HIDDEN SECRETS - Deep Underground Tunnel System

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right okay so today we've come to one that we've been had our eye on for quite some time it's very rarely open it is now and it won't be for too much longer I would imagine we will discuss the history a little bit further inside where we can make a bit more noise yet today I'm joined by gray and max Amir and Jake who's somewhere back there so probably see them in a moment but let's go deeper into this tunnel system and I'll explain a bit more about the history but whilst we are in this bill show you actually turn the lamp on your Muppet right so here so this particular set of tunnels does have a big problem and has had many problems over the use with collapses so there is a lot of modern reinforcements down here but again we will get into that in a minute I'm gonna just adjust this let's turn the torch right up that's right that's better there we go look how clean-cut this is this is ruler drainage systems in the floor how deep is that 2 foot but yes these tunnels are rather special and Jake will probably help us out with this one because he's got quite an eye for it but there is a lot of period graffiti down here says couch marks in the wall there does make you wonder why what were they for though yes the history behind this place so this is one of the many levels of tunnels beneath a major fortification Wow that's long which way would you say first Jake go that way first yeah okay we'll take the long one Oh which is the shortest way do the smallest bit first and then work our way to the big what Carlsberg no not me okay well where does this go I was just yeah oh yeah hold on back up a bit very old tune there and that wood is definitely period because that is right to hell yeah okay yeah sorry yeah I'm good at blinding people say yes whilst we take a long walk down here little bit of a history now these predate both world wars however they were used in both world wars they were originally two sets of tunnels and then during the Second World War towards the beginning the military dug a massive long tunnel to link the two sections together to make one large tunnel it was used as a both of Command headquarters and a IRP which is a raid precautions for the general public so because the general public were in here that's why we're probably get some decent period graffiti [Music] and yeah if the audio sounds a little different that is because since I lost came into a place with a big group of people everyone moaned that there's too much noise so I am wearing a lavalier today to try and get round that so we'll see how the audio comes out Connor go so you could probably can't see on camera but it goes down as well this it's not flat as that it's that old on you old ish it's old ish it's the old style tunes but yeah still know exactly Second World War suit I'll sit look do you remember when Super Kings boxes look like that that's been down there for a couple of decades trying to see if there's anything else on the floors here let's tail eyes everywhere Oh interesting as you're walking down that's quite all so now ah okay well there's been a fire down here at some point because of the the blackness on the chalk well yeah but even if it was used for coal storage it wouldn't explain as to how it's that thick over there perhaps I mean there is there is already graffiti on the walls but there's no dates on any of this we will find some of the good stuff that's getting quite old as well that's good they've even put there's a big chunk of steel sorry well I and most likely judging by the rust on that thing just to prop that up Jesus how far away are we from that yeah bleep away bye okay yes so which way is that door that way okay now fair enough we'll finish covering this bit first he's impressive so you've got a lot of iron work in the walls but looks like pipe but it wouldn't be used to that although oh this era so that would have been an original light switch that's bakelite so that's Second World War there is fair amount in the chalk here but it's theirs to cross that over Oh nineteen you've got 1959 there yeah we'll have a quick look at the end of them ago the next better it's an impressive tunnelling effort if nothing else ah right okay so we've got some of the old Second World War light shades but this one's blue not bad old electrical conduit more modern rubbish on the floor though that's an old that's the destination of my opinion and there would have been a long wood here by the looks of it but okay well let's go down to the other section [Music] yeah I was gonna go left next well it's always good to cover every every square so we've got okay well there's chicken wire here so chicken wire usually means because that's what they used to use to wrap the ventilation in right okay so this would have gone to the outside I'm Ben and there would have been stairs there but they're covered in chalk and mud that's not some little bits of metal and I know pipe but let's let's gather this bit for a second yeah it's got a lot of the corrugated metal work there but I did spot a second ago there is there is a section here apparently that does have yellow that says more corrugated metal here another piece and that's been heavily sealed that what I've gone to the outside I'd bet so yeah here we go so this section is lined and it's just a is something behind here though opens out okay well we can get round to that the other way but we do have more that's electrical of some sort interesting the way they've built this room though you can see I mean there's a map oh bloody ell no yeah now there's a massive staircase up the middle it's blocked at the tops there's not much point going up that would have come out yeah I mean why would you put all the brickwork I mean this brickwork probably pre-existed World War 2 and they've just put the the metalwork up because that doesn't go anywhere because there's a big metal point there yeah yeah it that way you can go round to that around the other side in a minute yeah that's what I mean no it's blocked off at the top well the old square tins as well I missed that one right right I'll go round now to the other side yeah now that we've seen one there's loads of him loose as there would have been there's a groove there that would have been doors here as well and on the others oh there we go yeah that's a bit of a stockpile isn't there well I've never seen that many of them in one place before I mean even even Langdon doesn't have that many but it had lighting in there I've got a fuse that will fit now see this this is why Jake's useful to have because Jake's really good at spotting the graffiti yeah because of the black yeah its covers a lot of it of course it does this British made back in the day we could make things properly that's a little bit pissed in it that's big yeah it's a shame someone sprayed it but that is pretty big oh yeah there are a lot of the old tins and stuff in here they know so no higher cut out there and then yeah well I can already hear yeah that would have gone outside there's a ventilation brick so oh actually look you can actually still read this Ken although the gimbal is refusing to let me do the angle Dulux paint a lot of these other tins of Dulux paint oh yeah there's quite a few of those over the square ones yeah asbestos is fine don't bother yeah I'll move out the way oh yeah say yes all the wood though I mean that's for cabling yeah we we came from the we came from down that way we didn't look in here more asbestos paneling a lot of wood hell of a lot wood and that is it they ran parent cabling at least there's a lot of ventilation brakes that is one of the older waka Chris Bacchus I've come across I owe five no that's older than Oh five I've got a packet of unopened Walker's salt and Lineker remember that ad campaign 1993 oh oh oh that's an old ARP post oh yeah I have know so these these were standard posters and they just changed the name of their IP warden which would have been there now you can just make out the name so that is a standard it's a standard poster and I can put an example of a better one on the screen now so you can see what they used to say who basically says it's a public shelter and please you know if if if you don't behave yourself you're getting chucked out they say well that was it I mean spices were always limited in the IRP so if you misbehave that's it oh wow dick we dick Whittemore John oh there's light there's loads of yeah problem is that I've got to try not to get too much light on exit white sound yeah no that's not I'll at an angle that's not too bad 19:41 so is any more yes tiny little faces it's tiny little face just there alright let's crack on yeah I must admit the layout of this one is why more confusing the most tunnel systems well Jake said that this is the smallest section oh okay opens right up again now you can see how many supports they've had put up more water tanks okay right okay when we see it will drop the lights even more oh that's that's fairly old I mean it's not Second World War but it's old old fairy liquid shell jeez oh no I reckon that's newer than 50s they've been way worse condition 10 or on 70s I can already see there's toilets down there it wouldn't be one of our videos without toilets oh yeah right there's so many different sections here though ah so that's where we saw through the wall earlier there's a little bit round there though oh no that's where we were so we we went in a big circle oh that is weird oh that's weird it's just a tiny little thing no well that looks like the remains are like burlap sacks or something this is my fibrous kind of stuff he's really weird actually oh the office fire point it's to hang the buckets off the hooks which is still there that's nice I'm guessing we're getting close to the the nono spot oh yeah there's a there's a if you see something big and black don't shine your torch at it oh the old pencil stuff as well there's a man oh you gotta lift it so what was in here what do I think that's he of Ronald or something I'm not sure I honestly have no idea Oh yet yes now they could have been well they've got individual cubicles here so I'm thinking they had the Thrones in air and then the yeah can you since Oh weather soon yeah so these would have been cubicles and that would have been a urinal so that sign I saw the sign I saw down the other tunnel which I which way was it well no I saw it I saw it I saw a toilet sign I'm sure I did it's just a weird little cupboard yeah wait should I see that toilet sign yeah a lot of people comment and say how do you never get lost yeah this one I'm getting a bit confused ah right that's where yes here's where I saw I can see men's WCS so let's have a look this might be a bit right okay I can't join you I can't join light over there that goes out in their security so we got require but we got another fire point and modern electrics I've got insulators the old ceramics yeah you might want to keep you won't want to keep it down that that door goes to the west security city that's a proper old sign though check that out men's WC Oh they've really packed me [Music] okay if anyone knows what those round wooden looking things are huh please tell but yeah there's a toilet cubicles part of an old toilet brush I think oh okay what how KP that's an old there's a lot of old Chris packets down here a lot of our bottles as well no there's actually quite a bit on the floor and here jars mouse if we'd gotten tin cans let me get let me get out of here for a minute the other guys of whatever look there's quite a few bits in there oh I missed that those proper insulation isn't there yes oh yeah that's still got wood in it is that new though yeah but we'll pass that as well so Oh bicycle part of an ID yeah oh I know you mean like the little single cylinder yeah yeah yeah that is well I'll try wall dues I'll try and get a few angles because I there are there are a lot of people that would be able to identify that frame wouldn't want to reuse it well there's more tracks in the floor they're going in an L shape well gonna have to look up some of the original plans and see if there or a green paint still there so that's the way we came in so I think this is the end of this half of the section of tunnels but yeah like all the stuff that's left behind old bicycle frames Wow yeah yeah all the green paint still there yeah right so we're going to go back to the main tunnel go to the other end of the tunnels there very quickly before we move to the next bit check this now that's really well carved try move around a bit get better angle right on to the next bit right so we're now coming back it's a way we came from and now we're gonna go into the next section I've got a dead end this way for this section as far as Jake knows is bigger he's been here before yeah as you can see a lot of modern supports have had to be put in this particular sense almost has had a lot cave in it [Music] [Music] while the legendary Jenga block will be down here guys there's a lot [Music] okay yeah this bit definitely has had a few problems is there but there are numbers 49 51 52 53 get into slightly different construction here so there's brick lining the other guys will be around here Elif heard us coming and most likely try to jump out on us so this is one of the legendary parts of this place just because of it the unique way it looks this is a common method particularly mines for showing up unstable places and you can see they've done more more than work as well just to keep it from collapsing in there we've got a large void here a lot yellow chalk scum so instead of coming from the top this one's fallen from the side there you can see the drop slightly whiter but all the pickaxe marks as well [Music] oh well got barbed wire at the top I'm guessing that one outside and they've backfilled it we have a section going this way yeah more modern support ah right okay so this is one of the original way ways in which is now locked up which is understandable there's no oh well okay there's a big hole in the wall that opens out again we'll go down there in just a second there's nothing else down this end let's have a quick look through this hole we do have a lot chock-full here look at all this wood this here okay so this hit I thought we went around the corner it's just a large room and more talk for iron work as well this is an impressive place I mean on I knew from the maps that this was large but this is very large nice let's go back to where Jake is and what go the other liking into the last sections still not sure where the other guys have gone actually unless there's a larger section that opens up we've not gone into yet been oh I hear voices there are they they are so there they are but we want to go down here so old oil drums this one I think you can read it several Oh petrol read LX oh it's nice to come across one that we can actually read for a change again we've got these markings here they're more tin cans as well but again so rusted away what's that as that new old [Music] that's another poster you can probably read a little better there was so much of its dumb now so which piece have I not been down not being down that bit yeah Wow okay again like the other side this is just the main our distribution bore panel box sorry okay here judging by what I can see there's nothing this what I'll do I'll just do that so you can have a look cuz that looks like is doesn't go anywhere but if it does I'll be kicking myself yeah set a few exit signs I'm getting lost [Music] yeah it goes yeah there's the back of the wall cuz I'm guessing this goes nowhere more toilets ok well that's not it's not old and it's not new it's what sixties goes outside some with a new undercut spine back yeah I mean that's got if you have a look in that little hole there's printers there's modern termination blocks in the back of that it's not that old oh yeah I obviously pay attention to this place because of all the modern their supports there through another five point so you've got the hooks and the fire point [Music] although at least the numbers are getting lower now so I'm guessing that there's not much past this yeah this is where we were two points the camera go drainage but yeah just another void okay going through to this last bit and I think that's it much else this way oh yes some pictures of this bit so again I've even done work in here as well and that is it yeah cuz they don't form a blast shield oh so that is it I'm wanting to see this place for a little while it's nice to be able to come in and have a look around some really nice old old features and artifacts here so for me and the rest of the guys thank you very much for watching and we will see you next time Cheers [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sub Exploration
Views: 396,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban, exploring, explore, urban exploration, urban exploring, subex, subexploration, sub exploration, abandoned, haunted, urban exploration military, urbex military, military exploring, explore military, hidden, secret, underground, tunnels, gone wrong, found secret, discovered secret, deep underground, deep, caving, mine, dangerous, risky, risk, high risk, claustrophobic, claustrophobia
Id: T4IMv5fbytI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 16sec (2176 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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