Japan's Most HAUNTED School With Missing Children | LOCALS WILL NOT GO HERE (Real Life Horror Movie)

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people this is where all the people were standing bro in the photos right here in this field would you like the piano did you sit by the piano on that stool oh my God [Music] can you make one of them go off for us [Music] [Music] [Music] things [Music] have you guys ever seen the whaling or the ring or The Grudge or any other Japanese or Thai horror movies that involves schools desks or anything in the woods this is one for you guys in this episode of beyond the dark we were at this abandoned School [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] so the village here it was like literally like a population of maybe 40. and if you look right here this is the legit sign for the school it's still here oh they did this every morning every mistake family massive tree trunk life I mean you have to carry your book bags everyone like what if their grandma is getting older and they're walking their kid to school now rolled the whole thing oh yeah I mean what if it snows I don't even know does it snow here over here like I don't know it's just I'm already getting tired I run the first batch of the Hill is that a I didn't know there was a cemetery here for it yeah there's a cemetery up here it's all the way up there though just so everyone knows we're giving you the best haunted content we're doing haunted in Japan no one has done that here in the US any serious gold Ghost Hunter has not done haunted in Japan I just want to bring that up so just so everyone knows this was a temple Shrine you do your blessings here whether you wanted to keep going to the school that's on you so I can't read this map but pretty sure this is the road that we're on to get to the school so haunted school with a low-key graveyard over here so as we get closer to the school by the way we're doing like 10 freaking zigzags I thought this was like an old Bow and Arrow Archery but it's not I actually don't know what this is some screech in the forest we just heard maybe a monkey [Music] so the school is actually behind those trees dang they must teach everyone how to swim here because every school we went to had one a mint pool feels like we're going in the ancient area now this whole place is flooded look at the steps you can see no one has been here in ages if they're overgrown there's plants growing over the steps the rails rusted there it is creeping above us I'm actually getting freaked out already dude this is actually kind of freaky man just looking at it hell it's haunted just by looking all right dang oh this is it it's just us alone in the woods on top of a mountain in the school windows are just wide open there these symbols though I never seen symbols like this in in Japan before we go in I wanna do a quick look around make sure there's no bores or anybody or anything or maybe that's a bad idea maybe I should just get inside and just move on the bathrooms are all outside here see look how old this place is very traditional thank you is that an outside oven burning like their paper and recycling out here wow this place is gonna be freaking scary tonight so over here we found this old like totem post there's different faces carved in it but look at this this one's like almost like winking at us and what's up there it's another building probably with a the owner lived but at its time there was a lot more people maybe about 100 or so roughly and at the time the school was needed because there were families here they were having children But as time keeps going on people are evolving the people that were here everyone wants to just move out of here and go to Tokyo or any big city no one is feeling the village life or the small towns anymore so therefore they didn't need the school anymore there was no more fundings needed because there was way less children here to even keep the school going so when this place did close it was about 15 years ago roughly but it's a very old Traditional School we still can't even find out when it was even built but there's a lot of Legends that goes with this place first off to get up the mountain to get to this school is one of the most ridiculous things we have ever seen in our lifetime of filming videos the road is this windy road with about 12 or 13 different Loops to go zigzag around to the top and it is straight up and the only way we could even show that is through a drone but the lore and the legend has it is the villagers that used to be here always thought there was something Eerie about the land here they said something about this place and the way that they that they built the school right on top of it the lore has it that a lot of children would play here and they would kind of come up the hill but sometimes it would fight or something happened and they would kind of like fall off the side of the cliff one of them actually died from that now I don't know if it was on the road or if it was in the back over here but regardless the family got tired and tired of walking up this hill and a lot of accidents would always happen but after that one death that was one of the reasons why they closed the school down now the legend has it now when you are walking up this hill whether it's daytime or night time they say that you can see a boy of the person who died still roaming back and forth and up is it is this boy stuck in a loop is it just they're thinking they're going to school they're leaving school we don't know so there's some sort of movement or something going on that's still here inside this haunted school I mean the way in I mean it's clear just walk in through this window oh man dude this is not cool I honestly don't even know if we'll be welcomed here but we'll figure this out so walking in here you can see that we got to watch out for the floors here very old traditional wood but they caved in down here and this was an old school right there like a classroom trophy yeah a bowling trophy like a crown on the floor a good thing so far I don't smell any animal feces hmm that's good maybe no animals are in here looks like there was like a science experiment what does look like someone was camping out here of some sort I wonder what they say yeah what the hell is that of course I'll translate it yeah okay if you have Wi-Fi what is this a super old uh this is how old we are I mean it's a dial up I mean this is insane look how big this Sony what is it video cassette recorder is that shows how old we are how old of a place we're in and look at this is old like instruments of the kids back in the day guys whoa what's that thing there's something in the middle of the hallway on the ground well I know like a Statin like a statue I think I know what it is we got closer to it but it scared me for a minute but I just want to see before we continue guys before we keep going just remember we are one of the first to be doing any haunted video in Japan please like And subscribe share and give us all the effort and everything you can because it really does mean a lot to us and we are trying to provide you with the best content on the internet oh my God this is really cool bro I just found uh pictures of the place actually still back it was in use they're all the pictures are in gray and white this was the big uh the big ah lawn down below before going up the stairs same wit here look how many kids were up here and this is the stairs we just took to get to the school and see so oh these are the kids they look like what ages you think for the school I have 12 10 12 10 12 and it probably took in more kids too just because of this was like one of the only schools in the area but when you see old photos bro to connect to the past that's like the black and white that's what I'm saying so I'm I'm assuming this school is like a 1950s well I thought yeah I was thinking uh you know 15 20 years ago because they kind of said it to me but to be honest I don't know if he even knows wow so we got to be careful everything's caving in over here like like all the files and everything is still here it's a time capsule but you can't walk there because the floors is going to cave in there's one desk though on that side could probably get if we wanted to go over there we got to be more safe even on this side we got to be careful is this what I was looking at this thing in the middle so I don't know the name of these but what I do know is when you get one of these these statue things they have uh all white eyes no black and you have to make a wish and when you get the wish you fill in one eye and then when the wish comes true you fill in the other eye so someone's wish did come true I didn't know that yeah that's the one thing okay yeah so one thing I knew because when I just got here my friend told me because he had one literally oh man we gotta be careful if you all want to walk in here man oh my God the whole place shakes maybe we should just go upstairs and maybe if the ghost tells us to come in here we'll go in here because this is a date who's that heard like a screech you heard it too yeah what was that like a dingbound we got at least get through this oh my God a lot of the rooms seemed destroyed bro this was their science room look at this in a drawer the hell is this looks like someone's here oh no it's like a bug Maybe I don't know what would you think that is rod I don't know freaking me the [ __ ] out what makes it scary is because like we actually just don't know what some of these things mean or are so you know it's kind of get more scarier there's not multiple like faxes in place it's like dang how can we go over there there's multiple factors in place there's the fact that we're in the middle of nowhere it's the fact that there's bars and bears around and for four counted School you heard that yeah that was a full footstep it was right over there so you know where we are we are not alone in here for sure you know what else plays a fact in here too energy from the sources you have to air the mountains the forests and the water so we have a lot of everything here I can hear the running water yeah running more is worse so I mean seems like we're not safe to go over here but maybe we can see what this the hell so it's hard to say how we're gonna do some of these ghost hunts because of how unstable the floors are but we have to at least check upstairs might be safer but check in there you can see gotta be careful don't want to die either and we need to keep our cameras on so we can see I Know Places falling apart oh oh that's a big one yeah we just don't look it just don't even look at them it is really cool to be here though but now we have to try to get upstairs how the hell maybe this side take the corner cut in that was it bro I I thought I was gonna fall I really did oh when we go son we gotta be we gotta be really really careful man thank you why is it like random things placed in areas of the hallway like why is there random Globe there thank you instruments trigger objects can use these for trigger whoa dude this place is crazy I've never seen so many pianos they had so many pianos in their classrooms this is epic how far is the drop here though I have to be really careful hmm something about this room that I don't like I don't know what it is this room is not making me feel good someone drew a bunny this was their um obviously their music room clearly you can tell I think the window just tapped could have been the wind though I mean the spiders here are freaking scary last but not least seems are inside there like Auditorium Stadium their stage just think about back in the day you can even see by the pictures now we already seen a lot of people were kind of here not stuffed but you know comfortably in here in place well the whole village was here and you can just see how alive it was with all the photos but you know to see all the kind of energy here being mostly it seems positive here I don't know why I would even have a bad kind of feeling that's the weird part well we just showed off the whole school it is small but like for haunted stuff this is probably like perfect yeah exactly attempt to try and uh communicate via the uh translation app obviously we're in Japan um we don't know if there's a universal language after you die but it's something that we're trying to work on it'd be great to try and prove if there is risen but can we I don't know anyway let's see if we communicate with him in Chinese in Japanese first hello if there is anyone remaining in this school please can you make a bang are you ready [Music] one more time do you understand English do you know that you're dead is there any staff members still left behind waiting to teach the children just to show you guys the outside now as we start this investigation the sun is now down it is dark if I turn this light off that's how nothing I thought I heard movement over there I was going to say that's how dark it is here now we are now setting up in the hallway where we're going to start this investigation we're going to set some REM pods up some stuff inside this room and we're going to kind of just feel it out where to go if the spirits even want to talk to us here or whatever it is here could be Elementals that are here it could be some sort of indigo's Japanese kind of form for all we know seriously I can't even get that deep into it because the knowledge for I have for it is so slim but you get the idea [Music] foreign I just placed it down it comes the other way for me bro it's changing all colors I've never seen anything like that actually look at this it's changing all colors in every form I must put the record straight there's no power in this building at all there's no power yeah it keeps doing that that's what I'm saying it's crazy wow I don't know I don't know what to think of that I don't know let's put this next to it oh look the idea is I want to place in the middle because this is where people would walk as if it wasn't broken I'm gonna reset it bro don't even stop [Music] just turned away from it bro it should there's no over explanation for it I mean you guys have seen us make countless videos here this REM pod does not happen like this it won't there's something in the room just messing with it even when we're setting it up I don't know as a first time whatever this is already our systems our stuff is malfunctioning try and move it a little bit further down good stand well away from me what the hell so who's here oh bro tell you now this works to me for I'm telling you now there's someone just following it it could be a kid following us I placed it right on for all I know right if you want you can this little Bowl here it will light up I promise you that you can have fun with that play with it if you can make that little ball go off right now we can get out some more toys I heard a crack too like a footstep holy [ __ ] now step away please we'll let you play with it as much as you want later on but we need to know that you can hear us and understand us the second floor is only signal we can't talk to them but they're on us could you please step away from the light so we know you can understand it is it is loving that thing you know what the thing is too is like no one has done ghost videos here no one knows what REM pods are to it [Music] all right okay let's see if I can reset this thing again oh [ __ ] for us not you that's not me that's not you it's already going off it stopped too it worse so this is not working that just triggered and worked so we have people right here no matter what we know if you can understand any English now that you know about these lights in these devices that make sounds can you make one of them go off for us one more time so we understand oh my God holy [ __ ] okay this is good this is a really active insane haunted school in Japan this is the most haunted school I've done I don't do schools [Music] okay can you back away and stop the music now [Music] it might like the sound or I can't understand any fully [Music] can you leave the area please [Music] I won't even stop now can you touch this one now like you've been doing [Music] well I don't know this place is ridiculous this place is great I want to know how now we need to figure out how to ask how old they are without well two objects for it all two we don't want to hear the music anymore but you're in front of it now so we we can't hear each other the music's too loud I appreciate it maybe we should reset it and move them yeah [Music] can you walk and make a noise for us so we can hear your footsteps you heard that yeah yeah that was behind you that was footsteps behind you I hope this camera caught that I thought I heard oh my God they just either entered the classroom or left the classroom and I put it there because I thought in my head one of them was going to go in there okay it's free items yeah I didn't go off just wow I just got a hot Breeze well I remember it's the land that's haunted too yeah do you want us to go in that classroom because you just lit up the cat ball you made that light go off in front of that doorway do you want us to go in that classroom I said yeah to you I said I can hear noises outside the person just said yeah so is that a coincidence or can they know English universal language that's a start okay if you can understand English this would be astronomical can you say English into this device [Music] they know English I also never go off that often they either going with they understand English and that's what they want to go or they want us in that classroom or both but it's the fact that it's not going off all the time is not consistent which means that there's something touching it yeah that too that's why I think it's going off to what we said they understand English and maybe that's what they did they touched a cat ball because that's not what they know what they're doing right now I mean we could go in there do you have another Capital yeah that one's over there uh before we before we we do continue um because I'm so nervous right now I just want to say we mean you absolutely no harm at all we come with the pures and nicest intentions of communicating with you because we've never done this before in Japan we love Japanese culture we love everything about Japan we visit we've been here numerous times we've been here for a month already um absolutely love it my name is Dan um and yeah we mean your harm at all so please do not be shy or frightened by us I'm gonna introduced to them my name is Josh from the United States of America and I'm here just to talk to you and understand your story and why you're still here and if you need any help so if you can be not shy and talk to us like you've been doing which has been really good I appreciate that are you the little boy who died here can you give us a sign yes or no touch anything again show me some lights music yeah let's go put in that classroom there's something about it man I feel like that he wants us in there okay go ahead you got a really really top that stuff because I don't oh no for sure okay well if they really want us in here they're gonna have to make us cross over and I'm zooming in their time [Music] it's stabilizing in their time right now I'm I'm either gonna believe they're allowed to walk in there like they don't see it broken like how we see it broken or they see they're aware of everything and they want us to go in there to maybe get hurt I'm just guessing it's in my head I just felt a cold breeze by my ear just now that music device you lit up that was playing a lot of music that was over there we just moved it inside that classroom if you really want us in there make it go off I want to hear the music again if you do that I'll go in there see how I'm walking on this wood yeah and see how the cap all won't go off now yeah no it just proves that something touched it and they wanted us there though are you the pupil who died at the school [Music] there's a knock but it was at the door bro like here notice how now nothing's going off that no Grandpa though we're having surrounding stuff go off but I'm just saying the rental at all the all of this ain't going off it's oh my God you just said follow bro dead ass he just said follow follow dude you can't even make that up bro like that yeah it's your question just now okay shivers so we know that understands they couldn't make this up this is a device too it's not like it's some internet thing that hurt us so just said follow and that's going off where's it wants to go we have to follow it it's a boy how do we follow you can you make a noise where to go it's getting closer oh my God all right I gotta stop this now oh it's touching it even yellow now red yellow oh my God it's touching it oh I just heard another sound turning voices bro I'm gonna straighten you they actually saw the other book is that mean the lights not working oh it's a fresh battery does that mean it's dead at all oh holy bro just dive right in front of us at this and follow it just took all of its energy drain the battery in front of us holy [ __ ] right in front of us it tapped on there speak another cat as if was upstairs I heard it tap we literally have to go upstairs and go like where I heard the tap right there I know the camera picked it up I have my my voice uh my other camera on right there I know it picked it up and now we have no battery left but we bought one but now we can't use the Run pod but we have all their devices and now that we know it kind of understands English we got to keep going well so we're gonna come upstairs then that's what you want right we're going to follow you like you said all right we are all packed and ready we have to SLS on and we are heading upstairs but before we go upstairs at least we're gonna check out the SLS cam right here just to see if things were actually you know if there's someone still here yeah he's just chilling there okay if you can't understand me at all this can just let us know where you are but yeah if you could stand there and we can uh identify you at least we know that you're still here maybe we could follow you if you could walk where you want us to go if you want to walk upstairs this will be able to detect you and we can follow you like you asked we're going upstairs like you asked wow funny enough that tap came into the big Auditorium room with the music it's detecting me right so this is where you wanted us right oh you did pick something up there I heard it when it happened oh I was picking up the desk so yeah but is it picking up the distance and it wants us to put like is it by that it's hard to say we're just picking up our shape okay don't know see the accidents live underneath it see the biggest one but doesn't pick this one off does it no so it's just picking that one up yeah I hear it well that's very strange Whoever has been asking us to follow us everything that's been going on is happening inside this room because that's where the bang happened right after it told us to follow can you stand there for me can you can you stand on the platform I'll lose my mind we would love to see you on stage maybe you can share us your song or your favorite play would you like the piano could you sit by the piano on that stool oh my God oh my God it's really sat down it really sat down for a second it registered you oh my God dude bro oh [ __ ] he's just shut this what the hell I have it on video bro what the hell so it's now it's sitting on there can you play us a song I want to hear music is picking up some form of mass can you show yourself more clearly oh it just moved oh my God yo we got it it literally just jumped off the Cherry moved where are you going oh it's almost like it's tracking but it's not in like a like a a form of a figure or or it's just because it's such a small little kid that's only tracking some parts of them it's just it's just a theory but what's the odds of all that we followed you here like you asked should we take out some of the devices again yeah we should put the uh we should put the uh music box facing up to the stage okay I'm gonna do it right now all right so should I should I take this one we'll put it inside on this chair yeah this is where it just sat and then I have the broken one that still works I'm gonna place it by that by the hair right by the doorway still keep an eye on that because I might not so we lost our our um definitely tried it because oh it will work [Music] no it is working see that's how crazy it was when it went up twice you have to really touch it that's what I'm talking about that thing's insane okay we're turning the music box song too Spirit talker it's gonna load I'm gonna place it down right on to this thing as we go and then after this we'll try dr60s too okay oh whoa yo I just died did my light does it yep tit just die wait now it works again what yeah that's crazy unless it just shut it off and I just fixed it was like they just shut my camera light off well I got it on camera hang on yeah I'm going to switch I'm going into IR then because that all right dude that if if someone just turned my camera off right now in front of me I wasn't paying attention you might have just caught something insane yeah oh use your translation app and be like what do you want us to do here or can you or like acid maybe ask to go on stage assuming this is a boy that's what we've been talking to this whole time going with that I mean literally alluded the SLS brought it to here to there and it's a different SLS just so you guys know other sls's will Track full body and it does Track full body but it's using other stuff that doesn't require that sensor on the bottom that's why it looks more smaller just so you guys know it's a very thin kind of SLS could you please come into this room and stand on stage for us [Music] could you please come into this room and stand on the stage for us foreign because when they fell they got hurt they can't go onto the stage they can't jump because when they're when they broke their legs when you die you continue with your injuries well we don't know how how the afterlife is so your legs are still damaged right now I must have no but they still feed her alive true and they fall in ancient itself and they're still in that ask them I say are you still injured are you still hurt dude everything is making sense we are talking to someone who's probably Philippines 12 or 13. are you hurt still all right so maybe what we'll do we'll switch it up a bit take the Dr 60 out and ask okay do a transition that says we have a device in my hand that I'm going to hit play on it's a voice recorder they know what voice recorders are I have an old Panasonic voice recorder you can talk into please would you come and talk into the device that I'm holding in front I'm agitated I'm agitated [Music] one two three I'm gonna record right now talk in front of us how old are you are you still alive foreign power did you just shut my camera off is your legs hurt from an accident or for walking up to the school every day oh my God holy [ __ ] see your your cameras just died we said if you just turned it off we need power holy [ __ ] [Applause] what the [ __ ] [Applause] what's up cheese hang on that can't be this all right so we just checked the footage and turns out it didn't record it killed my battery something it wants to ask something bro we're gonna do it one more time all right here we go I'm gonna hit the record button you're gonna have a red blinking light here in the voice recorder then you can speak to us in three two one is that you who just drained my camera battery do you want us off your land are you the child who died here are you pretending to be a child to lure as in do your legs still hurt oh my god bang and then this is the wall and it was the wall right here I've never I've never had this this is insane this is even more than Saint Joseph's this is big evidence this is insane here [ __ ] was that I even heard moaning could go but it's getting good it wants to talk it's drained all our batteries we've never had anything like this I don't know I'm gonna ask let's hear it back right now hey let's go into this freaking light because I can't even okay I'm gonna have to get my batteries and kind of keep pushing all right [Applause] yes I do [Music] [Applause] [Applause] here all right [Applause] all right clearly did you hear the yes I do yeah and then we have the bangs in the wall right now all happened so just for your for contacts for you guys so just for context for you guys really quick um going to Japan we were doing abandoned videos and ghost videos so I couldn't bring all my Best Equipment only some because when I first came here I was under the impression where I'm not sure how these ghost videos are really going to work considering I don't know how many people are going to understand our English but I know they can speak some English and they do learn and some people can understand pretty decent English depending on where we are so it just really depends but I should have brought more ghost scare and I didn't but we have enough to at least continue and make these crazy videos because these are insane absolutely insane like And subscribe like I said we're going upstairs okay we're back uh in terms of like our cameras died here's what I want to do I'm going to lay the dr60 right over there buy it yeah Rome run I've been feeling that way all night We're not gonna run but want to ask some questions you brought us up here for something you want to figure that out I would like if you can actually talk to us please want to talk right now in three two one you told us to follow us we followed you exactly where you wanted us what do you want to show us do you want us to go on stage is that what you want did you want us to play a show for you [Applause] I heard yes obviously yes that's the only thing they answered do you want to go on stage yes what if it really is just a 12 year old kid that just wanted us to go on stage and play them a song but if we're on stage we have to face it this way as our audience okay now we are on the stage would you like to come forward and watch our performance or would you like to tell us what you want us to do do you want us to play some music but we uh first of all need you to come and step right in front so we know you're here yeah in order for us to sing you a song or play you need to light up that device that ball down there that you did before downstairs you touched it made it go off device it literally said device we say device yes device um stand in front of here watch us Bowl Bowl light ow how oh like this watch show him this is insane like this yes just like that yes just stand there you can't even make this up this isn't crazy we're getting the best intellectual intelligent responses ever all right bro all right there you go I've showed you how to do it and I'll just come forward here come stay there tragedy tragedy there's a tragedy will happen to you do not want to play those anymore we followed you wait wait yup come on I mean it's like it's just left right now and the boy could have got bored of us yeah it makes me really feel like it is just a little boy I mean it's Lily was asking us how to do it it followed it did everything it wasn't and I don't know if I felt completely evil but just don't push me it just feels like it feels dark though yeah they drained a lot of energy which makes me believe it is more than just someone who's like the 12 year old boy maybe it's one of those places we might need to return to um so we're gonna leave then you're okay with that we're going to leave this whole school we're leaving you won't be able to see us anymore all right uh maybe we're gonna have to call this you know what I mean yeah well I mean at least we still get out it was twice to I actually wanted to leave let me stuck it out no we didn't now look at it I mean this place is haunted for sure 100 I just think it's haunted by it like a like a little kid jumping it's weird how we have to we had like one hour of non-stop I'm talking non-stop banging voices footsteps knocks devices going off and now nothing at all no I know it's a single piece of equipment we even had a little bit of Dr 60 in us all right so we are leaving the school now but it looks straight up like a horror freaking video game I again I'm such a nerd now but this is truly you've always been a nerd yeah true well I mean I don't know this is just amazing like I'm looking at my my first front camera view the whole time I'm documenting the experience of getting out of here and it's you know what it is it's so spooky now that now we can see this school from old black and white photos and be here and look at it this was one for the books though really really enjoyed it and it's special and I tell you what I will be back we will be back in terms of the Haunted School in the forest yup I can't even make that up huh this is where all the people were standing bro in the photos just right here in this field this was once such a lie back in the 19th I'm guessing 50s 60s and there was no trees here the whole school was different all right peace I don't want to be here anymore wait for me bro [Applause] what even is this thing right here [Applause] hell is that man jeez foreign y Road [Applause] all right well I don't I think we're safe now I might just cut the camera but if we see anything or hear anything I'm putting the camera back on until we get oh oh my bad it was a bug that crossed um my bad bro [Music] foreign
Channel: Exploring With Josh
Views: 745,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2AMw4gIs31g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 52sec (3472 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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