Music] first time we went to england my goodness we had more people outside with signs heresy heresy then we had inside listening and brother copeland he's just not a quitter he just kept going just kept going we just kept breaking through that just kept breaking through that and in about 1992 we broke through and man did we ever have a move of god and still having a move of god there it's not like it was back in the older days amen so religious tradition robs people of god's best amen and i'm so glad i've never been religious i'm saved i love god serving with all my heart god never intended for christianity to be a religion it's god and sons incorporated amen hallelujah i've had people ask me over the last 52 years brother jerry what do you believe god has called you to do well there's a number of things but the first response i make is simply this talk people into winning talk people into winning that's that's what you have to do many times because so many christians have a losing mentality amen a defeat and fail your mentality and sometimes you know my my job is is is just to talk them into winning just keep giving them verse after verse after verse and examples and illustrations and testimonies until eventually they agree hey it is the will of god for me to prosper it is the will of god for me to be successful amen and sometimes it takes more than one session to talk them into it amen but it's still my job it's my job man i still am very deeply involved in talking people into winning winners in life making winners in life are there any winners in the house today praise god a believer who knows their covenant rights will never accept defeat a believer who knows their covenant rights will never accept defeat to accept failure and defeat is to allow your adversary to impose his will on you obviously obviously your winning is a serious threat to him because if you ever win once there's a strong possibility you'll begin to think hey i can do this again god will help me win again and now the devil's got double trouble so get rid of a failure and defeat mentality look at hebrews chapter 12. hebrews chapter 12. look at the latter part of that verse let us lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us looking unto jesus the author and the finisher of our faith and the message translation adds this to it and never quit and never quit the amplified translation defines weight as an encumbrance let us lay aside every encumbrance and the word encumbrance is defined as a hindrance or that which interferes so notice he's telling us lay aside every hindrance lay aside everything that interferes and i'll add with you experiencing god's best amen and one of the greatest hindrances to prosperity and success is a wrong mindset amen a religious mindset so the bible says lay it aside uh failure and defeat a failure and defeat mentality is a weight and it's an encumbrance and the bible clearly says lay it aside another translation says throw it off throw it off and and that would imply by force in other words don't tolerate it another second don't tolerate it another second if you begin to think well i don't know if it's god's will for me to prosper in these conditions throw that weight aside and do it immediately don't let it in your stay in your mind another second bible says casting down every thought amen that attempts to exalt itself above the knowledge of god amen cast it down amen don't don't don't take that lightly don't carry that thought around with you all day long because if you carry it around all day long then you'll probably get up in the morning thinking it again and you'll go to bed thinking it and eventually it's going to leave your mind get down in your heart and when it gets down in your heart out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and you're going to start talking failure and defeat the apostle paul quoting david said we believe and therefore have we spoken if you believe failure and defeat is god's best for your life then you're going to talk it amen and now you've released spiritual power and more than likely it's going to come to pass in your life so throw it off throw that weight off throw that encumbrance off do it now do it quickly immediately don't spend another second with that thought in your mind amen because it will interfere with you experiencing god's best can i get an amen [Applause] hallelujah one way to overcome thoughts of failure and defeat is to replace them with what the word says for instance philippians 4 13 i can do all things through christ who strengthens me the passion translation says christ's explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty hallelujah god's explosive power is infused into me so that i can conquer every difficulty through christ hallelujah you know what the word infused means have you ever taken i had i did it just this morning a nice cup of hot water and put a tea bag in it and let it seep what happens you don't have water anymore you have tea you have infused something into the water that's right amen jesus wants to infuse his power into you so get up every morning and say here's your teapot lord infuse me amen just dip yourself into me hallelujah and then he says and through that you have the ability then to conquer every difficulty everybody say every that means no exception conquer every difficulty so once again that sounds like success to me now another thing that we need to do and learn to do is stick it out don't give up so quickly amen stick it out hallelujah i'm not saying that's easy but god has given you the power and the ability to do it galatians chapter 6 verse 9 says let us not become weary in well-doing second timothy 1 7 says god hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind in other words you can do this remember that that little chinese restaurant we used to go to where was that over and off of hulun somewhere i think or maybe i don't know his little chinese restaurant it was like benny hummus and they you sat at the table and they cooked the food for you know and this this guy would come out and he was hilarious and uh i don't we don't even know what he was referring to but he'd be cooking you know and the fire's going and he'd cooking you can do it you can do it i don't know what he's talking about but you can do it i said okay we can do it praise god every time we go in there you can do it remember that and he called carolyn mama hi mama you can do it [Applause] we were in we were in benny hanna's in honolulu one time and and the guy come out and he was cooking and and we can hardly understand anything he's saying and uh finally he he we had finished our meal and he reached over like this and said something and i didn't understand what he said and i said i said you from japan he said no i'm from kitchen i want plate [Laughter] let your neighbor say you can do it well we're talking about sticking it out you can do it amen next time you ladies are cooking something just turn to yourself you can do it or next time you husbands are cooking something turn to your wife and say you can do it some husbands cook better than some wives i didn't look at anybody when i said that the amplified for galatians 6 says let us not lose heart and faint the message translation says don't give up or quit always lean on god as your strength and your help joshua chapter 1 verse 9 the amplified says be strong vigorous very courageous be not afraid neither be dismayed for the lord your god is with you hallelujah what else do you need if god is with you hallelujah that guarantees success right there praise god the message translation adds god your god is with you every step you take hallelujah amen so winning is possible wouldn't you agree the proper response when it looks as though failure and defeat are inevitable is my favorite response from the apostle paul none of these things moved me that's right acts chapter 20 verse 24 none of these things move me and the passion adds it's more important to me to fulfill my destiny more important to me to fulfill my destiny and what is our destiny to win to overcome and to be victorious you've heard me quote this verse many times in the past and you'll probably hear me quote it many times in the future ii corinthians 2 14 now thanks be unto god which always causes us to triumph in christ always say always thanks be unto god well let's just do it right now thanks be unto god hallelujah thanks be unto god which always causes us to triumph in christ jesus amen that's our destiny to triumph amen it's never god's best for us to win a few lose a view it's god's best for us to triumph always always implies that we have the right and the potential to win every time so winning is possible can you say amen now let me let me define a few things here number one defeat we all know you know basically what it means but the dictionary's definition of defeat is an unsuccessful ending to a struggle or confrontation an unsuccessful ending to a struggle or confrontation failure from the dictionary is defined as being unable to accomplish an intended purpose goal or assignment being unable to accomplish an intended purpose goal or assignment amen and neither one of those are god's best for our lives not failure and not defeat isaiah 54 17 no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn this is the heritage of the servants of the lord and their righteousness is of me saith the lord the amplified bible says triumph over opposition is the heritage of the servants of the lord that's your heritage amen to triumph to be triumphant the message translation says this is what god's servants can expect i'll see to it that everything works out for the best that sounds like success to me hallelujah am i preaching to myself are you still here amen defeat and failure are not in that verse [Music] defeating failure is not in the bible as being god's will for our lives amen second corinthians chapter 10 verse 5 once again watch your thoughts and watch your words amen that's that's uh probably in my estimation [Music] the greatest aid that you can give to the devil is lend him your mind and lend him your mouth ii corinthians chapter 10 verse 5 casting down imaginations every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of christ the passion translation says demolish every deceptive fantasy demolish it that sounds like taking it by force not playing around with it all day demolish it every deceptive fantasy that is raised up in defense or defiance rather to the true knowledge of god if it defines the true knowledge of god demolish it amen cast it down immediately amen philippians 4 13 once again we can do all things through christ who strengthens us proverbs 6 2 speaking of words and how damaging wrong words can be thou art snared with the words of thy mouth that were taken captive by the words of your mouth so say this i am making no provision through my thoughts nor my words to fail for failure and defeat now i i use that phrase i'm making no provision because in romans chapter 13 verse 14 it says this phrase make no provision for the flesh what does that mean it simply means don't give any opportunity or offer any assistance amen amen amen don't don't give your flesh any opportunity nor offer it any assistance well we can use that same phrase where our thoughts and our words are concerned make no provision for negative faults and for negative speech or speech that is contrary to the word of god make no provision for it put a put a guard over your vocabulary carol and i learned this from brother copeland 52 years ago put a guard over your vocabulary i remember in those early days i was learning these things i didn't know that my words had anything to do with my outcome that was that was new to me [Music] i thought i thought the odds were against me i thought it's just my lot in life i had no idea that my words had anything to do with my outcome until i heard brother copeland preach about the power of words and boy it was it was a wake-up call so carol and i we we made a pact with one another that if we heard the other say anything contrary to the word that we would correct one another right then and we would say something like that's your confession and i agree with it it'll come to pass and then we'd stop and say no i bind those words i pull those words down i don't want that coming to pass amen and i remember one time now you're not supposed to let this happen but it happened i remember one time it was almost like a one-up game you know she got me and i got to get her back i'm listening carefully anything anything negative come out of her mouth you know because i can't let her get ahead of me well you that's not that's not the purpose for this amen it's it's to aid one another assist one another brother copeland gave the the example i'll never forget it he and gloria were living in this little house in in tulsa on the arkansas river just a little tiny house like the one we moved into when we first moved forward little tiny place i mean we moved in just before they condemned it it was it was a mess that's all we could afford and gloria said well kenneth the least we could do is paint the walls make it look a little nicer well they didn't have a lot of money for paint and you know equipment and all that but they got the best they could get and he they went down and bought a bucket of paint and some brushes and brother copeland is standing on a ladder painting this wall and some of the hair out of the brush stays in the paint on the wall and he turned around and said gloria it's stupid paintbrush is coming all apart the next thing he went up there to do that and the entire brush stayed in the wall just came right off the handle gloria said that's your confession kenneth i agree with it and that was a vivid example you know but it made a point amen and and and it and i remember it it stuck with me i i remember it just like was yesterday and and i'd say stupid things like that and and it would come to pass and i think immediately that's what brother copeland told us and i'd have to learn to put a guard over my vocabulary in fact i've said for years all over the world tell christians the wisest investment you could ever make is go buy a roll of duct tape and keep a piece on your mouth to guard your vocabulary amen brother copeland said to me one time can you believe he said this to me jerry savelle like that little boy used to call me jerry sabell jerry savelle he came up to me and said jerry is the bell jerry sebel well brother copeland said jerry savelle your problem is your big mouth i don't want to hear that i want him to say your problem is that woman now gave us god gave us you it wasn't it wasn't that woman that gave me it's my big mouth i don't want it to be my fault don't look at me so holy you don't want to be your fault either it made me mad i got so many and i'm thinking i'm probably one of three people in this church that even likes you and now you've made me mad i mean most people didn't like him at all and now he's insulted me i asked him i thought a very you know civil question brother copeland i've been doing everything he said to do but it's not working i'm i'm asking for help your problems your big mouth and just turn around walked off and then turned back said you need to learn the vocabulary silence and just left me i thought that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard in my life made me mad i went in my little guest bedroom took my favorite message of his off that reel-to-reel tape player and i walked outside and i said i'll show him and i took that 900 foot of tape and i rolled it down the street i said hey how you like that kenneth copeland [Laughter] then i went inside and get and got my second favorite message the greatest faith and i was about to roll it and the lord said son uh the answer to your problem is rolling down the street i said lord did you hear him i i thought he would give me a civil answer and he said it's my big mouth i need to learn the vocabulary silence i said lord what is my problem he said it's your big mouth and you need to learn the vocabulary silence i said you got that off copeland he said no copeland got that off me so i ran down there and rolled my tape up again now it's this big when i put it back on the player it sounded like he had gravel in his mouth you know made me mad i didn't want to hear that but it was the truth and the lord said i'll never forget it he said i'm going to give you supernatural recall of everything that's come out of your mouth in the last five days and i heard myself i heard myself one moment i'm saying my god supplies all my needs the next moment i said i'm going broke dear god i'm going broke losing everything i got because i didn't have much to lose it's already gone [Music] but i heard myself contradicting i'd say the word one time and i'd talk the problem the next and he ju he he just played it just like a tape i could hear every word that came out of my mouth i said lord forgive me i said copeland was right it's my big mouth and i need to learn the vocabulary of silence what that means is if you can't talk the word then just shut up [Applause] just shut up you'd be better off not to talk at all if you can't talk the word now that means some of you're not going to have anything to say for about a [Music] week amen so failure and defeat are unacceptable yes sir no option that's right make no provision for it let me close it with this here's some motivational quotes regarding refusing to accept failure and defeat and i've written down that that i've enjoyed many for many many years failure is a temporary state where valuable lessons are learned failure is a temporary state where valuable lessons are learned amen if you do fail learn from it and don't make the same mistake again 99 of failures come from people who continually make excuses 99 of failures come from people who continually make excuses failure is not fatal it's the courage to continue that counts failure is not fatal it's the courage to continue that counts giving up is the only sure way to fail failure is delay not defeat failure is a temporary detour not a dead end you must make the decision that you're going to move on tell yourself i'm not going to let this get the best of me listen to this many of life's failures are people who didn't realize how close they were to success when they gave up and this one what is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something impossible or remarkable amen what is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable or impossible can you say amen let's lift our hands and just thank the lord this morning that we have a covenant that guarantees prosperity and success just lift your hands and thank him for it failure is not in our covenant defeat is not in our covenant it's not god's will is not god's best so father we rejoice in your provision we rejoice in the covenant that we are entitled to be a part of that guarantees our success and guarantees our prosperity guarantees our being triumphant and guarantees our being able to overcome everything our adversary launches against us this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith and we thank you and we give you praise hallelujah and lord i pray that this word today will lodge in the hearts of every person who heard it both here in this auditorium and those that are watching my live stream whether they're watching it right now or watching it in days ahead that they will come to the realization that i don't have to live as a failure i don't have to live in defeat that is not god's best and i refuse to accept it in the name of jesus and then lord i pray for every person that is going through adversity right now that is being attacked by the adversary and him trying to destroy them because that's what he that's what he's consumed with steal kill and destroy but i pray in jesus name that they will have the courage the strength the fortitude to stand up against him and refuse to quit leaning on the everlasting arms of jesus leaning on their covenant leaning on the fact that god is with them and will never forsake them leaning on the possibility that success and prosperity is just around the corner if they will not faint if they will not lose heart in the name of jesus lord i pray that great victories will take place during the course of this coming week that great victories will take place during the course of this coming week i say it again great victories will take place during the course of this coming week in the name of jesus and we give you praise for it come on give the lord your best shout right now hallelujah hallelujah amen and amen praise god you receive that today now as i mentioned earlier let's sow into jesse and cathy duplantis ministry to help them help those that have been affected by the hurricane that took place in new orleans and the surrounding areas everything that you give in this offering is going to go directly to their ministry i've talked to them several times during the last few days and they are very very busy in helping people that are in need in their community they've they've given a lot of money already and we want to help them uh jesse would have been here this morning we would have received an offer for him anyway and so even though he wasn't able to come i think it would be honorable for us to send an offering anyway amen i've had that people do that for me from time to time where i couldn't make a meeting that i was scheduled to be in for whatever reason i'm not in the habit of canceling meetings but sometimes it's beyond my control and there have been a few times where people sent an offering anyway as though i was there and i think that's a very honorable thing praise god so we want to do the honorable thing this morning not only that you're you're setting yourself up for a financial breakthrough praise god do unto others as you'd have them do unto you hallelujah amen the bible says he that scatters seed will increase hallelujah so you're setting yourself up for a financial breakthrough as you sow into their ministry now you can make it out to hfcc if you want to or if you want to make it directly to jdm jesse duplantis ministries you can do it either way but it's all going to go to him anyway and as i said earlier and we're going to add to whatever comes in so that we can be a blessing to them praise god all right so uh if you need an offering envelope uh there should be one in front of the seat where you're sitting and uh if not lift your hand the ushers will supply you with an envelope praise god now jesse doesn't know i'm doing this unless he's watching hi jesse but it's what i would have done anyway if he'd been here so we're going to bless them let them know how much we love them he's already told me said i i will not miss another he's he's not missed one of these meetings in the past he said if if at all possible i'll be there next year well praise god we can look forward to him being here next year praise god amen if not sooner hallelujah all right everybody ready father i pray over the seed i'm praying it'll be a large representation of this congregation and of this church that it'll be a blessing to jesse and kathy and their ministry and all the people that they will reach out to with it in jesus name and we thank you father that we can count on as we are doing something honorable for other people that you will do something honorable for us your word says those who honor me i will honor and we give you praise for it in jesus name amen and amen all right ushers go ahead and receive it would you come on up and close it out receive that word this morning [Music] thank you father while they're passing out the while they're doing the i've got another announcement i need to make here in just a moment but i want to give some announcements before while they're receiving the offering um if you're a first-time visitor with us we encourage you to fill one of these out we have a gift for you our welcome team would love to connect with you before you leave today also if you desire to be on our heritage singers which is our heritage choir they're having an information meeting in their overflow section danny raise your hand back there danny's over our choir and so if you'd like to be a part of that or if you've been part of it in the past just stay after service just for a brief moment he needs to communicate some things to you also mark your calendars for october 17th which is our anniversary service and once again on that sunday we're going to have one service at 10 am say one service at 10 a.m on october 17th and and so we'll have water baptisms after that service as well so if you desire to be baptized making that public profession of an inward change you know you can register online for that also maybe if you're your youth or young person would like to be baptized as well you can register online for that also we have lunch a lot of family fun games bounce houses and also we'll be doing our second annual rib cook-off and dessert bake-off and so if you if you think you can smoke some mean ribs then you can register online for that and it is limited also for this year for the desserts we broke it into five different cat i mean three different categories instead of it's five five people for each category so you can register online for that as well so make yourself available for that now before we dismiss there's something i want to communicate okay see about seven years ago we were in the midst of a transition as a church and and we at that time we had launched out another ministry out of this church which was lights church which was jason and courtney and and what a great blessing they are and god's doing some great works through that ministry and uh one thing that we've always been about as a ministry is we're not just a place that receives people but it's also a place that wants to cultivate people's gifts where they go out in and and release it in greater degrees and you know part of what darksville has ministered through the years about you know going into all the world and preaching the gospel you know he told that's your sphere of influence that's your your territory and it was a number of weeks ago and i was it was during worship and i heard a word from the lord and i was like lord and i knew who was four but i was like like like right now and the lord was like no i'll let you know and and so i'm preaching and about i'm right in the middle of the scripture and the lord's like now like and so the lord had me go over to to rick and and the lord had me minister to him and i prayed in the spirit for a moment i had a word for him and all i said was this is about territory and the time is now and i didn't know what that meant i came back and i was like if that bears witness with your heart then then you know if it doesn't then just throw it away and um and but i didn't know that the lord had been dealing with them about some things as it pertains to their ministry and and so they came to us uh you know a few a number of weeks ago and then sat down with the savelles as well and they had in their hearts that you know it's it's this is time for us to step out back into the sports ministry if you ever seen rick minister to 300 youth in you know and and doing i'm telling you there's there's an amazing anointing on him wow just so i'm like wow i can't do that you know cassie leading worship teaching worship watching her do that with you know when she came up and would bring a team from sagu and those and watch you work with that team and and and so back and go back to seven years ago when jason and courtney launched out you know we we knew there was a transition and the lord was like and we asked the lord so what what are we gonna do he's like you're not gonna do a thing you're not gonna do a thing and he said i want to take care of every step and moment out of the long story short rick and cassie came on and what a blessing they've been to our lives for the last seven years wow you know their hearts they're they are uh they are 150 all the time and um it will always be in your corner and so rick and cassie thank you for being in our corner i appreciate you now they're not saying goodbye um this is um but they came and told us and they're going to be staying on staff until the end of the year and as they continue to get direction as pertains to the sports ministry and things that they're going to do i know they're hard they've been they've been a part of heritage since it started and i know they're going to they're going to follow god's heart and and my heart is you know as they launch out they'll still be a part of you know this house i know the lord told them is you know that everything they could be fulfilled from this house you know i don't know what that means and you know i know the lord told me 20 21 years ago that i would be in texas from the majority the rest of my life i don't know what that majority means but um but anyway it's it's um it's a season and we feel like it's a now season because it's about territory it's about influence and i'm so grateful for the gifts it's promotion it's you know in in lesson number five passion for god when passion for souls transition is about promotion and um and so with that that leaves some some um rick and cassie hitting him up for a moment and there's things that were walking in out and praying out and um doctor says anything you'd like to say we just want you to know how much we appreciate you and love you you've been such a vital asset to this church ministry and you're not leaving like a lot of people do we never see them again i will hunt you down no we want you to be able to fulfill all that god has called you to do we wouldn't want to limit or restrict you in any way and we know it's the right timing you've you've done it well you've listened to god for the right timing came to us with it and we agreed so we we are expecting promotion in every way amen and when you're not out on the road somewhere please come back and join us learn some new songs write some new songs amen and be a blessing to us as you always have been so would you stand and stretch your hands out toward them now they're gonna they're gonna remain here until the end of the year and continue doing what they're doing but but then after that they're gonna launch out into this that that god has anointed them to do and uh she's going to be uh i believe you're going to be teaching uh a lot of praise and worship groups around the country and of course rick with the not only preaching the word but with the sports ministry so let's believe in jesus name that from this moment you know the day i told brother copeland i was leaving as a full-time employee and i said i said now i'm not expecting anybody else to do this i said i don't want you to pay me again but i'm going to keep working for you until the end of the year but don't pay me any more because i i won't have your check to lean to so i might as well learn how to believe god without it it was the finest month i'd ever had that entire year and i'm believing it's going to be your finest month even though i'm going to keep paying you but anyway uh it's going to be your finest month god's going to do some things that is just going to astound you some first it's the year of first hallelujah so stretch your hands out toward them father in the name of jesus we're expressing our love for rick and cassie thank you for allowing them to be a part of this church for these many years thank you for allowing them to be a part of our lives for these many years and we pray for your best in every area of their lives lord open doors now that they will go through after the end of this year it'll all be set and waiting for them doors that no man can shut hallelujah and we thank you father that you're going to prosper them more in these next few months than in the previous months of this year finances will come in from unexpected sources to be a blessing to them a year of first for them a year of extraordinary manifestations of the goodness of god in their behalf and lord we pray in jesus name you'll keep them healthy their family healthy and that they will know when they've left here that they're leaving with our blessing and our love in jesus mighty name amen and amen praise god all right give them a good hand [Applause] [Music] hallelujah so you know just be also be praying for us just you know our prayer is there'll be a seamless transition you know um you know we'll be communicating just who's gonna you know step into some of the shoes i will just you know we'll release this we talked about this last night but just so you know we're gonna be danny is going to be our new worship leader so danny will be danny is going to be um stepping into that role and so they'll have some time to to just have that seamless transition and so we're excited about that and we'll communicate you know some of the other transitions as well because they've developed great teams they have great people around them and so looking forward to the gifts that they had around them and we'll communicate some of those things here in future weeks so once you know we love you god bless and don't forget to go out there and what give him jesus love you [Music]
Channel: Heritage of Faith CC
Views: 680
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: HFCC, Heritage of Faith Chirstian Center, Pastor Justin Bridges, Jerry Savelle Ministries International, heritage of faith, heritage of faith cc, crowley, tx, texas, fort worth, jerry, savelle, ministries, dr., Pastor, justin, bridges, church, service, worship, kassi, annette, jsmi, hfcc, livestream, live stream, revival, 2021, Wednesday, Jerry, Savelle, Captain Rex
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 3sec (6903 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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