Exploring The Office SUPER FAN Episodes

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hey everybody today we're going to delve into the fascinating and sometimes frustrating world of the office Super Fan episodes on peacock first I'm going to break down what the Super Fan episodes are why NBC may be playing with fire and how these episodes actually get made and then we're going to talk about some of the conceptual things that I found interesting watching through the Super Fan episodes obviously I will not be able to review every episode unless you want me to and this for sure is not a everything different and Super Fan episodes type of video so I'm going to leave some stuff out and if you found anything really compelling that you want to leave in the comments feel free to do so so back in 2020 Netflix shook the World by announcing that they would be kicking the office to the curb triggering the fandom with unbridled rage it also resulted in people marathoning rewatches of the series making the office the number one series watched in a year where people streamed the most content in history amongst the endless stream of angry tweets and posts about Netflix dropping the show NBC swooped in to announce its own streaming service peacock as of the case in matters like this Netflix did not lose the office due to some uncrossed teas or undotted eyes or even a price tag that the streaming Juggernaut couldn't pay really the truth is NBC was just strangling Scranton out of Netflix's hands in a bid to lure all those di hard office addicts to their own shiny new platform office addict by the way was a giant Facebook group of a few hundred thousand people and it was shut down by Bots there because people kept saying TW you wigger and [ __ ] in the comments then those people would get mad at the Bots and call Facebook SL and then they'd call the admins SL and then they'd call each other SL until the whole house of cards came tumbling down and to be clear I'm not calling anybody I'm just wondering if YouTube's going to demonetize the channel after I've said so many times join my patreon and uh keep my channel alive it's on you now everybody [ __ ] anyway as a former for admin of the office addict group and a current office YouTuber I can attest that the cult-like love for the show may have been in its absolute peak in 2020 and let me tell you the peacock marketing team weren't content with just serving up the old version of the office that people had watched on Netflix for years and on TV and also streaming no they announced that they were going to be creating allnew director's cut editions of each episode of The Office called Super Fan episodes these Super Fan Cuts would dig deep into the archives bringing us alternative takes and deleted scenes seamlessly woven into the original episodes the promise of Super Fan episodes was that it would resurrect some of these lost gyms giving us a fresh new take on the series that people were in all reality probably quickly in danger of getting burned out on maybe not office addicts I don't know sounds like a good idea though but anytime you're messing around with things that millions and millions ions and millions of fans around the world have consumed day in and day out over the course of 10 years hope you brought the milk beds including wild binge sessions during a global pandemic well messing with that is tricky business just ask greo and that's because the thing I just said a minute ago triggering the fandom with unbridled rage was kind of the new status quo for anybody who loves anything now Pizza by [Applause] alfredo because playing with a formula can change the whole equation producing an entirely new product that's just math and when you're creating a new continuity about a show where people work in a paper company it's for some reason a giant deal again people are obsessed with the office people are obsessed with overanalyzing this I've basically built my entire Channel around that I have a video on my Channel with nearly 2 million views just talking about why fans hate Pam so much and people rage in the comments like historians of the show bringing their full dissertation citing evidence along the way just to do battle with other scholarly fans of the series the point is changing Canon events for a show like the office can have a major impact on how the audience reads those characters Downstream like if Phyllis and Bob flob did kill someone in season 3 Bob and I were driving late at night and he'd been drinking and suddenly th we hit something with our Jeep it was probably a man it might make reading her interactions later in the series a little darker I didn't bother you when everybody in the office was talking about Bob's grandury indictment so he was exonerated on all counts none of the witnesses even showed up for the trial none super fans will know that the honeymoon murder thing was a real bit that was cut from a real episode of the office and and it did not make it into the Super Fan cut if you're wondering but while that is a pretty extreme example of how messing with the canonicity of a series can change that series there's definitely more examples in the Super Fan episodes the office famously wrote and filmed way more footage than necessary to fill a 22-minute episode much of that was never exposed to any of us but the office Super Fan Cuts becoming a thing it kind of muddies what we consider Canon she was drinking a lot okay of water she couldn't have alcohol because of all the pills she was taking all that to say peacock had to tread lightly here making changes worthy enough to work as selling points for their platforms for office addicts to tell other office addicts did you did you see that thing that happened but they couldn't do anything drastic enough to break Abed I talked with David Rogers the editing wizard behind the curtain for the original run of the series and who is also editing these Super Fan episodes together to create these things he sifts through mountains of footage from multiple camera angles across numerous takes some improvised and some not and then on top of that there's an abundance of just absolutely cut plot lines from several episodes things we never saw or heard about he then rebuilds these episodes as the creators might have envisioned using the original scripts and once the render is ready for review it's off to the board and while I'm not sure who's all on this committee to release office director's Cuts I do know that it's led by the office Maestro himself Greg Daniels so as you can imagine this is a very slow and methodical process which is why they've only released now four years later up through season 7 it's like a weird thing where they started with season 3 and then they went back to season 1 season 2 skipped season 3 obviously because they already did it but I think I know why because season 3's Peak office argue about that in the comments oh my God you walk so slowly so that's the background as for the rest of this video let's talk about the revelations and different changes in this parallel version of the office these are my ramblings broken down by category because sometimes I'll start a sentence and I don't even know where it's going I just hope I find it along way like an improv conversation improvisation and towards the end we're going to get into the season 7 stuff that just released why save that for the end because I actually already wrote this video and almost filmed it and then they dropped season 7 so sue me let's go God okay come on come on don't you guys have everything I mean it's just a paper company mentary magic is all about these Talking Heads sprinkled into every single episode you make one tiny mistake you're dead I made one tiny mistake I wore woman's clothes okay I didn't actually major in public speaking but I did download speeches from some of History famous dictators this one originally given by Bonito melini Holly thinks that this relationship is over well you know what I am not going to give up that easy I'm going to make this way harder than it needs to be these Talking Heads are like a backstage pass to the characters inner monologue they reveal motives they set up jokes and honestly the writers use them for a lot more while everyone is aware in universe that this is a documentary that will one day in fact air for the entire world to see things do get kind of real in them I had Martin explain to me three times what he got arrested for it sounds an awful lot like what I do here every day and the Super Fan Talking Heads are like character development on crack 11 people say like crack who've obviously never done crack what then Ryan what can I use they give us new insights on already established lore like in the convict you know the one with prison Mike I'm prison Mike we discover that Michael's various characters that he portrays through throughout the series were inspired by none other than woodsy the owl we had an assembly where a giant owl came out and gave a speech about giving Hoots and not polluting I never polluted again Mega Revelation or in the lover we see Dwight's Mom making her only appearance for the entire Series in a talking head I really would have appreciated a heads up that you into dating mothers I would have introduced you to mine look at her hands I'd like to see Pam mom Crush her own applesauce now while every episode of these Super Fan Cuts have new Talking Heads included presumably it is the pilot Super Fan episode that kind of creates a microcosm and demonstrates this effect while the original pilot closely mirrored the UK version of the office the Super Fan cuts broaden the Horizon giving more Spotlight to the extended cast through these newly added Talking Heads like Angela talks about her LoveHate Dynamic with Oscar Oscar how do I describe him he's like a stapler do I need a stapler yes but I'm still the one that has to push it down Oscar's kind of social justice Warrior is I can plant a tree in Israel so I I planted a tree yeah we work in paper but you know I try to give back which thinking about it I guess does maybe set up his inevitable love for politics beyond the state senator the senator promised a left turn lane by the Arby's so I want to know where in the name of sauce is it but beyond that Pam's love Saga with Roy does get an extended exploration like their proposal was set up via newspaper ad but he attempts to save money by lowering the letter count he did it through one of the Little Valentine ads in the paper I must have cost money by the word because it only said Roy Love Pam marriage question mark personally I wouldn't throw shade at anybody who can't afford to take out an ad and like a local paper in 2003 if my guess is right there but I do think that jennif Fishers acting should get a thumbs up here you can see Pam's unspoken desires and that's going to be a theme that's going to Echo for the next few seasons of the series and for a pilot to do this no less and for her to really nail the performance thumbs up now of course that is gapos to what we also get in the original pilot so you know also wanted to add a note here that we see more fourth wall chaos like the boom mics make several cameos through the first couple Seasons the camera crew becomes more than just silent observers I don't understand you want to see other people only other people what okay I think you're still a little bit drunk excuse me excuse me it makes sense that these were edited around or even out in the original Network run of the show it might like confuse some people as to just what they were watching the show is about nothing but it would have made the boom guys sudden appearance in season 9 a little less of a shocker in a nutshell these talking heads spill the tea on o tea tea still overcoming this flu do you like it as much as you like men's butts in a nutshell these Talking Heads spill the tea on characters behaviors and decisions offering fresh new insights both for the main players and the unsung heroes in the background speaking of the background characters let's dive into this kind of weird and limited world of Scranton's nameless characters there's too many people on this Earth we need a new plague who are these [Music] people I hate tea watching old episodes of The Office especially like season 1 and season 2 you will notice some unfamiliar people hanging around in the background of duner mlin Scranton maybe you don't notice them but you cannot if you're onl any social community on Facebook or Reddit you cannot avoid the countless memes and Facebook post asking who is this person well we don't really know and that was on purpose the original idea for these characters was a Greg Daniel special he believed that it would add a touch of reality or authenticity to have these enigmatic figures just roaming around in the background like a secret group of workers unknown to the audience that just people that didn't sign the consent form to actually appear in the documentary one standout character who was never named in the show but affectionately dubbed Luan played by one of the people in the back of the house does actually have a Wikipedia page dedicated to her she becomes this background lumary from season 1 all the way through half I think half of season 3 chilling in the annex with Toby and Kelly she never has a line she's never spoken about on camera but she does get a mention in the Super Fan cut of the local ad episode in season 4 Michael and his filmmaking Escapade raises a concern about needing more extras and brings up that mysterious woman with Carly Harry who used to roam the Scranton Branch but no one remembers her except for Michael remember that woman who's kind of weird had the curly hair used to be hanging around does anybody have any idea what I'm talking about it's like a meta joke about these nameless people who used to float in and out of the series but it is the work of the internet theorists to figure out why didn't these people know who Michael was referring to like maybe she was just a figment of Michael's fractured mind or maybe she was like a ghost or something who knows reality is a little weird in a show like the office and speaking of reality Dwight's grip it is pretty loose especially in the Super Fan Cuts sort of control things with my mind I don't believe you continue Dwight's character has a very thin line when it comes to Fantasy and reality what does he believe what doesn't he believe she introduced me to so many things pasteurized milk sheets monotheism I'm already a member of the largest Club there is non- churchgoing Christians Beyond religion though the character seems to hold a system of beliefs that can include all sorts of things from werewolves I have hunted werewolves I shot one once but by the time I got to it it had turned back into my neighbor's dog to telekinetic abilities to vampires but then there's the things about Dwight that he believes about himself that aren't exactly adding up in reality through concentration I can raise and lower my cholesterol at well I've trained my major blood vessels to retract into my body on command also I can retract my penis up into itself but as you guessed all of these things are expanded on in the Super Fan Cuts like in the fight in the original episode Dwight stated several times throughout that he was Senpai to Sensei Ira but later it's revealed that Sensei Ira calls a little girl that's Alyssa my Senpai not Dwight Alysa I guess she's technically the Senpai but nobody really respects sir it's a good joke but it is a simple example of Dwight's not necessarily seen 100% of like what his real place in the world is this concept is explored further in the drug testing episode with Dwight plain sheriff in town bringing the law and order to the office when instead what he's doing is quite the opposite do you know what this is yes it's marijuana how do you know that it's labeled damn it at the end of the original cut of drug testing Dwight gives Michael his urine to pass a drug test Dwight then turns his un form in out of Integrity to the job and sanctity of the law in the original aing there is no dialogue in the scene between Dwight and the officers just a wide shot from outside with Dwight's narration it makes for a really awkwardly virtuous and heartfelt scene while maintaining the humor throughout in the Super Fan cut though we actually get Dwight's conversation with the police officer I'm turning in my badge where did you get that at the gift shop also I can't wear this anymore you were never supposed to wear this in in the first place DWI and while these are kind of small examples this is the same guy who was convinced that Jim was a vampire so scenes like this add another level to the character of Dwight shut in some ways it makes Dwight's perspective even a little darker Dwight seems to live in a reality of his own delusion it's equally possible that he's just lying about these things in order to prop himself up as Senpai and Sheriff but that shifts these reveals from a little dark to a little just sad and also maybe both which does mess with the canonicity of the character which thankfully grows out of by later Seasons I have an assistant now who can help you with whatever you need Jim I'm not kidding I need you parkour cold openings are almost like their own mini episode of The Office sometimes they're simply attention grabbing sequences to introduce the audience coming from other television shows to the universe of the office and sometimes they're like little short films ah fumble sometimes they're great and sometimes they fall flat but because these sequences were isolated little bits in post- production they could get moved around from episode to episode creating a disjointed effect but all serving the greater good and some way shape or form for example in the original cut of the episode Todd Packer it has a cold opening that was originally shot and written for season 6 but it went unused and then just slapped into a season 7 episode later and the Super Fan episodes play play with cold openings quite well for example since season 1 and parts of season 2 didn't have cold openings at all Super Fan Cuts now use some of its found footage to serve as the intro basically taking gags that were originally written for later in the episode but they were left unused in the Final Cut are now repurposed for the cold opening like in this season 1 episode The Alliance One of These featured bits is just Dwight changing his password did you just change it to golum no want n none of that is Earth shattering it is interesting to see Rogers and Co play with the office formula we came to expect throughout the series retroactively apply it to the black sheep season 1 and parts of season 2 but there are cold openings that were considered lost until now one in particular adds A New Perspective to an iconic episode of The Office Michael's prize possession is his world's best boss mug I found it at Spencer Gifts we think it's Irreplaceable to him but during the cold open of the client in season 2 Michael gets an executive golf kit for his office and barely God damn it Dwight and Dwight's in shock and kind of guilt until Michael pulls out a box revealing an extra mug this mug is a replaceable object that has a superficial meaning but Michael bought it for himself and if he loses it he just buy another one it's a good gag it makes sense but it is a good use of an iconic prop and serves as a cold opening m M oh huh right so many early episodes of The Office ran on in this salad a plot with a side B plot a plots were generally reserved for Michael Centric stories for the first seven seasons of the office and then the b-plot stories were led by a combination of Jim Dwight and or Pam sometimes Ryan as the series developed and the writers found creative ways to weave in even more side plots into the 22-minute runtime they would be able to elaborate on minor developments with side characters like the accountants Kelly Ryan and Meredith was hit by a car for like a deep de plot where Toby wanted a Dunder Mifflin robe hey Kev hey actually think the fundraiser is an episode where we get the most plots in one single episode as previously discussed though it is safe to say that with 45 minutes worth of content needing to be reduced down to 22 minutes of network television many of the ancillary plot line L that were originally written and shot for an episode were cut entirely just to save time and these plot lines that were cut actually still bleed through the episode that they were originally intended for that's because the deeper meaning of those plots support whatever's going on in the story of the episode or just characters are acting weird because other things are happening but we never saw those things but in the Super Fan Cuts we can now see those things and in the process we get some time with our supporting characters thanks to the extended cuts we can now see that the Scranton Branch actually did do inventory during their inventory Li out what's problem we have seven fewer boxes of canary Yow copier paper in stock than we're supposed to looks good to me in the episode The Sur plus Kelly wanted Michael to buy rock band with the extra money you got us rock band I think that might make you boss of the year I want to do is play Rock Band I got a feel I'm not the only one everyone's colle itive most hated episode of The Office actually contains all sorts of shenanigans that didn't make it into the Final Cut of the episode what if we ran the whole thing backwards Cynthia if you don't come get these dogs from jumping on me I swear I'll go home to my wife two characters who get so much more love in these cuts and are worth taking a look at are Creed and Kevin now Creed is a strange character and I have spent a lot of time talking about him in the Scranton Strangler video check that one out after this if you'd like but with anyone as mysterious and bizarre as Creed Bratton it'd be easy to think that with more screen time we'd get more answers about him to know what makes him click or why is he the way that he is but in true lost fashion the more answers we get about Creed the more questions just keep rolling in for example in the Super Fan cut of Niagara in season 5 we learned that Creed was at the hotel everyone was staying at decades ago he helps smuggle cigarettes across the border and he looks for his hidden stash and finds it in a booth I know this place it was homebased when I rent cigarettes over the border for who Mobsters the balloon went in the balloon came out I didn't think to ask in another Jim and Pam heavy episode he also prepares for his demise in the delivery Pam may be about to give birth and if I understand anything about the cycle life and I do that means somebody dies I think we all know whose number is up now Creed is Creed lit literally Creed played by Creed Bratton which in the original cut of the office there's a little meta blur between the real Creed and the office Creed I could be wrong but I don't recall any original cut of the office even acknowledged Creed was Creed Bratton until the finale I could be wrong correct me if I'm wrong it's true but it seems all along the way the writers were attempting to get some Creed lore established in the show like way back as early as season 2's booze cruise Creed has this talking head back in the 60s I was with the Grassroots we toured with uh Janice Joplin the doors and now I do quality assurance for a paper company or in season 3's product recall the news reporter notices Creed in the kitchen and he wrote as aary Creed Bratton guitar player for Grassroots in the late 1960s I am indeed how'd you know that I wrote your onary really pissed somebody off we're CER in obituary now but it turns out that Creed faked his own death and he collects money somehow because of it and it that's just like one thing that doesn't make sense like why wouldn't the reporter say anything about this because it seems like if you dug up like a long dead rock star like that would make national news but also are Oscar and Angela just giving money to a dead person like wouldn't his Social Security not work anymore shifting from crazy to Kevin who on the surface is your dumb heavy guy sitcom Trope but admittedly from time to time we do see that there's a little bit more to him than just that in the original cut of the office but in a similar fashion of creed we do get some fantastic Kevin development specifically only in the Super Fan episodes like in business ethics we see a rare mashing of the two characters we didn't really get much mashup throughout the series Ryan and Kevin but in the business ethics Super Fan cut it's revealed that Brian broke Kevin's mirror when he had Jan's job you knocked the mirror off of my car yeah isn't that messed up yeah Ryan responds to him with this fantastic Ryan line I'm Ryan 2.0 and if it makes you feel any better that guy did a lot of mess up stuff to me too and then the two battle throughout the episode Kevin doesn't necessarily outsmart Ryan but he did give him a taste of his own medicine in a scene where you arguably see a little bit of a darker and more aggressive side to Kevin he hurt a lot of people Ryan and I can't accept responsibility for what he did we also see moments in the original aring of the office that give Kevin some emotional depth you don't know it's going to be okay don't don't give him false hope and this is all expanded upon in the Super Fan Cuts like in the added subplot in the saber episode we get a closer look at his relationships with other accountants and we get an answer to the question of what exactly does Kevin do all day with two other people who were doing the exact same job this is accounting it's not your home or your car your stomach there was real work in there it's fake work I gave all the real work to Oscar today when K finds out about this he asks the newly appointed Gabe to give him more work when Angela gives Kevin more work he seems overwhelmed but refuses Oscar's help as such Kevin goes to Vance refrigeration and we get one of the rare appearances of inside Vance refrigeration's office by the way where Kevin asked Bob's accountant Todd for help are you Todd yes hi my name is Kevin Malone I'm an accountant at Dunder Mifflin oh Flatline ends with this heartfelt moment between Kevin and Oscar I didn't just let him do the work I actually learned things please don't tell her I said I won't he trained me when I first started really this is a surprising moment for a guy that seems to Crunch candy more than he crunches numbers that was terrible Kevin doesn't just want to do actual work he wants to do it right but he's too ashamed to ask for help from his cooworker while the other has literally no interest in helping at all it is just nice to see that depth here but also give some context to the finale get out mhm what does that mean it's a colloquial way of saying you're fired least I gotot and these new subplots don't just add more to the characters they can give more cringe and there is one that we have to talk about the dinner party hard stop I guess there the dinner party is one of the most artfully done 22 minutes of dark comedy in all of television history H off the return of the series from the writer strike the episode cut for Network consumption was perfect as is but having seen bloopers over the years I knew that there was cut content from this episode that I it had to exist but I didn't know any of it until the Super Fan cut was released and there is one subplot that was removed from this episode and it is dark and it is cringe during the sequence in which Jim and Pam get a tour of the house Michael mentions that Jan fell sleep while on neighborhood watch and if you look closely Jan is not exactly making eye contact with anyone during this conversation after that the dinner party continues as awkward as usual there are even a few scenes with even more obstacles preventing the guest from eating then throughout the night Jan starts to unravel and so does the truth Jan starts crying during dinner and Michael Comforts her at Pam's suggestion Michael does his best it's like the best Michael can which is not good at all but when Michael steps out to get that beer sign Jan says with a horrifying smile that it was me what's that I spray painted that dog Jan was angry about how far she had fallen from her corporate girl boss life and she took that anger out by spray painting a dog and after the cops come the next door neighbors reveal the dog covered in spray paint the scene is kind of disturbing for anybody who likes dogs which should be everybody that's right oh go yeah you never get used to that but it also could have been cut because it makes Jan look kind of unforgivable the original pitch was for her to have run over the dog by the way which comedy writers or you practice beastiality if Joe likes you you are in and I am in but let's shift from Michael and Jan to Michael and Joe what if it isn't the two most handsome men this out of the Mississippi thank you sometimes you don't need to add an entire plot line to change an episode sometimes it's just one scene that when added it can fill in the blanks of a story and make it more complete this is especially true in the Super Fan cut of The Whistleblower episode in season 6 it's an episode with high stakes and low consequences for no damn good reason with what we were presented originally we could assume that Joe let Andy off the hook in exchange for Michael doing the press conference for Joe but the truth is Andy was almost not let off that easily towards the end of the episode where Michael and Joe are having that conversation on the plane and everything is just resolving so nicely as Joe straight up manipulates Michael but then Joe gets text what's a text and it's the video Andy made of the printer Catching Fire that's a singing salesman what is his name Toby Joe runs off the plane ready to terminate Andy then Michael makes one of his best speeches since his negotiation with David Wallace our balls are in your court and I'll summarize this in case YouTube won't let me play the whole speech but I think the speech is worth it Michael basically explains that he's the boss and he sets the tone for the office he decides who's important and he tells Joe that she needs to stop blaming other people for the mistake that she made when she bought cheap printers to sell it ends with Michael just assuming that he won and maybe he did because Andy's still working there it's an important scene as once again it shows that Michael is willing to go to bat for his people good manager doesn't fire people he hires people inspires people I think the main difference between me and Donald Trump I get no pleasure out of saying the words you're fired you're fired you're fired he just makes people sad Joe is the CEO but Michael knows that he has value to her that she may not want to let him go she sees things on a larger scale she talks to various branches but something about Michael stands out to her maybe it's his experience maybe it's his role maybe it's his childlike view of the world maybe it's all three Michael is street level and Joe's The Avengers and that gives him the opportunity to know individual employees on a personal level Michael sees these people every day and Joe pulls out her phone and she sees that singing salesman just screwed the company Michael sees the value of his co-workers and he sees them as family even even Andy maybe not Toby though there is this interesting mixture of confidence and fear when Michael stands up to Joe he's not sure if this is really going to work luckily for Michael Joe sees the truth of what he's saying and I love this scene I just wish it hadn't been cut from the episode I guess if Michael hadn't stood up in that way to block Andy from getting fired maybe the nard dog wouldn't have become manager in season 8 I kind of wish that season would have just been cut from the Super Fan episodes oh speaking of that that's what she said no time but she did no time guys next let's talk about what was removed from the show and have no fear anti-canc culture social Justice Warriors diversity day is in the Super Fan episodes most interesting thing to notice in this category is that there are scenes from the DVDs that do not show up in the Super Fan episodes now Greg Daniels had previously stated that all deleted scenes are Cannon but no like that can't be true there are a few scenes that really don't fit in the continuity or can seem out of character like the Phyllis and Bob thing I referenced earlier Mafia is one of the Lesser loved episodes of the office the odd thing about though is that the most controversial and polarizing scene is not in both the original or Extended Cut as I talked about in my field guide for the mafia episode Aaron destroys Pam's painting the destruction of the painting was a major deal for some of the writers and actors mainly Jenna Fisher and the showrunners ultimately decided to cut the incident from the mafia episode in doing so they actually removed an entire plot line that involved Aaron they had to make do the best that they could the Super Fan cut then gets kind of weird because the painting's destruction is the conclusion of that plotline but like they removed that part but they resurrect the rest of Aaron's plotline it begins with Aaron talking to Pam about having some time off for her honeymoon Stanley and Meredith accus her of putting down Pam and this leads to Toby budding in later just to say that Aaron's behavior is inappropriate because he got to look out for his girl Pam the reception is persistent that she has no problem with with Pam and attempts to prove how like good she is with Pam and she attempts to clean her painting ironically leading to the destruction of said painting the story ends with Aaron telling Pam how much she likes her with a few more accidentally passive aggressive moments this would also include Aaron apologizing for destroying Pam's painting and Pam being more annoyed because Aaron called I wrecked your painting I was just trying to clean it I never meant to hurt you and I'm so sorry so uhhuh I will be angry that you ruined a painting of mine when I get back but without the Aaron destroying the painting sequence this plot has no conclusion there is a setup a setup setup Aaron is accused of being mad at Pam there is conflict Toby saying her behavior is inappropriate and then we have the aftermath of Aaron calling Pam to say that she is cool with her it's weird and it begs a question would this plotline be more satisfying if the painting was if we saw the painting destroyed it would add more meat to this plot line but it also would hurt the bigger picture of the series also they'd have to explain why the painting is gone for several episodes they just like poof back with no acknowledgement at all admittedly this gets Petty like very quickly but for my fellow obeds out there Details Matter point is this plot line struggles because they could not add the resolution and as such the entire episode suffers as a result it's a weird thing that they have to deal with in these Super Fan Cuts but for the rest of this episode let's talk about season 7 stuff season 7 is a big deal for the office just as a refresher it's because that's Michael's final season so let's start with I hate so much about the things that you choose to be not many would describe their relationship as love hate but we do get some interesting relational development revealed in these new episodes and it starts with a counseling episode in season 7 this is the worst this is the worst you are the worst I hate looking at your face want to smash it in which Toby plays an unlicensed HR therapist to Michael is he licensed I don't actually know a mechanic I actually happen to Green social work either way the super cut plays with mostly the same footage as the original Toby tricks Michael into expressing himself by playing games Michael begins to talk about his stepfather Jeff and his dog that ran away as a child but Michael catches on to what Toby's doing and immediately demands to end his therapy to help you Michael God I don't need your help just fill them out anyway you wor they'll do okay thank you Doctor take two of these and call me in the morning soon thereafter Michael goes to accounting to talk about dogs so I guess guess Michael is still kind of dealing with Jan Oh I love dogs and cats and animals but dogs are dogs will love you no matter what is that stupid ugly mut she's a wymer on her but no one in C is interested to talk to Michael about anything relational Angela is oblivious but arguably Oscar and Kevin don't care because they don't have dogs for like another year my dog Ruby doesn't do anything she just lays there all day doesn't really poop the reveal in the sequence is though that Michael is struggling to find someone else he can actually talk to making him realize that Toby is actually there for him oddly enough and the two even have another counseling session in the wolf.com episode when Michael must choose between Ryan and and his officemates actually goes to his HR Nemesis for advice Michael's enduring perseverance for Ryan in spite of the obvious failures looming on the horizon in that episode might actually be a result of Toby's counseling it looks like the time shared between the two of these men you know after Michael spanked a full- grown adult in the workplace made the two grow closer together you know I always knew if Michael just took the time to get toomi we' become friends it's Miner Miner I hardly know her the in a friendship he can be vulnerable in and Overlook the hatred that he feels for his Nemesis are relevant plot points in a season all about Michael's growth oh that guy that guy was weird during the episode performance review we learn about Tom a Dunder Mifflin Scranton employee who unived himself it was later revealed in the real world during a Q&A that this was the reason the doc crew was at Scranton in in the first place to see the side effects of the tragic passing of one of their co-workers in the workspace the whole office feels darker you know and I think Tom's absence in the office is also the reason the fire guy was there in the first place fire guy stop that surprising depth for a character who was only mentioned once and everybody had already quickly forgotten about him does anybody have any idea what I'm talking about but Tom gets a few more mentions in the new cut of season 7's costume contest throughout the Super Fan episode we see various characters playing with a Ouija board aru asks who's moving it and Kevin guesses it's Tom Creed explains who's Tom he used to work here and then one night he took his own life right here in this office and this is the first time it was revealed that his life was ended in the office again the whole office feels darker you know this leads to the Scranton Branch using the board to talk to Tom leading to the scene we see in the original cut of the episode hey Tom it's Michael you remember Daryl a SSH which taken to its logical conclusion I guess means that Michael thinks that ghost may even take his side and call Daryl and aole Pam Beasley and Jim what a waste season 7 for the primary couple is relatively uneventful admittedly the writers didn't seem to know what to do or make of their relationship over the last several years just like written themselves into a box both characters are generally speaking perfect for one another they're generally speaking the straight man and whatever scene they're in try not to be too gay on the court one thing's for sure though nothing could ever get in between them not ghost I'm afraid no ghost not Timothy elephant that was an auto correct and I left it in and neither could babies or Cathy create a division between these two characters but lots of cut content revealed in the Super Fan episodes showed that the writers were interested in playing with some conflicts between jam they were seemingly experimenting with just how much tension that they could create without disillusioning fans and it happens a couple times in season 7 so in dwine tro acting manager Jim helps Jordan and right Jordan is a very short-lived character maybe two or three episodes of season 7 she was D'Angelo's assistant and I also think she had some cut content that made into the Super Fan episodes as well speaking of that I just saw this last week that Dakota Johnson while marketing or terrible Madame Webb movie also threw a bunch of office people under the bus for her terrible time on set and all of her content being cut I'm actually excited for the Super Fan episodes of season 9 and also don't waste your money on Madame web it's really bad like not the kind of it's so bad it's good it's just like bad bad anyway Jim helps Jordan make a list of what everyone in the office was up to and ends up the the two make a prank of sorts out of the whole thing it's possible that this was an early attempt to play with the dynamic that we would see in season 8 there's one guy in the office who's pretty funny why is he making her laugh so much but there's another thing we need to talk about in season 7 specifically in the sex head episode original cut Jim and Pam are barely in it Pam has a great line in the beginning it's just good to catch a Michael train of thought early before it derails and destroys the entire town and noticeably they are not sitting next to each other during Andy's awkward sexplanation session in the extended cut though it's made clear that the two are in an argument for just undisclosed reasons it's never actually explained in the episode or the Super Fan cut it just starts when Jim and Pam are both silent much to Toby's Delight because of his girl Pam oh boy the plot continues when Jim can't open up a jar and Pam doesn't say a word to him we get a little bit in that conference room I guess you w't sit here hold on it's okay sorry and then at the end of the episode the two make up when you know Jim gives Pam a little butt slap in the parking [Music] lot which is never a solution to any of my problems but watching this I did like seeing the couple have some issues so seeing the writers explore this is interesting to me it was cut presumably so we could spend more time on Andy putting a condom on a pencil but we are left wondering what the actual cause of the fight was in the first place maybe it was intentionally written with an ambiguous Catalyst as to suggest within the context of this episode that sex Andor passion for one another was the issue and thus the butt slap was the solution or maybe it was something that was too sinister for the office to paint one or both of them in a bad light but probably sounded good on paper originally so they filmed it all and they did the whole thing and then then they were like this they look like monsters we can't do this a lot of things sounded good on paper kind of like bringing will frell into the office probably sounded good on paper and we are after all a paper company are we not are we not are we not are you with me are you with me thank you very much and new manager D'Angelo jerametrius [Applause] Vickers let's take a quick detour to everyone's favorite juggling pantomiming manager now in the field guide for these episodes we already talked about his weight loss plot line that was cut and the fact that Michael and him wrote a movie which is just it's good I I can't help but smile but all of that was removed but there is some more fun to talk about in D'Angelo's Arc like in the super cut he juggles even longer I didn't know that was possible but we do get some added comedy around watching the staff go out of their way to impress D'Angelo and I just don't know if you're on my team I am definitely on your team teamed under Mifflin here we go team is called the crazy snakes kids are a riot they really do say the darnest things brought you some cookies oh Dwight home cookies these are the best lemon bars or the coconut they got these at the store apparently it's one of the most popular brands AO that turquoise thing in the background during D'Angelo's time in the office turns out to be a trickster fertility God like sexy Loki you found my cocoa Pell dancer yes it's very festive yeah he's a trickster God also associated with fertility so uh first he makes you laugh then he gets you into bed Angelo of all people see seems to be tickled by it which is very Hebrew Bish there's also an Extended in tag where we learn that D'Angelo does not in fact have children I don't actually have kids I just say that I do because it gives the impression of stability although the truth might be that he just doesn't like children because he still mentions that he has a son in the Inner Circle episode no matter how many times I reach out to Dwight he doesn't seem to want anything to do with me it reminds me of my relationship with my son except there I'm the Dwight babies I don't care about finally Pam explains how he got into a coma during the intro of the Dwight shuit acting manager episode Pam explains it was due to severe head trauma which due to what were only described to us as poor decisions on D'Angelo's part became a minor coma which may be the most Pam way to explain something what up 212 I'll be up to my neck in jury duty that was the worst joke but now we're on to something that I've literally talked more about in the last four years than any other topic in my entire adult life oh SC Strangler oh not by choice by the way people seem to like clicking videos about Scranton Strangler so you know I fish where the fish are I put this section in season 7 sequence of this video because we get a lot of reveals during the season but there are some season six things here and as season 8 and N are not out yet so we're not talking about those do the deleted scenes give us any further Clues to the identity of the Strangler mostly no going back to season 6 it is confirmed that as which was only previously discussed by Paul lieberstein off like in a podcast in like 2019 or something that the Strangler only chokes his victims he does not murder them this nugget is revealed during the happy hour Super Fan episode when Michael shows Jim his other character which include Str Strangler I will strangle you but I won't kill you so I guess they did work that into one of the episodes next let's take a look at some of the most popular suspects Toby Creed well and Michael's not very popular of a suspect but he did make the Scranton Strangler video Michael Scott this is definitely implausible but the Theory actually has some compelling albe it Sinister aspects during the christening it is shown that Toby is afraid of entering the church he cites it's because him and the one who he believes created the entire universe like aren't cool right now because his him and his wife broke up but fans speculate that it's really because he's been out strangling people and he has a lot of guilt over that but the boring truth is the guy is just not happy with life and this is supported not just when he enters the church and questions why God is so mean to him but also thereafter in the Super Fan cut he sits in a tree and you know what Toby you're going to be all right oh hey there birdie enjoying your Sunday or maybe he's just hiding in the tree waiting for his next victim n freed is also one of the more popular suspects for the Granton Strangler Jim reveals that Creed is his number one suspect in the opening of the viewing party well the good news is scant Strangler isn't who I thought it was how do you know because who I thought it was just walked in the office sup weirdos and we do get one more creepy Creed moment where you know when Dwight fires the gun and Creed takes that gun Oscar says oh Creed is more likely to kill me than Dwight is yeah he's right and real quickly with Michael he says this did I secretly hope that the trial would go on and on forever because more and more stranglings would be discovered all of which should be added to your circumstantial working conspiracy theory about your favorite suspect for the Scranton Strangler that rapid hole didn't take us very far it is always weird to just assume that characters that we love on the office are like half murdering people it's weird but let's take a look [Music] at this is one of my favorite episodes the Threat Level Midnight in some ways is a super episode already on its own it got its own extended director's cut which was released via DVD way back when and then also dropped on YouTube in the like late 201s the Super Fan cut of the episode adds the entire film to the episode itself there isn't much change to the movie there is some extended current story going on here like we learned that JY wasn't the original choice for Golden face David Wallace he had to turn it down because it wouldn't look good to people at corporate who honestly seems a tad regretful I should have said yes we all take ourselves too seriously nobody gives a damn what you do they're all too caught up in their own [ __ ] there's also more to Jan's and Karen's Talking Heads I also hear that he has a very serious girlfriend friend that is so so great and I'm great too so great is your acent the one who came out after you dated I I don't want to talk about this let's go come on Karen stands out more to me because this is the first time we see her husband in person like not as a hot dog but also because she told her husband that Jim was gay so read into that what you will the film now ends with a Creed Memorial because well I thought he would be dead but time this came out also like all of us in Prem MCU times no one stuck around after the credits for the Stinger go on with you go home now if you've stuck around this far let me know your thoughts on this video what I missed from the Super Fan cuts and let me know and the algorithm know that you exist by liking this video And subscribe and all of that thanks so much for watching and we'll see you next time go home go home get a life get a life and go home already okay losers
Channel: Mulverine
Views: 50,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vzg_xyP3Y_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 35sec (3095 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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