Exploring Shaq's 70,000 square-foot mansion

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don't fall ground because I'm gonna save you this guy right here he watches my duck Neela's cameras in his eye Superman you see you there's really cameras in there yeah put some fingers up show is watching see I'm step 3 yeah he's watching every move this is my my Jeep what sort of work has to be done to a car that name is Lloyd go move the seat back 9 inches it's the first thing you gotta do 9 inches this is a four-door cheap you made a two-door G okay and I bought this in uh in California form scoop the homeboys okay remember the movie Scarface yeah sure remember when opportunity get up Michelle Pfeiffer and the Cadillac with the tiger seats okay I bought it dig it right over there and check it out now here she is he's got this a couple weeks again yep with the seats Michelle come round with me baby not to work it now if you lean forward to go forward if you lean back it goes back so right here like this just go around like this a couple time and then you just ride that's how I travel around my house all right hey yeah sure step on it I got you relax relax son relax put aside there you go no don't stutter I lean back a little bit I just go forward Hey there you go yeah yeah bring it back I'm like sweating and stuff here bring it back yeah that's pretty good I'm impressed I'll step off I got you my gosh yeah I got you so this is my room where I'm meditating just come hang out and just pay homage to the man and baby laughs all the jerseys all the pictures these are all those jackets I'm just not getting these trophies these are my MVP trophies and my championship trophy he had them all this is my wall of fame all my favorite people Kelly Turner kind of have Thomas boomer this is my gym welcome to the shack center clap if I hate the guy would I have this in my house ask yourself the question can you shoot I mean I think Isis I think I might have a chance against you in a free throw we'll go first Chuck Mills grow Oh take those grew up with your chance to talk all right what was your free-throw percentage in the MV I don't believe in percentages you make it up shoot again oh can you dunk let me help you yeah I'm gonna go yeah no yeah grab one - bingo ah don't make me do all the work here ready 1 2 3 go let go for your just thank your brother for more clips from this interview visit Graham bensinger calm
Channel: Graham Bensinger
Views: 5,954,084
Rating: 4.8669891 out of 5
Keywords: Shaq mansion, Shaq home, Shaq car collection, athlete mansions, Shaq cars, Shaqapulco, Shaq Orlando, celebrity homes, Shaq, Shaquille O'Neal, car collection
Id: R2QvCuNuyx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 54sec (234 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2015
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